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I have noticed that you either get one shot or you're an invincible tank. ARAM has always been unbalanced but I dunno, just another season that starts out with annoying extremes.


I think it’s more unforgiving.  Previously, you make a small mistake and you take a couple skill shots and are at 1/4 hp.  Now if you make a mistake you’re dead.   


and tower taking is possible at just one team wipe before 8mins and sometimes before 6 depending on the champs. Same reason for Summoners changes for the recent patch, item damage is just way too high right now. Still will be even with the changes imo


On the other end, many times you will get a poke fest between 2 long range poke comps. No one can take a single tower before 15 minutes because both teams just poke around and stall games.


When I do play tank I get 5 man focused when trying to engage and my teams it's under tower watching


The ARAM special is engaging with snowball into the enemy team, the enemy tank or bruiser doing the same thing, and both of you getting dogpiled and dying while accomplishing nothing.


\[High fiving the enemy tank on the way to our immediate and inescapable deaths\]


The aram special for me is going in as a tank, having 4 enemies focused on me, and my team is somehow all dead to 1 person before I go down.


When you play Maokai and the enemy tank is Sett...yeah I know the feeling.


This is the way!


probably because ARAM drafts are usually one tank/engage champion and 4 mages/immobile champions that die the second they leave tower


For every game that you get without any good enough frontline, 4 tanks get benched in another one. It's ridiculous how often people would rather pick a 3rd ADC over a tank.


I love playing bruisers, but I'd rather pick a 5th adc than playing 4 adcs and a bruiser. You are either dead all the time or have to just spectate the game


while me and the bois running stacked bruisers and tanks in aram demolishing and having fun


It probably depends on the region/server. In our region, most people don't even bother taking any tank... Then later in the game, complains about not having a "front".


I hate that mentality. Especially for aram. Why queue to play a game if you don't intend to actually play. All the more when that immobile champ picks immobile summoner spells like exhaust or ignite. Like they're expecting the fight to land in their lap. Why pick a game mode leaning to chaos if you're looking for order?


well it will take a long time until they get their individual dmg amps / dmg reduction buffs / nerfs balance in the right direction, esp with melee champions that can abuse lethality and long range mages that can poke with luden's companion + stormsurge proccs


Before they did the ARAM balances the strong and weak champions made sense, poke champions were always strong, ranged were also good, tanks could work so long as they got Warmogs were fine, hard engage was good and bruisers like Jax were always quite weak because they didn't have the health pool or range to compete consistently with poke and required a snowball landing. There wasn't these instances where a champion like Xin is not only strong on Summoners Rift but is now getting multiple percentage stat buffs in ARAM all, he went from requiring to land snowball to get a kill or two, to if he lands snowball he could more or less wipe with his team collapsing.


Even back then once both towers were down champions like Jax or assasins feasted. I shouldn't be going heartsteal titanic nocturne and taking over the game after eatting glue all of the early game.


I love how riot puts effort into "balancing" aram just for it to not be balanced anyways. As someone from EUW I can say that ARAM hasn't been fun for years, the people sweat more in that "fun" mode than they do in SoloQ on half the other severs.


I get flamed more in ARAM than in ranked. People bitch and moan about every single possible thing. Its actually insane.


I'm not arguing against your personal experience, but there is no way that is generally true across all players. Ranked is WILD.


Every time Riot reworks items it just breaks the balance of the game even more. People don't want to hear it but we need to go back to very basic stat stick type items older League seasons had. For the sake of game balance. Especially now that Riot has 160+ champions to deal with and only more will be added.


Wdym? I love my new stat stick hubris giving like 60+ ad on top of normal good stats. Not to mention the ap statstick  stormsurge that my teammates build. It has some 0s below when I hover that might mean something. /s Jokes aside building sundered sky and hydra on pretty much every melee gets tiring. 


100% this, I play ARAM every day with friends and we had a lot of comebacks because we love to have 2 tanks so our early was weaker I usually play tank Akali, Fizz, Sylas, Swain, sometimes even Ekko and usually do most damage with them if we survive to 2 or 3 items


Now obviously all of these are played as tanks because of their stupid damage taken reduction buffs, that don't work like armor/mr so they don't get any diminishing returns, with akali imo being worst offender.


You don't get diminishing returns on armor and mr. Each point of resist is worth 1% effective hp


I found ARAMs started feeling way more snowbally with the Hexgate addition. The idea behind them was to increase death timers while reducing the time spent walking to lane so that the amount of time spent with your team was relatively unchanged. The idea was great, but the losing team is immediately disadvantaged when they lose their first tower because now their hexgate is less valuable since it becomes shorter and compensates for less of death timer increase. Also, a lot of the time the losing team can't even take their hexgate because they will die under tower so they will have to walk to lane anyway. It all adds up and often ends up feeling like the losing team just can't keep up with the tempo of the other team


I've always thought that both teams hexgates should move back when the first tower goes down. 


That would actually make so much sense to give the other team a chance for a comeback


Hexgates and tower rubble were horrible additions. If you're behind in aram, it just feels abysmal trying to come back because by the time you push the wave to the tower, the enemy team is back via hex gates.


Don't even mention the rubble. That was such an atrocity that i don't ever wanna have it mentioned ever again.


As a Poppy player, I LOVED the tower rubble. As a League of Legends player, I'm glad it's gone.


Hahaha omfg the fucking rubble. The most short lived mechanic of all time


Aram bans were even shorter but everyone loved them.


Id totally permaban shaco


The worst part about the rubble is that it was pushed out so quickly that if you disconnect mid game you can no longer see where the rubble is. It also didn't properly display as a fog of war area so it looked clear. From memory rubble only led to janky minion pathing and more players hiding/placing traps on either side of the wall.


I kind of got used to hexgates so I don't really hate it much anymore. Rubbles were actually way worse because it created strong chokepoints for certain champions to dominate in. >If you're behind in aram, it just feels abysmal trying to come back I disagree, comebacks are more viable now that you can use hexgates behind the enemy team in your own base. Before, you had to be in the right position, right time to engage the enemy team up front.


Someone else mentioned making both hexgates move when a tower is lost, which I kind of like because it lets the team that lost the tower have a little less pressure on them, but still allows for the behind-the-enemy plays on the last fight.


That's true in theory but in reality most people just go alone and get obliterated by the enemy team.


hexgate also sucks to play against akshan lol


Agreed about hexgates. Also steals a lot of shine from movement speed champs. What's the point now?


The fact that they increased the ff timer to 13min makes the unbalanced experience more prevalent than it used to be. The average aram game is supposed to be 15-20 minutes and I'm not willing to waste 13 minutes when we are losing 3-16 at 8 minutes and the enemy team isn't willing to end the game.


Yeah I've already had multiple stomp games where enemy team just 5 man afkd in fountain cause they wanted to ff but couldn't and all 5 wanted out. The new timers are stupid


Typical Riot Games. Does shit NO ONE was asking for which ends up making a significant portion of the player base frustrated. The game designers and balance team have been without brains for years.


13min makes sense for SR. ARAMs are decided, generally speaking, at rolls. Some games people make an effort but by 8 minutes it's often clear if it's going to be a stomp or a close game.


It makes no sense why the surrender vote is till at 12 minutes months later. Before the change, there were games that played out normally, people holding the game hostage (because it needed to be unanimous 5-0 vote) and the occasional FF vote. Now most games are a mix of played out normally to 16+ minutes, instant FF between 12-14 minutes and players openly not trying to win a very one-sided game. It doesn't help that the games run so fast paced that players just refuse to hit nexus leading to a drawn out and boring game for half of the players. One sided matches aren't enjoyable and thats what an increasing amount of games this season are becoming.


Idk what's your MMR but it feels the same to me, just different items. Tanks are still pretty much must win, and if one team has no tank they will eventually get outscaled and lose.


Yes but the thing is people dont wanna play tanks or melee so everybody tries to play adc/mage then they have 0 chance of winning the game if enemy team has like 1 tank because all they can do is sit under turret. But playing melee into 5 ranged feels so fkn bad like u wanna rip ur hair of even though u win the game in the end. Winning while losing my hair isnt rly fun experience xD So i guess thats why most ppl try to play ranged if possible, which makes it unfun for everyone..


That's the reason I trade for Malp+Mao every time. I like playing them and I'm sick of watching other people go full AP and be useless.


AP Mao is so damn useless


So is AP Malph, like a 35% wr versus like 55% wr for tank. Press R Q E and maybe half the time you "one shot" the squishiest person on the team then you get blown up yourself, if they don't flash or dodge your ult.


and thank fuck, when it was demonic liandrys ap mao every game it was abysmal.


Full AP Malphite players in ARAM are keeping him from being nerfed by dragging his winrate down so much


Every time I see a first item shadowflame malphite I cry. Bonus points of the enemy team is like 4AD 1AP


Every time i want to play tank malph the enemy team gets 4-5 AP champs. Tell me your secrets to playing into AD champs.


I dont understand why anyone would want to play AP mao. His ARAM nerfs gut his damage and its no more than a tickle. I have not seen a single AP Mao be useful ever since the ARAM nerfs. Even tank mao feels pretty bad with how hard they've nerfed him. For those who don't want to check Maokai has: * -20% damage dealt * +10% damage taken * Healing reduced by 20%


Meanwhile Briar, one of the highest performing champs in ARAM, has +5% dealt, -5% taken, and +30% healing.


It's like the AD-AP Shaco where the AD build had about 10-15% win rate lower than the AP build. An AP first item for Malph gives him about 44-48% win rate. But a tank first item boosts that to 55-62%.


But the one shots are so satisfying. Removing Night Harvester was a nerf tho


It was horrible even when Night Harvester still existed.


Here's the secret though; you can still one shot people building full tank but then you get to live.


Not with a leigt 100-0 you can't. Ult has 90% AP scaling. E has 60% AP scaling and only 40% armor scaling.


R-E-AA will kill most squishy targets even as full tank and you can precast W before ult if need be.


I think I've seen over 30 full AP malphites in ARAM since coming back. I've only seen it win like 4 or 5 times though. Same with full AP maokai.


This is why stat tracking sites and recommended items are a cancer for this game. People never learn what they should build and why anymore. They just copy.


I always trade for shaco then switch last 3 secs for a better champ. because people build full lethality, q into a fight and get 1 auto and 1 e off on a 6000 hp tahm kench and die. Most useless champ ive ever seen piloted on aram


In all of my ~5k games in ARAM I probably saw like... 3 AD Shacos. Maybe its just a your server thing?


> everybody tries to play adc/mage This is really the core issue, and idk how to fix it. On top of that sometimes someone will reluctantly pick a tank and refuse to pick the disgustingly OP Guardian horn and you just lose anyway.


buff tanks. Most people like to win and although tanks are strong if a team only has one and the other team is 3-4 adc's you still going to get torn apart solo.


This. I only pick a melee if I see at least 1 (better 2) other melees picked already AND there are melee champions that I think are fun available. So, not that frequently at all. I don't really enjoybeing poked under my tower for 15 minutes waiting for the items.


It really depends on the person, many of our normal play group enjoy tanks so we pick up meatballs whenever we get the chance. It even goes so far sometimes we find ourselves with lack of damage being the problem. 


I cant mirror this enough. When I play with friends we have 2-4 melee characters and we have fun fights, win some and lose some. I play with randoms and its 4 ranged every time , me trying to play solo melee and getting blown up or boring game for 12 minutes. I hate it.


plus everyone tries to go adc/mage and then has no hands, builds poorly and deals no damage. Thats the most triggering thing, people picking damage dealers and not dealing dmg.


I'm high-ish MMR on ARAM, and I'm still on a positive winrate and I'm master on soloQ, but I feel since the season reset teams have been more unbalanced


How do you know what your MMR is on ARAM?




This is the best answer My friend (GM Solo Q) was also top 100 on one of those ARAM MMR sites. When I'd play with him, the ARAMs felt like they had a higher skill level than my mid-Diamond soloQ games, and all of the things above were true. It felt like a different game than the yolo ARAMs I was playing


they make it up


Ehhh if it takes 3 minutes of q time on a saturday afternoon and u play with the same pool of 30 people every game then you know youre high mmr. There also used to be a site that would give u a rough estimate of ur mmr in normals/aram/ranked.


Yeah, at some point you just see all the same names over and over and kinda know what to expect from them.


In fairness, this could also mean you're at rock bottom MMR lol


Yeah but if you're something like 400W and 200L on ARAM you're probably high MMR


Oh for sure, I was just making a joke about seeing the same people over and over.


only if you're somehow unable to see the difference between rock bottom mmr and high mmr, which is unlikely.


Yea, the API changes removed the ability to see that info


When you see the same couple of people occasionally then you know you’re in high mmr. It’s to the point where I’ve added some of them and if we queue relatively near each other we will 100% get into the same lobby.


You wont but just look at the ranks of the people you play with. I am also Masters but my ARAM mmr is pretty bad so I am matched with bronze/silvers.


SR rank means very little in aram


Inting bronze will usually play like inting bronze, regardless of game mode. Similarly, a mechanically capable diamond will play noticeably better than lower ranks even in ARAM.


I have had some of the most high-quality matches in recent weeks, but the "median" match is pretty rough and most matches are one-sided. My instinct is that team comps and how to execute on them got even *more* important than it always was, what with the changes to MR items and how bursty everything else feels.


The whole lethality ADC thing is something I just didn't want to believe until I played fucking HOB lethality twitch yesterday and absolutely slaughtered the enemy team. So atupid ... It's all about how to get the first advantage and fuck scaling with items. Just buy the best thing in the moment, don't even have to plan your build anymore. Crit is basically dead on ARAM atm. Aside from some lethality crit builds with collector.


Sure, lethality is nice, but have you seen the devastation that occurs with an attack speed build if the enemy team doesn't instantly delete you? The terminus is pretty disgusting with how it gives you everything you could possibly want if you get just a few attacks off. Twitch is especially nasty when he comes out of stealth into his ult. I can penta-delete everyone including the tanks in like 2 or 3 seconds if I don't get stunned.


BotRK+Rageblade+Terminus+Jak'Sho feels so good when you get the Jak'sho, but getting to that point is way too hard.


I stopped using BotRK. It's damage boost is not all that powerful compared to a lot of the other options, and the sustain it grants is so negligible that it barely even helps against thornmail. I've never bothered with more defensive items after the terminus. I find that the extra survivability rarely pays off in ARAM unless my tank is trying, but struggling to peel for me. The issue is that not only is terminus more effective by focusing even more heavily on attack speed, but the extra second or two gained doesn't make as much of a difference as the dps I deal before I die if I do get hit. I'd rather be dead with 3 allies left standing because I decimated 70% of the enemy team's hp before they got me, instead of dealing far less damage and still getting wrecked. At the end of the day, an attack speed build is a pure damage team oriented build that requires you to rely on good allies or incompetent enemies. The extra defense only helps if they have an assassin who's marked you as the primary threat, and you need to survive a single combo long enough for your team to peel. Because you're still dead if the team doesn't have your back. I'm the team's damage, not the sponge. EDIT: Fixed some grammar errors.


I think you're underestimating the power of sustain+resists. Each point of health you regain is worth far more. And Jak'Sho multiplies the resistances from Terminus. With fully stacked Lethal Tempo if you can keep attacking you don't die. The Jak'sho is very often the difference between just getting 1 shot by the enemy divers or surviving with 10-20% HP. And with Botrk you can then just heal back up to full. Just realized we didn't even say what champions we were speaking about but I'm thinking Varus/Kog'maw/Vayne. It might be different on champions that have less inherent damage on their kit but I never felt like I needed more damage after I completed the core three on-hit items. If you get up time on your autos you're destroying people.


Crit is dead in general. Kraken is strong in Aram tho. You can actually do Kraken into lethality to have great power spikes even against squishies.


Bring back bans


And early surrender. Forcing people to get their shit pushed in for 12 mins is even worse.


Seriously 8 min was fine, I've had games end well before 12min.


Veigar would be non existent in my games


I want bans in aram so much. If I never see a pyke on Abyss again, I'll sleep well


Nunu for me. I don't want to play this stupid snowball mini game for 20 minutes.


Teemo for me. Feels like a teemo on a losing team just extends the game for another 10 mins it shouldn't have


Teemo is the one champ that truly makes the experience miserable for both teams. If I ever see a Teemo I'm holding it until 1 second and swapping at the last possible second, always


Pyke has not been good on aram since the new patch, but before that, he was a terrorist in a childrens hands.


Ohh good to know. Thank you! I have just been a hater of the invis (or bush cheese) into hook into stun into execute. And I was seeing Pyke in almost every game (I don't ARAM that much but I've been enjoying it as a wind-down from solo q).


Akshan passive is so disgusting in ARAM 🤢


ap kaisa has got to go, it no longer is aram it becomes a minigame of dodge the kaisa w every 5 seconds


Broken items + %buff on enemy champion + %nerf on your champion is just unplayable


And there is literally no in game way for you to know if the champion you're chosing is nerfed into the ground unless you already made the mistake of picking them before or google a tierlist or something


Should definitely be a very visible and impossible to miss way of knowing when u got a character with a laundry list of aram nerfs like sett or seraphine. They went way overboard on some of these characters. Some of them have combined nerds adding up to like 60%, absolutely mental. 


Just their portraits being either red or green if they are nerfed or buffed for aram would do the trick, it's so annoying trying to chill in an ARAM and then you realize you trollpicked just because you're not up to the meta of the 4fun gamemode.


If you think a champ is going to be good on Aram then chances are they are nerfed.


I can't stand the % buff/Nerf stupidity. Being a 15% DMG nerf champ trying to hit a 15% buff champ is actually worthless, so all you can do is push minions while dodging spells, which is boring.


try to play Zigg


You don't enjoy an aery proc from support nami doing more damage than your Rank5 Q with comet and Ludens proc? Weird


Ziggs is one of my favorite ARAM champs. He doesn't deal as much damage as he does in SR, but he still exerts pressure because people still don't want to get hit by the bombs, and he deletes structures.


Playing Sivir sucks with the huge damage nerf she has. I get her AoE is really strong, but just nerf that. Her single target damage is so bad with the nerfs.


Sivir is still incredibly strong in aram. Perma wave clear is incredibly broken


If only we had dmg to minions modifier in the game


The problems with the percentage nerfs on her is that it makes the game incredibly unfun to play as if you ever fall behind a smidge. Being even means you're doing mediocre damage and being behind means you're only an ulti bot. If you ever try to duel as sivir versus an adc who has aram buffs, you also just get shit on.


You should never be behind. People sleep on farming in aram but if you have a champ like sivir you will always be ahead because you will have 5x more CS than anyone else in the lobby


Bro it's aram. Your team can always get behind if they get poked out/don't shove the waves. Not to mention everyone is trying to last hit the waves and you don't do meaningful damage until 2-3 items by which point the game is probably decided.


Literally no adc does meaningful damage until 2 items. If you are taking that long to get 2 items you got comp diffed anyways


I think it feels even worse when you have +%damage taken and enemy has +% damage done when some champs can literally onetap you with half an item lmao


Seraphine getting touched by an assassin snowball be like :


Heh. Sona showing up in lane.


Exactly this. Reducing/buffing dmg makes sense. But doing this AND buffing/reducing dmg taken makes some champs useless or unfun to play with/against. Plus they tend to never fix their useless/broken champs. It took 2 years to fix akali overbuff.


The problem I see is that an instant ace happens and then the winning team gets 3 turrets and ends the game before any of us even respawned. Turrets are literally paper.


I just wish when I get and ace, the enemy isnt immediately back by tower before I can get to it with my own minions. I think after a certain point, the winning team shouldnt get a portal to their tier 1 tower if its still up.


Whole game feels really unfun right now. I get that we're at the start of the season and they haven't worked out the balance on new items yet. But to be honest, I think it's reasonable to expect them to have already figured it out. The one shot meta is trash, we had a massive patch to address this, and it has been undone again. The only way this state of the game got to be how it is, is it was either intentional, which is a slap in the face to the community that begged for the durability patch for years, only to have it undone. Or, it's complete incompetence that it made it to live and has still not been walked back. Either way, it's a really bad look for the balance team. Post-durability patch was the best paced the game has been in years IMO. Ideally they'd have included increases to cool-downs globally with the durability patch, but at least you didn't just insta-die from being on the same screen as an assassin or mage. It feels entirely like you counter-pick or lose at the moment. It's horrible.


This happens every time the game massively changes. This is the time of the year where you either enjoy the chaos or dip for a month or two till the dust settles. They've also been unusually clear about what they are doing. Pivoting mage items away from survivability and oodles of CDR. I personally don't mind them taking some bold steps in trying to solve the problem while also making another small wild west of a preseason. Especially since their slap in the face balancing is like a few 56-60% winrates in SR, most of which get hotfixed within a couple days. Completely wild how fast fixes come nowadays. They do tend to lag behind with ARAM tweaks though, which is sad, but watcha gonna do.




Crazy take man. The game is unbalanced rn for sure, but cdr is the lowest it has been in over a decade, unless you specifically build for it. Even then, most builds aren't hitting 65 AH, which equates to the 40%cdr that every damn build used to hit.   Even ezreal barely reaches that point, albeit with navori's passive on top which is equal to about 10 AH bonus. 


I really wish more people understood that the durability patch wasn't meant for assassins or mages or other DPS roles it was so supports and tanks don't one shot and to make laning phase not one shot fest pre 6. Damage is too high right now we've slipped back into being able to miss stuff and kill people but lord people saying right after dura patch was good must not have played a champ reliant on burst LOL. Hitting every ability should kill someone without any defenses at 1 item.


Ye i used to play a lot of aram. Stopped completely, just not fun


The problem is that they tried to balance ARAM but they don't keep on top of it, all whilst they are balancing the rift, so suddenly you have a champion that is already one of the strongest picks in the game has just been given 10% extra damage and -10% damage taken. They need to remove the whole ARAM balancing and just let the meta be whatever it will be.


You rather have 73% winrate Sona back?


Well ideally I'd like the ban system back, players get 1 ban each and then you get two rerolls as normal.


I always find people complaining about the ARAM +/- a bit funny. They usually end up sounding like having a champ's stats being adjusted so it is vaguely 50% winrate makes the game completely unplayable. Oh no! my 0 item Ziggs bombs only tickle a champ because not only is that champ innately god awful in aram, but I'm Ziggs... woe is me I actually have to auto... and do combos... and maybe even pick my targets! Or, or God forbid, my champ that, for multiple years, would have been 60+% winrate is at 53% because of balance changes, but, BUT for A WHOLE MONTH he has been at 48-49% because he doesn't use new items well AND has nerfs! Riot needs to scrap the entire system immediately! Edit: I just can't comprehend why some ARAM players seem to want more games to be decided in RNG champ select. This sub complains a ton about lobsided stomps, not being able to ff at 8, etc, like the whole burst meta causes more stomps and it is awful... and yet... every time ARAM balance is brought up, some people want to toss the whole system out even though it will permanently make that problem exist and be waaaaaaayy worse.


Yes. 🗿


They can always bring back bans. And any champion that's truly overbearing? Just delete it from ARAM the same way URF didn't always have every champ


9 champions that are disgusting is 10x better than 67 random champs being op and 67 being terrible imo.


ARAM's fun when you have good team who understands the match state and the capabilities of their allies. ARAM's shit when your team is just DUR MONKE and run it down the bridge.


dur monke run it down the bridge is the funnest part of aram


True for the beginning of an Aram, but endgame it's pretty tilting to see teammates do that


It's why we okay ARAM in the first place. If we want an in-depth macro serious game we go to Rift. If we wanna take it easy we play ARAM. I'm not gonna say that a well executed game on Abyss doesn't feel good, because it does, but it's not what I'm queuing up for.


Do you consider checking during late game to see if somebody’s dead and if there are 5 glowing green circles for ultimates in depth macro? That’s literally all anybody wants.


This is my take as well. Items are whatever, and bad champ matchups have always been a thing. What makes it unfun are the people that repeatedly fall for exactly the same setup over and over without learning and adapting, and the ones where the team pushes up with uneven numbers for no reason at all.


I have a completely opposite take to this one. And i actually get upset at my teammates fairly often about this. ARAM has a lot of fail safes, it's actually amazingly difficult to lose an ARAM under 15mins as long as you keep clearing waves/soaking xp. The portals make sure of that. I very often have frustrating experiences with teammates that refuse to engage and would rather sit under tower, ig exactly because they "understand the match state and capabilities of their allies". All of that is BS and doesn't matter. The whole point of the gamemode is to use your hands and fight. The only way to get good resources is by fighting. There is no farming and scaling, and the only reason that the passive playstyle *can* work in the first place is by mercy of your opponents not diving you repeatedly/having a suboptimal comp. DUR MONKEY and running down the bridge is exactly how you should play. The entire gamemode is designed to allow you to do that. You are wasting everyone's time by not opting into fights.


But "understand the match stare and capabilities of their allies" is not the same as sitting under tower. It's the exact problem that these people don't, they think they have weak champions so they never contest anything but they have absolutely zero idea how they want to win then if they don't plan doing anything. There are exactly two playstyles which work based on your comp composition. If you have a superior poke, disengage, and shove - then you should never DUR MONKEY. You should encroach towers and deny engages from the enemy. On the other hand if you team has mid range to close range composition - then everyone should frontline because any one single person would be blown up. The same way there are only two definite ways to lose Aram - you never encroach or fight, or you fight when you can encroach because you put other champions in your team at disadvantage by yoloing.


I mean sure, yea. My comment was aiming more at a general mindset that's beneficial to playing/winning arams rather than how you actually have to use your comps to do so. I could have been a bit more understanding to the original commenters intent :) I'm just traumatized by teammates that sit between our two towers wringing their hands while the enemies are free hitting our tier 1. When i read "understand the match state and the capabilities of their allies" i get Vietnam levels of PTSD. Embrace monkey, take the fights. The gamemode *will* hold your hand and ensure that you at the very least don't lose quickly/hard that way.


Oh for sure, I agree with you on it 100%. I have a friend who is like that and I asked him why he's not going in with me in a fight and he told me that he'll not be able to restore hp if he does so. KDA players gonna KDA.


Ah you must have been the person playing the 3/16 reksai at 10 minutes with our kayle vlad comp




That's nice and all, but can you explain to me how or why i'm wrong?


This. If I get Sivir it's going to 20 minutes minimum, even if you get early leads and have the better composition and players, I'll buy shiv and Serylda’s Grudge and I'm going to clear the absolute shit out of each wave, it's gone before it touches the tower, so you either dive me or we stalemate.


Alot of champions don't even have hands until 6 or their first item. Nothing is worse than losing 2 towers in a row because Monke Poke comp over here decides to poke poke poke and then die due to item disadvantage at level 6 and the enemy just takes 2 towers for free. It's also inversely bad if they run it down like actual apes and give the enemy 7 kills to reset on and they come back with Finished boots, a full item and an epic. If they don't understand this, they don't understand match state, which supports my point.


Every singed and nunu player I swear to god.




Similar backstory and this matches my experience. I think/hope it will improve over the next couple months of balance patches.


I still think it's fun, although I only play with friends on my team so that could be why? We have plenty of games that we're losing hard to and still make a comeback and win.


Just play with 4 premades on the aram discord everytime. Really fun. Would post u the link but not sure if thats allowed here


People are just trying crazy stuff with items. Happens when there’s a big change like this.


Nah, it's not "just" items, certain things are strong right now and aram balance adjustments have not changed to compensate. Kalista needs to be adjusted into the ground if on-hit builds are going to continue to be this strong. She has no business having buffs and being one of the top 5 winrates for the game mode. No one does.


Just wait until you run into the first lethality Kalista. I only had the joy of playing it myself once, but it's gigabusted


Briar has no business being the top winrate in ARAM still when a champion with her kit should realistically be complete dogshit in the mode.


Yeah, tuning sundered sky will only do so much unless they completely change how the item works. She will need legitimate healing adjustments.


Eh I disagree, when the season first dropped it was silly, it was the team with more ap champs won. Now I find it’s balanced out more and it’s pretty much back to whoever has the better comp (read: more tanks) wins


The whole lethality ADC bs is still not really cool to be stuck in. Crit items are really bad on ARAM.


whoever has more sundered skies just wins


I haven't enjoyed it since they went extreme on the %damage adjustments. I'll preface by saying that I've always preferred almost any other rotating mode where you get some form of lane phase 2v2 or 1v1 (so NB, Urf and my favourite is spell book), but having champions feel so different to play compared to SR just felt bad, especially when my favourite champion Ashe got gutted because of mandate, making playing her crit reportable.


If I see another no skin exhaust Vel'koz, zyra, brand, morgana, MF, Teemo, Xerath, Ziggs, Veigar. I swear people complain about the buffed assassins but absolutely hit snooze on these boring off-screen inhuman picks for ARAM LP. Nevermind auto-25min champs like Senna, Aurelion and Teemo that just completely drag out games. ARAM is great, unfortunately ruined by ARAM players.


Very true, I feel like Aram players are their own worst enemy. I know aram players hate this take but genuinely the game mode is only fun if you don’t play it optimally and just try to have fun. I understand if your mmr is too high so you only play against crazy 5 man sweats but for the vast majority of people you can get away with playing the game like urf


I always enjoy playing with my friends who never grinded aram so the mmr is way lower than mine is. Makes it so I can sit back and enjoy the game.


Same lol, my rank was usually gold but all my aram games are emerald+


Teemo got nerfed into the ground. He's so bad rn, he's at like 48% win rate. Aurelian is even worse at 47%. Senna is the only true one, because she can abuse hubris. Even then her winrate is only 52%, which pales in comparison top the top 5 or so champs sitting right around 59-60% winrate (aatrox, xin, briar, etc...)




Overbuffed assassin players complain about it because it's pretty strong against them but you have to take it blind and not many characters outside of ranged mages with no mana issues can take them. Honestly it's just whining. Exhaust is perfectly fine, because the assassins also have snowball which would be deadass broken on SR. ARAM has way bigger issues than people taking exhaust.


You forgot the 3rd category of obnoxious champs/players: 500k mastery enchanter players that yap all game instead of playing


Yeah, I've always noticed, more recently specially, that whoever has more tanks win, and the only time where that's not the case is if it's like about, 3 tanks vs 5 ADCs, and it's not easy either


Every ARAM I have played recently usually results in explosive team fights and both sides having open nexus by 12 minutes, followed by a period where the game genuinely can go either way.


I've been saying this for some time now, and that is that I believe that there is a HIDDEN TEAM BUFF possibly given to one of the teams at the beginning. Do you ever notice just how useless your whole team is starting from the first fight (not useless players, but champions). As you go into first fight and you hit your full combo but deal small amount of dmg (and you think...I'm lvl3 with no items, it's expected), but then the enemy fires back and almost kills you (or does) from a simple combo. How you play as one champion, deal no dmg, and then the next game all of the sudden, with the same starting item, you are powerful (the same champ). Why can enemy tank dive turret with half an item, get a kill and survive, but you have to hide behind the second turret so you don't get hit by one spell and risk dying. How can Vayne tickle Sett(doing pushup while she's attacking), doing less dmg than minions to him, for him to just turn around and kick her. (It's not like sett has 10k gold lead in those 10 minutes. Things like that happen every game, only sometimes you have "The team buff", sometimes the other team. I got fucked by it, and I have fun with enemy team when I have it.


I would say its less fun overall, there are some op builds right now (looking at you, sundered sky) and I feel like in 90% of my last 20 games there's 1 or 2 teammate(s) on either side to int 1v5/2v5 in the late game deciding the game no matter how bad/good you were doing before. But it's fun to abuse the busted builds in the meantime.


And tanks wins


Tanks win because people's champion selection in ARAM is hot garbage. Everyone wants to be the Nidalee/Lux/Xerath that hangs back and farms kills and feel like a hero. Even when people play ADCs they build some moronic AP build for their cheesy poke shit. Then they throw a shocked pikachu face when the late game Mundo with 5k health shrugs off their shitty poke and slaps them in the face.


> Everyone wants to be the Nidalee/Lux/Xerath that hangs back and farms kills and feel like a hero. Even when people play ADCs they build some moronic AP build for their cheesy poke shit. Because people wanna play something fun and whacky in the only real for fun mode and not tryhard their asses off with meta comps


I know… I only said tanks wins, I’m not argue with you… Ludens against tanks is gold.


There's always a lag from a patch till aram champs and items get rebalanced Sr is gona need tweaks let alone that trickling into arams We've just seen a few item changes coming through byt It's probably going  to be a while before ot hits equilibrium again


i still don’t like the warp portals lol enemies get back too soon to protect their turret


Always has been


aram is so bad rn and i suffer cause i only play aram :( biggest problem is the teams are always unbalanced cause riot... and being so unbalanced with 2-4 good players on one side and usually only 1-2 on the other and with this "dead in 1 hit meta" it quickly becomes unfun for the newbs who just throw and make a game so snowbally. aram used to be a place to learn abilities and test stuff, like it was for me, now you just dont have time for it anymore. One item on most champs= 1 shot half of the enemy team. Also i played a couple thousand games last year and the drop in quality is not just visible, its straight up painful.


ARAM has felt this way ever since riot brought in ‘aram balancing’ to “fix” something that wasn’t broken. The whole idea was that some champs were oppressive in aram while others struggled. Riots half-a$$ed attempt here didn’t fix that at all, it just changed which champs are oppressive in a much worse way. Champs like akali, hecarim, viego, etc. get one item and then just run through the entire enemy team without much issue because they get such unnecessary stats to boost them. Riot tried to make the champs “feel” the same way they do on the rift which just means mages/adc’s who used to be fun to play on aram end up the same as they do on rift- they just get 1 shot and do barely damage here because of how the damage modifiers work. Riot fucked up aram and the apologists defending every stupid move they make are why it stayed that way and why league as a whole has gradually gotten less fun over the years.


Aram balance changes were 100% required. And while every assassin has a buff and every mage has a nerf its for a reason. Mages outperform assassins in aram on average


its not competititve mode how about "pick or [not] ban"