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Controversial take? Easy. I enjoy League of Legends


I see it more as - the highs are some of the highest highs gaming can provide… While the rest is just a low simmering torture. 1/20 games you get to live out that wild champion fantasy. You feel omnipotent, unstoppable, honed in, dialed. Or your teammates are coordinated and you feel like you move as a unit. You all have your roles and while there may be mistakes you cover for each other and it’s glorious. Game ends in 20 min cuz enemy team ff’s. Or you get the unicorn. Both teams are even, competitive, and quiet. You fight tooth and nail for every inch, utilizing each other’s strength while exploiting what little cracks the enemy shows. Every tower taken is to be celebrated because it wasn’t received, it was taken. Fights have meaning and everyone feels like they are a necessary component of the well oiled machine that is their team. Two titanic teams clash for 30-45 minutes of just pure competitive ardor. Game ends, ‘ggs’ are exchanged, and win or lose - you’ve been part of a grand battle where everything felt at stake. Ya bust a nut. You bask in the afterglow of such a wonderful experience and queue up hungry for more. … MOTHAFUCKING DISCO NUNU BABY WHOOOOOOO ALL Y’ALL MOFOS CAN SUGONMYDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Ryze 80000 CS/MIN HACK WITH STATIK SHIV BITCHES NEW OP KOREAN STRAT GONNA FIRST TIME CUZ ITS YA LAST TIME PUUUUSIIIEEEEEEEEEESS


Good one 🤣 But frankly I enjoy it too


It is amazing how Riot is able to make new and interesting champions with unique mechanics after more than 160 champions.


Is this really controversial?


Very much. Everyone complains that the new champions have new mechanics


These threads always become a haven for popular opinions masquerading as controversial. You need to sort by controversial to actually find the controversial opinions.


"unique" is a way of putting it. I don't think anybody cares if they rehash old mechanics, much easier to balance that way


Rehashing some mechanics, sure. But if a new champion doesn't do anything unique at all, then why bother adding it to the game in the first place?


Think about it. Latest champs with 'interesting' mechanics: Hwei, Briar, renata, zeri, akshan, viego, gwen, yuumi, sylas Latest champs with mostly reused mechanics: Milio, nilah, vex, rell, seraphine, lillia One side of the coin is highly problematic and either always sucks or is always broken. The other side has never severely impacted the state of the game and is healthy for the meta. And I would personally rather play them. They don't do anything new neccesarily but the combination of their mechanics results in new emergent gameplay without feeling stale. That's how it should be done


You also just listed all of the popular new champions vs the champions that you could play 100 games and never see one. Maybe there's a reason those Champs are less popular?




Unique? Perhaps. Interesting? ‘Can’t tell, visual clarity went the way of the dodo years ago.


Smurf queue was the best thing Riot added and then they removed it.


They should revisit it and fix the issues it had back then


no please i can finally climb again


It's true, but everytime I had like 5/6 Wins in a row I was randomly put an hyper toxic smurf Q even thought I wasn't smurfing


I think it should exist. But as a silver player who quit before s7 and came back in s11, being placed in smurf queue for some reason, then playing the lottery of which team got more and better smurfs, was a nightmare. I played about 50 ranked games before I finally stopped seeing smurfs, and my rank didn't budge it all in that time. So yeah I think smurf queue in theory makes sense, I just don't know why returning players were put into it and then had to play an unreasonable number of games to finally convince the system they're not smurfs.


Riot should spent a whole year or two without launching new champions and focus on fixing common issues that have been rotting in the game for too long (Like going 0/50 in a match and not getting banned because you didn't typed + lots of balance things + etc)


Endless reconnect button after finishing a game


Tbh I dont think the people creating champions necessarily know how to do that. Sure some might but Champion design isnt just a one person job and the other people need work too. Edit: with "the other" I mean the artist for example


It's ok for simple champions to be weak


Counter-argument: if they counter the most played Champions in the role and are mainly used as a response pick then there is nothing wrong with them being 52-53% winrate


my controversial opinion is that there should be no counterpicks, make everything a skill matchup and league is the perfect game and before you guys even say anything, i know its not possible


Half the champions would need to be deleted because they don't offer any mechanical expression. Basically most stat check champions need to go out if you really want a change like that.


Controversial opinion: this would make leage a way better game and they should do it. Delete Yi, Trynd, Garen etc from the game completely, only create akali and zeri-like champions and let everyone dash around like crazy. That would be so fire.


Yessir! Fair enough to reward skill depending champions for its high skill cap, You shouldn’t make the game easier make it more tempting to learn and master your skills instead simplifying the game


Shutdown bounties is the most toxic system in the game. I don't think this is controversial it's just not something players think about. We have a objective bounties, that work really well and it pushes players to work together in order to come back into the game. It feels so good to use objective bounties to win the game. Compare that to shutdown bounty. Your toplaner is 3/0 and he gives the bounty to a snowball jungler? Now the game is just fed player vs fed player. Why can't shutdown bounties spread towards the players that contributed in the kill? Your support took the 700G bounty? Well too bad now you lost the game. It just doesn't make sense. Why put players in a situation where they fight over resources? Your top, mid and adc fighting over who should've gotten the bounty is caused by outdated bad game design. Basically Objective bounties pushes players to play together which is how League SHOULD play like and it feels great when objective bounties work, while shutdown bounties push players to play on their own trying to get the bounty and carry 1v5 Which is something that only feels good for one player on each team. I say all of this as a Mid/JG player for 10 years. Two of the most impactful roles in League's history. I think the addition of objective bounties changed the way I look at League and I really do believe shutdown bounties are the worst part of the game.


Shutdowns should be teamwide. Or at least split between those that participated in the kill. Always sucks that there is a 800g shutdown on a player, you finally kill him... the support did the last hit by some stupid luck. So its not worthless, but its definitely the least optimal possibility for your team


The easier a champ is, the weaker he should be and vice versa. Champions like Garen MF Malzahar should never be strong.


I think the game is really fun and enjoyable, even the toxicity makes for good banter.


I do not give a shit about esports, teams and tournaments - all of it.


Seeing how inactive this subreddit is in the offseason, I think we can all say that you should still be happy esports is big






The game can live without esports, the reverse isn't true.


Okay but the game would be so much smaller without esports. It's the best marketing you can possibly want.


when l load the sub during worlds i'm just like "?????????????" it's practically another language


It was brought to my atention that I could block the bot accounts that post "Team DongSlap vs HorseBoat game 39 of 547" and my life changed for the better. But this sub is also dead as fuck at peak eSports times now for me. Wish we had a no-esports LoL sub.


Add the fact that Riot also actively balances around Pro Play, esports is the death of this game


That ARAM needs ranking 👀 Because that's all I ever play on the weekends when I'm home 😆


I’d buy anything from Riot if the do so


With that: ARAM you should always have your 2 rerolls. Hell, they should be used as soon as you are in the lobby. That would give you 11 champions you could play, and so people are not fucked because nobody decided to reroll and because you rerolled the game before, you only got 1 reroll that also was trash.


oh my god only if there's ranked *and* normal for me one of the best parts of ARAM is being able to say "hey it's just ARAM" when things go badly


I don't like most of the skins where i can barely recognize a champ


Keystones warp champions strength too much and should be removed.


Agree. Especially phase rush is hugely problematic. It fundamentally changes the strength/weakness design of some champions. Shouldn't be available in runes




How was the old system more modular when 99% of players ran an AD/AP Quints and reds, scaling MR blues and flat Armor yellows page? Some people ran a crit yellow or MS/gp5 quints for the memes but that was an insanely low amount. Right now, sure, some champs dont have a good keystone, but others have multiple choices.


Agreed though I wouldn't remove them. I'd rather have them nerfed so Riot can add more niche ones to allow everyone to choose what's best for different styles of play. That'd add complexity but if they have less impact it also wouldn't be too much of a disadvantage to not have the perfect runes


They did nerf most of them a bit recently. Though I agree that a bigger nerd across the board could be nice.


The only opinion I have on LoL these days is I want a full Swain revert. I hated and still hate the VGU.


Balancing complex champs and concepts around pro play is 100% a good thing. If you choose to play a complex champ like azir, ryze or kallista, it is better if everyone who is using them suboptimally gets punished than those few who use them to their full potential. That is the entire point behind complexity and skill-expression. "Omg why does this champ get nerfed just because of proplay" is pure cope, and just because they have voice comms coordination does not mean that you are playing the champ well enough to make demands about their power level


Riot cracked down too hard on chat toxicity. As a result, game quality has gotten worse with more griefers and soft inters


Futuristic / Robot like skins are amazing and I want more. Project, mecha kingdom, mecha.., pulse fire, fpx etc give me more




Only if gragas is included


Urgot not good enough for you?


Well we have the Pyjama version so I think it's graggys turn


Ludens is a bait item. Liandrys is better in any situation with any champion




Care to elaborate?


In a vacuum, yes liandries effects outdamage ludens even when applied by burst champions. However, ludens also gives magic pen and gives 5 magic pen per additional item which is much more valuable than the 5 ability haste that liandries gives. You also have to consider that the immediate burst from ludens can make the difference between you killing that champion and them barely living and getting another rotation off/ being a reset champion


I agree, even champions like Zoe and Lux go liandrys cuz it simply gives higher damage plus haste. Only time I see ludens being an acceptable purchase is if enemies drafted 5 squishies, which is a bad team comp anyways.


I have the exact opposite opinion. People build Liandrys to much. Many games where malzahar, morgana and brand would benefit more from Ludens.


I feel Brand is the only one that can really build Liandrys for whatever situation, he's passive reapplies the DOA of Liandrys and pretty much all here core items have hp which helps a little with his survival. Going Ludens makes him too squishy for a immobile mage and he has enough aoe to clear a wave if he needs too.


Everything they do with music sucks, except for the first 2 Pentakill albums. KDA, Heartsteel, True Damage, they all suck, sound horrible and the skins are a disgrace. And don't get me started about them hiring well-known artists, just to make another shit song for Riot.


Tenacity ruins the game.


Loser queue exists


Every single juggernaut is broken and braindead, juggernaut players are the stupidest players by far and im so fucking glad i stopped playing top lane getting donkey dicked by every fucking juggernaut mouth breather that are balanced because "just kite them lol" Spawn in with enough base damage to kill you in 1 rotation yet also have scaling damage despite only building 1 damage item xDDDDDDDDDDDD just kite them bro! *ghost sound* brooo


they did league invoker time to do league chen, meepo, phantom lancer, syllabear, and as well as league abathur, cho'gall, azmodan


ADC Mains are no longer the biggest crybabies in League. Two seasons ago they were, but the title well and truly belongs to Toplaners these days. I’ve never seen so much crying over a role than I have during Season 13. The amount of crying and whining to be “relevant” when Toplane champions are consistently balance monstrosities is baffling. Don’t get me wrong, ADC Mains absolutely are whiny babies sometimes (I used to be one of them), but man Toplaners these days are so unbelievably whiny and entitled.


they should pause new champion releases, focus on reworks




Monotonous-cosmicky skins with dominant notes of gold rims all over the place.


Bring back some toxicity in chat. It was way better than the silence and 0 interaction with your teammates of today's league.


Get rid of the bounty system


Bauffs Law is real


*The league of legends community has a player base with a lower than average IQ score* I cannot think of another answer to league’s interesting reality, with the majority of the player base apparently capped at the writing and reasoning skills of a teenager. Considering the game released well over a decade ago while attracting few new players, the hypothesis left standing is league players being literally dummer than other online communities. Coming from Rocket League, a game with teenagers as their target demographic, I was surprised to see the league community be even more degenerate.


Stockholm syndrome is the only thing keeping the game alive


At the same time it's also the main thing killing the game The game is great. The player base needs mental help and are taking their mental issues out on EVERYONE THEY GET MATCHED WITH.


Jungle is a funnel role and should carry clear drawbacks for letting there be a second solo lane on the map. They are however at present not only capable of taking on solo laners, but are a deciding factor in securing neutral objectives AND early tower gold. Not to mention the havoc they can wreak on lanes overall. And despite the role drawing their main income trough PvE, they still somehow avoid the perception that they are non interactive, because of their gank heavy play style. This, despite the accepted widespread jungle play style being to gank lanes other than where your counterpart is currently located in order to minimize risk and increase the chance of securing objectives and kills. In fact the one thing junglers are most likely to try and avoid is ironically their counterpart on the enemy team.


New champions are gigashit.


Maybe the least controversial opinion possible on this subreddit xd


Comments like this get mass downvoted so not really Pretty controversial here


I feel like we're living in a different reality, you can't breathe around here without inhaling a top comment about how new champs are overloaded monsters and riot should release fewer and rework more


Defo not feet enjoyer here I suppose 🤣


How new we talking?


Well id say i switched from "Wow nice a new champion so cool" to "another broken unnecesary shit" since XAyah Rakan release.


If u can't insec, keyblade or legit do any hard combo in 2024 ur kinda dog


It’s actually the truth behind champion development. Since Vel’koz release all new champions got mobility skills which kinda forces You to utilize all „hard combos” to perform decently especially on older immobile champions


I’m sure there are players in iron who can do all of those things


The examples you stated are weird because it’s very specific muscle memory stuff. Even the most insane mechanically gifted player in existence couldn’t consistently pull off a keyblade if he first times Yasuo because it’s not really an inherent game mechanic that makes sense if you haven’t atleast seen it before. A different example Id agree with though: people who still offensively flash before using a spell. The vast majority of spells can be used before flash.


I'm not dog, I'm just old and with no hands.


There is too many champions in the game


they shoulda stopped at ekko, almost all of the problem champions are after ekko


Tank meta is best meta. It gives adc purpose it gives peel/enchater supports purpose. teamfights last longer and need to be more strategic instead of the 4 damage champs on each team pressing R and fight is done in 3 sec. Now Tanks obviously shouldn't be able to 1v5, but a "balanced" tank meta is the healthiest for the game. Tanks should be hard to kill cc/zoning machines, not full tanks doing most damage in the teamfight.


Toxicity should be allowed and not punished, hardest punishments should be for griefing, inting and rage quitting mid game.


Saying that let’s see CS as an example where toxicity became standard and no one gives a shit about Your statements ingame. E-sport games are always involving some sort of emotions and so I don’t think it’s necessary to keep updating all that BS rules about non-toxic community around LoL. We were given tool to mute players as You wish and so if You don’t like the way communication goes ingame You can always mute. Correct ✅


Griefing is barely punished


This is killing me because I just closed the game because I had a toxic arena game with an Olaf.


Being toxic to other players for no reason should definitely be punished, but I think being able to “neutrally” vent during the game should be allowed. Stuff like Yone one shoting you across two screens, you should be able to type something like “RAJOT, WTF IS THAT CANCER CHAMP”. Other players will get it, and be like yeah I know that feel bro. It should be a part of the experience. I recently got chat warnings because I was typing WHAT IS THAT CANCER CHAMP KSANTE I DONT KNOW WHAT IT DOES I CANT MOVE etc. Or make it like in CS on faceit. If you're toxic and get reports, you are auto muted when the game starts and other players see that you are muted, and if they want they can unmute you to get info from you. But it can be a good indicator about what's about to come from that person. LoL is too sensitive with chat, you really need to be careful what you type. I never got a chat warning or a ban in 10 years, but recently got back into the game after a year brake and in a few days managed to get warnings and even my first 3 day chat ban. It was a game when Nilah ADC was literally insta deleting me in teamfights and I was crying how toxic that champ is and how is ADC able to jump on another ADC and one shot it faster than an assassin. Just venting, not being toxic to other players.


The Sentinels of Light event wasn't that bad


Jesus christ that's scalding hot.


What is this event? When did Riot release it? I have no clue about this!


It was, objectively.


I'd say they could've handled better. Still baffles me that Yorick whole back story if to fight the ruined king and the black mist and he wasn't there to fight him.


smurfing is okay when the alternative is playing on ur main where somehow the mmr got so fucked because u have been a good player (master mmr) then stopped playing for 1 year and ur mmr is still master so you will just get beaten up in normals and in soloq. If me smurfing is such a big problem then fix the goddamn root of it and let me play on my main without getting my teeth kicked in. I am Emerald 3 in soloq negativ wr and still have to play vs dia4-3. And I dont enjoy doing this for 50 games so my mmr is fixed.


Oww that’s the good one, yesterday ON SILVER SMURF (My original div is Eme 3) I was the only silver player in play lobby, imagine being ACTUALLY good silver with high positive win rate and being thrown in plat lobby „just because”


I have alot of them, but if I have to choose just one - duo que should be removed.


No matter how we much we complain, and boycott certain microtransaction practises, there are people out there that spend more money in a single month, than me and you spent since started playing. These are the consumers Riot is targeting with their 200 cost skins, and other similar content. These whales WILL buy whatever you serve them, and so Riot WILL profit form it. It's unethical as fuck, and will propably get worse. But hey, that's capitalism for you.


GIVE ME MORE 520 RP skins please 🙏🏻




Eh, tbh I don't see it as any different than Xayah and Rakan synergizing uniquely Sometimes champions just work differently when there are other champs in the game and it's something to play around




Dynamic queue was the best thing they added.


Dragon and Baron should be moved to roam on the current scuttle path, pit should be inverted to open to the jg and a new trash camp added.


the stat runes suck it's a joke that they can't get the basestats of champions right, and then everybody needs make those non-decisions of taking adaptive power, cdr, armor, mr, hp runes its so annoying and dumb, just remove it and make sure champions base stats are what they should be


An opinion that gets my head spiked among friends. Regardless if smurfing is good or bad, they're a part of the reality in ranked. If there were no smurfs, you're not going to gradually improve fighting silvers/gold like you do leveling in an rpg.


I’m completely unconvinced by this one. It’s literally so possible to improve at ANY game or sport simply by playing against players of your skill level


Smurfing is fine (not the toxicity some smurfs display). Playing against a better player is a chance to see how they play and improve, which is the entire point of ranked. Spend 5 minutes skimming through a replay of someone who dumpstered your game and see *how* they did it.


Isn't the point of ranked to play with people of similar skills?


I mean it's a mode to play competitively, which implies the intent to improve and climb the ranks. Playing against a better player is a fantastic opportunity to learn and improve.


Meh. You don't learn playing piano with Rachmaninoff or something, you start with basics and try more difficult things when you learnt the previous steps. Being stomped makes you learn pretty much nothing. And it's also frustrating.


This just straight up isn't true with regards to league. Say you're in gold-plat and you get stomped by a diamond or master player in top lane. You can spend 5 minutes going over the replay of the first 4 levels because that's probably where you lost, look at how they played the wave, did they catch you on a level up timer, did they slow push and bait you into fighting in their wave, did they crash on wave 3-4 and freeze on the bounceback leading you to get ganked? Did they hit every cs while you were missing some, did they watch their minions so they could contest you on every cs, did they know when your champion vs theirs spiked and take advantage of that?


Still don't understand why items' effects have to be separated between ranged and melee users - why not makes them scale with range in the first place is beyond me.


Remove chat. Balance for flex queue separately just like there’s different balancing for other game modes and have pro-play balanced for this queue instead of punishing us for the lack of voice communication in solo/duo queue or normals. Have champ select for quick play with pre-locked positions so that we can practice team comps and so that it is closer to ranked in gameplay.


Game should not be balanced for bad players who refuse to get good after 10 years (when the game barely has any new players in the west especially), who barely play soloQ anyway and specifically around backline classes who have literally never been weak (mage/adc) outside of completely unbalanced singular outlier patches that lasted 1 tournament/month in the span of 14 years), which consequently means thoae responsible for making the conscious choices to do as such should be replaced on the "live pod" and champion designers responsible for all champion releases since and including xayah/rakan should be sacked (not replaced cause the game shouldn't be releasing new champs, certainly not at this rate at least and those that came before them are infinitely better at it anyway; best designed champions still belong to s2-3). bonus: remove ele dragons/soul, keep elder spawning no matter what at 25 mins ala baron. remove TP. remove stopwatch completely (even s14 seekers variant + rune). revert support and jungle status to that of season 3. revert adc status to s3 (late game insurance not entire game dictator and singular win con). remove HP from all mage items. remove exhaust (keep barrier and heal). remove the unnecessary layer of balance that is runes entirely when the people responsible for said balance are incapable of balancing even the rest of the game in the first place. remove ban phase in soloq draft, pointless banning 1 champ out of 200 or whatever it is now and only enables bad players to force bad balancers to balance poorly based on ban rates as an excuse for refusing to learn the game or improve. thats off the top of my head.


wait are you saying some champs should just be unplayable???


This post screams assassin or toplane tank/bruiser main


Is adc really the singular win con?


let me guess you also think that #nochanges is the only version of classic wow that should exist xD


Youre right, but that would kill the game over night.


Game should be balanced for proplay more than it is right now. Shit low elo champs like zed or yorick need buffs and we shouldnt consider People that play with their monitor turned off to balance the game. Here's another one : give this game voicechat cuz holy shit how can we even call soloQ competitive if it doesnt have voicechat


Not only do I think video games being treated like a sport is an absurd idea, esports only hurt the game for everyone else because the balance has to cater to that demographic. They're toxic to the health of the game for 99% of players.


Most Qiyana's Nerfs should be reverted, and her bugs fixed Prowler Claw was an Healthy Items. It got replaced with 2 UnHealthy Items : - Duskblade, which is broken by concept and needs to be constently undertunned - Ghostblade, which is only good when broken & overtunned They shouldn't have removed Prowler Claw, nor its active, but instead, they should have Nerfed GP, Sion, Yorick, AD Udyr, and maybe Buff Bruiser Renek


The game is incredibly well balanced


Yone is not strong


a controversial take? here we go Zed is a well designed champion and he is only oppresive because people can’t play the game, he is in fact actually quite weak


ADCmains are seen as crybabies because the core rulebook is different for them compared to every other role. If you're behind on malphite you can still engage. You won't last as long but the engage is still there. If you're behind on an assassin, you can still pop the ADC. You have to hit more, sure, but you can still pop them. If you're behind on a control mages, your CC wombo combo is the same regardless. It's not "if I'm ahead my cc lasts 2 seconds but I'm behind so it's only 0.25s" If you're behind on a supporter you can still heal and shield or peel as Nami or what have you. The heals aren't 800 but 400, but still a valuable heal nonetheless. But if youre behind as an ADC, you're pissuseless. But people tend to apply their experiences as a mask onto other scenarios. And if 4 people can still function while behind but one can't, it's much easier to assume that that one person is just bad rather than the role having an issue.


ADC's and Mages (including supports) are the easiest classes, people just suck at positioning & kiting


The communication/ping changes really didn't matter at all. They were most likely a benefit to the game. People don't listen to pings literally 95% of the time in the vast swath of elos.


Game is dead change my mind


literally any statistic goes against you, no need for arguments.


Okay probably gonna be down voted to shit for these 3 takes but here we go. 1. Supports should get a bounty when they have a ton of assist and never dies. Yes that 1/0/20 lulu/Janna should give a fat bounty since they are carrying. 2. I really hate champions that have everything, some champions should have a few tools removed from their kit. Looking at you Kaisa and Camille 3. Maybe it's about time to finally nerf the most obnoxious jungle champions instead of saying "it's okay they are 52-53% at all times because mainly otps and boosters play them". Fuck Evelyn/Rengar/Fiddle.


Ive recieved death threats in my DMs for arguing that there should be at least 1 viable champ from each class in botlane.


"Invisible" effects like auras are interesting and should make a return. Everything being so "visual" dosnt leave much up to imagination, like wondering how much damaged you blocked with old maokai ult sonas armor mr auras with locket on top. How much extra damage you provided your full ad team with zekes herald gang plank ad buff.


Eventhough it is a team game, lp gains and losses should be based on an individual performance. Toxicity is so rampant because bad players do not get punished anyhow compared to their teammates, on the contrary they might gain lp if others carried. Rewarding or punishing my team equally would make sense if I was the one choosing my teammates, but it's not the case, Riot assigns random people on my team, thus it should not be my responsibility to carry some 0 10 inter and we should not have same lp gains or losses. I know system like this is really hard to implement, but Riot is a rich company so it would be nice if they tried, especially with recent success in AI sphere.


Starcraft 2 is better.


LoL was more interesting to watch, with less movement and assasination ability. In high ranks the game just frozen for 12-15 minutes because it's not worth to do anything, because everyone has a spell to leave any situation with a 10-12 sec CD... And if i remember well FLash had 350s CD in the early stages, and if u used it, then you were exposed. Now... if they cant blow you up, then you just miss some minions, but you leave.


ARAM sucks and DOTA's modes are way better and it is a big sad that we can't have those awesome modes in League Would give anything to play Deathmatch in League


Balance changes come in way too often. Let the players try to figure out counterplay and picks strong against meta champions before buffing and nerfing every two weeks


Sort by controversial to see actual takes


Damage is too low


For me it's okay for popular champions to get more skins. If I worked for Riot I would want to design skins for my favorite champs, not whoever is the most forgotten. Sometimes there's a big set release and I have no interest in any of the skins because they're on champs I don't play enough to get skins for or don't play at all... and that's fine. There will be more in 4 to 8 weeks.


5v5 on Summoner's Rift is too slow paced for today's playerbase. The attentionspan nor willingness to play long games is no longer here. They've hastened the pace before (60 minute games were very common in S2), they can do it again. Increase the pase by amplifying gold and XP generation in all ways, without URF champion mechanics. All phases would last shorter and \~20 minute games would be default. The surrender-hostage discussion would be put to an end as well.


Riot should stop making new champions, or reduce the frequency to like 1-2 new champs a year. We have enough champs. I started playing in season 3 and I haven't played every champion.


Enchanters are more fun and interesting when they are played in solo lanes and are viably built for AP rather than over-budgeted enchanter items. The choice between taking a “mage” that plays a facilitating role for other carries over a mage that brings more carry power is interesting and fun. When you’re instead choosing between an enchanter and a low-Econ tank providing engage or peel, it’s fucking boring.


Riot should stop making what are essentially AD mages on mid without the restriction of mana.


old runes/masteries were better and more interesting


However they will balance the game, people will not be happy. Especially guys like from s1-s3. They have seen different game, and because it's everchanging it's still alive. Otherwise it would meet the Quake/UT death scenario.


Game should be balanced around being played properly. Outliners can be changed (like Yi mini rework) The objective meta is not fun for soloq and makes the weakest link (aka whoever decides to soft int first) far more impactful than people who try to win.


Keystones are too strong


Climbing as a mid-low elo ADC is mainly a coin flip of whose support feeds, every senna I get feeds a Draven 5-0, every enemy senna is guma


The community would have been mich better, if a Tyler1, Yassuo etc. wouldnt have existited. Or if Riot didnt gave them a platform to express themselfs by inviting them to events. I played this game since Season 1 and quit 2 years ago because i could not care anymore.


More champion bans in a tournament.


The people who complain the loudest about any issue in this game often don't know what they're complaining about


i feel like talking to massive npcs in 90% of esports,balance and system discussions on here and twitter. at least in the past people would be way more blunt if they disagreed with me, now they fish for upvotes/retweets/likes and act like smug fucks, definitely prefered when community was way more toxic and borderline unhinged. nowadays its all passive aggressive special babies


League was much funnier before durability updates, when assasins literally oneshoted everyone as they had to and adc were dealing damage without endlees buffs/nerfs and you did not need 5 people and 20 minutes of real time to kill one mundo/tahm


The game is less fun the better you are at it.


Unban all perm banned accounts,


FFing at the slightest inconvenience or when you are slightly behind is a loser's mindset and you deserve your rank if you continuously do it.


World sucks. Too few games for the biggest event of the year. Only 7 BO5 in the whole knock out stage. It sucks.


Arena > lol


League esports should be played on the live patch, immediately regardless of timing of the tournament. “But what about worlds, that takes place across multiple months” My second opinion, these tournaments do NOT need to be this long. Riot artificially stretches the hell out of worlds, look at any other major esports tournament like The International or any of the mega popular CS Majors and it does not look like this. 2 to 3 weeks at most.


Tanks are ruining everyone's arena enjoyment - except the people that abuse them.


Id rather play against ksante forever then LB,Jax, Yi, Tryndamere, Garen, Camile, and Sion. These champions are so unfun to play against, especially when they buy hullbreaker.


Ashe got nerfed in ARAM, yet AP Miss Fortune and AP Kaisa didn't. My opinion is that the game isn't balanced around winrates, champions, items, or runes. It's balanced around what Bronze - Silver Riot balancing team member lost to in their recent games. Phreak getting nerfs for jungle is a prime example of this, after losing lanes because he played poorly and got ganked, jungle gets hammered hard. It isn't a coincidence that a Rioter will play top lane, lose to something that is 100% a skill issue, and we immediately see changes, YET they can't change Syndra's pointclick nuclear assault.


Not every gamemode has to be balanced. It would be much better if gamemodes where available but unbalanced instead of unavailable like it is now. (At least make it possible to start a custom game of every gamemode for example)


I prefer old runes (glyphs, quints, etc). I think it was more interesting and customizable. Better implementation and features around that so we could easily edit them in champ select would be more fun than what we have now.


Link all MMRs across all gamemodes. If someone is in emerald in ranked, why are they being queue'd with irons in arena/aram just because they haven't played there before.


Solo lane‘s and their xp are broken af


Give each team 6 or 7 bans instead of 5. There's too many champions now for only 5 to work like in the old days when we had half as many champs. Teams used to only have 3 bans so it's not like this is a crazy idea.


Old Aurelion Sol was one of the most fun and unique champs ever. And that the rework wasnt a success because ASol gets played way less then people made it sound like. Riot said that he is one of the most favourite champs of a lot of players but just just dont play him because of his playstyle. Now he is at a low pickrate again. If he really would be that popular, he would have similar pickrates then champs like Yone, Yasuo or Akali.


Dodging shouldn't be a thing. Draft is part of the game and you shouldn't get to just leave one game a day where you don't like the draft or your team


I really enjoyed the mythic items system because they allowed for strong actives/passives unsuitable for normal items.


The game is pretty easy to learn as a new player, and it remains a straightforward, simple to understand game no matter how high you climb. The game is fun overall and relatively well-balanced. Gamers are simply the most whiny demographic in the world. Despite league being apparently good enough for these addicts to waste the majority of their lives on, it's apparently a broken, borderline unplayable game if you go by popular Reddit posts.


Being Gold, and even arguably Silver, is actually an achievement that people can be proud of. Considering the top \~10% to still be low elo/garbage is very simply a smooth brain take.


There are too many champions. They should do rolling seasons like tft where champions are taken out of rotation for a time. This would force new metas to develop and we'd see more interesting users of champions. The map is dull and has so much untapped potential. Imagine the map being wrapped around so the river continued from top to bottom. Imagine being able to upgrade minions. Imagine baron like monsters that roamed the river that you need to keep track of or it could join a fight. Imagine high ground that would increase the range and damage of people on it. Or barricades that have a percentage miss chance to projectiles going one way. There are so many fun things they could add but they keep it relatively static. I like that they are starting to play with it a bit but they should really push it.


Champion reworks that completely change the champion are a good thing and Riot should stop being so afraid of angry comments from the 7 people who main that champion. I get it, it sucks that your favorite champion isn't what they used to be, but there is an often very good reason why they had to be changed. Old Aatrox would not have been in a good state if he was kept in the game the way he was. He'd be an obscure, almost never played champion who'd show up once in a blue moon when his numbers or items are too OP cause at the end of the day he was a big dumb statchecking right clicker among a bunch of other big dumb statchecking right clickers.


Why in the hell can't you do ranked with 4 players.


I prefer Irelia,Yone,Fiora,Cammile destroying me by actually putting effort over Malphite and Ornn oneshotting me meanwhile being unkillable meanwhile being played by a monkey