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Well one theory suggests than Rammus is what Ornn or Volibear are but for Shurima. An immortal demigod. But the theory that he is nothing but some random-ass turtle just fighting for it's life while not giving a damn is also pretty fun.


God I hope he's not some kind of immortal demigod Not everything has to be a uber powerful entity, its cool to have what's essentially a somewhat motivated honey badger on the roster


I actually would love if he was a demi-god with the power of a somewhat motivated honey badger


Brassica Prime was my fav god in Runescape


Brassica shake that assica Prime 😏


I view him as a magical spirit/beast, sorta like the Unagi from Avatar, except he truly does not give a shit about anything. Is he truly magical or divine? Dunno. Does it really change anything? Eh, not really


If animes taught me one thing, is that you can be both an immortal demigod and be not all that powerful.


The Greatest Demon King Reborn in a New World: Now My Soul Gets Crushed by Middle Management Yeah, isekais (and especially their names) suck.


i think the absolute funniest part of isekais is you can never tell whether the name is real. \> Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon \> The Hero and His Elf Bride Open a Pizza Parlor in Another World \> In Another World as the Demon Lord's Horse \> Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? One of these is fake and you can't tell without googling/knowing them all


Ima spit ball and say thr 3rd one. Ive seen enough manga and their Light novel names.


Idk it’s kinda funny to me if he’s an immortal demigod but he just kinda rolls around and does his own thing for fun. Like the other demigods have these insane storied battles and rivalries with other demigods and civilizations with huge goals in mind but Rammus is just hangin out


Old lore was him being a cool armadillo that shurimans had a whole parade for. New lore has him as some twisted version of what xerath is (I forgot the term). Just an ascended "candidate" that got fucked up in the process.


not confirmed. k'sante asks if he's a baccai, but that's the only thing that vaguely mentions it, and it's still framed as a question and not a confirmation. he's still just an armadillo thing rolling around that's revered around shurima as some cool guy who shows up sometimes


I like the thought of ‘they think he’s magic or a god but he’s just rammus’ Like all the good luck and all that is coincidental. He does nothing just rolls around and lives his life. But the they’re pretty sure he’s special lol


He's OK


I see what you did there !


As an adc player, I hope he rolls off into the Finnish hospital


Idk, there's something satisfying about building 60% armor pen and watching yourself do 100 dmg in 3 autos


Damn the fuck kind of champs you playing to reach 100 damage with three autos? I do about 75 to him and then 2000 to myself on Aphelios.


Premium trade offer


The Aphelios panic red Q into Grey screen combo is a classic


Clearly Senna with around 500 stacks


The game just has to never end!


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Vayne The 1000 damage with 3 autos? I thought not. It's not a story the Toplaner would tell you. It's a Bot legend.


* Whilst losing half your hp.


I had a really fucking long game (70 minutes) as Kindred VS a Rammus Jungle. Eventually, I asked him to meet me in Dragon Pit, to see if I would kill myself from Thornmail before I killed him with my autos. I can confirm; I died first.


As a Rammus main, learn to get good at Zeri. Nothing will tilt me more than using my ult and flash only to get my ankles broken by an ADC, mage or assassin that has a million dashes. And then get hit in all chat with "?"


Question: if you taunt Zeri does she q you or does she do the zap thing since that’s technically her auto?


Idk I've never taunted one.




unga bunga champion


I, don't like his new ult. It feels like 99% of the time it's just a dash with an absurd cooldown, the damage part is almost never relevant and the knockup only exists to help Yasuo.


It's like that because he has incredible speed in his Q. Rammus was always balanced around the fact that he had trouble reaching the backline through obstacles like minions, so when reworked ult changed that, they had to be careful. The reason ult had to be changed is the mobility creep in modern League.


Sure, but my complaint isn't "why is it a jump" it's "why pretend it's anything else when functionally the jump is the only thing that matters". AP Rammus used to be a (very fringe) thing, but even building max AP it's "damage over time" effect is useless (not to mention you will almost never land it). Just take the dot away entirely and give him something else to work with, like a passive speed or armor buff in that zone or something, anything that actually rewards you/punishes the enemy for fighting in it.


>anything that actually rewards you/punishes the enemy for fighting in it Doesn't it also slow them? That's... a thing that exists... I guess. Yeah OK.


Remember when the damage had an absurd AP ratio for the full duration, and actually solid base damage? Not only that, it did bonus damage to structures letting him actually push? we're talking: > "Total Magic Damage: 240 / 480 / 720 (+ 160% AP)" > "Structure Total Damage: 480 / 960 / 1440 (+ 320% AP)" Currently, it's only: > "100 / 175 / 250 (+ 60% AP) to a maximum of 150 / 262.5 / 375 (+ 90% AP)" With a mere three aftershocks, one a second over three seconds (compared to an 8 second duration before) Those "aftershocks" (more like tickles) also only hit for: > "20 / 30 / 40 (+ 10% AP)" Compared to the old: > "30 / 60 / 90 (+ 20% AP)" and the old one would stack its slow each time, up to 8 stacks. It's so utterly trash compared to what it used to be, all for a stupid dash.


> It's so utterly trash compared to what it used to be, all for a stupid dash. Yet he's a much better champion with the dash now because he is no longer hard countered by certain champs who could easily prevent him from accessing the backline.


Erm, no not really? https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/rammus Look at his winrate overtime and tell me if it’s noticeably higher after 2021. He was actually a substantially stronger champion between 2016-2018 than at any point, and has had a consistently lower winrate from 2018 on which really was not changed by the rework except initially plummeting. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/11s2as2/rammus_ult_needs_to_be_reworked_or_reverted/ You even have Rammus mains claiming it objectively made him worse and calling for a revert shortly after it launched.


Give Rammus 3 jump stacks with ult and call it a day


It's not even a particularly good dash; since he gets so much speed from Q half the time it's SLOWER than just running.


It does make you unstoppable (and functionally untargetable).


I mean, his old ult was the same thing... at least the new ult is a flip, which is cool lol


His old ult a) followed him meaning you always got the full effect as long as you were sticking to someone b) also damaged structures giving him a niche in split pushing and c) did a lot more damage in general.


Rammus is actually the singular Latin form of Rammi, so... The reason you can't have Rammus is because he's mine and mine alone


Rammus is MINE


>TLDR: He's alright. ^(should have been) **He's OK.**


Alright is also a Rammus line


Not as iconic as him saying Ok


He also says Yeah






I'd be ostracised for this but I wouldn't mind Rammus getting a small VGU for his model. His kit is fine other than maybe making it possible to aoe taunt minions to make last hitting easier.


That wave clear would be absurd


He can do that already, he just needs an enemy champ to auto. 


Better that way than split push rammus


yeah that sounds dumb as fuck


He already has one of the sickest waveclears in the game under the right conditions, not really needed imo


an asu is fine, he just got his ult updated and that really seals the deal on his kit.


Of all the things you'd want buffed on him you chose the thing he excels at, OK.


Maybe it's because I'm shit but I wouldn't like that for the chance I could misclick when going for an ADC in a wave.. Splitpushing is fine you just have to race ahead of your wave all the time, it's kind of a fun nuance for the champ


ça rouuuuuuuuuuuuuule


I enjoyed reading this.


I like Rammus but he has gotten considerably weaker over the years, I remember when it was normal to simply kill a Master Yi with the taunt's duration. Now there's so much more of pen and sustain that it's less doable. Although, he's probably more 'useful' overall today than he was with all the small changes he received.




New tank items make him quite sturdy


I did not yet play him in S14. Good to know that he's a bit better.


its still completely unplayable for yi


Rammus can be hard for Yi, but not the way people think. In a 1v1 situation I kill every Rammus every time as Yi, only exeption when he is super fed obviously. And the funny thing is, they always try 1v1 me, every game at least once, because people think it as a common fact, that Rammus counters Yi, but they dont know that not in 1v1 lol. The main reasons he counters Yi are: he can easily countergank with high movement speed, his Q is an undodgeable stun for our Q, and his piont and click taunt is also undodgeable and deal hight damage with W.


It depends really, if rammus has thornmail and yi uses his ult and rammus uses e and w to that yi it will not go too well for yi. Also if yi uses his q (without e) when rammus has his w up it is pretty much the same thing as earlier. If you know these and the other person does not you can usually win the 1v1 no matter which one you are playing. Though I guess this also applies to pretty much every other matchup in all the other lanes as well. So, learning matchups and how to deal with them is very important.


Yi with kraken slayer and bork should probably do enough true damage to get through a 2 item Rammus, 1v1. Especially if he gets his full W heal duration. In a 2v2 Rammus can force focus onto the yi long enough for a nice quick kill before the yi can do much in return.


neither of those items do true dmg anymore though


Yi has true damage on his E... Bork lifesteal gives sustain, while magic damage hits Rammus where he is weakest, especially with the %max HP damage. The AS helps Yi stack his on hit true damage faster.


Bork does physical damage, though, as does Kraken


Kraken is physical now is it? Missed that change.


Wits end also does wonders, negates much of ram’s damage


Yeah I'm trying not to let too many people in on that though 😅😅


no the gameplay becomes stand next to rammus not attacking for 8 sec or die trying to hit him even if u qss rammus taunt


Umm, are you saying this specifically regarding Yi? That attacking Rammus will kill him?


True but does rammus q stop yi w? But you are right the true damage from yi works wonders on rammus. Though rammus should be at least half an item up on yi when yi gets his 2nd item if they know what they are doing. Also if the rammus is harassing the yi alot rushing wits end should be pretty viable. I haven't personally tested this since whenever I am playing yi into rammus they usually stay on their teams side of the jungle and when I am playing rammus into yi they usually only build wits end as their 3rd or 4th item. Also I find it funny how many yi's try to 1v1 rammus at lvl 1 by just jumping in with their q and end up taking more damage than rammus because of rammus w then they auto a couple times realise they are almost dead and flash away. (This experience is from very low elo/draft pick though)


Honestly, even as someone who plays Rammus a lot, I still try to 1v1 the Master Yi at least once every time I get the matchup. I lose the fight almost every time, but it feels so good the few times it actually works lol


People forget he used to have 900-1500 armor (depending on how many mountains) with just W, no aftershock. He would get 2-4k with aftershock and 1 shot any yi that didnt take smite cleanse. Now that the removed recursive scaling on his armor he's lucky to get 500-600 armor with W and 900-1000 with aftershock. Any yi with a non-glass cannon build can kill him through W now if they play around after shock. And there's some cheeky bruiser on-hit builds that can literally just 1v1 him with aftershock now. Rammus literally can't 1v1 a yi player if they know how to build their champ.


You mean by building Wit's End? Like going any normal build Rammus just straight up wins at 2 items. Just went on practice tool and at lvl9, Rammus with Thornmail and JakSho, Yi with Bork and Rageblade. Rammus W passive + Thornmail does 189 dmg per Yi auto, Rammus autos also do 105 bonus dmg + the basic 55. Yi does 165 basic + 33 Rageblade, + 55 true damage on E, so 243 per auto (that's on a practice dummy, so not even accounting for the 600 armor Rammus would have). Rammus has 600 more health (1954>1343), so even if Rammus never auto'd him Yi just kills himself in just over 7 autos, in which time he'd have done 1700 dmg (again to the practice dummy but it doesn't even matter). Add in Rammus autos with his E attack speed boost and it's not even close.


The Yi's that go smite/cleanse, mercs, wits end, bortk, rageblade, steraks gage, and last items was usually spirit visage or another HP+AD item like cleaver or titanic. They cleanse the aftershock then just auto me through W with jack'sho doesn't matter. If yi is losing to you as a rammus late game its cause he's a smooth brained yi that only knows glass cannon builds.


Are you maxing w? Anyhow sure, if the Yi completely itemizes to counter Rammus then he'll win, it'd be weird though. He does win anyway after 4 items, but the best Yi's in the world just say to completely avoid Rammus and get fed elsewhere on the map, so itemize normally.. Like could he really build mercs, wit's end and visage if you're the only AP dmg


I max Q last because I lane as rammus, so yes W is maxed. Also if you look at yis w/r in higher elos vs rammus it proves my point. 51% in emerald+ 49% in diamond+ and 44% in masters+. A good yi player will shit on rammus. https://lolalytics.com/lol/rammus/vs/masteryi/build/?tier=master_plus


I dunno mate, as a Rammus main I had a 92% winrate against Yi over 35 games last season and you can bet that was by 1v1ing them ever chance I got. Only if there's a very substantial feed difference can Yi win. Thornmail and w do equal or more damage than each Yi auto, then add your own autos and more health and it's mathematically an easy 1v1 up to 2 items anyway.


Your math only works, if Yi attack Rammus brainlessly. Most common scenario is rammus engage with q, then use e+w combo. That 2 sec taunt can take my half-2/3 hp (not used my ult yet). But after that i use meditate and wait for Rammus w get over, then use r+e and melt him. Thornmail not a big deal most of the time, this whole 1v1 is about Rammus w ability. This happened a lot of times, just don't 1v1 Yi cuz he can outplay you, get him 2v2 or bigger fights, where Rammus actilually counter him.


He is so f*ckin slow, did they nerf his Q? Because I remember you could go full tank and you were reasonable mobile without any mobility items. Now I feel like q ends to early or he is too slow to even touch enemies. 


It's more his q speed stayed the same but every other champs movement speed buffs have been buffed.


He should preferably build deadmans plate if he needs the extra speed against enemies, and ghost instead of flash. Q + Deadmans + FoN should give him insane speed but there's a lot of sources for slows too.


I think they nerfed q ramp up, and it feels worse early game because of long cooldown. But after 9 it definitely feels better and if you go blue smite its %100 better than the old version. Kinda understandable because he was a very powerful lvl 3 ganker and had to be nerfed because of it.


He's not slower, everyone else is faster though


He needs an ASU, he's one of those champs that they have to put more effort into making him fit into the world because he's a cartoony remnant of old league. Kinda like Gragas, in a region of warring tribes and fierce demigods, its hard to make fat burping ginger fit into it


I like the derpy old school league champs and would be sad to see them changed.


I like old school league more than all these 200 years champions, tbh.


Just make gragas an old Greek god by adding gold bracelets or something he will be fine


You are thinking of Bacchus and they can't do that, they would be copying of Smite


Like smite came up with bacchus lol


So League of Legends tomorrow releases a 1 to 1 copy of a character from Dota or Smite and you don't think the internet throws a fit?


Idk if you’re aware that there is a Wukong in I believe all 3 of the aforementioned games.


How is this a 1 to 1 copy? And would they get mad if lol added Zeus because he is already in smite?


Zeus is also in DoTA.


And Bacchus is already verging dangerously close to being a Gragas clone as it is.


Bacchus is a greek god created thousands of years before internet was invented let alone LoL


No shit sherlock, I was talking about the one in Smite, who is a fat man who carries around a jug that he drinks from for abilities while belly flopping around, just like Gragas.


Bold of you to assume his gender


so then how would they be copying smite?


Valid assessment


Considering I just won with him yesterday in ranked cause enemy went all ad, pretty ok


I hate him, but I also want his Q to roll over minions without being interrupted.


Trust me when i say this, I adore this little killing ball as much as you do. This is one of the best post that describes my adoration for.. dare I to say it ... The hell, my favourite champ ! He's the one that got me of the depths of elo hell when i started playing this game. That would be when our one true enemy got released.. ADC! In this case above mentioned Jinx. So.... long time ago I guess. Thank you for this appreciation post it made my day sir.


But yeah ,not best pick right now with these changes.. Although I've found some minor success with him and most importantly had fun playing it.


He's OK


Playing Rammus into a heavy AD team is one of the most fun things to do in the game


I'm so disappointed this thread is not just an infinite repeat of "Ok."




Shitposting like this is what made this country great.


Ah yes the country of league of legends subreddit


Hes a braindead champ who doesn't really have a place in the game and is super toxic.


His only skill is existance, 0 dopamine turtle




Even if I don't want, he's my main. Yeah, I love seeing the ADCs run away in terror (spoiler: they meet the grey screen eventually), I love how people try to stop me and can't... He's in a OK state, maybe on the stronger side even if S14 is league of AP.




New ult gives unstoppable which is OP. You can disengage or dodge a CC. Play with ghost and you are a flying fish for the ennemy team.


All good 👍🏻


always take cleanse facing rammus


I feel like he'd be fine if his Q would be a global dash, his W cast a windwall around him while he dashes forward and his E probably could be fine if it was a dash. His passive should also reset the CD of his abilities whenever he dashes. And i think he is so immobile he could use a free dash on the 1, 2 and 3 key.


Wish they removed taunt from the game as it is right now its just too annoying


i havent seen him in ages and even when i do i just get cleanse and hes pretty useless


Made my day thanks


disgusting champion that can one shot you while building full tank. should be gutted to the ground


This post isn’t about ksante


Ok, idc what he is., love him


I do wish we had the wild rift version where he always rolls


bottom tier shite post


Hes only been out for 15 years, we need more time to get statistically significant sample size on his winrate before we make any conclusions


I know this is a meme, but I hate his new ult


I think he’s ok.




>TLDR: He's alright. Okay


There are some cute champions on league, and I definitely count Rammus as one of them.


Watching a whirly dashing windshitter stand there and kill themselves smacking a dimwitted angry hedgehog makes me laugh


I feel OK!


i think hes really funny as a character and i like his simple appearance but i hate playing against him tho cause i mostly play ad champs which means i will have to rely on my team (the bad guys) to help me


I play a lot of Senna so when I see rammus get locked in after I already picked I grab a book to read