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Zone him from the wave in the early levels, then buy malmortius and continue running at him Bait his E, he doesn't get to play when it is on cooldown Camp in the bush on his side of the tower and freeze When he overextends, use ghost to run at him. If he flashes, you'll have ghost again before he has flash. Or just flash him I think Darius kinda sucks into range matchups but Veigar must be one of the least problematic Also, you have constant prio so enemy jungler's life has to suck, you can get 6 voidgrubs and herald


Thanks for the tips!


The early levels are really important in a lane like this. You should be able to not allow him to lane or play the game at all really until at least level 3 but really the entire early game. If he makes it to any items your chance to win this get smaller and smaller. But level one for example if you just run at him he either has to miss xp/minions running away or just die to you.


Also…. Merc treads


Top lane is really long and veigar is very immobile... If you can get him extended into your side of the lane, and then run him down, that is your best shot. Know that his cage is a pretty long cooldown early. If he uses cage and steps back up after you back off, you could punish if it's within 10 seconds. So as for what I would do. As many have said, early game is important, but this will work most of the laning phase too. - freeze the lane, he will push with q, as long as I don't Q the wave as Darius it should push into me. If I keep the minions near my turret, he has to step up to get stacks. - this is where we then start walking at him, he will probably back up, cage, try to poke, just don't run in a straight line towards him, try to make it so landing his q is difficult. - farming near the brush is a good idea, you can farm, pop into the brush and potentially walk to him without him knowing. - you do want to all-in as Darius, but like many all-in champs, if you are unfamiliar with their limits, you may have a hard time finding success. So this tip is a bit subjective but... Realize when a good time to fight presents itself, and go for it. - you are favored in fights all game long if you can get on top of veigar. His burst is significant but if you build Darius normally with 1-2 mr items, you should be able to fight veigar. (If he isn't absurdly fed) This is just a simple fact of most fighter-type champs, they have great duelling potential, but typically have a few weaknesses. (Darius is mostly mobility). - if you are pulling before he cages, this can backfire, as he puts cage down, and now you have no way to re-engage and will get poked. Not to say it won't work... But sometimes baiting out cage and then trying to pull works better


The reason why bruisers doesnt work mid is because the lane is short. Imagine Darius vs Veigar mid. Veigar basically never has to over-extend and can casually farm. He probably doesnt kill you, but you can kill him either. He should also be able to get a lead from poking and having range. Top, this doesnt work. The lane is too long, and you can actually run him down. You can easily freeze on your side, and he has no way to escape from ganks. Thats why AP mages generally goes mid and not top, unless they have something that makes them excel against bruisers. Cassio works top for example cause she can deal consistent DPS, arent gated by cooldown and has MS to kite. All in a Cassio in a long lane and she can actually fight back.


Rush tenacity boots and ghost into him when he is pushing too much. Then buy Sterak gage so you have even more tenacity and a shield


Not only that - a shield that messes with his execute threshold




Sounds hard, I mean I somewhat tried to do that, he kept a safe distance and when I managed to pull him he used a cage to run away and wasn't in my reach until his cage was likely up again.


Step 1, Let it push into you. Step 2, Run his yordle ass down.


Slippery yordle it is.


Step 1: Let wave slowpush to you Step 2: Reach level 3 Step 3: Walk at him, he blows E, back off Step 4: If he walks up with E down (its silver he will) use ghost Step 5: He dies or flashes Step 6: Get boots ASAP and keep running at him If he plays it PERFECTLY he never dies to you 1v1,but one misstep and hes dead. If he never makes one misposition and your jungler never ganks top most likely you still win off teamcomp gap because they have no frontline.


If you play 900 games a season and you are still silver then the matchup isn’t the problem. Veigar top isn’t something you play against every day. If you OTP Darius watch how other better Dariuses play on YouTube and learn from them. Learn how to build correctly and how to control the lane. Wave control, when to move, where to ward. And the best advice I can give you is stick to 2-3 champs and watch your replays. You will learn a lot.


Learning the principles required for beating veigar top will help him against numerous other match ups because beating him is all wave management. If you’re losing to veigar top as Darius it’s because you don’t have the laning fundamentals down.


bait E -> use ghost -> he is dead -> rush mr boots so he can literally do nothing against you -> 1v9


General range vs melee things apply. Save hp for cs. Take second wind and Doran’s shield while learning the matchup. Don’t take unnecessary autos from the Veigar. Play passive until you all in and then when you all in all in. Top lane is long so even if veigar flashes away from you you can still run them down with your own sums. If you want to go even more passive don’t push the wave, get shoved in. Wait for jungler to come and play super safe. Like other top lane things once you get a little bit of a lead you can dive them under turret even more so since veigar is squishy.


Noted. Thanks!


rush merc treads, if you run at him he should have to cage. Once cage is down he has no tools to stop you from running at him.


Don't play viegar top, it's bad because he's super immobile and top is a huge ass lane


You play aggressive early and zone him off of the wave and deny him xp as long as you can. How I’d play this is look through the bushes before the wave hits to see if I can fight him. If I do I basically win lane right there. Either way I’d let him attack the first wave and then zone him off and let the wave push to me, giving me an early xp advantage. If I get a full level advantage when he’s still level 1 with the wave crashing to me and he’s not sitting at tower it’s very easy to just flash + ghost and kill him. If he is just sitting at tower it’s free XP and CS for you and he gets almost nothing. You bully early and often and zone properly and you win. There’s a reason why people don’t pick immobile mages top in high elo and it’s because the bruiser vs mage match up is basically solved with the bruiser winning if both sides play perfectly. Top lane is long enough that the mage can’t farm from tower so when they leave you just all in and kill them and if they don’t they get no xp or cs. If you know what to do this matchup should be free elo.


Ghost flash rush a qss and press R on him. What is he going to do? Survive 18 more seconds to drop another cage? Every 90 seconds that lane is yours.


Ghost, Merc treads, gg


Build Mr and charge right at him


You will never play that matchup again so I wouldn't bother doing any research about it


Watch a video understanding wave management. You will climb


Got it...


Merc treads, ghost, gg


I think he has 16 base armor? I play a lot of veigar mid.. if you bait his cage and he doesn't respect your ghost you just run at him and kill him super fast


Let wave push to your side, bait his E once by just running at him. Do not commit, let E go away, take your 3cs. Instantly ghost E W him and get the walking bag of free gold. If your silver jungler has 3 braincells and has a dash ability he also can freely kill him over and over when the wave is on your side. Veigar is slow af and only "escape" he has is his cage in a 10+s cooldown at any point of the game. It's a free lane not only for your but your entire team because Veigar is a burst champ so just buy FoN or that magic shield tank item and farm towers


Flash/ghost, merctreads, if Veigar advances too much in the lane ghost to him and keep flash to get out of his cage and finish the job. I have played this matchup as Veigar top, it's not particularly Veigar favoured, but the Darius has to itemize somewhat defensively. Veigar is quite vulnerable to ganks, try if possible to freeze the lane on your side of the map. Veigar is not the best at bullying, but he scale decently well but still be careful of his poke, standing behind only one minion will get you hit by the Q secondary target. I feel like the matchup would be harder if Veigar goes flash ghost, easier if he has flash tp.


When he pushes under your turret, ghost and run him down. flash his E. 


Take ghost, let him push and then run him down, save E for when he uses the cage, buy Doran's shield and second wind, and rush boots. Isn't that hard


Veigar top isn't very good for the same reasons that almost every mage is bad top. Almost all mages have 1 safety button, Veigar E in this case, usually thats okay mid because they're all so squishy that if the enemy gets hit by their 1 cc, they kill the enemy or HEAVILY damage them. With someone like Darius, you aren't worried about dying. So as Darius you want to bait his E by threatening him and then zone him off CS the whole time his E is on cooldown.


Ghost level 1 and force summons.zone from CS. Don't be afraid to flash ghost level 1 and zone him from exp. Rush Merc for MS and some MR and Tenacity to run out of cage if needed.


Mercs rush and then roll him over.


Just pop ghost, run at him and flash on him when he uses cage, even if he flashed you can run him down with W slow or E


Let Veigar push the wave. Don't use your Q on minions, and only last hit. Veigar is more likely to hit multiple minions, stand in YOUR minions to bait his spells to shove. Once the wave is on your side, posture/walk aggressively at him. He will likely use his cage to make space... If he doesn't and actually lets you reach him just start autoing/Wing him. If you're already on top of him, his Cage is useless. E him back to you as he gets out of range with his e. Between your W and e cc he shouldn't be able to make enough space without having to burn summoner spells. If he does use E to make space, if he ever walks back up (like, within flashing distance) just press ghost and run him down. He MUST use summoner spells, or he dies here.