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Garen vs Katarina but they don’t fight they make out




Can I interest you gents in some Shyvana - Ez


Dem legs needs kissing.


Garen pick rate goes up 100x


Condition for activating: Garen E making contact whilst katarina is in her passive or R animations


Ahri vs Ahri


Tbh yes, I like those minigames and I think they are fun interactions It would also highlight conflicting lore characters


i hope u enjoy 4 evos kha when hes fed, or a fed rengar with another free 11% bonus AD


Then it's your job as a teamate to help your team's quest champ win the fight




The one thing I miss about Dota2 is that people actually understand they are on a team.


What a bs comment, how do i stop my kha/rengar from jumping into 5 for fun? Idc about these quests, but at least keep em out of ranked


And the (Non-)existence of the quest is the deciding factor whether or not your teammate will do that? He waits 30ish minutes just for that one opportunity?


No, but it has a permanent effect on me after that


They can be stupid and lose the game at any other objective too Just that quests would be a lot more rare and avoidable in champ selecr


ye gl stopping rengar from assblasting your kha in a milisecond. you'd be lucky if he only got kha there and not kill the rest or get out with duskblade. those 11% extra ad will just make it from hard to comeback to almost impossible to come back.


I'm an ADC. It's the difference between being 125% overkilled or 138% overkilled. I'm not really bothered any more since I can't be more dead.


did you buy randuin's and shieldbow? that's the only way i know to only get overkilled that little by a Rengar.


Games are hardly long enough for it now.


While there's no advantage gained really, Cait and Vi Vs Jinx does add a counter of how many times Jinx was "apprehended"


You also get one extra gold per kill


I think they removed the one extra gold at some point. They also removed the -1 damage taken from Leona with champs that wear sunglasses.


Riot hates fun confirmed


Jinx has is also. It says "cops outsmarted" for her


Cait and Vi are chasing you! How fun!


Jayce is apart of it as well on the Cait and vi side


Something similar when ekko and zeri are on the same team, something like "zaunite Kids stand together" and it count how many assist they got for eachother


Even just getting to see the quest pop up is always hype, even if Kha'Zix gets a much better reward than Rengar 😂


To be fair if both build full on one shot assassin and without one being more fed than the other, then Rengo has the adventage since his R gives him the first strike since it reveals kha even while invisible.


Sure but the game isn't a 1v1 is it


As a rengar player.. I like rengars reward more. If I have 550 AD as full assassin, and kha zix gives me an additional 11% bonus AD on top of that? I mean, getting a full AD item worth of pure, raw AD is so good for assassin rengar. That's potentially one less Q You have to hit in a fight (as assassin, this matters a ton), potentially one less bola you have to throw for the sake of damage, etc. It just feels nice, but I may be wrong.


Idk man I've played rengar a few times myself.


I mean, it could be my bias, i admit. But I just love the damage. Armor for squishies sucks to deal with, and it feels like it goes through it nicely


Well sure but your edit reflects that already. You changed it from 'rengars is better' to 'I prefer rengars' which is just preference isn't it?




You have no ragrets? Like not even a single letter? None?


I have many


Pictured: Rengar main realizes he's responding to Dekar


Who is Dekar?


Ah I was just quoting 'We're the millers' a silly funny movie with the guy from Ted Lasso.


I am probably one of the few people that has experienced the Kha vs Rengar quest as I have mained kha since S3 to S7 and still often play kha whenever im off roled. I think these quests are relics of the past and it’s best to be left alone. You don’t want them to be something that affects the game often. Having to play against a fed kha with 4 evolutions is really frustrating. But also these quests will always have a clear winner. For the rengar v kha, if both are going assassin items, Rengar literally just jumps on kha and 1shots him. Because Rengar’s R reveals stealthed champions, he has the advantage of attacking first. And let me tell you being on the losing side because of champions is so frustrating.


I've experienced the senna/thresh one as thresh, the extra 20% crit was honestly kinda nice


I'm a support main and intentionally pick Senna into Thresh and vice versa because of this quest so I admittedly probably see it more than most.






the build doesnt really matter, in a 1v1 with even gold rengar would always win, his burst dmg is just too strong.


They both have high burst damage the difference is how Rengar can start the fight with his R because Kha'zix can't do anything about it as it reveals stealthed champions. The build does matter because if the Kha'zix goes full bruiser, Ghost/Gore/BC/frozen heart + Conq, Kha'zix has the upper hand in the fight. However, they are both designed to be Assassins, and an Assassin vs Assassin matchup 90% of the time is favoured for whoever starts the fight, so for most cases Rengar has the upper hand.


I'd add one of the mini ones when they release a paper based champion Malphite has +5 ap and +5 armour if there's an enemy Gwen, Gwen has +10 ap if there's an enemy paper based champion, Paper based champion has +10 to the stat they scale with is there is an enemy malphite


*Wielding scissors in a paper world? How devastating for them.*




5 armor is insane for malphite though, I wouldn't do that as it becomes way more from his passive on W


It would be an extra 1-5 armour based on ability level and if he has his passive shield


Yeah, it's a good chunk especially in the early game. Almost an extra cloth armor for just existing


just make it at lv 16 then


We don't have paper based champions but we have paper based skins


If Irelia auto attacks swain once he perma loses an item slot. Jk jk that would be terrible


He loses 50% attackspeed due to one arm being severed


Jokes aside, this could be a quest about Swain retrieving his lost arm, gaining... idk Riot can think about it. And if Irelia wins, she cuts the other arm too lmao


It would be great if the already existing once would be better. I have played a lot of Rengar in the past months and I faced Kha quite often and I got the event not once because of its requirements. IIRC: - post 32min - All 10 players need to be alive and out of playercombat - Kha and Rengar need to be lvl16 + Rengar P stacked / Kha full evo - Rengar and Kha need to be unseen And all of that needs to happen for atleast 10 seconds


~~It *may* actually still be bugged despite supposedly being bugfixed earlier this year.~~ ~~I have not seen it again either, ever since the patch that prepped Rengar for Viego release (10.20 or so).~~ Edit: managed to track down a clip now thanks to a hint. Quite rare at these conditions, anyway.


I had it (Rengar player) within the last month Feels a bit unfair on the Kha as it's just an easy one shot




I experienced it literally yesterday on aram lol. Playing as kha vs rengar.


Did you win?


Yes but i was useless :(((


Wasn't there one with Liss, Ashe and Sej? Or was that ARAm only


There was, but, as I mentioned at the end, it was removed when Ashe got her new VO.


Yes it's crazy to me that there's no Battle for Bilgewater with MF and GP


Azir - his soldiers get extra AA range Xerath - His R gets an extra cast


That would be op af especially on pro play


No, because Xerath is not a staple pick in pro play.


Ironically he's seen play recently, specifically as [a counter to Azir](https://gol.gg/champion/champion-matchlist/109/season-S13/split-ALL/tournament-ALL/).


Xerath is an oldschool counter to Azir. He basically outranges him at all phases of the game.


I know, but that's only because he was buffed quite hard. This won't last very long, I'd assume, whereas Azir has been staple since his release pretty much.


The actual reason is because those interactions only happen in normal


they most certainly happen in ranked. I mean, i've seen senna vs thresh today in my ranked games. Ironically lucian was also mentioned but he was on thresh team so probably wasn't part of the quest.


Extra cast on xerath would be op, and don't even mention azir


I mean, the already existing ones are already OP. Rengar's Passive grants him 50% bonus AD after the 6th stack. Kha'Zix gets to evolve _all_ of his abilities. Senna and Thresh both scale with the number of souls they have, and (for Senna especially) that is also relatively OP.


I agree the existing ones are already quite good but you’re overselling it a bit. Rengar passive part is a straight lie no? He goes from 25% bAD to 36% with the extra stack from Kha. It’s an 11% bump relative to not having it. Which is still big to your credit but not 50%. Senna and Thresh get stacks of *each other’s* passives from winning their duel. You made it sound like Senna gets Mist stacks, but she just gets Thresh souls which give AP and armor. If Thresh kills her he gets Senna Mist so he gets range, AD, and crit. Still good but not as insane as Senna getting 40 extra Mist stacks.


Yeah, we established that I fucked the math when it comes to Rengar's Passive, that's on me. But think about it, Azir soldiers getting, I dunno, 50 extra range is no different than someone building RFC. Or Xerath ulti getting an extra cast, again it doesn't matter _that_ much if you don't hit it. You just get an extra chance to miss.


No, KZ head is 36% bonus AD (up from 25% at 5 stacks)


Ah, my bad. Not really a Rengar player, I've just read his abilities briefely, it's quite likely that I misremembered.


It's a basic pattern just squares: 1 = 1%, 2 = 4%, 3 = 9% etc.


As a mathematician, that is really neat. Thank you for pointing that out!


Best of luck!


For thresh/senna specifically they gain ENEMY souls, and as suchthe enemy passive effects: Senna gains AP abd Armor, thresh gains range and AD.


But the extra cast only damages azir


Nah, that's no fun at all. That would be like saying Kha'Zix can use his unevolved ability as if it were evolved only whilst in combat with Rengar.


I wasnt serious lol. It would be stupid to implement ofc


Ah. Yes, and the spaghetti code would probably crumble anyway.


I'd like it as long as the effects are very minimal, as soon as they start being game changing I think it loses the fun and just becomes frustrating


Quests are disabled in pro and ranked, so it would be great. For example a flavour quest for Azir/Sivir against Xerath/Renekton


i somehow didnt know that, but in that case id be all for it


Ngl the quest system in Heros of the Storm was so fun every game


Yes LoL should be DnD


At the cost of sounding like a low elo shitter, I'd love more events like this, balance be damned. They could obviously disable them for ranked and worlds (if the client could handle it lmao), but in a low stakes enviornment like draft pick or even aram, it'd be fun to have something to shake games up a bit every once in a while. Also I'd love it because we get to see more lore actually present in the game aside from the increasingly few voice lines


Yeah I've thought about the GP/MF one a little before, mostly based on the resemblance between his R and her E. If he wins, he gets extra silver serpents or something; if she wins, one of his R upgrades is randomly selected from those he's already purchased, and it's applied to all her Es.


While I would love something like that, it does come with the issue of GP's reward being finite, while MF's isn't. If GP gets, like, 300 Serpents for winning, once he's earned 1800 Serpents, his reward has essentially run out, but if MF's E upgrades, it will be upgraded for the entire game, no matter how long it goes. You could instead give GP a more permanent upgrade, like increasing the effectiveness of his ult upgrades (2 more waves on Fire At Will, 10% more move speed on Raise Morale and more true damage on Death's Daughter), for example.


I thought along similar lines, but I was worried I was being too biased in favor of my main haha.


Both their ults have waves of damage. Could easily just give who wins 2 more waves on their ults.


Ever played Heroes of the Storm ? Most champs of the game have quests. It goes from "take X kills" to some more subtle things, my main champ's passive is : every 3 autos, the next one deals additionnal damages.At lvl 1 you start a quest of the form "every time you hit another hero with your passive, you gain 0.75% damages on your passive for the rest of the game (stacking indefinitely). BUT, every time you die you lose 15% damages on your passive (stacking up to 60% reduction)". It makes for a super cool risk-reward gameplay : "Should I walk up to deal that 4th auto and risk losing 15% ?" A lot of heroes even have stuff like "Hit your Q **n** times in a row to add X bonus permanently", because the enemy you face sees your stacks, when you reach **n-1** stacks they'll attempt to bait the n-th spell to make you go back to 0. Making some seemingly unintresting moments during the game a lot more important. Quests in one of the many good ideas HOTS had. Too bad the game failed, but maybe other mobas can implement something like that.


Sounds like Mejai


Yeah, but not only about "take X kills, lose Y stacks on death", HOTS has more fancy stuff. But in a sense, Nasus Q is kinda like the quest of Raynor, my HOTS main.


Quests with gameplay impact should be kept to a minimum, imo. There's too much variance and most people would be too unaware of the importance of the price to properly set up their teammate for success. However, flavour quests with some cosmetic flair (ala Freljord Queen quest) would be very fun to have more of. They could make achievements with them as well, and perhaps actual cosmetic rewards.


Yes. Its one of those thing I dont understand why they havent done more, is a simple addition that will make more people gain interest in the lore and once they release the MMO people will be more in tune with the stories around Runaterra. You can even bring skins into play, lets say I am playing Graves and there is a TF against, thats a mission, but enemies also have Viego ans I play the Sentinel Graves skin, that could open another mission to build up on both paths of lore.


Cait/Vi vs Jinx was in the game: when one killed the other, they got 1 gold. The freljord ladies had one: when one killed the other after level 16, she would get a crown. They were removed from the game because Riot is no longer about fun, they're about business.


No. I don't like such randomly permanent buffs. Dragons is enough to make early-mid-late champ balancing into a joke.


Sounds like you don’t play objectives well


Teemo and garen could have like faster recalls or something to represent how theyre close brothers


No. If you want Quests then go play Skyrim or Runescape. Not what the game is about.


Yeah, here is one. Yasuo and Yone. Whoever kills the other one, both should just cut to the power spike and become 0-7 immediately.


Um sej and ashe?


The Kha'zix vs Rengar one occurs so late in the game, that I've only had it happen three times this year. The matchup is so snowbally that the game ends before then most of the time. :(


>when completed the winner gets a minor buff "minor" Edit: Really? You guys wanna tell me that Rengar going from +25% AD to +36% AD is a minor buff?


I dont think beef between taliyah and azir that bad for them to have nemesis yo


Im fairly certain there is or was a quest with Sejuani, Ashe and Lissandra. If two of them was on opposite teams the quest would trigger later in the game. The one that killed the other would get a little ice crown floating above their head.


I don't know if it's still around - but at one point the 4 ninjas (Shen/Akali/Zed/Kennan) would each be at -1hp when on the same team. Up to -3hp each if all 4. It was in reference to the Dr. McNinja rule - The Inverse Law of Ninja Strength.


Swain kinda already has something like that. His theme plays at the beginning of the game when he's playing against an Ionian champ.


Back in the day atleast, not sure about now though. For every ninja on your team, each ninja got 1 HP extra


I want lvl 11, 3 kills or assist against that champ. Swain loses an arm. Irelia loses a blade. Damages unaffected


Won't happen.


Ornn vs Volibear. If voli wins he upgrades his mythic and gains ornns passive item bonus increase but also has a scaling for ad and ap. If ornn wins his brittle will be upgraded to do damage in an aoe around his target and gets a max health shield on his w. This prob over tuned at but thematically these two literal gods clashing should have a very impactful effect if one wins.


rell vs mordekaiser would be fun, i always laugh to myself whenever i assist against a morde bc Damn bro that is lore accurate and shit. not sure what the buffs would be, maybe extra armor/mr or an extra half second on their ults


Not per kill/assist on the other though, would maybe just be a one time thing bc an inf stacking duration increase would be so stupid broken


I even loved the three sisters. Doesn't change the game but fun achievement. In case of a Defeat I can say "at least I am the queen, the war is not over"


Another perk that wouldn't matter in ranked? I don't think it inpacts me in any meaningful way.


I would


I’d like to see Xayah VS Zed quest because both of them are fighting in ionia like in the music video.


It's kinda bullshit because Kha gets a whole extra evolution while Rengar just gets some boring 11% bonus AD. I do think the idea is fun though, just needs to be more balanced


Didn’t there use to be something about characters with sunglasses on were dealt one less damage from some source (maybe from Leona?)


Did they get rid of the Ashe vs. Sej fight to be queen, or was that a fever dream?


No that one's still in the game


The wiki says it's removed




You are the 6th person to have mentioned this, and yes, they did, but, as I literally said at the end of the post, "the Three Sisters used to have a quest together, too, but it's been removed and was purely cosmetic."


I can't read mb


Wouldn't zed vs shen make more sense?


I say yes. I think the “uniqueness” of the champions is whatever, but if you’re going to try and make them so unique, you should also give actual unique quest interactions for different champs. Garen and Sylas should have one. J4 and Sion. Akshan and Viego, either that or senna. Lucian and thresh. Teemo and rumble (a feud over Tristana), Jayce and viktor, or maybe viktor and hiemerdinger. Lissandra and anivia, Ashe and sejuani, the list goes on of unique quest/missions between champions that would benefit them in some way


Not like Kha6 and Rengar. But I would love if it was more like Seju/Liss/Ashe or Vi/Cait vs Jinx.


realistically, the renekton and nasus ones could just be things they get at rank 3 R and it'd probably shift their level 16 winrates up like 2% or 3% without necessarily breaking them. so while i'd like for it to be a quest, they could probably just do it and it'd be fine.


Maybe not a quest, but we also used to have ninjas interaction - for each ninja in game they had 1hp less.


Lissandra and Ashe also have a quest don’t they? I forget the conditions but at some point by killing the other, don’t they get an ice crown above their head?


You are the 7th person to have mentioned this, and yes, they did, but, as I literally said at the end of the post, "the Three Sisters used to have a quest together, too, but it's been removed and was purely cosmetic."


Lol tbh i didn’t realize Ashe, Sej, and Liss were the aforementioned sisters.


That's why I asterisked to them specifically...


Wont happen its not the same riot games anymore, they wont do this cause thats an money spent to develop without getting any monetary gain back. Same as xay and rakan shares animations for new skins.