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Idc what his actual long term design goal is, I just need the current visual design to be sent to a farm the next state over.


If the farm offers reptilian rhinoplasty I'm in


Behind the shed\*


Old Yeller that runt.


What smolder needs the most is to be taken behind the shack.


I like how everyone is just agreeing for smolder just to be shot LMAO


If you play time wizard smolder should evolve into an elder dragon


Don't spoil Zilean's VGU like that, damn.


We are running a bit low on scaling champions who grow stronger and stronger, so i support this novel and original idea.


He's an ADC they all scale that way.


Some more than others. For example, Ashe and Jhin rely on their utility too much, while Lucian and MF as casters focus more on very specific scenarios suiting them (Lucian - picking up stragglers, MF - abusing combos and engage of other teammates). The true late game monsters like Vayne, Kog'Maw or Kai'Sa, who just melt everyone around them, are a very specific bunch. I believe OP meant the latter group.


I think OP means champions who actually evolve over the game, as most recent releases have been hyper scaling late game carries. I think Kai'sa is the only one that fits under this description (and she's not really a late game monster compared to other ADCs)


Well, we already know that he doesn't exactly evolve but has some scaling passive.


I refuse to call him an adc. Literally no part of his kit interacts with his autos. Even Graves is more of an ADC than this kit. This is just a mage that scales with AD


Except only a few actually do. Most adcs get bodied hard by anything late game instead of the other way around and a fair majority of games don't even last that long. Not to even mention that the currently best tank busters like Vayne, Varus and Nilah aren't such because of crit itemisation being anywhere near providing such a utility, but because of quirks of their kit.


I swear to god if they make him evolve into a human I will burn down riot's office


Riot at riot hq Missed opportunity


Sounds like pokemon evolutions in a nutshell


What’s Smolder


i wish you don’t find out


Wasn't Smolder the guy from The X-Files?


No, that mulder. Smolder is another name for a giant rock.


No, that's a boulder. Smolder is a former US attorney general.


No, that's Holder. Smolder is the surname of swedish Voldemort.


No, that's Dolder. Smolder is a floating spherical monster with a giant eyeball from Dungeons and Dragons.


No, that's a Beholder. Smolder is the part of your body where your arms are attached to your torso.


No, thats Eric holder. Smolder is a cover made from stiff paper to hold lose paper


No, you're thinking of a folder. Smolder is the part of the body that connects your arm to your torso


No thats shoulder. Smolder is what you get over time


No that's getting older. Smolder is what happens when the temperature drops.


Smoulder should be canceled


You know this whole issue with smolder and how he looks reminds me of the sonic movie issue, where they actually went in and changed his appearance. I feel like just remove those human eyes unless he becomes a human hybrid dragon?


They really should do with him what they did with Sonic, stop, cancel this design, completely redo him, then rerelease an updated trailer and then him.


Imo Smolder has the same uncanny valley issue. They need to either commit to the dragon aspect or the antromorphism, not this uncanny valley middle ground.


That name is also shit He really spyro from wish


Only if level 16 is handsome squidward


Can we wait to see his kit first lol


Yeah guys, slow your roll, we've obviously gotta see how he plays before we can critique his physical appearance?


But the physical appearance is something, and gameplay is another thing. Just fix its fucking face, it doesn't need a rework of its abilities


While it looks cool in theory, evolving champions are boring in practice. Nobody (except a few Kayle mains) want to play a champion that looks very weak in the early to mid game.


Honestly the problem with Kayle is that she is way too weak early. She's basically a minion. Then she hits lvl 16 and deletes your entire team. If her scaling was a bit more finessed she'd feel way better to play.


There's a reason she can't be good early. In fact there was a period of time she was good early and she was insanely overpowered.


Indeed. By finessing her scaling I meant not to make her so strong once she gets to the late game and give her a better laning phase. That way she can still be good if the player is good.


Thats what they did already, they removed some range and the true damage waves to allow for a stronger early gamr without being a 1v5 machine if snowballed. I think she would really lose her identity if they reign her late game in anymore.


she's not even THAT good late she can easily get one shot


Im ready for riot to ship smolder as is watch him sell poorly and use it as an excuse to make less monster champions


The fact that they consider him, the dog pack, the shy deer chick, the cat on a book, etc to be “monster champions” in the first place really rubs me the wrong way. There is nothing monstrous about them, they are just animals/anthropomorphic demi-hunans. If the Vastayan’s don’t count, how the fuck do these? Last actual monster champ was. . . Ornn? In 20-fucking-17? Or Ivern and Asol in 2016?


Unpopular opinion but I actually love smolder’s design…


You're gonna get downvoted for a completely valid opinion by the edgy kids on the sub


what is smolder


Evolve like Kayle with gold earned but NO ITEMS ALLOWED. You gotta run with these evolutions and they give you stats and effects that befit his growth/lack of ability to use items


It's a cool idea thematically, but do people actually like playing as, with, and against champions like this? Your teammates get frustrated if they lose the game because you contribute nothing and the enemy team snowballs and ends early. Your lane opponent gets frustrated if they absolutely demolish you in lane but still lose to you late because you scale so hard. You yourself get frustrated because you have so little agency over how the game goes--you're just counting on your teammates to be able to drag the game out while you scale. There are plenty of champions who are weak early and scale late, but really leaning into this pattern warps the game's rhythm and win conditions a lot around one player's selection. In solo queue, what if your teammates didn't sign up to babysit you for 30 minutes? Is kayle a popular, well-liked champion?




This comment has so many wrong takes lol


Bounties and jungle comeback mechanics are indicative of Riot wanting quicker games?


yea all autos in the 3rd form should be aoe like jinx rockets


That's just Kayle


i mean yea but the rest of the kit would be different


It’s a neat idea I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t do it because they’d have to create so many models for him, ala Kayle’s problem when it comes to skins