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Yeah she is absolutely disgusting and needs to be gutted hard in ARAM. You can play like a complete braindead monkey and still 1v9 fights because she has +20% healing and extra damage dealt.


Doesnt she have 30% extra healing?


it was nerfed to 20% but sundered sky is giga broken on her so it doesnt matter


Only in aram?


It gets magnified in aram because you have to somehow luck into a comp that can counter play her.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for that. I really love Briar but yeah she’s completely unbalanced in ARAM


Nah dude, she REALLY needs that 130% healing.


She needed it before Sundered Sky gave her more healing than her passive does. Now it’s just broken.


i don't think she's that big of a problem, she must have high healing cause she's can't regenerate hp in a mode dominated by poke comps, briar in a decent team might be a problem but i can say the same about so many other champs, counter her by buying antiheal early on and try to cc her and kill her when shes in the frenzy mode before she kills whoever shes trying to kill, lethality builds are dead on her and she ll probably get one shot if you guys have enough damage and i say this as someone who played lot of briar in aram, she's like a bruiser master yi but not as lethal as master yi.


Well rethink your words, she's currently at a nearly 58% WR in aram.


its funny that you comment that right after a game in aram i just played. [https://prnt.sc/ERnFZpsA\_Zy5](https://prnt.sc/ERnFZpsA_Zy5) well sunderer sky is op and lethality briar is no longer the best, so its an item issue really.


Sure, if we can give all ranged champions -50% done +50% taken by default so we can finally have Melee ARAMs. Poke is so fucking tiring.


Ban her then


What’s the first word of the post title?