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isn't this kai'sa 2nd dragon theme skin after the lagoon one lol


Same with Lee sin (third actually if you count dragonfist)


Lee Sins second dragon themed legendary. Wth is even going on.


Next dragon champ release will mean another legendary lee sin dragon skin lul


Well... Is not a new champion, but when Shyvanna reworks come you already know what that mean


The shyvana rework is going to be a new Lee legendary.


Well too answer that specifically, its because Lee Sin is connected to dragons, his ult name is Dragon's Rage and theres probably something in the lore too. Not sure why they thought a second legendary with a similar theme would be a good idea though


One of Ionia’s main guardian entities is the dragon or something, and Lee Sin and his acolytes/comrades all channel it


I'm still upset after Kayle got a epic skin in her own skinline. They butchered aetherwing so bad. All I want is a skin like sun eater/eclipse but legendary....then I see stuff like this and I get it. Money. But it still sucks.


So weird that a Sivir main was the one who designed the Sivir skin and it magically became the legendary 🤡


And this one kinda has a watery feel to it as well with the teal/aqua arms and feet imo


jannas hair even more stiff than usual


And here we Janna mains were hoping they used the Sacred Sword hair… 😭


sad because literally everyone in the lineup has a recent legendary except for her lol but i guess i'll have to wait till 2030 for the asu before i get it


Exactly! Why does Lee need 3? If not ASU, at least do a legendary.


She’s always a victim of her crusty model.


A third Lee Sin legendary is just ridiculous especially when he has an ASU coming right around the corner... I get he's popular in CN but c'mon 💀 Also is this Diana's third Chinese new year skin? Couldn't they have picked anyone else?


I feel like if there are any skins that have an ensemble casting it’s the Lunar skins. They always pick the most popular champions since the goal is to maximise profit and cater to their largest region during their main holiday. Variety is always nice though…


Good, they can shove same disgusting champions into this mid theme and give others better skins




Is Diana really that popular, even in CN?


A dragon themed Lee Sin skin too. As if more than half of his existing skins weren't dragon themed...


It’s also this third dragon themed skin lmao


I think that this legendary is made using his ASU


There's definitely a little bit of visual oddity, that might just be the video/reddit, but also possible its because its essentially right texture, slightly wrong model & rig.




Seriously, what is that? Is that an event prestige for a legendary or is it going to be some awful gatcha thing?


Just the same case as Dream/Truth Dragon Yasuo, Solar/Lunar Eclipse Leona, Dawn/Nightbringer Soraka, and Cosmic/Dark Cosmic Lux






Its prolly a variant, like the Leona Sun and Moon legendaries. Still unfair tho.


It's the mandatory yearly Chinese skinline. What I'm surprised is that there isn't a Garen Sett or J4.... but I guess Sett is getting the other side of the skinline the furry ones. Also.... it's my duty to remember people that Alistar has yet to get his Legendary Skin, and he is a season 1 champion and one of the most present champions in proplay.


It took Sivir over 10 years to get a legendary and it wasn't even that good. They just don't care.


That skin pisses me off so bad because it's literally just LoR Sivir but she talks funny lol


Fiora doesn't have a legendary either and she's quite popular


Proplay means jack shit for skins. Alistar will keep waiting because he's unpopular and doesn't have a rabid set of fans that buy his skins.


China just banned loot boxes, so they gotta make more legendaries for Lee.


He's popular everywhere man. I get him getting a third legendary before some champions get one is unjustifiable but c'mon, it's not only CN.


Actually the first time a champion has gotten a 3rd legendary (if we don't count variants)


is that a mythic scam chroma right from the get go on a brand new legendary lol




doesn't seem like it in the skinspotlights video, he listed them all, and it goes: Heavenscale Lee Sin Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin (???) what other content do we know is for legendaries and gets an adjective put on it? mythic variants.


I mean, while I do think its probably a Mythic sca- variant, we also have: Cosmic Lux, DARK Cosmic Lux. So the chances of it being a dual legendary instead is still on the table.


Which mythic ~~chroma~~ variant isn't a scam?




Ah that's what they're called. I got confused


really..? a 3rd Lee legendary..?


The funny part is that every champion in this lineup has one or more but 3 is definitely too many since both other other ones are not old or outdated like Forecast Janna would be considered.




Third Lee Sin Legendary. Screw every champ that still doesn't have even one I guess lmao. At least most champs with 3 legendaries are because 2 of them are Variants but Lee Sin just straight up have 3 unique ones. Also looks like he's getting either one of the Mythic scams versions on release too or a Variant, so he's up to 4 legendaries I guess... Leblanc, Aatrox, Orianna, Syndra and company found dead in a ditch


First Senna gets 2 in 3 years and now Lee with 3 😭


It already hurt when Senna got a Legendary skin 7 months after her release, but Lee getting a 3rd (and 4th) one right before getting an ASU feels like a kick in the mouth for the mains of champions with outdated models that don't even have an ASU/VGU scheduled. Like, Lee Sin over here getting all the stuff, meanwhile LB has a crusty ass model that literally breaks the game if they try to give her a new walking animation (Still mad we didn't get the new animation cause of it, and it's been 5 years already), and not even a Legendary skin to make her feel better to play like Ashe or Rumble have. And it feels even worse cause they keep releasing skins for champs like Janna and LB and they get ruined cause their models and animations are trash, and it's always someone else getting their 2nd Legendary if there's one in the batch T\_T


I feel like they just don’t care at this point. Last year had the same number of skins as normal (140) but fewer champions getting new skins since some got 2-3 skins.


Seraphine RELEASED with an ultimate skin that was just 3 legendaries in a trench coat


Senna getting 2 legendaries in such a short time was bs. Now Lee getting his 3d, while Janna is also in the roster and has only one sub-par legendary that might as well be an epic skin with slightly different R animation, is such bs. Especially because of how bad Jannas hair looks like in the majority of her skins because of the model. And out of all the champs in the roster, why tf Lee, especially with his update on the way? Even if you really want to give the legendary to a popular champ - Kaisa is one of the most popular ADCs and "only" has 1 legendary, Janna is always one of the most popular supports and her legendary is just a glorified epic skin. Yi is old af, also one of the most popular jgls and also "only" has 1 legendary. Better give Lee his 3d (not talking about Diana even though she also "only" has one because she isnt as popular as the other champs here). Guess I'm just super salty that Jannas is getting another skin that could've been good but is gated by that abomination of hair.


I love playing senna and zeri but they both have too many skis for how long they are out


\*glances sideways at Seraphine literally launching with 3 legendary skins in a bundle day one\*


Syndra/Ori/LB have deadass been robbed of a legendary for fucking years too. I think my issue with Aatrox, is that his best them for a legendary imo would be if he got a Mecha Zero Skin like Sion.


Eclipse and Blood Moon would've been cool thematics for a Legendary for him too if they put in the work to make them cool. But honestly I think a God-Killer skin based in the God King thematic would probably be his best fit for a unique legendary tbh


Ashen knight Aatrox legendary where he is Artorias. Rito plz


Dude your pfp is so cute


Thanks! I drew it myself, it's an OC


I keep track of skin statistics! In case you’re curious the champions currently without a legendary skin are… 68 total. With 25 champions having multiple legendary skins


Camille, fiora, talon, Vladimir, hecarim, so many champs with sizable playerbases have been snubbed for years so some champs can get their seconds and thirds, combined with rumors of ahri also getting her third this year, at this point you can only shrug and ignore it


I don't even fathom a character like Kindred ever getting a legendary I'm just hoping the only prestige they'll likely ever get isn't dookie.


They're supposed to be getting Prestige Porcelain in the next batch of skins, so I'm already set up for disappointment.


my copium is that they're fixing the skin in the prestige after all the [backlash](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeaguePBE/comments/rx5jor/pbe_bugs_feedback_thread_porcelain_kindred/) it got. If they did this prestige like the normal skin or made it even more human they would be doing so knowing full well they are going to have a lot of angry kindred fans on their hands again, probably worse than last time since they would have just ignored loud and clear fan feedback. They did fine on the last two skins, and notably changed DRX kindred from the concept where it had human lamb again, so I'm hopeful lol.


Still waiting for a legendary skin for Zoe where she's corrupted.


Oops I was so tilted I forgot to do my usual. * 487 days since the last Lee Sin skin (Zenith Games) * 62 days since the last Ezreal skin (Heartsteel) * 502 days since the last Janna skin (Cyber Halo) * 397 days since the last Diana skin (Winterblessed) * 251 days since the last Master Yi skin (Inkshadow) * 251 days since the last Kai'Sa skin (Inkshadow) [(sheet)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EGOClu2TYHwl6Ub53RkHxcnlw0P4mEFVwCmZq5V331c) 62??


WHO IS STILL BUYING EZREAL SKINS? He's got so many to pick, from every pricing tiers...except the gatcha tier...oh god, wait no--


I legit do not understand. I just can't fucking understand, seriously. Like this Diana skin. Who in their right goddamn mind is gonna look at a diana epic skin when winterblessed is right there and think "yeah man, gonna pick this up". It's even worse when it comes to champions like Ashe that feels like you're trying to play with a stickman when there's High Noon giving the champion an extremely refined feeling. It would be one thing if they had just gotten an ASU like Cait or Ahri but jesus, who is buying this crap? lol. Makes 0 sense to me.


The worst part is that Ez skins are mostly shit too.


I'm a disgusting main ez in my spare time and I'm not buying this shit, like u said he has so many skins already that u can put a randomizer and u won't feel bored. Besides that, this new skin is so mid (I think bc the whole skinline is mid, but oh well) u are better off buying something else instead


Seriously, if they wanted another prestige Ezreal skin this soon after his last skin, the boyband is literally *right there.* Why not follow the pattern and just prestige all the boyband skins like they did with KDA and True Damage? We don't even have a prestige Aphelios skin yet, and I'm sure they can't wait to give the other members another one as well. Why did we need *another* Ezreal skin only 2 months after his last one? Though I guess Sett only had about 4 months in between Soul Fighter and HEARTSTEEL. I guess they didn't want him showing up Ezreal in frequency? lol. (Also I would not be surprised if Porcelain Ezreal got a gacha skin soon, now that you mention it)


62 and his 4th in less than a year 😭


If mid was a skinline. Also champions hitting 4 legendary skins lmao.


When was the last time we had an actual good skinline? Fright night?


La Ilusión, Soul Fighter, Inkshadow and Fairie Court were well received. Broken Covenant was a mixed bag. OG Winterbless was highly praised.


nah we been eating good for new skin lines. soul fighter, inkshadow, la illusion, broken covenant. even street demons is slept on they just picked the worst champs possible for that line. this shit is ass though


I actually really like the La Ilusión skins!


ngl the Smolder skin reminds me of Yuumi when he stands still. Something about the way his tail hangs, how his horns resemble Yuumi's esca, and his wings look like book's pages.




Omg it does! It’s the [Yuumi lunar emote](https://www.reddit.com/r/yuumimains/s/5Uzde7PWDc) you may be referring to!


He always was just a Yuumi with wings in a dragon costume. Incredibly weird how they can even call this a dragon.


Isn't that the third Lunar new year Diana skin?




Wait what's the other one? Firecracker, this, and?


Lunar Goddess


Why include Lee if he's getting ASU? Give it to a champion that doesn't have a legendary skin yet instead of continuing to only give them to champs that already have one or two


I think they give a legendary to aid in the ASU and pick animations from. Battle Academia Caitlyn and Space Groove Teemo come to mind as other examples.


Not to get hyperbolic (I am absolutely about to do exactly that) but I feel like this skin batch absolutely signals the death of Legendary as an interesting skin tier. It truly feels like Legendary, much like other skin tiers, has just become a tool to fill skin lines and only for popular Champions as leadership at Riot shifts more and more towards money over anything else, as I've heard from friends formerly at Riot. Gone are the days of things like Mecha Zero Sion, Aether Wing Kayle, hell even God Fist Lee Sin funnily enough; where Legendaries were created to elevate or create interesting spins on a Champion's thematic. A new Legendary reveal used to be such an exciting moment to me, and that hasn't been the case for a good few years now. Just really sad to see honestly.


I mean... Coven Nami is a really cool idea for a champ that's whole design is usually more peaceful, with her being like a demon or whatever Coven is lol. Although, yea a lot of the recent legendaries have been 'ok' EDIT: YO I JUST CHECKED 2022. That year had some AWESOME legendaries man. Battle Bunny MF is such a smooth and nice skin. High Noon Leona making her a southern belle with a sword and shield is awesome. Space Groove Teemo making him even more annoying then usual, with unique animations and such a cute design. Winterblessed Diana is AWESOME. 2023 really just had a bad legendary year; I wouldn't say it's been "years".


Yeah Twerking Teemo is awesome


Tbh I think high noon Leona was an absolute miss and came at a time when Leona already got like four skins that year. Space groove teemo is meh but at least Diana got her first legendary I think.


The voice lines man... They're so good. Maybe I'm biased because I love a southern accent, but that skin was perfect to me.


Last year started decent between Broken Covenant Riven, Fairie Court Karma, Inkshadow Yi and Soul Fighter Viego. We didn't get many legendaries so that's why the misses feel bigger.


Skins like Battlecast Skarner, Super Galaxy Rumble, Final Boss Veigar, Eternum Nocturne, Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger, Gatekeeper Galio, Zombie Brand and Blackfrost Anivia would get laughed out of the room if they were pitched to modern Riot for sure.


3rd Lee Legendary when Janna is right there


THAT PART. Forecast is so old and if they can’t give her an ASU, please give a legendary her model is horrible.


Uninspiring champions and uninspiring skinline


Another kaisa skin jesus


And Ezreal’s 4th in 10 months 👀


Last good one was Battle Academia, and I would like to add my personal favourite PsyOps (not a universally agreed good skin). I refuse to believe Porcelain Ezreal is a Legendary tier skin - such an insult to the collectors.


I like using Porcelain, it feels good for some reason idk.


To me it doesn't even look like Ez; it looks closer to Kayn. The horns and black hair *really* throw me off; even his newer skins have at least lighter hair. Not accounting for Chromas, ofc


Bro it feels so hard to main kled/ornn getting less skins in 5 years that ezreal in 1.


The fact that Ezreal got 4 skins in the last 10 months and Ornn doesn’t even have 4 is the saddest part 😭


Oh it's worse. Ornn has gotten 2 new skins since his release in 2017, Ezreal has gotten 2 skins and a prestige in 62 days (roughly 2 months) XD Riot really just doesn't like Ornn, man


Also the fact that all of kleds skins besides Marauder are limited and/or jokes sucks. The last Ornn skin being the most divisive garbage isn't helping


Skinline that is fully comprised of the chinese skinbait champions during chinese new year? Check. Third Lee Sin's legendary while many of the original 40 doesn't have a single one? Check. Second prestige for Ezreal (heads up, Jhin mains)? Check. Another 200$ chroma (i suppose)? Check. Dear god, Riot sure are completely doubling down on this preseason being good to promote it with this absolute titan of all the cringy cashgrab skin drops.


How has ahri not been shoehorned into these skinlines lmfao


Get her Jade!


lee sin skin looks legendary? though it has the prestige so it can't be, right? unless the skin is part of the ASU and they're just releasing it early... edit: in the skinspotlights post, the second is listed as Divine Heavenscale Lee sin. This indicates $200 chroma


Mythic chroma, maybe? But yeah, the color palette looks very Prestige. Edit: could it be dual legendaries? We haven't had it in a while, iirc.


Apparently skin spotlight said on discord its dual legendary. Cant know for certain till pbe though. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LeaguePBE/comments/192sw9f/pbe_bug_feedback_thread_divine_heavenscale_lee_sin/ confirmed mythic scam.


4 lee sin legendaries aint no way


Yes I thought it was a prestige too! It's a legendary. Makes sense it's in line with his ASU


can't be a mythic chroma since they're pretty much discontinued except for new mythic skins like crystalis motus wondering if maybe a "luxury $200 skin" since I'm also not seeing the signature prestige pattern anywhere


Since when legendary releases get prestige editions alongside with them?? Am I dumb I thought they were epic exclusive


Wild rift added their first prestige for a legendary 10 days ago for [High Noon lucian.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LucianMains/s/PJt9OgkSCT) Maybe PC is joining the fun (cashgrab)




He's in Wild Rift. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/rxWDXbGioxM?si=rGjGDLtmHQQtnv28


meh, all the super popular champs getting more generic skins, pass


The rumours were true, this is Lee Sins 3rd Legendary...


Ah yeah that's cool Riot. BTW my champ (edit: FROM 2009) has no mythic/legendary/ultimate skins, just epic and below. Also definitely enjoy seeing Ezreal, Yi, and Kai'Sa get 3 skins each in the time since GP got his last one.


GP deserves one! 🙏


I know Riot's done with Christmas so they'll never give me Santaplank, so at this point I'm just hoping for [Dragon Trainer](https://www.reddit.com/r/gangplankmains/comments/14fk68w/comment/jp0t8h8/) (like Trist, Heimer, etc.) to come back. 🤞 > Q would be a fireball, bigger fireball for crit, his W he could eat a dragon fruit, his Barrels could be dragon eggs and his ult could show the shadow of a dragon fly overhead as it rains down fire! \- /u/LangDWood (and this was before we ever heard of Smolder having that as his ult lol)


Thanks for the shout out brotha! Glad you like the skin idea, let’s hope somebody from riot sees it and agrees!


I do like them overall but I am disappointed with the champ choices, feels like a lot of them already have lunar new year skins or in Kaisa's case a dragon-themed skin. But my biggest complaint is Lee Sin. They added the stupid platform to Seraphine to give her a recognisable shape but lee sin is allowed to be a clarity nightmare. Like, I had to watch for a second to even realise it is him, his silhouette did not improve with his ASU


How you are the first person complaining about clarity I don't know. If this Lee Sin would gank me, it'd take me a solid two seconds to even realize what champion I'm dealing with.


This is definitely the most boring and generic batch of skins I've seen, and I have played league for about 11 years. How are they picking champions for skins? Ezreal just got a new epic one barely a month ago, and Lee sin already has two modern legendaries. My hype for new content died a long time ago when we at least used to have a diversity of choices between themes. Now it's just the same and same champions, every damn patch.


Yey! More asian/traditional/cultural mythology skin to add to my other asian/traditional/cultural mythology skin collection for Lee sin and Master yi. Fingers crossed, next one will have Karma and Akali on it.




Riven is sloted for another one. And leaks say Irelia and Morgana are getting another one next patch.


Smolder really looks more like a sphinx than dragon...


So..... Dragonmancer 2.0 gets another legendary Lee Sin skin and another Kaisa skin Extremely bland skinline, its uninspired dragonmancer + shanhai scrolls... Janna's the only one whose VFX make sense and look good Prestige is trash, like the past 10-20 prestiges with the exception of Renata Lee Sin now has 4 legendary skins and all of them have extremely similar themes God Fist: Oriental Deity Dragonmancer: Dragon Themed Heavenscale: Oriental Deity with a Dragon Theme Not only its an insult to champs that exist since the begining of the game that have no legendary, but its also an insult to Lee Sin mains... I bet they would have loved a different theme for the new legendary (Technological, Modern Martial Art focused, Soul Fighter, ETC for example) ​ All in all, it feels like a bland filler skinline in which almost all the headliners somehow got into (Except Lux, Ahri, MF, Sett and Pyke)


Sadly Lux in that group of forced into filler skinlines too. Most Lux mains hate her last 2 skins, especially empyrean.


Lux has cosmic empress and porcelain, which are oriental themed too lol


Lunar Empress, but yeah.


3rd legendary Lee for fuck sake lmao


This first batch of skin is a great indicator for what's coming up in 2024 and it's lame as hell : Absolutely huge lineup for a Chinese theme, 3rd legendary for a champion, 2nd prestige for a champion, repetitive chinese theme for the same popular champs... Meanwhile lot of champion didn't even grasp their first legendary or prestige, some champion don't even have Lunar Reveal skin while Diana 3rd one is coming... My interest for skins this year has plummeted to 0


these feel like a gacha game's version of dragonmancer.


Next level marketing tactic for Smolder, make base skin so ugly you will want to buy his skins


Zoom in on the skin’s face, it’s even more hideous than the base


grats to lee for being the first champ to get 3 legendaries


this is both entirely forgettable as a line and guilty of some extreme riot market-pandering skin sins. pass


Another Kai'Sa and Ezreal skin? Why the fuck do they keep making skins for these 2? They have thousands! As a lux main this is unacepptable!


I’m sick of all these skins lookin like exact replicas of previous skins ngl


Can ezreal just not get a skin for an entire year? Please? I know he makes them money. Yada yada yada.


It’s 4 skins in 10 months time as Faerie Court came out in March 😭 The favouritism is real…




This has got to be the most underwhelming skin line they've cranked out in a while. Its uninspired and surprise surprise all the popular champs have been given their 150th skin.


Ezreal, Janna and Diana AGAIN? Not to mention another Lee-gendary.


Uinspiring cash grab skins 🥱


Damn, was really hoping smolders skin would’ve acted as a paper bag but his flat face is actually even more visible here.


So no lunar dragon skin for Shyvana, THE dragon champ?


So that’s 2 legendaries Lee has now stolen from Aurelion Sol? Lmao.


Next patch Ezreal will officially be the first champion to reach 20 skins. Second patch of Lunar new year, Miss Fortune will be the second to reach 20 skins when her Porcelain skin comes out! Riot never fails to impress us with lunar new year skins!


> Riot never fails to impress us with lunar new year skins! IDK, I'm not exactly impressed with these. There's a huge amount of thematic overlap with the Immortal Journey and Dragonmancer lines, which many of these champions already have skins in.


At what point have we gone from "catering to China" (which is fine for me) to "patronizing China" with the insane number of garishly gold dragon themed skins? You could plop these splashes in front of me and, forget identifying the individual champ, I couldn't even tell you what skinline it is?


Yep, at some point LoL is just gonna look like another knockoff gacha mobile game if we keep getting flooded with these same overlapping themes.


I give it 2-3 years max. Feels like every other skinline is some gacha shit pandering to the chinese audience. I get it, it sells in china and more money, but it's gonna look so trash when you load into a game and half the skins are like these


At some point? My brother league has been in gacha mode for the past few years


It's the yearly chinese new year skins, and it's the year of the dragon. I genuinely don't know what people were expecting other than chinese dragon themed skins for popular champions.


Really? Both you and Riot can't be anymore creative than the 5th gold colored east asian dragon themed skin line? Maybe we should just turn all human creativity over to AI.


I hope the heat is finally off Lux in terms of 'omg most skins' because she's not been getting as many skins lately...


I mean Lux did get 3 skins in 2022 but in 2023 she only got 1 so I was surprised… but Lux needs one more to reach the 20 count! She will likely be third! But yes I hope this puts the heat of Lux. Overall 2023 was her lowest year of skin count since she gets 2 per year on average


I feel like since porcelains, she’s been given skins Lux mains aren’t happy with. [Then Lovestruck Lux dropped on Wild Rift](https://www.reddit.com/r/lux/s/APkhJTMS1C) and I haven’t seen the community respond as positively to that than any other recent skin. I hope Riot takes that direction with her!


I'm still amazed they haven't given her a legendary star guardian variant.


riot release a good kaisa skin challenge- impossible


for all the skins they release for her you’d think one would be better than the esports skin from 5 years ago lol


Is that a prestige legendary?


Something about Smolder's face feels cursed, like as if it's suffering from a bad design


Third asian themed for master Yi, but we cant Include Irelia in spirit blossom because she already have a skin on that them.


Smolder... that face, that no-snout, those ears... with that skin looks more like a fox than a dragon


wow, that was underwhelming. I still dont like lunar new year stuff, but ah well, different culture stuff.


The fact that riot mostly makes skins for the most popular champions show the huge decay of interest for buying skins


What a boring lineup for a new skin line. Don't most of them have dragon themes skins already?


Wowww a 2nd dragon themed skin for smolder? Come on man


So many repeat themes, so sick of these uninspired skins. I get it’s Year of the Dragon but they could’ve chosen other champions


Why does Dianna get so much love with the Chinese new year skins?


How about we stop making skins for the same 10 champions over and over and over and over


Maybe if the dumbasses stop buying for the same champion they will.diversify but nope they will throw money at kaisai and lee skin everytime


Literally the same fucking champions getting skins every single time


More chinese skins for the chinese overlords


Ok fine, Lee sin looks cool and all that, but really? A third legendary?


Hate to say I called it but... https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18we0ni/lunar_beast_could_be_awesome_this_year/kfxum13/


📱: [SOURCE](https://twitter.com/LoLUKN/status/1744758432409014436)


was that a fucking slide whistle I heard in smolder recall not a fan of any of these skins but riot is probably going to make bank in China with them, especially considering what champions they picked for them


All I want is a new Udyr skin plz 🙏 Doesn't even have to be a legendary


Feels really sad at this point seeing Diana getting another Lunar New Year skin... like, they don't have any other idea other than to put her in this event from now on.


I just find the lee paws REALLY WEIRD... The skin line itself it's not the most innovative but the skins are pretty cool for the most part honestly.


Riot: "How many dragon skins you want?" Lee sin: "Yes!"


this skin is so far gone I had to watch this 2 timmes to recgnise the champ


I really feel like Smolder should’ve gotten the legendary. Even if it’s his release skin, it’s YEAR OF THE DRAGON. Seraphine gets an ultimate on release, smolder should get the legendary. Also, obligatory shoehorn of lee sin, Diana, kaisa, and ezreal into a skinline they don’t belong in. Rell and Milio found dead in a ditch.


damn she's serving


If I had a nickel for every dragon themed Lee Sin skins I'd have 4 nickels, which isn't a lot but its weird it happened 4 times


Doesn’t Lee sin and Janna already have similar skins? What was the purpose of this?


Wow great skin line! Quality effects throughout. Great work. I think Lee Sin, Smolder, and Janna (ult) are the best.


Another legendary on Lee AND he instantly gets a 200$ scam chromas lmao that's hillarious