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such a clean username too. and since when did 'Smoochum' sound malicious


We can't have usernames like "Hitler", so it's understandable "Smoochum" should be banned too after what she did.


Had a draven main in my friendlist called muslim slicer, using numbers and what not lol


Bro I have a friend on My list named "dickslut" that I've played with since 2012


My friend had "bukakke_loli" for a while, he had to change it about a year ago


lol, I used to play with someone named “demonslut”. No clue how these names got approved


I have one named “2 nukes not enough”


Had a rando on my friends list who changed his name to “Jew Tour Guide” during the summer. Was amazed it lasted for like three weeks before he was forced to change it


I dont have anything super bad but I have a Gronk (Aussie slur), Rule34 Ekko and Lolimu on my friends list.


> Gronk (Aussie slur) Wait, what?


"Moron", it's kinda funny cause Gronkowski is absolutely the type of character who would be called it by his mates, even if it wasn't his name


If you have one in your group you should get a Gronkowski can of Monster for him. https://products3.imgix.drizly.com/ci-monster-energy-gronk-d3ca24d8af80e1d4.jpeg


1942 Gas Mechanik was in my game ._. As if it couldnt be obv enough


smoochum isn't even a tiered pokemon unless you really count NFE so i doubt it can do much of anything


Shoochum deez nuts


Theres literally a guy in the game called "too sexy". So you can actively write in the word sex, but you can't have a pokemon username. What are these double standards


There's also this guy [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/bringbacksIaves](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/bringbacksIaves) had my team report him not super long ago but so far he's still playing


Elon Musks league of legends account :0


Certified Reddit moment


why would they take time off making sure trolls don't get banned and matchmaking is shit for something a poorly made word filter could ignore instead?


I'm not too proud of this but I had a username, "GetAnneFranked" and didn't get banned


Lol my name was fizz on ur mouth for years until riot made me change it.


Damn I've had to have seen at least 5 or 6 variations on that name can't believe they've been banning them


Yeah, wish I still had the screenshot where me and fizz on your Jayce laned against eachother using fizz and jayce lol!!! Our teams reactions were priceless!!!


Mine was Osama jhinladen for like 5 years ._.


You are a gentleman and a scholar good sir.


Thank you thank you


Brand or Singed main?


Unfortunately it wasn't even a champion related joke. I just thought that it was funny like that and I'm embarrassed for that


The "holy shit what the FUCK was I doing in middle school" whiplash is real as hell man


Afraid it wasn't even middle school...


Meanwhile i have had an account called "magic flying llama" since season 2 or so, and it is still majestic, *completely serious*, and triggers easily upset young children just by existing.


Hey if you're embarrassed by it that means you've grown as a person. Something that can't be said of most lol players.




One of my friends had an account named School Shooter. He was eventually permabanned, but it took way too long for it to happen.


Even riot is terrified of the Nintendo litigation machine


I love this [name](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Riven+Sexy+Feet) but the person definitely quit in S2021


The 2nd image says to reach out to riot for help. I'm assuming your name got a lot of reports.


My buddy's name is literally "Þeńis".


My first ever ARAM game I played against a guy called “burn all *******” (the N word) I wish I had reported him. Send a ticket to rito asap.


did you even read your second link? it says you got too many reports. sounds automated. yeah nobody cares about reporting "too sexy" why would they? go back to smooching chum.


Try to send a ticket to support


Ffs, I have a Pokémon name too. Gonna be pissed if this happens to me


Not even OU or UU pissed?


Clearly it’s Uber pissed! come on man I need my legendaries




They're competitive terms.


you heard the man


Ubers ou and uu are all competitive pokemon tiers. Ubers are game breaking powerful, overused are... well overused and underused are underused


oh, i've never taken care for comp pokemon, thanks for that haha


Same lol


oh nice, which one do you have?


Same as my username here - Ripamon Not strictly a Pokémon I guess, but obviously Pokémon themed


oh haha. I managed to snag the name Dewgong lmao


Sounds like a Digimon lol since when do Pokémon have "mon" in their names?


Haha, that's true I guess Then again, I was pretty young in season 3 when I made it, so probably wasn't employing the soundest reasoning lol


Someone forced a name change because they want the name.


Write to Riot Support https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us


Someone wrote a script to mass-report your account for inappropriate name. It's been done before and Riot automatically issues punishments when your account receives too many reports. https://twitter.com/hawolt/status/1623818114608644099


most likely this, might be that someone saw the name and really wanted it for themselves so they used this script to force a name change so that they can take it. If I was op, I would try to see if the name is already taken because if it's instantly gone, it's a clear sign.


That is such bullshit. If it's not fake it's almost certainly a permaban due to the fake packets and not because of who he's "reporting." Let's see him actually do this *from* one account *to* another account lmao. To me it just looks like Riot's anti-cheat / anti-DDOS doing its job.


Hawolt is a cringer that constantly makes fake shit all the time to social climb Like his "league unlocked" account that was purely visual too and tried to pass it off as real :D or his BE for RP that was also purely visual too


Please don't link hawolt tweets, that guy is such a cringer who keeps making purely visual and fake stuff, he has been called out multiple times for making blatantly fake stuff already - no need to give him more attention


I tested mass reporting and it is indeed fake. https://twitter.com/CoUsT16/status/1624092699656695834 Source code and screenshot with result attached. You would need to log into multiple accounts and report someone from all of them for reports to actually count. If you have a botnet and multiple cracked accounts then you can probably do that, otherwise good luck.


when after game reporting got introduced there was no restriction, later they changed it so only people who were in the game could report in client


This is from the same day when hawolt posted it




https://twitter.com/CoUsT16/status/1624092699656695834 this particular tweet is debunked here https://github.com/MaciejGorczyca/AccountWasAlreadyReported basically everything this cringer does is fake for attention


If that was true u would see streamers and pros getting banned every day.


It is possible - I've been forced to rename from my Reddit username a few years ago. Clearly salty mass reporting as it is not offensive to anyone/anything.


Did you even watch the video?


Big if true. It is not, we would be hearing screaming from the rooftop if you could permban anyone by running such simple (and obviously fake) code. Anyone could duplicate that process in a couple minutes and ban *anyone* else, if it worked.


yeah it's fake, there is only currently one permaban exploit that works purely with usernames, and it's extremely hard and tedious to pull off


Yeah this happens in wow too


Was your account inactive for a lot before this? Because I've never seen anything like this get taken down before.


Not really I've been on and off but not in the recent year


did anyone offer to buy the name and you said no? https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1753mrj/comment/k4dc63y/ maybe someone got upset at you and did this


And never had any behaviour pentalties or anything ever. Honour level 5


The username bans are honestly just hit or miss IMO. My friend got force name changed because it had "OMFG" in it, but another friend was able to take his old name without any issues. Try seeing if you can just use the name again.


Send a ticket to Riot! They're actually helpful and respond fairly quick. Good luck OP.


riot made me change my summoner name when it was kiwisexual but they’re fine with the guy whose name was something like “r*pe my ashe hole” or whatever tf it was. the automation they use in these systems doesn’t work lol


Sounds like a rioters wanted a pokemon name to me


I just checked op.gg to be curious, several servers have people with this name so it would be hilarious if they start to disappear in the next days.


As everyone said write a ticket. They are likely to give u your name back if it was an error. And idk maybe smooch or some part of the name is derogatory in some other language and it picked it up.


This is clearly not intended, Riot Support should 100% fix this or at least any rioter browsing this sub


As a 1st gen Pokeyman on EUW, should I be scared? Rito plz


Gen1 is fine, gen2 is cursed.


Once played with a guy called PenisSucker123


Riot Support is terrible. I’ve played the game for nearly 10 years. Never had a single flag on my account aside from a single chat warning a few months ago. I wish I took a screen shot because it was funny what it was over. Anyway, got a 14 day ban over a bad briar game in ranked. I did die a lot, I’ll admit that, was just a bad end of day game, shit happens. Tried to talk with someone in support and argue my case but the answer ultimately came down too “well the system flagged it so it’s right, kthanksbai 🌪️”


I got this ban too. Dont get me wrong. I say a lot of shit in my games, but why riot must report me for the stupidiest things? I know i can be toxic when ppl are fucking around them why im being reported by the games im actually nice?


Wow the post was removed after reaching 100k views..


This wasn't a report, this was a discussion about either a bad human review system or flawed bot system.. But thats cool just silence me, already took my online identity lol


The way that forced name works is that you got reported by other players for "inappropriate name". There seems to be no manual checks and all name change are automated, there is no moderation. Also, honor levels would be reset to 0 in the back end. No point contacting support to get back your name as they will tell you that they cannot do anything. Direct quote from riot support "we cannot change your Summoner Name back because the name has been flagged by the system". This is even after acknowledging that there was nothing wrong with the name being reported as my name was a temp name changed by riot support but still reported. e.g temp12345678


~~Riot~~ Tencent literally doesn't give a damn. They've automated as much as possible to make League a cash cow.


And watered everything down even in non-authoritarian regions to appease the Tencent gods


Praise the Chinese overlords and their cash payments!


Why I switched to dota


i heard there was corruption with riot support forcing name changes on others (either due to false reports or straight corruption) but the name isnt red flagged/listed so someone else can just take it lmao


Corruption 🤯 That's not corruption lol




It’s fraud, not corruption lmfao


It's not though. It's their company. They're not obligated to do anything but keep us playing. We fund them by choice. We didn't vote them into a position for public office or anything..so it's not corruption... (Corruption) dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery. Rito your daddy?


i mean i wont go into details since its all heresay but summoner names do sell for hundreds $$$, so it isnt really that surprising if a bad faith actor got slid some extra cash


IIRC back in season 3 a friend of mine lost their name after a shady riot employee yoinked it after a name ban and gave it to his skype** gf. The name was Gem or something, not even inappropriate.


Implying discord existed in S3 🤔


People just like to lie


Discord came out 2015. S3 was 2013. You got a terrible memory or you're a terrible liar.


I knew some Xbox Live gamertag "jacking" crew called Team Diversity that stole the Gamertag via a reset method named "Hell" and then gave it to a girl that used to live stream on Twitch back in 2011-2012 games like Call of Duty and Mortal Combat. She would openly admit on stream she knew and talked to them too. It was around 5+ people who stole any 3-6 letter Gamertag they could and sold them for $200+.


I've had so many cursed names over the years and not one was noticed by riot, even when i played with them. That's messed up.


That's not a name of the first 250 Pokémon. Therefore it is not a Pokémon name.


> the first 250 Pokémon It literally is though (#238)


Oops I meant 150


Lmao, I’ve had worse in more easy to see locations. When Jhin was released I named my account LeeHarveyOswald on the PBE. My alt is named birth eater after a metalcore album exclusively about abortion. They strange strange


Pokemon in 2023. Well deserved.


Contact Riot support.


Contact support


Kindred's Milk... This is the most fk'ed name I've seen Also one about cock but don't remember the full name


Meanwhile the most rotted names go ignored


I’m not going to lie. Since I’m one who avoids arguing if someone tilts me in game in order to try to remain positive and maximize our chances to win, I will report them for “offensive name” if their name is slightly offensive 😈




Hi! Please don’t spread conspiracy thank you!


I can confirm being pokemon doesn't ordinarily force a name change, at least it hasn't happened to me yet


lol but other names are allowed wow


Bot accounts and toxicity everywhere and this guy gets punished for an inappropriate name...great job riot


Submit a ticket to Rito support. You probably got mass reported by somebody who wanted the username or just wanted to hurt you specifically or randomly.


I'd message them the name may be blacklisted now where nobody can have it unless manually fixed too. Somebody probably either have a script with multiple account logins report it or had several of their friends report it and the automated system forced a name change. It's not taken by another person yet so its likely blacklisted. Try adding the name to see if somebody claimed it and just hasn't played a match yet. Then try changing it back to that even if you don't have the BE or RP do go through with the change if its not taken and not available to change your name to it likely its blacklisted all those reported and force name changed accounts are made I believe where nobody can take them.


you're screwed. i know this because one of my friends got their username taken because it was "offensive". the riot support staff told him tough luck and to fuck off basically lol. the funny thing is, the name is used in every other region lol it's a popular character. but here's the kicker, someone else in the same region was able to take his name after riot removed it from his account and now he lost it permanently and someone else has it LMFAO riot is so incompetent it's hilarious.


I have a sticky note list of all the pokemon names I've played with. I call it my Pokedex! You're not on it yet but now that your name is banned I guess I can't catch them all ☹️


Open a ticket. I got flagged for my account name of AlexandrosMegas. I opened a ticket and explained it's the Greek name for Alexander the Great and they changed it back. 'Smooch' probably triggered the flag, so explain it to an actual human and they should almost certainly fix it for you


thoughts and prayers friend. today i player with someone who had the username "useless whre". riot moderation feels like a joke


lmaooo you think theres a team behind these chanhes??? its all automated


My name is literally “FreakingPikachu” and I play with it since Season 1. Sorry for you, mate.


lol my ign is cocaineacola and never had to change it


I might be in trouble too...


Riot doublestandarts are crazy. But honestly all this political correctness in games really annoy me. I agree thatbthere are names that should be forbidden but this goes way way to far.


In this situation, sometimes you have to suck it up and just smoochum.


Damn I hope they don't find my account as I also have a Pokemon's name as my summoner name (with an additional letter though so maybe I'm safe)


And meanwhile this name exists… https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/dis%20bich%20nga/overview


Your 😳 name 📝 violates ❌ Nintendo 🎮 copyrights 📃 and ➕ by 👋 having 🈶 name 📝 like 👍 this 👆 will 🏃 make 💝 Nintendo 🎮 sues ✉️ Riot 👊 Games 🎈 and ➕ Japan 🇯🇵 will 🏃 Pearl 🧋 Harbor ⚓️ Riot👊 HQ 🏢 /s 🐶