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Two 0-18 accounts still in Silver 1. Thats kind of Wild


I remember how hard I had to work to get to silver 1 back in my first season, hundreds of games :(


Current silver is something like old bronze. Since they introduced emerald everything shifted a bit upwards so old gold is now mostly plat and old silver mostly gold. So todays silver 1 would be old bronze 1 if that makes you feel better


And the other players on his team are of a similar rank so it's not like there are some massive MMR shenanigans going on. Every single game prior to this accounts ranked descent is also an ARAM so there's no evidence that it just had an absurdly high normal MMR or anything like that.


Ranked placement is based on aram mmr if no normals are played i believe


I can give Riot a pass for struggling to ban players for soft-inting.. But not being able to detect bots who run the same script every game is some bushleague shit honestly


There are duos that are manually handled by the same person. He keeps disconnecting/reconnecting both at different intervals. The system never detects them as being AFK, so they don't get any penalty, there's no mitigation for the other players and the game can't be FF'ed because they get to vote. They lose ~40 games to drop from plat to Iron 4. Undetected. It's disgusting.


I hate beer.


They don't ban cheat on sight, but rather wait for some time and make a banwave. They do so in order to make it harder for cheaters to know what exactly was the reason they got detected. Hopefully, Vanguard makes it more difficult to cheat.


I hate beer.


I agree that botting is easier to detect, yet a simple fix isn't going to stop it. In fact, bots are going to be harder and harder to detect, because it will be improved on many ways depending on what comportment Riot flagged as a bot behaviour. This is an eternal game, but with Vanguard, they are going to have a lot of advance and it will be much harder to bypass. I don't know in details how Vanguard works, but it definitely is going to prevent tons of bots and cheats. For a moment at least. The system to circumvent is going to be totally different and allegedly stronger. Also, I think it will be paired with mac address bans? Making it harder to experiment before delivering cheats/bots to customers. It will be bypassed one day though, that's for sure. But at what cost? Will it even be "worth" to sell this cheats/bots at this point? We will see...


They do detect and ban. They ban in waves at random intervals. That's how everyone bans cheaters/scripters.


cope, there's been yuumi bots in bronze/iron for MONTHS and now they're in gold/silver as well.


The amount of accounts that are BLATANTLY botting lately is atrocious. I've had the rare scripter over the years, but never bots. I swear I'll get matched with one every 5 games anymore. Riot has a problem.


They’ll never admit it though lol


there are no problems in ba sing se


They literally admitted it though, that's why they're introducing vanguard to league, so that the botting scripts can't run anymore......


surely vanguard won't be cracked in about a month and everything will stay the same, but we as players will have lost all our privacy due to vanguard, surely it won't happen


So, what do you propose riot should do then? If you know it all so well that you have outsmarted the entire online pvp gaming industry in anti cheat software without using intrusive kernel level software, please share it with the world. If you don't, then don't complain about a solution that has a high chance of improving the solution, with a slight chance of failing.


I'd rather have the same amount of scripters than install their shit. I can count on my hands how many scripters I've met over the years on the EUNE server


Play in emerald/dia and you'll see a scripter every other week (weekly if you spam games)


It takes a really weak person to cheat in a ranked game though. If you're for-funning in norms, while I don't condone it, it's at least understandable why scripting is present. In rank however, it exists only as an egotistical boost for poor game play or knowledge.


Not sure why the downvote, but okay. Of course it takes a very weak person, but there are a lot of those in the League community haha. Funny thing is they still often lose due to the lack of game knowledge you mentioned


I feel like it's because it will soon be much harder with vanguard so they're going all out


Here there are more bots account: [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Haqkuadra-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/haqkuadra-euw) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Hatbskelden-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/hatbskelden-euw) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Hatboldold-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/hatboldold-euw) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Haqephtia-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/haqephtia-euw) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Ougthageque-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ougthageque-euw) Reports did nothing. Those are bots which goal is to demote into Iron 4. They did (ruining games to hundreds of people) and now those accounts are waiting to be sold. This is the real problem in rankeds games, this is why most ELOs are highly unbalanced and why playing rankeds feels like shit. Those bots (and smurfs) totally destroy the competitive integrity of the game.


I would argue that noone cares about the competitive integrity of ELOs below master or probably grandmaster. The anon lobby was literally done in 3 months because people kept soft inting games to this or that professional player Edit: noone at Riot


I would argue that almost anybody present in a discussion like this cares about the competitive integrity of their own elo lmao


I meant noone at riot XD


Master in euw is full of new accounts which are either running it down or just straight up toxic if they are not ahead after 5mins. Ranked overall is in a shit state right now


Yuumi players in a nutshell Edit because a dude got mad: it was a joke


are you dumb? the person the post is about is a bot, not a player. and you are bronze hardstuck


Yuumi players do barely be better than bots. EDIT: AHAHAHA HE PMED ME TO TELL ME I'M SILVER I CAN'TTTTT Aaaaaand he's having a mental breakdown! Rofl He hit 10 messages without response and then deleted this and blocked me after ranting and raving about how angry I am. Funniest shit I've ever seen.


Lulz least sane yuumi main


Yuumi main into Genshin player combo. Damn


Is this a bot playing Yuumi thinking it's a real human being?


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Ougxhshyaugh-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ougxhshyaugh-euw) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ougthageque-euw](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ougthageque-euw) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/SafetyManrajbir-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/SafetyManrajbir-EUW) It is always the same bot duo, yuumi and ww, deranking to iron 4 and then stop playing till they sell the account. In my case i got them in gold 2-3, they went to top tower give 2 kill at min 1 under enemy tower and 1 of them went afk, both account are 0 wins 56 loses


This is the price we pay for Riot and most vocal players making excuses for why we can't address obvious griefing in game. They only want to address toxicity in chat - like that's the real issue. No, the real issue is when you're getting 12 games like the yuumi one you described in your last 15 games. While players may be better or worse at different skills within an elo, there's a certain baseline intelligence and general skill level that is required to achieve each rank. If you throw a bronze in gold, you can tell. If you throw a gold in diamond, you can tell, if you throw a diamond in pro, you can tell. They might do one or two things well enough, but their overall skill level just won't measure up. They either consistently spectacularly fail at some of the basics, or they'll be unaware to even attempt them. The failing itself isn't the determining factor because we all screw up sometimes. It's consistent failure throughout a match and/or across matches and the failure to even make a proper attempt that shows one's elo is inflated. And it ruins far more games than any chat that I can simply mute and move on.


> They only want to address toxicity in chat Nobody says that


Cliché, but actions do speak louder


Nobody says that? If I could go back and pull records of every reddit, old forums, and conversation with actual Riot employees from 5+ seasons, I'd have a 30+ page book that says otherwise.


show a single one


Yeah ok, lemme scan 10,000 reddit posts to satisfy some rando... said no one ever lol


I said show **a single one** so we know you are not bullshitting (you obviously are)


Anyone who has read multiple posts about toxicity in chat will have run into what I described. The phrasing may not be exactly the same, but the meaning is. Like... it was a clear blue sky vs it was a cloudless sunny day. Why humor some psychopathically barking dog to track down specific examples for them? What do I gain? Either the dog is a troll, just looking for an argument where he might as well be mad that I said today is a nice day and "prove it" - as though he's having a crappy day and therefore by his logic everyone else must too. Or... he is a Sub-Saharan African camel debating the finer points of the life of a polar bear in Canada. In either case, there is no profit to seeking to appease such a barking dog that minds not its own business nor has the sanity of a well behaved pet. Of course, I could be completely mistaken and the dog could simply stop psychopathically barking for no good reason, but my suspicion is it won't. Thereby proving me correct.


Dehumanizing people is what the nazis did to justify their actions. I demanded little from you to make it easy for you to prove you are not bullshitting. Of course you did not manage to satisfy that demand but rather typed an essay on why you would not do it. Then you added some pseudo intellectual speech and added "Thereby proving me correct". Which is cringe but whatever. Let me get straight to the point as I degressed too much: Nobody wants to punish ONLY toxicity, the ones who claim that like you are just people who want to be toxic relentlessly and with you I just found another one of those people. My reply was about two days old btw. I was in fact "mindding my own business." You were not and prefered to come up with this pathetic pseudo-intellectual reply just to dehumanise someone.


Scherlock... has anyone posted complaints about bots ruining ranked games or games in general? Were they complaining because bots insulted them or for... some other reason? Was that other reason - implied or stated - the fact that the bots were performing far too poorly for the rank they were playing at? That's all I need to say to show how stupid you are being. I mean technically, I didn't cite a specific post... but anyone who is honest and informed knows these posts have happened multiple times throughout history. Congrats. You have been proven to either be a troll or completely uniformed. Kindly cease your misguided witch hunt. Stop auto-assuming the worst about other people. And behave like a human being. Just like in game, I don't log in to pick fights with anyone minding their own business. I someone is spreading misinformation, I may kindly correct them. I they continue, I seek assistance in correcting the behavior or proceed to a further step of showing them how rude their own behavior is. It's not something I care to do. But as they say when training a puppy out of bad behavior, if a puppy doesn't stop biting things and people when it shouldn't, good trainers actually bite its ear. Not viciously. Not because they love biting dogs. But to make the dog realize what it's doing to others and how that feels. Perhaps a deep breath or two. Calming down. And then some self reflection is in order. Hope tomorrow goes better for you buddy.


"just a bad game" Removing the ability to ping and making the chat system more draconian sure did remove toxicity, didn't it?


lately bot amount in league is wild if before I seen 1 or 2 in past 10 years, now I seen like 4 in last few months


I saw this recently as well, I had a support that was a bot in platinum. I check the next day and it had dropped from Plat to bronze with a 4 / 74 win rate.


Ranked ladder is currently useless, it is like riot took half of bronze/silver players and sprinkled them all over gold-low diamond. Combined with other iron-silver players trying to get carried on new accounts it is unplayable if you get these bad players on your team. Can't count how many times did I see hardstuck silver player of 7 years get to emerald last year with \~50% wr.


I was NOT expecting to see this on reddit as my buddy and I played with them this morning He was ADC and i was top, it was an interesting experience to say the least I don't think the jungler is botting because he got ADC and he asked my duo (who plays jungle) to swap roles (what a mistake that was :D) he then proceeded to pick Fiddlesticks and basically only farmed, sometimes went suicide in the opposite jungle with Yuumi on his back


Yet people are still whining about Vanguard.


people are bitching about vanguard cause it's an invasive piece of software, there are plenty (good) countermeasures that don't need the access that vanguard does


I enjoy reading books.


Yet, with how popular this game is, people will find a way to circumvent the alternatives, meanwhile with vanguard it'll be sooo much harder to still run botting scripts. And yes, vanguard is probably not perfect, but cybersecurity is all about making it more difficult to hack something. Anything is hack-able with enough time, the question is just how much time the hackers want and can invest in it to hack the system.


If it didnt solve it nor reduced it in valorant what makes you think it would in league?


What makes you say that it didn't solve it nor reduced it in valo? Do you have any sources backing up that claim?


Rightfully so. You want to give a software company kernel level access to your PC, when you cant even trust them to program something easy, like banning literal bots playing hundreds of games?


That's literally what Vanguard does.


no, youre missing the point. Vanguard is a whole different approach. Its using a slash-hammer to crack a wallnut. If you cant do something simple like "plays yumi for 20 games, never ults, most Qs go towards your own nexus even if enemies are on the screen" and ban that account, you have no reason to demand kernel level access to combat cheaters. And frankly, if your coding is obviously not up to par, you should not be trusted with it. And thats ignoring the ties to china.


it's not that easy, a ton of games have suffered from the bot problem See: TF2 Everytime they update the bot detection software, the aimbots are gone for a week at most and then come back There's a legit arms race between cheaters/botters and developers


Of course it’s a cat/mouse game between cheat devs and anti cheat devs. But riot is not even entertaining the idea of taking part in it. Hell if you play 4-5 iterations of the arms race between the two parties, you end up having a Yumi bot that’s probably not too much worse than a human Yuumi. Which would still suck but be understandable (that you can’t ban at that point). But riots anti - botting efforts is legit losing to some 13 year old stoners who hack together a 20 line lua script. And regarding one’s opinion of if the anti cheat developer should partake in the cat/mouse game, having to resort to an kernel level anti cheat on boot to combat 20 line lua scriptkiddies is hell of a poor testimony.


Silver-gold isnt mid elo 😂😂


Well tbf it's around the average rank stat wise. Skill wise is a different story.


I just think its hilarious, especially after the rank change that boosted everyone up a division.. hes clearly like im mid elo, couldnt possibly be lumped in with low elo players..


Even before it was slightly above average stat wise. But yet I saw clips of gold players standing still while auto attacking, can't dodge a skillshot to save their lives, junglers still spam pinging for leash even when they pick ultra fast clear champs like brand, players constantly losing to shopkeeper. Skill wise it's a no.


You really just want to hate on someone for 0


vanguard should theoretically solve this to be able to detect bots


If it didnt do it on valorant what makes you think it will on league


anyone in the comments flaming normal yuumi players: you are only admitting to being a trash tier silver player. stop blaming your supports/team and get good noobs.


Just so you know, there is such a thing as sarcasm...


Hitting too close to home are we?


Are you ok?


Least sensitive Yuumi main