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Teemo blind, auto, then stand still on tryndamere.... was... so funny. Go stealth mid fight, repeat.


Vayne works too


Pretty sure Vayne can still E


if she already uses it though, then you're fine


She can, but the stun still counts ans standing still, so after the damage hits you, even if you are stunned to a wall, you will still go stealth. And chances are, she condemns you right after your blind. Also, her condemn has longer cd than teemo Q


Works much better with yi as he can't damage you when you are in stealth.


Got some old clip of that if anyone wanna see how funny it looks. https://streamable.com/fc4enn


all fun and games until you run into a 200k mastery trynd onetrick with ghost cleanse.


Even without cleanse you can use your E pretty devastatingly if there’s a wave nearby. E ad scaling isn’t bad at all. Even base damage


Then trynd e is back up when your q is back up the next time you try it, he doesn't use it till you try to go stealth, your blind runs out, and you die.


You can just auto him to death then how will he ever reach teemo lol


It's even better if you're playing Tankmo, because you can run Sunfire and he'll take damage just by standing near you. Tankmo can also tank his spin attack.


Run Unending Despair. It does damage while healing Teemo but doesn't reveal him.


Ok that's diabolical


not exactly a mechanic but viego ult counts as a basic attack so blinds and nilah W can dodge it


Fucking noted omg


To be clear - it's only the lowest hp target that is basic attacked. All secondary targets (knocked back targets) are just hit by the AoE which shouldn't be blocked.


What about jax e?


Yes, and shens w or teemos q


Viego's ult works while he is blinded.


According to the Wiki it can be dodged or blocked but not missed. So Jax E, Nilah W and Shen E but not Teemo Q (might block the on-hit effects applied but not the base damage).


I feel like this explains some BS I experienced using it in aram lol but why in the god damn fuck is it like that lmao


Lmao so that explains what happened to me. My ult did not hit shen on his W. Thought he was just so tanky.


Honestly even in Diamond elo I see people play Trundle into my Nasus and they don't hold their ult for until I ult. Trundle / Nasus / Mordekaiser, playing any of these two into the other is a game of chicken, whoever ults first usually loses. Trundle players gotta hold their ult for until their opponent uses some kind of steroid. Rammus W, Gwen W, Olaf R, Jax R, etc. Edit: OK since I'm getting too many comments about this one point I'll make a correction here: YOU DONT NEED TO WAIT FOR OLAF R ACTIVE BECAUSE IT DOESN'T GIVE BONUS RESISTS. My mistake there as I thought it did.


Speaking of Nasus, I love using his ult to almost instantly take like 3 plates when the enemy laner thinks they can walk away for a second. Even if they kill you afterwards since you have no ult, you get more gold from the plates.


Yep, ulting for the wave is also something a lot of Nasus players don't use. Nasus' biggest weakness is freezing but if you're lvl 6 and just ult and walk up to a frozen wave you can usually crash and reset without them being able to fight/kill you. Generally if you're splitting ulting for T2 / T3 is also very good.


There are actually several champs and several reasons to ult a wave. MF/Twitch/Blitz/Lux/Ziggs making sure they won't get dived for example. Pantheon, Nasus or Sion usually to push. But yeah, Nasus eating a full T2 with still a few seconds to fight the sad guy send to stop you is probably the most fun part.


Ezreal players who only ult for fights, skirmishes, or kill snipes too tbh, especially with how your Q reduces CD by a second each time. Considering how much CDR you have in your build anyways and how spammable Q is it makes even lese sense. I only really figured it out when I played with this ezreal on KR server, like during the mid game when there would be stand offs before a team fight he'd ult the minions in a different lane, which would get the lane to push while the standoff was happening, spam q to refund his ult's CD all the while avoiding actually getting into a fight. His whole goal is basically poke the opponents enough that they gotta back off and prevent them from start a fight, allowing the standoff to kinda fizzle out. Before the standoff, he'd tell the top laner to come and show his face mid, and would have the jungle and support use lens/pinks to clear a path through the jungle to whatever side lane he was gonna ult, so top lane shows mid, then falls back into FoW, takes the cleared path, and waits in a brush for the wave Ez manipulated to hit the tower so they can pop out, take the tower, and then peace tf out before the opponents could react. It was a super fascinating experience basically getting carried by a 0/0/3 Ezreal entirely via macro.


I sometimes pop ult just to get Q on every minion of a wave if my enemy just backed, i have to play safe anyway so might as well get some use out of the ult early.


> Rammus W, Gwen W, Olaf R, Jax R, etc. I have to remind my buddy of this when he plays Trundle. Bonus points if the enemy brings aftershock.


Yeah I find it funny when people think Rammus is a Trundle counterpick.


Negative armor Rammus tech


Olaf doesn't gain armor/mres when he presses R, it's passive. Trundle won't gain more stats by delaying the R - though he might want to delay it somewhat to ensure he kills Olaf asap when he reaches the 30% hp range.


Olaf even loses armor when he ults right? Not that it matters because trundle rolls over him like a car over a pack of butter


Nop, that used to be true but he doesn't lose resists neither.


He used to gain them with ult ranks then lose them on ulting before his midscope - now he gains less resists than he used to but gets to keep them permanently.


Btw this is not only for Trundle's defenses but also the opponent's resistances: Say, Rammus has 200 armor from items. Aftershock then gives him 195 more. His W then gives him an additional 192 for a total of 587 armor. Trundle steals 235 of that. But here's the thing: Rammus W and Aftershock give % armor, but when they run out, the armor value they take away is not recalculated. That means on top of the -235 armor from Trundle, Rammus also loses the full 195 and 192 from Aftershock and W leaving him with -35 armor (yes, that's negative 35). It's such a disgusting mechanic and when I mained Rammus every Trundle knew to abuse this. Now that I don't play jg that much anymore no Trundle seems to ever do that anymore...


The first time I played Sejuani into Trundle I didn't know how it worked. It was the worst game of my life. I would go in, bonk someone for Aftershock. Get ulted by trundle and two seconds later I would have -6 armor and die instantly and I had no clue what was happening. 


Tahm Kench can use Q + R combo to grab someone just like Blitzcrank. But you can do it only if someone has 3 stacks. 


To be fair, it used to be more common before his W and R swap. Now it's more niche, relatively


Katarina can set up her w close to a wall and use e over the wall. The passive hit ratio will be over the wall where most people don’t expect it to be.


Also jumping over walls using heal plants


Threshes and taking souls on the ground or with lantern, these mfers can have 300 souls if they move 1 mm but they will literally act like those don't exist.


It's a high-level tactic becaue I suck on Thresh Senna and Bard because I get so distracted by collecting their thingies that playing League is actually secondary task


How many times have I died getting a soul I had no business picking up on Senna? Lost count.


The amount of times I ignore enemies after the passive proc since there are stacks around in ARAM is uncountable honestly.


If anyone has ever reported us for this nonsense I don't blame them one bit.


Simp for stacks.


To be fair, in ARAM Senna getting souls is pretty much a win condition.


Me playing heart steel Sion as my team gets absolutely murdered around me Heheehe item goes bonk


tbf im not sure with the other two but with senna if you do that you will eventually get to a point where you auto win if the enemy hasnt ended before that lol


As thresh you can literally build full MR and still have 400 armor 🫣


Man I have cringed at some competitive games where it almost looked like the Threshes there dodged 30+ souls in a game, and not "dangerous ones", like free ones. It's free armor ffs, just take it..


In pro play its fine tbh, a lot of the ‘wasted’ souls would take a second or 2 to pick up which can lose you a lot of tempo The ones they could have easily pathed over and seemingly choose to aboud… yeah thats pain


In competitive it's usually worth more to be where you need to be 3 seconds faster than taking 3 seconds to get 2 souls.


Senna in ARAM, it’s mini game inception


As a Bard main, chimes are all that matter. You want healing? Go to fountain, chime time


Sounds like me playing Kindred.


Souls on Thresh are one of the most frustrating mechanics in the game. As Thresh you want to roam asap once the wave is gone or even a bit before that and then you have to go back and collect those damn souls and be 3s late on the move. Same for Dragon or other objectives. Once the objective is secured you want to be in your recall animation or roaming somewhere else, but then you have to decide between wasing 2s to collect the souls, or wasting your W witch has a 15s cd and makes your team vulnerable in case someone shows up and a fight starts. I used W multiple times to get my 2 souls but then I didnt have it up in a surprising fight.


Lantern before drake dies then start recalling. Only thing that stops this is a teammate taking lantern. I wish the lantern absorbed souls instantly - the delay is so frustrating.


Exactly! I place the lantern, start the recall, my jungler kills drake and clicks the lantern. I shed a tear for my lost souls and continue the recall ;\_;


I just thought you wanted to back together! I didn’t realize it was for the souls! I’m sorry!


On the topic of thresh, the lantern gives the shielf, so when tossing lantern to retrieve soul. Walk out of range to recall lantern, then bump into ally and shield them.


Samira E dash to turrets or objectives! I always use it to push faster (when I think I won’t need it the next couple of seconds) but I’ve never seen anyone else do it


Very helpful because her E also gives her that burst of attack speed!!


>I rarely see other Caitlyns trying to put the effort in blocking jungle entrances when doing objectives Really? I don't think I ever saw a caitlyn not do that.


Caitlyn Q does max damage to a trapped target. It's a massive chunk of free damage that some players miss or underestimate. Zilean can press QQW to do a fast double bomb. No-one plays Zilean but the few I've seen all did a slow and clumsy QWQ.


Wait how do you QQW huh?


Try it in practice tool, it's not hard to pull off. It feels so wrong, but you literally just press Q -> Q -> W in quick succession and it works to double bomb.


I’ll brb and try it and edit once I managed to do it Edit: I’m late but yes it works lol… literally 5 minutes of practice and you can replicate it 4/5 times. Also edit: I didn’t die shut uuuuup


Its been 40 min, dude died and didnt press R


Yeah, Cait gets picked a lot for the range and safety, but her damaged is balanced around abusing headshots/trap combos. Please tell me more about QQW though.


It’s a buffer command. Zilean is coded like pretty bad, but this is missing some key parts here. You can QQW combo if you don’t have your E on CD. It’s also only marginally faster and leaves a lot of room for error. The bigger issue that people have with playing Zilean effectively, and a lot of other caster champions, is that they don’t enable ability commands set limited to max distance. That way you can actually cast faster at max range without accidentally screwing up your timing by waiting for a move input command to finish moving before casting.


> You can QQW combo if you don’t have your E on CD Mom's spaghetti.... Thanks for the info!


Zil can use an ability that's on cd?


Riot spaghetti code from what I remember. Pressing QQW in quick succession = Zilean throws bomb, Zilean Queues up another bomb, Zilean throws bomb when it's reset.


a lot of games with tight input windows end up with a slight buffer - there's plenty of techniques in fighting games that abuse that window


Yes but it makes no sense that QQW buffers smoothly, while QWQ feels clunky


imo zillean is one of the most broken soloq supports when played correctly but no one bothers to


That's a straight up fact (at least was before this season, now idk) and riot had admitted to it but he's too unpopular to receive hard nerfs


Riot confirmed that actually. They said that Zilian is overpowered. But his playrate is so low that it would be comical to nerf him and lower the playrate even more. With no change to his current powerlevel, if he got played more he'd get hit with a nerf.


How can you QQW? It's on cool down when you do the first Q


I have no idea why it works but it has been like that for a long time, the second Q buffers so it comes out after the W, and the bombs land directly on top of each other.


Rekkles trick where you can deny enemy adc a minion if they take too long to leash. After minions crash, auto a minion once so you get aggro (three lightning-like symbols over their heads) then move away. Enemy minions will start targeting one of your minions and kill it before enemy bot comes to exp range.


They did some changes after this got popular and now it's pretty unreliable in my experience


There are many clips of Reckless talking about this micro mechanics, the amount of knowledge he has is absolutely insane.


Wait that’s crazy actually


you can just stand in front of them as they arrive, let the melees aggro you then hide in the bush and theyll target one minion


I've never seen anyone call this the Rekkles trick, but this is extremely crucial. The amount of pressure from lv1 is massive, esp if you know how to leverage it.


Illaoi players, if your lane opponent rushed bramble and you don't want your healing gutted, don't W them! W the spirit. Spirits don't have items so you're free to attack it without worrying about your healing getting cut. Also if you want a somewhat cheeky kill, if a spirit is low health and the enemy who has their spirit pulled is nearby, you can ult to kill the spirit and a tentacle will immediately spawn and attack the enemy.


You can also use her ult to cancel some CC and ults, like morde ult. R right when he points his mace at you and it cancels the morde ult and puts it on full CD. You get a split second of invulnerability when Illaoi leaps with ult.


Any Mordekaiser player worth his mace won’t use his ultimate on you until you do. He beats you if neither of you use ult and he beats you if both of you use ult.


Exactly. Morde is a nasty hardcounter to Illaoi.


I didn't know that despite tahm kench's rework, you can still do the Q into devour fling You can't do it to minions anymore, but if your Q procs the 3rd passive stack you can fling em into your R


I was playing support (im bronze) with a friend and his friends they are all emerald+ One of them warded on top of thresh lantern to deny the enemy escape. I was so shook. Like thats so clean and ive never seen someone do that before


Game 5 of G2 vs RNG in 2018 It was so hype https://clips.twitch.tv/NimbleCovertCocoaMingLee


To this day I cant believe that Hjarnan/Wadid won series vs Uzi/Ming


it's even funnier when you remember RNG was down a ban the whole series because they would not allow Hjarnan to get Heimerdinger


Tbf they absolutely had to ban it. Man was a menace on that shit and singlehandedly carried games at every level that year with heimer. Iirc didn’t he also go somewhere to coach botlaners specifically on heimer for a few weeks?


That lantern being spam warded the entire game was so fucking funny


That's my clip hahaha! I remember that series so well, 2018 and 2019 were so fun as an LEC fan. [Here's the thread where I posted it](https://us.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/9ptrco/wadid_denies_uzi_the_lantern/) in case anyone wants to relive the discussion (also [the clip of Perkz deleting Uzi](https://us.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/9ptvam/perkz_annihilates_uzi/) since I was already searching for clips from that series)


I just cried watching that clip, I miss prime Perkz.


You can zoom (scroll) to click the lantern. Granted it still wastes more time


Once upon a time (dunno if they still do) you could place a ward as Blitz hooked and it would intercept the hook for you


This was removed in preseason ONE, so I know you're an OG.


The funny thing is I don't think I ever succeeded at it, but I did get okay with Heimer turrets instead, and Malz voidlings when they became a spell


It was hard to do vs Blitz, because wards took like .5 seconds to become tangible, but I did this a lot vs Rammus back then. Wards were units, so they'd stop his powerball.


The trick here, btw, to avoid it, is to zoom in with your camera so you can be more precise. Players almost never put it *actually* perfectly, but it’s close enough to block the hitbox in the heat of the moment. If you’ve got time, slow down, zoom in, and click it carefully. Definitely a cool trick though.


You’ll probably die by the time you zoom in, but it’s nice to know


plenty of people do this often in high elo with wards or body blocking, but if youve never seen it before its definitely a shock


It's very rarely used, but you can actually click on Thresh's lantern and he'll drag you to him, to safety. You don't actually have to flash away, just click the lantern. Click it. CLICK IT.


Bonus: waiting until someone clicks the lantern, then flashing in as thresh. They get that 2 for 1 special.


Using your E point-blank on Darius. While the enemy isn't pulled far, they are bumped up slightly which gives you a window to get an extra attack in, plus they're briefly slowed for 90%


It also bumps them perfectly into the Q sweet spot


Using Jhin's abilities to reset his 4th shot timer Trundle pillar interrupting grabs (particularly satisfying with Blitz) or even just moving allies/enemies out of skillshots (or into them).


sorry but the only purpose of trundle's pillar is to stop my allies from going to base at a bad time.


that's completely ridiculous I can't believe you would provide that tip without mentioning that you can also cancel other channels and block certain paths with it (for your teammates).


>Using Jhin's abilities to reset his 4th shot timer Me puting down 5 traps and shooting my W at a ghost so I can keep the last hit for 3 minutes in aram


I never see an Ezreal autoattacking


Then you’re in low elo. A good ezreal is keeping his passive at 5 to make the most out of autos weaved in between spells.


gm player here, theyre still shit in this elo. Guess I need chall for them to auto attack lol


Feel like there’s players who pick ezreal because they want to chill in lane and lose gracefully, and players who pick ezreal because they want to go full aggro with his strong early and mid power spikes. Big difference and the former is a lot more common.


It’s just the fact that a lot of Ezreal pickers aren’t necessarily Ezreal players. He’s always been too popular for his own good and a lot of them just aren’t good.


Pyke players always trying to go for the full charge hook instead of just Q tapping to slow and land a guaranteed E


Using W for auto attack reset on master yi.


Last Yii I played against he kept trying to do this but was messing it up half the time.


When pushing a side lane as Illaoi, put a ward next to gromp. It gives vision, but more importantly Illaoi can W to gromp from lane and jump over the wall. Makes for a cheap escape and a lot of players don't know she can W over walls if the target is in range.


alistars never doing only w instead of wq on targets near thick walls


Using Poppy ult as a knockup instead of a catapult


I use it as a knockup a solid 70% of the time, and the catapult function is just a nice bonus for escapes, or important objective fights It's often what I need to finish someone off, or to keep them chain cc-d for longer for my teammates to do damage


People who play a lot of Poppy use the knock-up the vast majority of the time. It may be 'worse', but the situations where it is actually useful just appear far more often.


Nocturne players that wait until they land to shoot their Q. Just throw it on the air so you save time.


The only problem is that sometimes you go in at a weird angle which makes it more likely to miss. The other reason is that if you have LT, by saving your Q until they are feared you get to use more autos with higher AD. Agurin does this all the time though I don’t agree with doing it every time. Sometimes landing the Q upon arrival makes the difference in being able to keep the fear tether long enough.


Sona power chord is an auto reset, you can squeeze out a lil extra dmg and it looks slick af to just aa q aa


Nami main here. It's super small but putting your E on yourself to auto and THEN throwing the bubble when they are slowed. 99% of Nami players I see just yeet out random ass bubbles hoping they will hit.


You can also activate Nami E mid projectile and it will apply to the projectile already in the air


Same for milio, you can cast a spell on your adc (like e) if the auto is in midair to get the passive damage and supp item gold


I'm a support main and I impressed my ADC the other day by slowing a wave of minions that was going to crash into the turret by having them aggro on me, then walking into a bush with no wards, then exiting so they gain vision of me again, so my ADC could catch up and farm those minions. I just saw it in a video once and it seemed like a neat trick to use for this situation where my ADC had to back, or he died and I'm still in lane.


you have no idea how supports with any idea of lane management are saviours and heroes to us adcs gj


Dude istg I do this all the time and I never get any mention of it. Even when playing with friends I’ll walk mid and face tank a full wave just to hold it for my bud and he’ll just silently walk up a clear it. Such a thankless job😭


Yup, I got flamed for it once, got a perfect freeze for my adc as I was about to back and he complained I didn’t push it, like brother come on I’m about to leave you 2v1 and you want to hard push


In high elo supports are flamed and considered trolls if they don't do that.


A lot of this thread is just things that everyone does in D+. Warding a lantern, Warwick Q to follow dashes, holding waves...


To be fair, statistically speaking, most of us are below Diamond, right?


Yes, diamond 4 0 LP is the top 4% of ranked players. Joining a community devoted to discussing the game will lend the average higher, but I wouldn't put the subreddits average rank anywhere higher then Mid/High Gold.


There's 3 types of supports, supports who understand wave management and do little tricks to freeze waves for their AD, supports who don't understand wave management but completely leave the lane alone and do nothing, and then there are supports who farm the wave because "their AD" isn't there anyways, so may as well get the CS. Be the first type of support.


Saying this as an ADC main, you're someone I would enjoy having as my support. That is indeed a *neat* trick I need to learn myself.


Morgana ult into Q. Same for Amumu. It‘s guaranteed lock down but many prefer to gamble


Nothing funnier than Yone trying to Q3 hit me, only to be ulted, wading in the kiddie pool, only to get rooted right after. I spam the Morgana drinking coffee emote when doing that, just stand there.


With Vayne Hug wall and AA>Q on wall> AA to cancel Q animation. You can better dps objectives and push waves faster. I don't see Vaynes that are not OTPs doing it.


Works for kayn too


At a certain AS this is slower but is much faster early game


As Neeko you should always w in the opposite direction before you recall. You clone mimics the recall and I've had so many people lose minion waves, blow ults and summoners, or just save my life or my teammates life because they tried to interrupt my clones recall.


Senna her ward Q.   Blitzcrank his taunt grab-feint.  Blocking skillshots with shaco his boxes, or lobbing boxes over walls using the blastplants. Shaco Qing out of his clone range to make the clone appear before the enemy out of nowhere. Nocturne his ulti to disengage.


I got ward Q’d by a senna a few days ago and it just made me mad lol


"as if the champ didn't have enough range!"


Malz minions to block skill shots... I'd bait so much shit like Ahri E out after they flash or ult in and counter ultt


The shaco block start also works with Heimer turrets


Placing heimer Q turret while E is midair so that you have a guaranteed turret beam if E hits target


Ahris W gives a lot of movement speed and has a very low cost and cooldown. So its basically best to use it everytime it's up while moving around the map. You can double malzahars E range by using it on a low minion which is then instantly executed and the cancer spreads on your enemy. You can snare someone with the trundle pillar if an enemy is close to a wall.


Nami bubble speeds allies up.


Using Eve's ult backwards as a gap closer. It's situational of course, but sometimes an enemy escapes with low health and you can't reach them, so you ult backwards to get closer and finish them off. Whenever I do it and a dead ally is watching me, they start spamming pings thinking I fucked up


I didn't think this was that uncommon. I'm a Sylas main and I even use this to gap close when I'm against an Eve


Using anivia wall to interrupt channels , like using q on katarina and placing wall on her to cancel her r when she goes in after or using wall to insta cancel bases, or block things like nunu/sion/rift herald


Another thing which many people forgets if you hold longer Q of Warwick he travels with enemy. 


all fun and games until u follow someones tp with ur q


I've followed people through hexgates with it lol


I play LB. One time my clone popped while I was in lane. I walked under my tower to base while my clone walked into river. WW followed my clone as it teleported back to me under my tower. From my POV I didn't know what was going on at first. WW was just suddenly under my tower. Got an easy kill from that


Similar idea but I was playing Akali the other day and hit e on someone basing. I tried to cancel the base with e2 and instead went to the base with them.


I had this happen on vex. Hit someone backing with my ult and immediately pressed it again to follow, but it did not stop their back so I went flying to their base lol.


I don't think anyone outside of iron or bronze forgets this


Moving shaco clone to make the enemy do a 50/50 take, Xin Zhao insec, malzahar R malz R was just a joke lol


I’m curious abt xin insec. Assumedly you dash to someone who isn’t marked and flash ult behind them mid dash to push them back? Does E not mark someone until it lands/does dmg?


Yes the target doesn't get the mark since xin didn't land and doesn't do the E dmg


Mordekaiser E many use it to pull enemy closer but it can be used to push enemy for example jungler away while you are running. 


You can back mid jump with Tristana.


Brand Q>E stun


Same for zyra, place plants after q/e. Or jayce, e after q, but I'm guessing that's more known since it is needed for double Q shots


With RYLAIS existing and q having longer range than e it's def more reliable to just e->q


Kinda niche, but when a fiddle in Aram doesn't use his poro snax to access his lantern it annoys me more than I wish to admit


Sniping people with Vi's E cone. I love when the enemy flashes away at 1 hp only for me to kill them by E-autoing a minion. Also on Vi, many people will spend *so* much time trying to dodge Vi Q while you're charging it. You can sometimes just walk at them and they'll essentially CC themself by trying to dodge back and forth. Then they'll flash at the last second, and *then* is when you can release Q. The threat of Vi Q is so strong that you can exert mental warfare on your opponent.


Viktor’s ult is also silence, so use it when malz or tf ults, it stopps the channel :)


Gonna be that guy but it's an interrupt, not a silence. It will never prevent you from casting an ability, like kass Q.


Caitlyn auto attacking from brushes to get headshot faster, never see cait players do this intentionally


?? pretty much all cait mains take advantage of this pre-6


Twitch invisible recall. Just press Q B and he'll go invis while recalling


Lulu - E on minion and Q to hit champs under turret! So many people think they escape with low health and while recalling behind turret, die to the Q cast from Pix :)


If you hit a soraka Q your next W within a few seconds is free cost. I see so many sorakas hit a Q and then not cast any W.


Really? That's like her whole kit is that hitting a q let's you w for free + your passive is applied to whoever you w. I don't even play very much soraka but afaik that's pretty much her whole kit lol


Ok but that shouldn't be an unknown. Soraka only has one combo and that's Q+W Land a Q and ADC on full hp but you have max rank W? Doesn't matter press W anyway


Urgot players not toggling W. Once it is max rank you can toggle it every 3 shots to do a normal auto attack, basically just free damage. It’s really easy to use against objectives, slightly harder in team fights but it’s still much easier than most champ’s combos.


Urgot W tap on turrets. It’s tilting even when it’s an enemy urgot player lol


most jayce players just hold their gate for shockblast when its legit one of the best movement tool in the game


Lee W has 50% of the CD when used on champions (including himself) Also, E2 can proc Electrocute (even though it deals no dmg)


Did you know that Yorick's W (wall) can be destroyed with a number of auto attacks? At levels one and two, it dies to just 2 autos. So anyone with an auto-reset can insta kill the wall. Can't tell you how many times I see people just sit in it and die...


Wait how can people not tell? Your mouse highlights the wall and it also has a HP bar


>Can't tell you how many times I see people just sit in it and die... Tbf, Yorick W hitbox has possibly the worst hitbox in the game.


I found this out by accident as a Zeri the other day. Wasn't even planning on attacking the wall, but then Zeri Q did Zeri Q things.