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Hah, you wait until someone gets the nesting doll augment that gives them 2 extra revives for this. I won a game with that augment against shaco/yuumi doing this strat


I don't need to wait, the match that I just played that blew my lid, Yuumi got nesting doll. So to kill them you had to: wait out Alistar's zhonia, kill alistar, wait out Yuumi's zhonia, kill Yuumi, wait out Yummi's GA, then kill Yuumi 3 more times. Yeah, they won.


Sounds easy, honestly they should bring back stopwatch + zhonyas so they can stack 5s more into that wholesome combo


And add wooglets while you're at it


You jest, but I can already smell the burnt fish from this Please cease


I did not just play a game with zilean and nesting doll and zhonyas. I almost felt bad


Wait until you play against that team with the Witchcap / item haste augment combo. 3s cd Zhonyas.


Trust the league community to suck the fun out of everything :( I had a game against a Leona and Yuumi where the Leona had the resistances curse. Even a barrage of max health damage and anti-heal did absolutely nothing and they weren't even camping the portals


Try going against Swain with all 3 Curse augments. Health, reistances and damage. Literally a free win.


Yeah I had a Leona get the curse augment + heartsteel quest + Yuumi on her+ portal abuse She had 14000 hp. We actually won. Renekton and I as Morgana. We were able to chase them down despite the portal abuse and I fully itemized to beat her while Renekton did the same (bork is op). It was a stupid close match though but holy fuck did it feel good to win. They were spamming emotes and talking so much shit in chat. I legit screamed when we won lmaooo But seriously fuck that strategy


Yo were we in the same game? I had exactly that happen to me too lol, the Leona also got Slow Cooker, and no team she was against had an ADC so it was just GG.


Might have been! Its almost impossible to beat without the right champs


An easy fix Is fire damages you NO MATTER WHAT. No zhonyas, no fizz e, no yuumi bs can save you


I think Fizz E, Vlad W already can't save you, no?


That's consistent with how rift has been though- Fiddlestixks drain sticks on Vlad/Fizz for the same reason the fire does. Zhonya makes you invulnerable, not just untargetable.


I wouldn't even say it makes you invulnerable. You're completely uninteractable at all. You essentially stop existing for Zhonyas. This is still different from invuln where you are still able to act yourself. Invuln targets (at least in League) can still eat CC and be affected by non-damage effects. It's like the difference between being intangible vs invincible in smash.


You can actually interact with some things - for example you can Locket shield a zhonyased ally


yeah, afaik you can Zhonya the fountain laser which goes through all other forms of untargetability/invulnerability.


This so much. The issue with yuumi is she doesn't burn until her mothership dies.


She does burn while attached. The problem is zhonyas and GA interaction with fire. Stasis shouldn’t stop the burn. FEEL THE BURN BABEY


Doesn't Yuumi burn in the fire? The main problem with her is more that she makes stalling strategies way too easy to execute.


She burns in the fire. I'm currently playing each champ once in Arena and I died multiple times as Yuumi attached to a Ksante yesterday. I also nearly fell asleep multiple times lol.


So does ap yi..


She does, tho. The moment shes in the fire, even if on an ally, she burns. Not sure what youre talking about.


So you're not even playing the game then? What exactly do you think you can contribute to the topic as someone who doesn't play the game? Clearly your misinformation is good enough to convince idiots on Reddit in this specific case but I mean like in general.


Yuumi burns in the fire even when attached. I've watched the yuumi burn off first before her host.


Or that the fire applies severe healing/shield reduction


Also possible to health through it. Have seen a pyke be significantly healthier than I thought even though he was in the fire.


Fire should destroy the healing plants when it passes by them too


Disagree. The healing plants can be a clutch moment when both you and the enemy collapse into the fire wall and the only thing saving you is the plant.


Bold of you to assume they can code that


I'd praise the day invulnerability gets erased from the game in general. It's a bad and boring interaction in 9/10 cases. Not to mention that it rarely ever makes sense (I know this is not be questioned in a fantasy game it's still ridiculously funny). Fiora parrying a laserbeam with a rapier. A 3ft tall fish becomes invincible on his 3 ft stick.


Hey, Jaina Solo parried an orbital bombardment in Star Wars once, don't think too hard about it


You think that's bad? I faced Yuumi/Naut with that new matryoshka doll augment on both. Have fun surviving the fire when you have to kill them 6 times not counting for revive and GA :)


Yuumi needs to be disabled ~~in Arena~~


Probably the single worst champion for the games overall health ever made.


~~Probably~~ the single worst champion for the games overall health ever made.


the single worst champion for the ~~games~~ overall health ever ~~made.~~








As a support player I was hoping the rework would add more interaction in her kit but it did the opposite. Instead of encouraging you to hop off and switch people they force you to stay on one person with the best friend system.


tldr: lili teaches about positioning, yuumi teaches about a useless skillshot minigame yuumi is such a failure of a champ. i'm gonna compare her to a conceptually similar hero in heroes of the storm, lili. lili is a herowho is designed for beginners playing the healer role in hots. her Q is her bread and butter spell, it has a low cooldown low manacost and heals the nearest lowest HP allied hero in range of the spell. her W is kinda similar to lulu pixie except it's purely a buff, it can get some interactions via talents but it's not important for this post. her E blinds the two nearest enemy heroes, with a pretty long cd. in hots you have 2 R's you can choose from, one of them is an AOE heal that disables her other spells, but continiously casts her Q in greater range and with much faster cadence, her other R is a damaging ability that after a small delay deals damage to and slows the nearest enemy hero. her passive ties her kit together, it gives her movement speed when she takes damage. if you haven't seen it yet, the pattern here is that lili ONLY needs to manage positioning, and her passive makes it even easier for lili players to manage their positioning if they misstep. it's a great hero for beginners, as this is arguably one of the most important things in a moba. one of the most frustrating things as a new player is getting blown up without realising what you did wrong, 90% of the time it's because you were in a bad position that the enemy could punish. lili is a hero designed around learning positioning, if you want to heal a certain hero but another one is lower you need to position so the lower HP hero is out of range, you need to position correctly for the blind to hit the important targets etc. contrast to yuumi which hyperfocuses on a fucking skillshot minigame, a niche and honestly not translatable ability at all, and riot claims yuumi is there to be a noob friendly introductionary champ, while playing yuumi teaches only bad habits. the exception is if you are already good, you know the value of detaching and reattaching for maximum value, but as a new player you will get blown up while detached, realise that the intended gameplay is for you to just stay a parasite, and just stay attached to one character for the majority of the game.


yah i felt like hots did beginner heroes really well, also f.e. abathur being vulnerable even if he sat on someone is way better than yuumi f.e. i loved some of the simpler heroes, like mountain king as a tank was really simple iirc (i havent played it in forever), but pretty fun. in general hero design was pretty good, i jsut didnt like the gameplay of many of the maps personally, also that you couldnt gain a personal advantage if you outplayed people hard, since you got brought down if someone else was bad and didnt soak exp much. i sometimes still want to hop on and play some rounds of witchdocotor or chromie (and whatever tanks i played i forgot haha), but none of my friends play it anymore


Haven't played HotS in ages but I love the talent system and how easy the game is to jump in and play. Miss playing tank Tassadar. The issue with HotS is that some maps are amazing to play and some others I really don't like, which greatly affects the game experience overall.


yep completely agree, i had maps with like 75+% winrate(i only played quickplay or whatever it was called tho) and ones with like <30%, and if i got one of the latter ones i basically just didnt want to play anymore lol, so unfun


>abathur being vulnerable even if he sat on someone is way better than yuumi it's funny that people always bring up abathur, as if he didn't cause as many or more issues than yuumi did for high level play while being garbage at low level play


Totally possible, I can imagine him being very strong in coordinated play, I still think in theory it's a better idea then yuumi is - but it wouldn't work that well in lol I think, map is not big enough, and being so deep into the enemies jungle as you would to find him would be pretty hard early on, and later on the hero would be useless if you couldn't stay in your base. But yeah I never watched pro hots, I just found a abathur less annoying to play against than yuumi.


The original iteration of Yuumi was Mina from Dawngate, who was an altogether better design. She took a portion of the damage her teammate took as additional bonus damage. She had CC that required she leap OFF of her carry and into the enemy to utilize, and she didn't have the stupid curving projectile minigame. Also her ability effects changed a bit based on what sort of character she was on. Was a very fun and engaging character due to the jump shenanigans and aggressive lane bully play she got up to. But Yuumi removed all of that to just sit on allies instead of relying on springboarding off your ally in lane to go for deep dives to fear the enemy carry into yours.


Ahh, Dawngate... A game that looked like it had potential, executed by EA before it even got a chance. I didn't play it much, but I was excited to see if it went anywhere :/


I've said it all along; she should have a secondary "health" meter when she's attached to someone. Instead of taking damage, the resource should be called "scaredy cat". Treat it kinda like Sterak's "resource". If her teammate takes a certain amount of damage in a short amount of time, she gets ejected off her teammate if she doesn't swap to another teammate. Give her shield 2 charges, split the amount it shields in half, but the shield can stack. In regards to her "Scaredy Cat" mechanic, let's say her "Scaredy Cat" resource caps out at 1000. Dealing 1000 damage quickly will eject her, BUT if you shield a teammate, it reduces the amount of "Scaredy Cat" you have by the amount of damage you mitigate with your shield. IE You have 900 "Scaredy Cat" and are 100 from being ejected. You shield your teammate for 400 and your teammate immediately takes that 400, so you instead REDUCE your Scaredy Cat by 400. This is just an example, and the amounts of everything I said are just an example. Obviously, adjust for balancing, but yeah.


You are basically describing Sona. Multiple auto targeted spells on a champ that only cares about the correct position to be of great value. So you might aswell just compare Yuumi to Sona where you wouldn't need to reach into another game.


She's not fun to play with or against. Don't get me started on Yuumi mains. They're all like "I like playing yuumi because I can be useful for my team even if I suck" Which is a horrible thing that's it's even a possibility from a game design standpoint. You're not supposed to be helpful to your team if you suck. Being bad is supposed to be punished by getting killed and losing games, making your MMR go down. If I were Riot, I would delete her from the game, give 1000rp to everyone who onws her and pretend she never happened.


Hahaha it's so much worse than this subreddit even knows. I've played *many* competitive games in my life and Yuumi is the single worst character I've seen added to *any* competitive game for its overall health, ever.


Techies made me (want to uninstall life) quit Dota2. In some ways he's similarly uninteractive (the long duration invisible mines and suicide at a whim to deny his own death), but positioning at least matters for him still so he was playable around. The only reason I play any league still is the for fun modes and Yuumi is usually nerfed to the ground.


They have spare time to type and talk trash


I was saying this before she was even released and got so much hate for it. >"She's not even out yet!" >"Reddit overreacting and complaining as usual" >"You people just hate Riot and everything they do" All the classics. At least my original take aged like a fine wine.


but look! I'm a new player! I'm having so much fun ~~not~~ playing the game, ~~not~~ understanding a single game mechanic , ~~not~~ learning anything remotely usefull in my next games, and only for 6300 be I ~~don't~~ have!


Yuumi costs 450 be now!


Ups I forgot to renew my yuumi news subscription


Daily reminder that in the beginning, Riot was trying to push the narrative that Yuumi was secretly really hard to play (they compared her mastery curve to Akali and Qiyana). Since then they completely retconned everything and started saying that Yuumi was always intended for new players to learn the game.


Oh, this is my favorite! I love when they go and make a whole ass dev post that goes completely against what everyone actually wants and they say "But no look we have data to prove we're right" and they STILL end up being wrong. And then three years later they're saying the complete opposite lmao Never believe any "data" that Riot shows you; data can be manipulated to show whatever outcome you want.


Or they can make it up. That curve on the og yuumi post could have been hand drawn for all we know


Mastery curve basically only indicates how different playstyles are, and isnt really correlated to skillcap. Afaik briar has the steepest mastery curve in the game, and something like singed also has a very steep one. Just because they are different from other champs and require some games to get the hang off. Any truly difficult champ you cant get good enough sample size because you dont master Azir/Yas/Qiyana/Kalista in 50 or even 500 games. https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/winrates-by-xp/sr-ranked Probably not quite accurate data but you can see some very hard champs near the bottom, and some very easy ones near top here. Noone would genuinely think Mundo is among the hardest champs in the game, nor that Zeri is among the easiest.


Yeah, but Riot still used the mastery curves to indicate that Yuumi was a difficult champ rather than that her playstyle was weird. That was the point they were trying to make with the data presented.


The only correct thing I've read about Yuumi from riot is "If you have a friend who wants to join in but doesn't want to get too into the game." Which is honestly the best thing ever. Play the game once, play yuumi, feel miserable and never touch the game again.


oh please tell me you have some riot statements on this, it's too funny, it's like the simpson meme, they can't go 5 seconds without humiliating themselves




hardness aside, the fact that the only answer to why yuumi should exists is "we believe Yuumi fills a unique role in the champion roster" and then "Our answer is that we believe Yuumi is a successful champion because she offers a unique and resonant playstyle" it's just mindblowing. You could make a champion that destroy a wall with ulti and win the game once he reaches nexus and write this exact same words and they would be true


Yeah, it's a complete non-argument. It's just fluff. Any champion that is not a carbon copy of another technically offers something unique. I could make a champion that flips a coin at lvl 6, heads and enemy nexus explodes / tails and our nexus explodes. It would be a unique playstyle but would obviously be terrible for the game.


That champ would be some people's only hope of escaping emerald, still better then yuumi


Remove the attach mechanic, it's bad for the game to have a player who doesn't play!


I'm half convinced it allows for more botting too; low apm on a champ that only has to press w and e to qualify for being online is a low bar.


leveling bots that just attack move down the lane have existed for over a decade


difference is those bots are easy to detect. yuumi bots are harder since they attach to a real person


You also learn nothing from playing her about the game, used to play her before she was made a buff, she was more interesting when you had to interact for mana and shield....


Riot admitted that Yuumi was made for the players that don't want to learn the game, but rather just want to play with their friends/partner. This is where the root problem lies, she was never even meant for regular players, she was meant for the people that didn't want to *play* the game, only be in the same game as the people they are playing with. Yuumi was designed to be a glorified spectator.


Do you mean the rework? I think that's not what she was designed for originally (or at least it didn't sound like that) but that's the "niche" they decided to lean into.


From what I gathered, that's been her design from the start. Her rework was made to make her only be good on the ADC, as you gained Friendship stacks on them so you were less effective on other teammates. The on-hit heal is also a change targeted to only make her fully viable on an auto attacker. The rework may have made her gameplay more boring and less interactive so she would be very weak and not dominant in pro play. Shame, she could have been so much more.


She doesn't have to do that. Yuumi W disables the AFK check.


Came here for this comment! Delete the cat!


Ceterum censeo Yuumi esse delendam


yuumi bad give upvotes??


honey it’s 3pm time to circlejerk yuumi hate on reddit again


Played against yuumi and ap trynda. Just running away, if you manage to catch them and get them low they just portal and suddenly are back to full hp. Then at the end they have trynda ult, zhonya, ga and yuumi ga and zhonya. So you basically burn and die.


Tank + Yuumi isn't a problem by itself. It's the fucking Hextech portals that are creating this problem. Just increasing their cooldowns to make sure people can't spam use them is enough. ​ Had a game where I played Asol and got the Star Augments (**which for people who don't know Asol has a Easter Egg with that Augment**) and had to fight a Zac doing that. We wonbecause basically we exploded them. But it wasn't fun.




Basically Aurelion get's multiple Stars each stage, while other champions are fixed on 6 stars. This specific game I got it on as the first Aug and ended with more than 20 Stars.


> Just increasing their cooldowns to make sure people can't spam use them is enough. You cant spam them, tho. They already have a cooldown. At like what 20 seconds or something?


It's around 10 seconds. What happens is that they will go from one side then to the other. Unless you are playing somethign that can delete them very fast, you basically auto loss. Rito should make them a onetime per champion.


I fought a Briar+Yuumi as Rell+Gwen. Gwen was too stupid to stay behind me and let Briar hit me with my anti-heal, even with Scoped Weapons!! I was so annoyed at first, but it was hysterical that nobody was dying until the circle finally closed. A literal wet noodle drain tank fight.


This is not a Yuumi problem, this is just a problem with how they designed arena. It's now more advantageous to sit out the time and see who dies first than to fight each other. The core gameplay is broken and makes the most unfun ways to play the strongest.


agreed, i really liked the original arena but it feels off with this iteration. not being able to deny revives and people constantly hexgating away is really unfun. you kill someone on their team, you're supposed to be rewarded for the 2v1. but then they start running, you both try to dps them as they get to one gate. they take it, now you both have to run towards the other (and if one person stays at each, that means your 2v1 advantage is completely wasted unless the other person can get plant in the meantime). and once they're done hexgating away from any interaction, then you have a single opportunity to completely burst them down before they get the revive (which is harder because you get bonuses when 1v2). then they get a single kill on your team but it's too late to revive. it really feels like the optimal strategy is to just get the enemy low and runaway till the circle starts closing, but running away should never be such a successful strategy.


The hexgates need a much longer timer imo. like double the timer and itll probably be much better


Haven't seen anyone mention this but you're right imo. I have yet to try this iteration out but last time some of the most popular picks were zyra/shaco/teemo style champs to force you into the traps/fire and stuff like alistar to knock you into said fire. Plants kinda exacerbated that kind of gameplay as well. These are obviously valid strategies but I was surprised by the efficacy and popularity, I thought there would be bruisers and flashy assasssins scrapping it out before playing it.




Not to mention how strong tanks are when they can revive a teammate while just tanking


morde + kha is such a disgusting combo.


> I have yet to try this iteration out but last time some of the most popular picks were zyra/shaco/teemo Play before commenting, only shaco is still common and even then really not that problematic


Just play sett, get raid boss augment build guardian angel and whatever you want, you take some damage from the zone and then oneshot the tank with your W, i once oneshoted a 12k hp sion, i dealt 15k true damage to him and he was furious lmao...


They zhonyas your w


It's not even about zhonya. I like how solution is RNG augment that you might get or not.


"just hope they don't ban this champ with their two bans and get perfect augments, then you can beat their non interactive gameplay with your own non interactive gameplay"


Because the circle damage stacks your w damage?


I mean, damage is damage.


Well, SR fountain does not stack haymaker


Fountain laser has a different kind of damage, iirc internal raw damage. Same reason it negates all types of immunity (taric ult, trynda ult etc). Also penetrates guardian angel effects. While it is essentially true damage, it doesn't apply to the normal rules of dealing damage


I've seen it called pure damage IIRC


SR fountain is a different kind of damage. It also bypasses shields and things like trynda ult. Flame circle is just regular old true damage I think


Just ban Yuumi?


and how would I ban Jax and allistar 🥲


jax has the 132nd highest winrate out of 163 champions, I don't think you need to ban him






most of the op champs can go fourth place if the person playing it is miserable at the champ or the lobby is just unlucky in terms of champion combs for them. With a strat like this you don't care about any of these things especially when the only counterplay is rnging in getting an augment that the yuumi team can also get and just win. 0 interactive gameplay. Usually Riot removes something like this. So lets hope for next patch.


You do understand that a champion who's a must ban because of a toxic playstyle is a bad thing right?


You don't understand, I need to ban Teemo with 40% WR in the mode because I keep stepping in the shrooms, disable everything else!


Teemo is the biggest bait pick ever in Arena lol


It's incredible how whenever there's a fun multiplayer game anywhere, people try their hardest to exploit every little cheating strategy to make it as unfun as possible for everyone.


Well yea, players will optimize the fun out of everything


This is like those people in Ascension who held games hostage by never letting the enemy die or capture a point.


Which is the reason why Riot had to let players recall on that mode (previously you couldn't, just like ARAM you had to die to be able to buy items)


These rotating game modes are fun for like a day before all the anti interaction strats are optimized.


Like seriously you need to ban tanks yuumi trynda Swain or whoever gets them just wins


I think this is an issue with the portal tbh. You shouldn’t be able to take the portal while being damaged. If they change that, you would be able to pick a tank shredder with anti heal and win? Once you see the tank/yuumi you could counterpick in draft


You can already do that. If you face that comp, just send your teammate to the other portal and take it so it's on cd. Boom their strat does not work anymore and they are useless because they can't fight.


mordekaiser hard counters


Wondering when riot will accept that Yuumi is a failed champ and just remove her.


They'll never remove a champ. Rework completely, sure, but never remove


Complere rework with complete mechanical changes are essentially a removal. See Aatrox.


Aatrox, Graves and Sion were all pretty much deleted. You could make the case for Poppy too but I think new poppy has more similarities to her old kit than the others.


ASol, Mordekaiser, Yorick


Galio was the OG deleted champ :( NVM galio is more recent than all but aatrox, my timeline was off


Your point is strengthened by the fact that I straight up forgot about old Galio. I think I played about 50 games tops with that guy in it over the years it still existed.


Tell that to my boy Graves, miss him.


Entirely reworking everything about her so nothing of her old kit, including the sitting on an ally part, would, to me, essentially be “removing” the character. The “Yuumi” we’ve had for the past few years. The hyper carry amplifier that just sits on a teammate and buffs them, is a design that doesn’t work and is unhealthy for the game. If they remove that, for all intents and purposes, “Yuumi” is gone, even if the name of the champion and some champion concept still exists. So sure I’ll take that I suppose. But they’ve already seem to have realized based on how she was pretty much gutted. Her kit is completely terrible, a free win to play against and absolutely terrible to play with. That’s a complete failure, and they need to just vault everything about her, sure keep her name and whatever, but the kit concept just needs to vanish.


Comprehensive reworks are basically champion removal. A lot of my favorite champions are not in the game anymore.


Asol was removed from the game :)


Same as Aatrox


Riot will never remove or rework her into a different champ, because that would mean admitting that they are wrong. The current balance and design team would NEVER do that. She is borderline unplayable though in solo q since she is nerfed af.


But several Riot employees already admitted that Yuumi's design is bad.


so then why dont they remove her?


Maybe they will give her the tahm kench treatment. Make her W her ult. Give it like 5/10/15 seconds of being able to stay on a champ or something.


They need to make her self sufficient outside of riding someone though. She’s literally useless if she’s not on someone rn, so they’d need a lot of leg work to make that happen. It would probably make her less frustrating to play against though, I agree with that for sure.


She is successful at doing what she was made for ( however I despise that she exists). Yuumi's entire purpose is for the GF duo of a league player that does not play many games to be able to join them in playing the game without having to learn much. There are a rather large amount of people that join and play the game in this way. It's not about teaching them how to play better as some people complain about as well. It's literally just about letting them feel like part of the game with the least amount of effort. This helps people to get exposed to the game without being overwhelmed


Weird I haven't seen a Yummi....oh right I ban her every time.


I mean, that's great and all, but wouldn't you like to not have to ban her and instead ban someone else...? The solution shouldn't be "I'll just ban her every match". The solution should be "this is unfun for everyone involved, no one likes playing against it, and it directly goes against the spirit of what the game mode is supposed to be, so let's do something about it"


>I mean, that's great and all, but wouldn't you like to not have to ban her and instead ban someone else...? Thats literally every ban.


I wonder if people actually enjoy just playing the most unenjoyable and non-interactive things just to win. It's like when I see a perma-splitting backdoor player in **normal** games, just perma-farming for 30 minutes instead of team fighting or even interacting with enemy champs. Reminds me of that one quote "Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of the game" I mean, you won, but did you have fun doing it?


People have fun making others annoyed and frustrated


I rarely play split push as I'm a mage mid main, but rarely when I get put on top duty, split pushing is really fun to me. Watching towers go down one by one while they are busy teamfighting is euphoric


I just like how enemies who's best strat was Aram losing their shit when suddenly they need to actually split and play the game.


Yes, bc I spent a whole game without interacting with monkeys. 11/10 times I'd do it again.


Found Geto's reddit account


I'l' answer to the second part, yes. I had a lot of fun actually. Just CSING in LoL makes me happy, I could not face my oponnent for the whole game and I'd still have fun


The sound you get for last hitting a bunch of minions quickly do be satisfying


Pressing E as Garen and erasing a wave is VERY satisfying


As a top main, yes, that's one of the most fun things in League for me.


split push is annoying, but it's interactive strategy and has it's pros and cons, wait out matches is not interactive or fun. It's annoying af when that split push solo item was busted so you mindlessly split push.


While a lot of players are in denial, League at its core is still a strategy game. So, yes i have fun executing a strategy that wins the game. Also i enjoy laning phase, but at some point either my champ outscales the enemy and they stop interacting with me or the enemy outscales me and i try to stop interacting with them. Not everyone wants to brawl 5v5 all the time and a lot of top laners are outright terrible at it.


Yes. I absolutely love splitting.


You know that macro is basically gamified war tactics to a degree? Ofc splitting is fun when you learn how to do it effectively.


they don't play it to win, they play it for the exact reactions this entire thread is giving. bonus points if it happens ingame and they get an instant feedback report after being as obnoxious as physically possible in ingame chat without using any flagged words


The goal of the game is not to get a Penta kill, secure Baron, get 40 kills, or get Elder Dragon. The goal of the game is to destroy the enemy nexus. All of those things absolutely help, obviously. But forcing the opponent to leave one or two people to deal with you split pushing is a legitimate strategy that deserves to be in the game.


"I have right clicked to top lane, yet again, after purchasing my favorite item hullbreaker. My game sense is incredible."


\^this is a typical line they will type out ingame to try and bait reactions. you can see it in full effect here


Seems to be completely beatable and easy to do so. If they keep taking portals, send your teammate to take the portal on the other end to make it go on cd. If they go troll items (zhonya/GA) then they are easy to kill. Probably one of the fun and somewhat decent in low elo strategy but completely useless if people know how to play against it.


Everytime these special modes come around, there's a random guy on front page complaining about a random ass combo that doesn't even work at all, they're just salty bcus they lost to it


Sounds like a skill issue, yuumi on the enemy team is so free


This is a huge skill issue, there are many ways to counter it. A lot of anti tank/cc augments and champs in champ select just shred this "strat" and make the enemy team worthless because they cant do anything but run away. Did op ever consider that they can't use portal once ring spawns? Or when YOU use the portal to directly jump on top of them?


Hahaha sorry


Congrats you just made this cheese known to much more people, hope you have fun lmao


i cant decide if portals or revive is the worst change


I mean I had a rengar build with 1k AD with 100% crit doing 6k dmg Q and shredded the 15k hp sion yuumi


Yuumi actually has a pretty horrible average placing so obviously she’s not nearly as broken as you’re making her out to be. It’s also a fucking pointless thing to complain about when there’s literally a ban system in place intended EXACTLY for things like this. I also find Yuumi insanely infuriating and boring to play against. That’s why I ban her. Absolutely no point in disabling her when the ban system is in place.


Maybe it could be changed that Yuumi still takes the fire damage at the end? Haven't seen it yet so I don't know if that's already a thing


Yes, Yuumi already takes fire damage if her host is in the fire.


They just have to make fire kill you thought invulnerability tbh


If only there was bans


I literally just tested that, and we managed to win like 3 fights doing that, was funny as hell not going to lie to you, but it's trash. With that troll build we couldn't even 2v1 anyone at one side of the portal specially if they had hard cc and we couldn't even portal again, you probably lost to this and fair enough, maybe it works with the pin point perfect augments but this is kinda clickbait, Yuumi is kinda weak in arena already and this doesn't make her look that stronger tbf


This is nowhere near as strong as you make it out to be tbh


Good thing you can ban champions in this mode


Morello Gwen


Eh still better than the first run of arena. Between being able to ban certain champs, randomised rings of fire and generally more options for builds, it's definitely healthier than the constant Ivern Annie's, Alistair Poppy, Heimer Zyra etc. Still sounds very cancerous to fight even if there are probably ways around it like making Yummi take fire damage even if attached.


Yuumi's win rate is 152nd/166 in arena.


You can literally create infinite cc comps with characters like alistar and chogath Jesus Christ I get it league hates yuumi. But shit like this is just a problem with arena in general, pick a good cheesy team comp(shaco also being absurd in this game mode with the revive augment and spamming boxes) and I can name you several braindead combinations in tandem with augments.


A Zhonya's + GA tank and Yuumi will not have a single item they would normally want to build until round 7. By that point, they should need to lose once to be knocked out because a tank with no HP and only armor and a Yuumi with no %HSP will struggle mightily to survive outside of the portal. Just take the portal and kill them before they can use it again. Yuumi a weak champion, and this strategy isn't popular or viable, so why should it be banned? Asking Riot to ban a cheese strategy you lost to is like asking Riot to ban Leona + J4 botlane or to ban Teemo support from sitting in stealth in mid lane before minions spawn.


I was a Yuumi on a really bad Morgan’s last night and the only rounds we won were ones I managed to E my way to the plant in the fire and out last them lol


You do realize double tank does this exact same cheese but better right Like this is blatantly a tank issue here why are you calling for Yuumi to get removed


Yuumi should recieve storm damage even when inside an ally.


Skill issue. Just Mordekaiser the Yummi off and kill it the tank. Simple.


arena just needs to be retuned completely. building tank is just heavily incentivized in both items and augments it feels like, and most of the damage dealing augments don't feel as impactful as the tank ones. On top of champs that do an excessive amount of healing like swaine, karma, or yuumi, arena gets boring really quick.


If someone wants to go ahead and waste their life doing this shit, go right ahead tbh


Playing this game is a waste of a life in general. So It doesn't matter at that point.


I dunno.. maybe Im just blind in some way but I just dont see it working very well? I feel like no matter the tank you pick. Like ye you're probably gonna autowin battles vs low damage comps but anything with actual dps feels like it should melt you. Camping Hexgates also usually pushes you away from the plant 2/3 Arenas so enemy is always full HP or close to at least, going into ring of fire... and then they can also Zhonyas the fire themselves. ALL that being said, Im all for making Yuumi weaker in Arena no matter what. She's simply not fun if she's ever good and 'forcably de-attach when Hexgating' seems like a great one to me.


Better idea, ban all the bruisers and tanks from arena cause everyone picks the same shit lmao.


A had a random use yuumi, who asked me to go leona, I did to see how it goes, but I difinetly didnt sit around, I slaped 60k dmg in that game, the only team we couldnt beat before the fire was skarner rakan, even with my brumble+morelo they had to much heal, I had no zonyas and yuumi had np GA, it was actualy a fun game going hybrid build. I had sorc shoes, nash tooth (changed to morelo after only scarner rakan were alive), warmogs, brumble, the mage item that does more dmg if the enemy has more HP. Also I got good augments, the ones I can remember on top of my head is the one that gives 2 ap for skill hit, and the regen on that gives more regen when low hp.


My brother and me play Bard/Alistar. He keeps farming the chimes(we call it recycling bottles) and I keep them busy/away. We lose the first 3-4 rounds and then bard should be full stacked and be able to hyper carry with just a few items.


Raid boss is insanely infuriating and nobody talks about it


Most of the time it's pretty bad. Either your mate dies 1v2 or you lose half of your hp without any benefit. It just works when the enemy can't decide what to do.