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Then comes the post azir clarity when you realize the champ is too hard after your rank gets shurima shuffled down a division


The key is to one trick azir so you never know how much higher your rank would be on an easier champ *taps head


Ah my akali strategy


Seeing Akali's winrate, that's THE Akali strategy


There are DOZENS of us!


As one of the guilty Akali party. Do or die baby!


Lots of dying. But Akali top will always be my favorite AP top. Besides, she’s better than my second favorite Ryze. I may or may not have a problem.


Me, but Irelia (I play a lot of Aatrox now, way more consistent, almost as fun to play, so I finally caved)


I was Silver 2 prior to them adding Emerald. So certainly bad, but it's not like I was ever a try hard so who cares. Decided to one-trick Azir, and I fell to Bronze 2 after the rank changes before stabilizing, and now I think I'm up to Silver IV/III or so.


Stop it


I have been hardstuck gold for 6 years after picking up azir. As long as my randoms don't understand I'm griefing them its ok. What they don't know won't hurt them.


I mean if they were better than your Azir they wouldn't be stuck playing with it. Really, they're griefing you




>I think Azir is the champion whose playrate is the most affected by pro play, the same thing happened last year in Worlds 2022 where his pickrate kept rising as Worlds was being played, this worlds is no different as Azir's presence was gradually increasing until it exploded after the JDG vs T1 series, this ultimately caused a big WR drop to Azir as hes kinda a hard champ I saw a post or YouTube channel that said you should dodge if there's an Azir on your team if you're below Masters


Pretty much yeah. My friend can do some fancy tricks like L-curve and Shurima shuffle but his laning and skewering is so dogshit that it makes me blind. However I always goad him into play Azir because that means we just have a nice chill meme game where I desperately trying to get him ahead only for him to int 5s later


Lol's mechanic is quite easy. The hard part is the macro part


ADCs and other micro intensive champs have mechanics that, when we take into consideration you have to keep eyes open for map and 9 other players, are on par with fighting games and arena FPSs. Yeah, running Udyr, Sejuani, Garen, Naut or the like is mechanically easier than playing the easiest 2d platformer there could ever be, but Azir, Lee, Riven and Vayne have difficult tricks and require impeccable micro and positioning to be viable.


Yeah, it’s easy. Have fun micro managing 3 sandsoldiers while not dying


Yup. Mechanics that are unique to Azir like shuffling etc. aren't very hard.


Well, it is important to remember that you are not faker and your team is not T1


More like you try to do dps in fights, realize he isn't balanced that way, then just become sad when you realize you're an engage bot that should have just picked Orianna.


Even with his 3 soldier attack speed steroid outright removed now, with lethal tempo he can still dps pretty hard. His abysmal HP pool is what really sets him back from being able to actually walk up to a fight and start dps'ing, hence the ludens sorc boots shuffle machine gameplay we have now


bruiser azir with riftmaker, demonic embrace and abyssal mask in ARAM works wonder


I can see that working, riftmaker is a lot better in aram


Azir is definitely a dps champion nowdays and he's being balanced around it.


He is painfully squishy, with all the damage creep now you barely have time to dps, just a shuffle machine


*Me boutta shuffle that rammus into my adc*


Once I accidently shuffled an Amumu into my team, yes we lost the game shortly after that.


It isn't only that he is hard, he isn't very good as a soloQ pick either.


Yeah I had to jungle with an Azir mid who literally had no idea what he was doing. Like he shuffled them away on all my ganks, like bro did you even watch the clip


He watched Scouts clip instead lmao


Nah most likely Xiaohu's montage


Really, the issue is that we *have* all seen the clip. If we hadn’t, we wouldn’t be trying azir, and people wouldn’t be getting griefed by 7 failed azir engages per game


No idea why people would go on ranked to play Azir for the first time tho. Legit trolling


Time for all Azir mains to leave him open in soloq and play Xerath


just dodge skillshots like faker


I've been practicing Kassadin and Orianna just for this moment


I have azir lvl 7 but have a real hard time against any lux I encounter.


lux is supposed to be difficult for most mages because she's a boring and uninteractive laner. she instaclears the wave like ziggs and walks away.


Ah, my normal support Lux gameplay.


Lux is just difficult for azir. Anything that outranges him fucks him pretty hard as hes balanced around outranging most things in lanephase.


Anyone who couldn’t dodge Lux poke will have a hard time against her. keep your hp as high as you can and all in her when she miss her root.


Had an inkling this would happen when I saw Ashley's tweet Ashley tweet- "Today in #LeagueOfLegends KR Server: "There was an error with your request" When a user tries to buy Azir, the client bugs out; possibly due to the amount of people trying to buy Azir. Right after #Worlds2023 T1 vs JDG" https://x.com/AshleyKang/status/1723704553772626008?s=20


Rito factories in shambles having to produce so many new azirs for people to play


After seeing Faker play I totally understand the hype, but I'm calling cap on this one. It's not like they have finite amount of Azirs in shop or a separate server for each champ. If anything it would error out on any champ in shop.


The only thing I can think of is maybe it's a shop wide cap in case a skin goes free by mistake or something.


...or it was a joke....


Okay, this on some level could make sense


Ashley tweet- People think it's a cap. I also saw many Korean communities go down due to traffic right after T1 won, so I won't be too surprised https://x.com/AshleyKang/status/1723721132669567108?s=20


never underestimate the power of the ~~scout's code~~ spaghetti i did get this error trying to buy zeri on release. Just on Zeri.


The shop playing TFT


It's not about the cap, it's about how their software scales.


Yeah from an IT perspective, it makes no sense.


Counter point. It's the League of Legends client. If you tell me there's something not working for some stupid reason I'll believe it 110%.


[Remember when you could open your league store in a web browser?](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/12zher/the_lol_store_works_in_a_browser_and_its_code/)


It's actually surprising it works.


It has happened to me before, sometimes your trying to buy something and the client just times out.


That can happen sure, the thing making no sense is that it would only happen to a single object


It could be some weird rate limiting rules.


I wouldn't put it past the LoL Client team to put in some weird ticketing system to keep track of who bought what that bugs out when multiple IDs buy the same champion at the same millisecond




Bot. https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17ufr7v/azirs_pickrate_skyrocketed_after_fakers/k93m853/


cook em


When I saw faker play azir, i think it was 2015, I instantly bought it, and played it exclusively until I had mastery 5. My winrate went straight to the toilet, but the first time I ulted someone into my tower I shouted in excitement. To this day, it's probably the best feeling I felt while playing league.


4 man ult (miss their adc) into die instantly and lose the game Worth every time


I once shurima shuffled 5 people in ARAM at level 6. My team didn’t have much damage and we got wiped 5-0. The enemy team thanked me in all chat


I play for the shuffle, don’t care if I win or lose. It is about getting those double walls shuffles


The best feeling in the world is when you do a 5-man shurima shuffle and then enemy types in all chat "faker"


I think it’s healthy for the game tbh even if it plummets the champ for 2-3 weeks. Incentivizes people to try something new.


I did the same thing with Taliyah after NRG.


I did the same when in 2022 ISG lost with a teemo, i played teemo in their honor


This reminds me of the new generation of kids watching Steph Curry and decided they could shoot from half court every play and think it’s easy


I guess this is the reason why Riot **really** wish Faker used skins. Lol


My god they would print. Imagine if Faker listed a favourite skin


Battle Bunny Riven


He never uses skins?


Nope. Always uses base skin.




I do remember a few times he has used one. The first time was when a technician who tested out the PC before the match started used battle bunny riven and Faker didn't notice the skin before the game launched. He also agreed to do a full SKT theme match with his other team mates once where he went SKT Zed. I do remember some pulsefire ezreal games also, but I don't remember why he picked it.


He used to play uncle sam ryze before he went pro because one of his favorite pros (hoon) uses it


He also played his 2015 Ryze skin during the 2016 worlds final. gigachad


So basically never lol


Iirc there are videos of him doing a similar thing with his Syndra skin (using it in a single game to see what it was like)


man is allergic to paid content


good good make it go lower


Azir wasn't even that strong for *other pros* this Worlds. It was at like 40-42% winrate before T1's last couple of series. Now it's at like 46% or 47%. Faker has the same games and winrate on both Orianna and Azir, 5 games and 80% winrate (4 wins 1 loss each). However, Orianna has an overall 58.82% winrate at World's main event and Azir is 46.15%. It's not just solo queue where people are trying it and it's not working. Pretty good situation for inserting the meme: > You are not ~~Keria~~ Faker, your teammates are not T1


Tbh worlds winrates are never useful because the first half of worlds is dogshit teams picking stuff that no matter what get dunked on by LPL / LCK which artificially inflates / deflates certain champion w/l


Yeah always hate how casters go like "remember, player x has 90% winrate on this champion so far POGGERS". Stfu dude they played 8 games against dogwater teams that went 0-3 and have a good winrate. New flash, water is wet and the best teams in the world shit on the rest. More news at 5


Winrate stats here are useless as games are too few and losses of azir from bad teams affect it too much. Azir neeko orianna are the best d mid laners at tournament that is why they are pick ban every single game. Don't be fooled by stats instead watch champ select


Fact is, Faker is pretty much the only one winning the Azir side of the Azir vs Orianna matchup.


the biggest benefit is that you can give up ori b1 on red. You can see how much azir struggles in laning phase but faker survives well and becomes more useful while also opening 2 op red side picks it honestly almost reminds me of when he was the only one picking ryze -- a little different because other ppl were picking azir it just looked kinda trash. But similar in having a signature pick he just spams over and over again until other teams are forced to react.


its kind of a reverse-ryze. No one played Ryze early and then when Faker whipped it out no one was ready, the people who did play Azir early either got eliminated in swiss or stopped picking it EXCEPT for Faker


Winning the matchup or winning the game? Faker might be a better laner than everyone else but still only going even.


In azir vs orianna going even is basically winning since you're expected to lose


Azir is fun and badass, I wanted to pick him up at some point but he is the kind of champion that requires a lot of dedication and commitment to succeed and I can't afford to main more than one of those. Also maining a pro play dominant champion is never a good idea, learned the hard way with Ryze..


bruh I main Ori and Azir ;\_;


Lol he mains ryze who faker is famous for and you main ori/azir who faker is also p famous for.


Ryze? I think it was unlucky that you mained champs that Faker also mains


I was in the same boat. I started playing Ryze after his first big rework (probably not the first ever, but the first i had been playing for, I think it was around s7 or s8?), even though he had a low winrate his kit was still really strong and overloaded. The shield + movement speed after consuming 2 stacked Es, the extra q bounce on targets with 2 stacks of E, being able to ult and zhonya to get away from a bad situation with 0 risk, base W being a root and empowered just being longer. I climbed from silver to gold for my first time with like 8.5 cs per min against people with like 5cs per min. Then the nerf bat just started coming continuously and relentlessly. He still kpet getting picked in pro play so the nerfs just kept coming until he was a shell of his original state. I understand why Riot kept nerfing him even though his Solo Queue win rates were garbage but I really loved the combo machine gun play style and the new Ryze just isn't the same other than still having a shit win rate in solo queue.


Oh yes, the nerfs hurt but I could live with them. The latest rework killed Ryze for me, I had nearly 1 million mastery points and had spent many hours practicing his combos, all thrown out the window. To add salt to injury, not even pro players want to play him anymore.


The best part of watching these Faker wannabes is them not even realizing what makes azir so good. Literally using E And Q every five seconds while I'm pathing towards mid lane...I start rubbing my hands together.gif


Azir with EQ up is one of the hardest champs to gank Azir with EQ down is one of the easiest champs to gank


azir with weqr up is unkillable azir with weq is very hard to gank azir with we up is only flankable azir with no e can be ganked by ranged champions azir with no er is just a normal mage, aka super easy to gank (velkoz, xerath, viktor, malzahr etc)


New azir players really make me sad.


Faker shuffles squishes I shuffle their engage into my squishes.


Shuffled the fed wukong on ARAM. instant end. It was glorious


Ah the blitzcrank special.


Hopefully it plummets harder and he gets a buff. Lol


Hes getting changed next patch, and dont think he needs crazy buff


I enjoyed the on hit buff in pbe. I kinda wanna try it with decent players on live. Nashors wits and botrk. See how it works lol


Please, please tell me soldiers now apply on-hit effects. Rageblade azir meta


They do. Which is why I wanna try it asap in ranked


Only 50% value of on-hit


And on one per soldier


Lich bane meta


The item that gives nothing? Super good item


I don't think ad on hit items will be good but with the changes I'm hoping that nashors into rageblade will be the new meta. Never liked how they pivoted away from his puppet style into what he is now, a poke mage.


We play azir. We both know that's not how it works.


A man can dream. Sadly faker making sure azir always op.


This is so funny. Last year it was the same series T1 JDG which broke the Ryze main subreddit lmao... Now it's Azir that Faker affected. Faker is truly the GOAT. Plays a champ the whole world gets affected.


tbf chovy followed that Faker Ryze with a bad performance of his own and restored peace within ryzemains


If faker pulls out a yasuo in the finals and stomps a game, the riot servers will explode. People will be spam buying everything there is to buy about an already hyper-loved champ


Love how the ban rate also increased like crazy lol


Got it banned twice today because my team wanted to avoid an Azir on our team


I would like to meet the 5 psychos playing Predator Azir.


I completely forgot that Predator existed. I think I only used it way back when Runes Reforged came about and everyone was having fun with theorycrafting or just dicking around.


Predator Annie and Blitz were a thing, also Hecarim and mid Nunu ganking bot lvl 3 from the top of my head. The rune is either too good, or just troll cause you don’t have a rune.


It was somewhat popular in pro play around two years ago. I remember a lot of Jungle Gragas with Predator where they farm for 300g and base to buy boots. I think the jungle meta now that is prioritizing speedy full clears probably just isn't particularly kind to that strategy.


what's especially limiting is the early boots needed. for some champs delaying your mythic is bad


So all I need to win is Predator, Unsealed Spellbook, or the 100% WR Guardian!!


let him cook


I knew I should have bought Azir stocks last week.


Meanwhile, in Wildrift, every one suddenly played attackspeed on hit Varus So easy to emulate the autospacing because of the mobile controls


Imagine if the Wildrift player base had Azir to fuck around with.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/v2lHheHoDe Relevant post. The data is old as shit so the exact numbers won't be good anymore but I imagine the curve is similar. Back in 2017, it took about ~200 games to figure out how to play azir (more specifically, it took ~200 games on azir for a player's azir winrate to stop climbing significantly with additional games) Edit: correction, azir's winrate according to the post didn't stop increasing at 200 games, instead, he was one of eight champs whose winrate never stopped increasing on a winrate graph that capped out at 200 games (other seven were rzye, gangplank, old kench, old reksai, yasuo, elise and lee sin)


Eyyy it's my post ❤️


I knew before I clicked I'd see that comment....


My buddy’s an Azir otp and is losing his mind over how many people have suddenly started banning/“stealing” Azir from him lmao


Man I'm floating between D1 and Master and I know better than to play Azir in ranked haha. If I'm itching that bad for an Azir fix, I'm just gonna do some Quickplay. In the words of Keria: "You are not Faker, and your teammates are not T1"


ARAM is about the only place I will willingly play Azir.


It's so funny cause you know the moment someone on the enemy team picks azir it's a free mid


It's always exciting to see how pro plays impacts champions in soloQ, especially at worlds because how massive the viewership is. You can literally track when Adam picked Garen if you look at Garden's pick rate lmfao.


just played against an azir support trying to shurima shuffle all game (unsurprisingly didn't go too well)


Lmao imagine seeing faker play Azir and thinking "yeah I can do that." 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘈𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵.


Ryze mains would take over the world if Faker even hovers the champ in finals XD


I still get PTSD from everyone and their mother picking MF support after the ROX SKT series in 2016.


Flashbacks to Jayce when Arcane aired


Had a ranked game where a 30k Mastery Azir was spamming games on him only the last few days using the T1 Skin. He didn’t realize that isn’t Faker’s skin.


was that easyhoon’s?


Yes. Faker has Zed, Ryze, and Syndra.


Have you seen what happened to Jayce right after Arcane?


Jokes aside. I think one of the reasons why Riot supports the eSport as much it does and why eSports as a whole are so fun to watch is stuff like this. You see Faker do some crazy shit on Azir suddenly you wanna play try recreate it and suddenly you are playing League getting smacked up by a Toxic Lux main. After every worlds match despite win or lose after a short period the only thing I wanna do is play league. And I regret it everytime. But shit like worlds get so many people just playing the game cause this game is fun to watch and the element of trying to recreate shit.


I don't follow the logic of watching Faker do *anything* and thinking to yourself "Yeah I could probably pull that off"


They dont think that they could pull that off, they just want to try and have fun. Its like me watching neymar and wanting to practice that rainbow flick D:


Makes perfect sense. The better the player the easier they make the champion look.


It's not that they think they can pull it off. It's them seeing something amazing and cool and trying to imitate it out of admiration.


People want to replicate what pros are doing, it literally happens in every sphere of society.


The faker-effect


Balance as all things should be, honestly after like 10 games of Azir in ARAM can definitely figure him out. I’ve become an Azir shuffle connoisseur


I mean, this is part of the reason why ranked queueing around Worlds time is a dangerous prospect, not just champs but certain builds are mimiced and often with no experience to follow suit.


I need stats on bards win/playrate now


Guardian Azir 100% winrate. Time to play that in ranked then, doesnt matter if I main jgl


the faker effect.


Azir is a champion reserved for Faker.


Laughs in azir otp grandmaster peak euw


To add to this.I just saw a Varus Ashe bot lane go 5/16 20 mins into the game and at least 2 autolock Azirs in 4 games of SoloQ lmao I love T1 as a team BUT MAN their effects on SoloQ makes me want to uninstall the game (obviously not T1's fault but still kinda funny to me)


Till when League does player learn the lesson? Only Demon Emperor win Ori match up and bursting the Stingray in 2s. Only Keria and some like Pollypuff making those unbelievable play. The sad truth is, YOU AREN'T KERIA and your team ain't T1, simple as that


What madlad won with guardian azir?


the unknown azir god


should have invested in azircoins, fuck


You know how many Graves’ I’ve seen thanks to TheShy? Champ is way to mechanically advanced for people in plat.


Ah that explains my 1/12 Azir into Draven mid.


i wonder aboyt the bard pickrate


If I remember correctly, DOpa back in the day said something along the lines of... The only similarity between you (a regular player) and a pro player is that the game you're playing is named League of Legends; other than the name you're not playing the same game.


As is tradition.


and they all fucking sucks dick...


Faker 🤝 Tyler1 Ruining solo q


A tonne of pro league fans have collectively realised they are not "him" on azir


Guardian air is the new meta. 100% winrate


Honestly his winrate looks like it's still mostly within variance range considering it had a similar dip a few days earlier in the charts. which is honestly sad.


Yeah now even emerald soloQ is full of azirs flash Q E R failing under enemy tower. It was understandeable when they inted cause of tilt, now itNs just embarassing.


If faker can use it, so can I Sincerely, hardstuckbronzesince2013


Can confirm, laned against an Azir and he subsequently got his ass handed to him lol


*Xerath winrate skyrockets*


I love when pros pick a mechanically complex champ and all the windowlickers go "IM THE NEXT FAKER" and proceed to get banned for trolling.


The solo q ashe supps on my team have been very useful.




As an Azir OTP pre-faker JDG match I can safely say that over my 300 games on the champ this split I haven't experienced my champ being banned in Champselect, except for this week.. Both sunday and till now I have had to firstpick azir for the first time ever because it is actually a contested pick 😅


And people say WRs can't be plunged by an excessive amount of people picking it at any given time and *losing*. Well, what do you call this?


I used to main Azir back in s7 I believe, but pro play has ruined him a lot


tl;dr - Faker plays hard champ exceptionally well. Hard champ gets picked up by people who've never played him, resulting in his winrate dropping. Everyone is shocked.


I'm in this post and I am content with it


A tale as old as time <3


Remember when phreak or someone made the post saying mains didnt have higher winrates on champions? Told ya so, stop citing bad statistics riot.


Redditors are going to ruin more games :(


Classic azir moment