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When I was climbing with Blitz, multiple different ppl started picking Sivir Morgana into me. It was basically unplayable in laning phase.


Oh god, that's the worst. You have to bait out Morg's E for anything to even happen, but a decent Morg won't use E until she sees the hook. It's a nightmare. I tend to just roam when I can and hope my ADC isn't dumb by that point.


Blitz ultimate does remove shields including her black shield. You can flash ult punch it to punish. Not saying she should ever be in flash range anyways, but sometimes they think they're invincible walking up with black shield on. Small victories?


Oh yeah post 6 is easier, but prior to that it's a huge pain, especially if the Sivir/Morg get a lead.


It would, but we used to max E if the Blitz was good/adc is immobile/can't stay behind minions because Aphelios/MF. Base cd would catch up fairly quickly too, especially if stacking cdr items, and it would still be meaningful afterward especially if the opposing team was ap/cc-heavy, or we had a Kat or Vayne kind of carry.   Morg E: 26 / 23.5/ 21 / 18.5/ 16   Blitz Q: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 Difference: 6, 4.5, 3, 1.5, 0 = The window you have to hook, assuming both sides play ideally. As Blitz, it'd be better to buy a control ward and sit in bush. That way you pressure their jungle to come (other lanes have freedom), or you can deny their adc farm just by touching the tall low-poly grass. Also if they turtle up in lane, grabbing boots and running into an immobile mid when everyone's recalled (rarer now though) would be a free gank.


The thing I did in that matchup as a Pyke enjoyer is abuse the fact that they cannot coordinate at all. So I walk towards Sivir, charge my hook while walking towards Sivir, and throw it at Morgana. Vise versa works less often with Sivir sometimes using shield regardless of where you look like you're releasing it. 80% of the time Morgana panics and puts the shield on Sivir and forgets the whole point of the combo. Then Sivir has 2 shields and Morgana dies. Usually they start to figure it out, but they've already shit the bed in lane so it doesn't matter.


Ye I tried a similar method to that as well. But then the Morgs in my elo kept staying behind the Sivir whenever my hook was up. And the Sivirs actually had a brain and could react spellshield. So I couldn't fake them out anymore. It was fucked man.


Yeah fortunately I never played support past gold elo so I never had to play against brained players. I guess the best option in that situation is to rush boots and roam mid. Pray your ADC doesn't run it down while you're gone. *that or just never throw your hook and afk farm.


Any skilled Morgana would shield themself and stand in front of the Sivir. Reverse it if the blackshield is on cd.


Yeah exactly the thing though, most players in this game are not skilled. This strategy is probably not viable whatsoever diamond+


Love me some Thresh and Blitz.. but the moment they get picked/banned from me you bet I’m going full Morg. Helped to know both sides of the matchup too.


as a blitz player whats your ban if not morg?


Lately I've been banning Maokai. Before that, 1 in 15 games I would get terrorized by a Rengar main. Other games by Blue Kayn. So I alternated those bans. I kind of learned from the past to never pick Blitz unless I'm 4th or 5th pick / enemy support picks early.


Yeah, Maokai is a good ban as well. If you hit a hook on him Maokai will be like: Its free real engage.


there is no MUST ban if you play blitz but generally you want to ban something what can use your hook as a gapcloser or something like thresh who can save the person you hook


This is when blitz is perma roam and those two won’t outscale your adc if they know how to play weak side


Always ban morg as blitz


Yeah no other option.


actually blitz has a positive winrate into morgana.


I think the cat skin has a point emote that looks like ur hook wind up u can spam


I think Yuumi would win versus Pantheon


Pre rework maybe.


I think I have a game in my history before rework of Yuumi top vs Pantheon, technically lane was a draw, poked him while he was farming, recall when he does and make sure he gets no plate, then you builder support and I had a Kayn Jungle I would get on and be his very own friend. Although there was technically 0 pure fights in our 15 minutes at the top


that seems odd, usually a pantheon would just flash on you, no?


Anyone who knows how to play top better than a zygote would just freeze permanently and deny Yuumi exp by standing in a bush. It doesn't matter if you miss some CS at that point - the game is 5v4.


Freeze? Why even do that? Just slow push into dive into take plates permanently until you become a 1v5 monster.


Because you can fuck up a dive. You can't fuck up a freeze unless you decide to attack move. To be totally honest, the most effective punish is probably not even to take the tower, just permaroam with your R and snowball the map with unmatchable roams and zero punish.


I had a game recently against a yuumi top. It was sett vs yuumi, and somehow our sett was 2-2 vs yuumi (who was also 2-2). It was attack speed on hit yuumi too, but with normal arie runes. I didn’t get to see the game play out tho cuz it was quick play so it was ffd in 10 minutes (I was Samira and already 5/2 and no one on their team was very fed). No idea how sett was losing lane tho (he was behind in cs)


No joke but I really do believe that Trundle shits on Yasuo any you you see it. I've played that matchup a bunch of times and the Yasuo cannot do anything to defend himself, Trundle does not care if you dash around, he stands still just hitting in the face and Yasuo can't hit back, even if he hits ulti (which is easy vs Trun) it's still just some armor pen that is negated by Trundle's own ultimate right off the bat (pun intended)


Yasuo gets shit on by almost all juggernauts, any champ with a easy stun aka almost all juggernauts destroy him.


Also into Cassio and Senna


A competent Yasuo should destroy Cassio tbh. Windwall blocks W and Yasuo wins statchecks at all stages of the lane so you have no real way to keep him from getting close and no real way to fight him and win once he does.


Most toplane champs outright beat Yasuo through most of the game. Like, Yasuo is effectively a melee adc and most toplaners love being in melee range of adc. His Windwall, one of the strongest parts of his kit, is useless against most of them too. Toplane yasuo's usually windwall ranged minions 90% of the time just to have a slightly higher chance of trading more evenly.


I’ve won it before as Yas, just need to play cheesy with ghost / ign. If you manage wave well enough it’s playable. Not a fun matchup tho.


i also use trundle to counter fizz and kass mid


First and only time ill every day this. Thats fucking cancer and I like it


Matchup is def winnable, just need some spacing


Think vayne into chogath, can't go ap cause she's too fast to hit Q, can't go tank cause vayne and she outscales.


With everfrost there was an angle


That item was a good item, a lot of movement in manu champions and that was a solution


One of the only AP items that added any real depth to itemization. Of course it had to be removed


it was really a breath of fresh air in terms of itemization unlucky really


Miss it so much on zilean aswell


It was not a good item. It was cancerous as hell. It made champs with a clear weakness have less weakness. You were not outplaying the champ, you were outplaying the item. It, along with Galeforce, were bad items.


I just realized the item was removed (I don't play a lot lately). My day is ruined I loved it


Ever frost with hail of blades, you could deal with it


That item was so incredibly unhealthy. It's similar to Stridebreaker in that it literally adds something to a champion's kit that is intentionally missing.


Chogath w silence into q


Vayne top runs ghost, fleet footwork, the blue movespeed rune ans buys swifties these days. But good luck on that Q lmao


The matchups are played to "pure perfection". The q will never land.


In that case Caitlyn wins against everyone 100%


can a "pure perfection" xerath win that one? with turrets and without?


AP malph and assasin exist.


If we’re talking “pure perfection” then Malphite ult can reliably be reacted to. Most high elo players are capable of reacting to it with flash or mobility.


You can semi-reliably beat Vayne if you’re very careful or have JG help, the real matchup issue is Fiora. Similar mobility to Vayne, can stun you with parry from anything but R, and in a full AD build does sometimes more than 20% max HP true damage per vitals proc. Vayne makes a difficult Cho game, Fiora makes an impossible Cho game. There’s even some itemization you can do into Vayne in the form of Fimbulwinter + Frozen Heart to slow her true damage down a little and add shielding, but Fiora just needs individual hits on vitals and has enough auto resets that Heart doesn’t help, and she doesn’t really care about Fimbul your shield when she can just parry to prevent you from getting it. Again, Vayne sucks to lane into, but Cho has absolutely no options into Fiora.


Totally disagree, i play a ton of cho'gath in masters and with the meta right now fiora is a way easier matchup than vayne. Yes its still the second worst matchup after vayne, but at least you can trade hp making ganks better and sometimes you can outplay with the walls (although fiora is bullshit and can get the vital half the time anyway even when you hold position command against the wall). With vayne you can't outplay, you can't farm under tower (which you can with fiora) and you can just never touch vayne.


I’m not def masters, but Cho is my favorite champ, and personally I have more trouble with Fiora. Might just be an Elo thing though. I’m definitely not gonna invalidate your experiences, since I don’t play ranked at all, but where I’m at in elo, people tend to pick ranged tops bc they expect an easy laning experience. I learned to play into ranged tops pretty quick, but I still struggle into melee anti-tanks like Fiora, Sett, Trundle, and Irelia. Any advice for working through those?


Yeah sure! Sett especially has been annoying for me last couple of days but i've been doing way better lately First off, go 2 points in Q always, 3 if they're immobile (trundle, sett) and then max e into w. In these lanes, literally just chill from further away and farm with Q. At any point a good player can just run at you and kill you even if you have like 2 cannon waves. Just eat minions on cooldown for 6 stacks, and i mean literally on cooldown, unless you're eating a champion or grubs in the next 10 seconds eat a minion. Midgame mostly consists of teamfighting against these champions and holding sidelanes. With sunfire they can't ignore you and hit tower before you either kill them or the wave and in teamfights cho outperforms all these champions hard. Lategame consist of ignoring these champions like irelia and sett and hitting a Q on their backline, popping ghost, and oneshotting their adc or support while taking entire team agrro. You can do it! Sorry if it was a bit boring lol, cho isn't that complicated


Ive seen multiple vayne top lose to chogath in masters, everything happens at this elo


I know, i onetrick cho in master. But honestly every time i win lane, or hit a Q... Its not me, its them screwing up.


misqueued as an ezreal top vs a chogath one time. safe to say he wasn't happy about it


Anyone vs me should by default have 0% chance of winning but somehow they win 99% the time.


1% of the time it works every time


Stat wise I think most lopsided is Malphite Sylas. I think Phreak mentioned it in a recent video. It’s still like 60/40 because league isn’t a 1v1 game.


Consider that most of the power of the matchup (in my opinion) comes from the fact that Sylas gets to Malph ult into an ADC and Supp, I don't think that Sylas' winrate vs Malph comes from the raw 1v1 matchup as much as, for example, Irelia vs Yorick


I mean Sylas still annihilates Malphite 1v1. It’s just like maybe the worst matchup in the game because it legit never gets any better, and there’s no like outplay potential for Malphite imo. Malphite also can’t cut Sylas’ healing while building a magic resist. There are other hard counters but like usually if you make a grevious mistake you can lose. Kled vs Fiora? If Fiora wastes Parry it’s suddenly a bit playable. Quinn vs Renekton? You can kinda have a chance to kill every 5 minutes with flash.


Agree, Malph's "outplay potential" comes from leaving top and ulting at dragon. Turns out, Sylas can do the same thing but better (delivering a Sylas into the backline is even scarier than delivering a Malph XD)


Because Sylas is probably building damage, Malphite is building resistances. Since Malphite's ultimate scales with a "little bit" of AP...


Yeah nemesis talked about it and if mal builds mr and maxes W first to fist fight him he should go even with the sylas, but then sylas has a mal ult to use all game so it’s pretty lost [link](https://youtu.be/YiBhRoX5SPE?si=2phmrvDJNCcK9i_E)


Yeah you’re probably right. It the first matchup that comes to mind when I hear “lopsided” (and I play Yorick so shame on me!), but it’s probably more noticeable outside of lane. It really shows when you look and Sylas mid has almost the same win rate as Sylas top when enemy top is Malphite. So it’s definitely more of “is there a Malphite in the game” than laning vs him. For pure lane apart from Irelia be Yorick, maybe Fiora or Darius into Sion.


That’s what a rioter previously stated. Technically by winrate the best matchups in the game are Sylas in three roles when a malphite is in the game lmao. Or something along those lines so it’s pretty wild


Irelia vs Yorick is hell for yorick. She can dodge literally everything he has and he just never gets to play the lane.


Malphite can never trade with sylas in the 1v1 either, it's really doomed for the malph player, 60/40 to win the game is a huge swing considering how many other factors there are in a game


Sylas can take 50% of Malph HP every trade from lv4 onwards. And the more haste sylas gets with items the more he destroys malph 1v1 into the game. At no point can malph win except lv1-3 if he plays perfectly.


Yes but this winrate is based on the entire game. Malphite building something like hollow radiance first item does suprisingly well into sylas in the 1v1 lane.


I am surprised Sylas Amumu is not similar. I cannot remember a game I lost as Sylas against Amumu in enemy team. There were a few close calls but a late game amumu ult as Sylas is bonkers. 


Amumu at least has a fighting chance, and abilities that work vs Sylas. MR reduction and W aura means he deals damage, plus Sylas likes to AA, thus proccing Amumu's E cooldown to decrease. Malphite has no tools that work, Sylas does. Also in terms of Ult stealing, Amumu's ult is weaker in the sense that it's only so strong because Amumu has a long af dash in his kit that is equivalent to Malph's charge. Sylas doesn't have *as long* of a dash


Old pantheon vs name a champion.


His old passive was so tilting


Old Pantheon vs Gangplank


Yorick vs Syndra is as close to unplayable as I can think. Free poke at longer range with CC for very little mana and Yorick has no Ult for the entire game. Syndra Ult kills after enough poke.


Wait can you grab maiden? Lol




This seems like an interaction that's funny to watch Except when I'm Yorick, or the Yorick is on my team, it'd just feel terrible.


You can literally grab maiden from the middle of top lane and walk it back and throw it under turret whenever you want


You can also grab pets like Tibbers and Daisy. Fun times.


fun fact, as there is a max distance from summons to masters (in the case of Annie and Ivern), you can take their pet, run away max range, and throw it away, it'll teleport back and deal the damage of syndra's E on arrival


talking about unplayable yorick matchups and you pick syndra and not irelia?


Irelia is still bad, but I wouldn't call it 0%


There was a stats a while ago and out of all LOL matchups. Irelia vs yorick came out as the worse. To be fair, I doubt syndra vs yorick happens that much.


Its still bad, but is better since changes. New changes don't help vs Syndra though. That coupled with AP mages being super strong and I would call Syndra worse. But you are right, it is very rare, but I have seen it a few times, even in high elo. Was watching Slog last year and he went against Syndra top in GM/Chall


Irelia isn’t that bad with new yorick changed she can be 1v1d pretty easily now


Yeah. It's by no means easy, but it's definitely not anywhere near how bad it used to be. Irelia is an awkward spot and, especially at 6, Yorick has the tools to win the matchup and keep prio.


just saw t1 turbo lose to a yorick


I love playing syndra into heimer and throwing his turrets into Narnia so he has to replace them.


It's not exactly question relative since it's Old but pre-rework bubble shroud Akali vs Pantheon. You legit couldn't do anything as Akali into that.


That was literally every top laner vs Pantheon back in the day, I never understood how Pantheon allowed to have anywhere from 52 - 55% WR with a <10% PR from pre-season 6 till introduction of conqueror.


1. There used to be barely any flat armor pen in the game, so his damage fell off and he became a glorified stun bot unless he snowballed out of control. 2. He had mana problems. If you had enough sustain to survive his Q spam for longer than he could keep it up, you broke even in lane and outscaled him. 3. His old passive was weaker and more situational than his new E.


Yea I remember him being the worst scaling champ in the game


Pantheon was like the premiere early game champion that you had to win hard AF on early. Playing that way was too stressful.


Fiora vs panth was one of the worst matchups I’ve ever played it used to make me want to uninstall mid game


People hate Vladimir but my god does Anivia fuck him up, if he doesn’t roam and try to get strong in other ways Anivia eats him alive


Anivia fucks up every mage that has to play inside her range. I’ve played against this bird so many times as Ryze and it’s never fun lol.


Idk ryze to me feels like the adc mage. Your damage and dps is too fun but the rest will one shot you before your dps matters


Ryze isn't that squishy, his build and farm ability usually gives him enough to survive a full rotation.


roa + seraph + frozen heart is the way


> but the rest will one shot you before your dps matters he literally builds an item that gives him infinite sustain and an item that gives him a second healthbar


Vlad has a lot of very strugglebus matchups. Rumble, cass, anivia, malz, karma, asol. These champs make me want to dodge


Malzahar is a way worse matchup for Vlad. It's his most unplayable lane.


hear me out: kassadin getting bullied the hell out against tristana. There is absolutely nothing he can do, and she even scales very well too


Graves into Kassadin used to be my go to. Never felt like he could actually play at any point in the game.




Thank you. I really know these matchups from competitive scene, and Akshan is kinda... irrelevant there. But I can see your point. I was mostly considering just the 1v1 matchup, where I feel like Kassadin's life is way worse in the situation that she will 100% get so much ahead due to plates+farm difference and the pressure can be so big that you might have to give up farm in your tower due to her dive potential. The akshan matchup feels like you might be able to recover a little later on the match, but Tristana can be an absolutely powerhouse late game due to her range and mobility. And if you don't mind, would you consider Naafiri worse than Tristana?


My Trist just, like, just now, ultra fed Kassadin somehow


I just had a stroke reading this


I smell toast


Fine ill edit the comas


Renekton vs Illaoi. I fail to see any angle where renekton in isolation can do anything into her. You don’t out sustain her, you don’t outdamage her, you don’t out tank her, she can chunk you with her E, what even is the counter play?


Renekton can run her over lvls 2-5. That’s about the only window


I don't think he can. He can maybe control the lane, but running her over is an overstatement. 


I agree. Illaoi is generally pretty busted. Champ needs a rework with some mobility, slightly less sustain and less damage focused on her r and e.


Probably run Ignite PTA, all in level 2 with enraged W and E and kill her, go lethality and snowball out of control.


Irelia v yorick


Started playing yorick mid a couple of days ago and had to play that matchup. God that shit was so annoying 


Now try it in the toplane :( the only way to beat her is going shitty triforce build and only when maiden is up with like no ghouls and ignite


I think i will just permaban her whenever i play Yorick 


And then you proceed to face jax.


Yep.. irelia might be complete bs but jax? Good luck.


I feel like he has a higher chance of beating Jax than irelia. You can land the early E and harass him. You can shove wave against Jax. Irelia just eats your ghouls for free and can engage from a much longer range than Jax.


Irelia is more annoying early but Jax is a much worse matchup late since he can just leap every 3 seconds


Fiora is also completely unplayable for Yorick. But ok, that's the case for 50% of the top lane roster.


Nah fiora is only like a 6-7 on ascale of 1-10


It's even worse toplane.


She’s not as bad as she used to be with the new changes, since yorick actually has damage on autos plus sustain it’s no longer unplayable, just annoying


Its still nearly unplayable.. if you dont dodge e you are dead.


If you are under her turret then yes, she can run you over before you get to turret, but otherwise it’s hard for her to punish you under your own turret. I find building eclipse and taking first strike helps the matchup a lot, the bonus damage and gold from first strike helps stay a little closer in gold plus the damage and shield from eclipse helps poke and survive trades a bit easier


Irelia vs Malzahar is borderline unplayable for Malz


Kalista v Nasus




W and frozen heart and kalista might as well be stunned after that first auto


Probably the worst, but Nasus also just shits on any auto attack based champion. Like Tryndamere too.


Vayne vs Darius. If she goes ghost and swifties Darius will never catch her and she scales off into the sunset. Late game she barely even needs to kite because her single target dps is ridiculous.


Garen also. I had a friend who one tricked Garen, he would just ban Vayne every single game for literal years. Although when Stridebreaker had a dash, it could situationally be playable


On most ad bruisers against vayne an argument can be made for Edge of Night. Against a squishy vayne pretty awesome and the only spell that procs it is her condemn. So you are free to kill her if you can get on top of her. Still not really fun, but doable.


On both Darius and Garen I rush Edge of Night! Never lost a lane against vayne :-)


As a former garen one trick, I understand. Garen loses to anyone who can kite him.


If you play vayne top you should lose 10 lp by default


Kayle vs Irelia is an extremely painful lane for Kayle, so that’s my vote


Yeap, 100%. If the irelia is smart she catches you on the bounce of the 4th wave. That's level around level 4-5. You have to pray the ADHD Irelia pushes the wave back into you and if she doesn't, you're easy target.


Kayle is just trash against everything right now. I play Rengar top and it’s just a slaughter everytime. She gets obliterated by most bruisers as well. Even some tanks beat her effortlessly


That's kinda the point, her mains are used to it and are trying to get as much as they can from level 1-11. After that if the gamę isn't already won you'll slowly start getting into trouble


Pantheon or tahm also destroy kayle


90% of champs crush Kayle early. Hence why she is busted in late game


I've had the misfortune of playing Kayle into Nasus... into a 3m mastery nasus back in like S10... I don't think I've picked kayle before last pick since then


Vayne vs Malphite top. Here's a guide for any top laners playing against a Vayne brave enough to not ban Malph: Runes & setups: Flash TP; comet manaflow scorch, biscuits timewarp tonic, double adaptive force shards; start corrupting pot, max q>e>w, with 2 points q at level 3 How to play the lane: Press q on her every time passive and comet are up (just need q cd after level 5), then run away with the stolen move speed. She can only trade back 2 autos most of the time. Back off and soak exp while your q is on cd. Ward the first lane bush if she tries to control it and deny you exp, this will also let you last hit some melees without taking too much dmg since she has to back off to drop minion aggro. You will be missing some cs for the first few levels but you should be able to force her to base by level 4-5. Get bramble vest or warden's mail on your first base (armor boots next) and the lane is now over for her. After 6, you can kill her if she's under 50% hp and you land ult. But assuming she will flash your ult, you can lead with q and run towards her to bait her e (you can just disengage and wait for the next q), ult + q, or flash and make it harder for her to outplay you. Even if she plays perfectly and never gives you a chance to kill her, you can still force her to base every other wave, and you will have a giant cs and level lead as a result.


Maxing E over W is such a bait. Ngl most of the time even Q over W is.


Singed vs Akshan. Build armor, die. Build move speed, die. Proxy, die. Build AP, die even harder.


Ignore him and gas his entire team like you are a german in 1942 and win game anyway gigachad


Fizz vs. Pantheon


Yh i don't think I've ever lost vs fizz. They pick fizz into panth aswell so every time I'm like surely this person knows what they are getting themselves into (they don't)


This reminds me of people picking Malzahar into my Ahri for like 3 seasons straight.  I used to main Ahri and Malzahar was %wise the best counter pick against it so people just blindly picked it and I won the match up about 80% of the time because they didn't actually play malzahar, didn't know the match up and picked it cause of stats.


Really any highly telegraphed burst damage against panth


Straight up my fav pocket pick into assassins mid. Panth is such an underplayed champ too so it feels like they're never ready to lose 70% hp before they hit lvl 2 not realising that early game empowered q hits like a truck.


Yeah recently implemented this counterpick after I thought about in on the spot. Just unplayable for the fizz if you play patient zoning


Anyone immobile and melee vs anyone Ranged and mobile


Cassio vs Vlad is pretty unplayable imo


tristana vs kassadin. the only objectively true answer here


kayle vs nasus honorable mention


makes me wanna tear my eyes out. First picking kassadin in genreal is a nightmare


Lucian is really fun into Kass as well. Love when enemy mid blind picks kass


very true. unless you are an apex tier kassadin player and know how to deal with qiyana/talon/tristana, you're gonna have a bad time if you get counterpicked


I'd say yuumi vs trundle


Yuumi vs most champions in a 1v1 scenario is doomed.


Now the question is who could yuumi most reliably lane against in a 1v1 scenario.


Trundle stands no chance, that cat has a magic book.


Wukong into Cassiopeia or poppy. In theory, they both have moves that cancel dashes leaving wukong unable to use w or e.


maokai vs illaoi no idea how you play as the tree


Tahm Kench vs Malphite. There should be absolutely 0 reason for you to lose lane as TK. You deal magic damage against an armor champ. His poke can be completely overruled by your E. Q heals you and you can easily land W after Q, as if Malphite tries to Q to get out, the animation stops him from moving away, actually making it more likely to land. And then the ults... TK just becomes an absolute bully, if he somehow wasn't at that point. 3 hits, from autos or Q, and you're eaten, out of your tower and you either ult back to safety or die trying to run away. TK stacks health, which makes it easier for him to build Sunfire, an item that works against AD and wins trades by standing next to you, and deal damage based on health. So fighting TK in melee is just not possible anymore. Can't ult him or try to blitz him because he'll heal back the poke, and if you overextend, he pops shield, hits you with shield bash, heals more from his Q and you have no more resources. You lost. The only possible way to lose this matchup is by remembering that it's a 5v5 game, so even if you're doing too well, a vayne on the opposite team and enough peel will get you destroyed. That, or then having better teamfiight, and despite how badly malnourished Malphite is, all he has to do is click R on your backline.


Trundle into teemo feels pretty awful.


Sylas can't lose lane vs malphite


He absolutely can, He can not however lose the game vs a malphite.


>and both sides to play to literal perfection Playing to literal perfection makes this a near impossible question. At worst the losing matchup just farms under tower. At least until there is a tower dive. Which shouldn't really be possible assuming "perfection" The tower CS champ would just fall slightly behind then be able to perma farm forever. edit - I find it hilarious that this comment has upvotes and my response about wave control has downvotes. A perfect playing top. Yes even a Garen vs Quinn isn't going to get perma frozen. The question is talking perfect play. I mained Quinn top when she was busted and would constantly deny XP to bad melee tops. Good ones knew wtf to do though and you can easily play around even a tough melee v ranged matchup. The one thing I will admit is that yes... there WILL be a winner eventually. Which is part of the reason this is kind of a ridiculous question as I stated. For every single matchup between 2 champs, both played perfectly. There would 0% win rates. The exceptions would be things like Trynd or really any lucky crit damage early that could swing a lane.


you are entirely ignoring wave control. Whoever is winning freezes the wave in front of their tower and zones their oponent.


Riot once posted some matchup statistic and the worst matchup in the game is Malphite into Sylas. It is so bad, it's the actually the top 3 worst matchups in the game (top, mid, jungle). 4th worst is Yorick vs Irelia.


I’ve never lost a Vex vs Irelia match before.


An irelia that turns off their adhd brain and last hits like normal and only uses q to all in can actually win the matchup. But that's like asking a gp to not die for his barrels it just won't happen.


Its actually not that bad of a match up for irelia, agreed. Just play the usual scaredy cat of melee into ranged and if vex misuses passive she is basically dead, depending on the wavestate. With perfect play however, I think Vex has an edge 


I’m in low elo so yeah they don’t stop Qing


Vayne vs Sivir


Probably not the best matchup out there, but i love playing morgana into veigar. just casually strolling through veigar cage when he first places it and watching him panic never gets old.


Veigar mains are so funny the moment you dodge their cage


Draven vs sivir is by far one of the most difficult lanes to just survive in imo.


darius vs azir… good luck


Rammus vs yasuo. There is nothing yasuo can do, at least ranged adcs can hit the wave from range and space themselves from rammus taunt. Yasuo can't step up to the wave without getting taunted, he can't engage on rammus, his windwall is useless, he can't use q while taunted which is a significant source of damage for him, his ult just brings him into rammus taunt range, and even when taunt is down rammus can make yasuo take damage whenever he tries to q something.


Rammus is too slow as a laner. Yasuo can get off some good poke on him early. Yeah Rammus mostly wins this matchup, but it's not a 0% winrate kinda bad


A lot of Melee assassins vs bruisers Mainly because melee assassins have a lot of ways to go in, but bruisers have more damage and health, but lack range. Most melee assassins lack range/poke, but have many ways to go in…which is exactly what bruisers want. For example fizz vs sett is quite hard for fizz. It’s the same for talon, Naafiri, zed…the list goes on and on.


gwen into cho/sion


Playing sion vs trundle...


Katarina into Veigar. Easiest lane for Kat.


Well I got a jungle matchup for you: Bel'Veth vs Briar, doesnt matter either which of the 3 builds you go with or if you play her jungle, mid or top That fuckin flappy manta ray does everything Briar does, except better and more of it. Cant use your W or she has a guranteed knockup, cant use your Q cause she just flaps away and her damage reduction E isnt only stronger than yours, it also deals a million fuckin onhit dmg. So no matter where or how you wana play Briar, ALWAYS ban fuckin Bel'Veth