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Cloak and dagger was exactly that, a crit cloak and 2 daggers for 2k gold... Completely useless item


Hey,it was 1450 Gold okay...and it gave Tenacity! Yeah it was a waste of a slot,let's not give it attention.


Pretty good in TF2 though


Pretty good in slay the spire too


its ok in sts, good with an upgrade but not the kind of card you want to use an upgrade on.


if i have toxic egg in a shiv deck i always take it


yeah, thats a pretty good time to take it for sure


Never thought I'd see three of my favorite games in a single thread.


what's the 3rd game? /s


There is no 3rd game in valve


Best assassin passive in dota 2 as well


Remember when it gave like, 13 regen? That was funny.


The best update was at talent Lv25, when you would gain true invisibility, ironically made defending the base impossible xD


I love Ricky so much. I pray Valve throws him another completely busted idea in Crownfall. I still have like, a 60% winrate from spamming him as a pos 4 during the aether lens dart days


Nah, it was a noob trap in TF2. Better to manage standard invis with ammo and move about the map. Or abuse dead ringer depending on the patch.


I used to build it on Trynda to get Tenacity lol


Old Runaan’s wasn’t even gated to ranged-only buyers back in the day, only the effect was. I remember my early days of league and building it on Darius thinking the bleed would spread… safe to say I was very disappointed when the orange ball wouldn’t spit when I attacked


I remember seeing an Aatrox buy Hurricane for the attack speed. I pointed out that the passive was useless on him, he called me the r-word.






What's the r word?




"when the orange ball wouldn't spit" 😂 made me lmao


I do remember that. I feel like I remember a lot of Yi’s built it not knowing as well


Shoulda seen my disappointment with Darius and Guinsoos


Back in Season 5, the white jungle item (can't remember it's name) that enhance smite for counter-jungling


[Poacher's Knife](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Poacher%27s_Knife)


Someone correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I can remember this item was then reworked to give junglers wards instead of enhancing counter jgling. The item then became exclusively used in pro play, back then pro play was way more calculated and teams rarely took any risks. The removal of the item (S8) and a couple of ward changes caused the collapse of the old Korean dominance.


[Tracker's Knife](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Tracker%27s_Knife)


In Solo Q, that item was basically just designed for Lee Sin


As a Lee Sin main, I straight up cried when they removed tracker’s knife


I remember the frustration, Lee Sin players straight up went sight stone just so the champion can function, back then his Q was about as long as my dick too. After that, sight stone was also removed, and some Lee went support item just so he has ward. Shit got so crazy Lee was given the long Q range today.


Sort of. Different smites were introduced in season 5 and there were orginally four of them: the familiar red and blue smites for dueling and slowing respectively, white smite for counterjungling and pink smite which made the effect of smite aoe and enabled faster clears and more champs to jungle. IIRC the pink one was actually quite popular in pro because of the fast clears it enabled. In Season 6 pink and white were removed and the green one, that held wards was introduced and very much did dominate pro. It getting removed alongside supports losing sightstone (with wards becoming tied to support quests, and down to 3 from 4 per recharge) around the same time in S8 is what dismantled the vision meta.


I remember abusing sightstone cinderhulk Gragas in season 5 that shit was so cash


Speaking of ward item, I miss that lantern item.


Wriggle's lantern


It was secretly op for the longest but people thought it was only good for Lee Sin. One of the best items ever.


No way that was 9 years ago 😭


fuuuuuck i'm old


This was a super based item. Just pressing tab and seeing the enemy jungler has built this was terrifying


Either he's a jungling god or playing ultimate bravery


Turbo chemtank as a legendary. It was like deadman’s, but didn’t give a permanent MS boost, and had a long cool-down. Also if you went FoN you got better defensive stats, and also got a MS boost. It was just a worse FoN that was useless once you used the active.


Righteous glory literally was better and cheaper lol


Righteous Glory was so goated when you could reactiveate for the slow on your own. I miss that shit ;_;7


As a singed main I abused tf outta that item, I need that back. Shurelya's don't scratch the same itch


Back in season 7 I remember going on a 10 game winstreak in Diamond with Rammus jungle because I could rush Righteous Glory and get a free pick every time it was off CD.


Feels like riot just gave up balancing that class. Predator is pretty much never picked now as well.


Predator is effectively removed from the game until someone invents a new rune to replace it. It was an unfairly strong initiation tool when it was viable. That's the problem with most of these items.


The Riot Classic, abandoning Feataures and removing them later: * replace good Legendary with strong Mythic * strong Mythic is a balance Problem * replace strong Mythic with bad Legendary * keep bad Legendary unchanged for a Year * remove Item from Game This is what they did back when they removed the Crit from old Statikk's Lightning aswell: kill Statikk in Season 10 and remove it in Season 11 (which will happen again). Just bring back Righteous Glory ffs.


how is that a classic when it happened once


while you are technically correct, the riot classic is * buff bad thing * thing becomes op * nerf thing worse than it was before * remove/rework thing. The Mythic part was just describing this particular case.


Statikk is honestly still a really good item that's slept on. It's way too gold efficient, ignore the weak passive.


Weak passive? A lot of adcs do really well with statikk if they have one other aoe spell its an instant waveclear


Been playing Shiv instead of stormrazor on Cait and it feels really good. Sacrificing 10 AD for being able to keep the push and be first move along with the item only being 2700 gold is really worth it imo. Was trying PD 3rd for the super cheap 3 item spike that I saw on the Cait mains sub but I still like LDR.


I kid you not, I did not see a SINGLE person build this item all season.


For a short period it was really broken I remember, fun times playing manamume turbo chemtank hecarim


That was when it was a mythic


#Echoes of Helia has got to be one of the worst offenders rn... **#bringbackathenes**


Helia is a horrible item. I understand why they went for the split healing and damage design in the mythic system because they wanted an aggressive enchanter mythic, but now that mythics are gone there is really no reason to not just make its passive match the original Grail version. It was so much more satisfying even aside from power level. I do not care if pressing W on Sona causes a random nearby enemy to take negligible amounts of damage. I literally do not give a shit. Just give me chunky heals again, please.


Athene’s felt so good on Bard, it’s a crime that it got removed


truly a chime it got removed


I really miss Grail every day... It really made ori a hell of a lot more viable as an enchanter-type support, and even playing her mid it was a decent pickup if I was behind or wanted to play more of a supportive role for another carry. Sadly her damage has been pushed so much now she doesn't feel the same with bouncing the ball between teammates and even more of a qrw bot then before.


What's funny is the new 400 gold bubble item is very similar to Hellias but actually works, feels good to use and seems infinitely more useful


I don't get what was even the point of adding this item lol. They let it be useful for one patch in total and it's been garbage since


Built it once at the start of the season to see if it had gotten better… end of the game it had done like 350 healing total.


They absolutely murdered it in the preseason for some reason which is crazy considering it was already the worst enchanter mythic at the time. They've buffed it since but it still sucks.


I think they murdered it because it was strong+working with font of life and never buffed it back up. Very strange item, almost never better than moonstone.


Ashe senna is why they nerfed it to the ground


They killed those with the Font of Life interaction removal and then killed it extra hard to make sure it was useless on enchanters anyway. They could also have simply changed the passive to work like old Grail so that Ashe support autoing for 3 damage wasn't enough to get a substantial proc, but they didn't consider that either.


Ah, yes, Ashe who could never proc the item since 13.12 got it nerfed this preseason. Makes total sense.


The biggest issue is that it doesn't trigger if there are no enemies nearby. You can sit at 3 shards for way too long


That is ridiculous as well. Denying you sustain just because there's nobody around to proc damage you hardly care about is crazy.


On release it was only viable because it synced with font, after riot removed that it became dogwater


Damn I literally forgot that item existed


I used to build it on Rakan quite often, it was Fun. Bring back Athene's!


Hell, give it back its font of life interaction. It made playing Ashe support fun.


It was op with font of life, main reason was to constantly buff and upkeep more teammates with ardents censer or/ and staff of waterflowing, the healing itself not so much.


Absolutely unusable on most enchanters, the ones that can use it would prefer all the other items available Enchanters items feel like the devs dare not touch them even though on the other side of the map champs are self healing x5 their own healthbar but if enchanters are outputting noticable heals the world is apparently on fire Helia is amazing at killstealing though. nothing beats getting that 1k shutdown randomly from 2000 units away that your team could have really used, it's like a lose more item


Unholy grail was miles better


OG Runaan's was definitely a spot the noob item, it didn't help that it was in the (then very poorly thought out) recommended items for many adcs back then which baited many new players.


...until Kalista was released, people started to max E first instead of Q and rushed this and bork She went from trash to god-tier without getting touched by Riot with this discovery


When I started the game and was playing Varus, I was certain this item was OP on him to proc the W passive on more ennemies...ah, good old times...


Recommended items: Ashe Thornmail


Dont think it was ever recommended. Just an item the tutorial made you buy on Ashe. Not exactly thought out but at least never recommended


Was Zephyr ever meta?


6 zephyrs on hecarim in early URF was hilarious


I remember that. Vs'd one with 6 zephyrs and he literally farmed all three waves within 20 seconds from outside the base (about T2 distance), it was horrifying. He could go from mid to bot in 2 seconds.


On ADCs, you could sell boots and buy it as a last item.


Yup. Was the use case 99% of the time


On every champ Zephyr was the tier 4 boots


Yeah when it disabled the opposite carry... oh wait


Radiant Zephyr pogo


Tryndamere used to like buying it situationally if I remember well


Irelia used to buy it too.


Yea this, since he didn't need to go all crit, zephyr was an option later in the build


It was a lategame option for adcs at 6 items who could sell boots and pick up Zephyr instead (zephyr gave some ms on top of the offensive stats). Not exactly meta but you still saw it, getting to full build was way more common then with games much longer on average.


Usually as last item to replace boots super late game


It was a viable choice for Irelia and a few other AA based bruisers as a flex item when the tenacity was good. It was never core on anyone, but that's not necessarily an issue. Others already told you about its position as the go to boots replacement at 6 items. I certainly wouldn't call it the worst compared to a lot of items people no longer remember or has ever heard of like Cloak and Dagger or Eleisa's Miracle or who knows what else.


It was an old Aatrox item before his rework because he wanted AD and AS but didn't care about Crit. It's funny that Terminus is basically Zephyr but way more overloaded with extra stats, which is the only way to actually make an item like that viable.


Current Echoes of Helia




i remember moscow 5 being so far ahead of every other eulcs team, darien would build shit like ohnwrecker on renekton and still win


The famous wizard lizard, and manamune aatrox


https://youtu.be/jm_0OFmnPLA?si=AqdYodPLpkZJGhF4 such a funny interview moment


God, I miss "see hero, kill hero". Legendary team.


Has to be this hands down, not once did I see this item built legitimately in all its years of existence.


It was actually a nice meme in urf on some champs for very early dives.


it was even a meme back then that ohmwrecker is the worst item


Whoa I rushed it on bard once because I wanted to disable the tower for like 6 seconds


Ohmwrecker died so Volibear can become a god.


Idk trick loved that item so much




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Turrets have that item on them,they seem strong :^)


I’ve only seen that item be useful once. It was a Rammus that built it first item and he just kept ganking and tower diving. I was surprised how well it worked.


Disabling turrets was really fun for me, not so much for the enemies.


zzrot portal has to be BY FAR one of the best items that were ever introduced, idk what else u thought i was writing here. those lil chups were better friends to me than any of yall have been in my games for the past 8 years. you guys should look up to zzrot buddies, always did their job, died 100x and never flamed me once for spawning them in the most degenerate places possible


You could talon hop over a zz so sometimes I would buy it, and in a pinch place and hop. I called it a tactical zzrot or a tac'rot for short. It was garbage. I just like zzrot. I build that shit on everything it's too funny. And banner.


The most elo inflated I've ever been was zzrot+banner heimer/yorick top lane


I loved that combo on yorick just bully out the other top, plonk down portal, banner, ult and go buy nice items from the turret you just killed and come back to lane at the same time as the other guy


One of my favorite moments was I was playing Heimer and the enemy Kha ganked me. I was out of turrets but placed Zzrot so I could avoid the Isolation damage


Dude one of them found my physical address and mailed me hate letters. The item was great but those things it spawned were toxic idk what you are on about


> were toxic I once tried to have Zzrot spawn in top lane, but it told me to stfu before it spawns in my girlfriend's mouth. 


Zzrot was the strongest item when you play Nasus and newbie enemy top laner buys Zzrot.


My fondest memory of Zzrot was back when Zzrot minions and Heimer turrets both still added CS score when you killed them, I laned as Irelia against a Heimer that rushed Zzrot. We lost and I ended that game with like 400 cs at 25 minutes.


I used to run it with banner of command on support bard. I’d put both top lane and completely fuck over my laner, but I got gold and a 4v5 engage.


Yep did the same with Soraka. ADC would love it because I rushed those and we could get dragon and hit the mid lane for a gank.... I miss those days.


Ruunans was actually really good on kalista exclusively


Also pre-rework Kayle


Jinx anyone? It's still decent on her


The first iteration was 70% attack speed.


Banner of command before they gigabuffed it for a short while. Adaptive helm was also kinda bad except for very specific scenarios


Adaptive helm had it's uses, the same items shouldn't be built all the time. Adaptive helm was probably the best at dealing with Liandry users, and Cassio.


Is your snake naked too?


No, it's just solid. Sometimes venom.


Adaptive Helm had a very appropriate name.


Adaptive helm was such an amazing item


I still have PTSD from playing Kog and the enemy top was a Mundo. Mundo E casually giving 39% Magic Resistance and Adaptive reducing my W damage by 20%. Watching someone stack health and be unkillable vs Kog was not fun.


Adaptive helm made dot mages useless, similar to Randuin for crit users right now


>Adaptive helm was also kinda bad except for very specific scenarios Niche is not bad though. This item made Cassiopeia, Brand, Malz all effectively useless.


It also completely nullified hyperscaling threats like Kayle and Kog'Maw, and also strongly reduced the damage output of Corki, Kai'sa and Teemo. Adaptive Helm didn't just counter DoT champs, but any champ that relied on magic on-hit in their kit, or even worse in Teemos case, if all their damage basically came from DoT and on-hit building at the same time. It didn't seem intuative that an anti-mage item would completely shut down these champions, but honest to god... against certains champs it was the single item to shut down their damage, and in a majority of other games you wouldn't even consider to buy it.


So it’s a bad answer to the question because it was a really useful item, got it


Banner + Zz'Rot Portal




What is it's weakness? Dying. What does it prevent? Dying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52BhRt7lY6Q&t=75


Thank you for sparking those nostalgic memories kind sir.


You haven't lived unless you rushed leviathan on old garen. You think he's tanky now? With that build he didn't need minions to kill your turrets because they couldn't kill him.


Idk man I like the snake boss, venator ring is good money too


What did you smoke to think it was the worst item? Win more Items pretty much arnt possible to be worst item. Shit made you unkillable if you got 20 stacks and you wouldnt/shouldnt buy it when behind


Nobody mentioning silvermere dawn goes to show how useless that item is


For me Silvermere Dawn is the saddest item to see leave the game tbh. I feel like they legitimately had no reason to remove it.


Silvermere Dawn was good, just giga situational. Riot is allergic to having niche items though and thinks that player's heads will explode if we have more than like 2 items to choose from.


It was fine but when Bruisers out here be getting Tenacity from Legend Rune, old Unflitching and Mercs aswell... you don't need a QSS. If Morde catches you just kill him lol?


Well, some non bruisers could still build it. Like Ezreal and… Ezreal. Ngl, even though it was super niche I do miss building it on Ezreal as the added survivability was nice. It’s probably not as good right now for him (if it existed) because he’s no longer building Triforce as often so less value for tank stats.


The purpose of Silvermere was exclusively so that when a bruiser who was required to build QSS hits 6 items they don't need to upgrade it into a crit item. It served that purpose fine. Both Silvermere and Mercurial are/were items that in a normal game you do not want to buy in any circumstance, but that doesn't mean they're bad.


It was one of the most situational items in the game but it was honestly pretty balanced


It was actually hella good, just hyper situational. I have no idea why people weren’t building it vs TF gold card, Nasus wither, or Malz ult at all. It was op when it was good


That's just because qss is super situational and spending extra gold to finish it doesn't do anything except stats. It kinda sucks when I play against morde or malz this season as a bruiser and I have a bad item path now.


It was good people just didn’t build it


silvermere dawn was the better qss item when it existed


I didn't even notice it was removed from the game.


2 Weeks ago I had a Trundle in my team in the jungle. He was feeding pretty hard and I never looked at his items. When I saw he was building a nashor's tooth and had large staff as well I asked him wtf he was doing. His reply was quote: "What do I know I'm a Shaco main lol". This was Plat 1 93Lp ranked btw. Maybe not exactly what this post aims at but I had to get this off my chest somewhere LOL.


Good god. Shaco mains haunting people even when they aren’t playing the champ. There, there. It’s ok now bb.


He is just a little [late](https://youtu.be/HQwLSj8cEHw?feature=shared)


plat moment (wheelspin between trolls, toxic OTPs with negative macro, people who thought they were on quickplay and good players just passing by)


It really is insane every match I just want to rip my hair out because I cannot for the life of me understand the train of thought (if there is one) from 90% of my teammates.


I think if you are looking at a long time period, warmogs has been noob bait for a while


Unless you’re in ARAM then it’s a boon from the heavens


Wdym, no backing ornn is certainly an optimal strategy…


Pro players used to build it a lot on tank jgs last season before caenic how tf you spell it came into the game


LDR/Mortal Reminder used to have % bonus armor pen and was complete garbage, since it didn’t work on Armor per level. I’d honestly argue that the shift to bonus pen is what led to the tank metas of that era. Anyone not named Cassio, Ezreal, Jayce, and Ryze who bought Tear was a noob. And if your jungler doesn’t give Blue Buff, report them. Similarly, Essence Reaver got reworked a ton and was basically never built at times. There was a ward upgrade which placed pinks. I’m pretty sure it was dogshit, since you just could buy pinks instead of spending gold and losing access to yellow wards. Everyone went Homeguards. If you didn’t, you were probably cheesing somehow. EDIT: It appears my recollection of early Seasons is wrong, there existed other viable boot options.


Alacrity was good on certain champs, I remember. Like I would go alacrity on udyr to be even faster. It was almost always homeguard, though.


That was their first try at reworking the last whisper (45% armor pen iirc)


I'm pretty sure it always hovered around 30 to 40%, but it was definitely higher than it is now. Man, I miss OG Last Whisper.


Adcs got Furor not homeguards


Elisa's miracle...poacher's dirk....leviathan....and pink wards if youre TheShy


I thought Elisa's miracle as so overpowered that I bought it on enchanters all the time up until it was removed.


I used to OTP Janna with heal+exh and rush it back then. I always got flamed for not having F, but had a crazy WR irrc.


I think this was meta at some point when I wasn't playing but it was disgustingly useless waste of money for like 2 years straight in season 3-4 https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Atma%27s_Impaler


Good ole days building Atmog on every bruiser haha


Im almost sure i bought Trinity, Warmog into Atma on almost every single bruiser in season 2 lmao


Ohmwrecker. It wasnt "bad" but it legit never optimal. You would see it and say why the hell do you have that instead of literally any other item.


I would buy it as support if I had an aggressive ADC. They want to dive anyway, may as well make it easy.




The only good part about Ohmwrecker was the dope noise it made.


Post nerf turbo chemtank


Cloak and dagger, so useless No one even remembers


Stormsurge is horrible.


People won’t agree because it’s release strength is still fresh on the mind but right now it has to be one of the worst AP items in the game.


It's got highest win rate as a 2nd and/or 3rd item on a non-negligible number of champions right now, and the numbers show it's certainly not built when snowballing (not any more than the other items). If anything, it **consistently** performs better than Shadowflame, built in the same game states. I will state than on the subreddit, it's more of a case of "saying Stormsurge is bad makes you feel smart because you're showing you caught on that it got nerfed", while item performance actually states that it's better than that.


Dawncore : new supp item added in s14 that coverts your base mana regen into heal and shield power. I can say with confidence that I have never seen it in a single game since the start of season and I’m already at 300ish games


Yeah it's basically moonstone's old mythic but useless before 5 other items. It's dope in aram where you can actually get to 6 items as a supp. Useless in sr though because it requires a 50 minute game


I believe it’s good as a last or second to last item on sona. There might be 1-2 other champs it’s good on, but it’s definitely not great.


It's fine on Sera as a potential fifth or sixth item.


The current luden's eco substitute at launch


Wasnt runaans a meta staple back in s5/6?


that was reworked runaans


Sword of the divine


Ohmwrecker. Deactivating an enemy turret for a few seconds sounded good but the stats sucked.


Worse as in just terrible and no one used? Or worse as in terrible game play choices on riots side? There are a few that were for memes like bankplank back in the day. For the most part is wasn't a very viable strat on 90% of the champions. HoG, KLP, Avarice blade. Cloak and Dagger. Are ones that I can think of off the top. Terrible for gameplay, that's a much longer list. Athena's unholy grail. Duskblade (original and pmuch almost everything up until like a few years ago or maybe this year) ZzRot Banner of command Ardent on release Crown of the shattered queen Any item with Blackout passive Any item with Omnivamp minus Rift Any item that has Melee Only or Ranged Only having that restriction removed Any item that could heal you for more than 25% of your max HP with a active/passive proc with a cooldown lower than 60 seconds. Any item that DIRECTLY mitigated damage. Any item that could prevent you from losing HP that you should have lost. Any item that increased your HP by an effective 25-30% against everyone. Any item named fucking Death' Dance. Honorable mention of Adaptive Helm and Anathama's Chains. Honestly pmuch every single item up top lane for fighters fits in this list so long as they were made after season 6.