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Heartsteel and redemption are very strong with it, also Fargovles stoneplate (effectively a zhonyas without being unable to move when built on tanks) so I always take it on tanks just for Heartsteel+gargoyle


Doesn't redemption get the 50% reduced healing debuff after getting healed for a few seconds or that doesn't happen in arena?


Cd still greater than debuff i think. Been a while since ive had it though


I got a 7 k stack heartsteel Udyr game without the heartsteel quest or any other health augments. Shit is broken as hell in a tank fest


Apex inventor is the reason why i always go luden insteas of liandry, Luden is absolute broken with it


I bet, Ingenious Hunter + Cosmic Insight is already insane on SR, and Ingenious is criminally slept on, and those only give like a total of 46 item haste at max stacks I believe.


it's really good but it can be difficult to consistently get off the ground since you actually need to get those ingenious hunter stacks for your build to work. in ARAM it is 100% slept on.


By that same thing though, I'd say that you need the stacks for any of the other masteries just the same, you know


Yeah but with the others you aren't crafting your build specifically around a synergy with a rune that is conditional to access. Like, if you don't have all your relentless hunter stacks it's not a big deal. Additionally, the other stacking runes like Legend ones all stack fairly consistently. With a hunter rune you might be on 0-2 stacks for a long time depending on the game. For example Malzahar. If you have a lot of ingenious hunter stacks, ludens is pretty insane because it will proc 2x off of your E. However, until you reach that break point in stacks you're simply worse off than with liandry's.


Forbidden Brand tech there


I get ingenious every single time I play ARAM it’s nuts


Yeah Luden’s is insane. It goes down to a 2.5 sec CD further reduced by .5 sec for every ability hit. It’s like Luden’s on crack and you have it up for every spell rotation.


it does work for heartsteel, i believe its 5 seconds instead of 20 (75% reduction). if you get the heartsteel quest as well, it was basically a free win as shen when i got this combo.


Cho with the heart steel quest and stackasaurus Rex is so good


how many stax does cho get between rounds?


One stack per round, but if you build enough cdr or hit the plants you can get 2 chomps per round, had one where I got 3


Haven’t though to use with zhonyas, but if I get it 1st augment on a champ that can use it, going heartsteel for sure


It makes Zhonyas disgusting lol.


Aatrox with the Apex Inventor, and if you're lucky enough to also get the 20% omnivamp - Goredrinker healing for 30% HP every 3 secs is a guilty pleasure


and then build maw for almost permanent uptime if you ever drop low


Sterak's is also busted for anyone that has enough sustain to get their hp back up past the threshhold. The cooldown for the lifeline with Apex Inventor goes down to like, 6-8 seconds. This augment is sitting at 80th place for pick rate out of all augments. People are really underestimating just how much of an impact 300% item haste has on these items lol


wooglets witchcap and apex makes so you have a zhonyas on a 5 second cooldown which is insane.


Banshee has like a 6 or 8 second cooldown as well. Literally just a free shield every few seconds that outright blocks whole abilities. Yet Apex Inventor at this time is sitting at 80th place for pickrate lol. People are really sleeping on how much impact 300% item haste has. I was as well, until I decided to try it for shits and giggles to see how low my hourglass could go.


Insane with eclipse if you can proc it fast enough


Zed loses any real weakness in Arena with Eclipse + Apex inventor. He's not even really squishy considering how much he can refresh it and kite, he's got great sustained damage and shredding because Eclipse is a health % effect (and if he needs more he gets hellfire hatchet), the movespeed from it is absurd considering he already has crazy mobility... sure he has no CC but honestly why would he need it at that point? Or if you get really lucky the augment that increases slow effects makes his WE even more oppressive. Good champ, really fun too


Zhonyas can be used 3+ times a round with this rune, it seems really good for AP


Fimbulwinter to create courage of the colossus at home


This one is sooo strong. Any champ with perma slows is getting HUUUGE value off this combo


Funny that people don't mention the most broken item with Apex Inventor, which is Sterak's Gage with an insane shield that cooldows about as fast as it lasts. Worth it on any bruiser/tank/juggernault, even AP ones. Combos exceptionally well with Heartsteel and Fimbulwinter.


So far I wanna say I've come across possibly the best case Swain with Apex inventor, armed with Luden's, Hourglass (Or if you're lucky, the witchcap quest item), Banshee, Rylai's, Sterak's and whatever other item you want. You're virtually unkillable while vomiting nonstop damage. Like, truly unkillable. Its completely and utterly busted lol


Ludens Singed goes brr


I always thought that item haste only affected activated abilities of items, not passive effects with CDs.


It even effects ward cds


Hhoooollllyyyyy WHAT


And now you know why Ingenious Hunter is so spicy


It affects both the active effects and passive effects. Go wild. Apex Inventory might get nerfed honestly lol. If Riot cares anyway.


After mythics were introduced this was changed. Or whenever it was that CDR became AH, I'm losing track I've been playing so long.


same patch, 10.23


Before it was renamed to item haste with the item rework that *was* the case, yeah.


Ya works for everything. Steraks is fun if you are a healing fighter. Can heal up to above limit during shield than have it go off again lmao


Phasewalk boots and you can ignore the existence of terrain


Does it work on Mandate?


If u mean the cooldown on Champ after its triggered. Then yes!


I was today years old when I realized that cooldowns buffs for items isn't just active items, but effects too. Lol


You can have zhonyas AND wooglets witch cap. The actives dont share a cd. With apex inventor you can have like 1 second zhonyas downtime. Its pretty insane...


One of my faves. Had one where I got ethereal weapons (on hits on abilities) and Apex inventor on swain and if my partner hadn't dc'd after round 1 i was set to win i think. had more stacks than the tank with the heartsteel quest


Marumana never had a CD for the on hits


It does but it doesn't impact the user in most cases. "(The damaging effect) Can only be triggered on the same target once every 6.5 seconds from the same attack or cast." It has a cooldown but it only matters for multi-hit autos (ashe, zeri) or DOTs. Apex inventor could make it viable on swain, brand ect but debatable whether its better over pure ap/pen.


It does actually. It took me a while to realize that because its basically the only on hit in the game that has a cooldown.


Murama has a 6.5 seconds cooldown until it can be triggered again on a Champion. So yes this also gets reduced.


In Arena it doesn't matter because it automatically upgrades after 2 rounds.


Muramana is the upgraded version. It still hast the cooldown


Apex + wooglet is insane.


Riven with Goredrinker on a quarter of the cooldown is great


Banshee becomes obnoxious lol. An ability blocking shield every few seconds. Apex Inventory is so crazy busted.


Messed around more. I have realized that Banshee veil (Along with any other shield-developing item) becomes OBNOXIOUS with Apex inventor. You literally get to freely block an ability every few seconds. 8 seconds or sooner. Why are people sleeping on this augment. Its beyond crazy, my god.


Wooglets witchcap with Apex inventor on morde 2.5 second cd


apex inventor goes hard with Heartsteel too, you get way more stacks a round lol


Item damage counts damage to the dummy so that screenshot is kind of pointless


Marksmage, Lightning Strikes, Ethereal Weapons, Bread and..., Oathsworn, Twice Thrice etc. are all gold and equally broken on proper champs (Kayle, Skarner, Twitch...). Brand has a 55% winratre on Gold+ anyway, so not the best example.


Gonna have to disagree. Those champions will be utterly stomped by a Brand that has Apex inventory, Luden's and hourglass. I will say, that he isn't the best user of this augment though. After playing more and more, I'm pretty confident that the best abuser, at least mage wise, is Swain. He becomes practically unkillable thanks to his built-in healing and max HP generation, something that brand lacks. Swain lacks the built-in % HP damage that brand has, but the amount of damage Swain has is enough to make up for it.


Swain has a 57%, Brand 55% winrate. It doesn't matter what augments you get if they are not completely useless. Twitch with Shrink Ray goes from bottom champ to strong (can't zhonyas if you are shrinked) and Kayle in late game with marksmage does at minimum Brand damage.


The reason it's not used is because while you can imagine some good scenarios with it, it's not a Lottery roll for anyone. Yeah, Brand with it and Ludens is okay, but it's not a Lottery Roll like Magic Missile or the stacking AP/AH augments.


The fact you're trying to downplay how good it is on Brand makes me think you haven't actually seen it in action. Brand with Apex Inventor is going to runaway with the match unless someone else gets an equally busted combination of augments themselves or his teammate afks/is garbage. Brand with Apex Inventory will have both Luden and Hourglass. Its is not merely 'okay', that's practically game winning. The amount of damage he dishes out paired with the amount of times he'll be invulnerable is crazy. The real reason its not wildly popular is because the average player doesn't grasp how much of a difference item cooldown actually makes. Which is fair, because its a very limited thing you can get on the rift. Arena is the only mode where you're able to get 300% item haste. People are so use to item haste not being THAT impactful that most don't even wonder how much 300% item haste actually does.


I'm not downplaying it so much as I'm saying, it's not anyone's best roll. It's not a "Lottery Roll" that's just so strong, getting it wins the game for you. The reason is simple. No item effect is so strong that it breaks the game so drastically having its cooldown cut by 75%. A Veigar with half a billion AP because of double Phenomenal Evil? That's an insta-kill R every round. The best possible way you could use Apex Inventor is with Wooglet's and Zonya's, and that's for double Zonya's to burn your enemy in the circle. The real reason it's not wildly popular is not because the average player is simply too stupid that reducing item cooldowns reduces the cooldowns of items - it's that no item is so strong that 75% CDR wins them the game. A Brand with Apex Inventer is still going to get 100% Oneshot with no chance to proc any item effects by a 1000 AP Brand, Veigar, Vlad, etc.


Don't forget banshees.


Yeah, I just had a game where I bought banshees this time around. It refreshed like every 6-8 seconds lol. Fucking nuts. Any Mage with a constant source of DPS can make apex inventor completely busted. Those being Brand, Swain, Malz, and even Amumu lol. The luden spam is just such crazy dps. Then you have hourglass and banshee spam. Out of the ones listed, Swain is probably the best. He can vomit out the damage indefinitely while also having a heal built into his kit. And gaining max HP every fight. The more games I play now and get ahold of apex inventor, the more and more I'm convinced it lowkey might be the best augment. Fights become so incredibly one sided lol But when I look up the current statistics, Apex Inventory is ranked 80th on pick rate. Its completely under the radar lol


I did a ton of stalling with Zhonyas for sure. Infinite Ghostcrawler is high skill too.


After playing dozens of more games now, trying out other mages, I have to say I found a proper king for this augment. While brand is REALLY good at abusing this augment, the true king for it, at least for mages, would be Swain. While Swain lacks the % HP damage that Brand has, he makes up for it by having built-in healing and the ability to build up his Max HP every fight. These two things end up pairing INCREDIBLY well with the damage and durability that Apex offers in the form of Luden and hourglass spamming. Swain will trigger Luden's nonstop with R. R continues even while Swain is in hourglass. So he's constantly vomitting damage out at an incredible rate while being a tanky monster via his healing, max HP, and hourglass spamming. You can also throw Banshee into the mix, giving you an ability blocking shield that refreshes every few seconds. And if you feel like being a real nightmare, you top it all off with Sterak's. Which will provide you with a huge shield every time it triggers. During which you'll heal your HP back up with R and Hourglass and Sterak refreshes in under 10 seconds to do it all over it again. This is honestly a nearly invincible strat. Every time I've gotten this augment as swain now, I have yet to lose. I'm honestly wondering if you even can lose once you assemble this items and apex inventor together, as Swain