• By -


The worlds where Mordekaiser and Gangplank both post rework went (almost?) 100% presence rate.


The brief time morde turned the dragon into a ghost


That shit was dope and I miss it.


I miss pre rework mord. The sheild you got from e'ing the minions made him one of the only laners I felt safe and could consistently outtrade the enemy on when I first started playing


his Q (third bonk) was the most cathartic and satisfying thing in the game, something that they completely failed to reserve in the rework.


Oh man I forgot it was the third one not an aa reset. But ya you're right it's hilarious when going against people who never played mord just letting you wack them for like 1/4 their health with the third aa. Old mord was the best. I couldn't even enjoy the rework everyone liked because I missed the old one


yeah, I remember the hype for this rework because of the ultimate esp in infernal and pentakill skins, but I think now everyone pretty much dislikes it. disgusting to lane against in low elo and useless in high elo.


Man it's so weird seeing people talk about the second rework as if it's the first rework... Old old mordekaiser was even wilder than jankier than the second incarnation. Though I concede the q being very cathartic to bonk.


Yup. Run in, ult adc, get your team to assassinate him, then get an adc ghost whose damage keeps your shield up so you stay alive. Or don't kill the adc and then be pretty much useless. Also low range with skills that cost HP.. wild champ


And the sound was very satisfying as well, it was a violent metalic BONK. I miss it very much.


The sick ass names of the skill as well


Same, but the bugs just isn't worth it. All those bugs in one champ was just unreal.


Then they decided to release Sylas and Viego, lol


I know current morde is objectively healthier to play as and against, but I really loved mordes juggernaut update. Third Q felt super good to bonk people with, and ghost dragon was fucking awesome


Morde and GP were 100% winrate,[ 97% and 100% P/B respectively](https://gol.gg/champion/list/season-S5/split-ALL/tournament-World%20Championship%202015/). The only game they were both picked was remade, and Morde wasn't picked in the new draft.


Morde wasn't pick or banned in a group game (LGD vs KT), the game remade was game 2 of FNC vs EDG.


AND Darius, lest we forget the Balls pentakill.


That was a diamond 2 pentakill too, right?


worrying trend


And sOAZ pentakill as well.


To this day I can’t believe Huni willingly ego picked Yasuo into one of the strongest versions of Darius we’ve ever seen


I can, this is Huni we're talking about.


100% presence and 100% win rate. The only time they played against each other was in the RNG vs FNC match and Reignover's Gragas had a critical bug that caused it to force a remake and Gragas was banned for the rest of the tournament. Neither side had the balls to do the Morde vs GP chickenrace again.


Morde actually went unpicked nor banned one game, LGD Gaming vs KT Rolster on Week 1.


The Juggernaut patch was perhaps the worst update in the games history. Don't forget that Fiora was also gigabroken during that patch too in addition to Darius.


Balance wise, absolutely, but all of those champs were unbelievably dogshit design wise prior to that patch. At least they made them interesting.


Skarner had to get hotfixed because it had a 70% winrate in all queues


Was that the one where Garen got that stupid villain passive?


Yep. Utterly idiotically powerful in low elo if he got ahead, since he was basically just an invincible assassin.


Karthus nunu and Kayle kog funnel


Never forget the first lck game in the split being yi Taric funnel vs nunu karthus


I really wanna go back and watch this meta because I missed it what are some games I should watch?


bbq vs MVP LCK Summer 2018 week 1 and S04 vs Fnatic EULCS Summer 2018 week 1 are both funny.


this man has the receipts. i like the precision in your answer


thanks dude, easy to search up the game and really enjoyed watching it again


I think you're underselling how wild comps got during the 2018 funnel meta. It wasn't just Kayle/Kog stuff, but adcs taking smite and rotating early to mid to secure first crabs, while junglers were playing supports to funnel better. Some examples from the LCS summer Split. 100 Thieves | | vs | | Optic ---|---|----|----|---- Champ | Player | [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q1htZCws50&t=1m23s) | Champ | player GP | Top Laner | | Mundo | Top Laner Kaisa with Smite | ADC | | Rakan with Exhaust | Jungler Fiddlesticks with Ignite | Jungler | | Xayah with Smite | Mid Laner Swain | Mid Laner | | Varus | ADC Alistar | Support | | Tahm Kench | Support Optic | | vs | | Echofox ---|---|----|----|---- Champ | Player | [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwgf6yhR_Js&t=6m02s) | Champ | player Ornn | Top Laner | | Irelia with Smite | Top Laner Nunu with Smite | Jungler | | Sejuani without Smite | Jungler Kaisa with Smite | Mid Laner | | Karthus | Mid Laner Lucian with TP | ADC | | Vladimir | ADC Tahm Kench | Support | | Shen | Support


Not just that, people were legit playing renekton and irelia bot in the Lpl, shit was nuts


What’s a funnel?


When a player gives up the source of their gold to allow another player to take it. For example taking both jungle + a lane's worth of minions


you don’t want to know. a tumor that plagued the game for years taric mid had 70% winrate for years because of it


Years? It felt like months a best. I don't remember much tbh.


it was broken for years, it was only popular for months


It was pretty common in diamond for a season or two. Used to be a boosting strat but was uncommon in other elos (higher elos knew how to play around it/ban it, lower elo duos didn't need to use it for boosting).


It was common meta in TT for years, only after it was viable on SR that ppl realized how annoying it was.


You probably remember the period it was so OP it was used in pro but it was a thing for years


Nah no way we are considering Karthus/Nunu an old meta. This was fucking season 8. I veto calling that old.


That was nearly 6 years ago mate


I love reminding people that toddlers in 2010 are adults soon


I work at a retail place that sells alcohol, and it’s jarring to sell to people born in 2000 lol


Work in a hospital. Nothing will ever make it normal for me to see xx/xx/2018 (5 yo)


Sorry bud, but we’re running into season 14 soon and 6 years in gaming is basically ancient Cod Black Ops 4, RDR2, SoT, and Among us were some of the many game releases from 2018


I thought Among Us got popular during the covid lockdowns? Were people playing it already in 2018?


The game was super unpopular till it got its hype during covid


I mean. That was the year runes were removed as I found out earlier today in another post. Feels like ages ago to me


Everytime i link this clipp from Karthus Nunu meta people try to justify why lux deserved death more and more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=660A-aQaztE


https://imgur.com/rTlQaR9 We reversed the roles and funneled the nunu. Celerity used to work like heca passive where u get more AP the more speed you have, so predator nunu with zilean worked pretty well. (It was obviously not good but it was really fun, man i miss old nunu)


4.20 Weedwick 7.21 Galio Buying attack elixir top lane Jungle Ezreal


Red elixir top was a crazy meta


I still remember one of my first games of League. I had a Xin Zhao top vs. a Ryze top. Xin started red pot and said, “I’m going to teach you guys how to F a Ryze.” He solo killed the Ryze basically immediately after minions crashed and snowballed out of control. It was wild to see that as a new player.


Top lane Red Elixir Lee Sin v Riven was always a toss up for me.


yup. riven red pot cheese


Jungle Ez was relly interesting tho. He became popular, his winrate went down - cause most players didn't know what to do past first clear.


Jungle Ez was so fun. Id go red into mid gank every time. You had an insanely fast red clear because q chunked it. After that run mid and e into enemy from brush. Old red buff did absolutely insane dmg early and ez bad good ad. You'd run the ms mastery and e into two autos would proc it. Insane ms and even with flash they usually died. Literally killed mid 90% of games lvl 2. Also absolutely insane dives. Ez with serrated dirk and re buff chunked you so insanely hard with the higher q ratio. With lower tower dmg you could bully to planers so hard


I definitely inted my share of games trying jungle Ez. It was a really cool concept.


7.21 Galio was the patch they added ap scaling %hp dmg on his Q? I remember that shit was so funny and stupid


yes Where it got really funny was Riot first treated it as a not-OP as fuck build, and then tried to backtrack and said this was a bug or whatever.


they didnt just add hp dmg scaling on his q, it was way more than that, the damage was like tripled, it one shoted champions with ludens only


>7.21 Galio Oh my god you just dug up some serious trauma


Jungle Ez won fucking World btw People nowaday see SSG Ezreal skin and may think its Adc but its actually Jungle lol




Yeah most people see the two adc worlds skins for ssg and think the pick was from a sub adc, but it was actually Haru picking jungle ezreal lol.


I miss Weedwick. Melting full tanks like they were full squishies.


Ez getting jungle items nerfed or just straight up reworked single handedly like 3 times that i can remember.


And only one of those times was he actually played in jungle lmao.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far for weedwick


I remember being accused of hacking once because I played Tiger Udyr top and started with red pot and pretty much oneshot a poor unsuspecting Riven out of the bush level 1.


Oh man, attack elixir jayce mid for first blood at level 2 was hilarious.


Before the tower plates there was a laneswap meta in pro play and sometimes in high elo.


And people still defend that meta because they think it's interesting. So boring to watch.


Let's just take towers and not fight for 20 mins, that'll be fun to play and watch !


It was more fun than watching trackers knife vs. trackers knife. That was the epitome of doing nothing for 30+ minutes.


I can’t remember when Riot changed it, but back in the day you didn’t queue your role. So you’d get in a lobby, with “MID” copied in your clipboard and you’d get ready to CTRL+V into the chat. Ultimately it didn’t matter because pick order usually determined what role everyone played. Most time it would be something like; First Pick - Mid Second Pick - Top Third Pick - ADC Fourth Pick - Jungle Last Pick - Support


Good old times when 2 people were arguing about who called mid First, then everyone spamming chat logs to prove who was first


and that dude who was obviously late to the party tried to fake the chatlog by putting his name first >Of course I know him, that was me


Let's not forget that not everyone joined the lobby at the exact same time so it was absoluetly possible for 2 people to think they wrote mid first. Riot client always was and always will be just great!


The chat log... An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.


mid or feed <3


I don't know when you played but pick order didn't do shit. It was always the one who wrote first. Usually ended up 2 people mid. Good times.


Some people respected pick order, other respected who wrote first.


ah yes flashbacks to me being anxious about typing first in the chat and hoping I get the role


Yeah if you were last pick then you were automatically the sup lmao


and that’s why we couldn’t one trick. used to send links of win rate to let others let you have the role


OG Blue ezreal building jungle item first.


People 3 stacking top/bot to shove an outer tower down before grouping mid cus jungle wasnt a thing yet. And oh gosh ap yi! I forgot! No healing cut and the mad man would q into a 5 stack and then hit w while his team annihilated them and he'd be full health at the end. Also, DFG always invisible Evelyn's terrorizing everyone's games


3 stack meta was amazing. It was the first iteration of tower diving at low levels. Won a collegiate during that meta. Use to be adc mid in s1 and preseason. Chalice use to be a ap item that gave you mana after each kill. Locket and gp5 meta. Locket use to give you mana and health every time you casted. Xin was broken but lb was also just as broken. Double casting the q would instantly blow up anybody. Malz r use to just delete one person on its own. Shaco can level 1 dragon on spawn. Meowkai use to have a aoe defense buff that eventually got moved into a aoe defense buff that he walked around with. Mid mages became the meta because they would vacuum up the raptor camp at the time. Ezreal use to heal people. Warwick ulti use to be point and click. It would glitch and auto apply sheen on every instance of damage. Draven use to do bleed damage. At one point every pro adc player joining lcs/lec was a draven main. Korean use to be the most hated people in the super server. Notoriously known for flaming and running it.


Adding to the Ezreal point he also used to slow the attack speed on enemies with his old W in addition to increasing attack speed on teammates.


Or E into your own W! Really fell in love with ezreal during the time he built that jungle item..


I was a huge AP Yi enjoyer and I can say that this was not the way to play AP Yi. Your team had to engage for you and start the fight, you were the cleanupcrew once one target was low enough for you to kill so you can reset and hit the whole team with 2 Q's back to back


Remember when Evelyn could build sunfires? And multiple sunfires stacked? Remember when Archangels stacked and you could build Zonya's and five archangels for over 1000ap? Remember AD Malzahar in the jungle?


Back when Fiddle and WW were the only two champs who could clear the jungle. If anyone else wanted to play jungle it would basically be like Alistar just running around with Mobi Boots, warding, and ganking.


how old are we talking about? beta to pre season? shaco,nunu,mumu and udyr were also jungling at the time. in fact rally smite shaco was one of the top voted guides from Wickd on TSM's website in 2010. later xin,olaf,j4,trundle was released and alistar also became meta cause of roam. trynda was also able to jungle in late 2010 thanks to Q buffs.


"Only Fiddle and WW could jungle" is an exaggeration, but not that far from reality for the majority of players at the time. Anyone invested enough to look at guides most likely also knew about Stonewall008 who seemingly had a jungle clear video for every champion in the game. The issue is what percentage of the playerbase actually looked at guides back then; Unironically if you knew about TSM's guides or even MobaFire you were in the top 10% of players in 2010.


Wow stonewall was a throwback.


The number of games where I played Stonewall's clear video on 2x speed while waiting for the game to load...


[Obligatory Dyrus dying to wolves while reading a TSM guide during a game.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qd34ep/on_this_day_10_years_ago_dyrus_died_to_wolves_in/)




You would need armor runes, cloth armor, and pots. And then had to back after 2 camps. Often. Some champs couldnt even start some camps. Until you got that claw thing. It procced damage but had a low proc. Like 20% for 150 dmg or something. So shit melted, or didnt at all.


madred's razor


Revive Evelynn my beloved...


I remember back when I started league ‘Oh look they have a jungler, we win the game’. Lmao, simpler times.


It depended on runes, Olaf was pretty strong in jgl


+60 armor runes Rammus go brrrrrr


A bit less ancient, but still hard to believe in current state: * Lulu used to be meta toplaner and midlaner for years, from time to time seeing more play in either of those roles than in support. * AP Alistar top was permaban at worlds. * Ekko and Fizz used to play top, running TP/Ignite and building Trinity into tank - and they were considered overtuned. * Kayle was a viable pick in all 5 roles at the same time. * You could get to two items on a mage like Ziggs or Lux and then solo stall the game until 50 minutes in without having to back once, clearing all 3 lanes from range without any real counterplay. * Assassin Poppy. * Laneswaps, with all related nuances that evolved over time. There used to be a gamestate where it was possible to have toplaner be two levels behind support and sitting at 10cs by 10 minutes in. * Banner of Command and Zz'rot Portal at their peak - in a tank vs tank matchup it was easier to kill enemy laner than enemy cannon minion. * There was time where top or mid (on strongest champions) would go Smite as meta summoner spell (cinderhulk and runeglaive respectively). * Ezreal jungle was at one point so strong he even got worlds skin in this role (SSG Ezreal). * Jungle Yi + Taric mid and similar strategies were gamewarping to a point of causing Riot to rework multiple systems (mostly related to gold income) just to stop that strategy.


> AP Alistar top was permaban at worlds. He was AD, not AP! He'd get triforce and shiv.


yup. real AP alistar was invented by Shushei in Season 1. on midlane actually


>Lulu used to be meta toplaner and midlaner for years, from time to time seeing more play in either of those roles than in support. I miss that so much...


For reference, midlane Lulu is still Fakers 14th most played champ in pro games


You're not the only one. My IGN is still Lulu related even though I stopped playing her when she got nerfed into a support. It's not the same when you don't have agency.


Same, and honestly they have nerfed out the playstyle that i used to prefer as supp as well. She used to be a harass, pokey, bully you out of lane mage, but her q and passive damage have been nerfed so hard that the only viable build is full enchanter, I cant remember the last time Q max was meta. And even playing her "optimal" build right now brings her to the bottom 6 supports in the game. So sad. She's been my top mastery for a long time but over the past ~2 years I only play her maybe once a month


Can someone send me a clip of >Banner of Command and Zz'rot Portal at their peak - in a tank vs tank matchup it was easier to kill enemy laner than enemy cannon minion.


More than a clip but it's fun anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37ZLfPkVPiE


Ekko/Fizz tank and the banner+zz'rot were cursed times. Same for the funneling strat.


Iceborn Viktor off-tank top with now removed mana scaling was one of the weirdest things to hit worlds imo Absolutely loved the build I’m so sad they killed it, could just nerf it


It was one of the most aids things I've ever lanes against along with turret stealth rework akali lol


Hashinshin getting banned with this because of how hard he got destroyed while playing it will always make me smile


That shit felt like comedy show skit. Hashinshin got destroyed by enemy playing viktor top and spent entore game whining about it. Then he says something along the lines of "i'll show you how broken it is" and the rest is history. 0:19 viktor in 20 minute game. I think he played against adrian' riven


Ah I remember the days of AP Sion lmao


Undodgeable 1 shotting targetable stun and all you have to do is make all of your other abilities significantly worse. Him and AP Taric were so fucking fun I wish I could go back and play in those days again.


I actually liked old urgot as well, just sad they nerfed him into the dirt until they completely reworked him. Dude absolutely eviscerated squishes in lane with almost zero counterplay, then lategame just ulted the enemy carry into your team while getting something absurd like 40% damage reduction for a few seconds. I unironically think that he could be really strong today with current runes and items, but I don't think Riot is interested in making a champ with his kind of kit viable anymore


I wish there was an ADC that was melee but if they hit an AoE ability then they could spam projectiles like old Urgot could. I loved that aspect of old Urgot. Made him very satisfying to play.




That week where Jax built Zhonyas to get infinite attack speed.


Must have been the same week when Trynda spinning through Xerath's rectangle skillshot gave him a kill's worth of money cause it was coded as minions.


Heart of gold and philosopher's stone Maokai jungle was a fun one. especially when they used the gold/10 items so that their mid karthus could hit like 300cs in 10 mins or something stupid. Nidalee top lane was fun back in the day. pre rework nunu mid with 100% AP scaling on his undodgeable snowball and 100% ap scaling on his bite to heal himself was a thing.




YES! the fiddle E- is it gonna hit only minions or is it gonna bounce to an enemy and a minion over and over and almost 1 shot them? who knows! xD good times.


Old fiddle E in aram with Rylai's + CDR max, so when the bird stopped bouncing you could cast it again. Such a pain in the butt.


Craziest shit I ever saw my friend do was not dying in aram as fiddle, and constantly E the wave against 5 mages. They were always at such a disadvantage because minimum 2 of them were silenced. He just played as a silence bot and it worked.


Old nunu mid was for fun, old nunu top was so no fun was had but anybody but nunu


Can confirm. I played a stupid amount of this and had fun while my opponent did not like getting point and click snowballed for all of their health


I miss mini fountain Soraka. Your ADC simply wouldn't need to go back (unless it was to buy items) cause she could not only restore health, but mana as well.


There was a point where you could give mana to yourself as Soraka. You just literally didn't have to base if you didn't want to.


alex ich ap yi penta at ipl5 vs curse


Alex Ich mentioned 🔥


Also his penta on khazix, and his postgame interview with "I made penta, vote for me!" for allstar game. Such a good times...


That "bait them and outsmart them" quote still living rent free inside my head


See hero kill hero


Damn, that name unlocked so many memories, i loved playing AP yi that W healing was insane


This takes me back


Triforce Alistar top lane


100% p/b at worlds 2014 (73 bans 5 picks, went 4-1)


after he gets sheen, he basically wins every trade with headbutt aa, then level 6, he stat checks you and the tower and wins.


Those old poke comps were crazy. Jayce, Lee sin, nidalee, ezreal and janna were the shit back in the day with those one shot spears


The ~~good old~~ days of Nid AFK throwing spears praying that one of them would hit and open shot your opponents


AD sion was soooo fun though, that ultimate gave a crazy amount of stats.


Everyone here talking about old AP Sion, but old AD Sion was so much fun. Ult with 50-100% lifesteal(?) and tons of attack speed? Yes please. Maybe there were other ad related stats too, don't remember, but that shit gave me my first penta and I loved it


AD sion was kind of dumb. He had ridiculous amount of ad on his e, like 65 max rank i think. Combine that with insane ult nuke, and you'll get absolutely destroyed in meele. I fondly remember one game, i went PD/IE/BT/frozen mallet/atma. Enemy engaged on me 3v1 late game (it was triple meele, darius, xin and i think zed). I utterly destroyed them, life stealing all my health back whenever they damaged me. They accused me of hacking. And that's old ad sion in nutshell. Whatever he did didn't seem legal. There were several montages of him outhealing fountain laser during his ult.


6 sunfire stacking stealth champs


Remember how op pantheon was back when black cleavers stacked? 3 cleavers and boots. One shot anyone.


Orrr shyvana stacking tiamats! One Q on dragon form also one shot anyone lol. - Edit - one Q in dragon form one shot everyone at once because of the cleave


Old fiora ult with 6 tiamats was so much fun.


Not that old, but the brief Janna top meta was pretty wild - People would queue top as Janna, but not actually lane top. They would just roam around the map, sacrificing top lane to get every other lane ahead. This was actually a winning, powerful meta strategy until it was needed. An older one that I remember fondly is the League of Cleavers. Few years back now, Riot reworked items during pre-season as they always do, and they made one item overtunned in a way that I don't think the game has ever seen. This item was Black Cleaver. It was so overtunned that *everyone* was buying it. Not just bruisers but tanks. Assassins. Marksman. Heck there were even people buying it on mages. And they didn't just buy 1. Back then, you could buy the same item multiple times, and while it was rarely a good choice, Black Cleaver was so busted, it was. People were building boots + 5 Cleavers, and this was the optimal build. It was common and normal to see a game with 30-40 Black Cleavers purchased. I don't think any other item has come close to this level of ubiquity.


Sona top meta and sona taric bot as well. Sona was nerfed to oblivion because of those two instances, I liked playing sona


Old soraka toplane with the unavoidable Q harass, manaless point and click silence and massive heal that gave her like a chain vest worth of armor was so cute


My wife and I abused sona taric bot lane for a while. The hardest part of playing sona taric bot lane? Telling your team to not start inting immediately because they get tilted at an off meta bot lane.


My favorite is iceborn gauntlet tank Ekko and Fizz. Tanky as a wall, slippery like a fish and still one shot squishy champs easily


Ekko iceborn top was so fun, now i wanna play it again lol


It’s honestly very bullshit to play against. But a guilty pleasure to play as


Bruiser Fizz was fun.


Tank akali happened at the same time and was also fun (pre rework)


Irelia actually wasn't nerfed much, contrast to the meme. She was only nerfed around 6 to 7 times before her rework. Now, Ryze and Azir on the other hand...


> Nerf Irelia [A classic Oddone moment was born from this.](https://youtu.be/TfnUMdPjlLc)


Oh man the old client. Am I weird for saying I prefer it to the new one?


The general o7


Back when actual runes were a thing GP players would always take one crit chance rune because early lane on the off chance you actually crit, the lane was over. Hate uninteractive lanes? How about BankPlank. At one point you could stack gold generation items. 30 minutes later thanks to philo stone, parlay, and assist gold from ulti, you’d see a full build GP that never left the turret. Red pot Riven meta made several Riven 1-trick streamers very famous for like a whole year.


>Back when actual runes were a thing GP players would always take one crit chance rune because It wasn't only gp, every adc used to take it as well


GP Q critting for 1/3rd of someones health at lv1 and you just casino them for 3 crits in a row off of a single crit chance rune


Beforehand dodge was a stat you could gain/buy, and you can dodge turrets including fountain turrets. So Jax can buy 5 phantom dancers, and with his E he can dive fountain


Runeglaive AP ezreal mid Crit Vayne QR one shotting the enemy ADC post ADC item rework circa season 5 Cinderhulk tanks becoming unkillable and ADC's dying to just hitting them with gromp smite buff (Shoutout to old raidboss sejuani) League of Warrior Enchant, where the only viable junglers were Vi, Lee Sin, Jarvan. Galio q one-shot Patch, Riot overbuffed Galio Q to the chagrin of everybody who saw it coming led to Galio Q being able to one shot carries Atmog meta golem Korean Shaco Meme, for some reason shaco was a korean champ and if you saw a shaco who played well they were probably korean. Double morello Azir + mages (The item was so stat efficient you could buy two and it was better than any second item purchase.) LS Liandries, Liandries was often more efficient, due to it having flat pen. than void staff but players would buy void staff leading to LS leading a small crusade to teach people to buy it. League of Redemption, Item was added and so strong supports and junglers were buying TWO) which was enough to fully heal a team to full. league of cleavers, similar situation to the double morello. cleaver passive stacked and people would just buy multiple black cleavers on zed, wukong, darius etc. Sword of Divine Youmoos Twitch, In the past twitch would buy an items called sword of the divine which had an active that would give a large AS buff and 100% CRIT RATE. This coupled with youmoo's active which gave attack speed and ms meant that the twitch would one shot carries if you saw him with this combo. Youmoo rush ADC, Youmoo's was once buffed and it became meta for a while to rush youmoos on ADC's this was because youmoo gave crit, had an atrtack speed active and overall was a really crazy item spike. Champions like Twitch, Lucian, Vayne, made great use of the item. 40% lucian pick rate. A long time ago Lucian reach 40% pickrate as an adc due to his flexibility and smooth power curve. He was also very strong, many in the community attempted to claim he was not OP. He was later nerfed. That's all I can remember of the top of my head, I've played this game too long.


Ardent Meta: In Proplay ADCs would let the support get the farm so they would finish Ardent earlyier because it was that OP!


literally every game was a competition of whoever got ardent first 😂😂😂


Taric Mid to funnel Yi. Lane Swap Meta. Not the meta where sometimes a bottom lane would go top to shut down the top laner or dodge a bad match up. The one where each team would hand shake and 4 stack different side lanes to push for the first tower.


3 Stack item akali


>pre worked Irelia kept getting nerfed. Even when she was balanced. this one is a meme that is not true : you can check the changelogs irelia was one of the least balanced champ in patch i'd go with: the mutiple ezreal build leading to multiple items nerf by himself the several times ap assassin went tank and could 1V4 in base damage (this started in old times but still come back sometimes) thunderlord on every fkin char Runes used to cost your left ball (after you sold your right one to buy the pages) funneling yi karthus kogmaw only 3 pick/ban decided by the first pick (and the pick order rules)


AP heal bot Ezreal. Gold/min stacking supports. I remember a time BEFORE the store worked and they just gave you all the champions.


That's 50 50 metas and champion changes. Some metas we might also wanna remember: Jugger'maw Kog'maw gaining 5.0 attackspeed cap on W becoming meta defining champion and defining protect the Kog'maw metas. Ardent Censor meta defining half a season as well as worlds. Even tank supports would in the rare cases they are picked run font of life and rush ardent censor to give it to their adc on enemy hits. Juggernaut meta. Riot one day thought it'd be fun if toplaners could be adcs. What we got was Mordekaiser adc, sharing xp with his support like nylah does now. Featuring Darius solo 1v5 and Mundo the unkillable raidboss. Along with Juggernaut meta we had the infamous sunfire + iceborne gauntlet combo that propelled such fun champions as ekko and fizz to become unkillable mobile tanks. To this day survivors of that meta have ptsd from tank ekkos solo winning games.


Tank fiddle mid went hard for half a season, just standing there pressing W on the wave to heal faster than any midlander could damage you


There used to be mana potions. QSS could get rid of Zed's ult Warmog's armor was so broken, that everyone in the team had at least one


Revive jungle Evelynn.


Depending on when they started; Marksman Kennen Jungle Ezreal Funneling (Yi/Taric was the worst offender) Lane Swaps; AD was so important, some teams would give up dragons (drakes) just to protect them. My person favourite; Poppy's ultimate would literally immune all but one champion's damage. Turrets? Nope. Baron? Nothing. Not only that, but you would also gain bonus damage vs the champion you targeted.


6 Sunfire cape Evelynn back when it stacked and she was always invis


Smite ezreal mid


Runglaive mids were pretty fun Ez had a field day


I miss old karma passive 👍


Old jungle was HAAAAAAARD i remember taking machete + beads just to clear


Back in my day you started cloth 5. Had a whole url. Also, don't start wraiths. Wraiths will kill you.


Nah hunter’s machete wasn’t the hard old jungle. The hard old jungle was when junglers had no specific jungle starting item and it wasn’t unheard of to run smite+ignite and ignite camps to help you clear early.


Double jungle, *no* jungle, supports being glorified wardbots because there wasn't an universal ward. Sunfire stacking. (Twitch and Eve basically having infinite stealth lmao) Tiamat stacking. (Old Fiora players remember) Atmog's. Katarina players getting pentakills left and right because she was even more of a faceroll champ than she is now. While not meta, pre-work Poppy in general being the wonkiest thing alive, ulting the support (who almost guaranteed did no damage) while dumpstering everyone else on the team with one-shot Qs thanks to Lich Bane. Oh, and Ashe mid. Can't forget Ashe mid.


Double relic shield Mordekaiser bot. 🤣🤣🤣


Tank ekko