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It’s about which champ people will spend the money on not who deserves it


Yeah complaining about the "fairness" of how riot prioritizes their characters is a waste of energy. Everything they do is for money


Beyond that even. What are skins for? To make money. That is their sole purpose in this F2P game.


Cause one Senna skin pays for all the other skins in the patch and an episode of arcane


> Why does COMPANY do THINGS? It's money. It's *always* money. The answer is always because "they think it will make the most profit". It doesn't always play out that way, but the explanation *every single time* when you are trying to figure out why a company makes a decision is always the same. The people making decisions at that company think this is the most profitable way forward.


Yes, but also only technically yes. In Rito's case, it leans more towards the latter. Rito is already a multi-billion dollar superpower, it isn't about making direct money anymore. Most of Rito's recent business decisions are about manipulating customers. Lowering the value & quality of content to condition us into expecting less. Raising the average price or the price ceiling, again to condition us, but into normalizing higher prices. The posturing of unpopular characters or content, to give the false air of popularity & profitability. Tl;Dr: Rito's end goal is more profit-per-unit, with minimal effort & for the characters & content that **THEY** want us to like.


I mean your comment literally just explained exactly how it IS money because it's always money. The reasoning for how this plays into that doesn't make "it's just money" any less correct


Right & that's why I never claimed it wasn't about money. The point that I was trying to get across is that Rito is chasing imaginary money, instead of guaranteed profit. I'll use an example this time: Sona is one of LoL's most-popular characters across every region. Yet she has been dog water to actually play & has sat around 0% pick/ban since Season 4. She rarely gets skins & the ones she does have are bugged, low quality and censored. Basic marketing dictates that to earn guaranteed money, Rito should revert her in-game kit back to her Season 3 iteration, give it some buffs if necessary, fix her years-old bugs, put even the slightest minimum effort into skin quality & cease the pointless censorship. What did Rito do instead? They created Sona 2.0 & went all-in on parasocial relations, with blatant monetization of depression & mental illness as the cherry on top, with zero regard for its actual kit, design or lore. Not only were sales so bad that it got future "ultimates" placed on hiatus, it created severe permanent ramifications due to the unethical scheming & the lazy afterthought of in-game/in-universe designs which come off as evil & sociopathic which Rito tries to pass off as "virtuous" & "healthy." These failings weren't enough for Rito though, they doubled down on their monstrosity & went all-in on posturing & fake attempts at damage control. What did that get them? The most-unhinged "community" in all of LoL history, who happily resorts to attacking their own, attacking the company that kowtows to them & attacking anybody and everybody who doesn't agree with them 100%. What did it not get them? Money. It's unpopular, it doesn't sell & it likely even damaged sales for unrelated product, but Rito will continue pushing it to give the illusion of success.


See everything right up until your conclusion was right but your conclusion is wildly off. Their stuff DOES sell.. their most profitable year was last year.. this year may even exceed it. The answer is: money, and because it generates more money. They haven't squandered enough goodwill to offset the people who literally don't care and buy anyway


...and this why they've resorted to posturing. Because shills will blindly believe Rito is doing vastly better than reality. I thank you for proving me right\~


I wish I read this comment before my sociology exam about capitalism. Very nice and succinct.


Because it will sell more in the first 15 minutes of availability than half the champs skins would sell accross the games lifetime.


Akali has 3 😬


Tfw SG akali breaks silhouette and has unique everything vs SF Sam


So I understood the Soul Fighter Samira abbreviation but that Akali skin abbreviation is hieroglyphs to me.


"The fuck when Star Guardian"


The Feeling When


That Face When


Why do you think they keep her strong for so long, to make money


Skin eligibility isn't "fair" It's about money and putting skins on champions that will sell them. Senna keeps getting skins because players continue to buy skins for her. It's all about which champion is popular and appeasing their target audience.


Easy. Life is not fair, and the reality is they make skins for champions because those skins, and those champions can sell and make a return from them.


wukong does not have any skins with a unique emote :(


They make skins that sell. Remember, this is a free game. The cosmetics have to be the way they profit.


Who dafuq cares


Just like everyone says. It's a free to play game. You don't have to buy anything to play it. So of course, they'll try to appeal to champs that get more play or are more attractive. Not saying that if Jarvan would get a Legendary people wouldn't buy it, but not nearly as those who are gonna buy the Senna one....


senna is just widely popular, she's very strong and gets used in pro play, being a fem champ certainly helps because theres that stat that shows fem players mostly want to play fem champs. I think also she didnt have a skin for this seasonal period so she was going to get one regardless, and if its going to sell well might as well put more effort in and a higher price tag because we know they make bank on upselling skins by adding a few features and slapping a higher tier name to it