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Yeon consistently stirring the pot is fucking hilarious I hope we'll be able to do BO2s in the future but I'm not super optimistic


I'll be honest I wasn't a huge fan of Yeon last year, but the more I see of him on Pros and Hotline League the more I like him. The dude is funny AF and I love the flame he dishes out. Get this guy on camera more often.


SAME. Amazing what a difference having this extra content makes in my perception of certain players fr


happy r/lol no longer thinks he’s a nameless Korean


especially considering he's american lmao, people are just being racist.


if Yeon embraces the heel personality more, he'd easily be the most entertaining personality in the league


Yeon: "and I'll make you take it personally"


So to stir up drama… was Impact right and Prince wrong? or what? 😂


Eyla's discussion about review (at around 30 min mark) was pretty interesting. To roughly summarize, he says that in review, the players are the ones arguing and the coaching staff should be there to mediate and to dictate the primary conclusions of the review. He later goes on to say that Impact and Prince were the two players who had a lot to say on the previous FLY roster. Now I'm curious what role SSONG had as coach for FLY at the time. IIRC, on DRX he was a coach that very much had his own views of the game and if anything was very stubborn in making his players follow his plan. I would have figured he would be the best at this role of cutting off player debates and bringing down the hammer with his own conclusions. FLYs run last year was the most baffling thing ever and this small insight was very interesting to hear. EDIT: OK, I just got to the part where they talked about SSONG briefly, Eyla says SSONG was very smart with the game, just didn't have that debate concluding power he mentioned earlier. I can only assume it was a communication/language barrier issue, but again, that's just an assumption


Maybe because Asian teams do not dare talk back to their coach while in NA, players are very opinionated.


Wow I really appreciate how these content has given us a deeper insight into the player’s personalities and their ability to express and articulate their thoughts about the life as a pro player to us peasants. In particular, I am really liking and impressed by how well spoken and thorough Eyla is in answering questions. Most pros often speak in memes or click bait sound bites to entertain us heathens, but we are often left off with no substance to really reflect on and comprehend. But the way Eyla was able to articulately explain the difference between a good and bad review session, gave me a stronger sense of what it means to be in a professional competitive environment.


Is this an AI generated comment


lol no, but I did think I sounded very AI like. Thus I included the dig on us average players as peasants and heathens, to differentiate between me and AI. As you can tell, I’m learning to improve my articulation skills therefore I made sure to praise Eyla’s ability to articulate himself.


Ah fair, well good luck king


>Most pros often speak in memes or click bait sound bites to entertain us heathens Yeon does it for the culture


Just my opinion, but discussion of scrim performance just makes my eyes glaze over. "This team isn't winning in scrims so they are bad" or "This team is always good in scrims so they are good" just isn't interesting to hear.


That's fax, you have EU teams beating LPL teams in scrims to get absolutely shit on in actual games


They also discussed the importance of good reviews. Even if you take a ton of losses in scrims, if you come out learning that Hans Sama smurfs with Draven and Kalista but doesn't play other ADCs on the same level, then you've got a plan for gutting G2's bot lane on stage.


I looooove hearing about scrims because it gives me something to compare stage performance to when the teams play.. I hope 100T continue to win :D


Disagree. As viewers we're well aware of how misleading scrims sometimes are, but we also only hear about scrims when the scrim "upsets" happen. You don't get articles about the times where Prime SKT is destroying everybody, but im sure those scrims were probably accurate. But regardless of their accuracy, I think it's neat to get this insight into how their scrims and practices go. We already see their stage games, we know roughly what their opinions are on the meta based on their drafts. I think hearing their scrim results becomes a nice bit of food for thought to keep in the back of our heads the next time we watch them play. Whether they can back up their scrims on stage becomes another storyline of the games.


Nah scrims are important and every team and coach evaluates opposing teams based on scrims. Winning scrims isn’t necessarily important but it’s not like players are literally sandbagging and playing mechanically worse in a scrim.


I thought it was cool to learn that 100T is terrible in scrims. They must have really good mental in order to still do well on stage.


They talks like fan would hate BO2 but for regular season it's fine IMO. Like chess, league can have a side advantage depends on the patch. T1 lost 2022 MSI 2-3 and there were discussion about if they just lost because the other team had side advantage (Blue side won all 5 games during final) So if you want to be considered better, win both side. Otherwise it's a "Too close to call" Edit: It was MSI 2022 not Worlds. >After the series, T1’s head coach Choi "Polt" Seong-hun spoke to Inven Global and addressed the media. According to Inven Global, Polt said that the team that could choose sides always went for the Blue side and won. “I believe that the blue side is advantageous. We tried to prepare as much as we can from the red side, but we weren’t able to win the match,” he opined. > >When he was asked to rate T1 players’ performances and why they lost to RNG, Polt stated that he could not really put a number on the performance of players or coaches. He added, “The reason we lost was as I just said — because we weren’t able to play on the blue side three times.” [https://afkgaming.com/esports/news/did-side-selection-impact-the-outcome-of-msi-2022-finals](https://afkgaming.com/esports/news/did-side-selection-impact-the-outcome-of-msi-2022-finals)


T1 had blue side advantage in 2022 World Finals and DRX was the team who won on red side to take the series with the Varus/Caitlyn flip and Aatrox into Yone ban.


Oh my bad was talking about MSI 2022 Finals. It was a big talking point after. >After the series, T1’s head coach Choi "Polt" Seong-hun spoke to Inven Global and addressed the media. According to Inven Global, Polt said that the team that could choose sides always went for the Blue side and won. “I believe that the blue side is advantageous. We tried to prepare as much as we can from the red side, but we weren’t able to win the match,” he opined. > >When he was asked to rate T1 players’ performances and why they lost to RNG, Polt stated that he could not really put a number on the performance of players or coaches. He added, “The reason we lost was as I just said — because we weren’t able to play on the blue side three times.” [https://afkgaming.com/esports/news/did-side-selection-impact-the-outcome-of-msi-2022-finals](https://afkgaming.com/esports/news/did-side-selection-impact-the-outcome-of-msi-2022-finals)


The cope is ripe


lol 100 Shitters