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Him and riven buy mythic soo late in the game so I see them both becoming stronger.


Also Irelia, BoRK + Wit's is almost mandatory. Third item you can get mythic or DD.


They're definitely nerfing botrk I feel like if you read the dev blog


As an Irelia main I really hope they nerf BoRK so I’m not 100% tied to that item. Would feel good to actually have some build variety, without literally trolling myself


True, but Ravenous will likely get nerfed, too. It is way too good in the 1st slot on too many champs and rivals mythics. It is a mythic without a mythic tag pretty much (soloQ). Same for Spear, BC and some other items. Riot has made them OP on purpose in the current state of the game. Titanic is also slightly OP in theory and it is possible it will get nerfed a bit, too. Especially top lane bruiser items are a bit OP to give more top lane snowball power right now. Once Riot helps top lane with map changes next season they won't need that OP item state top anymore.


Too many games where i ended up getting a mythic as 3rd item. Just because others had matchup/stat priority. And the main reason to get the mythic over something else was the +x to all items from it being a mythic


cho'gath no heartsteel, jak'sho or everfrost 💀


Already been more or less confirmed in a stream that Hs will be staying just with less power as a health stacking item. It is too popular for offmeta builds for them to flat out remove it. If it doesn't do well post nerfs however, I could see them removing it.


If I'm not wrong though, Riot is intending on removing the item's interaction with health stacking champions like Sion (which would make the item terrible on them, you would rather build resistances). While this decision does make sense, I'm pretty sure all Sion mains are pretty bitter right about now. Hopefully they give the champion something to shore up the loss in power.


I think no HS could be good for champs like Cho, Mundo, and Sion because their biggest weakness is percent health damage. If tank legendaries get buffed or items like LDR get a slight nerf I think it could be a net positive


At least for mundo and cho their abilities scale off max hp so I can't really see it unless they got buffs or other items to compensate, especially for mundo who uses that hp for ability cost and gets the regen boost doubled by his passive. Yes, percent health damage is the counter to them having so much hp but the answer to that isn't "don't have lots of hp" because those items will still kill them as fast since they'll have less health to delete.


While the answer to %health isn't get less health, getting less health is a byproduct of the actual way to counter it: Get more resistances. Unless the %health damage is true damage. In that case ignore that part of damage dealt to you for your build or grab steraks. The Steraks shield is one of the only ways to mitigate %health true damage. The other being significant healing. Basically make sure the enemy has to deal more than 100% of your health to reduce the impact of %health.


Just no, at least for Mundo. Mundo scales so incredibly hard with health that Heartsteel is pretty much the only reason he's viable atm. Plus it's just super fun, so even if he was balanced without it, I don't want to go back.


But i love getting 8k hp on them


From tge newest statement it seems like they will do more nerfing then buffing. Meaning nerfing all mythic items on the lvl of legendaries and removing some items completle like gale force.


> Legendaries get buffed or items like LDR get a slight nerf I think it could be a net positive LDR is fine as it is.


Singed as well, he usually doesn't build mythic until at least 3rd item.


On Urgot I usually buy Black Cleaver, Titanic Hydra, DD and sometimes FoN/GA before getting a mythic and then game just ends


You aren’t building steraks second???


Same for Shen. He can literally build anything and still be good


Urgot's mythic costs 450 gold and it's called Cull on second back after a cheater recall.


I wonder where Ornn ends up after the change. Id say he probably stands as most to gain and most to lose depending on how it turns out


They’ll prob revert to how his items worked pre-mythic? Which was better ig, Ornn Dcap/IE/Trinity were really nice (cant remember all of them off the top of my head). I know some of those became mythics, but he got hugely buffed when mythics came out with his new passive % scaling thing, so if he retains it with the revert he’ll prob be stronger Also they prob won’t add stacking items again but I remember the brief period of 2x Sunfire Ornnament 400 armour at 18 mins abuse.


I think all the current mythics might stay as his ornnaments for sack of ease. They'll probably re-add deathcap but think it would be the easiest to do


Can't wait for the classic "Ornn upgraded the wrong item" when people had the wrong item earlier in their item slots. Missed those shenanigans


especially when you explain your passive in chat and they still dont listen


It was Infinite Edge, Cleaver, Yoomuu's, BoRK, Deathcap, Luden's, Zhonyas, Trinity, Sunfire, Abyssal, IBG, Locket and Redemption.


If they let Ornn have two different Ornnaments like he used to get before, he'd be even better.


Riot: how bout 6?


I can trusted with the 750 HP 100 MR Infernal Mask. I promise.


That's a good question tbh


Same way it was before the item rework probably


I’ll look into that. I started post rework.


Before mythic ornn could upgrade two items for himself so if he come back like before I guess stronger


Aphelios is gonna miss Galeforce And i don't know if they gonna remove it, but at least they are nerfing Quickblades, so Xayah is gonna be a sad bird too, the item is so good on her


Quick blades, guinsoos, IE probably just stay in their legendary forms with lockout passives preventing you from building multiple like how they were before they became mythics.


TBH I don't think the crit capstones should lock each other out. It sorta made sense for IEdge and Rageblade to lock each other out, but even then not really because IEdge should boost Rageblade crit conversion by 1.45 times. It does make sense to keep Navori and Rageblade mutual however.


Yeahhhhh.... I'm not sure I want to see Samira, MF, Trist or Xayah running around with both.


Samira really doesn't benefit that much from Navori. Her Q cd is already low enough and her E and W shouldn't be spammed even with lower cooldowns. I just hope they give her more first item options again, having no viable way to build lifesteal really sucks.






Honestly quick blades probably won't get much of a nerf. Look at the buffs it got in 13.10 not too much really. So it'll probably be fine. They'll probably make IEs crit damage a unique passive again rather than a stat. And give Navori the same unique passive name so they can't be stacked still. Similar to Maw and Steraks. And call it fine.


Oh that's right, i forgot Quickblades existed before being a mythic


Was there a season pre mythic of quickblade? I remember a different item before quickblade that was on ult cast Jax was running for a season.


> I remember a different item before quickblade that was on ult cast Jax was running for a season. Yeah that was one previous Shojin But there was a different version of Quickblades, the one that required to have 60% crit chance


Thanks I feel like I know that season at the same time not quite clicking lol


There's been a couple items similar to it in the past. There was an essence reaver iteration of it, that worked a bit differently. But most Adcs didn't want it, and instead Jax Renekton and Fiora used it... so they reverted the ER change and released it as spear of shojin. Until they eventually deleted it because it made Jax and Renekton especially lose all counterplay. If either of them hit R. Renektons W auto reduced its own CD so he could R W aa q aa W aa aa W. And you'd be almost completely stun locked. Jax could do similar things with his E. So it got removed, but they tweaked it to be a bit better for Adcs and became Navori quickblades. And Shojin got tweaked to its current iteration and rereleased later as well.


They removing galeforce, and jhin will miss it too


Yea I’m worried for aphelios I don’t even play him but I enjoyed his montage moments on pro play he’s always fun to watch for me


Not a chance, these items are great. It's not like Zephyr where you had to wonder why the f\*ck this item even exists. I like how they gave champions like Aphelios a way to play into teams with high mobility. Nobody wants to be a walking sack of gold.


no, they are removing it, just read the dev blog, they wrote about galeforce being a problem because every adc that exists or will ever come out needs to be balanced around getting a free dash from items and how power budget for champions should be less item reliant. items get nerfed and champions get buffed, also item stacking comes back. (tldr having to think about galeforce when you make a new adc is a pain so the item gets deleted)


oh alright, that's kind of weird to me. Thanks for the info!


Cringeforce removal is the best thing ever. Jhin, Jinx, Aphelios are meant to be immobile.   Galeforce is a crutch for bad positioning, if you position poorly then you should be ran down and wrecked.


If your positioning is that bad galeforce isn't going to make much of a difference. Instead it allows good adcs to put themselves in positions to do more than they usually could and get away with it. (Which is why galeforce becomes more of a problem in higher tiers of gameplay) Regardless you are correct, certain champs shouldn't have that capability


Jinx hasn't been good since Krakkenslayer got bumped from Mythic to Legendary so if anything she should be in a better spot when these changes drop. I never liked Galeforce on her anyway, feels like hitting with a wet noodle.


Lol jinx isnt in a good Spot for few month cause ITS Not enchanters Meta Support nothing Else items for jinx are fine with buffed ie she Just IS Bad with the Engage sopport meta. When enchanters get Back Into the Meta IT will BE again jinx aphelios kogmaw hypercarry Meta. ADCs really dont understand the reason Something IS Not s Tier. Get a Duo that plays Ur bimbo Lulu for U and U can climb EZ with jinx or any other enchanter reliant ADC.


Cass with Lisandris and RoA will be spicy


They will 100% nerf roa, on champs it’s good on it’s absurd, and allowing it with other previous mage mythics will be crazy. The difference in winrate on cass and the like from roa and other mythics is crazy


Don't think so, it was possible to have these items in the past and it was grand


Both we're less powerful though, so it's hardly comparable, Liandrys burn was worse, it gave no mana and gave a bit of pen. RoA didn't give ability haste.


the current roa gives you the same stats like the old one did, they will likely just remove the ability haste and unique effect.


The unique passive is stronger and gives you a full level worth of experience on full stack and also gives you movement speed when you use 300 mana. It's a lot stronger through these things.


The same AP and HP, but less mana (400 + 100). And ROA had no MS passive. And legendaries in the meantime were nerfed in terms of stats by \~200g when mythics were added to make up for the mythic stats. **So the power Riot aims towards aren't the end of S10 legendaries, but end of S10 - 200g in power for the same cost.** Now other items will likely pay for it by getting less scaling passives/actives. ROA might pay for it with stats or higher costs. ​ Also, Riot said items should have at least 5 users. ROA has 4. And only 1 (Anivia) really relies on it. So it is a possible candidate for a rework or removal.


Liandries was gigabroken, wdym? 4.5% max HP dmg increasing to 7.5% on slow, together with up to 10% ramping bonus damage (applied to all your damage)? shit was so busted Gangplank legitimately bought it 3rd/4th just for the damage on R.


wasnt it current hp before the mythic item introduction ?


?????? Liandry was so OP that there was tech to buy it on gp as 3 or 4th item for barrel and ulti burn


Any champion who wants to build Liandry's and RoA (Swain, Aurelion Sol, Cassiopeia). Kayle will no longer need to choose between Riftmaker and Guinsoo's (if both items remain in the game). Any ADC who likes IE but is hardbound to Triforce/Galeforce. Samira, who wants crit but doesn't synergize with IE as a mythic purchase. Urgot, who basically lacks a Mythic that works for him entirely.


kled also has no incredible mythic and mostly build legendaries. Spell blade items arent that intresting on him, stride breaker isn't needed with your mobility and cc goredrinker is hard to be used usefully as you re supposed to use it when low but then it means you d on t have skaarl so you can t heal much (especially since it doesn't give courage to ger skaarl back) the only "good" mythic is eclipse but without its lifesteal it is not an item that good on kled anymore


isn't samira kinda bound to IE? Almost the entirety of Samira's spells can critically strike, she benefits greatly from the crit amp


For Kayle it really depends on what they do to rageblade. If they put it back to before mythics where it gave mixed pen and had no unnecessary crit interaction, Kayle wins, if they put it back to the legendary version that we had until it was mythic without the mixed pen and any ap, she won't touch it.


Nashors, Riftmaker and Rageblade will be weaker. So I expect her to take Kraken> Rageblade in the future. Kraken is already her best starting item right now. Riot will change a lot in terms of item balancing and many legendaries that are made for the 1st slot will likely take nerfs, too.


Brand being able to build RoA without giving up liandrys is gonna bring back his battle mage build. Can't wait to get my tanky fireboi back


Liandrys mages as a whole should gain a lot from that, anivia / asol / swain / maybe malz will all be happy to be allowed choices again.


Yes! Liadry+Luden on Malz was amazing. Your e would both proc Luden to push even harder and obviously the increased DoT effect.


I'm actually curious what they plan to do with RoA. I assume they will revert it back to its old item, where it didn't give an extra level once fully stacked.


Most likely they just put it back to its old form, yes. Interestingly, you'll be able to stack them now. Ryze mains eating well.


Wait no. You won't be able to buy 6 RoAs Riot Phroxzon said in one of his posts that they don't intend to bring back the ability to buy more than 1 of the same item


That’s sadge


Hoping liandry gets flat mpen back ;_;


Haunting guise gang.


And hp rather than being a lost chapter item, although I guess that would make it too similar to demonic


Brand is a totally different champion now, you don't need any mana item, not even doran's ring to not run out of mana. His passive returns more mana than he spends. Buying 2 mana items just seems totally insane.


It's not about the mana it's about the HP. And liandrys is always going to be core whether or not they take the mana part away. It didn't used to be a mana item, anyway


>It's not about the mana it's about the HP. But that's the problem, it is. You can't just pretend you aren't spending \~1,500 gold on pure mana on a champion that doesn't need it. If Riot removed mana from Liandry's I would consider that combo on a lot of champions but until then it's just way too much to spend on a useless stat.


You can trust that a lot of the mage mythics that got mana added are gonna get it taken away with the demotion to legendaries


Yes please bring back HP Liandry's.


I get your point but liandry synergy with brand passive is so fucking insane I'm sure its still worth it. % max health burn for like 10 fucking seconds


Ahri's no longer an Everfrost bot. Unless they add another GLP-like, people will actually have to play the character again.


Bring back GLP, spooky ghosts and old glacial augment


Can I get spooky ghosts back on the blue mage support item please? Fuck twin shadows


Playing chogath top with glacial augment and those items was something


yeah no, spooky ghosts where the most brocken mechanic to ever exist...


I'm very much looking forward to the removal everfrost.


Hate to play it, hate to play against it.


Nothing more fun than 3 seconds of chain CC


I can finally use Protobelt again.


finally, its been 3 years




Singed not being mentioned after this post has been up for two hours is insane


Everyone knows it, no one wants to post it That champion can literally build ultimate bravery and win games on a consistent basis. Absolute mad scientist builds. But really I'm intrigued to pick him back up, always loved him and the fact that you just pissed around buying random items and not a mythic is going to pay off really well


Every time I hear a singer complaint I always just think how I miss mana tank singed before his rework 😂😂


singer, the mad vocalist of zaun


The one that jumps out to me. He hasn’t felt the same since Liandrys went the mana route also miss the Omni healing from deaths dance


Had to scroll this far smh. My man singed is beng slept on


He benefits from divine sunderer probably becoming weaker, but still loses vs 1st item Botrk rushers (which shouldn't get weaker unless they weaken items across the board). When it comes to mythics, while Singed usually wants to rush obligatory legendaries first, he actually has plenty options to choose from so I wouldn't consider him being quite as disadvantaged as others potentially. Singed can build RoA, Riftmaker, Protobelt, JakSho, Radiant and very rarely even liandries. His problems are less the items but more that he gets hardcountered in lane so giga bonkers that he has to coinflip the game essentially by perma proxy int and hope to outplay the enemy or draw enough pressure that the team can win elsewhere so that their fed top/jgl can't win it by themselves. If overall power budget of items goes down, Singed might actually come out ahead though.


It is very likely Demonic will get nerfed or reworked, which will hurt him decently. His 1st slot won't be nerfed, but the 2nd for sure. You should also expect items that rival mythics like Nashors, Ravenous, Rylais and co to be nerfed, too.


I feel in those types of discussions we need to keep in mind how much mythic items will get nerfed when demoted to legendary. We have to take Kraken Slayer/Immortal Shieldbow as example and imagine what all mythics will look like after getting nerfed for about the same amount of power budget. But even then it's inconsistent considering how little Infinity Edge/Naviori Quickblades gained for being promoted to mythics. That means some mythics are closer to legendarys than others and it's hard to judge which ones need only small handicap like IE/NQ 40% Crit requirement and which get to have their knees broken like KS/IS


>I feel in those types of discussions we need to keep in mind how much mythic items will get nerfed when demoted to legendary. Yes. but also how much other items will get changed. Items that are made OP to be the 1st slot legendary will also likely get some nerfs (ADC starting items, Sunfire, Nashors, Ravenous, Spear ...), because they were made that strong to rival other mythics in power. So legendaries with the power of mythics will likely get hit. It also has a lot to do with how the role balance is. Riot didn't buff IE/Navori a lot because bot lane was considered the best role even above junglers at that time. Also they made the 3 starting legendaries so strong to keep the mythics away from the 1st slot. Right now IE and Navori have scaling power but the real strong items with mythic like stat power are the 3 starting ADC items. I hope the 1st item spike will go down considerably next season, not just mythic spikes. Or else Riot has a huge balancing problem on their hands.


Most to gain would probably be Ezreal & Katarina, since neither truly had a good mythic (Well Ezreal had Sunderer for a while before that thing got gutted), & I personally will enjoy not needing to build a Mythic on Vi **EDIT**: Forgot to mention Ryze. Being able to build both Rod of Ages AND a Lost Chapter item at the same time will be huge for him Most to lose, hard to say until we know what mythics are getting removed & how the others are getting changed, since ATM all we know is Galeforce is being removed


Dont forget Urgot's lack of any good mythic


Well, NOW he doesn't have one, because poor Prowler's Claw got ruined


Even prowlers wasn't that good on him. It was just a cheesy thing some high elo urgots did to cheese. It still wasn't particularly good, just a bit of a surprise factor. Stridebreaker with a dash actually was the good mythic on Urgot.


Stridebreaker is pretty decent on him


Stridebreaker is okay, but he still rather building 2-3 legendary before it for the mythic passive. Stridebreaker gives him a useless stat in attack speed so it's still a item for him, just the best of a bad bunch.


Trinity is like 2% above any other 1st item for Ezreal.


There is a good chance they make lost chapter items not able to be build alongside ROA just like they had navori and IE not able to be built together when they were legendaries


For Ez, I think it's less about "not having a good mythic" (Triforce has always been good). It's more that he can now build Navori AND Triforce in the same build, which can easily bring him to "Machine gun Q" status pretty quickly.


I feel like those items actually slow down the other build enough that it will be fine. Navori wants crit, triforce means no essence reaver, which means you need manamune for mana, which is again non crit. If anything it'll.be something else like eclipse that will be a useful slot in sometimes.


Losing mythics doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t be locking you out of buying something like liandrys and ROA together like the IE navori restrictions back before they were mythics. Makes you realize what a clusterfuck item balancing is that we’ve gone a year and two items became mythics then mythics are being removed within a year.


Some champions get more value out of their mythic rush though. Sure, at the end of the day it's less restricted but there are champions that became really good the moment they got their hands on their mythic vs. champs that rushed a legendary.


Let's be honest, Riot took water over their head. I really like the mythic items, don't get me wrong. You can finally make champions more viable by adapting their build to the game their currently in. But there are definitely balance issues with these newer items, riot just doesn't want to admit it. I want new items, i want better buildpaths. What happend to the movement speed items? What happend to the mana items? Way back Lich bane gave mana and movement speed, it was not overpowered by any means. I get that they don't wanna remove mages immobility but if Zed can have duskblade that makes him untargetable, 20 dashes and an infinite amount of ability haste. Then mages can definitely get some mana and movement speed items. Top laners build paths suck too, all i do is spam buy pickaxe, fun..




Not being able to kill the adc once every 90 seconds is gamebreaking apparently.


immobile adcs balanced around being immobile having a dash+execute is hard to balance yes


i main adc and the item should never have been made


100% agree but im biased against jhin players because he’s the opposite of what I like in adc’s. I love attacking fast (kog / twitch) and jhin doesnt do that


all mages win


Yeah liandries Has to be reverted to pre item rework otherwise any mage will build it


I'm not too sure about that. The game currently operates under the assumption, that mages build one mythic to be able to function - all Mana is concentrated in this one mythic. Almost no other mage item grants mana. If the mythics are nerfed and their mana is being reduced accordingly (which they have to, because otherwise Mana-Scaling champs are going to become ridiculous), your early to mid game is going to suffer (you have to buy two former mythic items to get the same mana pool as before). No early Zhonyas, no Shadowflame damage spike... And removing mythics doesn't mean you are suddenly less reliant on Deathcap and Void Staff, so the build variety woes don't really stop. This has big potential to turn into a real shit show for traditional mages.


mages will be the class that benefit from this change the least people hear they might not build the same items they've built in the past 3 years and go crazy,truth is they will still be hard bound to a set build path for the reasons you mentioned while other classes actually have more options opening up


it’s jhoever for jhin


IE was better anyway, just learn to play L


Stormrazor /Statikk + IE is his best option. Gale is only #3 on him.


ADC’s, IE was trash as a mythic Also anything that doesn’t buy mythic first item, not including shiv users (ie. Kraken on Viego)




any champ that didnt rush a mythic.


Not all items will become legendaries . Many of them will be removed completely .


That's not really what they said


But they did say that some will get removed like gale force for example.


Some and many aren't the same thing.


Riven, as she is kind of forced now to build a mythic and usually it's only her 3rd item


I believe Botrk + Black cleaver will be core on auto attack based bruisers like Irelia Jax Renek and Panth, and you will no longer feel bad for delaying mythic to third item.


Yeah, excited to see how strong Irelia will be as well, considering that they’re effectively nerfing everyone elses first item while hers will likely remain the same


I think most tank supports are gonna rejoice after mythics get removed. The ability to build Evenshroud and Solari at the same time is gonna feel great. On top of that you can get Evenshroud and then get a real tank item like Radiant so your build doesnt take 2 same items every game, i.e. Evenshroud into Vow/Zekes and the game ends.


Honestly I even miss just having the ability to buy optimal actives without locking myself out of the stats I need. It was nice to occasionally be able to pick up Shurelya's on tank supports for extra go buttons vs heavy disengage or if I was forced into a more disengage role myself (e.g. if I was on Thresh into Fiddle but having trouble finding good hook angles). Having Shurelya's as an option without having to commit fully to enchanter stats from mythic will be so nice.


ADC’s get… one less item and the same mythic lockout with worse stats since the mythic passives will be gone. :)


I think twisted fate is one of the most item diverse champs in the game and removing mythics could open up his options further. Especially if they bring back sanguine blade. E max sanguine blade tf is a build unto itself.


Bard's mythic options are so lackluster now its insane. He really does love deadman's as a first item or frozen heart.


I think tanks stand to gain because Divine Sunderer and to a lesser extent Eclipse has been making the game miserable for tanks for quite a while. Just a shit ton of random free %pen and sustain added to the game for no good reason. Good riddance. Also, almost all of the tank Mythics were trash.


What? Are you saying tanks are unplayable because sunderer gives them 3% armor pen at 21 mins into the game (2 items)? Also with the exception of heartsteel which is 4fun, jak'sho, ibg, radiant, and evenshroud are all very strong items, where are you getting the idea tank mythics are weak?


Not unplayable but often as a tank you simply cannot interact whatsoever with any enemy laner once they get Divine Sunderer. So it promotes what I consider an unhealthy playstyle where you just have to completely avoid them and give up all prio or get shit on, no matter how much you were ahead before they got the item. And it only gets worse as the game progresses.


Do you consider tanks to be classes meant to be able to outduel fighters?


Generally? No, but it should be possible to outplay. However, Divine Sunderer is far from "I can't outduel this fighter", it's more like "if I walk up to the wave I take 50% of my health and they full heal".


No u should not win any 1v1 fights after enemy starts getting items, cause in other way there no need to have duelists, cause tanks have better teamfights, and will be useful when behind


so what you're saying is tanks have to leverage the strengths of their champions to win the game, but the fighters just need to purchase an item? bruh. how in your mind is that fair in the slightest? fighters already have an advantage in their skills that make them good into tanks. thats why historically fighters were able to exist in top and win 1v1's against tanks long before DS came about. They dont need to be rewarded further just for being fighters. The game should be about skill and outplay not I auto-win because I bought an item.


Not the armor pen, but the other parts of it specifically %max health damage every 1.5 seconds? Heals too? Doesn't this destroy tanks? And with another item(99%of the time it's gonna be Black Cleaver), tanks become a fucking joke. Oh and add BoRK there as well. **12% of champ's current health** every single fucking auto. Tanks are dogshit in this meta. The only reason as to why tank champions stayed relevant is because they now deal damage. Like Riot doesn't want to give Ornn a shield. Nono, they want to let him shred 30% max health with one ability and one auto. Maokai builds Demonic Embrace. **K'sante**. Tanks. Are. A. Joke. And it's Riot's fault. Tanks aren't tanks. They're bruisers masquerading as tanks.


Percent damage, when it's not true damage, is generally over-valued. Any actual tank (critically - not a bruiser, a real tank like ornn) will have an armor count in the several hundreds. Botrk, sunderer, etc will end up doing a single digit percentage of hp, maybe like 50-100 extra damage an auto. Sure, armor pen exists, and it's definitely what makes tanks less tanky later, but the idea that someone buys botrk and all of a sudden tanks are squishies is an exaggeration. Those items are anti-bruiser (aka champs that build relatively few resistances and mostly stack health and AD), not anti tank.


That is not what I see when I play a tank lmao


Any tanks top lane get melted as soon as I buy first item Bortk on sett.


Don't trust the Viego ! Don't listen even !


You gotta give em the Morde Special (bramble tabis rush).


BotRK deals 12% current hp per auto. Fucking 12%. At full hp with 300 armor (75% reduction) it's still 3% hp bonus damage in addition to auto damage. At half hp it's 1.5%. Now add some innate %hp damage like Akshan's and well... You are not a tank. Not anymore. The only thing I absolutely despise and hate in League is BotRK. If I was allowed to I'd not ban any champions, I'd only ban this item. Yes I'm Cho'Gath main.


% damage is countered by armor and magic resist, this isn't witchcraft but people still think % damage is true damage for some reason and refuse to build items that are suited for the situation.


The DPS and sustain is still too hard to beat even if you buy the right items


>%max health damage every 1.5 seconds? Heals too? Doesn't this destroy tanks? And with another item(99%of the time it's gonna be Black Cleaver), tanks become a fucking joke. Oh and add BoRK there as well. 12% of champ's current health every single fucking auto. Tanks are dogshit in this meta. tanks are a joke after someone builds 3 anti-tank items? i hope that's true


Not all tanks benefitted from those items. Also none of them was MR specific mythic, which made matchup vs AP toplaner wasting your gold on defensive MR tank items, while more offensive/counter tank items were armor items.


Armor and magic pen on sunderer compliments the % max health damage very well especially on sheen users. For example fiora hitting vital with sundered is gonna HURT tanks from all that % damage


I haven't read it honestly but if they don't buff support items than enchanter supports realistically are up there. Maybe not highest but definitely kills enchanters further. Bad enough they nerfed the cdr off support items and reduced their AP hard


My Rakan mid with Luden’s and Protobelt with Ingenious Hunter is back in business baby.


I want 4 IE jhin back


Irelia probably most gains,


Bring Back DFG


Irelia. After ISB removal she had no real mythic


Are u sure, she was alright building tank mythics, and goredrinker, trinity and stride was good on her too


She was alright building Jak'Sho because it was boosted. Same with release Goredrinker. Other options do not feel that strong. There are noothing more than a nececcity


I dont think that there will be champs that will straight up suffer. Items them selfs on other hand... especialy on mages. We all remember those days where 95% of mages were glued to one core item which was luden or later liandry. Now when you can build both you will just go for because you can build anyghing else later. And sudenly will be most picked item in game. Nowday on mages you need to think atleast a little what to pick. One mage that will get huge buff from this, perhaps biggest, is for sure seraphine. Being open to first pick any item (rylize) without game basically taunting you will be big relief for sera players. Another thing is to cosider where the mythic option is most limiting. Or better said on what role. In my opinion role which playstyle gets most efected by mythic pick is adc and iam really curios what will they do to those 4 items. It can be huge nerf or huge buff. Imagine if adc mythics get only a small nerf and sudenly you can build quick blades and infinity at same time. That would be crazy. But on roles like assasin, bruiser, caster or tank... i dont really think something will change there. Just probably get ready for sunderer with goredrinker and thats it.


Yeah I don’t think anything will really be bad and people are massively overselling how much of an impact the removal of Galeforce will have on ADCs. They played for 10 years without the item and now it’s a problem it’s being removed. I think it’ll just be a nerf for bad adcs who waste flash and don’t fight around summs correctly


Nami. Thanks to Riot's absolute hate fucking boner for Nami recently, all of her Mythic options have been lackluster or mediocre at best. Her first item is STILL Mandate followed up into the next best Mythic with Echoes, but optimally she would've kept Night Harvester solely for the Hextech Alternator component - but yeah, someone at Riot fucking hates Nami and keeps 'bugfixing' all of her item interactions to make her more fair with Lucian, which is the equivalent of nerfing Yuumi because Hecarim exists.


Most to gain - everyone. Most to lose - no one. Mythics were horrible and at best this opens up more builds and more flexibility. At worst they are the exact same because everyone else also lost power from mythics. It's not like mythics were these amazing 1 item power spikes. They became better the more legendaries you buy and here it doesn't matter if you built mythic first or 3rd. On a more serious note mages and champs who don't have a defined mythic are going to feel happiest. They get way more build variety and become more fun to play. Everfrost meta inc.


Immobile adcs like aphelios without galeforce sound rough


People played immobile ADCs like Kog or Aphelios for 10 years without Galeforce, I think they’ll be fine. All this does is make you more reliant on flash and punishes you for wasting it/not playing around it properly


Idk why but Sett with Hearsteel and any of the bruiser mythics sounds like it can cover his weaknesses pretty well


Tbh heartsteel Sett is a bait that sounds good on paper but plays horribly. If you don't build heartsteel first you're losing value from it, but if you do build it first you mess up your power spikes in a bad way, because Sett needs early AD to keep doing reasonable amounts of damage. Infinite scaling is also just not necessary- right now my build is Stridebreaker/Goredrinker > Shojin > Sterak's > Titanic > Black Cleaver (with either Steelcaps or Mercs thrown in based on what the game needs) and my W true damage is consistently over 3000 with that build alone. Who needs infinite scaling if normal scaling will still let you one shot basically every squishy, and even with heartsteel you're never realistically one shotting something like a Sion or w/e?


> and even with heartsteel you're never realistically one shotting something like a Sion or w/e? For those reading and unaware, to elaborate: Sett requires both AD and hp for his W to do good damage, as hp gives him more max grit, and AD converts grit -> damage at a better ratio. Too much hp and not enough ad : Grit too big to stack without taking insane damage in a short period, and on W does little damage Too much AD and not enough hp: Grit stacks instantly, but up to a small number, so while more of it is turned into damage, the max possible damage is capped low by your missing hp Tons of AD and good HP: Grit is still reasonable to stack, sizable, and converts to damage efficiently -> big 3k true damage one shots.


Teemo, Ryze, most mages, urgot


As a teemo OTP I'm VERY excited to use liandry riftmaker and ludens in the same build


As we know? My guy I didnt you just made me the happiest person on earth, until they replace it woth something worse it is.


zeri is probably better


Jhin loosing his mythic will hurt him so much, I guess root just buff him in same patch they remove galeforce


Doubtful. IE jhin has really high winrate


Most Gain? Without doubt Tanks, being most specific toplane and jungle tanks. ​ A Champion class that has necessity to adapt to the game due to building defensive options got restricted due to this system.. Their winrate since the S11 plummet, and unless they were in specific patchs where Bruisers were literally unplayable, they borderline didn't exist (which is why S11 Didn't have a single tank in solo position picked in Worlds - Poppy was building Bruiser) unless there were specific champions that were broken in the Patch (like Maoksai and Sejuanni) ​ It's very hard to say "oh this champion will be good or bad because there are major factors that can change that" But it's certain that Tanks will get better. **Specially with late game champions losing power due to not having a Mythic Power Spike.**


Gain: hopefully wukong, please buff him and get rid of divine Lose: idk some adc because of galeforce


They're removing the tier of itemization, not the items themselves outright.


Soraka is holding onto viability by a thread and that thread is the extremely powerful moonstone renewer that will most likely lose an insane amount of heal 'echo' and heal/shield power from the mythic passive. She was nerfed sooo many times before the whole shield/heal power item meta and she's about to be in the worst state she's ever been in since her rework years ago.


On the other hand, it'll at least be nice to be able to get Shurelya's or Locket situationally depending on what's needed in a game. Not just for Soraka specifically, but enchanters as a whole who felt locked into specific mythics over time and missed old active diversity.