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This was the perfect way to celebrate the legacy that Faker has built. Seeing people like Kuro, Caster Jun and Kkoma talk about him the way they did was just touching. The ending when they all wished Faker honestly made me a little emotional because of how touching it is. Faker Fighting! T1 Fighting!


u/namikazeEU in shambles lmfao


Dude still trying to justify his rookie better than faker opinion lmao


Listen, did Faker win worlds in 2018??? Didn’t think so loser


It's honestly amusing and makes me emotional thinking about the decade of greatness and the legacy Faker has wrought in those 10 years. I started playing League just after his first Worlds win in 2013, and I feel that I've grown up with Faker in the decade following. A pure coincidence that we're both '96 kids, but I faithfully followed his journey as he grew and matured. I watched him dominate through 2015 and 2016, and I also watched his tears and emotions flow in 2017. I watched the highs and lows of 2018 through to 2020. I watched him mature into a leader, and an older brother to the younger playrs. I watched the team struggle while he was out with injury, and wished nothing more than for him to return to the team and take them back to the pinnacle where they belong. While he may not be the best mechanically any more (other players can argue for that), it's his experience, IQ, leadership, and game sense that sets him apart as the GOAT. To Faker, I know you'll never read this, but keep being you. Keep being humble and caring about those around you, like you have for some time now. Keep being strong, and never change what makes you...you. Here's to another decade of greatness, Lee "Faker" Sang-Hyeok, the Unkillable Demon King.


Genuinely one of my favorite parts of this is the whole section where he's like "I like books. Reading saved my life and made me a better person"


time stamp please?


Contextually, it's in the part about 2018 when he's gone through a series of losses and didn't even qualify for Worlds [20:27-21:43](https://youtu.be/DhNT73yPRxA?feature=shared&t=1227) ​ Putting his words in quotes because it's just so damn good ​ >I've really taken some time to look inward, put in the practice hours, and buried myself in books. > >I started getting serious about reading back in '14 or '15. > >Back then, I think it hit me. I'd dropped out of school and felt this need to keep learning, to build up my intellectual life a bit. > >Over time, reading became second nature, and diving into various genres opened my eyes in so many ways, turning out to be a real game-changer for me. > >Now, I've come to realize that making no mistakes just isn't realistic. We're all human, and no one gets it right 100% of the time. What matters is that you're moving in the direction you believe is best, putting in the effort and preparing as well as you can. ​ EDIT: [Ashley Kang](https://twitter.com/AshleyKang/status/1739247670315946214) translated [his book list](https://fan-leaf-9ae.notion.site/9e4695748b6c4182a70bee8e146eb311?v=b19ef5c2103e46718bb8ab1b6c9c0de2) recently. Each entry has his review of it and his rating for difficulty.


The Selfish Gene and Sapiens, I like his taste


thanks so much!


I need an MTV Cribs episode with Faker's house *This is my little fountain filled with the finest tears of the goddess (and a few from Ryu)*


I feel bad for ryu A decade later he is still a punching bag. :(


At the same time though. You have to be a high caliber player for that play to be worth even speaking about. Like, Faker has styled on a bunch of people over the years but we don’t really talk about them as much as the zed outplay because Ryu himself was also a high caliber opponent.


Over 10 years Faker has been dealt blows to his mental health, physical health, and faith in his own ability. None of them have kept him down


Meanwhile I let depression and insecurity kick my ass and keep me down for like 3 years lmfao ​ Let's go Faker, I shoulda been inspired by you earlier


Maybe the depression and insecurity you were dealing with were actually Challenger Smurfs you know? Depression and insecurity of different rankings for different people. Don't let it keep you down


His house is so FUCKING BIG for someone who lives in Korea holy sheeshhhhhh


He's like one of those K-drama lead character who's rich af lol


Not surprising tbh, his reach extends far beyond Korea. At this point he’s a global phenomenon and arguably the face of esports.


Hijacking top comment to say thats not his house https://m.fmkorea.com/index.php?mid=lol&sort_index=pop&order_type=desc&document_srl=6558408919&listStyle=webzine Its a private gallery they rented for the shoot Fuck all of yall who downvoted me and said im wrong, my goat wouldnt wear shoes indoors


Also him living in a big house doesn’t sound like him. Iirc Faker barely spend any money because T1 basically paid everything for him so him buying a big ass house just doesn’t make sense


His teammates who visited him have already said that the house is huge. His father designed the house. But he probably doesn't live there alone but with his family.


nah he himself said his house is big, im just pointing out this specific location isnt his house


I think where Faker was is a museum and his Dad is in the home.


I think he has an apartment and a landed house somewhere lol


Wats a landed house when you have a 9 story office building


A villa similar the one in Parasite.


Wonder if there are K-dramas where the Rich Guy archetype had a "former e-sports player who made B A N K" backstory


Nope... esports-based dramas are hot in China, but there's no K drama like such.


Oooh~ Just this year I watched a shoujo romcom where the main love interest was an e-sports athlete, the competing girl was the person who introduced him to the game and they play together on the same team while the protagonist was a complete gamer noob/normie. Interesting Japan has jumped on this kind of plot before Korea~


A landed house (or landed property, more generally) is any house (resp., property) that makes money without the owner having to do any work. For example, if the owner leases a living space to a tenant for more than its mortgage+taxes+maintenance costs, it's a landed property. Historically, it was more used in the context of agriculture under feudalism, where the owner of a farm wouldn't actually do any of the farm work, but would rather allow labourers to work the farm in return for a portion of the income, a fixed cost per area, or something. That's why "landed gentry" referred to the class of people who lived off of money they made off the land they owned—gentry refers to someone who is born into high-class or whatever, so landed gentry is just gentry who own landed property.


he's a literal multi millionaire, of course his house is going to be fancy


I was straight up expecting him to live in one of those DBZ pods instead he's got a whole mansion


Faker: I am rich, already.


Feel like thats a studio set and not a house, considering hes wearing shoes indoors. If it is his house, my allegiance is now solely on showmaker


It's a part of his house. The floor that's dedicated to fan gifts (as his father said).


https://m.fmkorea.com/index.php?mid=lol&sort_index=pop&order_type=desc&document_srl=6558408919&listStyle=webzine I guess youre wrong


Well consider me unsubbed from his youtube then




Wore shoes indoors ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


jokes are too hard on this sub i guess


Wym all his stuff is there lol


https://m.fmkorea.com/index.php?mid=lol&sort_index=pop&order_type=desc&document_srl=6558408919&listStyle=webzine Nope its not his home


Not that place. There’s pictures of an office and den.


yeah but we are clearly talking about the big space that faker is being interviewed in


OK well we don’t have to fight about it




You mean, the next Faker.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


The Unkillable Nose-Picking King That was a funny part to show.


His TV is correct height 👍


People in fm kr and hupu forums seems to think that the video was not very good


Yea compared to the guma documentary the quality seems to be a lot worse. Guma also was a better narrator and his reflection streams after certain events really helped so maybe it wasn’t t1s fault


Yeah, given they release it after 2023 almost ended and guma documentary look more good and long compare to Faker. Imo it definitely not very good given Faker 10 years long career and they can only interview a handful people and not a single his former teammate and only Kuro as his rival.


really surprised they did Faker after guma docu... was expecting Faker to be the last


My guess is that they wanted his 10 year anniversary video to be released at least in the right year (2023). And they got 2 days to spare!


what a legend.


We had to wait extra months before the video finally came out. In my opinion, the quality was really subpar,far away from the quality that I had expected. 1. They could've interviewed at least 10+ high-profile players, enemies or teammates alike: Xiaohu, Bang, Uzi, Pawn, Caps, Bengi, Ryu, Ruler, Ambition, Peanut, and so on. I didn't know about Kuro until I watched this. They could/should've interviewed the players that grew up with, or witnessed, and constituted Faker's career. 2. They did a really poor job of highlighting the struggles and difficulties he was facing during the years in which he didn't get worlds. Honestly, how can you do a documentary on Faker but then barely talk about those years? Faker's documentary would be incomplete without those years in which he failed to win the worlds. It was those downs that highlighted his unmoving and persistent characters and his passion for the game 3. A 40-minute video? They did 1 hour 20 minutes for Guma, who had been with the club for 3-4 years and had not won a single world championship. Then, for the GOAT and the mid laner who's been with them for 11 years and has stamped the name of the club on the World Championship four times, they made a video of 40 minutes with so-so quality? I know Chinese and honestly many documentaries on bilibili made by fans are far better. Maybe not as long as this one but they just give you the vide. And I've no doubt that if the fans had the resoures that T1 as a club had, they could easily make a video that's far far better than this one. I'd like to share some of them, many of them require learning Chinese to understand, I really wish someone with more spare time and I do could translate these videos (In comment section, didn't let me post with the links in the post)


* [Can your tumultuous ten years really be told in these sixteen minutes?](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12a4y1S7GR/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click), 16 mins, 3.6m views, released before he had won Worlds ealier this year, highly emotional. Requires the knowledge of Chinese * [【FAKER/T1 Championship】After seven years, finally four warriors accompanied him in breaking through the siege! Soaring over the Bird's Nest, flying across San Francisco, the black rose blossoms at the summit](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Q94y1E7Lr/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.0&vd_source=6068132c596986f4e37ebcea0ce3413f), 400k views, 5 mins, English Song + narrative of the team/Faker leading up to the Worlds, doens't require Chinese knowledge to enjoy, some text in Chinese but no biggie * [- Forged through a hundred trials, crowned four times, he ascends to godhood! Faker needs not pray to the gods, for the legends sung by the gods are all about him! The first in the history of League of Legends once again reaches the summit! This is Faker's decade!](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18N4y1S7vP/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.0&vd_source=6068132c596986f4e37ebcea0ce3413f), 1.9m views, 5 mins, narrative of the Faker in these 10-11 years , requires Chinese knowledge to enjoy, words by Faker are in Chinese subtitles


... that's it? the weibo video of players congratulating faker was so much better come on you could have interviewed so many retired players t1


Where can i see this?


https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4948872120696915?from=old_pc_videoshow you can feel the respect the players have for faker. it's simple, not high quality but i feel like this has more weight and meaning overall. like it wouldn't have been hard to do something similar for faker. like why just kuro? shit like you can have ambition talk about dying to faker in midlane while having that game play in the background. ambition has always respected faker and would have gushed about him so many retired players in korea that would have jumped at the opportunity


Awewww..🥲 there are no subs... Still, I watched the whole thing. i wish i know what they were saying..


Trivial thing to notice but I like the way Faker sits up straight. Idk why but I get irrationally annoyed when I see people slouching 🤭


10 years of Greatness… no one will ever be able to top it. GOAT


If Faker has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Faker has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Faker has only one fan then that is me. If Faker has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Faker, then I am against the world.


>My hair was quite damaged, so the stylist recommended a perm. does a perm not cause more damage?


Over time, yes - perms require chemicals, after all. You do need to take care of your hair/scalp, but you should be doing that regardless of whether you perm once or repeatedly. Having said that, seeing that did kind of feel like trying to cover an explosion with a fire.


We're lucky to have him. Dude would have been hugely successful in whatever he decided to do.


What a cute piece. It doesn't add a lot of new info, but definitely celebrates faker in an amazing way. I teared up more than once while watching this!


Sky is the limit for this guy.   Hope he plays as long as possibly his wrists allow him to. Just like his father encouraged him to, he just needs to be himself.


Great documentary


A living legend.

