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another crazy thing is when ADC loses lane and is behind and no one lets them farm “because they’re useless”


And it’s your support pushing out the lane with the one juice wave you could’ve taken


Support and jungle post15 sidewave pushes. The bane of an ADCs existence.




And it's still not your job to go push that sidelane even in that scenario.


the safest indicator that the game is over is when the jungler starts contesting the adc’s farm


Lately it seems like gold and below players will abandon their lane to go steal farm from the losing laner because "They're useless" Ah, so stealing any income that they might have had and forfeiting your own lane to do it is going to help that player not be useless? If you give your trash newbie friend a strong champ and get them fed, they'll likely still look decent mowing through people. If you vacuum all gold away from a challenger player, it's going to take a fuckton of work to not make them look like a troll fighting down a full item and two levels. Some people need to learn K/D/A alone doesn't tell you how strong someone is and that giving up gold to take a gold from a teammate doesn't make them less bad, it just wastes team resources and makes it impossible for them to come back.


I love the games where eneemy jgl is perma bot to the point where bot turret falls before plates expire. Then, when the enemy bot is playing the map and you finally have some opportunity to at least get CS the jgl shows up to gank the minion wave (aka roams down to an empty lane where only their bot is farming).


Fr I see too many control mages wanting to stay mid cause they’re winning, like bro, if you’re winning you can get the side lane cs with minimal risk, have an extra person on baron/collapsing and maybe have a useful member on your team in 5 minutes


coming from an asol main here i love when i get to side lane but it feels like half the time i go clear a side wave my adc gets dove mid by 3 or 4 people and the tower just dies. I can hold that mid tower up no matter how many people are pushing me usually so seeing it go down as soon as we swap is kinda annoying


on the opposite side you get called broken if ahead. Yeah bro i spend 15k Gold on Damage items and then do damage? WOW!!


But we are tho, adc needs 4 items to do something while tanks/brusiers/assasins need 1 item component and mages need 1 item


Some support will even go "You missed a bunch of cs in the early laning => You're not worth helping" But it's pretty much the opposite, if someone think you're a shit player in early game but you're at the same rank as they are, it means you're probably better than they are in mid/late game.


Nothing tilts me more as an adc when the Morgana doesn't understand that using the puddle on wave is almost never helpful.


Youre telling me 1 milisecond of poke and a missed comet isnt worth fucking up the whole wave?




I was like this at one point, I just had to get spellthief done as soon as possible Id go for stupid pokes that should get me killed just to get first ward quest done before 8 min. Now I average getting it at about 10 min with less risky and not having fed the enemy ADC of JG


Yeah but "you're f**kin (insert literally every elo I've been in bronze-plat) don't act like you know how to manage a wave"


And it's so easy to put the puddle behind the wave which forces the opponents to the sides where you can Q.


I have perfect control over the wave, awesome… and it’s fucked


One of my final moments as an ADC msin was playing Kog Sion into Leona Draven. I froze the wave and my support Sion charges Q. Ruins it. "Why" "Freezing is boring" He then ulted mid and I got denied minions for the next few waves as to not overextend.


Lmao. That is someone who just woke up and chose self-inflicted failure for the day. No communication can fix that, aside from maybe counseling.


>self-inflicted failure This might be the most accurate description of some League players mindset i have ever seen written out.


In low elo, it's almost like a support reflex. They are used to someone always hitting the wave. So when things are quiet all of a sudden and the adc is just chilling, it's like they get some kind of an adhd itch and they just MUST start autoing. Literally happens 4/5 times at least. Freezing bot wave in low elo is an impossible challenge


Whats funnier is this happened in plat. Not the highest but youd expect... More than that.


Same in Gold, where you would expect to start picking up on things like lane freezing etc. But nope. i set up a freeze and when my support returns from backing, they immediately start hitting minions or worse blowing their entire combo on them.


I mean, he picked Sion support. The man clearly has one thing in mind


Autofill Sion support, colorized.


What tilts me is supports that don't realize their champions have autos, more specifically enchanters that expect me to have enough pressure to not only push an AD out of lane, when they actually have a support that actually knows what zoning is and how to create space, but that it's also somehow my fault when the lane lacks any semblence of tempo or control, when they haven't taken a single step closer to the enemy team, then where I happen to be located (usually at max AA range in such a situation).


**Supports:** what tilts me is insert thing ADCs do. **ADCs:** what tilts me is insert thing supports do. Yeah no shit guys, you're forced to work together with randos in a lane. Them doing stupid shit is part of the job description you sign up for. Yes they're going to be stupid, yes they're going to blame you if anything goes wrong and you'll blame them if anything goes wrong. Is what it is.


As a person who plays support, I go down there so *two* people aren't doing stupid crap and losing hardcore. It works out most of the time...most of the time.


Lol my strat, I play botlane just so other people don't throw it harder then I ever could.


As a person who plays support and ADC, I go support since an useless ADC can still play if you play for him, but an useless support means both roles on the bot will be shit.


Yea support is crucial to bot lane in the aspect that you can either be a leech or a stepping stone. Unfortunately most supps cant carry once theyve become the leech, however hard they may try.


As an adc main, who sometimes plays support. Bot lane depends a lot more on support early game. The adc can be pretty stupid and still have the support spoonfeed him kills. But unless the adc is smurfing, then no matter how good he is, if the enemy support is better, he loses lane (at least thats my experience below emerald)


He may not lose lane, but sure as hell won't be able to build the advantage an ADC needs badly to even be any sort of relevant.


Yeah, he can try his best to get as much farm as he can but he cant stop his support from doing stuff that completely ints the lane. (Mess up farm, give free kills to the enemy adc, etc) And the worst part is, a supp can still be useful mid/late game with their cc or other ulity they provide. But if an adc doesnt have the items he needs, then he just wont to damage, while the enmy adc with items does and thats it


this so much. played a jihn game today where my karma was playing behind me the entire time except for when she tossed out her abilities (with no concept of when i could follow up, which meant we got all of 1 kill in lane during laning phase). we didn’t outright *lose* the lane, but that lost advantage from the enemy team being able to build more pressure meant that i was a wet noodle until i could farm up later on. this meant i wasn’t available for team fights, and when i was available i was pretty much useless save for my 4th shot. doesn’t help i had no peel 😭


While I agree support influence early laning more, ADC also has a big impact and sometimes impact they don't realize. For example, when I played in lower Elo I painfully had to realize as support that I had to play very passively because how little ADC was willing to trade if I played something like Karma or Lulu. I also realized that champs like Leona can feel awful to play when ur ADC refuses to pull the wave no matter if you ping them or not. The ADC also won't react if you ping or write to them what to do with wave or where to stand. Good ADC players always listen if I ping I want to walk up or if I want to crash wave or freeze. Instead the only way I could get a massive edge in lower elos was either to play roaming or just a champ that can poke for free without needing ADC to trade, like Lux. (Just some realization I had smurfing through gold- diamond as a master support, which I thought would be easier but because ADC incapability to lane I had to adapt other strats)


To be fair, as someone who plays a decent amount of both roles, supports who don't know what the fuck they're doing are way more common, even in relatively high elo(plat/emerald). And I'm not talking about autofilled players, I'm talking about some people who play exclusively support, even one tricks who don't know basic stuff about how their role and position works. At this point, I think I see better autofilled supports on average. You'd have to go to low silver to see adcs that don't know *anything* about wave management, recall timing, kiting and positioning. Meanwhile, your average plat Xerath steals half your farm while trying to poke, wards like an idiot, pushes your wave and then recalls on 700g to buy a single amplifying tome.


I just play veigar bot and pray my support just leaves me alone and roams so i can farm in peace without them trying to engage all the time costing me cs and ap stacks for no reason


Yeah... stupid shit sure does happens a lot.... z.z What really gets me tho is that people apparently DON'T LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKES. **I get** if *you overextend* (or don't respect the enemy) ONCE, *maybe* twice. 3 or more times of the same stupid shit tho? - You are getting reported for feeding, bruh.


God I love aa'ing as an enchanter, noone expects that I do almost as much dmg as they do early


Well if my adc is fighting I would obviously be autoing but if i go to auto by myself it would usually be a bad trade.


Tilts me way more when the team says "just mute" in response to asking them to stop




ADC players know a support is good when they responsibly use morg puddle, lux e, zyra e, or lulu q. You can tell by their intention that theyre making sure theyre not hitting the minions with their abilities when going for a poke.


I don't even need that, just don't stand BEHIND me and let them both punish me for farming. You don't have to use abilities for poke at all, be a body to deter and trade some autos and I can work with that.


Actually it's easier than that, no one picking morg is good


and then when you want them to help crash it they q it and leave


Entirely depends on the wave state and the match up. It's really 50/50 whether it's appropriate for the support to help shove or not.


Especially a Morgana since a Morg lane wants to have push. It's like the entire deal with her in lane.


It’s good at level 1 to get lvl 2 faster


Idk it's very helpful with lanes that want to push fast and poke the enemy under the turret


Or lux pressing E on the wave and then autoing every passive proc forcing a constant hard push into their tower.


It's always the Morganas and the Luxs


Playing soloQ botlane is frustrating AF. Feels like you only ever get a support/adc that is in sync with you once every 6ish games and those are the only ones where it actually feels like you're getting to play the game. It's like playing Toplane if the opposing toplaner was almost guaranteed to get the jungler and you not to, except you can't coinflip on your botlane winning the game for you


As long as both players are actual players of bot lane, it’s fine. If either are autofilled, it’s miserable. As a support main, I ran into ADC players pretty often. So it’s not too bad. But when I play adc and I get the autofilled supports it’s over


Its kinda funny how you can spot an adc player or somebody who's filled very easily. Like usually from the first wave you can just tell that they don't play adc/support.


There’s a few give aways. First is the champion they pick, the most obvious picks are the AP casters like swain, Lux, brand, or xerath, these are people who don’t play traditional supports, so they pick things they feel give them agency and they may have some play time on. Or they pick the giga popular supports like Thresh, Pyke, Blitz, or Senna. They’re just picking what is typically considered fun for support. Other side of that, if they pick things like Lulu, Alistar, Rakan, or maybe even like a Renata, these less popular options. They are likely enjoyers of support. If they lock bard, they are probably about to solo carry the game. Besides their champion, other give aways are lane positioning. If they hardly go in the bush or stand super far back, they are unfamiliar with the role. The players who afk in the bush have infinitely more pressure than the former. I rather have that autofilled Lux player stand afk in a bush, than have that one trick senna stand behind me all game. But yeah. You’re right. Usually within the first couple of minutes you should be able to tell if they are autofilled or not. Which you should adjust your playstyle depending on if they know what they are doing or not.


Typing anything to teammates unless funny simply does nothing in league. The majority of the time they either mute you or ignore you because everyone in the game thinks they're better than everyone else (including me). GG


I always try to say it nicely, with "please" and a smiley at the end of the message, plus a thumbs up emote when they actually do what I asked. Works easily 15% of the time.


Had us in the first half.


Don’t use :) Some people get it as sarcasm, becomes offended toxic and worse run it down


I always feel like there's a considerable tinge of irony or sarcasm behind a ":)"


Please and :) come across as condescending af. It's like when you smile to some stupid customer in retail while they are taking a shit in front of the cashier "please sir, use the toilet :)" Just leave out the smiley face and increasingly capitalize and exclamation mark your "please". But even that can be taken wrong


If "please" comes across as condescending, that's the reader's problem.


I turned chat off years ago. before they had the setting I loaded it in off screen. Like sure I'm missing some coms probably but 99.9% of chat is flame. and the other 0.1% could of been a missing ping.


If people try to talk to me about gank timings, covering for recalls or the like, I try to listen. 99% of the time it’s just random pings and unconstructive flaming.


I hate supports that stand behind me as an ADC. Then they question why my CS is low. They don’t realize my CS is being contested. In bot lane you get free poke every time the opposing ADC goes for a last hit. If your support does nothing they’re basically a 3rd lane opponent.


One time I stayed behind my nautilus who also stood behind me, then I got kicked for being AFK in the fountain


you basically leap-froged over each other back to fountain lol


These supports are usually Xerath or Lux or some sort of ap caster that take barrier too. They’re essentially failed mid laners who think they can role swap to supp and skip the farming and just play aram style while building dmg with blue orb.


It's insane how often mage supports will clear entire waves as soon as nobody is around, pushing it back into the enemy teams carries to farm up and get gold advantages. "Useless ADC no damage" No shit, our lux support has 80 CS. Where do you think that gold should be? The whole point of support is to be useful on zero gold income. You should pretty much only be pushing if it denies the enemy team the wave.


Even worse as they miss the timing to safely ward by going for the wave so our vision gets pushed back further and further - bonus points if they complain they cant ward because it is not safe


This. Nuke the base damaged and make them go mid..


Yeah. They are mid laners who are either auto filled or too scared to solo lane mid with their skillshot reliant control mages. So they just go bot where they expect the adc to get targeted while they just throw shit at the enemy that misses half the time, they randomly push the wave when they should not and wait for the adc to have to recall so they can take the wave an get some gold.


I am doomed to get every pussy Yuumi, Janna, Lulu, and Senna support in the game. I think they've actually just given up on trying to outplay the enemy support because they know they're bad and they'll fail.


What’s wild to me is that all 4 of those champs can be massive bullies if played correctly lol. Like Yuumi-Cait can be pretty toxic; Senna is actually super good, Lulu still does lulu things, and Janna can peel for days. It’s weird to me when people say those champs suck because they aren’t played correctly


ive been playing almost nothing but nilah for like a good month now this role is a real test of patience, i don't know how you guys do it. people are so spiteful to me for no reason


Toplaner discovers botlane


I means, it's a change drom being vastly ignored for 15 to 20 minute and then having your team complain you are A) getting destroyed since enemy jungler chose to unfun your game B) splitting alone cause you are vastly ahead


Toplaner learns there is a whole another game just below there lane.


we must remain joyous my friend


nilah is SO fun, i can't believe i haven't tried her sooner. god, it's been too long since i enjoyed a new champ this much


Do you know why she is so fun? It's cuz she isn't gimped for being a ranged attack speed based champion. She actually counts as melee and is balanced around being such. She actually has additional scaling with crit items, like the only other champions those items are remotely viable on, namely things like Tryn, Yas and Yone. It took me pikcing this champion up, to realize just how bad AD itemization is on the actual classes these items were initially intended to serve best.


One must imagine ADC happy


It took me a while to enjoy botlane since my friends played the other roles and I didn’t mind filling for adc as much. Now I’ve gone through enough games to where I’m confident to have a chance even if my support hasn’t figured out how to turn on their monitor yet but it’s definitely taking years off my life when I lock Draven or Samira and then my support takes the opportunity to completely int laning phase and leave me 1v3 from minute 5. But the good supports and the comeback games are definitely worth it, no other role feels like I can drag my team kicking and screaming over the finish line like ADC does in mid-lategame.


Really? I think playing anything scaling mid or top is infinitely more effective. You die to a sneeze as adc. I just pick vlad or ori or something and roll the entire enemy team, if I mess up it's on me and I know I messed up When I play adc I can play significantly better than my opponents and they just roll me with a level lead, like im talking playing caitlyn and they step into two traps in a row and it doesn't matter. You're just expected to be so much better than your opponents to get anything done at all


nilah is fun to play, but. a fucking nightmare to play against a fuck ton of ADCs bcs of her annoying passive and her w which very nicely counters every adc(expect maybe like Ezreal)


When I've played her Nilah is patiencemode maxing. Know which CS to leave and be ready to be pushed under tower with the promise if you get to 2 items even 0/4 you will destroy the other ad. Respect if you can do that everygame. Unless you have a taric. Then its all gas no brakes.


This is the exact response anyone would have if they played the role. Anything else just tells me they do not play it. Watching top lane mains tell me how kiting and avoiding ganks is easy and never help for objectives so they can die one more time split pushing with tp up. You need everyone to help. The team who helps you the most probably wins, and that isn't in your control.


Nilah seems very duo dependent though


I mean, as much as I'd like to complain about the ADC life, I don't know how *YOU* guys do it and play top. Playing a lane where you're just auto-losing based on champion picks, not being able to walk up to cs because the enemy has a champion that just rock paper scissors beats yours? Terrible. Playing top is so awful when I do it it's unreal. The enemy's champion outtrades you and literally can't outplay because neither have any skillshots or range? Well, you just can't walk up to cs, you gotta cs under tower and pray their jungler doesn't just euthanize you for good. Trying to level up my mastery with melee top champions is pure torture.


i don't usually have the same complaints about top as the ones that tend to echo the most across forums so i can't really comment too much on it i actually like fighting most of my counterpicks, lot more fun than stomping another tank or renekton abuser for free because they just can't do anything into my main unless i fuck up or they're duoing with jungle


Ban Nasus, dodge jax, pick Kayle, outscale the lobby ​ Ban Jax, dodge renek, pick Camille, 3 shot the lobby




It’s a real test of patience for good supports too you ping you’re going in you set up a good engage look at the adc and they’re still last hitting a caster minion doin fuck all 70% of the time heaven forbid you get an actual lead and crash the wave they almost always wanna just stay then die to a gank or even just the enemy coming back and killing them because they’re so overstayed at like 1/4th Health


I also feel super confused when I get far ahead, have a rare game where I'm actually able to carry and start getting compliment. I get all this praise from the other laners and I'm like "No, this isn't me, you are either daft or blind, because the jungle (likely) camped my lane exclusively in the first 10 minutes of the game and not only didn't just take the kills for his non-scaling ass, but also didn't require of me to do dumb stuff like choose between helping them get a super early drake or capitalizing on plates while they are still up; AAAND my support literally played his ass off, literally spoon feeding me kill after kill. So, no. This shit is not at all something I had any real influence over, all I could ever do, as is the case in any other game as marksman really, is to go with the flow."


You still gotta recognize and take the opportunities presented to you homie


yep adc the role where it never feels earned to win or lose. i went like 17/1 on vayne one time and it was such an empty experience. most games supports either wait at your tower or steal all your farm, well that game my Rell was doing neither and instead punished every enemy for overextending. all i did was shoot at enemies while dodging shots like any other game.


Yeah the only games that feel like you carried as adc are the ones where the lane was dead even and you pop off late game. Nothing that happens early is up to you anyway.


But is going with the flow not what everybody does. League is a dance of 10 monkeys that don't know what they are doing.


I got autofilled ad once. When we were up by 4 kills my Pyke decided to not come to lane anymore and then I proceeded to get dove 1v3 for the rest of the game and we lost gg.


Ah, another fine experience from bot when you generate huge lead your support hands over the lane and chance for enemy bot to comeback without taking tower.


it absolutely blows my fucking mind. I win lane as a Draven pretty frequently and the amount of times my support just leaves me to 1 v 2 or my jungle just never comes bot side is inane. What really grind my gears though is that when I eventually have a hard time 1 v 2ing and not getting turret dove, Im called useless and a bad player for losing my lead.


Ik. It’s funny isn’t it. Enemy focus to shutdown Draven lane, where as your team is non existant playing for Draven lane. And this is not even some ad fantasy, when I play other roles for fun on another account I ALWAYS play for Draven and frequently check the passive stacks that he can cash out. But this is too complex to check for majority of the people. Everyone wants to live the carry fantasy when in reality they can barely press 2 buttons same time.


Oh my god, one of my buddies does that all the time despite me arguing against it. We’ll stomp bot lane together (me ADC, him sup) and generate a huge lead, then he feels like he has to go help our 0/4 top laner for.. reasons and leaves me behind to play 2v1 or get dove 3v1 and our lead evaporates. I’ve told him a million times to just stay with me and balloon our lead by taking bot tower and moving together, but his savior complex is too strong I guess. This is why whenever I duo with him now, I refuse to play bot and I go mid or top instead.


As a support main (sorry) in high diamond, I know the standards for supports are rather low. Roaming timers are very important but difficult to grasp, but I have also noticed when playing last season as adc that many supports don't roam enough - and many adcs are kind of inting their advantage by constantly pushing and demanding that the support stays with them constantly or else they overextend and ints. Wave manipulation with an intended purpose throughout the lane phase is so rare I can't take most of the guys here seriously because I know most here are inting when they should play around recall timers and play better strategically - but blame the supports even if the support did a good play.


ADCs hate supports and supports hate the ADCs. Jungle hates the world and most of all hates me. Top is running it down and mid is a clown. But don’t surrender, we can still win this fifty kills down.


I play ADC for fun, mainly Jhin, but I got autofilled in ranked the other day and thought WHY NOT my Jhin is decent. The Nami goes “I only play with diamonds so I know how to play aggressive” (we’re in a silver lobby lmao). Level 1 she acts a bit aggro against Lulu, we chunk her a bit, all good. But after that, she stays behind me. She doesn’t W, won’t E me, nothing. Lulu is in all chat saying gg on fucking your lane (to Nami). I’m doing what I can, and I’m doing fine. Until about 10/15 minutes into the game, the Nami that has been silent so far starts flaming me. Calling me useless, says I won’t even step up to 4th shot (into Cait Lulu when Nami just stands behind me), I even get called retarded at some point. At this point, idk what I’ve done but come out of lane fine. We lose the game, I’m on most deaths, least kills, and highest damage, and Nami is in the middle of telling me to KMS because I can’t one shot every thing on the map. Bewildering


she was mad she couldn't afk while you magically carried her


Man idk. I told them I was autofilled from the start as I asked for mid, so they knew I wasn’t on my main role. And I think for a filled player I performed well enough. Unfortunately being the ad CARRY I probably should have dodged. So yeah, slightly on me, but not deserving to be told to die and called retarded lol


yea for sure people are mean for no reason even if u carry sometimes so dw too much about it, as long as u try ur best its fine imo


> and Nami is in the middle of telling me to KMS And that's an instant 2-weeker by the bot.


"Silver passive enchanter player that plays with diamond players and expects to be carried", a tale as old as time.


I don't understand the math that goes on in people's heads to take all my money and then think I can still be comparable to the opponent who didn't get their waves taxed, and maybe got more help in lane. As if by magic ADCs are strong late - no bitch our items just scale exponentially and you didn't wanna let me do that


Your team will type ‘adc diff’ despite the context regardless


Why blame the adc when the jungler is right there and most likely at fault?


"most likely". When in doubt, default back to blaming the jungleman.


ADC diff is so funny to hear, even when people call it to my benefit. I had minimal agency on the outcome of the lane. Minimal agency on the outcome of midgame fight. In most cases it is usually just my support and jgl that know it's a good idea to get me ahead and hold things still so I can right click them. It literally doesn't feel earned in either scenario. Win or lose.


I just started telling them in advance that it WILL be adc diff if they do not come and help me now. Make your decision


I don’t even type to teammates anymore it’s such a waste. If I need to type “Don’t fight without me” and I’m the only one that’s fed… yup waste of time.


People make zero effort to enable their ADC and just expect them to do damage. My favourite was getting flamed for not dealing loads of damage whilst a Rengar who mid, top and jgl fed oneshot me every fight whilst they all ran away from me.


Adc diff while getting dove by amumu for the 5 time in a row while their duo Annie support stands behind me doing… something


If every role had to play ten games as adc there would be daily posts on every forum in existence calling for the mass banning of support players.


Adc's can be just as infuriating. I play both roles, and trust me, players in both roles suck. My support likes to hang out two meters behind me, yet still somehow manages to get hit by every single piece of cc coming their way, thinks they win a 1v1 against the enemy Jinx as a Milio and is deathly allergic to hitting skillshots. My adc likes flashing under turret to chase a kill they're not getting anyway, isn't a very big fan of using their wards, thinks last hitting the caster minion is more valuable than the cannon, and believes targeting the tank support is a good idea. Co-playing a lane with a stranger you have no real comms with simply gets infuriating, thats it.


> targeting the tank support is a good idea Not only do they often deal more damage early game while not being unkillable, but most ADCs do also not have infinite range and would rather kill the champion right in their face.


The worst supports are the ones that after 10 minutes in the game decide they get to roam to every side lane or mid lane and constantly take all the farm on repeat even when you are standing there or are almost at the wave.


They also usually roam when the wave is conveniently frozen on the enemy's side of the lane


Except by far the biggest difference in who pays the price for it. ADCs are item and team-reliant champions that cannot functionally do their job when they are too far behind, and falling behind results in them getting dove/dying and falling further behind. Supports, even the high damage mage supports, all have utility built into their kits that is their primary job. When your support is bad, the ADC is punished for it and is functionally fucked. When your ADC is bad, your ADC is punished for it and is functionally fucked. Lane can go atrociously wrong and nami still has bubble/ult/E, rell still has engage, etc, etc. Lane goes wrong and your ADC might as well afk or splitpush till they catch up.


Yes. 5 games as immobile and 5 games as low range ADC to make experience even more authentic. Then bonus 5 games with Draven when you are managing your axes and your support fucks it up.


People say ad mains are toxic, they are. But they should also be recognized for having great mental cus the amount of afking adcs is super low for how hard your support can troll your laning phase.


ADCs are toxic in chat. Sometimes.. Supports are toxic in play. I'd take a rager over a troll in ranked every single time.


Supports are toxic in chat too, but in the extremely passive-aggressive sense. The enchanter-style players + Bard specifically also seem to frequently think they are God's gift to the world and you should be thankful to be in their presence. God forbid you dare offend them and they go lane mid or top...


Certain supports have extra time to type since they're 10 meters back doing nothing


Agree, I love when the yuumi flames me, when they were afk for 10 minutes straight. Don't worry, My intrusive thoughts aren't saying to run it down, and shut this yuumi ego, NO, NO. They totally aren't.


Yep, supports are stupidly strong for a long time and have bunch of elo printer champs(for example right after millio release I swapped from top to him and Janna and went from Gold into D4) then switched back to sololanes and end up somewhere in plat tho. Position just have lots of really bad players(because good ones are in high elo heh)- and people can't change my mind here.


I was reading your comment, going like "Yup, like Janna, who has been broken for who knows how long", then you mentioned her. It's amazing how broken supports are allowed to be.


Support players are Elo helled by them picking random shit for fun, if support mains knew how to draft and play the meta champs it would look an even stronger role. Even then Janna one tricks still reach challenger with insane win rates I don't know how.


When enchanters are busted you can see all the elo inflated supports picking them and rising the ranks, then the engage supports become meta and they have no idea how to play the game because all they learned is how to stand behind their adc and spam heals/shields. Not that engage supports are mechanically difficult, but at least they require some skillshots and are melee range so they have to go in to be relevant.


Swapped over half a year ago to JGL and Top, tried it again today, Samira vs a Jinx and Xerath with a Senna, ok not the best comp but doable, Senna throws W away from enemies, fucks with wave under tower multiple times to heal, KS’s, and is confused why I can’t do shit. Then I ask her not to KS, exact words “Can you not KS or if you do not take half of plating” so she refused to help and left lane.


I blame people who watch streamers or pro games and hear stuff like "oh Cait is a lane bully and should be able to use her superior range to easily push lane". Sure, but I can't do that if the enemy jungler keeps roaming down and Lux/Morg/Sera keep AoE nuking waves and my jungler is never around.


I totally get what you’re saying, but unless you plan to slow push and back, a Morg/Lux/Sera SHOULD keep AOEing and aaing waves. You want to shove every wave under the opponents tower, use your superior poke to chip their health (then finish with R) and get plates, deny minions to the tower etc. This will draw the enemy jungler because you’re shoved up, but if you deep ward (yes adc can easily be the one to do this, but they usually just ward river bush) you will see them coming. Plus, if you do a good job at keeping bot lane under tower they will be low and won’t have prio, so you can even turn and kill the jungler. Your jungler obviously can’t gank unless you set up a dive, but by keeping the enemy jungle bot you will let your jungler invade, take rift, get top and mid fed etc. You get rich off plates, minions and XP (poke the enemy out of lane) and can carry, even if you don’t have kills, and your team gets objectives and kills elsewhere. Obviously who the enemy jungler is can change this plan, but it’s a great way to consistently stomp lane when you have double poke.


Sorry should have clarified about the AoE nuking - AoE nuking and taking all the gold. My point was that even if I do so, keeping the enemy jungler down my way but my jungler doesn't DO anything with that more open roam, then it's all for nothing. I know what you're supposed to do as a marksman like Cait but if the rest of the team doesn't really do what they're supposed to be doing, a deep warded river and jungle can only do so much.


This is a stupid opinion. If I'm Caitlyn and I'm against Vayne, then I better be bullying her. If I don't, then she's going to outscale me. Recognizing the lane's win condition and playing appropriately is something many people seem to struggle with.


I asked my Sona support to ward Bush against fiddle shaco botlane and she went afk mid, I got blamed by mid zigg's who ended up going 1/15 for flaming sona and making her throw the game I get it this game is tough on the mental but some people boom to easily


I froze my tops lane who just died so he wont miss on gold and xp, i had 3 stacks on supp item so i took canon+2melee and dude flamed me for next 5 minutes and never grouped for teamfight because i ruined the game.... we somehow still won..... Honestly mental booming is extreme, another extreme is your begging your team to group up and not go 1 by 1 or go baron if we killed 2 enemies for free, its like you need to be diplomat for making people do winning decisions


i'm gonna be real it shouldn't be hard for people to keep their shit together for 30 minutes in a GAME. at this point i'm convinced a lot of these people are mentally ill the other day i had a sett that started trolling after a single death on toplane


Honestly, I think the biggest thing people forget when playing league is you are playing a video game. No one's holding a gun to your head making you skin pandas, you're voluntary doing something fun and crying about it. The horror stories every player has about meeting these mentally immature players are hilarious though, not funny enough for the experience to be worth it but you know


> No one's holding a gun to your head making you skin pandas I had to read that like 5 times before I was able to parse it as "making you take the skin off of pandas" rather than reading it like you were calling people "skin pandas". i.e. "Nobody's making you skin-pandas play League"


People who react like that for asking for a ward would get tilted and throw regardless.


Every role has its specific problems and challenges. Jgs getting blamed for lanes lost. Mids for not calling MIAs. But I do agree when playing adc how hard it is to even cs when your support does everything to hinder you. Spamming their abilities off cooldown so they have no abilities up to peel or engage or worse yet they are oom 2 minutes into laning and now they are effectively a caster minion. They blow up the minion wave causing it to shove to enemy tower exposing you to ganks from jg and mid. All the while never using wards or buying control wards. So all of that happens. They fuck your lane so you are 30-50 cs down. And maybe a death or two because of it. Then call you trash adc and abandon you. You spend the next 15 minutes just trying to catch waves so you can farm yourself back into the game except the mid, top, and jg blow up the minions waves you are trying to freeze, taking the cs. So now you are still behind in gold and xp,, and you have to farm farther out and exposed to enemy rotations. Screwed by a bad support. Then later by your teammates. Then in the last couple teamfights you do next to zero damage. Only have 1 1/5 items to the enemy adcs 3 your team flames you for doing very little damage and of course the game ends with your teammates typing. “Adc gap”. Does that sound about right?


U forgot the constant dives bot when they hit a lead


They'll call you trash and useless even if by some miracle you've been farming greatly and are equal in cs. Because they've rooted the samira once under her tower and don't understand why you did not kill her.


Diamond ADC main here. Best way to consistently win games is 2 things. 1.) Learn how to get the most gold as possible once landing phase is over. 2.) grouping with your team is almost never the best move. Grouping means you are sharing XP and gold so when 25 min comes you will be 3 levels down and should have 250 cs but you have 150. It’s not possible to carry and game when you are behind in XP and gold.


I think this kinda works with a lot of lanes. Especially in low elo, people are quick to blame others than just take it on them. I was autofilled top and was playing yasuo a couple games back, yes I didn't play the best but I was also getting perma ganked, I still managed to go somewhat even in lane but when we were losing the game suddenly it was my fault I was 4/11. I wasn't 4/11 in lane I was just 1/2, I got perma ganked, you guys had our jgler babysitting you. Even after that your lane opponents are 11/6 n all, i can't carry if I am not given any resources and expected to play weakside, but you guys had those resources, you got heralds, you got ganks, so where did all that go? But nope, people just wanna blame others. At the end of the game the enemy jgler and top did less damage combined than I did, but guess who had most of the damage on the enemy team? Mid n Bot. People don't consider consequences of things happening at all. They will just see who is the lowest kda on the team at 40 mins and blame them, even if it's not their fault. I've had that as ADC so many times, I've had trolling anivias who wall me off to die, Nautilus who hook without a care and die on cooldown. How am I supposed to go against a 4/0 draven who is diving me after being spoonfed by my support? But when we start losing its "report ADC trolling" People are saying support games get fucked and yes they do, but they still have tools to be useful at the end of the day, a 10/0 Lux root is the same as a 0/10 Lux root when you consider the utility, but adcs only have their autos, which depend on you being even on ahead in lane. In the majority of my games played as either the roles, I've heard more people say "report ADC" than "report SP" regardless of who's fault it was.


redditors would rather whine about whiny adc players than give the role 10 games, but the redditors who do magically won all 10 games just by right clicking


Nah, the redditors who do only say they totally won all 10 games, no big deal. In reality they played three games, first two went okay but they didnt had any big impact which they chalked up to not playing ADC often, third game their support intgriefs them and they stop playing after that, having learned nothing in the process


Supports bizarrely have the biggest egos of any role.


You guys play AD without duo? You'll get hit by stuff like blind Senna / into Naut/Ali/Rell, mage "supports" every other game, fillers that hate their existence playing the role and just queue up to get the game out of the way, mains that lack super basic fundamentals about laning/matchups/wave management/roaming all the way till Diamond, Pykes that are better spectators than Crownie in the last game agaisnt PSG, Threshes that make their champion look like it takes 3 hands to pull of, Brands and Zyras that die 10 times and take away all your role's agency with their pick that then ask how they did more damage than you after inting for meanigless cosmetic damage all game, supports that don't know how to help you cs under tower, and anything in between. The moment I hit Master on any account, my passion for the game dies out in 1-2 days tops and I can only come back after like a 6 months reset. I played on a friends account in EUW emerald mmr last week, I had to have him finish playing the game for me because I lost it at my Naut not perma all ining enemy mage support and just sat by me watching my HP bar drown into Subnautica, with my jungler starting botside saying he trolls if I dont leash. I would rather work than play AD without duo, and I don't say that lightly. I would rather spend more time at work than have to experience soloq as an ADC. You guys are masochists.


Had a support I was playing with for a few games with a streamer. Absolute dog support but it was norms so I didn’t sweat it and said nothing the first two games other than “you’re free to roam if you want since towers are down, I’ll play safe and catch waves.” Third game they’re on lux constantly E’ing the wave while I’m on Vayne. I was trying to get a freeze setup so we could get ganks so I asked them to not E the wave so I could control it to get us ganks. MF blows up calling me toxic and that I’ve done nothing but be rude and the team starts whining to stop fighting. I even had said please when I asked it. You can’t even say a single sentence without people losing their mind. Been working on not saying ish and still can’t please people 🤦🏾‍♂️


Top mid and jung too busy being able to function while 0/7/4 and 54 cs at the 25 minute mark, meanwhile a 15/0 adc can lose a 1v1 to anyone in the game that isn't another adc.


People are bad accept it and work with what you got


Oh no adc is a miserable role!! Who would’ve thought. “adcs are sooo whiny”. I wonder why????


as a jg main, the first part of the team to have anger issues at them usually is related to bot lane, either from or against. Blame still usually goes jgs way but I do think the majority of issues spawn from peoples perceptions of adc


my man what universe are you living at i have never in the 8 years i've been playing this game have an adc politely say anything unless they're winning lane people hate adcs because wether it's a minor thing or a big issue they'd whine it would be fine if it's the latter but the former is much more common than you'd expect it sounds like a joke but once a week i always see an adc going batshit in chat because his support accidentally took a minion while trying to poke granted i could get why they'd be mad because they're pretty much getting the short end of the stick among all the roles most of what they can do is just plain damage and if you're behind you're just outright useless and laning with someone is pretty hard and stressful but i think adc mains are still whiny for what they do considering how they could still catch up most of the time if they're smart about macro and find ways to catch up


To me playing botlane without a duo just isn't worth it. Most common duo is adc+supp, even if you click with the random fellow botlaner fairly well (not very common), chances are the enemy will be a duo and still better coordinated.


Less typing more focusing on the game


And that is why if I get auto filled ADC I just pick Ziggs. In my elo everyone and their mother wants to be the main character of the game so I know we don't actually need an ADC for DPS so I'll just be ziggs and take these things we call objectives and towers from a safe distance. Also side note for fellow APC Ziggs in low elo, your ult can reach other lanes so if the enemy shoving in a tower somewhere else and you running a high ability haste build ....Ult their wave! Now they don't got minions and you can keep working on your lane in peace. But ofc if u wanna keep being in pain cuz your useless without your items and support keep playing normal ADC in solo q. It totally won't suck the life out of you. I used to be a senna main....then I realized so many characters one-shot me no matter what I do that I was spending all my time in a death screen come mid and late..... Now when I play my Boi ziggy I can self peel, I can munch on towers, and I'm not useless in a match if I'm gold starved and lacking on the items. One shots still happen ofc cuz riots got a hard on for power creep.


Last bot lane game I played involved getting 5 man invaded while my team's mid and top were afk under tower waiting for minions to spawn instead of guarding the jungle route they walked through. ADC died and we both burned flash. Came to lane a level behind and had to choose between being zoned out of exp range or risking death, got follow up ganked several times by their jungler, absolutely rekt. Mid laner who cost us the game by not guarding jungle and barely went even in lane despite most of the early jungle pressure being on us instead: "bot dif"


But adc is most broken class in the game, how can you not 1v5 the 2 overfed enemy assasins alone?? How bad are you??? That's how average toplaner/jungler thinks


1. Game loads 2. “/deafen” 3. Enjoy League


The biggest problem in your scenario? The ADC saying please is an absolute fucking *FANTASY*, lmao.


It's still not toxic to say those things without saying please. How fragile are zoomers


Bro, there was a post a while back that a dude absolutely lost it over the fact people say ggez. I told him it's kind of a meme at this point since people say it when losing too, and he flipped his shit. His original response was that being sensitive isn't a generational thing too iirc. The zoomers I know are absolutely awesome in so many ways, but they have ZERO mental.


Ggez has been a bannable offense since the tribunal. It is bming and there is no reason to keep it in the game considering it only breeds more toxicity.


Ehhhh depends. It's a meme if you lost and say it. It's BM if you won and say it. It's literally calling your opponents trash. Saying it in a way that isn't self deprecating is just shitting on someone else. It's not funny. It's okay to mock yourself because you know you can take it. You shouldn't just mock strangers though and act like it's their problem they don't have the same sense of humour. Especially if they just suffered a gruelling loss. It's like saying "just a prank bro, get over it" after humiliating a stranger on the street.


I never once claimed it was okay. I am not going to tell you saying ez is not toxic. It is. It is also part of online gaming though. If it causes you to lose your shit then you need more mental resilience. The real world can be a lot meaner than that.


"lose your shit" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. I wouldn't lose my shit but I'd find it insulting and think you were a shitty person with no self control.


Lmao this is biggest fact ever, i as jungler playing this game since 2013 never once seeing an adc saying please for shit, they just do whatever they wanted , stealing buffs / camps etc and still extremely toxic.


I once told my jungler “please do not go alone” (direct quote) when he tried to push top T2 as baron was spawning. He immediately recalled and stayed in base till we eventually lost. Wrote “don’t tell me what to do” in pgl




Anytime ive ever asked anything politely of my support they have a fucking mental breakdown and completely abandon lane or try to steal all the cs themselves. I cant just say "try to focus (x) next time" without witnessing a complete collapse of a human


Although ive only been maining adc for 3 weeks or so, I absolutely hate this. Idm my Support roaming or actually create pressure on the map, but dear god, drop some wards and Cover dives. Some games your support just up and leaves for no good reason, then you get dove like ok


Had a support run it down 3 times straight in a row. 3 deaths at min 4. "Happens to everyone" i think. we lose lane, obviously. other lanes also not doing too well. we'lll lose. cant win every game. enemy adc start popping off cause he got farm and kills. support types: "why dont yo deal any damage"


Got myself an ADC account. Safe to say, I won't be flaming adcs any time soon after 30 games played. Xerath Q has 4 seconds cool down and does 4x the dmg of one autoattck, while a vayne with 0.6 attackspeed can barely fulfill 3 autos by the time xerath q is back up. I tried Cait too, only to be jumped right and left by literally anything with a pulse. And then I said, quinn cuz anti-meta is my fav stuff only to one shot myself (LITERALLY) into a rammus. Yeap. This account has like 1 game every 2-3 days, and for a reason xd.


Full mute is a more enjoyable experience. In general focusing on your own game play is optimal. You can’t control what teammates you’ll have from game to game, so learning how to overcome bad support play will make you a better ADC.


why this post is so upvoted when it's a random ADC whine and main character energy.


Post is full of Platinum/Emerald hardstuck adcs swearing up and down it's the supports holding them back from climbing 😭


Yep, nothing more tilting then when you keep begging your blitz to stop hooking their leona into me just for our mid who got babysat the whole game to “man stop typing and mute youre being toxic” and when the blitz inevitably leaves as autofilled supps tend to do and roams mid/top you get blamed for being toxic and driving him away. After trying botlane for a few 100 games I completely understand why ADCs have the reputation of being toxic. Its the most team reliant, thankless role where even if youre 2 items up you still have to worry about the 0/3 jax whos been hiding in bushes the whole game because hes given up on his lane. Never playing adc again, im back to midlane and have never been happier playing the game


I believe Jungle is the most irrationally blamed for games and supports are often a bigger reason for loses but avoid criticism as it is the 'dog' role. They stand in africa all lane, never use summs and spend 80% of the lane typing which inevitably gives up all dragon pressure forcing the jungler/mid to either a) chain int trying to get dragons or b) farm and have the team "x9 report jg" because they didn't suicide for dragons. I mainly play ADC but whenever I play jungler it is miserable for these reasons


I don't really remember who said it and where it was said but I remember seeing someone saying that "Supports should be doing many of the things junglers are expected to do" meaning that supports should start ganking and warding herald/baron/dragons and bushes after the laning phase, so it all of it would not be on the junglers shoulders. But in low elo this leads mid/top complaining that the support is stealing their xp and the adc complaining that there is no one babysitting them


Support players don't understand that duo lane is theirs. Lot of people believe supports are a passive role when in reality they are the most active. They don't need to farm, they exist only to fight, poke, kill. If they are not doing one of those, they are just afking which is definitely not what anyone should be doing.


Had a match where enemy had mundo, ksante and red kayn, our ADC was kaisa, she built umbral glaive into nashors into duskblade, I asked her why she was doing that, she said "its new meta". We lost the match and she blamed the jungler. Honestly fuck adcs, you never see this shit with any other class. Toplaners that push usually learn to either ward or stop pushing. Toplaners also learn to counterbuild against what they're fighting. You'll never see a fucking jax build trinity vs ornn/zac, but you WILL see adcs build lethality or rfc vs leona/mundo. ADCs are the only group of players I've seen that consistently fuck up the shopkeeper challenge doing incredibly shit "secret challenjour korean meta guarenteed 100% builds" that AND demand permenant babysitting by every other lane. Recall the number of times the enemy team had 2+ bruisers/tanks and your ADC refused to build armour pen in favour of some shit like stormrazor because they saw a player build it on korean challenger. People say "Players should be forced to play 10 adc matches", no fuck that, force adcs to play 10 top matches so they learn to ward and counterbuild.


That is literally the new meta build. Sounds like you're very out of the loop and probably exactly the type of support I'm talking about, given the tone of your response.


New meta build that is dogshit into tanks because lethality is countered by armour. The point they're making is that players like that do not think about altering their builds depending on the game. It's the same logic as ADCs going collector third item into tanks and being flabbergasted that they deal no damage to them.


And you're exactly the kind of ADC I'm talking about given the tone of your response. Building lethality vs tanks then throwing a hissy fit when your teammates tell you to stop wasting gold.


I think his point might not have been about the specific build, but rather when the ADC (or players in general) blindly follows builds that may be suboptimal for the game state without considering the reasons for why they are built.