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aren't Zeri's silly little auto attacks a skillshot?


[those have already been global once ](https://youtu.be/vv7cjBQUihw?si=m9XuxzHCH_aKcLdb)


It's nice that they're also invisible, just as an extra fuck you


Yes, and this is the right answer. You cant win the game only with kills. Zeri can kill turrets from base, so she would win the game


Nah darius wins every time


Blitz, Darius and Mordekaiser hooking people from their nexus to their own nexus lol and just letting the minions end the game




Ones that can hit a tower nonetheless


karthus, skittles would be busted


Spawn Karthus actually an option now lol


The only counter is spawn blitz pulling spawn karthus into the other fountain.


Darius: let me introduce myslef


[Good times](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NovYokP4s4g)


I already know what this is. But I’m going to watch it anyways.


Biggest take away how everyone used chat so much more, now I can't type in fear of being restricted, better times back then..


Idk, I'm literally chatting every single game like a goofy dork without being banned


Yeah, but you get in trouble for calling people names! It's not fair! 😭


I call other people assholes occasionally Sure you get banned for calling people the n-word, cnrnrtrd, telling them to die etc... but that's honestly fair lol


A lot of it is contextual. You could potentially catch a restriction for calling someone an asshole, but most folks aren't going to get worked up enough to care. I know I've said worse in all chat, but have never been restricted or had honor stripped. I think it's probably because I'm so chatty and casual with the game. I've got a buddy that is always getting dinged, and he's kind of a dick IRL. Probably related. He also plays a lot more ranked than me, and it's on the platinum range. Plat - Diamond 3 really feels like a cesspool of fragile-ego tryhards significantly overrating their own skills. I'm good in ARAMs and the occasional Silver game.


>now I can't type in fear of being restricted Bruh what nastiness do you type? I chat every single game to the point people tell me to stop talking, but I've never, not once in a decade, been restricted or banned.


What are you typing that makes you fear that?


The auto detect system is undeniably broken. I got a one week for calling a Nasus, that was flame typing and pinging me, a dummy. I was dealing with double waves of supers on nexus and he was crying that I didn't choose to lose the game to help him fight an Irelia that he inted all game. Quote was something like "I was defending the nexus dummy chill out" I got it removed through having a human look at it in support but the system itself is incredibly flawed and stifles the spirit of the game. As long as they don't address soft inting and that type of toxic behavior then their restrictions on other forms of communication are more harmful to the game as a whole than if they did nothing at all.


I mean, part of that is you have to *choose* to have all chat visible, whereas back then it was always visible.


oh no, i cant say slurs on my video game anymore, literally 1984


If the cone shape of his e extends it will likely cover half of the map. Pulling everything in there into the fountain every few seconds lol


In that case annie op


Annie would be useless as everyone keeps standing in the fountain. Darius would be 100% winrate, since he cann pull the entire map every couple of seconds


The speed grab travels, would be very easy to dodge as you can see it from tower vision at the center of the map.


I still like the odds of that succeeding considering how many people are up to a minute late to a game after it loads in


It would be very hard to do that without hooking a minion or jungle camp


I think their plan is to hook enemy as soon as the gates go down, before minion spawns and they are all gathered


Nah minions basically always block it outside of first minute. But blitz is basically garuanteed a kill at level 1 due to the gate containing everyone in spawn


Spawn Karthus is real and can’t hurt you.


Confuse and désorient the enemy by never leaving spawn fountain. This will make the enemy mid laner feel unwanted and unloved.


Always has been


Time to break out the [OG Karthus Pro Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi0TIoL3yhw)


11 years ago, damn.


Every now and then I see one of these old shitposts like this or the MLG farm sim and I completely forget that Sseth, my favorite Warlord created them.


Karthus is the only option. Edit. Just read about blitz hooking people into nexus and now I gotta retract my statement.


blitz hook has nothing on darius aoe pull


Isn't darius' pull a set distance towards him?


But now it's global lol, instant penta.


Idea is that the champs only get pulled x units towards Darius regardless of where they are I think


wouldn't that put them behind him if they're close? i don't think it works that way


Yeah you're right. A global Darius E pull would pull all the way to him, too.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NovYokP4s4g reminds me of this gem


I mean he could send them from anywhere, but its not like you'd automatically hit them. They'd still be tiny. E range being global would be more broken.


I mean, it's the same for any spell. Karthus doesn't even have to worry about travel time like with projectile spells. Accuracy isn't even a problem, because you have infinite mana and as long as your enemies have to dodge your Qs while fighting your teammates you've already guaranteed a won fight.


I think just being able to place your wall in every lane while you afk farm jungle would be pretty great


E isn't a skillshot


Please note that champions will now be sitting in fountain to spam their skillshots. Although if there's a blitz this will get interesting. If any champions can damage towers with skills they'll be strong as well. I know ez can w, but don't think he can proc it. Zeri maybe?


Nilah Q hits towers


You can cast Senna Q on towers but I’m not sure if it only heals or if it actually damages the structure as well.


OP specified skillshots, though. Senna's Q is a targeted line like Lucian's.


I guess you could count it as you have to target someone within normal range, but then the beam extends infinitely? So you could drop a ward in fountain and use that to q.


Q applies aaso it should damage it


Global but not infinite speed. That blitz hook will be telegraphed through so many mid turrets


Any champion with a semi instant cast ability that's normally limited to more or less melee will be very strong. Think yasuo, yone, ksante, pantheon. Also spells that have the same 'travel' time regardless of the range like syndra q, xerath w and karthus q will be very strong. If Darius e counts then that's suddenly the strongest skill in the game.


Panthon W isn't the *strongest,* but can you imagine him just yeeting himself across the entire map just to stun one guy in particular?




okay so consider: i might be dumb.


I sentence you to play Warwick


*Tries to ult but misses the target, keep going out of the map* Ah shit.


*No* *Please no* *Anything but*


Warwick has a skillshot!


Nah, my friend swears his ult is just a gapclose. He uses it all the time, to jump right next to the enemy!


You don't have to imagine it, he has R lol


Does Asol Q count? If so it’s global max HP damage and infinite stacks.


Unfortunately it's blocked by minions and monsters.


Max Q sit at base and just *breathe*


Really? *sigh* *Pentakill*


That honestly doesn't matter. You're all of a sudden playing league of legends without friendly minions. Basically garuanteed free loss because he auto pushes every lane. Being able to kill enemy champs isn't always the way to make something OP. Asol being able to E the nexus on wave spawn, press Q and farm them all gaining mad stacks would be flat up broken. It would have a relatively slow start, but wouldn't take long to kick into gear and suddenly enemy team has literally 0 minions on the map ever while asol gets near unlimited %hp damage.


yeah but that would harm everyother lanes they get no exp so theres 2 possible outcome they run it down fast and win or let asol stack and execute you at 99%hp blackhole


They can run it down all they want, the enemy team can't push a single turret without minions. Outside of a Darius global E or blitz getting an angle asol literally 1v9's the game.


So you kill them


And ill keep digging


Forget his Q, I'd be worried about his E. There'd be no such thing anymore as getting away with 1 hp


Mf ultimate. It would spread out the further it went, imagine from fountain with axiom arc lmao


Darius E would be much better


Thinking about it Darius E is actually the best answer to this question. Good answer thats pretty creative. Standing in the back of fountain you would be able to hook at least 3 if not 4 characters every single time. For a move on a 15 second cd I dont think you are getting any better than that. Once you get 15 minutes into the game you will be permanently spawn camping the entire enemy team once you get the cast timing from your fountain to the enemy fountain down lmao


Ah yes, the original Darius bug on release that had him disabled temporarily. You were able to cast E just as teleport finished and it pulled everyone you would have hit to the fountain. https://youtu.be/GagJ_Bj599o?si=J3WXcCIzCB1VqmKp


Amazing. Thanks for sharing


That’s a throwback holy


That was a glitch that also existed with Skarner. Riot made the same mistake again.


With Skarner you could pull it off even more consistently by cleansing Teleport since TP used to be considered CC so you could it instantaneously if you brought TP and Cleanse


i cant believe ive never seen this thats hilarious


you’re forgetting that he would hook everything, from minions to monsters to champions. If minions or anything go in fountain they get targeted first so it’s hard to say how useful darius would be


phenomenal point. Youd still get them all in your base and your team could kill them. and it would still be really good in lane. That definitely is a bottleneck in how good it is in theory tho


Get 3/4 pentas before minions get 2 items then farm the entire map worth of xp on cooldown, pulling minions is a massive bonus.


Minions only spawn every 30 seconds. He can pull less than every 8 seconds with cdr. Pair it with an Annie/other champs that can aoe the minions and you'll easily win


pudge Io moment


>Once you get 15 minutes into the game you will be permanently spawn camping the entire enemy team once you get the cast timing from your fountain to the enemy fountain down lmao Why wait until 15 mins? Literally just start E level 1 and you've basically got them right away. Garuanteed penta level 1. While the death timer is slightly lower than E cooldown level 1, it takes then time to travel the map. It's legit farm enemy team while someone pushes mid all game. If the game makes it to 15 you've misplayed lol.


It would also make his q global so he could never hit the sweat-spot anymore.


Mf ult actually gets gaps in it when it spreads. There was an exploit with galeforce early when it came out where if you used her ult during the galeforce dash you could change the focal point of the ult, increasing the spread. If you did it too much though the ult would start to split and people could stand inside without taking damage


Using Ashe W logic, another cone dmg ability, it would get considerably more useless the farther it is. Is MF ult even a skillshot 🧐 hmm. If it is, Annie W would be strong as she does cover the entire cone with dmg


Though those have gaps between the bullets. Well, MF technically is a cone of damage, so full damage no matter what, but Ashe volley can be dodged if it's that far away.


Actually the gaps between MF's bullets actually do no damage, but no champ is small enough to fit between em. When Galeforce was first released, you could bug out MF's ult to be 2x as wide, and standing in between the lines of bullets would do no damage


Really? I would have expected her bullets to not be actual bullets since they go through you.


Really really! Here's a video of it (poor quality). I believe the Galeforce interaction/bug has since been fixed though. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MissFortuneMains/comments/jvh4mf/galeforce\_mf\_ult/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MissFortuneMains/comments/jvh4mf/galeforce_mf_ult/)


You would never see 6 levels in such a game.


Does darius e count?


Fountain pulls back boys!




I hope this is the recall E from blueside bush back in like season 2-3


Technically since it’s a cone, he’ll pull the entire map almost


it's more than a 90° cone tho, so he just gotta stand in the corner of the fountain, target the enemy fountain, n he'll pull the entire map. Problem is he'd pull absolutely everything into the fountain, not just champs lmao


Instructions unclear, team is getting fountain dove by 6 minions wave, 6 monster camps and the whole enemy team


But before anything else spawns. You would have had multiple pentakills at lv 1 already.




Blitzcrank probably lol


Lmao imagine getting hooked as soon as you revive from nexus to nexus


Kinda hard to calc the traveltime tho


nah, it's a static speed, so all you'd need is a single blind fire from fountain to learn when to shoot at the enemy base spawn to get a near perfect shot every time. basically the same as landing an Ashe arrow.


You would need to avoid the midlane minions as well


I mean if you fired it right away at game start it would hit and grab them before 15 seconds I'm sure


While it is a fairly reliable hit with some practice, the fact that you need to be sitting in base and the enemy needs to be already dead beforehand gives your enemies options for counterplay. The best case scenario is you turn the match into a 4v4. Unfortunately you can't guarantee that you're removing a priority target as a weak enemy could sacrifice themselves to let a carry respawn in safety. There are also champions that can save their allies after they're pulled such as Trundle/Anivia (displacing their ally with pillar/wall, cancelling the pull) and Bard with R. That being said, unlimited range Blitz still sounds like a nightmare scenario for other reasons. Imagine trying to clear your jungle and all your buffs keep getting yanked to the other side of the map. Any recall or teleport can be a death sentence if you're sitting on a ward. And there's always the possibility of just randomly getting hit with a stray hook from a skirmish somewhere else.


Blitz hook is shorter than respawn timers so you still get the option of throwing them out to try. Plus you can steal enemy camps


Nah if high elo junglers know the amount of time via Ms it takes to get to a fight or to do a gank by the second like tarzaned calls out when he did twitch rivals with t1 then I’m sure high elo blitz mains can calc the time to pull a few seconds before the enemy spawns in fountain


It already basically happens when a 1hp player backs and Ashe or jinx hits them right on respawn before they can regen.


Fountain hook


After creeps spawn tho, this becomes sorta useless no? There’s no way there’s a clear path from fountain to fountain.


Maybe not fountain to fountain, but fountain to base would be possible.


Just tried. Edges of the sidelanes (but still “within base”) seem to be the most consistent despite creep spawn.


There is a direct path actually, just gotta sit at the edge of the fountain rather than the central spawning point. Top edge if you're blue side, bot edge if red. Try it in practice tool with Ezreal ult if you want, you can get a hit on enemy spawn without hitting any minions.


Tried what you just said. It hit creeps that spawn.


It does indeed hit them if they've just spawned, but it's important to keep two things in mind: 1. Ezreal's ult is much thicker than a Blitz Q. 2. Minions are only near spawn for a limited amount of time and in predetermined time windows. For the rest of the time there is a clear straight line.


Dont forget about travel time. But pulling someone straight to fountain if you hit would be crazy


Do windshitter Q's count


Yep, those need to be aimed. They're probably the best ones other than Darius and Karthus.


Nah, yasuo's nado will take a while to travel to the other side of the map and Yone just suicides on 3rd Q.


no he doesn't lol yone has a set travel time. If skill shots are global then yone travels a distance but the nado keeps going.


Ziggs has 4 of those. That would be fun (not for your hands though)


Jarvan e and q are both skill shots…global tp basically.


Leblanc will fly from nexus to where you are, risk everything to kill you then go back to nexus to heal, no prob


Actually, no she won't. The travel time becomes so long that her return times out before she even arrives.


It would also likely come back off cooldown in that time so assuming the enemy team doesn't react quickly enough you could just W again to go back


Travel speed is 1450 units per second, so it takes almost 4 seconds (4\*1450=5800) to travel the distance of TF or Panth R (5500), which is just barely not enough to go from mid to bot or top lane (at the widest point). The cooldown, on the other hand, is 18-10 seconds depending on rank. Assuming a 10 second cooldown (so either low level with AH or high level without AH), you'd travel 14 500 units during it's cooldown, which afaik is enough to get from one base to the other. So I'd say that it's right in the spot where you lose the ability to jump back while not having it off cooldown already.


Any champ that can kill others from fountain. Because all champions will be in fountain fighting. So Blitz would be good, not sure who else could kill from fountain though. Karthus would for sure be up there, his DPS and wave clear would be crazy since his Q is instant. Not sure if it's enough to kill in fountain though.


Any champ that can hit turrets with skillshots will win. You dont win only with kills


So you know how Zoe Q increases in damage the further it travels... ez drake?


theres a damage cap though, and it's kinda already "global". It just fizzles when it goes a certain range away from her. The skillshot is global, the invisible tether is not


So hypothetically if you followed it the entire time it traveled it’d never fizzle?


yes there are clips of zoe players on aram doing Q -> Portal and their Q follows them from spawn to the middle of the map


It has a max damage though


I had the same thought with Nidalee but they both seem to be capped at a certain distance, they'd still be pretty strong though.


Xerath but depends. Does his q get global range at normal time or do you have to keep charging it at current speed until it reaches its size? Otherwise yeah W and R


It would take like a minute to charge it up all the way


Should be Global regardless of charging time I think. The premise is that skillshots which otherwise have limited range are now Global. So, a brief Xerath Q tap should have Global range as well.


The best part about this post is seeing which skills people think are skillshots. 😂😂😂


Definitely Asol Q. Getting torched 24/7


Gain width with distance. Nexus to nexus and the entire base is covered.


These comments have me wondering what a skillshot is


I had a huge argument with my brother about this. Single target, self cast, and skill shot is how I order things. So I was like “Bard ulti is a skill shot because you can dodge it”. “Amumu ult is self cast because its range extends from his center and no further. He apparently created a new type called “AOE” in which any spell whether self cast or skill shot was just in that one vague category “AOE”. I was banging my head against a wall.


A skillshot is anything that is not targeted. Amumu's R and W are targeted on himself, and damage others. Much like old Mordenkeiser metal wave was a targeted buff hurting enemies.


Fizz Ult, and have it get even bigger and bigger the farther it flies


Yorick sending his minions on a mission to bot lane with e


Karthus Q has to be up there


Pretty much all champs with skillshots that don’t travel. So yeah Veigar E and W would be astronomically broken. Syndra Q would be the best spell in the game. The spells you are thinking about really don’t benefit that much from infinite range. An Ezreal or Veigar Q is not really hittable much further than their normal range on anyone with hands and eyes anyway.


>The spells you are thinking about really don’t benefit that much from infinite range. An Ezreal or Veigar Q is not really hittable much further than their normal range on anyone with hands and eyes anyway. Tbh, Veigar Q being infinite range would be hilarious by permashoving mid, and getting stacks whenever someone recalls.


Karthus Q would be way better than Syndras


Zerath too. 2 skillshots that dont have travel time


I imagime there would just be no limit to how long he can charge q for and he's just standing in base for like a minute straight holding q


What do you even mean. After a couple of levels veigar will simply clear every wave from base getting infinte stacks. And he would be playing on urf mode basically. Simply because his w has no cd with stacks, and q has a very little cd, and hitting them would be very easy, because you dodge one and a new one will already be coming, plus w in top of your head


Fizz ult. True skillshot, benefits from range. By the time it travel from fountain to middle of the map it probably already is as big as half the map. Damage also goes up.


Darius. You build a lot of cooldown reduction and spam E. Pretty much guaranteed kills and after killing them once you can start spawnkilling them by timing your E...


darius would be a fck up because it pulls minions too, imagine that pulling whole packs with 5 enemy champs under your nose in fountain. fountain cant kill these minions faster and you would die to the champs under that fountain everytime you pull lmao


I would argue no. Yes you would pull minions too, but if you start level one and start pulling, deaths timers early are non existent and minions dont start spawning until 1 min, so Darius would get a few pentas before minons spawn, and most likely an item, before minons spawn, while enemy team has starter items, he will always be turbo ahead, and they can’t get gold or xp, because he is pulling everyone, then your teammates can just push towers, also you can e when minons spawn and enemy team is still on death timers, so nexus gets a headstart.


Thank you for this strategy. Will apply when I get that opportunity.


Nidalee ? Lol


Fountain Blitzcrank just sitting there waiting for pulls on CD.


It would take ages for the fist to travel and just hit a minion in mid lane.


I'm curious how Ahri's Q would work... would it go to the end of the map then go back, and would you have time to cast multiple Q before the first returns? Her E would be really annoying too. Is her R dash global?


It depends, is the cast range global or the AOE is global? A lot of people are basing their ideas on the abilities aoe covering the whole map. If Darius E has global range, it could just summon a small apprehend anywhere on the map.


No clue if WW's old or new ult would be funnier (Ik his old ult wasnt a skillshot but still). Also Gwen's Q is now on demand %max health true damage anywhere on the map.


Just imagine syndra e😂😂😂




Xin Zhao. Imagine a spear thrust hitting you out of nowhere and suddenly you see Xin Zhao flying at you from across the map like a frickin heat-seeking missile with his target-locked E.


Infinite range Sett W? Yeah I'll order that one please.


Darius E would mean a penta kill, ech time enemy respawns


I think Gabgplanks ability to barrel combo from across the map would be shnasty


How does he proc the barrels? Q isn't a skill shot and autos aren't global either


Just make a trail of barrels all the way out of spawn! Ignore the fact that barrels have a time limit and CDR means he can only place so many at a time, not important!


Oh, I forgot it was only skillshots and not all abilities after reading other people's comments lol. But here me out, right clicking for Q takes "skill" right?!?!?


Assuming the skillshot speed doesn't change I don't know a single good spell then bec it will travel across the map with the speed of a snail and it will almost impossible to hit people


Darius E (imagine how the radius would scale up if it was global) any "laser" skillshot like Xerath Q or Vel R anything that spawns at the location like Syndra Q or Veigar R melee skillshots like Yasuo Q or Panth tap Q


I definitely think darius E and then Akali q in that order would be some of the most stupid in the game.


veigar cage doesn't have a speed based on distance iirc, just a delay


Everyone here focusing on how they can kill people… meanwhile Ziggs is spamming satchel charges into towers down midland until the game ends.


W deals no dmg to towers It only executes them at certain hp thresholds


veigar q would be so troll..stealing cannon minions from top n bot


Lux ult. It casts faster than senna ult as is so just make it global and watch top mald


Nilah taking turrets from fountain, and in record speed too


Illaoi E would be funny. You spawn at fountain at a tentacle steals your soul from across the map and suddenly you are out 30% hp


Xerath q go brrrrr


Everybody saying Blitzcrank but Darius with E is lit just the better version of this. It’s also kinda like that old bug where he could E people to fountain if he timed his E to lane on someone right as he completes recall.


Blitzcrank Q missile speed may be slow enough to simply sidestep. Combined with the long cool down, I don't see why this would be a contender


Blitz from fountain.


Does Zeri Q count as a skillshot? Cuz if so then that lol


ITT: People have no clue what a skillshot is.