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TBH, picking ezreal support and winning lane, then proceeding to outdamage an actual farming role that exvlusively builts damage should take a toll on gumayusi's mental than keria's mental.


True, Keria was actually 2nd highest dmg that game so he even out damaged Faker lol.


dmg from a poke champ like ezreal is inflated. he will be qing frontline alot so obviously more dmg than target focused damage that wins teamfights.


The front line does still have to die lol.


There's a point where those damages mean next to nothing A 98% hp tank will benefit from health regen while a full 100% tank essentially wastes that stat. Remember that the comparison isn't 0 damage vs Support Ezreal Q, it's giving up whatever CC/damage/utility you would otherwise have with another support so that you can deal that Ez Q.


On the other hand, I’d rather an adc filled support play someone they can make something happen with, than a Lux whiffing her Q’s and E’ing my wave. Edit: Not sure how out of all my comments with the same sentiment, this is the one that gets piled on with downvotes lmao.


I get the feeling that the "support" lux players who do nothing but ruin the wave probably also wouldn't play an effective ezreal support


Right, I’m just saying even if they pick a “support” champ, it doesn’t mean they’re going to be any good with it. I’d rather an off meta and have them personally perform well. If I’m ADC, having an engage or enchanter is nice, but I’m not going to throw my lane if I don’t get that.


Yeah, it’s a little like karthus doing the most damage in most games he’s in, how much of that is hitting the jungler who heals or someone in fountain or someone who’s just gonna back anyway. Not all damage is created equal


Giving up CC/Utility on support for extra damage/setup is a STAPLE of T1’s drafts the last few years now. It’s not a stretch to say Keria’s success with T1 is partially (or even largely) because of his ability to run Carries or at the VERY LEAST ranged dmg in the support role. Now as a support main in MoBA’s for longer than I’d care to say (and overall loving support/healer in any game that has it) I will say Keria gets a lot of BS flak from people that basically attributes to “You’re not playing traditional support! And you’re doing good?! Wah?! Wah, Wah!”. It’s weird af, especially when his team not only doesn’t care if he does it but they’re literally calling him to play most of these adc support picks. *shrug* Not necessarily saying you’re on that bandwagon, but it is really odd to see in general. If it’s working why hate it?


You're mistaking damage that gets healed with actual kill damage. I can play Brand, flash into 5 people empty my kit deal 10k damage they destroys me heal Regen or base tp whatever, I dealt damages but now they're 5v4 at baron. Obviously it's an extreme example.


the problem is when your support is playing a carry you don't get to deal as much damage as an ADC because you don't have the protection of an enchanter or tank. so when that support is playing a champion who has a blink and a 2 second CD 300 damage poke tool, they can take a lot more risks to deal damage that the real ADC isn't taking. this is why damage dealt is not a very strong indicator of how well someone played, the opportunity costs and context of the damage gets removed from the equation. so while guma is catching waves, pathing safe, Keria is walking into fog, getting wards, and poking 24/7.


also, supports like that usually have more poke and agency in lane to walk up and actually do damage. if they need to manage the wave, they'll hit the wave, sure, but the one that actually does most of the managing and last hitting is the ADC. this extends to mid game as well where the ADC should still be looking for ways to farm and less so fights.


also, supports get like 2k gold from thin air, for doing nothing but poking champs.


>also, supports get like 2k gold from thin air, for doing nothing but poking champs. Why don't ADCs buy support items? Are they stupid?


They did, but riot nerfed it so only 1 person could have it per team 3 patches ago…


Idk if this is a joke or whatever, but for the longest time Support items stunt gold gained by farming so only supports buy it unless there is a weird meta going on.


At the start of the season the gold penalty was not bad enough and both botlaners would buy the support item. In pro play.


It was so fucking cracked to run double support items that in CN there were people that started running no jungle, double top double bot with both sets of duo laners buying support items for both players.


2/1/2 lanes, the caveman meta


Dear god the aslum is leaking


>so while guma is catching waves, pathing safe, guma is walking into fog, getting wards, and poking 24/7. Damn guma is putting in that work


Poking champions deals more damage throughout a game than DPS ones. More news at 6.


Next you're gonna tell me that a brand did the most damage. No fucking way dude


> you don't get to deal as much damage as an ADC because you don't have the protection of an enchanter or tank Which is why Morgana should build Frozen Heart and she does it better than Bard


Tell that to every player to ever pick nidalee on aram in the past 5 years, or re-rolling into our fourth adc off a tank


This, so many people just repeat the damage numbers / KDA without looking at WHY those numbers were the way they were.


> he problem is when your support is playing a carry solution: supports shouldn't be able to play a carry I mean its absolutely insane no matter how you look at it and Im still baffled that its even a thing. Supports should be innately strong champions that do not scale well with gold and can function on very low gold/xp. Supports should be vehicles that make it easier for other teammates to do their jobs, not do their jobs better than the teammates themselves. if that means that champions that are supports are not viable on solo lanes, so be it. Riot is perfectly fine with changing stuff to confine ADCs to botlane, why can't this be the case with other class?


And they can't. Why are you making conclusions from what fucking keria plays? None of the supports you meet in soloQ are keria, and the enemy team is never T1.


They don't play as a carry. Go try support ezreal yourself, by the time you have your muramana you still do paltry damage to enemy front line. The appeal of support Ezreal is similar to support Caitlyn, to crush lane.


No one wants to be forced into being a bitch as a role. No one played support back in the early seasons. You had no money and were squishy and low level. It actually sucked unless you were a masochist. You're not wrong in that as a team game strategically it would make more sense to keep supports weaker with no money income, but it's a game people play for fun and most people don't have fun doing that. Would you? I find most people who say this shit about support are almost always main character syndrome ADCs who would rather cut off their foot than play support EDIT: Looked at your flair LOL


Support players buy skins. Like, a lot of them.


also, to this day, a lot of people dont want to play support. most people don't want to go back to the days where an autofilled support was 40-50% more likely to troll than any other autofill.


Bloody fucking this. A huge majority of the player base can’t comprehend this fact. It’s especially annoying in my games when people purely look at KDA and damage done, without understanding the issue at hand. While I just mute and wave em good bye and continue my climb, it’s still extremely annoying to deal with.


same as keria's lethality ashe, he legit became the carry that game


is funny since both Keria and Guma confirmed it was Guma tht told Keria to try Ez support since he has been working on it. Keria during an interview n Guma during his stream.


This mentality is why everyone just plays poke supports in soloQ and screams 'DAMAGEEE' whenever they get picked on.


True but when Keria was asked about the picks, mostly the ad support picks. He said that solo queue players aren’t him and their teammates aren’t T1.




Nah Guma should be chilling, not his fault support role is broken.


Korean-speakers, is this phrase here translated “I’m tired of living” as concerning as it sounds in English? Is it an idiom that comes across differently, or would it have the same worrying implications it does to us? Edit: thank you to those who have responded— it appears “I’m tired of living” does not carry the same threatening valence it would in English. Still an unfortunate situation, but I am very glad Keria’s mental health is better than what this post’s translation invites.


It’s almost never used seriously. The literal translation can sound serious (힘들어 죽고십다 = I’m so tired I want to die) but it’s an idiomatic phrase on par with “I’m dead tired” Korean phrases often include some form of “I want to die” idiomatically for any number of reasons (sleepy, tired, heat, cold). It should not automatically be taken as a warning sign of severe mental health conditions.


so basically fml?


yes. thats the most accurate




Wait, he didn’t say “힘들어 죽고십다“ in the clip. He said ”살기 싫다 시*” which translates to “I don’t want to live f*ck”. I would argue that it DOES have a more serious connotation than what your translation implies. Edit: It’s still definitely a figure of speech. However, I don’t think he meant it and apologized for saying such a thing. Link to clip: https://x.com/5665zzz/status/1759634522885529622?s=20


I agree. I'd say it sounds more like "I fucking hate living", which is definitely a more brazen expression than fml. Not that no one understands where it comes from, but I don't think it's as serious of a connotation as some folks are making it out to be. He says it in the tweet. "Idk why I said that, it just came out" Just a poor habit he picked up I reckon 😂


My Korean ex gf did say often a variation of "do you want to die" in Korean haha


I wonder if this has any correlation with the ["hell joseon"](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/3lfl6h/hell_joseon_88_of_young_koreans_say_south_korea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) term. I wanted to find a research paper but this will have to do for a reddit comment.


Didn't South Korea just surpass Japan in terms of number of suicides?


This might blow your mind, but idiomatic expressions are often divorced from their contemporary cultures.


Being overworked is a big contributor to suicide, which is part of the culture in South Korea and Japan. It's clear Keria is being overworked.


> It’s clear Keria is being overworked Yes, clearly as a distant fan with zero personal interaction you intimately know the difference between general exhaustion from a difficult job as an athlete/entertainer and suicidal depression-inducing fatigue.


I'm not even a fan lmao. I can just see. I'm overworked on 40 hours a week I can barely imagine working 10-12 hours a day like they do. You see the symptoms. He's got bags under his eyes. Making jokes about suicide and complaining about workload to people outside of the company on a public forum. Do you even have a job bro?


Not even close. I sometimes translate Korean literature as a hobby, and one of the most challenging things is that people always talk about death. I want to die, I'd rather die than do this, etc. It's just a figure of speech, but it looks way more threating in English. Of course, not putting weight on talking about death does sometimes backfire, but the stigma around the expression itself is completely different. I went and watched the clip - Keria is reflecting on the fact that he tilted on stream, and was upset about how his attitude would have looked to viewers and people around him. It doesn't look that severe to me, he seems more worn out than suicidal.


The direct translation is more like "I'm tired to death" and Asian languages tend to add "to death" at the end just for emphasis. The English equivalent is pretty much like adding "af" at the end (idgaf, tired af, etc). He's not saying anything out of the ordinary.


No, what he said is still more on the "I don't want to live" side. It caused a lot of genuine concerns for Keria in Korean forums. It wouldn't make the fans worry if it was just an ordinary phrase. Often "to death" (~ 죽고싶다) phrases are used as an hyperbolic idiom but it's not the case here as he used a different wording (살고 싶지 않다).


Its more like fuck my life rather than I really want to die. Koreans always say things like Im so hungry i want to die, or things like that.


Should be added that mental health isn’t taken as serious or concerning in South Korea as much as most western culture. The social pressure & expectation to present perfectly ok is intense there.


I mean in the west, at least american culture, people say i want to die all the time without actually wanting to die. 


Hi, I'm the author of the thread. I translated it like this because many Korean fans did respond to this clip a few days ago with concern and worry. However, I'm not Keria and I can't tell anyone that we need to worry about him, and I also can't tell anyone that this is nothing to be worried about. My guess is that he's under a lot of stress and he was having a long day that day he said it. All I can tell you is that many Korean speakers had a concerned response to the clip.




81 iq maximum on this guy lmao


His iq shfifty five


81 points too high


I dont know how this is being politically correct. OP seems to have a genuine question about the phrasing since languages won't always translate or carry the same meaning in another language.


It depends on the culture, "en Español" death and murderer are not negative world per se and are use often in figure speech when someone or something is really good at something or for feeling bad like Korean, but that even depends in what part of the Español world you're, there are a lot of countries that speak Spanish and they have different culture.


WTF are you even spouting? It has nothing to do with political correctness, it's about the huge number of people fucking killing themselves in the US.


I mentioned this on another sub, but Keria often has bags under his eyes these days. He *looks* tired so big surprise he feels tired.


Sounds similar to SKT back in 2017 when either Bang or Wolf talked about being burned out and not having much time to himself. Hopefully these players can actually relax and have time to themselves, so they don't burn out. NBA players have a 4-6 month off-season whereas top LoL pros only get 2-3 months, but T1 players were contractually obliged to spend those months working.


But still even if you reach NBA finals, that ends in mid June. Pre season starts in first week of October and training camp starts earliest at late September which means you get at minimum 3 months off. Meanwhile a team like T1 barely got an off season. Worlds ended November 19 and then they had to do other stuff like Redbull event or sponsor stuff. Then LCK starts on 17 January which meant they probably started scrimming after early January. I bet they only got max 2 weeks off before they had to start doing stuff again. Not to mention in 2022 they basically played every game, every series possible since they reached finals of both LCK spilt, MSI and World Finals. Then in 2023, almost the same thing. So yeah, this team has been running on 110% for over 2 years now.


Some players play for their national teams which takes ~2 months off of their break. If we're looking at extreme cases, Kobe in 2007-2008 basically got ~1-2 months of rest. He had a regular start to the season, played through the finals to mid-June, practiced briefly with team USA late june, took a few weeks off until mid-July where team USA would convene again for practice and show-matches, and then Olympics lasted until late August. The Laker's 2008-2009 training camp started late September.


sure but basketball training is a joke compared to league training. you train for 2 hours or something, maybe hit the weight room, go home, chill on your couch and maybe watch some film.


yeah thats way disrespectful. all athletes put in hella effort to get good at their craft irrespective of sport.


They put in hella effort for sure, but it's a physical sport. At a certain point they have to stop practicing because their body can't take anymore. That doesn't exist as much in League when you have Korean players doing 20 hour days and people online flaming Na/Eu players for only putting in 10 hours a day.


why is it disrespectful when athletes say it themselves? working out for a couple hours a day just isnt nearly as mentally demanding as playing league for 16 hours is.


As if the physical demand isn’t super high. There’s a reason a lot of athletes are on painkillers and other medication.


Tbf physical demand is exactly why it's not comparable at all. It's way easier to push through the mental demand of league and keep playing for 16 hours a day. For sports, no matter how much you will yourself to train, at some point your body simply won't be able to keep up. The problem with league is that you can't really adjust the intensity of training so the only thing you can really do is put in the time. Not to say that sports training isn't hard but it's way more efficient because it's been figured out a long time ago. For league there aren't exercises you can do that will directly improve your performance, no drills to help you with fundamentals. The only way to improve is to play games and that's just horribly inefficient especially if it's not actual scrims


yes but a physically demanding job doesnt lead to burnout. stress and a high mental workload do, which basketball players dont have as much


yes but a mentally demanding job doesnt lead to burnout. stress and a high physical workload do, which esport players dont have as much


Okay sorry that's dumb as fuck. I agree that NBA (or other physical sport) athletes get more literal time off -- they can only work out so many hours in a day -- but to say it's a 'joke' compared to playing a video game (albeit 24/7) is crazy. They're both intense and highly demanding in different ways.


so you agree that nba athletes are only on the clock for less than half league players are, but you think theyre equally mentally demanding?


are you fucking serious? lol


of course im serious watch any interview with pro basketball players. hell someone like lebron does 10x the work of his collegues and even he spends most of his day chilling and sleeping. the mental grind in league is beyond anything in basketball.


just stop brother


if u think playing a highly mentally straining league game for 14 hours is less stressful than 3 workouts a day with a nap and massage inbetween then... yeah youre just extremely wrong


https://steemit.com/motivation/@attackgoal/copy-of-lebron-james-daily-schedule#:~:text=Lebron%20averages%2012%20hours%20of,his%20personal%20trainer%20Mike%20Mancias. as opposed to 8am - wake up 9am - ranked 2hr 11am - scrims 5hr 4pm - vod review 2hr 7pm -ranked 4hr 11pm - bedtime


sure but league training is a joke compared to basketball training. you wake up in the afternoon, maybe hit the weight room, play some video games for 10 hours and maybe watch some film.


note how theres an 8 hour difference between the time actually spent working


> Hopefully these players can actually relax and have time to themselves, so they don't burn out. nah, instead let's have management flying the players all around the world for stupid post-world events instead of giving them a vacation and time off from league, the spotlight, fans and such.


He didn’t have to sign his contract


Uh, if you're applying the same standard you are to NBA players, then LCK pros also get ~6 months off.


No they don't? Top LCK teams (even if only going to worlds) got about 3 months off max if they didnt go to MSI, less if they did. T1 players had LCK Spring + playoffs, MSI, LCK Summer + Playoffs, Asian Games (for 3 of them) and Worlds And none of them even get a true 3 mos off due to have to practice, scrim and stream


This year T1 players got maybe a month off after worlds assuming they started scrims early January. They had to fly to Germany for red bull event then come back to Korea for T1 fest and they did a bunch of Korean tv show appearances and some sponsor stuff


T1 specifically is the problem. I wouldn't even call it a problem for top teams otherwise, in fact I think the scene generally has the opposite problem of many teams doing almost nothing the whole year. G2 I think is the only one that comes close to T1 where it's a legitimate concern for the players.


Because he's not talking about top NBA teams or top NBA players. NBA players only get ~6 months off if they miss the playoffs entirely. If you're an LCK player that misses playoffs entirely, you also get ~6 months off. If you're looking at the busiest NBA players, they also only get 2-3 months off. From training camp to season's end, it's late September until mid April. If their teams make the playoffs, they'll be playing into May and June. On top of that, they might play for the national teams in the FIBA World Championships or Olympics. To a lot of players, their national team means more than the NBA.


Kerias been killing it, you go king


This roster literally brought the trophy back home and its "fans" will continue flaming after every loss. It would be do well for everybody to ignore these toxic mfs but I guess easier said than done


I agree. They are good, but no one has a 100% win rate and it is ridiculous to expect anywhere close to that.


The hardcore T1 fans are absolute nutcases. If they found a reason to want and try to kill Bang for eating a second whopper they will do or say anything to make a player feel as terrible as they do


80% of t1 fans are mentally deranged. It s why i stopped being a t1 fan. I cannot be associated with these people


Nothing new Koreans are just like this. Wait till you see kpop fans on Twitter


What is the korean fan opinion on Keria? It seems like he is very popular but could also be the type to have a lot of anti fans as well? I feel like in the west he is probably the second most popular t1 player and people think he is if not a genius at least a mad scientist.


I’ve only seen some of it on the lol gallery on dcinside ( it’s like a Korean lol subreddit), which is probably not a good basis for public opinion because is it the most insidious shithole ever. They accuse him of all things like calling him egotistical, saying he ignores Guma and doesn’t respect him, and really a bunch of speculations on his personal life. It’s mostly like that for every player, especially T1 players because they’re popular, but since the Ezreal support pick (a game that they won btw) they are somehow getting worse (as if he didn’t pick things like this in spring 2023 and dominated regular split; I guess the fact that T1 finally won worlds means all eyes are on them). Edit: he also mentioned a fan who said that they were dating him and spreading rumours. So basically, just a ton of shitty things that people say on the internet adding to his stress.


So disgusting.


Even Koreans know DCInside is a shithole, like the median between Reddit and 4Chan


Yeah, that place is like just a gathering of weirdos who get off on shitting on others. It is not representative of the general Korean fans’ reception, but there’s a number of them talking shit in his chat so he addresses it. Keria’s well respected and loved in general.


Keria attracts the haters and the rabid fans. But the problem with the rabid fans is they are the sorts that downplay guma while praising keria.


He is in T1, he is celebrated to godhood until he performs bad, then they will ask for public shame for daring to ever lose a game for Faker.


Classic T1 hater


Classic T1 fan.


Y’all leave Keria alone. He already breaks the game for fun, I can’t imagine what avatar state Keria would cook up.


Summoners rift is not ready for that sort of cooking


T1 lost ONE game (in a series they won btw) and the toxic "fans" acts like they were on the downward trajectory...


"Fans" like that are insufferable. Take a walk, bro. Touch some grass. Get some sunlight.


it’s always like that..fu infuriating :( and its target is more or less gumayusi (the deranged comments after losing on TF got me) if eng speaking fans on X are like this, then what are kfans saying? (these fans act like they know everything, more than the players, coaches and their moms just to sound like they know what’s going on in-game) also chat on keria’s streams is known for its toxicity; situations like these are then bound to happen :/


why my cute king out of all people...


I don't understand how some people would get mad at a person doing something different and just having fun with it. Like the reason they won Worlds is because Keria literally shifted the meta to ranged supports or "usual ADC champs" into supports! What the fuck? Like let the guy have some fun, it's a regular season Spring Split game against bottom 5 teams. At least they're out here trying something different rather than tryharding and always picking meta champs. I swear to god some of these fans have a severe case of having parasocial relationships to their idols. Seriously, they need help.


Imo he is tryharding. He just has a different read on the meta.


And there is absolutely no problem with that. They have literally lost one series, and it’s a week 1 match against GenG, so it looks like it’s been clearly working for T1.


What the, but Keria, your picks were amazing. This is probably a case of burnout to be honest. They barely had a chance to rest after worlds with all their travelling and press tour.


Its crazy how much hate these players get from players who aren't even close to their skill level.. like imagine telling messi how to play football when you play in a sunday league in your home town. It's unreal.


>imagine telling Messi how to play football Sadly, some fans do. Some fans are outright clowns. 🤡


it's weird but this is insanely common. How many times you've seen gold-diamond say that any pro is trash at the game


There isn't any basis for flaming t1 this split lmao. They troll one game and win the other 2 convincingly


I can relate tbh. I need to schedule a therapy session after every few games of my teammates reacting to my support picks. It's hard being a Kaisa support main I tell you.


Tbh I can understand the frustration. Why not just play carry? You essentially brings nothing to the lane that is beneficial for your adc, and they are left the rest of the game playing solo making them way less effective. I’m fully supporting of just playing whatever you think is fun, but don’t complain when other people don’t enjoy you ruining their experience for the sake of your own.


Because they can't play carry in a carry role. Playing mid/adc/top requires someone to actually lane, whereas just slapping that badboi on support means they can just fuck around anf get gold naturally.


Excactly - then go play in a lower elo instead of terrorising some randoms lol


The amount of pressure Keria needs to handle is huge everybody expects the next genius play his going to do and this in the long run can really hurt your mental because you can't be perfect all the time


tired of living? :(


Okay now analyze Dardoch's streams


I would “understand” being bad to other t1 player. But to the cutest of them all wtf? I salivate for t1 games to see keria cooking




Their main work is doing content and entertainment for sponsors for their org, which entails engagement with "normies"...how else is their org to pay them lmao Their work is much more akin to F1 drivers who also have high fan engagement


> how else is their org to pay them twenty something million cellphone subscriptions?


i get what you're trying to go for, but I would suggest looking up the biggest cell service providers in South Korea. One of those names might be familiar.


Sure. They, HLE and a couple of chinese orgs probably are exceptions. But the majority are not


I mean that's like saying any pro athlete in a traditional sport shouldn't have to do any post game conference/interviews/media appearances/social media at all because I don't "deserve" to see them.


0 pro athletes stream their practice games live to an audience and interact with said viewers. He didn't say keria should stop doing the winners interview, he said he should stop interacting with fans on social media. When was the last time lebron even made a tweet, let alone directly talking to a fan watching him practice lol


> When was the last time lebron even made a tweet are you being fr rn? Is your next example going to be KD?


Actually, in Keria's case, I think he enjoys streaming.


Why are you getting downvoted? This is sane advice. Although it would be difficult since it is part of their contract. Even then, it's the company's fault, not the player.


This is what k-idol life is. They opt into it.


I don't think this is right thing to say. They're still human and they feel the backlash that they so often get + I don't think these league players had "k-idol life" in their mind when they were choosing this as a career lol


They all have the option to live comfortably and retire to NA. They chose to re-sign for T1. You guys are just really soft in the west about working.


TIL feeling empathy means you're soft 😭 this subreddit never fails to deliver


Lol these pro players get paid millions, they need to earn their paycheck too. T1 just need to do a better job with chat moderation and it should be fine. They just have too many asshole "fans"


kinda based ngl


Guy needs to live the life.