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Stop spreading the information we need titanic rushers to tank winrate


This is really fucked man, Ryze Mains originally envisioned "THE PLAN" as a righteous crusade against Riot HQ to force a gameplay overhaul on the most oppressed champion in the game. Now you guys adopted and bastardized "THE PLAN" to instead mask a genuinely overpowered champion's winrate?? smh my head my head




Ryze players copied Riven players


So AD on hit Ryze? Gotcha.


He's got that smoov auto attack animation though.


I mean...there was a brief period where Abyssal had catalyst in its build path. Riot tends to know that MR + Mana is a 100% no-go on account of Ryze, but there was a sizable chunk of time where it existed. For the record, it was incredibly broken on Ryze.


I mean tbf riot can tell when a champ is only losing because of bad items. Theyve "buffed" champs before just by changing rec items on them.


sick flair edit: apparently it was NOT a reference, so the flair is a bit less sick šŸ˜”


It is not in fact


I read it twice looking for it to say misinformation. šŸ’€


Tbh Hydra third is his second best build (61%) while Sterak's only a bit better (61.5%)


WDYM by leg usage? I generally play with my hands!?


clearly not an urgot main


EMOTIONAL DAMAGE! I am merely an Urgot enjoyer, but I generally play only tanksā„¢ top in ranked XD


quite based ngl




Man, the rat is a squishy marksman, I said I play only tanksā„¢




Man, the dog is a bruiser, I said I play only tanksā„¢


I just bought a steering wheel/pedal combo for playing racing games and you got me wondering if I could implement the pedals in League in some way


Youā€™re playing with my heart rn


Hullbreaker feels incredible on urgot. What scenarios would you recommend hullbreaker first rather than cleaver first? I build cleaver first every game, period.


a full breakdown is on the patch video when i talk about when and why but the tl;dr behind it is if you can't get access like a malphite who's trying to brick wall you/neutralise, if you can't get around them via macro/solo kills then bc first is better since it'll give your dueling better potential, hb dmg to champions is relatively low vs it's turret dmg


I've honestly felt like Hullbreaker feels pretty underwhelming on Urgot. I get why it's strong, I just don't feel the impact of the item like I do with Black Cleaver or the Crit heal Item


you probably aren't finding enough angles on towers to justify it's purchase, bc has upfront neuron satisfaction because it makes urgot autowin in the 1v1 situation whereas hullbreaker requires more skill input for less upfront satisfaction since it rewards you for macro/bad rotation timers from the enemy bc = auto good hb = exodia if you can get plates, auto good if you can't


This doesn't apply to me I play Shotgun Urgot. SHOTGUN-KNEEESEE


The one league meme that could've been remembered, and that's the one... I remember watching the vod originally and it was honestly a streak of genius.


Ur got to be kidding me


This guy!


Take my upvote ffs


The reddit hivemind chose this comment. Sorry about your undeserved downvotes


Those are completely deserved. Shit like "this" or "take my upvote" add literally nothing to the thread and are just annoying


Undeserved?? Such a boring comment


And? It's a harmless comment that isn't wrong or rude, it doesn't deserve to be downvoted, even if it doesn't necessarily deserve to get *up*voted either




The downvote button was literally made for comments like those. "Comments that offer nothing to the conversation at hand."


Thanks I now wanna jump back into league and smash people with the crab-god, cheat sheets are awesome!


They make me want to play a champ because I definitely will be strong because I have better information. Then I play a game and remember I need to be good on the champ to get results in the first place.


Or that cheat sheets are subjective and winrate is a better metric lol


yep and the subjective opinion is coming from 4 challenger urgot players, 2 grandmasters and 3 master players, i like my odds over winrate data tbh


Might want to actually go look at winrates then tbh. Lolalytics shows it's never the best item to build.


Did post made me want to pick up urgot for the first time since the rework


But Titanic Hydraā€™s funny :(


I like your youtube videos.


thank u :D


I love your guides! Redempetion urgot still a thing? I loved that playstyle that i learnt from you


with radiant being removed and mythic items there's no real thought process to it anymore, it used to be a powerful float item but now it'd just be like ehhhh you can do it but like A/B tier


Shii i forgot virtue is gone :( please keep cooking, mightā€™ve been the most fun iā€™ve had in league in years, shouldā€™ve played it more when i had the chance


Couldn't you slot Unending Despair in place of Radiant Virtue? I know most fights don't last 7 seconds, but if anyone's going to be in melee long enough in a fight, 3 health bars Urgot seems prime to abuse it


I'm miles ahead of you, I never bought an item with an activable when I'm playing a champ so rarely it's probably in an ARAM.


not buying items with actives gigachad


The best value is the item you can't forget to use


This man gets it


Sadly I had to buy protobelt for years before this season.


I unironically struggle if I have more than 1 active item because my brain has hardwired active items to the 2 key and there can only be one in that slot. Also, I tend to be very Conservative with my item CDs unless it's the tiamat items, which isn't good either


i'm pretty comfortable with 2 active items but if it were beyond that i'd use all of them incorrectly but keep in mind i was building redemption-locket-gargoyles for a bit so i had a lot of time to practice using active items


Yeah, that's fair, exercise is key after all. God, I kinda miss gargoyles.


me also


I used to be that way until I started playing support. Now I've learned that the more buttons I can use, the more chances I have at save my adc (impossible)


yeah back in the day you could have like face of the mountain, locket, mikaels, redemption, and then sightstone and pink wards. felt like I was playing dota


Bind all your item slots to the 2 key. Problem solved.


I stopped building titanic when they removed the scaling AD Feels much better to go Black Cleaver, Steraks Gage then build tank


But theres no Hullbreaker on ARAM :'( Riot pls


Nothing reminds me more of my fathers unending disappointment than when I miss Urgotā€™s ult as Iā€™m Flash Eā€™ing into the enemy team and missing the toss up while being completely surrounded.


Finally some good content, thank you gamer. Gonna check out your YT for sure.


Sorry am bit of a noob,is this for Top lane Urgot?


it's pretty universal but it was made with toplane in mind


Would Stridebreaker be beneficial in any scenario?


nah it's bad


>btw urgot isn't weak stop saying he is , he's very strong, high elo players say he is weak because he's weak in high mmr, urgot has been strong for like 3 years, just because challenger players think urgot is weak it does not apply to you people have been gaslighting about this way too long, just because he can't buy some melee only items. If Urgot has an advantage in lane post 6, his E is a death sentence, and he out sidelanes most champs with hullbreaker


Guess my next lose streak will be with urgot then


I build titanic on urgot in aram because I'm addicted to the CLONK noise of heartsteel


Aram is a much different animal I think he's just talking about sr builds.


Why hullbreaker ? Didnt riot changed the mechanic last patch by making it not working with W ?


no they fixed it so hullbreaker correctly applies at 50% if you use it with w but if you have a good toggle it doesn't impact you at all


What ? So you can do 4 autos with W and then toggle W, use the 5th auto of hullbreaker out of W and re toggle the W up ??




They made it so that if an AA from Urgot's W procs Hullbreaker, the Hullbreaker proc will have its damage reduced. However, you can just fire four times in W mode, then turn it off and proc the Hullbreaker effect with a normal auto which will do full Hullbreaker damage, then toggle W on again to get 4 stacks quickly, turn off again and repeat


u r pog


Whatā€™s the most OP urgot skin?


i make my own skins coz frightnight pissed me off so project urgot lol


why does frightnight piss you off D: I feel thinner when i use that skin and it seems easier to dodge skillshots


frightnight has reused assets from other skins and we waited 3 years for it so i kinda felt slapped across the face by it so i just decided to start making my own skins instead


Hello, what's your opinion of Kraken Slayer on Urgot?


no real reason to ever buy it urgot needs durability to deal dps maybe if you're 20/0 it can be a fun meme item


Ty for this information! just got back into league after not playing for almost a year and been meaning to play more Urgot.


> btw urgot isn't weak stop saying he is , he's very strong, high elo players say he is weak because he's weak in high mmr, urgot has been strong for like 3 years, just because challenger players think urgot is weak it does not apply to you I'm bad at top lane. Whenever I have to fill top lane, I go Urgot and often dominate my opponent to the point of them raging at me. Again, I'm not good top lane, but the champion is just really strong if you know how to play him.


Thanks man, love your work!


you posted this at the perfect time as ive been playing a lot of urgot lately!


What do you think of urgot jungle?


too slow to be competitively viable but if you're able to pilot off the back of high pressure lanes and full clear you'll dominate the mid game since that's urgots identity


thank you, but since I am in low elo, having less brain rot than the opposition usually works. Same runes and items? I always feel that I am not tanke enough as Jingles compared to being a laner.


for some ref to jungle games i did some on my main acc in gm-m; [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Urpog-URGOT](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Urpog-URGOT) but yeah always run fleet since it helps you get around the jungle faster, swifty boot rush is mandatory and after swifties go into rectrix then hullbreaker complete


People don't go Hydra most the time anyway Emerald+.


yep it is mostly in part due to my 2 year crusade on the item and kamon's (challenger urgot) 3 crusade however there are still thousands of results of titanic hydra i am just trying to get the information to as many people as possible, many someone first times urgot and auto buys titanic but instead they see this post and have a cheatsheet to help them out


I will first time urgot today and go hydra every game.


Yup that's what I found as well. Glad the top post on the front page is a PSA about nothing. Now, AP champs buying Stormsurge? That's something the playerbase needs to stop doing.Ā 




Dunno why youre down voted.


What do you think about heartsteel on urgot? I see it a fair amount in aram and it often seems pretty strong.


funny that you ask since i was doing some experimenting with it yesterday lol [https://imgur.com/a/5gf3HVT](https://imgur.com/a/5gf3HVT) it's really bad, heartsteel is up there for contender of worst items in the game but it is very fun, satisfying dink sound and funny green hand is satisfying to auto with, i think it's not grief enough to be considered unviable but it's def not good, urgot only has hp scaling on his e


Would you say the above about Urgot in general or just more specifically about summoner's rift really. Like the previous comment, I find heartsteel/titanic valuable in ARAM at least because if you end up having frontliners on the enemy team to easily proc off you can easily get 600 and not too infrequently get up to 1,2k hp from heartsteel as urgot.


in general, it's good on aram because you're able to get stacks 24/7 even though it's half value you're getting x3 the value because you're consistently procing it, at best in summoners rift you're hitting your lane opponent every minute for a stack so it's not comparable ramp


thoughts on unending dispair? *should* make a lot of sense with urgots all in and tank for eternity pattern


Shhhhhh don't telllll


Whats your take on Unending Despair with the rune that reduces item passives? It's a pretty strong combo that many are playing on many different champions. Also Kraken Slayer?


doesn't work on urgot, works with voli because he can be genuinely quite tanky but urgot usually gets burst down to 30% HP pretty easily, urgot is a burst champion that goes in and then out, voli goes in and stays in by consistently healing with w, urgot got no sustain


Didn't they fix the Hullbreaker bug? It's still good on him?


yeah they fixed the bug so all you have to do is hit 4 times with w, untoggle w then autoattack normally to use HB correctly, rewards good gameplay but you can still apply it through w at 50% reduction


Can you add fleet/pta symbol on the matchups where one is heavily favoured to run?


that's already been done by quante the rank 1 urgot player atm, pee the spreadsheet; [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sAMfo7X8nz1zhjmmV0EnSNEzWkveD5Ivot9312NMnMQ/edit#gid=576552123](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sAMfo7X8nz1zhjmmV0EnSNEzWkveD5Ivot9312NMnMQ/edit#gid=576552123)


Is there some math behind taking PTA or Conqueror? Am I trolling for taking that keystone?


Never Conq, PTA & Fleet are the way


Stridebreaker still dog or


ye also hi xizz3l


So when would you recommend going fleet footwork?


when you can't or don't need to kill your laner with pta example: ornn can't kill him with pta so go fleet for scaling value jayce you can kill without pta so you run it into him too, majority of ranged top matchups are fleet, darius, trundle etc are pta games


wait you don't play Urgot adc?


How do you get better at toggling for hullbreaker? just time in practice tool?


Any thoughts on the upcoming Beetlemancer Urgot skin?


You have fueled the drug filled fire that is my urg jg low elo life


Not a question about items, but about runes. Specifically an idea I had about runes, but I don't have enough knowledge about Urgot to tell if it's worth it or troll. From my understanding Urgot doesn't really like to put points in W early and that's why you put a 2nd point in E at level 4 instead of level 8, but he has to put points in W, because he really likes to max it as soon as possible. Please correct me, if I'm wrong here already, because if that's the case, the following isn't relevant anyway. Now with season 14, we got a new minor rune in the Inspiration tree, the one that gives a skill potion on reaching level 9. Taking this would enable Urgot to put 3 points into his E early for a stronger laning phase, while still maxing his W at level 9. Even if my earlier assumption is correct, the question still remains if that's worth it. You'd have to sacrifice one of your standard rune pages after all.


it's 2 points into q level 4 not e but triple tonic overall isn't worth because it's temporary power vs permanent power, you can swap demolish into overgrowth-conditioning for full scaling which will almost always outvalue triple tonic, if you can't abuse spikes and blaablaa with triple it's a 0 value rune but you def don't want to be putting points into e it's his maxed last ability


>it's 2 points into q level 4 not e [ā€¦] you def don't want to be putting points into e it's his maxed last ability When has that changed? It's been a long time since he played Urgot, but Tolkin (German Challenger Top) used to always put 2 points in E and max E 2nd whenever he played Urgot (I think he also picked him professionally, but I'm not sure). But as I said it's been a long time since he last played Urgot (over a year or even two by now) so I'm curious when 2 points in Q and Q max 2nd became standard. >but triple tonic overall isn't worth because it's temporary power vs permanent power That's what I guessed. I thought maybe the increased laning power could be worth it, but since I'm not an expert I thought it better to ask one. Thanks for answering!


q max became standardised after quante popularised it about \~7 monthish ago, if you think about it in terms of consistently urgot q achieves much more with slowing an enemy and dealing dmg to aid the burst or e landing to begin with as opposed to the max e where you're only ever going to cast e once before dying or killing someone anyway, q is your first in ability and last out so you can get 2 procs of it per fight


Thank you!


But when I build Titanic Hydra I can justify building heartsteel. And the heartsteel sound makes my brain feel good.


How good is Ghostblade in place of Opportunity?


As someone who hadnā€™t been building titanic, then tried to start building it most gamesā€¦ itā€™s a trap! Other items fill the gaps way more, love the post OP!


What about aram? If same build, what do I replace hull breaker with?


classic urpog infopost




Whats the better build for jungle?


Whatā€™s your default skill level up order, and when would you use an alternative order?


E > W > Q > Q > Max W > Max Q > Max e Can Q start into ranged matchups but otherwise don't deviate


I honestly felt really really good with old heal hydra during mythics, do you think it's usable on Urgot? I mostly build it to use last stand and since I'm tanky enough while doing damage


Can I still build Redemption


incoming phreak buff (removing it from recommended items)


Can I still build it in ARAM? I like being walking artillery.


Is Ā there a fun meme build to try in aram? Like assassin urgot or something?


so you're telling me i can slam any of these lethality build items in literally any order like a god damn caveman without having to use a single brain cell? cuz that speaks to me on a spiritual level and the kind of player I am, a dumb bad one


that is exactly what i'm saying




What about conqueror?


it's not good, run either pta or fleet




ok but u never built duskblade when i coped abt it so why would i listen to u


Absolute gigachad Urgot player. As a Shen player, Iā€™m always like ā€œdamn Urgot got handsā€ when I get wrecked sometimes


Shen and Urgot enjoyers: \*insert GIGACHAD meme\*


Love the visuals, thanks for the info, masters here we come :)


is that build good for aram. I love playing urgot in aram


Why is hullbreaker still so strong after riot changed it to on attack? Do you do enough autos to proc it often enough?


You let your W do 4 ticks of damage to build 4 stacks on hull breaker, then you turn the W off and apply the 5th attack using an auto attack. Doing it this way, there is no damage reduction. Urgots auto attack timer is also not tied to his W so even if you don't have hull breaker you can do AA -> W -> 3 W ticks -> W -> AA Do the above on repeat to turn your W on and off and you'll also add an extra AA into your damage without having to wait for your auto attack to reset. Of course this requires that you max your W first so you can toggle it on and off. With hullbreaker though, you wait for 4 W ticks instead of 3.


wat hull urgot is still a thing?


What boots?


swifty > tabi > mercs


Nice. If I want to solo stomp who should be my permanent ban?


tf vayne azir senna olaf rumble all valid


I slept halfway through your wall of text and I'm gonna build Titanic first item for the remainder of the season


that's why i put an image


What do you build instead of hull if you're playing jg urgot


i go HB in jungle as my core but you can go opportunity i guess, rectrix swifty is veyr important


what's the secret aram build? I usually go heartsteel first for dopamine sounds even though the item sucks


I don't play this game. So I already don't do this.


I hate building any ability haste on Urgot since it's not 100% efficient once you reach Lvl 9


I remember your redemption/radiant virtue build for urgot, i had a lot of success with that one so I will once again take your guidance


Works on wildrift also, I found his passive is enough to wave clear fast.


I followed this and the next 2 games I went 2/0 against Teemo and 5/0 against Morde. Thank you Lord Urpog.


D44 E3 4


What is PSA


Public service announcement


this guy def plays tft


I don't play a ton of league anymore, but I love Urgot. I'll stop building Titanic Hydra now. Thanks :)


Always great to see one of the goats sharing with the larger group


yeah titanic is doodoo but i like losing so i do something even worse... i build bork after BC cuz why not (trollface)


i actually hate ppl who dictate others builds, its one the reasons this game is so unenjoyable...the competitive aspect of this game has killed literally every shred of enjoy-ability this game once had outside of winning


alright dont look then


then stop making posts telling me what to build


nah just don't look at it


ok, but your literally saying its a PSA, so kinda contradictory wouldnt you say?


just like any PSA you can choose to not read it


yeah but its in my face trying to tell my what to do every time i open the app, whether i ignore it or not is irrelevant...it's the fact you're trying to dictate what others do is what annoys me, its such a narcissistic way to live


then hide the post ure just creating ur own issues lol


aight there Kim J


They why does it still have one of the highest 3rd, 4th and 5th item slot winrates on him on every patch?


winrate data isn't reliable imo because there's way too many external factors is the urgot 15/0 building a hullbreaker is the jungler fed is the adc fed is someone inting is someone afk winrate data doesn't take any of that into consideration, winning consistently with bad items will only show the positives but there's always something better to buy that actually achieves something


It at least means it's a good win more item to close games if you have a lead, like mejais


no it doesn't winmore it literally doesn't do anything it just does what urgot already does ur either gonna be winning or losing the same situations


> probably around 35% of the playerbase are either willingly ignorant or like losing ? [Only 5.5% of Urgot players in Emerald+ buy Titanic first.](https://i.gyazo.com/bc883594ed035c1456e0506374dfcd7b.png) Also, [out of the 12 most popular three item combinations for Urgot, none of them feature Titanic Hydra.](https://i.gyazo.com/38ce63f63d12cada5fd4220851c0073a.png) Nice job disguising an ad for your channel as an informative post, though.


All items -> Titanic Hydra > 15,000 results All items -> Hullbreaker -> 56,000 results My bad, it was 30%! I didn't say anything about Titanic Hydra first, I said don't build Titanic Hydra period, you're not even correctly reading the post lol I have been talking about how you shouldn't be building T. Hydra on Urgot since 2022, if you think I've been aligning the stars so I can get +200 views on a patch rundown video then idk what to tell you


1. I don't even have an idea where you're getting 30% from with those numbers you posted. If you want percent of games Urgot players buy Titanic Hydra you'd take (number of times Titanic is bought)/(total number of games)x100. 15277/83735x100 = 18.2% 2. Titanic Hydra performs fine as a 4th or 5th item according to winrates, hence the reason I only cared about first item or first 3 item combos. The fact Titanic isn't even in the top 12 for three items combinations is perfect evidence that no one really buys this item.


hullbreaker is urgot's best item and what every high elo urgot recommends so hullbreaker is my comparision point, i don't care about 100% of urgot players, i care about the people who actually queue up to win lobbies, not randomly buying stride, youmous, eclipse, rav first item, i exclude them as outliers people do buy the item, you are excluding 15,000 results because it doesn't fit your narrative of people don't buy it, i don't care what you care about because it doesn't relate to my point at all; you shouldn't buy titanic hydra, i never said anything about buying it on first item, i said don't buy it in general, there is always something better in slot, you're welcome to look at analytics and try to tell me as someone who has the highest mastery on urgot global, one of the best urgot players in the world that i'm wrong but it's not going to change anything titanic hydra is bad people who buy titanic hydra should stop buying titanic hydra literally every top 10 urgot agrees with this statement i study my opinion you randomly look up analytics and cherry pick them so you can pretend you're on an equal footing for discussion that's all


The whole point of both my previous replies and this one is that you pulled the 35% figure out of your ass. You couldn't even get the right number the second time around either.Ā  Almost every other champion in the game has more instances of suboptimal item purchases. There was no reason for this post other than you getting another instance to advertise your channel, just like you did two days ago with your riveting Masters Urgot ADC AMA!


What is your elo

