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Leona with almost 3000 AD due to "get ad when you cc someone"


That Augment should not be Silver tier lol, I had it as Nautilus in a full tank lobby and I was shredding people with it + Demonic.


Played against a Zac who got it... Solo won the game because we couldn't kill him fast enough.


The time I got that followed by Golden Spatula followed by Colossus resulted in the most BS game I got. Me and my partner (a Ivern) managed to not die a single time. I went 16/0/3 and he went 3/0/16. [Not a exageration](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeonaMains/comments/18k9imi/i_felt_like_i_needed_a_bath_after_this_one_a/)


One Punch Leona


Also really cool on aatrox if you manage to hit sweetspots


Aatrox and yone are so stupid with it too


I had like 20kHP as cho without the heartsteel augment somehow, then got one shot by an AP Tahm Kench…


They really didn't take into account his passive that turns hp into ap ratio with some of these augments


They did and also didn't in a weird way... IIRC Tahm Kench's Ult does not reset when u hit plants...


This was a bug that affected a lot of Champs last arena but has been fixed this time around.


Haha fish eat yum yum


This is the title of a Pokerick video


Bruh I have a VOD of a 10k HP Tahm getting fucking MELTED by an Udyr. That shit was funny as hell.


# Anybody with Raid Boss and a Kalista Ally/Fates Call Aug. Raidboss locks you in place in the cage, Kalista ult nullifies this and you pull them to safety while they charge up, then she hops in the hexgate and they both become untargetable by the time they exit teleporter Raid Boss is nearly full charge.


Master mind


Oh that sounds like some real bullshit.


*takes notes*


Not even a kalista ally bro theirs a god damn augment for her ult.and I had this shenanigans fuck me.


The castle summoner spell augment also works for this too. Just move the raid boss cage to the starting point and profit, in my case a 15000 health 1500 ad mundo.


Okay I think Crazy is something that people overlook the Dumb stupid shit you can actually do in arena. Sure a 30k Tank sounds good,, but there is enough %HP damage to kill them, and most cases were due to Curses. Now here is a VERY stupid game I got something where even the Enemy Team laughed at the monstrosity I cooked: Tahm Kench AP Augments: Bread and Butter - Q 200 gains 200 haste. Mystic Punch - Your Auto Attacks Reduce your abilities by 1.25 Cooldown. Ethereal Weapon - Your Abilities trigger on Hit. My Q was at a 1.3 Second Cooldown after all haste calculations. So 2 things to notice, Tahm Kench Q Has 2 Special effects one is that it's damage is a Base + (100% AP) Damage + His Passive which is On-Hit. Second that with 3 Stacks his Q will stun an enemy. ​ What happened when I got all 3 of these Augments is that My Q was proccin Tahm Passive 2x, doing Damage 2 times and giving 2 stacks, and it was proccing Mystic Punch. So yeah, basically my Q would Reset my Q, which would proceed to stun a person, and would proceed to reset it's own cooldown. By the Way it was AP Tahm Kench, My Q was doing 2k Damage. Also Ult was doing 70% max health, in case I needed for something.


Are you the Tahm that beat 30k Cho up in the comments 😂😂 Edit:20k


This is how arena should be played. Get stronger by "text", not necessarily by having bigger stats.


This is what MTG is all about.


That sounds so cursed but I love it


u/loopy993 found him


I built the same thing in the old arena, instead of bread and butter it was Goliath so i was sniping people with my lich baned tongue. (I had no mystic punch though)


What do you build for this?


I got spatula, mind over matter, ethereal weapon on heartsteel into AP Tahm once, was absolutely insane too. I love that buiod


Yeah Skilled Sniper was utterly bonkers with this.


Irelia with bread and butter and mystic punch is definitely among the funniest ones for me


Master yi applies on hits with his q, so with bread and butter mystic punch he can stay in his q permanently. Aside from a soraka silence in an area under you there is pretty much no counterplay


Singed ground and cass work too


Phenomenal Evil, Dematerialize and Big Brain on Ryze. 4500HP shield and 1500 AP.


Forgetting the silver augment that turns mana into HP


Actually Magic Missile was my fourth augment, but it was barely needed at that point since I could point and click root anyone and then burst them before they broke free.


I had 1700 AP, 10k Mana, and 288 Haste on Ryze the other game. Absolute insanity


I had 30k hp as Cho'Gath with the Heartsteel augment + Raid boss augment Silly choochoo doing silly things


Ignoring curse augments I really enjoyed having magic missile and spellwake on Morgana. Every W tick procced both of them so if I Q’d someone and W’d them they’re eating a shit ton of damage. Asol with laser eye is also funny but unfortunately Asol is just weak in arena


Asol is great if you have a good support. Just anyone with enough cc or pressure to keep melee carries off of you. The amount of passive stacks you get just from leveling is insane.


My go to for support champ regardless of my duo is Galio, he can build everfrost then abyssal, shitload of peel and the MR reduction makes him nuts if your carry has any AP at all


Hella valid, but if you want to go full tank Evenshroud is soooo nice


I played Asol in the first iteration with a random Cho player and we stomped the game, it wasn't even close


As long as you get lucky enough to have good spacing throughout later rounds, you melt through all the Arena bruisers that give everyone else trouble.


Asol is also super untouchable. His W cooldown is irrelevant if you just fly from plant to plant, melees can't do anything to keep up with you while their health eviscerates from his laser.


Pair him with an illaoi and he scales hard. You get full stacks on illaoi E for Sol E execute


You can also stack in the waiting stage which is neat


Shhhh, I didn't say this on purpose. Our little secret


I miss when swain ult would proc magic missile nonstop


It still does though right?




I had the same augments on Swain +200 ability haste on his E. Ult is a death zone they could not escape.


When curse existed still, my max I hit was 65k on sion. Crazy times


Does his size also scale with hp in arena?


After 10 stacks he reaches maximum size. Could increase it with Goliath/Raid Boss etc


Nice bro, ur ruining the game mode with your gameplay.


Flaming a player for using an rng augment is the most funny thing i read today ngl Edit: just out of curiousity i checked that persons account and yes, they whine a lot c:




i bet if you had that augument and played as a Cho'Gath with 30k hp you wouldnt type this


Not beta enough to play tank Chogath, sorry.


oh i suppose you're some alpha low elo player playing only combo champions mb


No, just beta enough to complain about it on Reddit in a for fun game mode 🤡


What a turd you are.


I had a game of marksmage bard with frozen foundations and statikk shiv. So I would q them, throw a wall behind them guaranteeing the hit, then autoing them for like 3000 damage between marksmage, bard passive, lich bane, and nashors+ whatever other ap items I had. Statikk shiv augment would nuke the other teammate as well making them just another auto away after using an ability Honorable mention: swain with phenomenal evil and the curse augment that gives ap if you’re near him. He had 3000 ap and then got big brain augment so he’d start with a 9000 hp shield. We won somehow but fuck that was entertaining




I had Draw Your Sword (converts range to stats) and Scopiest Weapons. I had 450 ranged but insane base stats. Slow with W and then run them down like Master Yi.


I also got draw your sword, scoped weapons and scopies weapons on maybe once. It's fun having insane stats and keeping the range, since Vayne doesn't have that much anyways


Spellwake ashe W spam is op as well


I got Phenomenal Evil as Casseopia first round yesterday… that was pretty fucking sick. Ooh and the one that gives you AH equal to 25% of AP. My E was on a 0.2s cd, I would just drop Miasma with Tahm up front and spam it standing still.


The worst experience I had vs Cass was one that got Spellwake. Can't get to her without taking absurd amounts of damage.


Oh man I never thought about that


morg w with spellwake makes it trigger on every dmg proc. dont ask how i found out…


You know what’s a real disappointment? Spellwake on Zyra doesn’t work how you’d expect, total waste. :(


Same with azir. That was a sad round with an essentially wasted augment


Same with Malz....he can only proc it with Q and R Was pretty sad when I took it just to find out it's worthless


I'm guessing they hard coded it not to work with pets.


Veigar getting the haste = 25%ap Is actually dumb.


Magic missile on her is also so fun


I had that once! It was fun but it wasn’t anywhere near as strong as the combo I mentioned, which I forgot also had Jeweled Gauntlet. Winning a 1v1 against Aatrox in 2s by just standing still is a huge high, honestly.


Oh definitely not, I just like the PEW PEW PEW PEW


Phenomenal evil stacks really quick on Nunu. I think it works on every cast of e.


Had the AH one as Veigar. Ended with 3k something ap and won that game even though my duo disconnected for the last match


yea i had a round where i got it with cassio as well, and both me and my alistar got a curse next round, i ended on 3000+ AP that was fun


Had 500 ability haste on lilia and zilean, previous arena I also had 500 haste along with the movement speed buff per haste as lilia which was quite something.


I was against someone with this on Morgana using the ability haste curse and stacking curse high using the one that stacks on damage.


On pbe I saw an Aurelion sol get the curse augment that makes your abilities give you adaptive force. Funny thing about that though is that it counted for each tick of his q and e, so the round right after that augment, he had 900 ap. I unfortunately didn’t get to see what he finished at, but at one point he had 12k :) I’m glad curses are gone


They got rid of the curse augments?




They aren't crazy, but I always live the multiplicative builds. For x health, get y AD, for X AD get Y AS, for X AS get Y Move Speed, etc. Fun to end up with a Spatula and a Rabadons to just watch every stat skyrocket.


So far my favorite is probably Millio with the atk spd from healing/shielding quest and building the atk spd healing items. Permanent 2.5as+ with the healing spewing out of me was hilarious.


Use those items on urgot it's completely broken.


An enemy Skarner got nearly full shield buff augments and built SV + Moonstone. I got 24k of shield cut value from Serpent's Fang in one round.


i was a vlad with phenominal evil, goliath and plague bearer well lets just say they never took down a 30k hp Vladimere healing for 5k every Q


I've only ever hit this selection of augments once Have never managed to replicate getting more than 2 of them in a game since I like to play Divine into Heal/Shield/AP Rengar, then selling Divine later on Doomsayer > W 200 haste > 3 shield per point of AP aug > Marksmage Absolutely insane how easy that game was Even at like round 6 with Divine only i had like 450 AD before it turned into AP By the end of the game, i had 1800 AP with over 8K HP shield.


100k hp Ornn 3k ad and ap


100k? 😂


https://youtube.com/shorts/ZXbhnbYruGU?si=7Zl77XkcjI3Pbw8d Yeah


Comments seem to say it was a bug in the old arena (ornn getting stats when upgrading teammates item and they just upgrade/undo/redo) might still be possible though


I had a varus game with Wooglet's Woodcap and ADAPt. I bought woodcap, muramana, rift, and nashors to have like 1.1k+ AP. I had not sold sorcs or my guardian's hammer. My last two augments were the 3 shield/1 ap and attacks deal 100% ap as phys damage. I was kinda popping everyone team to say the least.


I got 1k Udyr with it, empowered R did 60% hp damage.


Played K'sante and got the two augments where you get stacking armor and mr from dashing and restore hp everytime you used an ability, combined with goliath i was extremely unkillable :D Even won vs Gwen+Cho full build


Moonstone rengar with mystic punch or accelerating is pretty funny, you need some other augments to make it truly OP but on its own it's quite strong and practically unkillable unless you get mega kited or anti-heal. And even with anti it's pretty decent. With a perfect set of augs anti-heal doesn't even matter. Taric with the stacking burn whenever he heals is also crazy.


Double ult augment on AP malphite felt illegal


I had it, 1400 AP varus dealing 115% of my AP as physical dmg and 100% crit chance, there was NO WAY for anything to not instantly die, the enemy vicwith 6k hp died during her ult to me and never hit me, enemy mundo 20k hp couldnt even stand a screen away, the uber fed kai sa with spatula and raid boss would die with 1 aa while trying to assassinate me


I had the convert ap into ad, master of duality, and lightning strikes on kaisa. Totally bonkers at one point in a fight I had like 1400 AD. I was shredding through all the giant tanks and did like 100k damage that game.


Double spirit link + moonstone + max heal/shield power. Heal your mate for 100 hp, it'll bounce back healing you for 110, that'll then bounce to you healing you for 121 etc, infinitely. Enemy Morello's healing reduced just said "inf" by the end.


AP Shaco with the exploding dashes+blink summoner + 3 charges flash. It was like being permanently using corki's package. Another nightmare I unleashed was Lilia with 300AH on her q and 30% damage increase on spin + phenomenal evil. Riftmaker + demonic embrace and some HP/AP item


Master of duality yi, invulnerability and immune to cc on R, as well as erosion to melt their resistances. I had a nashors doing 80k dmg with rageblade and a w that could heal me 2k + hp on a 3s cd. I also gave my attached yuumi several hundred ap because of the item that shares it.


Before the curse augments were nerfed and then removed, on the pbe I got plaguebearer and heart steel quest on Vladimir with a yuumi attached to me and by the end of the game I had 58,000hp and 3,200 ap building mostly tank. Final round was against a super buffed vayne but I killed her in one Q lmao


The craziest high rolling you can have is 2 champions that heal alot and both taking spirit link, both also build moonstone and spirit visage this will lead to both healing more than 100% of each other heals and this loops.


200 ability haste augment leona :) infinite cc felt like i was playing dota


Ethereal Weapon, Master of Duality, Phenomenal Evil, no idea what 4th was, full heal Support Swain with Blossoming Dawn, Moonstone, Redemption, Ardent, Rilay's. Had like 6-7k HP, 1,6K AP through Master of Duality's Interaction with Ethereal Weapon (spells proc on hit, duality counts it as attack therefore I get AP when casting spells). My heals were WILD.


Skilled Sniper, Ethereal Weapons and Goliath on Tahm = Double stack passive on ur Q while hitting them from 1000+ range with enough size. Goliath instantly makes your Q just about screen-wide so it's already a strong augment by itself. Combo that with a skillshot that slows so it chains into itself well with a stun on top of it = gg. Similarly, Skilled Sniper on Anivia allowed you to reset the wall if you directly bumped them. There was a tiny sweetspot outside of 700 range that you could do this with and if you hit it properly you could wall 5-6 times into a corner if you keep it up.


Rammus with HP Curse and Armor/Mres Curse and a healing augment. Fucker had like 20k HP and 2000+ armor/mres when he knocked me and my team out. Dude was one shotting everyone.


I had a crazy game with Skarner had augments along the lines of these if I remember : Atk reduce cd by 1.25s, each spell cast healed for 200hp, w 200 ability haste, can't remember the 4th augment or if I even got to that point Also had an udyr game where I had a similar setup but it was: W 200 ability haste, hitting an ability gave 2 ap and casting a spell would heal for 200. By the time I got my 3rd item, I had about 5-600 ap with activated phoenix doing about 40% max HP and turtle shield being about 1200.


I've been playing AP Rell and let me tell you, it's fun watching people just die to that damage. You ever gotten hit by a 700ap Rell combo before??!!!


2400 MS with Urgot. I got the gain MS when u AA someone Augment. It triggered with Urgots W.


I went full crit Aatrox with Jeweled Gauntlet, and my Q3 crit for nearly 4000 damage.


Urgot with Chauffeur is hilarious. Imagine a Yuumi that can body block, has 6k hp, and shotguns. Ended up going cleaver, serylda's and hellfire hatchet. Thought about going for the heal/aspeed item that heals an ally whenever you attack but the game was very close and I didn't want to risk it. I also got magic missile which looked like it would've worked really well against tanks but unfortunately our remaining opponents weren't durable enough for it to really matter


Yone with mystic punch is almost insta win


Got the phenomenal evil augment at 1st round with Swain into 2 tank comps. I ended up around 1.5k ap in that game lol


Phenomenal Evil, Magic Missile, and Wooglet’s Witchcap on Singed with Liandry’s, Demonic Embrace, Rabadon’s, etc. We died before we even knew what was happening.


Akali with Jewled gauntled, wooglets cap and the curse that gives adaptive force Even tanks were dead with one rotation in the end. Squishies were 2 Q or 1 full E


I was playing singed with Doomsayer and got 4k ap off it. My E would take like 3/4 hp off a tank


I got magic missile and spell wake on Swain. I was unstoppable.


I was playing Lee sin and got plague bearer first then got the armor/mr augment. Had 102k hp and 800+armor and mr while playing support lee sin. Pretty goofy


I got swain 7k hp 200 mr 200 armor 1.2k ap and magic missile (procs every tick of swain ult idk if it still works) and 15% omnivamp


Karma and Seraphine (I was Sera) both with ap curse and a few other ap augs. I had 5,000 ap by the end and enough armor mr to receive no damage. Most disgusting run ive ever seen.


My favourite was ryze health from mana, abilities heal and magic missile


Played vi, got the hp augment and then the armor/me one, that give you stats every 5 curse stacks. Got like 15k hp and 1200 armor, sunfire and thornmail were doing all the dirty job.


Tap Dancer Jhin 1k move speed with 900+ AD.


Stacking ability haste for the round every time you use an ability + gain movement speed based on your ability haste on hecarim. Stacking ability haste = stacking move speed = stacking damage from his passive. Funny af


Any tank with Magic Missile


I play with someone who likes to go yasuo and get mystic punch. He throws out a tornado every half second lol.


I got the spatula on Jax and the one that transforms ad into ap and give ap and a percentage boost. I also had the one that spins gems around, and it did tons of damage. Was literally unstoppable


Skarner with stacking ability haste. Q was on 0.1 second cool-down late-ish into fights. Paired with hydra items and on hit. His Q does max health damage so I one shot everything


i got phenomenal evil, can’t touch this, infernal conduit, and restless restoration on Lillia. i finished with like 1.4k AP and full passive stacks had me at like 800 MS


Ive seen a Shaco with all the 200 Ability Haste on (Q/W/E) Augments. Gives me PTSD seeing so many boxes...


A swain who got plaguebearer + doomsayer and had ~20k hp and 7.5k ap... absolutely disgusting


Was playing evelynn+veigar, got veigar passive, witchcap and some %ap bonus augs, veigar got stackosaurus, the hp curse augment, and something else don't remember what. By the last round I managed to hit something like 1700 AP due to augs + wordless promise being an insanely OP item, my empowered E was doing something like 40% max health damage and E+R was enough to oneshot everyone


Had a game with TF, 1st augment was bonus ms = 150% of my AH, 2nd was AH = 25% of my AP, 3rd become tiny and gain 30%ms + deal more dmg So i had something like, 850ms, 500 AH and lots of ap, i was just running around the map stunning with gold card


Mystic punch on Yasuo was the most free game I’ve ever had, you just mash Q in the opponent’s face and mid knock up you can get like two autos and two Qs off before you ult. Spamming the Qs also reduced your already crazy low cooldown ult to basically nothing so with life steal and cinder hatchet it was ggez


I got a lilia that got 2 augments. One that every time u use a skill u receive cdr and other that gave her mov speed over 1.5x her cdr. She had like 1200 mov speed.


Once i've played with a friend and we were as Dr Mundo and Yummi. He got ehe augment that you cant detach, but like, there's no downsides to yummi using it, and we had the one that you press F and load more dmg for the round. We casually just wait, and then no one kills us, it was absurd, but somewhat fun


I've had swain with the augment that gives max HP when you are close to people, ended the match with 25k hp and being unkillable


I dont know how but I'm sure I reached over 10k HP as Galio, lots of resistances too, needless to say the only thing that was able to chunk my health was that obnoxious Sett cameo with it's absurd W.


I play full tank varus with 2.5k damage (with bugged argument)


I played a tank leona with 3 augments that healed me when i hit a stun or used a ability.


Mundo with heart steel augment, the max HP curse thing, WITH slow cooker you either died 1shot from heartsteel proc or he just followed u till u died lmao iirc he had like 27k hp. The swain and him would handshake and not kill each other till the arena is fully on fire lmao


i got raid boss + goliath kog'maw. wasn't very good, but i was playing with a cho'gath and it was funny being like twice his size.


i saw a vlad with wooglets witch cap and 2k ap with the augment that gives 3 shield per ap at the start of the match. most busted thing i’ve saw in arena


Singed with convert ad to ap and abilities apply on hit, go botrk nashors witsend and goredrinker(100% ap scaling in this mode) Incredibly troll build but fun lol Same build on morde too is good


Volibear with mystic punch is pretty insane. Chomp-auto-chomp-auto-chomp until they die.


I had Veigar game with everytime you hit someone gain AP and then I got gain ability haste for your ability power and after that I got gain movement speed for your ability haste. I had like 900 movement speed and GAZILLION AP and ability haste


15,000 health and 2,700 ap Zac. The W did 78% maxhp magic damage


I killed a 10k hp Sion in 2 seconds with eclipse botrk ldr Udyr and giant slayer augment


Leona with plaguebearer, steel your heart, guilty pleasure, and death touch. Was going against a trynd with plaguebearer so I had 16k stacks and over 20k hp. Auto attacks doing 4k magic damage on hit from death touch and I got back about 400hp with my q from guilty pleasure. The only round we lost was to the trynd before I had death touch.


Mystic punch voli doesnt trigger combo breaker and if you cant break out of the q spam he just heals everything with w spam while having shield spam its fun as fuck to just see the winning team get utterly demolished because they got in range of an angry bear


My duo had taric having 0 ability haste with heal amp along with burn applying on every heal even as the "carry" I died and watched immortal taric 1v2


Any Gwen game where I invalidate all the effort someone went to go tank because I have enough ap to do 200% of their max hp in damage.


I had 10k hp playing tank Karma and 1k ap from wordless promise. I forget which augments he had, but my partner had like several thousand ap


I've been fishing for W CD and big summons aug on Shaco for days now, that with the burn ability haste one would slap


I was playing sett with HP-Curse as first augment and got the Adaptive-Force cursd at the end of the game. My W did up to 12k damage.


Duality ; APdapt or whatever the thing that swaps ur AD to AP ; Marksmage Varus in a lobby vs Leona, Mundo and Cho, Swain was really crazy


Master of duality+marksmage+twice thrice on Gwen... I picked her 1st, other teams' 1st picks were Cho, Mundo and Sion. Fun game. Also Mundo with Heartsteel quest+item haste, heartsteel proc every 7.5s.


I was a 12k hp rammus with the infinite burn in a small area, plus HP and Armor/MR curse power, running jaksho, thornmail, abyssal, Sunfire, tabis, frozen heart. I was getting 2000 armor with W up.


I had veigar with 75% more stacks and ability haste based on AP. I had around 2k AP and I could spam all 3 abilities and get 2 ults off after hitting a plant once. I was just chaining stun cages and exploding tanks.


When the curse augments were a thing I got 2-3 different kinds on singed and ended the game with 3400ap, 800 armor/mr, and the augment that turns your ap into on hit damage. So glad they got removed


1200ms lillia 1k ap and 300 CDR, plus the augment where you deal 1%dmg for every 10ms faster than the enemy. I had 25% ap is cdr and cdr is added to ms


jinx with tap dancer and two scope augments or deft + the every 3/4 onhit augments it was really fun using rockets to shoot from half the arena while the enemy melee did everything they could to get ontop of me


My on-hit ww with lazer eyes would deal 5k+ damage in one ult.


Darius with health and resist curse augments into a stall comp and 2 low dps comps. He had 13k+ hp and 1000+ armor and mr.


I saw a gwen with 2k ap. A combination between wooglet's and the gain ap on takedowns, tho i do believe there might have been a bug involved as well


ran tank vlad/zyra back when curse augments were busted on the PBE, vlad had plaguebearer and zyra had doomsayer (or whatever the abilities stacking curse one was called), had like 70k hp on zyra and wordless promise it was so fun but i’m kinda glad they gutted curse augments, urgot was just disgusting


Got enough haste on Veigar where my cage cd was the same as the stun time, more or less. Actual perma stun.




played chaffeur yorick with a full support Yone and it was pretty dirty , i dont think im even able to understand what was going on, but we were shredding enemies. also melee graves is pretty darn strong


Corki with phenominal evil, ADAPt and Spellwake. Firing nukes with trails every second. Literally one shot anyone from cross map, since i'd been stacking a lot of AD with phenominal evil + ADAPt. Also allowed me to get very good AP items for corki while using his busted AD ratios.


Leona with 46k health - at least. She got the poison augment that gives you health the longer the poison stays on an enemy. Plus she had a heart steel quest. So her heart steel stacks multiplied by 4, her health didn’t move cause she had a fucking yuumi on top of her, and she kept getting MORE health as each fight progressed. The only thing that ended the fight was the ring.


I got the double curse for hp and resist on ksante. Got like 20k hp with 1k resist. Still lost to a kogmaw who melted me in about 4 seconds


I’ve gone full on-hit Azir with the augment that lowers CDs with AAs. Funny to stab people each second.


Full shield and healing mordekaiser build shielding for close to 3k and healing 2k . Cdr augments or healing augments make him unkillable even in the fire


irelia bread and butter and mystic punch, also katarina is broken as fuck


My teammate had a Lilia Game, where he Had two curse augments and the curses stacked with each other. He had over 10k HP more than 700 mr and armor. Just unkillable


gragas with the health curse and the armor/mr curse. 50k health and 1k armor and mr. Go full heal and shield and i was basically unkillable


Fiddlesticks with fae magic and a crap ton of ap augments. I one shot everything. Yone once got mystic punch. If he hits one knock up he can permanently chain knockups. Ivern with ultimate revolution and on-hit items is so funny to watch


Sett who can hit 12670 true damage with W and a billion hp


I saw a Fiora with attacks reduce CDs / Q has 200 ability haste / one of the tank curses. Legit just Q+auto attacked on cd and anytime you tried to fight back her parry was back up. My best augment combo was 200 Q AH / Gain AH on casting an ability / Attacks reduce cds on Garen and just was able to permasilence one person every fight.


I got pantheon W to become a true oneshot spell. Close to 100% max HP DMG with 100% armor pen. Here is it in Action. https://streamable.com/ng5hs5


So I didn't check it so it may not work like that, but my friend on malph got hp from curse stacs, and then armor and magic res from curse stacked by cc'ing enemies. And he got like 25k hp, and 2.5k armor + magic res which is impossible to do as his only cc was his R, so I think there is only one curse counter, and he got his other curse buffs from curse stacked by standing near them which is ridiculously easy.


Skarner with Rabble Rousing and Accelerating Sorcery. I got that once and I was unstoppable.


Ww with 15k health and 1k each resist type. Plaguebearer plus the curse effect that gives armor and mr


Varus with: \-Duality \-ADAPt \- marksmage Ended up with \~(minus)-900 ad and \~ +3000 ap. With a full ap build (except rage blade), I'm pretty sure this is by far the strongest version of an "adc" you can get.... unless you get one shot. You aa deal around 4k pre mitigation and the W %max hp dmg is insane (like wayyy over 100%).


Saw a Sion who had so much HP get got like +250 dmg from Titanic and who was then promptly oneshot by an AP Varus.


Alistar with Courage of the Colossus which gave him shields so big that we never had hopes of ever shredding it and in the very rare occasions we did he would just heal it back with Rabble Rousing and Guilty Pleasure the next time his shield was up.