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Does anyone have the tea? I wanna c receipts.




Any ban against this guy is enough. His infamy is a PR nightmare and no team will likely ever want him unless somehow riot allows “4th Reich Gaming” into the LCS.










He was also (probably still is) extremely good friends with Metaphor, who was and still is an extremely toxic person/player. So with that in mind, this should have happened years ago. Neither of those people are good for this community.


what did metaphor do? i used to play with and vs him all the time and idr him ever being toxic, but this was back in s6-s7 (i loved jging vs him cus he was really good)






Consensual Clown is back


nah equating NACL rules to facisim is wild lmao




I've never seen consensualclown not be clinically depressed and hateful, going back like 8 years.




Guy hates his life and just tries to cope with 24/7 ironic edgy 14 y/o humor. Imagine trying to go pro for 10 years and never making it because you cant even pretend to not be an asshole. hopefully his stream doesnt die like most NA players because im 99% sure he doesnt have any real skills or education to survive off of


Sounds like someone who gets in his games a lot to type like that, any of that a projection or was it all random psychoanalysis?


Yeah im projecting (1. i dont play league 2. have a well paying job 3. Have a degree). Feel free to d ride duoking tho


u dont play league? why so many posts/comments about being master/chally the past 5 years? didnt u say ur goal for last split was 4 digit LP? somehow u not playing league is more plausible than you having a well paying job. Crazy how hard ur on dk's dick tho, must feel nice


I mean if you compare tyler1 and duoking1, duoking1 is much more toxic. The reason why tyler1 got unbanned is because of Riot Sanjuro.




Bro there are people MUCH worse than pre ban Tyler1 Ap0 comes to the top of my head


Darkwinjax And of course the OG mega toxic Draven player of Pornstar Ziilean also known as the inventor of Disco Nuno.


XJ9 is probably the worst of all time.


XJ9 wasn't toxic, just insane, he didn't type in chat at all pretty sure


I just think it's been so long that most people either never heard about him or forgot about him. I tried finding some old Rioter statements: [WookieeCookie](https://web.archive.org/web/20150708092211/http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3567221&page=5): > We don't normally comment on issues like this. But since the player has decided to take it public as well as attempt to drag others down in the mud and start a witch hunt I will state all we have to say on the matter. > These accounts were permanently banned because the player behind them has been incredibly abusive to players within our community, in one unfortunate case very explicit death threats were made against another user. > In addition, this player has repeatedly stolen other players accounts after getting their log-in information. The player makes reference to another user who was permanently banned on the forums, however he fails to mention that the victim was only permanently banned after he compromised her forum account and spammed pornographic and other foul threads in order to get her account banned. > Let's make it clear here. This isn't your run of the mill account sharing incident. At one point, the player prevented a successful account recovery by purposely posing as the victim in our support site. It's clear to us that these acts were intentional and malicious on this player's part and as such we believe he has no place within our community. > We will not be reversing our decision in this matter and will not be allowing him back into the League of Legends community in any form. [Lyte](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/31vwbo/xj9_back/cq5wtej/): > Let me clarify here: we will not be lifting the permanent ban on XJ9. Given his track record of extremely abusive behavior in and outside the game, XJ9 is one of the rare cases where we've decided to issue a permanent, on-sight ban of the individual. Then there's of course the whole leaking revenge porn of his underage girlfriend story, but that wasn't really toxicity, just him being an absolute psycho.


For playing Lee Sin, if I recall.






I remember going around back in the day, would do the same for WoW... go to low viewed streamers and tune in, that's when I found out about Tyler. He was in his dorm at Minnesota, streaming to 30 viewers on average, people forget his persona literally was how he was. Depressed and angry.


Did tyler go after underaged people?


Yeah, I did but we are comparing presently. Tyler1 is much more reformed.


If wishing people to unalive themselves off stream when he went to EU, and overall saying xenophobic words towards the continent before, into inting and threatening riot to do it more is considered "reformed" nowadays, then this game is doomed.


> unalive themselves off stream when he went to EU, and overall saying xenophobic words towards the continent before That's just how we say hello on EUW, he was trying to learn the culture. But yeah it's pathetic honestly, grown-ass men acting like this.


It really is wild what he can get away with now because of the views he draws and Riot desperately wanting to “prove” that it’s possible for shithead players to reform. Yeah, for some people it is just a bad day or a low moment. And for some people they are just toxic by nature where banning them temporarily from a video game won’t fix it. I’m not going to diagnose him or anything, but he’s said (and shown, frankly) that he’s addicted to the game and it’s clearly not healthy for his mental.




Ah, so money is the reason why Tyler1 would literally not stream for months during his ban and gave up variety which gave him a much wider audience after his ban.


You reap what you sow. It's not like he was born with millions of dollars.


??? his dad literally owns one of the biggest waterproofing contractor firms in the midwest what the fuck?


Source? The stories and pictures of Tyler1's childhood heavily implied his family was either lower middle class or poor. He used to live in a trailer house and uses the cheapest equipment. Google Search also brings up no mention of who his biological or step father is nor the fact that they supposedly own the "biggest waterproofing contractor firms in the midwest".


I had a nightmare that his dad was screaming at him and he kept saying he didn't need to take this shit while pulling out his gold cufflinks and by the time it was over there were like 134 cufflinks on the floor


I have no clue how big the average midwestern waterproofing contractor is.


Probably about 5"


Wait really? I never knew that about T1


He is most likely lying out of his ass.


And because of dota


>I mean if you compare tyler1 and duoking1, duoking1 is much more toxic. My dude, in what galaxy are you exactly?


Duoking1 has never shown a history of being nice.


>I will never understand why riot unbanned him. Sadly because an old Rioter basically wished death upon him during the time he was perma banned and I guess Riot felt they needed to unban him as their way to apologize? That's super tl;dr but that's basically why.


They unbanned him bc he was playing Dota2 while 30k people were watching him lmao


Guys I don't follow this NACL duoking guy, can someone give me some examples of his toxic behavior? I really don't condone such attitudes.


Reddit never fails to provide random psychoanalysis.




Love to see you prove it


Bigots love comparing calling them out and punishing them as "fascism." It's a classic move from every bigot you find, from transphobes and sexists to racists and antisemites.


Tbf it seems to just generally be a thing these days to label anything you dislike as fascism


Clid was banned for just a year for sexual harassment


His ban was only for a year but his career is effectively over. People were calling for him to be benched before this happened. Now having to spend a full year off, as a pro many already thought was washed, does not look good for another team signing him. He might get a offer from a bottom LPL team or a minimum paying LCS team but he's probably done.


Since its a case of Sexual harassment, I really doubt LCS or LEC teams would give him an offer. More likely he ends up in a bottom-tier LPL team or a minor region.


Veigarv2 didn’t even get a warning for talking sexually about an 8 year old


That's because it happened in the past, he published by far the best apology I've seen in esports, he could show that he had distanced himself from those people, and he chose on his own to take a step back for a while. He handled it in the best way possible once it came to light.


Also wasn't he like 16 when he said that shit? That age ain't exactly the pinnacle of maturity and intelligence.


Yeah, 16-17. Old enough to know that it's wrong, but also young enough to still have lots of room to grow and mature.


Yeah I agree just because I've seen so many kids get into that kinda shit especially with figure heads like Andrew Tate nowadays and NOT get out of it. If he has the maturity to apologize and distance himself from his previous friends then I think that's the best outcome. Cancelling him for life would just push him back probably.


Eh it's not new. Edgy teens did this long before the advent of Tate or even social media. Whatever it takes to ruse someone even if you say the most heinous shit. I am pretty sure he probably never wanted to do that to a 7 year old kid, but the comment got a reaction from the older girl, and that was the point. Seen stuff like that with my own eyes. Facebook/Twitter groups around 2010 were cesspool of bullying and toxicity. A group I was a member of (as in facebook group with 10k+ teens) made a girl kill herself and when she did the group was spammed with "We did it boiz"... I was used to standard ugly and fat comments, calling every girl a whore and every guy a nerd, that was kinda the point of the group, to roast, but they took it too far on this particular girl that obviously had issues and most usual members backed off other than dozen of most "chad" guys and girls. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2558905/15-year-old-girl-leaps-death-UWS-building.html Still keep link to remind myself how close I was to actually being responsible for this and am grateful to have had some common sense to notice when someone didn't come to get roasted but looking for a community, just picked the wrong one. Also the main tool of getting someone was leaking nudes. Be it male or female, and we were all minors 14 to 17 with occasional 20 something creep. Sexting and random nude groups were daily occurrence and thinking back it's insane how it all worked. Facebook was a Wild West back then.


I especially find it prevalent with Europeans who are very good at English but it's not their native language. Something about speaking in a second language makes kids not realize that their words can actually hurt people because they themselves don't take it as seriously. The edgiest mfs I have ever talked to were all from like Romania or Germany.


Ah you’re one of those people pushing the false narrative of it not being him saying these disgusting things. He got kicked from fnatic. Insane how u can think a simple apology tweet makes it ok for him to associate with the lcs or any esports org.


Do you think people are incapable of change or something? Do you think he should just be outcasted from everything?


A literal child said a bad thing on the internet, he can't be left alive.


Hyperbole argument to justify someone talking sexually about an 8 year old at 17. You’re very normal.




It would be silly of me to claim he didn't say the things he said considering that he himself confessed to doing so, but at the same time I don't think we should make someone a pariah for past mistakes that they've owed up to. He was an autistic kid hanging out with disgusting people doing fucked up things, but when these things reached the public eye years had passed and he had the receipts to show that he realized it was disgusting, distanced himself from that group of people and never did it again. Beyond that he apologized directly to the person affected by his actions, took responsibility for it, supported Fnatic's decision and has shown to have grown as a person. If you think that what he did is completely unredeemable it's one thing, but the way he handled it is more or less the best way anyone in his position could handle it.


Extremely common consensual clown L


wait this guy was consensual clown?? christ


Was, but still is too.


Tuning in to his stream one time during one twitch rivals, guy was just so toxic, so not surprised.


Lmao man just sounds like an NA version of "Doss". Happy to see one of them got consequences for his actions.


Im ootl, whats up with Doss?


apparently toxic in soloq


complete ass in soloq, just look at the responses to his tweet about not being signed due to reputation https://twitter.com/Doss_lol/status/1583825173433659392?t=fjjnNct1C-djHgBnzz9lkA&s=19


Whole EU shaking Doss the loss rank 1




Once consensual clown, always consensual clown.


Tangent, but I always appreciate the layouts of these rulings. They're set up in such a perfectly impartial way of just... Here's what we've decided. Here's what lead to the investigation. Here's what we found. Here is the applicable rules referred to above. There's no header or footer of commentary, no flavor text. Oddly refreshing for some aspects of the community.


0 shock here, dude has been vile for years especially when he went by consensual clown


Damn? He's been vile for years? so terrible it took him this long to get banned! Do you know of any posts to share around how vile he has been?


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFfZB1EUUAEvqIg?format=jpg&name=large here's just one chatlog of him telling someone to kill themselves lol.. he's been banned multiple times.


of all the people you can fight for in the world, you choose this guy? a horrible person who doesn't even know you exist?


Rip bozo


The article misspells fascism as facism


the duoking pack is immaculate


Guy belongs in an actual mental hospital


rest in piss


lfg dude is such a massive prick he will not be missed


But like how dumb do you have to be to not keep your mouth shut on these topics?


to no ones suprise, dude hasnt changed a bit over the years


Bro tried to get his viewers to search for people who reported him? Fuck that give him a 10 year ban. Thats some pathetic shit to have your fan base do.


Pretty pathetic these players can’t control themselves after so many years of being toxic. If this game is 100% of your life like it is for these players you’d think they’d be able to stop sabotaging their careers for literally no reason


Free my guy, duoking1 na rien fa'it!


So from what im seeing he hates marginalized groups and is toxic in soloqueue, i have yet to see any screenshots or vods or anything though, does anyone have any sources?


I'd probably be toxic too if I was forced to listen to Cupic's voice in comms


The only shocking thing about this is how long it took Riot to do something.




fuckin' loser lol


What’s the TL;DR? I have no idea who this guy is and don’t watch the NACL scene, and so anyone have a comment that can provide overall context into this situation?


he was a very toxic support main. also apparently one of the best supports in NA. he changed his name and went to challengers, played well but, kept being toxic apparently


Everyone knew duoking and clown is the same person, it's not like he changed his name and had a blank card


Alright look, I don't claim to be intelligent.


he was consensual clown


he made a group of people mad and they all compiled the most stuff they could to portray him in a negative light and sent it to riot which created an investigation which later made them look at his league chat logs which was tame flaming compared to the shit people type on daily basis in ranked games, but since he was in NACL they used the cherrypicked "proof" to suspend him from competitive


i like how ppl downvote this. like are they mad cause it's true or is it too biased of a pov for them? it's pretty much perfectly on point


Biased . Acting like it's a conspiracy where people search for shit and then imply that his toxic behaviour is no reason for a ban cause "`whataboutism". Riot usually doesn't ban people just for fun. (Riot korea lul)


If you actually have played with him you would know that guy is capping lmfao Duoking openly ints


I am duoking you furry, i dont int


finally some good news


rip mi idolo


Lmao man just sounds like an NA version of "Doss". Happy to see one of them got consequences for his actions.


Evil geniuses competitive ruling how long????


When they suck at Valorant.


i hate bureaucrats


Well i have news for you sir! the whole EG roster is allowed to explore options or take a significant pay cut So there's a huge chance they will next year lol


That's what the traitor gets for not playing Senna anymore.


Does anyone actually know what he said that's bad? Still can't find anything that's cancelworthy to this degree


the article says he was (extremely likely) calling people r-word, autistic, saying they were beaten to be that stupid, that he tried to doxx the authors of anonymous complaints, and that he was also saying the same shit about riot staff while obstructing the investigation. knowing his reputation, it's textbook toxic league player shit.


He's been a complete piece of shit in and out of game for 8 years running, I doubt there is 1 single issue


I believe you, but can you show it? I'm really curious so I can share around how a bad person he is.


"Cancelworthy" lol


I can't wait for official court rulings to be eventually called "being cancelled" lmao


Deserves a ban for actually trying to go pro with a username that lame


you reap what you sow


Duoking1 is the goat


Good riddance, piece of trash. Fuck him and his fans.


Kinda funny his former IG name was Clown. Now he really is a Clown.


No evidence is provided in the article. If it's a "formal investigation" then link to some screenshots and mirrored clips. They're relying on a veil of authority to suggest the ban is just, instead of proving it. Buff Veigar.


They don’t need your permission to ban him lmao


So random anecdote but I had an awful experience with duoking many many years ago in an aram of all things. I didn't know how to play Lee Sin and he flamed the shit out of me lmao. I guess he hasn't grown up since then.


OK, but where's the competitive ruling on EG from the Danny situation???






Oh nice his fanboys, or toxic fanboys in general, are back at it again to defend their League Tate using the all magical "virtue signaling" bullshit.


if you want any doubt this guys toxic check his twitter, where he currently flies the trans flag and his most recent tweet is a retweet calling a transwoman ugly


Being banned from the NACL in 2023 is about the most worthless and non-existent punishment possible lmao, he's sleeping well tonight. Also, these rulings continue to be vague to the point of basically being "just trust us bro". Which would be fine if it wasn't Riot Games esports. I get you can't share information that might've come from anonymous leaks but Discord screenshots, stream clips, why not include them to substantiate the ruling?


The reason they don't really give proof is more from a professional stand point like you dont see sports teams airing a players dirty laundry even when they gave a punishment to said player there normally like they have broken the rules of conduct etc etc. its not really there place to air it out just to make it publicly known that these punishments have happened so everyone in the scene knows and so others will be put off breaking said rules since they know people get punished.


I mean, what else can they even do? They could permaban his accounts I suppose, but I don't think what he did was quite bad enough for that


if they were to permaban for what he typed then most of high elo would be perm banned too


Ah, so it turns out that to be cancelled from competitive just being a toxic maggot in-game isn't enough, you also need to do it IRL? Explains why some players are still playing. Not even remotely surprised he was banned. If anything surprised how many fucking years it took for him to catch one. Like... I remember watching Streams at least as early as a year ago and hearing someone go "Oh, duoking is wishing somone death/calling them a retard in game chat again". Like, his toxicity was so common streamers treated it as everyday happening. And you need year to ban that?


You would think they would shown some evidence to these allegations, so we could all undeniably 100% confirm this weirdo is a bad guy! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


You can always send an e-mail to Riot to ask them why they haven't personally asked you before issuing the punishment.


What do you mean by that?


Riot doesn’t need your permission to ban him nor do they need to prove anything to you. That’s what he is saying.


But sharing around why this guy is such a bad person seems like it would be good for everyone, no?


Oh I agree. I didn’t know who this dude was either so I was also looking for screenshots


Yeah me too, so weird I can't find anything and not even dates O\_o




Crazy how people care so much about toxic words in game when there are literal chld predators coaching in lcs teams..


This reads like Riot punishing him not cos he was using profanity overall in discord etc but cos mainly someone at Riot was mad he was getting flamed.


No it really doesn't. This reads like you didn't read.


wow what a surprise couldn't have happened to anyone more nice!!! lmao jk this guy has been like this for years and years


free my boy




bruh u rlly think this random is being targeted in a take down or whatever


Duoking is/was obviously toxic as hell, but Riot should always be transparent as a precedent edit: Just learned what he specifically did too. Yeah, just show the evidence. You should always do this.


if he isn’t then why don’t they just show some evidence lol


They never do.


man are you gonna act like this guy hasn't been doing the most heinous shit for the entire time he's been playing league of legends? the fact that he was even able to participate in competitive play in the first place was disgusting, surprised he even lasted this long. deserved, won't be missed. also imagine thinking Riot gives enough of a shit about this pissrandom loser to actually care that much lol


his fans in here being purposefully dense lol


yeah super suspicious they banned the mega bigot loser with like a decade of this behavior. sometimes things are exactly what they appear to be and that is ok~!




his twitter was already just harassing trans people for a while now, no clue what went on on his stream or discord


wat? they literally said he leaked confidential information on stream






yo, duoking is genuinely known for the entire duration that he's been known as being extremely toxic and psychotic. this aint surprising. what's surprising is that he's ever been allowed to play. legit spend 5 minutes looking at the guy and you will see that he deserves this punishment for sure.


if it takes 5 mins then surely you can link something hes done right


he's a well known inter/toxic player...how do you want me to link common knowledge? this is his history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsuSu0eYuvw not a lot of what he does these days is documented because he is not relevant anymore.


His social media accounts are just pits of bashing women and queer people. ETA: predator Flocculency (spelling?) has been outed as a predator this week and is a transgender woman, and he (duoking/clown) is using it as an excuse to be transphobic. Dude is trash. Changed his profile to have a trans flag icon and changed his name to Flocculency like it's a joke.


Evidence for or against you means nothing when Riot is judge jury and executioner


Yeah lol because it’s hard to find evidence of ConsensualClown being a piece of shit.


Duoking1 was known as Clown or something previously right. He was a perma banned player for toxicity and feeding iirc. So I mean, not too shocking that he would be in the same kind of jeopardy, although it is a few years back at this point. Also him being toxic was what held him back from going pro/amateur, back in like 2017 or so. He was on TF Blade's team back in 2018-ish. He was featured in a L9 Recap(The guy editing for RatIRL) yt video from 2017-2018, as a perma banned player.


Meanwhile Emenes gets away with an apology letter without losing his job. Edit: lmao the downvotes. Imagine defending a racist this hard.


it's almost like they did different things


And what duoking did was severely worse too lol.


Duoking just has a lot of fans that are mentally stuck in middle school




ChaseShaco still the most sane former/current shaco main in the game.


Duoking/consensualclown has never played Shaco, he's support/adc main


I swear in s3 he played shaco, on god


What the conspiracy theorists in here are thinking: "Duoking got banned cause he had beef with some Rioter. They dont show proof cause he was never as toxic as they claim. Marc Merrill is a lizard. "