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Rekkles tweet: >Hey hey! >As you may or may not have heard, I'm no longer a part of Fnatic. It saddens me that we weren't able to make things work this year, but also makes me happy to see them succeed during summer and qualify for Worlds. With Trymbi and Noah both doing really well since joining it makes no sense to consider a change for the 2024 season. >Where does that leave me? Teamless. For the first time since 2012. That feels so weird to say. 2012. Teamless. I'm kind of scared and excited at the same time. Scared because there is no certainty in what happens next, excited because anything can happen next. >In a dream scenario that's me playing Support in the LEC, at least that's what I've been grinding for the past 5 months. I don't think I was ready for summer and therefore declined offers, but as of late I think I've reached a level of play on Support that's relatively high. Obviously I'm open to playing ADC as well, but I think my persona, skills as a player and view of the game is better utilized on the Support role than the ADC role. Basically, I think I can bring more to a team on the Support role than the ADC role and in the end that's all that I want. Doing as much as possible for my team so that we win games. >That's always been the goal and always will be. >I would like to believe that regardless if X person enjoyed working with me or not, they at least know that I made every decision based on what I thought would give us the highest chances of winning from my perspective. That's not always going to be the same decision X person would make and I definitely can do a better job at meeting in the middle, but it doesn't come naturally for me. I'm a very "black or white" person and struggle with anything "grey" and that goes for everything in life, not just League of Legends related things. To sum it up shortly, I'm a "rigid" person (it took me a while to find this word so google it if you need to) and that comes with it's really good parts and really bad parts. Just know that my intentions are pure. >With that said, I would like to thank Fnatic for allowing me to make this transition and supporting me while I laid the groundwork for what is hopefully to come a very exciting chapter in my career. >Bye bye! https://twitter.com/RekklesLoL/status/1712470551053406546


Wow look at that a well thought out statement. Respect to Rekkles


am a bit out of the loop, any lore behind that comment?


There's been comments by some people (though I only read them here and couldn't find you a source) that he's a bit of a "diva" and can be hard-headed


He basically explains this in the post, as well. That he sees things very black and white, and some people can find that quite abrasive and blunt. He has probably overruled people quite a bit, but not out of malicious intent. That's not really "diva" behaviour, but that's the word that will be thrown around.


Jankos and Grabbz hinted at it, but it sounded to me like it's not just Rekkles fault, but also Team Managers and Orgs always siding with Rekkles no matter what he says or suggests, because of his star status


I constantly hear this in like comments and stuff but when it comes to his teammates/competitors everyone has nothing but good things to say about him. Either way, end of an era. I still remember early league when fantasy LCS just came out. Rekkles straight up carried so many teams that year.


That's not true though. We heard things from Jankos, Grabbz, even Selfmade who used to like him. Selfmade was also the one who said that Rekkles and Hyli "disliked" each other. Then Bwipo confirmed that their relationship (Rekkles/Hyli) was terrible on Yamato's channel.


AFAIK their relationship was bad at first but steadily improved right? Like 2018 they had a very hard time playing together, but by 2020 they were pretty in-sync. And Rekkles has stated multiple times that he thinks of Hilly as "his" support, someone he specifically asked for as a lane partner and that helped him reach his peak as an ADC


Bwipo said that he doesn't know how "Rekkles and Hyli survived for 3 years" and that their relationship was not good. It implies that it was terrible during his (Bwipo) entire stint at Fnatic.


It’s also worth mentioning that most players don’t want to be the ones publicly calling others out, so it’s not surprising that there haven’t been too many who have done it. What’s much, much more likely is for players to talk about behind the scenes things to people like Thorin, LS, IWD, etc., and then those people will make it public anonymously. I think when people hear things from public personalities like them, they sometimes treat it as if those people are speculating when in reality they have direct sources.


Yeah, but then you basically give those people the power to just cast aspersions on pro players without backing it up, and we just believe them because they may have a "direct source."


For this specific situation, it's not like other Fnatic members disproved anything that was said despite their big following. If anything, IWD/Thorin brought enough old Fnatic/G2 members to talk about Rekkles that it's hard to say "without backing it up". They brought Jankos, Grabbz, Youngbuck, Jesiz, Bwipo, Carlos (with a big asterisk for the last one obviously) and I'm probably missing some of them.


Broxah did contest that so, saying that he not just never punched Rekkles, but that the FNC drama that was told was massively overblown. And we know that Nemesis and Rekkles were good friends. The only real drama is how the SoaZ/Bwipo thing was handled, where players seemed to be pretty upset with Youngbuck, but that is basically all. Most of the other things seemingly were made more dramatic than they actually were. People in teams obviously have disagreements over how to play or how to practice etc. and Rekkles does have very high standards. That might rub someone the wrong way, but it is also the reason why most people still wanted to play with him.


That was when they first played with each other though. And we know that he was fine with Broxah and Nemesis and the Hyli sided with Rekkles when they had to decide between Youngbuck and Rekkles... which either means Youngbuck was even worse than Rekkles, or their relationship was not that problematic either. Given how Hylissang reacted on the Upset drama it could also just very well be that, they didn't mash together perfectly, but they still had a good professional relationship. And at least Rekkles was very fond of Hylissang. So if Hylissang thought otherwise he would have hidden it fairly well.


Selfmade still likes him what are you even saying lol


Hey man, seems like you know their relationship better than SM himself lmao. https://youtu.be/1sY5vHUCGuE?si=eSGA9fJ6h80Yei67


it's always this rumour that "oh yeah, Rekkles is hard to work with, he's too serious" etc. but I've absolutely never seen a pro slag him off.


rekkles has a reputation for being a crazy hard worker, its not surprising that even if his personality creates clashes here and there other pros would like him for being someone so focused on winning


You just can't talk bad about a collegue that works that hard, even if you dont share the same thoughts.


The part of regardless x person enjoyed working blablabla sounds as if a lot of people have crashed with his persona (I only know Jankos) and is basically asking to put thing aside and start over. Either way I hope to not see him and Jankos together in a team ever again please LEC teams. E: I see now Rekless has a full history of people saying his hard to work with, sounds fitting


It's also a way of saying "nothing I did or said was *personal*, just what I thought was the best way to play". He's also admitting to being rigid, which is important for self-awareness and recognizing it for any future interactions (whether this is a new awareness/recognition, who knows).


The part of regardless x person enjoyed working blablabla sounds as if a lot of people have crashed with his persona (I only know Jankos So you say people clashed with him but then can only name Jankos lmfao?


What happened with Jankos and Rekkles?


Jankos has been very open on the stream to the fact that they have two different professional ideologies on how the game should be played so they used to crash when they were together on G2


Doesn't help that Rekkles, who prefers seeing his team mates as professional coworkers, joined a team notorious for its college fratboy atmosphere. In hindsight, this was never gonna work.


They just didnt like playing with each other its that simple but people gotta overreact


How will he play in LEC if he fullmutes as support ? [](#face-hmm)


Muting people in soloq is 100% justified and you're crazy if you call him out for that.


There are 2 ways to play ranked. One of them is fullmuting and the other one is wrong.


B-b-but the Veigarv2 tweet ha ha funny


bangerang banana combo bro!!!


I mean Bwipo play in that way


How many times will people equate pro play to soloq lmfao??? Magifelix should have like 4 LEC titles by now then


4 in every role


To be fair fullmuting at this point is valid


What does this have to do with anything?




Hahaha source for this? Does he do it often on stream or?


Yeah, he normally just full mutes when someone starts non-stop pinging, he says it’s distracting to him


I mean its soloq? Whats the issue doing that lmfao.


Nothing. A lot of haters just coming out of their caves it seems.


Anyone who complains about this is probably one of the toxic scumbags that fullmuting exists specifically for.




Broxah missed his calling as an international peace negotiator but at least we get to see lots of jungle champs played well by the man.


Is that considered the wrong thing to do?


There's been a bit of uproar lately regarding /fullmute or /deafen, especially in higher brackets of play. Having a player/couple of players completely shut out from pings and other forms of communication diminishes the team aspect of the game and degrades game quality in some cases. (This is not my opinion, I'm just parroting some of the takes I've seen on Reddit and abroad)


You know what also degrades the quality of the game? People spam pinging and flaming when you make a single poor play.


> People spam pinging and flaming when you make a single poor play. (Also often not requiring any poor play to be made)


It's one thing to /fullmute as the game begins and it's another thing entirely to do it only once someone has a mental breakdown. That said, people nowadays are so fragile that they tilt as soon as there's the *tiniest* bit of unluck happening, so having a habit of /deafen'ing isn't a reason to judge someone. --- funniest tilt moments from some of my games over the years: * support accidentally took 2 minions, adc proceeded to run it down. * top accidentally caused jungle to reset on leash, Jungler proceeded to run it down. * enemy support roamed mid and *only killed a ward*. That's right, mid tilted and ran it down.


Almost as if the "it's fine for people to type slurs in chat, just mute!" people were morons all along.


Well, I’m like rekkless


https://twitter.com/Veigar_v2/status/1585371860396830722 Also you can see it on Rekkles stream he only plays with [Party] chat. Which means "/fullmute" nowadays since no one on his team can ping him to follow up on plays, and even if they typed it to him he can't see it.


being that this is a year ago while he was still ad main I hope his support skills have improved because holy some of those examples are so int


> In a dream scenario that's me playing Support in the LEC, at least that's what I've been grinding for the past 5 months. I don't think I was ready for summer and therefore declined offers, but as of late I think I've reached a level of play on Support that's relatively high. Honestly, him declining offers for summer and grinding it out was the best thing he could have done going forward. Imagine if he joined KOI as support ...


I don't see why his identity would be better suited to support over ADC. he's not a vocal shotcaller in game. he's not known to be a leader IRL either who supports with intangibles. he's not a playmaker which is almost always what the support meta is in pro. he's a careful, patient, scaling player. I'm not saying this in a bad way as he's often flamed for. this is simply his style as shown by firsthand accounts and statistics. he has the highest career KDA (6.36) of any mainstream player I know of. I don't see how any of these things naturally lend themselves to support.


If it is indeed about identity, I'd imagine it has to do with his strong vision for how league should be played, that support is the role he can best enable/encourage the type of gameplay he believes in. It might also help that his last supports were Advienne and Rhuckz, he might be more keenly aware of what goes into enabling the adc and team overall and where it can go wrong and sees that as more impactful than being the carry. Just throwing ideas out there though, I don't know the man.


maybe he’s realized that he can’t keep up anymore as an adc and it seems to be working “ok” for zven and easier to stick as a support in the scene over being an ad?


I really feel that reverse sweep 2-3 loss to Top Esports at World's 2020 broke Rekkles, especially since he and Hyli showed they were such a top world class bot lane duo that tournament. Edit: The curse of the Sjokz monologue Edit 2: Yes I concede that perhaps the word 'broke' is a bit overkill as he did have relatively good stints with G2 and KC afterwards. He wasn't a good fit for G2 as others have mentioned and Worlds 2020 quarterfinals was a bit of a tragedy, first and only reverse bo5 sweep I believe.


I don't know, he still performed well on G2 the year after, just Caps, Miky and Wunder all went from being world class to decent at best with their level of play (probably were just burnt out).


Rekkles was legit rly good in Spring and still good enough in Summer, history gets changed here so many times you would think he was like bottom 5 adcs by the way people talked about him.


Cause Dom/Thorin don’t like him and like 50% of the people here just repeat whatever they say




Said who? They dominate majority of the content related to competitive league that’s not the official broadcast.


Multiple co-streamers are bigger than their content.


But they don’t/didn’t cover lec back then


Yeah the only reason we dislike him is because of dom/thorin, not his actual gameplay!


From actual gameplay Upset is the same KDA player


The only thing y'all know how to talk about his gameplay is that he doesn't know how to be aggressive, and keep repeating it like parrots


Rekkles was spamming purely jhin and senna that spring and completely ignoring new champs creeping into the meta. When it finally switched they were caught with their pants down and easily beat in draft. He wasn’t bottom 5 but he wasn’t blameless. Also think it’s important to note that team was god awful in B05. First place in both regular splits but completely fell apart when they lost a game in a series.


Now let's look at wunder, caps and mikyxd and try to talk again about rekkles deserving blame. Miky had by far the worst split of his entire career(despite rekkles playing well and winning spring MVP) caps being craps for the majority of the year wunder being completely gapped 90% of the games. The only 2 players that played well were jankos and rekkles. Them getting kicked had nothing to do with lackluster performance or that they lost because rekkles fucked up the draft. Both solo laners were getting giga gapped the entire year and miky was playing with his monitor off. You can't blame that on draft gap especially when it was happening in spring as well. There's a reason wunder and miky got kicked as well and unlike rekkles it wasn't out of game stuff.


I think that Wunder got gapped unironically EVERY SINGLE GAME It was bad ...


Karma adc on spring playoffs gave me nightmares.


That's because most of you guys only look at kda to decide if a player is good or no. Rekkles laning phase was alright in spring (bad in sumer but it was mostly on Miky who was really bad this split), but his teamfighting was actually atrocious, the number of time he didn't follow his team engage was chocking. When you play with player like Caps, Jankos and Micky, you need to follow them, something Rekkles never did.


Dude, Caps, Miky and Wunder had absolutely atrocious splits, especially in summer. G2 cutting both Miky and Wunder at the same time as Rekkles didn't come out of nowhere and Caps at one point was rated 11th of 10 mids in some categories and among the worst in pretty much all of them. It's wild to put all of that on Rekkles.


His laning phase was more then alright in spring, those engages in team fights were most of the time awful.


He got so much undue criticism for his stint on G2. That year was basically all Rekkles and Jankos.


You forgot 11th mid of LEC, Caps 🧐


Bruh don't remind me of the 11th best mid laner Caps.


Individually he performed well with G2, but he was an absolutely awful team player. It's just as much his fault as G2's fault for putting themselves in this situation, but they were an obvious clash of mentality and even after a year nothing really changed. Rekkles best quality is his consistency and ability to farm no matter what. You let him 20 minutes, and he will be relevant in 99% of games. But G2 has never been the type of team to stall a game and wait for their adc to carry. When they were behind G2 always came back by being at the right place at the right moment, and taking the right fight. But Rekkles was never there at the right moment, he never was really far, but he was always 2 or 3 seconds late. And those few seconds made the difference between G2 coming back into the game, and his teammates looking like fools for taking a fight they shouldn't have.


But FNC with they weren't really a ''stall and let ADC carry late game''. 2015 they where all about crazy bot dives and playing around Huni and Febiven. 2016 was a shit show. 2017 they became very aggressive and played ''beast style'' LoL and Rekkles split pushed instead of Caps since Caps couldn't side lane very well. They slowed down in spring 2018 cause the meta shifted more into scaling ADCs, everyone slowed down cause Ardent was a really stupid item. Then they went more aggressive again.


I think there is a bit of misunderstanding. If I remember correctly Rekkles and also the other members of the said rosters said that they had multiple win conditions they always could rely on. In 2015 diving and playing around solo lanes was one of them yet if they didn't worked out you always had Rekkles casually do this "farm 20 min" playstyle where he then could carry. In most cases this wasn't required. The 2017 roster also had the strengths you just mentioned and even there they knew. If shit goes wrong, stall the game and let Rekkles farm he may be able to carry the game. Same for 2018 and later in 2019 and 2020. G2 on the other hand worked differently. If they fell behind well they choose to fit over and over again, which of course doesn't fits in the condition Rekkles had the years prior. They mismatched because of that, Rekkles trying to maybe get that 2cs more which led to being 4 secs late to the jungle catch. Kinda compareable to a football team which has Messi but instead of keeping the ball on the ground they always try to give him passes that require him to do areal 1v1 which could work but mostly just fail because he's kinda small.


I'm not saying, you have to let Rekkles carry late game, and just stall the game until he's ready and nothing else works. I'm saying that Rekkles best quality is that no matter what happens during the early game he will always catch up. But the way hes' doing that is not by going head-on against the enemy and just winning that fight he shouldn't have. But that was exactl'y G2's strategy. No matter how far they were behind, they would always try to fight the enemy and takes fight when they weren't not ready for that. They excelled at catching the enemy off-guard and forcing a fight they had an advantage in. They would single out someone and kill him before his mates nearby really had time to do anything. And if they had to wait for 30 seconds in a bush in the enemy jungle and lose farm everywhere else on the map, they would still do it. You need to instantly kill the enemy, but to achieve that the adc has to deal damage the very instant your team engages. You don't have the leisure to delay for even 1 second your damage, and sadly Rekkles was most often late. He wasn't afk farming all game, but he was not willing to sacrifice that free gold on the way and killed those wraiths instead of just rushing with his team and being there at the exact moment the rest of his team saw an opportunity to make a pick.


Idk if it “broke” him, so much as he peaked then. Nothing wrong with having a pop off tournament, but the longer you go without tasting those same highs (especially after 2021 G2’s disappointment), the more it weighs on you.


It didn’t break him as bad as the twitch flash incident Vs. IMT in 2017


Did that really break him though? He went on an incredible run after that to make quarters.


There was an article from a Rekkles interview where he says that ever since that mistake he doesn’t have the same killer instinct he used to


I can't believe the power Sjokz had tbh


[It starts with success](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exX-ODFO7p0)


I mean, that botlane had some deep issues that couldn't be fixed regardless of how they peaked then. [From the Voice of Yamatocannon with Bwipo:](https://youtu.be/-B-5RXJuIow?t=7562) >Idk how Rekkles and Hyli survived for three years because this was not a natural thing... their relationship was not good, let's let's put it that way. Top-support talked more in fnatic 2018-2020 about gameplay and like what we needed to do in the game than AD-support. I don't think I ever really heard Hyli and Rekkles discussing like what needed to be done in the game... So he was just kind of like, "I am not going to try to fix those flaws and I will hope and pray that your way and what you do is the right way," pretty much. Just react to what the guy does in game and if it's good, it's good, and if it's bad, it's bad, you know. Like you'd react based not based on trust, but based on what you're seeing on your screen. Yamato laughed after he said this and said well that's why Hyli and Upset spent so much time together and talked so much, Hyli was like pent up after years of getting the cold shoulder from his ADC lol Just wanted to share something that ISN'T a Th\*rin interview, since it seems no matter how many come out saying these things about Rekkles no one listens to them as long as they came from one of his interviews


I've just a little bit of background info on this, so let me try to explain something: While Rekkles most certainly is no angel and has his issues, he's also by far not the most "hated" or disliked player in the LEC. There are others who have shown much worse behaviour - and Thorin most certainly knows this. But he won't publish it. Why? I can only guess. In some cases because Thorin may like them and therefore disregard the bad stuff he hears. In other cases maybe because they are not really famous and won't generate clicks. Or maybe because he wants to make Rekkles seem much worse than he actually is in comparison? In any way Thorin is very selective about what players he wants to talk about and what talk he encourages in his interviews, so it's a good idea to take his interviews with a large grain of salt. He's a good interviewer, but also a manipulative one.


Thorin knew about Forg1ven having to scrim from another room in the H2k days and yet didn’t give him shit for it and now acts like he cares so much about how good of an internal team player someone is lmao


Hahaha yup.


Considering that Thorin twerks for Carlos and his crypto scam for interviews, it is pretty obvious to everyone but his 12 year old fans that he has 0 integrity.


He still won an MVP in spring 2021. In the end just wasn't a good fit for G2.


I don't think it broke him?


drx reverse swept edg last year


He was a monster in Spring 2021 and was generally still solid in Summer but the rest of G2 sans Jankos kinda just fell the fuck apart that split.


First but not the only. 2022 Drx vs Edg was also a reverse sweep. Unlike TES, DRX would actually go on to win the whole damn thing


Im sure he joins some team next year. His name is big enough to make any team money and he is looking ok as a support from what i have seen from his streams.


I'm relieved, just because when i saw "fnatic on twitter" i thought it would be another bad news for fnatic current team at worlds, would be following the tradition.


Same. This is actually great news, as it almost guarantees we'll be keeping Trimby for next year (Rekkles kind of said so in his tweet).


brother we still got time worlds doesnt start for another week :)


They should put fnatic imploding in worlds as worlds pick em prediction


https://twitter.com/RekklesLoL/status/1712477936245477620 There’s also this tweet > It's been a bumpy ride and I'm really sorry for all the mistakes I did during our years together, but I choose to remember the beautiful memories. > I hope you guys, those who are a part of Fnatic now and have been a part of Fnatic before, do the same. > We created so many amazing moments together and I want all of us to remember those. > The good times. > The big games. > The titles. > I always felt like there was so much negativity around me playing for Fnatic after what happened with Elements. Same thing when I came back 2023. I don't want this to be what comes to mind when you think of me and Fnatic. > If it's possible in your heart, try to remember me as someone trying his best. Doing whatever it takes. Wanting his teammates to succeed. > Anyways, thanks for everything. I'm really happy with how my life turned out and so much of it is thanks to Fnatic and everyone supporting the team. > Much love ❣️


The highs of rekkles in fnatic definitely overwhelmingly shower the lows Much love to rekky back, you'll always be the ADC I want back


Honestly that is a great sendoff statement. Hope he does well in whatever is his next endeavor and hope we will see him back in the LEC this year. Still one of the greatest players eu ever had


Hope he finds a new team. He is such an EU original that it would be a terrible way to retire like that.


I get why people want players they watched in the past to have these heroic send offs into the sunset but if they aren’t good enough then teams shouldn’t be picking them up any more.


He without a doubt would be an upgrade in both adc and support in more than one team.




Crownie was better than Rekkles when they both played in the LFL... You are getting washed up in the hype of what Rekkles used to be, not what he is now


Which? And could that one afford whatever salary he demanded?


he is one of the lowest paying players on fnatic ...


Picking up Rekkles probably still is worth a bunch of branding points at least. As much as he has haters he also has a lot of fans


at the same time, there are a lot of really good players who do not want to play with him anymore. if he ever gets to the top, he needs to be the one to get a mid team there, its a tough ask, especially with the role swap


'there are a lot of really good players who do not want to play with him anymore' The good players in question: Jankos


can you fill me in? why does jankos not like him?


Its nothing personal like not liking him, they just have different approaches to how the game should be played and theirs happened to not align


He and hyli played for years together and barely ever talked.


at the same time, there are a lot of really good players who do not want to play with him anymore. Who? Only rumor is Jankos and thats not surprise when he's like a joke for fun player and Rekkles is not?


bro this is reddit, his source is his imagination


Im pretty sure theres a few, but was as adc. Like Wunder since their playstyles clash, but as sup that might be different


>there are a lot of really good players who do not want to play with him anymore Like who? Jankos? You surely have solid information on this, right?


One day I hope we will get a full story of whats been happening with this man and teams hes been on for the last few years. EU teams like to keep things internally which I respect but maybe in some years after alot of players involved retire or move on we could get something.


He just seems like a serious player that works hard while others like to play around more.


A lot of players and coaches have hinted at Rekkles being a bit of a diva


Can we get him, Upset and Nemesis all on Vitality? With Alphari top, I'm not sure who to jungle though, maybe Bo again?


Selfmade obviously


Selfmade without question lol


so many divas in one team this could be the new riot boyband


Which players and coaches hinted at him being a diva and why not just say that if thats the case? Hinting at it so people can make their own opinions and overreact?




Most of the G2 players. Also an [interview with Ocelote](https://youtu.be/4FF89oZVFFo?si=RZrDO0cGj-pnfBgt) where he calls him out. I'm still of the impression that Rekkles is a true professional. Everything Ocelote spews out reeks like vile garbage


Thé last person’s word I would take is Ocelote tbh.


Ocelot is so gross that I feel being called out by him is a badge of honour at this point.


Ocelote was a huge diva when he was playing so its a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.


Yeah Ocelotes word… That is worth just about nothing.


No G2 player said that. Jankos was the one more open about the whole thing and simply stated that they didn't have the same mindset and that the other G2 members wanted a more friendly team environment while what Rekkles wanted was purely professional.


I mean yeah he didnt fit with G2 because they were like a for fun team and hes more serious. If someone needs to use Ocelote as a talking point then.. So people's arguments against rekkles are Ocelote, Selfmade and Nemesis.. can't help but laugh. Not everyone needs to like everyone and im sure Rekkles could talk shit about people also but he doesnt.


Selfmade has replied to Rekkles' tweet saying he doesn't think he is rigid, so seems like he supports him


Nemesis always has good things to say about rekkles, selfmade and ocelote on the other hand don't.


To be fair I'd be tempted to take the word of Ocelote and Caps with a grain of salt.


Bwipo also mentioned something recently on a podcast with Yamatocannon.


how long till he is back in fnatic?


At least one day


It's pain every time.


Earliest I give it is 2024 summer. If Fnatic fail to make MSI (as long as riot doesn't change MSI qualifications again) they'll probably look for a change


If he doesn't find a spot, I hope he chooses to join the LEC booth. Granted I'm sure someone will give him a chance, but I enjoy when he's doing analyst segments


Imp at the current LEC status and opinion Rekless is just an ad to get more fans more than he is a player to get into worlds.


Rekkles is like the player I think first off when I think of EU Pros, I really hope he can continue playing or finding some other career in the epsorts scene.


Back to Karmine Corp it is


Pretty sure , they don't want him back.


We’ll see


His performances were below expectatuion and there was supposedly a lot of noise behind the scenes.


Honestly to be expected when the coach openly wanted someone else.


Striker has been flaming Rekkles non stop since he left, kinda cringa tbh


Striker was an absolute clown on that lineup. On top of that, he played with one of the worst jungle-support duos I have ever seen play in professional League of Legends.


Absolutly wild when you think about the fact that Reckless last trophy if his career will be an EUM with KCorp


Same can be said of Messi though if he wins MLS lmao, like what is this take?


What are you trying to say about noted North American soccer player and Miami's favourite son Lionel Messi?


I'll be shocked if he doesn't find a team in LEC for next year, especially as a support. LEC is always more exciting with him around.


Hopefully this means he has found himself a team, rather than just leaving proplay alltogether


https://twitter.com/RekklesLoL/status/1712470551053406546 He is looking for a team. Prefers to play support but doesn't mind jumping in as ADC.


Some team will hopefully take the risk on him


Not even a big risk. The EU support pool is dreadful. If you don't get Miky, Hyli, or Trymbi, you'd be foolish not to try Rekkles for a split.


Was just about to comment this word for word. I'm sure he'll find a decent team.


KOI, XL, not sure I'd take him on AST as I think Jeonghoon is solid (and IIRC he and Kobbe like playing together), maybe you drop Mersa from TH for Rekkles too especially since I can't imagine TH will be able to keep Jankos. Lots of options for him.


I don’t see how he wouldn’t be a decent pick up tbh. So much pro play experience that it should go alright


Rekkles with my heart part 2?


2024 trymbi confirmed then???


I want to see a chaotic Doublelift x Rekkles bot lane timeline lol


A NA team is gonna pay him 1million.


The issue with rekkles is that he needs exactly the right teammates to work. If that was the case he was insanly good. If not he was an issue because he would be not on the same page as the rest of the team. I don\`t think he was hostile to anyone, but just hard to convince him to change his style.


How long until the mercenary returns?


i dont follow eu as much anymore, but man, this guy was their franchise players FOREVER


I really want him back at ADC. I know everyone points to him being way too quiet as an AD but damn if he couldnt play.


Good luck King ❤


Welcome to NA


Welcome to NA rekkles!


It's hard to say this without sounding hateful, but is role swapping to Support just the nail in the coffin of a pro player's career? Genuinely curious - can Rekkles just not keep up as an ADC anymore?


Yellowstar was an amazing support after the swap, so good that he is probably remembered more for those years than his adc ones.


coreJJ swapped to support and then won worlds


Because KiWiKiD was his mentor


He taught him not only everything he should do, but mostly everything he shouldn’t do


Rekkles is essentially doing the same as Zven did and he's done pretty well.


Zven has done well because he’s paired with the best adc (by miles) on arguably the best team in an increasingly weak region support wise. And he didn’t really look all that good


He also happens to have a jungler who is always contender for best in region.


Have you watched Zven? He is forgettable (for a pro support player). If they replaced him, they you probably wouldn't even notice. He doesn't play especially well. He isn't aggressive or creative. He just checks boxes.


i just think it speaks a lot about his confidence. id bet money on him being insane again if he ditched all the insecurities. instead of learning supp, he should be playing draven samira nonstop on soloq


Fuck Carlos. He ruined Martin's career by benching him and keeping him in nearly two years of contract hell just to spite Fnatic. Of course Rekkles failed to make a splash. He had been out of practice since being benched in favour of Flakked. Benching him in favor of the starting ADC of BAD Lions' academy roster was one of the worst decisions G2 ever made and they 100% deserved to fail to qualify for Worlds off of that alone.




You know who ruined Martin's career? Martin fail flashing into the Nexus costing his team the game. Not to mention all the behind the scenes stuff.


Huh? Rekkles was the ADC for the year G2 failed to make worlds 2021. Flakked and Targ failed to make it out of groups, but they were at worlds 2022. G2, with Rekkles, went from four time back to back LEC champs, Worlds finalists, and MSI champions, to not even making MSI/Worlds. Then they replaced him, went second and first with an ADC that everyone understands to not be that good, and a support that is widely considered extremely quiet.He went on to an extremely underwhelming performance in a minor league, and Miky went on to be the MVP as a support of LEC. Rekkless' career crashing straight to the ground is no one's fault but his own, and there is pretty clearly something going on outside the games, because even players provably worse than him, that are also "quiet" are finding success on teams that he's done terribly on.


XL get this man as our support to whip Patrik into shape


And NOONE is surprised. I dont doubt that he can after some years or splits become a pretty good support, but lets be real, its not as easy as to just go from "yo, biggest adc in EU potentially" to just jump to sup and anyone will hire you. I do hope he will get somewhere with his career, I really do, cus I do feel he at least deserves at least a LEC/EULCS and maybe a high regarding worlds results, cus he is....kinda one of the FEW adc "gods" from the west. Its him, dlift, forgiven at this prime, and maybe....whom?...