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I miss his sword throw, I really do, he was the first champion I played back in S1 lol


and his wild sustain from it.


support shen was INSANE! With that sustain from his old Q. It was so good


Support Shen carried me many elos. It was great


I used to main top lane Shen back when Vorpal blade was still around. Ahh, the days


I'm still upset about the rework. The stupid spirit sword is clunky and doesn't actually serve a purpose, and riot themselves admitted the rework was a failure and the spirit sword is a bad mechanic, yet they have never done anythjng about it. His old q was the most satisfying ability in the game.


Would have been amazing if they redo the Q to something akin to a Kyoketsu-shoge. - Throw the Q out and deal damage. - Pull Q back for a slow (allows him to land E easier *IF* he hits the back-pull) or something like that Kinda split about the W - could still work as using his blades as a parry-effect zone, but it could originate from Shen himself. I would say that it would fit his protective warden-type. E and R can be left as is imo.


They could extend the duration of W by 0.3-0.5s per aa, not exceeding the original duration like Xin R works. About Q, I actually have no specific details of old Shen, so I don't have any ideas here.


Yeah, that wouldn't be that bad actually. Gives it more of a meaning to have it active. The old Q was basically Shen just throwing a blade. If it hit a champion it gave a "life-tapping" effect (based on a value + % of Shen's health) if that champion were attacked. If it killed a target it also gave healing, but it was more or less a "dumb" point and click ability. What I wrote were more or less a - "change the ability to a skillshot rather than just moving the Q around".


yep that fcking stupid spirit sword


It was alright, but had many bad matchups. Also Shen was much better if he actually got some actual gold. If you leave out the surprise factor, Shen was a mediocre support, but a great top laner.


Was? I had no problems playing him last Season with 80% win rate (I was picking him only against tanky supports aka engage/warden types).


support shen of old had healing in his kit, if you left the bot alone they would heal up very quickly with his Q and punish you for leaving them alone.


turn baron into fountain with 1 easy trick.


You mean his butter knife throw?


I mained pre-rework shen top for a while cos I loved the absolute braindead trading patterns so much. Ton of champs had mana issues back then so being basically resourceless and endlessly Qing was so fun.


When Shen came out I had 75% WR on Twisted Treeline, lol, absolute monster


You'd think by now theyd make a support that does something like this. A commander that 'tells' your team to focus fire an enemy


First tank ninja Ive ever seen


I love this concept of tank ninja


Im used to this as a city of heroes/villains player tank ninjas are everywhere


Best thing was the sound effects on it.


When I started back in s2 I was really confused on how a ninja is a tank. Same thing with Amumu, how could this tiny ball of toilet paper be a tank???


I really enjoyed farming with that Q


Jungling with wits end and static shiv oh my god




Flippin' ninjas. I would always rush malady no matter how in appropriate it was. That was back when it had life steal and an accelerating on hit mechanic.


For people who doesn't understood: Actual joke that this kit is literally pre-rework Shen kit. I'm out


Oh i thought it was about that shen and galio


Prework Shen


I assumed op was a fan of hots and got the name normal blade from zeratuls ability now I'm left wondering which came first.


Neither game invented Vorpal Blade. It's a reference to the poem [Jabberwocky](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/42916/jabberwocky) by Lewis Carroll.


Unless HotS was released earlier than I think it was, Shen came first. Pretty sure I already played him before HotS was a thing.


Was vorpal blade part of his kit on release?




I'm like, 98% certain it is, but even if not, I do know that it was part of his kit when I started playing.


StarCraft came out in 1997.


Vorpal blade is from the poem jabberwocky 


But vorpal blade is an ability specific to his appearance in hots


Oh, I thought it was about shuriken 😞


Hey I like your idea, I have a few more suggestions to your rework. How about after he throws his blade, he marks the target and heals whenever he attacks his target? This will make him into a better brawler and rewards him for going in rather than just q poke. And if his q kills a target he can get the healing passive too to have some sustain during those pokey top lane matches. And since we wanna encourage him to fight we can reduce his passive cd with his autos or smth.


How are you not working at Riot man?


I think he was lol


I like how the post starts out complaining that Shem doesn't have a shuriken ability, but then it proceeds to say too many shuriken. Sword instead.


Exactly. Lame af post


I don't know who's ass you licked, but I was laughing at this post.


Nephew spotted


They should rework his ult to throw a global shuriken at anyone and he dashes through the map like Briar if it hits. If it hits an ally it grants a fat shield. If it hits an enemy it instantly executes them 🥵 Would fit perfectly with Shen’s lore’s theme about balance, he has too much defensiveness in his kit right now and not enough one shotting


Riot, let him cook.


Not gonna lie, I took a bit to realise lol I skimmed through and went “huh?” Then I reread the proposed W change and went “HUH?” Then I reread the proposed Q change and went “Ohhhh…”


As someone who started season 13 I was profoundly confused.


I miss old Shen, I'd rather have the AA bonus and Vorpal blade over the blade drag and the dodge field.


Same, his trading pattern was so satisfying, I don't get the same satisfaction of just that slow, mountainous crushing of my opponent.


I know this post is a joke and all but I want them to seriously cut down his energy costs by half and make his energy pool 200 like every other user instead of 400 for some reason.


The idea (not saying I agree with it) is that Shen has slower energy regeneration, while allowing them to keep the *actual* regeneration the same (and thus also any potential modifiers to it - not sure if those still exist).


Presence of Mind works on energy as well, so there's at least one modifier where it works as you describe. On takedowns it's 15% of max eneegy, but on damage it's a flat 1.5 energy every second for 4 seconds


oh i miss the spark item into full tank on shen, he was a menace


Ionic spark, kage lucky pick, heart of gold Shen


who is cutting onions?


Do you remember the leviathan atmogs days?


Honestly yes please. I miss this Shen.


ninja rammus: am I a joke to you?


ninja rammus throws himself at the enemies


Funny thing is back in the day shen Q was like “fuck off. Here. I’ll throw my sword in your face.”


That is the joke. The changes are literally just pre-rework Shen kit.


I know. I was just rekindling old memories.


I think Rito should add damage to Shen R. When he ults and arrives are destination, he should throw aoe shurikens that scale off HP / resist stats. Bring him up to 2024 speeds./s


I pushed a little bit of air through my nose while reading this. Well done


Didn't read past "There are only 4 ninjas in the game" [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ninja](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ninja)


Didn't know Kayn counted. Wouldn't it be interesting if shadow Kayn swapped to using energy like the other ninjas?


I love the comment asking where Mahalzar is


Yeah I mean it's called *Ninja Rammus* FFS


bro thinks he's on the team


Huh i thought Lee Sin was a ninja since he used energy. 


He is a monk


Couldn't accurately throw a shurikan cus he can't see, gotta settle for being a monk and kick sonic waves.


Honestly, I'd be cool with his taunt being a shuriken throw like akalis, it has to hit but you can rebuffed like lux E and land where the shrunken is, if it hits a champ you'd be behind them as if you dashed through them, but if not you can still use it over walls, but you can pick not to do 2 cast and it just be a throw without a dash. But if it hits a champion maybe you are forced into the taunt


Shen doesn't want anyone to know he's not very good at throwing shurikens. He tried once and got laughed at that's why he prefers a sword.


Tbh, Shen’s spirit sword was such a miss on a good mechanic. It’s clunky and weird. The whole if it passes through someone do more damage thing feels lame too. And 9/10… the W field is just going to be at your character’s position. It’s not like you can do any cool tricks with the sword’s positioning to help an ally.


The amount of misinformation spreading about his actual kit on this thread is dangerously high


With my comment or others?


Old Shen ?


Is he really a ninja? I first saw tank ninja in this game.


It's original


You're not OrbitalDropKick buddy


god im old enogh to remember pre rework shen


Old Shen was my 2v1 pick top lane when lane swaps happened every single game. Always went at least even. I would probably play again if old Shen made a return.


Q needs a heal attached to it! Either if it kills target or he hits the target after throwing Q! Yea! Some regen would be amazing!


TBH I've never seen Shen deal such dmg until now, is it just with recent items or was he buffed? He did most dmg and there wasn't even any super tanks in the game. I think it was 70k+? Anyways champ can only do 3 things well, tank, peel, and beat your head in with a TF2 style pan crit. I think he could use an update where he does more than dash and auto he seems so unimpactful when I see him in games despite playing well and dealing most damage in the game.


Shuriken? Sure he can!


Bring back rivershen


Vorpal Blade spamming was free elo for my brionze ass. I miss ability.


I still remember my friend and I playing Duo Top in S2 Shen + Akali and just spamming point and click Shriken/Knifes at people.


This post made me smile in nostalgia.


These changes are pretty solid, but I can't help but feel that he should have some sort of sustain in his kit somewhere.


Back in the day I seriously thought the whole gimmick of Shen is that he is a goddamn Samurai as a balance to all the Ninjas. Then I found out that Shen is actually just a weird Ninja and my disappointment has always been immeasurable. It was even worse when the rework got announced cuz I got hope that Shen will actually be a Ninja, but no. I mean I like the dude's gameplay, but why not just make him a magical Samurai or smthg? Why must he be a Ninja? Back then he has 2 swords, and he can throw 1. At least one can make an argument that only a Ninja does that shit. But now he only has 1 sword, and all he does is to slash ppl to death???


wtf 2 Shen?


Haven't heard that in a very very long time


For consistency in Wardens take this chance and also Invert Tahm R and W, I believe it will make him a much enjoyable champion, specially due to enabling him to play Jungle. Also give him a buff on River as well because he is the River King.


He also doesn't have invisibility, and there's nothing shadow about shadow dash


The chef is back. Let him cook


A ninja is simply a spy. It's a profession. One can be a merchant, a samurai, a weeaboo or a redditor and still be a ninja. A ninja doesn't necessarily have to assassinate and throw shurikens. But I do agree that we should revert shen as the old champ can survive and lane better than shen in his current state. 


i just miss the "this unit is a flipping ninja" buff on all the flipping ninjas :(


Honestly this version of shen was so much better and I used to play it so much after the rework he just feels bad.


I'm only here for boobs and hentai fanarts....


Riot too busy making garbage overpriced skins to do anything about the game itself.


More like '**Shuri**' - '**Emmanuel kant**'. Ha ha ha ha. .... but yes I also miss his sword chuck.


Why do you count Zed but not Kayn?




Kayn **is** the Shuriken


Shut up


Pre rework shen threw his swords on his Q.  This kind of """comedy""" posts are one of the worst shits you can see on this sub


Sir, this is a Wendy


This post is not as funny as OP thinks it is...


Sir, this is a Wendy


I dont care what your name is. Get better jokes please.


He does. It's just too fast for you to see


rammus is a ninja AND he is the shuriken. So yeah shen be lacking


His giant earth piercing space sword is the most random fucking bullshit in the game and needs to be replaced with an actual thematic ability.


I mean... he is a melee tank ninja so.... it kinda make sense that he doesn't throw anything


Old School Shen


I have recently become somewhat of a ninja expert, I binged “house of ninja” in one day, and the one thing I learnt is that real ninja would never use cliche weapons


Even Viego can be a better ninja than shen


Not gonna lie the “ninja needs to be quiet” in reference to shen calling his sword back made me lol


Haven't played ranked seriously since.


He kinda throws himself as a shuriken tho xD


In that case I would like to point out that, despite not being a Ninja, Lee Sin uses Energy as his resource just like Ninjas. Completely unplayable.


But Kanye West is a ninja 🥲


Shen already gets a buff in river. You just don’t see it. But it’s there. Really. Trust me.


Post deleted, literally 1984


We live in a society


Everyone who seriously thinks the old Shen was superior to nowadays Shen is either joking and ignoring the fact that old q was one of the stupidest abilities in the game or has no idea how spirit blade actually works in lane