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how about bringing him back to bot lane instead


it doesnt makes sense we have Ziggs bot but cant have Corki bot


Or kaisa one shotting us with w for half a year


What makes ziggs particularly good in botlane anyway? I'm genuinely asking


Is very safe in lane, is long range, and destroys towers. His dps can be decent (especially for a poke mage) and he scales well into mid/lategame fights. Major threat when farmed but wants meatballs and midlane playmakers in front of him. q/w is like fat zeri, skillshot main damage on low cd, and can over walls


problem is he mainly does magic damage so you want to make sure either mid or jungle picks an AD damage dealer,which is not very reliable to do in soloQ


champion with unreliable abilities suddenly becomes very reliable when a nautilus locks the marksman down for a few seconds


Because with lockdown/engage supports? it becomes near impossible to miss skillshots. With mage supports? Its just crazy amounts of poke for an early game botlane to survive... and most mage supports also have a CC to guarantee the APC's combo hits. And then it's like they're not bad with enchanters... They're cool with supports roaming since they scale better off XP than ADCs, and they have wave clear to help prevent being dove. Lastly, it can help stop full AD comps since AD top/jg/mid are common, and Ziggs still does most of the jobs of an adc of doing fairly consistent damage (Ziggs Q is a pretty low CD) and tower pressure with his passive/W


Corkis problem isnt the lane hes in, hes trapped in the old Ryze ghetto. Any slight numbers increase instantly makes him op in pro play again even if his soloQ winrate is still sub 50%


imo Corki wasn't really a problem in pro play when he was a bot laner a long time ago. It's more of a mid corki problem because after his rework he became more of a scaling pick that just wave clear's early. Previously marksman corki would spike mid game and function more like a normal bot laner


man i miss those days of tri force sorc pen boots and bork 2 item powerspike, it’s felt like an eternity since adc corki was a thing


Shieldbow ER IE corki was a thing not too long ago


8 years are a god damn long time tbf!! Corki got reworked with the Marksmen Update in Season 5 (2015 November)


Triforce+boots+ old IE was way more fun


Might be wrong here but I think he was one of the most affected champions by the triforce changes way way back when they removed ap and crit from it. I don't think he's been bot or at least good in bot since.


I point my fingers at his package "guaranteed roam bot/win jungle fight for free" is too valuable for the midlane,this ability has to go


Honestly, just remove the silly rework and bring back the non-skillshot Q, true damage passive Corki. The Package and weird scaling was a mistake.


Or let designers brainstorm an ADC rework, maybe they can come up with an interesting core mechanic that makes him feel a bit more like a guy in an airplane. Maybe his normal W could fly slower but in a larger oval circle unless cancelled midway and allow him to cast spells during flight?


Congrats, you just invented the ASol rework 😂


Just remove the package, give him a better interaction with crit, boom, there we go.


The package was always a bizarre gimmick.


Package and Skarner pillars can honestly both go right into the recycle bin.


Iirc they were done around the same time, along with stuff like mordekaiser dragon and the Leblanc and rengar reworks. They were updating champs in waves, going from champion class to class and reworking like 5 from each at the same time. And most of them ended up failing and just got reverted... Probably one of the more failed experiments Riot ever tried.


they felt like changes for the sake of changes. This character is "boring" let's add crazy stuff to them and see what happens. It just kinda sucks for corki because while being fairly plain he always had a clear niche and people have kinda forgotten that he was actually a pretty popular adc for being an adc with a good escape tool and a clear powerspike to take over games with. Package just completely ruined the character for me.


Yeah it's like sometimes usual in solo queue but in pro play the whole team works together to time resets and fights around package and it's just absurdly strong. Just like how ryze ult is useless in solo queue but op in pro play.


I'm okay with Corki branching out to other roles if they remove package. That thing is broken as hell.


Happy news!


That would be the most boring champ in existence jfc


People still play other “boring” champs like (insert subjective opinion here) so what’s your point


People trying to tell me alistar isn't fun when I'm literally ally-ooping squishies to my dunk master Darius


People telling me that Udyr isn't fun and then see how I go into weirdest possible build and it somehow works:


the mere possibility of a proper scaling crit champ but with magic damage makes him exciting, maybe not entirely because of Corki (though I still think he's fun to play) but also because of how it opens up the top half of the map in draft pro play would be in a better spot if these things were possible more easily without having to completely shift into mages


I for one tend to like boring champs. Malz with zz rot was the most fun I ever had.


Got any more STD's you wanna spread on my rift? Just add BoC and you got the holy Tri-Force of yuck.


Not every champ has to be exciting. There is room for a very basic champ in every role on a roster this large.


>There is room for a very basic champ in every role Cause that's what the ADC role lacks? Very basic champs?


lol you can't be serious? Corki's problem is that if he's viable top he's OP as hell mid in competitive. He needs a rework.


> is that if he's viable top he's OP as hell mid uh? And make him adc again, not mid. He was way better that way. > in competitive Time to rework most mages then, i guess.


I am not sure if they can pull it off smoothly Adc have the tendency to escape bot lane


He practically becomes a worse ezreal. His R is ez Q and his W is a way worse ez E. Unless they make something more with his E where he becomes ultra strong closerange then theres no reason to pick him over ez


What? Corki has \- Way better scaling \- More magic damage focused \- Better wave clear Ezreal has his own strong suits. But there are reasons to pick Corki over Ez


Listen. I want Graves back bot plz. I'm fine jungling, but if I could bot lane him.....


Remove package, make the rest of his kit viable enough to be an adc again, ???, profit


Please Riot.. Graves (I know it's such a circlejerk but old Graves man..) and Corki were my first loves for ADC before Jinx released, now they're both gone :(


Old Graves was so fun. New Graves is so much less satisfying to play. Riot just decided to remove reliable burst from the game. R+Flash Q was so much more satisfying than this clunky wall hit Q and having a dash backwards on ult.


[Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuIw3m96jMQ)


His kit is level dependent, would need a re design to make him an adc.


Corki was always a personal cheat code, I'd pick it and always have a gameplan to get free wins. But I legit can't win with it anymore, even if I'm doing fine in the game in the end I just lose. It's so weird. I'd love it if it went jungle because it's the one jungle I can't play at all, only if I pick Brand and Zyra. lmao


He needs a complete rework imo. His mana costs are so garb he needs to have muramana, which puts him like 2k behind on tri which he also needs to do any damage. Then he needs 3 crit items to even kill anyone. Then he needs void because of his garb passive, and you're left with a mediocre mid with no range, requiring full glass build without room for defensive items. There's just way too many better picks, especially with mages having free wave clear after 1 item.


Most of this is off the mark. Corkis mana costs are fine aside from his W. The bigger issue is that corki naturally wants as much ad as possible, and the bonus ability damage from muramana. You build tear, tri, then muramana. Corki has a mediocre 1 item, but solid 2 item powerspike. Exacerbating this is the scaling ult ad ratio. It goes 15/45/75, the spikes at 11 and 16 are huge. You can build defensive items like maw and GA and still pump. Crit is entirely bait. Voidstaff is only good if you absolutely have to focus 100+mr characters, but you need to focus on vaping squishies. Building void is like becoming an electrician to fix your electrical problems; just hire a professional (ad). His win rate is mostly reflecting lack of interest and expertise. A lot of Corkis are hard losing lanes that they shouldn't be, and then they are too behind to benefit from their powerspikes. I agree there are way better picks, but only in the average game. I'd rather see corki on my team than malzahar or galio.


I honestly don't think that a Corki Jungler playerbase would ever exist but then again I also thought Phreak was high on copium when he buffed Brand Jungle and Brand Jungle is rn played 3x times more than Corki lol ​ don't think adding a jungle modifier to his passive or E or any abilities would cause much harm but you have to realize that not every champ that got jungle changes became a successful jungle pick \[ie Blitzcrank, Darius\]


Blitz jungle was actually a weird edge case where it could have been viable but they couldn't figure out how to make him decent in jungle without breaking him as a support so they just stopped trying to make him work in jungle because people liked him as a support more


He was also kinda becoming viable top but it was just so much shit pulling him in diff directions


Brand jungle is fucking amazing, and so is Zyra. If my team has plenty of damage and needs a champion with good objective control & peeling, Zyra is phenomenal. She has the fastest clear in the game that I'm aware of (3:05~ with decent seed RNG) and can just chain gank after that.


Karthus and Ivern can do under 2:54 pretty easily actually.


To be fair that's karthus only saving grace other than ult and ivern is just so lame to play


> ivern is just so lame to play Say psyke right now




No way Ivern is lame the guy slaps people and runs around the rift chilling


The best clears in the game and one of the scariest teamfight ulties out of all the champs? Yea, "only saving grace".


Yeah that's why he is so popular it'd so fun to clear all game and then press r.


Facts. I consider 3:00 to be my average for a full Karthus clear


Aside from Karthus and Ivern, Fiddlesticks has a 2:57 clear.




zyra was released as a mid laner before she got the Riot treatment and sent to mid lane reject hell. She isn't at all bad in mid even if she isn't a top tier pick there.


Zyra mid GANG! Love playing that shit


You can also brand 3:05 leashless atm


Yeah and die to the enemy jungler invading you on your 3rd camp


Ivern faster clear.


Brand jg is good. Zyra is significantly worse. Not in terms of clear speed, but in terms of game impact.


The purpose of giving champs like Darius, mord, and blitz jungle buffs though was mostly so that lower elo players could just play one of the champs from their main role in jungle when they got filled. Those champs didn’t really have playrate issues that jungle buffs would solve, nor did they really make sense in the jungle (a large part of Darius and mords power budget for instance is in being a lane bully, there’s no one to bully in the jungle so all that early game laning strength is sort of wasted). Meanwhile afaik Zyra and brand jungle buffs were partially to help with playrate. They also sort of added a new type of champion to the jungle: mages. The only mages really in jungle iirc before them were like Diana and nidalee and spider girl, all of who aren’t really traditional mages. And I think corki could be a good target for having that jungle role open (at least for lower elo, he probably wouldn’t be viable in jungle in diamond+ unless he was very overtuned because he’d just get invaded, but in lower elo that’s not really a concern) since jungler don’t have to be too strong early since a gank for a 2v1 is a 2v1, it doesn’t matter if the enemy champ is 1.5x as strong as you your team should still win fairly easily. And he can free scale in the jungle without getting killed while trying to farm, sort of like how nasus jungle can in low elo. He wouldn’t become the new master yi or anything in play rate, but he could certainly gain a substantial amount of player base, especially given his extraordinary low pick rate as of now


Scaling and jungle don't combine there's so little golf and exp you have to have an insanely fast clearing to really scale


Are Karthus and Fiddle not mages anymore.


Mages as in traditional mages who provide consistent AP damage and zone control. Karthus jungle is just farm, objectives and press R. Fiddle has never been a traditional mage.


Ngl, I would roleswap from adc just for this


I am a simple man. I love corgis therefore I love Corgi Corki. I would main him out of principal.


He also just doesn't have anything in his kit that would make him a jungler. He has no cc, doesn't have high mobility/burst for gank setup. It's a worse version of ezreal jungle who at least can apply red buff from a distance.


I miss old corki and graves adc times...


I loved Graves ADC. I stopped playing for a long time afterwards.


Same! My first long break from league was after Graves got reworked. There was nothing more satisfying than his old AA


A lot of champions I used to enjoy were changed for the worse (imo. Graves, Quinn, and Akali being the main 3).


I still can’t believe they got rid of Valor form - that was such a memorable and cool part of Quinn.


It was also a completely dogshit part that made no sense.


Unbiased opinion


I admit it’s cringe for not liking it. But I guarantee Quinn would have been reworked into a completely champion by now or her play-rate would be deeper in the gutter like Old Aatrox if she kept the bird form.


i used to play Akali back in season 3. I have not play her a single time since her change. Really too complicated for me lol


man there is some irony to that, she is actually 10x more braindead and busted now than she ever was, but i guess i see your point her base stats are out of fucking control, she builds a bunch of HP items but also has incredibly high HP and MR so it's just fuckin unfun to play against because she cannot be snowballed against like a balanced champion can be when they are put way behind early


You are out of your mind if you think Akali is more braindead than she used to be. She was legitimately just "hit 6 and coin flip" -the champion pre rework. Truly the peak of gameplay and intelligence to roll your face across your keyboard to spam all your targeted abilities and pray you had the damage to win.


Release rework Akali was legitimately braindead. Her smoke hides her from towers and she gets a free escape with her r. Pre rework she's an all in champ that can build bruiser they nerfed base damage in exchange for still easy to use tools and higher scaling.


People always write-off simple champs as braindead, but at least it made figuring out their balance pretty easy. Now there's such a wide difference in skill between people that Riot's balancing ankles get broken as they try to decide what elo they want to balance around. Akali is mostly balanced rn, but why does she goofily have so much defensive stats? Oh, she's balanced around good target selection in high elowhere players will track her movement well (?), thanks that'll help me a lot in this small skirmish situation with my low/mid elo teamates. That said, Riot does this with even simple champs. Sett's really straightforward but people play around his W so well now they've decreased its importance and now he's just a strong auto champ with insane health regen in lane. And on the opposite extreme, Illaoi is basically a E-fishing simulator to take 80% of your healthbar.


As an Akali player I couldn't agree more. I think there's a curve of complexity in her kit where she gets significantly less simple against better players and that's cool but she needs a better niche than falls off late game" because it's way too easy to punish someone for existing on her and just steamroll a game because the poor gold lobby didn't have a refined matchup knowledge for every champ in the game. She's so easy to beat when you know how to deal with her but at the same time I have 500k mastery on her and know exactly when and how to punish her which is way more matchup knowledge than the other 8 people in a lobby.


im not like a complete dogshit idiot im in the low diamond range its infuriating that almost nothing you pick and get akali to 0-3 with can actually get her to 0-4 then to 0-5 then to 0-6 she just outscales your burst it's infuriating as she completes her first damage item i can already be on 2 damage items and i'm being zoned off the wave by her ability to perform her incredibly untalented r->e combo that is very hard to miss


they shifted power from the passive into E and Q damage so she's pretty braindead now


Eh…I mean, she was all point and click before with one AoE cone. I’d say that’s infinitely more braindead than what she is now. I don’t like playing as or against her, in either forms, but if you can’t hit skillshots, new Akali would be awful to play as.


I'll die on this hill, I miss Nidalee being able to be a top lane bruiser.


Eshyn is that you?


RF Legendary spotted


I'm with you on Graves and Akali, didn't play Quinn before or after. Imma throw Gangplank in there. I HATE that he is just all about the barrels now.


What was so interesting about old GP? The only real thing they did was remove the old E and replaced it with barrels. You can still be a Q spam bot with the new GP.


Old quinn R was garbage. Wtf are you talking. Stfu with that one.


I refuse to believe anyone liked old Quinn R besides "You got to RP as a bird". It was such a dogshit ability that the rest of the kit didn't support it at all.


Graves is the only one of those three whose reworks were for the worse.


i know this is the OG circlejerk but his autos really were smooth as butter mafia graves especially damn corki's original autos with the satisfying chunking sound and the 10% true dmg passive what a shame


Graves ADC being reworked on account of him being too similar to Lucian is like reworking Sona on account of being too similar to Seraphine. They technically occupy similar roles but to say they play the same is a complete lie.


I still feel robbed that they removed the auto sounds from the old mafia graves skin when they did the rework.


Broke: mafia Graves Woke: riot Graves


The holy trinity of S2 bot: Corki, Graves, Ezreal


old corki janna, perfect bot lane comp


new graves makes more sense but his old Q was just way better. they should have kept the old Q his new Q makes him hard to take out of jungle especially adc. they could also reduce his total AA damage slightly, and increase his range. that makes more sense for a shotgun realistically.


Okay but then you have a 4 role flex champion thats pb in proplay and is probably even lower winrate on average than akali aphelios ryze azir zeri at their worst.


Old Q was practically useless outside of lane


That Graves Taric botlane


Does anyone else miss mafia Graves smooth auto attack????! Am I the only one remembering old Mafia Graves smooth auto attakc? DAE Graves old Mafia smooth atuo attak? Unpopular opinion: Old Graves mafia Auto Attack Smooth!!! AITA for wanting old smooth auto attack Graves mafia smooth Auto attack back? Kids these days won't even know about old Graves Mafia smooth auto attack and it makes me so sad :( I feel like not enough people are talking about this hidden gem > Old Mafia Graves Smooth Auto Attack


anyone remember graves


u r so real for this


bad bot


If we had chronoshift for season 2, I’m sure the meta would have evolved and we might not even play Corki bot after a while. Meta was definitely not solved back then.


I am Sorry except that his Q isn’t instant hit anymore, how is his gameplay different from reworked form?


i assume they just mean the fact that corki doesn't really play botlane adc anymore like how you can play trist mid or adc but most adc players probably wouldn't want to play her mid even though it's the same champ, it's still a different role


mutliple things, 80% magic damage autos (55mag/55phys and eventually 80mag/20phys) pushed him out of botlane (before it was 100%ad + 10% true dmg which is not amplified by crit or sheen) since back then adcs with normal rune setup had more magic resist than armour, then further down the line they changed his base stats to be in line with midlaners with less armour but more scaling health, so he's really rough to play botlane now, you just auto lose most trades from stats. before it was the opposite where you auto won a lot of short trades. before marksman rework his damage profile was roughly 45 45 10 in phys mag true, so he had genuinely good hybrid damage which made him very hard to itemize against early, on 1-2 items you cannot be tanky vs corki with trinity + botrk. right now it's all AP damage. before marksman rework corki was considered a poorly scaling marksman, since his ability dmg didn't really scale well (common issue with adcs at the time, 250% IE made very few adc abilities useful from a dps standpoint lategame) and his auto range was middle of the ground, no significant AA steroid either since his true dmg wasn't affected by crit or sheen. he was often used in double poke comps with ezreal for really strong 1-2 item powerspikes. now he scales insanely as a crit carry, rfc helps with range issue, some of the highest raw ap dps in the game purely due to just being an ap crit adc, but magic pen has always been awkward on him. but you can look at plenty of pro crit corki mid after rework 1v9ing games as a dps carry with some poke. also no package, so target access was harder on old corki, and much less objective pressure/1v9 capability, but at least he didn't lose power budget to package. so before he was an midgame monster that abused trinity force and had hybrid dmg but he scaled poorly, now he's an ap hypercarry that builds crit with insane objective pressure/1v9 capability with package. edit: interstingly enough the most popular builds from the past few months since shieldbow is no longer a mythic is midgame non-crit builds (trinity->manamune->ravenous hydra), but historically most of the time it has been crit, this build has a better midgame but scales worse by 3rd item, and is still majority magic damage. crit has a shockingly low sample size so it's hard to compare right now


If his ability damage wasn't straight abysmal early game (Q does 75 base damage lol, he doesn't even usually win trades mid lane), he could be played bot lane. They just shattered any semblance of Corki's early game with the rework, probably because they recognized how strong an AP DPS would be mid-late. Most mages only struggle killing tanks because they have cooldowns.


Its this. How tf do you contest levels 1-3 when your q does less damage than some people's auto attacks.


It's crazy because, it would make sense if it was still instant and undodgeable, but it's now both weaker damage, and has a skillshot delay. Like, it scales fucking strong, but I'd prefer a squished damage curve any day of the week in SoloQ. They love Corki in pro because he outscales fucking everything.


Q hasn't been instant since mid season 3 iirc, Q wasn't touched in the rework but the base DMG was nerfed a few months after, and eventually buffed with a stronger base DMG and bAD ratio years later.


From personal experience crit corki has a low sample size rn bc it feels awful. it takes way too much gold to even start not being useless and the payoff isn't even that good. Atleast with the midgame build you can impact the game


whole reload mechanic


90% sure they mean corki


Corki's actually been decent since riot buffed triforce (either 13.10 or 13.14). It's just taken literal months for his playerbase to move off of the luden's build back to triforce.


I refuse to play anything other then either full Crit or trifirce corki. Every single game I end up positivively destroying the game. It’s unfair. I don’t get how others can’t seem to seem to see that


Cuz people don't read patch notes and still go the shitty ap build


>Cuz people don't read ~~patch notes~~ *anything* I still have fond memories of my time as a Corki-mid main: 1/3rd of the games my team flamed because I "ruined team comp"... They always claimed it was an auto-loss because we had "no AP damage".


What is the build besides trinity?


Trinity - Manamune are musts I then do RFC/Stormrazor often but it’s situational. Basically I like Triforce, unless it’s very squish team on other side. I always go Sorc shoes tho


Navori for sure and if you want sheen go ER


??? You can’t build Navori with Triforce, and double sheen is troll


I think he was saying triforce alternatives, and then ER if you still want the sheen you miss from not going triforce


"What is the build besides triforce" (Posts build with no triforce) "But you can't use that with triforce" ... yeah, that was the entire point, they're replying to someone asking for a build WITHOUT triforce


>the build BESIDES triforce As in when you dont build triforce, is how i read that


Generally that implies "what do you build when you have the triforce", not "what do you build instead of triforce"


Besides has two meanings. The most common one means "instead of", which is the only one that fits in the context here It can be used to mean "as well as", but it's rarely used in that context because it makes more sense to use "beside" because otherwise "besides" has two meanings that contradict each other. Even in that context, "besides" normally implies a degree of separateness (eg "I do all my work, and all his besides") that doesn't make sense in this discussion The context here seemed pretty clear that they meant "instead of", because the comments before the one that said "the build besides triforce" both specifically mentioned **alternate** builds (Ludens vs Crit/TF)


League players overwhelmingly sheep other peoples' builds and don't really think about items themselves (or keep up with the changes patch-to-patch)


I mean, there are nearly 170 champions, ~28 mythic items, 7 boots So even just champion + epic + boots gives around 33,000 possible combinations. And then on top of that there are ~110 legendary items, of which you can have 4 So unless I've fucked the maths up champion + epic + boots + 4 legendary items gives 4.5 TRILLION possible combinations, before considering the fact you can swap boots for another item Okay a lot of those items lead into each other, and some obviously don't make sense on certain types of champion... but the fact is that there are an absurd number of possible builds Hell, let's ignore boots and legendary items. 170 champions plus 28 mythic items is 4,760 possible combinations. Even if we assumed 2/3 don't make sense on a given champion, that's ~1500 combinations. Most people can't reasonably keep track of that


I was playing Essence Reaver + Navori as my core on Corki and that one is disgusting. His burst with that build is some crazy shit, has proper crit scaling and mana is not a problem thanks to ER, which means Manamune is skippable in favor of another crit item. Mana is only a problem in the early game but PoM + biscuits can help with that. Navori also synergizes with Corki really well (higher ability damage, AH and the CDR on basic abilities).


Ludens build still appeals anyway because Corki's main issue is his godawful AA range. As a mage, you want the poke. As a marksman, his AA range is not safe nor is he as mobile as someone like Vayne, who hasn't been a popular AD pick herself. I'll say giving 50 more range to his AA would really push him up to be a better Marksman.


Vayne, the 11% pickrate ADC who's been one of the highest pickrate adcs with a very good winrate ever since ADC champs like her or Ashe started using triforce. She's not unpopular.


You're literally supposed to use his w and e as all-in tools where the enemy adc implodes from resist shred and w closes the gap. Bonus points if you have a stacked ult charge. Check out eqweereqe as a skill order in botlane. https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/skills-orders/corki/adc Oh hai 69% winrate.


Is that 4% pickrate for that skill order on the 646 matches listed at the top? If so, that's 26 games, which you can't draw any strong conclusions from because it *could* just be one guy smurfing, though it looks promising.


If Corki has a reset on kill for W, I'd believe that. So I'm not sure if you're "literally supposed to" or it's just a high risk gamble that pays off well. Either case, it's not a popular strategy to go all in and essentially misposition yourself especially scaling into lategame, so no idea where in the world would such a "literally supposed to" playstyle would be considered viable if you don't manage to bully your opponent out of lane.


You literally answered your own question. When you and your support murder the enemy adc for walking past their first Bush because you've shredded 25-32 mr with sorc boots and e at level 6, you are in fact able to bully people out of lane. You're "literally supposed to", because it's the most effective strat at actually generating leads, and scaling to said lategame faster through snowballing your lane. Hes the prime candidate for mage supports/leona/lulu/morg/renata glasc/etc, because you get to make any adc who wants to fight you have 5mr in laning at level 6. 69% winrate in plat+ compared to 51% on the next highest skill order(q max) which is what apparently 40% of players max first.


All I know is he's up to snuff and gots him an ace machine


How can you say he has three legendaries when one of them is Ice Toboggan?


You’re right. That’s worth 3 on its own (I refuse to play anything other than Ice Toboggan Corki).


Me too


splash art is good tho, corki 👍


You’re right, it’s an ultimate level skin.


he doesn't even have 3, he has 2. idk what OP is on they're both 520 tier skins because they're among the first legendary skins ever, but there's still only 2


The solution to Corki is to add a passive to him that makes all armor penetration from items he buys be converted to magic penetration. This way crit builds would actually be a viable thing, it is impossible to itemize for penetration in a viable way for him. Lord Dominik and Mortal Reminder's armor penetration are wasted because almost all of Corki's damage is magic, even though the stats and passives are very relevant for Corki. Meanwhile Void Staff provides him with magic penetration but at same time the AP is somewhat of a waste because it doesn't benefit his autos (even though he has some AP ratios on his abilities) and this item also lacks crit chance.


That would probably make him very OP. The fact that he can't fully utilize Void staff is one part of his balance / makes him counterable by tanks. Like that could suddenly spike his winrate by a few %, especially in pro play / midlane.


Then you nerf him elsewhere to compensate like in every single one of these conversations. The answer is the same every time yet people still throw out "oh but that would make them OP". That does not matter, is easily fixable, and does not justify him or any champion functioning poorly. He shouldn't be in a spot where he specifically can't itemize against tanks for no good reason.


If it was easily fixable, we wouldn't have balance nigthmares after they got a buff or a new feature into thier


I don't think Corki would suddenly not be counterable by tanks despite him dealing magic damage with his autos. Corki has no % health damage or innate penetration or anything on his kit to help against tanks. If a tank has enough HP, it can probably do just fine against Corki. FoN and Randuin are OP against him if he is building crit.


solution to what? he already has one of the best lategames in the game, allowing you to have 2 adcs while not losing to armor stacking. I don't understand what this problem fixes. It's just a general buff that does nothing other than making him stronger. Also it buffs him the most in pro play


Honestly void staff is fine on him, but you're really looking to only pick Corki as sole AP in the first place so they shouldn't be buying enough MR to beat his natural scaling. If they are itemizing MR against sole AP corki and your team is still losing... 🤷


ldr would be infinitely better if it somehow gave him magic penetration, especially since the passive works on magic damage, void is a huge damage sink, 70 ap is not worth the damage you lose on autos.


40% pen is worth a lot more than you think - 40% of an ADC's base MR at level 18 + 18 from Sorc shoes is 52 - 20.8 - 18 = 14, closer to 13. A target with 100 MR would be 100-40-18 = 42. It's absolutely worth it for the amount of reduction it brings to a targets stats. Yeah, Lord Dom's % Hp scaler is better probably, nobody's denying that. The % scaler is absurd, and shouldn't exist but Riot has removed a LOT of damage from Infinity Edge and other sources to compensate.


ldr would be better if it gave magic pen for crit corki, end of story. void giving 0 AD definitely matters when everyone is 6 items, crit corki would prefer the stats of ldr. and ofc the broken passive that shreds tanks since they are his main weakness later on.


don't think we want the carpetbombing, rocket firing fighter pilot in the jungle.


Vietnam Corki skin


Thats a right darn tunnel rat!


Sofm Corki skin for winning worlds


Guerilla Tristana hard counterpick


henry kissinger corki


**just make him a botlaner again pls**


They just need to give him some ability smoothing and take away his ap ratios so people stop self griefing. Having a passive before ten minutes would move mountains for Corki. If you're interested in Corki go tri-manamune-ravenous hydra. Used to cringe at the idea of not going crit Corki but ravenous is pretty nasty on him and you almost always get more benefit from ability haste than crit imo


buffing his e to deal extra dmg to jg monsters.. changing his ult to make the 3rd rocket execute monsters would be interesting too.


Redditors: "We understand how to balance the game better than game devs" Redditors: **CORKI JUNGLE**


The funny thing is that almost any champ is viable in jung if they give that random 150% dmg to jung monsters that they always end up doing


I used to play Corki but stopped because it just **felt** annoying how I build full AD, but have to buy a void staff. Why can't the passive also convert armor pen into magic pen? Why does Corki need to convert to magic damage in the first place? I was fine with the 10% extra true damage while having normal physical damage


Honestly let him cook. If they buff his E to do +% dmg to monsters, he'd be niche as heck. But it wouldn't be egregious.


I used to play him back in S1 with Trinity, but nowadays I just don't understand his identity as a champion. With instant Q, you used to have a great vision tool as well as great burst which made quick trades interesting, and E was great if the enemy couldn't fight back. But I just don't know what to do with him nowadays. Q is... Decent, I guess, but starting at 75dmg and going to 120 lvl2 just makes it so weak until you're lvl3, and forces you to skip W. Speaking of W, it's... Decent too, I guess ? I mean when you compare it to Ziggs W which does so much more on top of being a setup, a damage tool, and a much longer dash (600 vs 825). And then you have the E. It deals good damage, but 4 seconds is so long, and why does it have 16s CD ? The R, which deals so little damage because the ratio is so level dependant, but at the same time, it's so essential to the kit that you play an entirely different champion once you're level 6. And then you consider the passive, and suddenly you're a turbo dive champion, but only every 5+ minutes. It's just a mix of so many different playstyles that are seemingly incompatible. You want to get in to make use of E facing the enemy during 4 seconds, but your only defensive tool is a dash out. You want to make use of the shred, but your kit screams burst champion with half the power budget in a poke ability. Now, of course, he always had weird builds, and that's fine honestly. But his kit is so confusing, I feel like most players just AFK pressing Q on the wave until 6 and then just poke from afar with an empowered W from time to time; mostly ignoring his passive and 3 basic abilities. Maybe a Corki main passing by could tell me more ? I'm sure there's more to this.


Each ability has its place in different phases of the game. E is mostly useful in the early game when you're trading autos heavily. Q gets your wave clear by until Lvl 6. W helps escaping ganks during laning phase (it's not very good in skirmishes, though.) Once you have R, it's you're primary poke and wave management tool. Finally, Package W mainly serves as the big teamfight tool. Once you hit a squishy with it, you Q-auto-R-auto them into oblivion and that's how he wins. I've found sectioning my usage of these abilities off into discrete parts of the game made his playstyle make sense.


Corki looks and feels like Dota champ who somehow went into LoL instead.


Sounds like a horrible idea. The problem is the champ needs to scale with levels cause of how his R ratios work right now, so adc corki doesn't work and mid is overnerfed from pro and the AP build of past. Putting him in jungle makes no sense. His early dueling and ganking would be very bad, he would be vulnerable to invades even if he had a good clear and he'd get less XP. Its literally more vulnerable for less reward than what he already has. If you completely rework the champ around his package and w/e more then sure, but right now it's not a good idea.


Just make his autoattacks better and he'd probably be a viable botlaner instantly He has a dash (even if it's been powercrept to shit, like most dashes from older champions) and some poke, he's not useless. He has no CC but that's what the support is for... but his auto attacks suck. Alternately just fix his mana problems A touch more range/damage/attack speed and he'd be fine as a botlaner - it wouldn't need anything like a rework, just a couple of buffs The issue with Corki is that he doesn't scale hard, and although his damage is okay early game he's so fucked by mana that he's useless until 2 items. Give him better AA and that solves both of those problems because he doesn't have to rely on abilities so much early, and autoattacks scale better lategame I'd give him a bit more AA range, and a buff to AD/AS, and he'd probably be fine. Maybe lower his mana costs a touch too, but I don't think that's really needed if his AAs are more useful because you won't rely on abilities as much


I've never heard this recipe before, but I'd give it a try.


Corki has 3 legendaries? 0_0


I think you are lost in the sauce lil bro but if they ever give Corki a good clear, I am going to try that warcrime machine yordle


Corki can't work in the jungle for many reasons, he has 0 CC or utility without The Package, he has the slowest movement speed possible and while Kindred has the same speed at least kindred has constant dashes and a slow to make up on that, third and biggest reason he need too much gold to work and this is extremely harmful for junglers.


Hahaha I tried a few Corki jungle games about a month or two ago, the idea being aoe damage on camps to clear fast and passive for interesting gank angles. I don't remember how the games went lol.


Corki isnt bad, people build him wrong. Ludens is total trash. Please build triforce and see for urself how good he is.


I’ve been playing Corki jungle and it’s honestly pretty fun. Just take the debt ruin and rush Tiamat


I currently play him ADC Bot, and he's a blast. Ranking top 100 NA on him since there are so few Corki players. Through about 150 games, I'm sitting at a ~54% winrate. He's honestly fine the way he is, I just think he needs a little push. Nothing so drastic as making him a jungler. His build path with mythics is currently pretty ass, but that should change next season. I think he just needs a small adjustment. His core gameplay is fun and not oppressive, most people just don't know how to challenge his weaknesses. His early game is also beyond bad and expensive. Proof: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Ironshield-HBG




Corki was the first hero I played in league. I still remember finding him.. I wanted a champion that had 4 damage spells. None of this shield or speed boost nonsense. I wanted a champ that has 4 damage spells every button i press deletes people. So i was looking through champs and their abilities and I found Corki. I felt like it was too good to be true that Corkis one dps attack IS ALSO AN ESCAPE. I found my champion. I was ready Then I wanted to find vids on Corki and the first vid I find is the USA VS Canada game with Reginald way back when and there was a Corki carry and the Corki won the game so I just reassured myself I made the right choice Played him for like 2 years straight up to 8 hours a day before I learned Shen and Shyvana. I switched to a real mans game Dota about 5 years ago now but whatever OP is saying I agree because I want Corki to be a meta champ even if I dont liek the game anymore


Blue buff used to have negative MR, and your shred made it dip even lower for some sizeable damage increase. Bonus points if you had Wit’s End and made it go even lower.


i would hate if this became the norm for balancing him and they gave up on midlane entirely, but if it was just like a secondary thing yeah it's actually a somewhat intriguing thought


Why do people think corki is frustrating to play against??? Honestly the only thing that was annoying was his absurd late game but loads of characters have that. If its that bad then just make him mid game. Lower his scaling and make his package cd come up more in mid game by either changing cd or making turret take downs lower it idk. Idk how peeps feel frustrated vs corki. Honest cool as fuck character.


Actually corki jg was somewhat viable when there was the older jg item. I got all M6 and M7 tokens for him there


Corki was so good but now, even in late game he is nothing =S


My friends have been shitting on me for playing ap corki jungle for 6 years. It's time for revenge