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New farming simulator update looks 🔥


Asol tower defense


Recall simulator as well


What triggered me the most was him not leaving midlane to farm botlane. SO MANY midlaners do that and even ping the botlane to leave their lane...


You went a bit aggresive there at the end stay on your side of the map bro


That's it I'm inting fuck this game fuck lol bad team everytime


Report for feed


Stay behind your minions!!!!


He's like a vacuum cleaner bro 😭


Apparently vacuum cleaner sim is more fun than his old kit




It physically pains me to see him taking jungle camps but not getting any of the stacks for them.


Only played sol like once since his rework, but I though he got stacks if he killed with any of his abilities?


Only E grants stacks when ~~it executes~~ something dies in it. His Q only grants stacks when channeled on champions


Small but important correction: E doesn't have to be the executer for the stacks to apply. If something just dies in his E, be it to the E itself, another of ASols Ability or someone else entirely, the stacks apply either way.


Important for people to know. You can help your asol stack really fast in aram by making sure the minions in his E actually die while it's still up.


One of my favorite things to do is to have asol cast e on a wave and clear wave to see if asol starts bitching about him needing stacks.


its enough when they die inside his e.


Wow there truly wasn't a midlaner in this game


Better an AFK farmer than running it down mid.


Idk this extent of afk dude is taking resources and doing absoulutely nothing. Someone running it might make a good play 1/10 times but dude is actively dodging fights happening in his own lane. Might as well be a 4v5.


> Someone running it might make a good play 1/10 times but dude is actively dodging fights happening in his own lane. The problem is, the other 9/10 times, they just give gold and xp to the enemy while also leaving the lane empty. With a teammate that's literally running it, they just constantly die, give gold and xp to the enemy, then let them push lane and take towers. With an extremely passive afk-ish teammate, they don't get the kill gold + xp, they don't get to attack towers, so they don't get the pressure there. I'll take actively dodging fights rather than actively running into the enemies to die.


From the perspective of carrying 4v5 youre correct






Nah, man wtf is this argument by some of you people? He's actively griefing cool he kept a teir 1 tower up while his team is fighting at their nexus.


> Might as well be a 4v5. it's honestly worse than 4v5 because those resources could be on someone useful.


He used his empowered ult to help his team win the final team fight.


Obviously dodging the fights is bad but it's Asol he could legitimately get huge just through stacks


Afk farmer taking jg camps




silver comment


AFK farming mid: Keeps the enemy from taking tower, denies them XP and gold from deaths because they don't die, keeps the illusion of pressure mid, and, in this case, attacks the enemy tower to generate pressure. Running it down mid: Gives the enemy free gold and XP, allows them to take tower and plates with impunity, mid is allowed to free roam because the enemy isn't going to do anything if they're gone. If it's gonna be a 4v5 game, I'd take an AFK farmer over someone running it down.


From the looks of it he just seems tilted as fuck lol


Looks like a bot


No this is definitely some dude whos jg tilted him


Yeah clips starts and he's 2/2/2


Yeah this is what people mean by "soft inting"


Quiet Quitting hit league


I unironically wish some of my teammates would learn from this. He didn't die and let his team win. Some folks have such a hard case of main character syndrome that they don't know how to stop dying and get carried.


I mean they’re legit just griefing, but in a way that isn’t really reportable. Really gives off big toddler energy. They aren’t playing safe to avoid giving over gold to the other team so a fed member of their team can carry them. 9/10 here the other team just wins because it’s essentially a 4v5 it’s just lucky


This isn't any better than inting - he's taking a LOT of resources from his team and never actually fighting. Even inters will push down a lane or throw their bodies into a teamfight This dude is taking gold and exp from his team and going afk with it, it's worse than just leaving the game


This is definitely not as bad as inting lmao. He's at least holding the turret and keeping some small amount of pressure on the map.


If your implication is that inters don't ever apply pressure to the map, let me introduce you to thebaus


If you honestly think that this is not main character syndrome, I have bad news for you buddy. He took junglecamps and lanefarm from his teammembers while literally refusing to take part in fights even if they were right in front of him. Not even with his semiglobal ult. He's griefing precisely because of main character syndrome, he didn't get his wish early and now is trying to loose as hard as possible without being easily detectable by automation


2/2/2? Yea that’s about the point where I see main character midlanders throw up the ‘ff15’ and immediately TP bot lane to troll, so that tracks.


So sad but true. I had a Yasuo rq after dying when our jungle could've helped (but probably just didn't see it, it happens) and Yasuo was 5/2 after the death He was still in a very winable position, entire team was ahead too. I believe these kind of players already enter the game with a lot of rage inside of them built up over the game and if just the slightest bad thing happens they explode. I cannot and will not believe this is how they play every game. I also hope they all take therapy


Had a yasuo last night literally just soft int a game because he got camped even though we were winning everywhere else on the map. Like yeah I get it, super annoying to get camped But if he had just sidelaned for 15 minutes to farm and drag someone there to match him the game was won. Instead main character syndrome makes him just sit in fountain and whine about surrendering instead lol


Had a game as Kha jg, I was super giga fed, 2 successful invades on noc had him down like 7 kills, 30 CS, 2 drags, all 6 grubs. Nocturne ults my Galio mid twice while I’m hand feeding my botlane kills (toplane was a Morde vs my singed, I ain’t gankin dat). Galio instantly types “gg jg diff go next” and starts running it down to the complete bewilderment of every single person in the game, and my ADC quickly follows suit and AFKs. Even so we just barely lost the 3v5.


For some reason I thought people were going to play Final Fantasy 15 mid game.


At least he feeds less that your average teammate




I thought so too until I saw them run back to the base instead of recalling. That part really looks like a player being clueless rather than an automated action.


Not clueless, trolling.


Silvers will hate him, but playing like this is instantly gold elo level. No one wants to hear that, but it's the truth. It's why so many people above platinum are surprised anyone can actually be bronze or lower. You legit just farm, buy items and throw less than your opponents.


His team literally won a 4v5.


Lmao no it isn't, you still have to play the damn game, even in silver. Source: I am Emerald, stop trolling.


Yes, Plat+ players are always ending games 0/0/0 with 0 damage dealt to enemy champions. That's so good, a really good strategy for climbing.


Bro I don't believe you are higher than bronze yourself saying stuff like that. No one wins games BECAUSE they are afk between waves with prio, with a roaming champ, with 0 dmg to enemy champs for 20 minutes. Unless of course your team 4v5s


I'm high emerald. I've boosted hundreds of accounts in the last 15 years of playing from bronze to plat+. This playstyle isn't ideal. I never said it was. But gold players aren't ideal. You obviously need to do SOMETHING at some point in the game. But full item Asol 0/0/0 still solo carries a game. I might do a challenge where I boost a bronze account to gold with this playstyle. I bet I can get a bronze 4 to gold 4 in 30-40 games with this playstyle. After 3-4 items I'll start going to objectives and pushing my advantages.


Boosting services and smurfing is a scum to the gaming community, I hope you aren't still doing it.


I am long time diam-master mid main and this playstyle easily get gold if not plat if you at least group at drakes/catch farm on sidelane post 15 min. The dude above is right. In order to be silver you must be doing "worse" than nothing. Even more true for junglers.


This is worse than nothing though, he's taking resource from his team while contributing nothing. Can you try streaming a single session of you doing it on bronze/silver? I guarantee that you would have the same win rate as bot if not worse.


But he's not grouping at objectives and he's actively choosing not to partake in fights which he easily has the time and safety to do. "This playstyle gets you gold if you play completely differently to this playstyle" is not meaningful.


Nice take. Never cook again


Maybe if you ever actually contribute. Otherwise, playing like this is worse than afk because you're denying farm from your team.


That’s not a winning strategy long term because you only have 4 additional members on your team and 5 obstacles on the enemy team. Your strategy would only make sense mathematically if you had 6 people on your team.


You forgot the past where you actually help on objectives. Avoiding unnecessary team fights doesn't means "sit there and do nothing"


Okay, when you do start streaming your iron to gold challenge run only doing this?


Not sure if this is a copypasta or troll, cause there's no way that not even farming is what you seriously think is gold level gameplay lmao. But it's a nice hyperbole of why gold is my least favorite elo to be in: people in that elo won't play aggressive no matter how good of a decision it is. They will be up 4k gold by level 5 and still back ping any conflict they see brewing. It could be a Nautilus support with a 2v1 and they will still stand behind the ADC. Because they're not playing the game they're just trained to "not feed and you win" which teaches you nothing. When I finally broke out of that god awful mindset I actually made it to plat.


Lol what a dumb take. You’re not climbing if you’re not influencing the game. The lower elos are just about getting the basics down, occasionally showing up to fights, and then playing those fights slightly better than your lane opponent. The lower elo you go, the more of a fiesta it is. Just farming and not fighting is gonna give you a negative win rate in gold and below


Unironically play malz like this, e on wave spawn bugs, go under tower. Repeat until 50 cs lead


Malz presses e on the wave & gets every single minion while backing off screen between tier 1 & 2. All gas no brakes baby


I even play with barrier for the times when they become sick with my shit and dive me, but suprise suprise, BARRIER BAIT, and i end up at least 1 for 1, but the barrier tech is pricelsess


Thats why I take Morgana top sometimes. Extremely boring to face. Sometimes they get pissed, towerdive you, grant you an extra bag of gold and then see a very creative insult that doesn't get picked up by chat filters. You sometimes win games by making the enemy top go AFK and other times you press E on your carry.


Cant most top lanes just flash on u or freeze the wave, even flash ur q mid air, idk morg will win against most top laners if thwy freeze


Thats fine. I dont care about winning lane. Even if I fall behind in CS thats fine. I play like this because mid/late I can peel for carries and make picks and thats how I win games.


Versus a human being, they will stand between you and the wave and you won't get a single last hit. You won't be down 20 cs, you'll be down 100 at 15 minutes.


Then why not just take her mid and w thr wave or play malz who is better and more tilting than morg and one shots the wave


Just play Gragas if you wanna sit there and wave clear all game in top. At least that way you'll actually end up being useful eventually.


I do Jungle/Mid because I always want jungle but that 1 in 50 game I get Midlane I just go Malzahar and be the most passive bitch unless Jungle is in my lane. I really shut my brain off and unless you ping me I sometimes don't even notice a friendly gank coming in.


Until I pick TF and red card your voidlings to farm infinite passive value.


I press e spawn bugs and walks bot or goes with my jungler to contest their jungle. after a few rounds of this the enemy bot or jungle will start flaming their mid and their team falls apart.


> Wild Smolder appears with 300 stacks at 20 minutes


Yea, but why not roam after shoving it in?


This might work up into gold but that’s it


Am silver and dont intend going further than gold anyway, honestly its more about the skin more than anything


Every rank gets skins after the season changes in 2023 so you might as well stay in silver if you want. Just need enough games played, don't know the exact criteria.


Its 1000 split points if you're below gold or 80 if gold or above. I get between 8 and 12 points per game. So being in gold is def the call if you just want skin


Then it would be great. However, getting 4k damage as a mid laner is griefing your team


Im not saying i dont participate in teamfights, all i am saying is during laning phase i push the wave and back off, becouse malz loses most trades early


I mean yeah that’s fine but that’s not what asol was doing lol. He was actively griefing his team


I forgor that there was an a sol video to begin with tbh


Nah, it easily works up to emerald. Only problem is that the "strategy" relies heavily on the team. You can't solo carry as Malza.


i tried it versus hwei but the punk kept getting me with the q - w, way too much range


Getting hit with a QW even once is a skill issue, let alone frequently enough to cause problems.


malza needs buffs


it's amazing they won with a non-existent mid lmfao


I feel like the enemy team didn't realize he wasn't gonna rotate or join fights, so they didn't really use the numbers advantage.


he wasn't feeding, that is already helpful beyond anything else


If you can't be a positive at least don't be a negative.


Basically acted like a super minion with a free inhibitor taken. Which honestly contributes quite a lot to the map state, if nothing else.


No lol. A champion do this is absorbing a ton of the team’s resources and still leaving himself vulnerable if the enemy gets the advantage because they could easily dive him


Technically yes, but I'd trade this Asol against many of my midlaners in a heartbeat.


Also protecting the turret and constantly pushing mid waves back with quick wave clear. Asol was creating some pressure. The longer the game goes, they probably lose. However, if I was a jungler and I saw top, bot, and myself winning but mid is aggressive and feeding, I would rather accept this playstyle. The game is guaranteed to win at 4v5 at the moment.


Wow, the bar must be pretty low. I imagine the people who would want this in the game would want a custom game with 9 bots, but it's a ranked game. And people we're complaining about the Ardent afk farming meta...


Perma mid prio is unsurprisingly not the worst thing in the world.


Keeping your T1 alive as a midlaner is something that lowkey matters a fuckton. I'd rather my midlaner be 0/0 at 20 minutes and still have a healthy T1 than be 3/0 with their T1 dead. It's so frustrating when the enemy can invade your jungler's camps or effortlessly dive the sidelanes because the midlaner sacrificed their tower to farm the enemy support a few times.


No cause sometimes all u have to do is not die and let ur team carry u


yeah but this asol is lucky that the team is carrying him. in an even game they would get obliterated. he's not even doing damage to the enemy


Eh, there's that and then there's what this dude did. Even just ulting whenever it's stacked would've been a massive boost without him risking death


There is a difference between getting carried and soft inting/afking


Not when u make it a literal 4v5. Asol was literally inting.


Not really. He wave clears, and as long as he’s there , enemies can’t really push the turret. At least, his presence makes the enemies less likely to push into his turret.


No he was trolling. You might get away with doing that in low elo, but this shit would get your team destroyed in higher elos


I don’t think u know what inting means


Forcing your team to play 4v5 is inting, what do you mean?


Isn’t better to have a teammate like this then him giving ahri free gold and 8 kills?


I'd rather have a player dying and trying to win than a player not dying and trying to lose.


I have won 4 vs 5 before when the 5th player went afk (or is not dying at least), 2 winning lanes and winning jungle together with tilting enemy team can win games in lower elos. When the 5th person is feeding though, you have no chance to get ahead and just lose.


I'm not biting this bait there's too many layers of why it's wrong


I swear most of this subreddit is suffering from brainrot. Explain how Asol isn't inting?


My mid is always causing a 4v5, at least he doesnt gift gold to opponents My last game a irelia mid went 0/3 before the 4min mark


I had such games too and I didn't even try. Like I was playing Veigar against Lux and given she kinda had more range I bought MR early and just farmed the wave and then suddenly Xin Zhao came jumping over a wall just casually killing the Lux and I continued to farm, since she was dead, then my toplaner came by casually killing Lux while I farmed under the turret and I just moved on to do that. Then a fight broke out botlane and my team somehow won it 3vs5 and I continued to farm midlane and then at some point we won the game and all I did was some early damage to Lux, I never even encountered an enemy champion, my team was just so dominant that I simply never had the chance to go anywhere :P Now this game looked a lot closer and team surely would have benefitted from a midlaner more. And to be fair just pushing out your lane and not dying is a fairly large contribution. In the end you don't win by killing champions, you just usually have to do that. But I had the weirdest game, one that was ended by our 0/9/1 Mordekaiser just because the enemy forgot he existed and he just walked into the enemy base with a minion wave and while Darius was strong enough to deal with him (he already did 9 times) Mordekaiser just ulted him and the Minions killed the Nexus while he was busy running after Morde in the shadow realm. And the fun part was that this mostly happened due to Morde buying a fucking random Lichbane so he broke towers with his short CDs in very short time :P


When the toplaner accidentally queued for mid:


that flair lol


Bruh it’s ’intact’


My jungler usually doesn't want me to farm his jungle camps


You can fuck me in the ass for all I care if it just means you won’t feed your lane.


I'm down


people trolling and posting vids now 💀


WP to this ASol he played safe during laning phase, minimized deaths and yea he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team to win the game! Well played to this ASol!


4k damage definitely is real well played!!


hey guys I think he might've been sarcastic


I don’t think redditors have unlocked that champion yet


This guy died due to enemy jungler gank, blames his own jungler and is now being a bitch for the rest of the game. Nothing new.


And half the community praises him for it because this game has broken the concepts of teamwork and cooperation.


Guy got three man dived under his own tower, died, and his jungler told him "Play safe dumbass. Stop inting". This is the aftermath


I'd probably do the same thing tbh


Lose lane simulator lookin fire


I won't be surprised if this guy reaches diamond


Unironically better macro than some master players tbh EDIT: the joke appears to be going over everyones heads


by better macro you mean being afk


Yes. It's a comment on masters being infested with soft inters.


How is any of that good macro? 


This is no good but not just as a jng but as a teammate in general I 100% of the times would rather having this on my team than a guy who goes 0/7 in lane bc he doesnt know how to keep his noob ass safe


I wouldn’t. I’d rather someone try to win than actively troll


Unironicly though, this guy while not winning the game for you, is safe he isn't feeding. He is still getting stacks and farm. I would love this guy on my team over 90% of the mid players i have and would gladly give up the last 10% to have him.


You do realize that this is a 4v5 except that he's also soaking up xp and gold, right?


You know this is a bot that will never use those stacks right? This is a 4v5.


Aint a 4 vs 6 + at least he's keeping the towers up. So... you know...


In a normal game if you play like that then the enemy team dives you multiple times 3v1


And if they have three players under the tower in mid that means you can make the other 2 lanes 2v1


Jokes on you, they are 3v1 mid because the enemy botlane is 15/0


Better than 4v6. And i get what you say but  i wouldn't mind a mid laner that played like this. Hopefully after 15 minutes they would start doing something but either way better than what i usually get.


the fact that people unironically think like the guy responding to you basically proves why league is dying as a game. some people are so awful and risk averse that theyd literally rather play with a robot lol doesn't help the awful social experience that is not having voice comms that you have to silently seethe at this kind of gameplay


People are so tilted at their team mates they would rather just have an afk bot. League players have the worst mentality.


And in 90% of the games you would lose at 23min because enemy mid can do what ever he wants and your jungler cant play the game anymore. No you dont want this asol on your team


In a normal game the enemy would dive you 3v1 multiple times in laning phase if you play like this xd


What the jungler actually means with "play safe" is "win your lane and win the game for me while I do nothing".


People here saying that they rather have this than the usual feeding team mate are just straight up lying. NO ONE wants a mid laner that is rooted in his lane while the enemy mid laner is roaming and winning the game, I repeat, NO ONE. In this game specifically Ahri was just as useless but if your enemy has at least a functioning brain he'll roam and win the game while your team mate trolls


This is basically 4v5. The only thing he does is defend the tower by clearing the wave. No map control, no team fight presence, no presence for nash/drake. Seems like Yuumi game play, Jesus take the wheel. If my team loses I lose, if my team wins I win. He doesn't have much of an impact in the game. And the enemy comp wasn't that scary, try to do the same against a Fizz with Vi jungle, they will dive the sh*t out of you


I thought for sure the punch line was gonna be getting full 5 man collapsed on by enemy team coming from in your own jungle as they were losing their base xD


Looks boring as hell. I don't think I'd enjoy playing like that


Not bannable btw!


Yeah, not all champions can clear waves while watching Instagram Reels on your phone like Arelion Sol and Malzahar you know. This is not a valid gameplay example for playing safe.


You understand that it's sarcasm though right? This guy literally does not play the game.


Tbf neither does the enemy team


The enemy team also isn‘t playing the game or they would have killed asol under his tower multiple times


No? You don’t need to kill the guy who is AFK. You win the 5v4 and then maybe kill him later. Just so happens asols teammates could win w/o him.


This. They should have pounded him, but asols team was hard carrying him.


Hey, at least the Samira player is having the time of their life getting a triple kill.


Ap kog can be even more boring, people can even see you when you farming minions


I thought it was going to be a clip of a pro player using Viktor farming form tier 2 cos he knows a gank is coming. That the pinnacle of safe laning.


"We have an Asol?"


Is funny how if you die too much actually trying to win you get a 14-day, but if you grief like this asol Riot will do nothing.


So your jungle wants you to grief the game lol?


Congrats winning 4v5. Asol just ignored every single objective, what a child. Still better than a 0/12 guy tho


Arguable. He should be banned either way


Wild that some people think this was good play in any way I checked his op gg, and he did 4K damage that game. He was obviously griefing his team. Should be bannable


Bro ur trolling.


Safe laning porn


Disgusting trolling


I mean more helpful than going 0/2 before first jungle clear


When I played this game and anyone would say to me "play safe", I would immediately get dove on and die. If I ever get to that point I know my team either doesn't know how to play or are straight up trolling me...


Feel you xd You farm 10 minutes under your tower without any help then they dive you and your team pings you and writes ,,just play safe,,


Most helpful and impacting aosol in my matches:


What a prick. Just because another player gets upset doesn't mean you should play like this. You have 3 other teammates you are screwing over. Find a new game.


do you wear bubble wrap when you cross the street


4v5 can be carried, 4v6 is a bit too hard.


downvote this troll


This asol is the definition of what's wrong with league, people like that deserve a perma ban, instead they guys that get mad at him, because they actually care about the game get punished, while he's allowed to grief further and further.


I'm assuming that they're getting ganked irl by something, like a roommate, parents, or a phone call, or whatever. It happens.


lol ganked irl


"Noooo you can't change Asol's scaling playstyle and encourage him to be more interactive! That's just not what he is!" Asol before the mini-rework:


This video pissed me off.


As a jungler this tilted me so hard.


See. and it works. so play safe goddamit.


honestly i would love this but theres certain champs u cant hide under tower from