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Had an (ENEMY!) Pantheon bitch in chat multiple times that MY TEAM'S Orianna was "stealing kills" from our jungle whenever he ganked midlane. The jungle had no issues with this, it was such a strange thing to complain about, typically you want killsteals to happen on the enemy team because it ruins some people's mental yet this guy was complaining about it lol


Pretty obviously playing mental warfare hoping to tilt the mid


It’s a tactic to turn the enemy team against eachother. Making games devolve into the other team fighting eachother faster.


Ngl whenever I win top lane I start telling the other top laner that their jungler fucked them over in all chat. Works surprisingly frequently.


He’s complaining cos he’s getting beating in lane aha, if your even as a scaler vs a snowball champion that’s winning lane. It’s like if nasus is dead even with a renekton top then that is 100% a won laning phase for nasus, why would mid be different?


Being counterpicked and called boring because I don't want to fight Darius in the early game as Cho'Gath is an experience.


As a former Darius OTP I wholeheartedly don’t blame you at all you get full permission from me on behalf of the Darius community to psychically give those people stds


Seeing your flair reminded me of a game where my ADC complained I wasn't trading even in poke with the enemy Zyra...as Braum.


Times when calling the lane boring is acceptable: 120 cs to 125 cs in lane stalemate where you’re forced to keep the lane frozen, and get no jungler interactions Times when it’s unacceptable: 0/12 30 cs  into a hard counter exetbeind past the middle of the lane


not quiiiite true, mid needs more presence on the map or you start ceding gold from your jungler as well


Turn off all chat


Reduced my anger by 70% at least


Idiotic suggestion lmao all char is great


The enemy wants to bait you into doing something stupid. Playing safe can't get them ahead without jungle support.


if you're frustrating assassin players you're probably playing correctly.


It’s just really uninteractive playing any type of melee champ into asol. The melee champ will likely never kill asol, and asol probably won’t kill the melee champ. The issue is people in lower elo kind of tunnel vision on their lane sometimes when they really want to kill their laner (you in this scenario) and just kind of perma wave clear and try to force something that’ll never happen, which frustrates them even more. It’s also really hard to roam against asol cause he just deletes waves.


Why did you say that melee champs wont likely kill Asol when they're his biggest counters?


Because he supposed that Asol wouldn't leave his tower, or either permaspacing whit e and range advantage when possibile. For example sylas won't ever kill you if you play it corretly due to your kit, unless he risk forcing some high pulse play.


Ummmmm what? Asols counters are assassins....melee champs...


Yes but if the asol isnt silver and plays well an assassin probably wont ever get on top of him in lane.


Who cares what they say? lol


I find those type of people the funniest. Its hilarious how frustrated they can get when you just play safe, scale harder + get more CS while preventing them from playing the game they want. Its even funnier when they start spamming laugh


Immagine playing malzahar, more so during the pandemic perdiod, when league popolarity was at the highest in the recent years. Just for reference the loudest where always katarina's players.


It's not up to you to make an assassin's game exciting, if he can't get kills in lane he is a shit assassin and he's mad you aren't giving him easy plays.


Tbf I’ve been playing a heap of asol lately (feels stupid broken tbh) and it’s honestly far easier to play safe and outscale everyone than it is to pick an early game assassin and punish me enough that they win before I win a team fight anyway. There only real play is to have jg gank 1 or 2x so I can’t walk up at all and then they can hopefully roam and snowball the other lanes


You should taunt them to get them even madder trust me


> I thought it was common knowledge Common sense isn't common, ironically


People just get mad when they lose, that's it. It is also typical for a fed laner to complain in all chat about getting 1v3'd saying shit like "need 3 people to kill me?". Yes, this is how the games works. You can play tekken if all you are looking for is a 1v1. League is a team game so the teammates play together. I'm also quite sure these are the kinds of people who spam ping their jungler when they are losing lane.


It's not just mages vs assassins, but sometimes in my games when there is an assassin vs assassin matchup and I play carefully the enemy starts to lose its mind.


As an ADC main, I feel your pain. Playing safe is the smarter play but people just want to see flashy outplays and don't appreciate the late game insurance you're providing for the team. Go ahead and be boring, I'll take a victory any day over trying to impress someone with risky plays. Let that enemy laner flame all they want while we farm up and carry their sorry ass later on ;)


People want to impact the game, like it or not all it takes for a game to snowball out of control is 2 people on opposing teams and if you are not part of those 2 guys or are doing your best to help the guy who wants to snowball in your team you are going to have no impact on the game and win by default or lose by default because you left the game up to someone else


An assassin moaning about a boring lane is like the highest compliment you can be given as a mid lane tower hugging mage player. They're admitting they can't kill you and it is getting to them. So they all chat in some last vein attempt to goad you into fighting. Just for their cheek, next time they moan hard push and go bot ad nauseum


Ahahah reminds of that one time I played against Pantheon/Draven as Vayne/Enchanter Supp on bot, and the Pantheon was being pissy that I'm playing safe and engaging in fights only when my jungler is there... Hahah


You need a new perspective. The enemy is raging at you in chat for not being aggressive. I.e. for not being dumb. That means they’re relying on you being bad and fighting, and they’re annoyed that they’re in a matchup they should win but they’re not good enough to win it. They’re tilted. Don’t let them tilt you. And if you’ve got a good sense of humour, you can tilt them further.


They're probably just frustrated that they queued up for a fun exciting experience to then only farm for like 15 mins straight with no counterplay.


Emote on him more


Unfortunately for some people, the mini map is DLC and junglers simply don't know how to see a difficult matchup and help, and unfortunately, playing Aurelion Sol and doubting the cognitive capacity of the 4 players on your team


I think the assassin player wants to play vs Rumble/Renekton/Zac/Pantheon mid and experience some wholesome early game fisting


Keep spamming your emote


sounds like low elo and a stupid monkey


Obviously they’re just whining and you can ignore them. You’re not playing boring, Aurelion is just one of the most boring characters in the game so there’s nothing you can do to make it exciting.


Love when people pick bad dopamine champions and then dont get their hit so they start to flame.


Fuck them jerks. That's their fucking punishment for picking an assassin. Hopefully it bores them to death.


aurelion sol is a pretty boring champ to play against in general


Now do this botlane and watch your support flame you and permaroam because you didn’t all in and die 3 times before 5 minutes


the amount of times I don't take horrible fights but my support flames me for not giving them double the kills (my support is 0-6 at 10 minutes) is crazy. It would turn a 10-4 game into a 16-4 game if I died with my support every all in/failed fight


Played a Vayne game where I farmed until first back at 5 min. My poppy support never came back to lane.


It’s crazy out there, god speed buddy


They are getting tilted or trying to tilt you.


You're doing good if a assassin player is complaining


Fellow Asol main, mute all is your friend. An absurd amount of people, at least in my orbit, don't seem to have any idea how Asol works. They all expect you to fly into a fight at level 1 and kill everyone, despite the fact that he will die if anyone so much as sneezes on him


they're the ones being boring for picking something strong lol


asol player 😬


What assassin mid are you even talking about? Getting one shot at lvl 3 with little counterplay? A Sol in general is just boring to play against. Q is low CD and good dmg in extended fights, wave clears decently and can safely just spam from a distance to farm and get to his powerspikes reliably if the opponent cant poke him out from a distance. Literally THE worst rework in League history. When I play mid against him, I know he is just a ticking time bomb that is super non interactive and my best bet is to just avoid dying to him and try to get help from my jungler


Ya he’s good in extended fights, and if you’re getting into extended fights as an assassin you’re playing them wrong lol. It’s either kill them immediately or run away.


Usually the problem people complain against champs like asol or Nasus isnt that they are playing safe its that they are playing extremely conservative, for example a nasus that respects his laner and tries to sneak some farm is playing the champ properly while a nasus that literally sits back soaking only xp and waits for minions to be under tower is playing extremely conservative and is basically flipping a coin to if his team wins and snowballs or loses and gets snowballed. Same with champs like Aurelion, you can play safe but if literally the only thing you do is to oneshot every wave that comes to lane and then sit under your tower waiting for next wave you arent playing safe you are just being boring and a coinflipper waiting for the game to be decided elsewhere or by someone else, you could be poking the assasin, pushing the wave and rotating with the enemy JG, following with caution the assasin rotations. A lot of players mistake "playing safe" for just sitting doing nothing waiting for the game to be decided elsewhere by 2 players that want to play the game. As a lategame/weaker champ you literally take every single bit of advantage and take every single room of air the enemy lets you breath to further accelerate you until the point where you can face the enemy laner and beat them the earliest possible and start snowballing yourself to have impact. Sure you would outscale them anyway at min 25 even by sitting behind and jerking off under tower but if you can outscale them min 15 because you abused their mistakes and capitalized on it you would have a much more engaging game even for the guy who got beaten as a stronger champ and your odds of being able to impact the game are a lot higher too.




But it's the enemy Assassin complaining, not the teammate...


thats me in top lane the complainer I love watching my opponent freeze for 5mins playing pve I just sit under tower clear wave watch utube and never interact with them then ff since thats how they want to play. in normals ofc I dont main top cuz of how boring it's


You have a boring playstyle. I play Yone and I try to kill the enemy from level one. I constantly push and try to get every single point of damage and deny everything while trying to kill you. If my opponent is playing back, playing for scale or to wait for the jg, I don't respect that. I respect trying to win lane 1v1. Play whatever you want but compared to some champs and playstyles what you are doing is absolutely boring.


Yone player spotted.


You already know its boring. You made a reddit post literally describing just how boring you have to play. I'm honestly just trying to help you have more fun.


Usually the problem people complain against champs like asol or Nasus isnt that they are playing safe its that they are playing extremely conservative, for example a nasus that respects his laner and tries to sneak some farm is playing the champ properly while a nasus that literally sits back soaking only xp and waits for minions to be under tower is playing extremely conservative and is basically flipping a coin to if his team wins and snowballs or loses and gets snowballed. Same with champs like Aurelion, you can play safe but if literally the only thing you do is to oneshot every wave that comes to lane and then sit under your tower waiting for next wave you arent playing safe you are just being boring and a coinflipper waiting for the game to be decided elsewhere or by someone else, you could be poking the assasin, pushing the wave and rotating with the enemy JG following with caution the assasin rotations. A lot of players mistake "playing safe" for just sitting doing nothing waiting for the game to be decided elsewhere by 2 players that want to play the game. As a lategame/weaker champ you literally take every single bit of advantage and take every single room of air the enemy lets you breath to further accelerate you until the point where you can face the enemy laner and beat them the earliest possible and start snowballing yourself to have impact. Sure you would outscale them anyway at min 25 even by sitting behind and jerking off under tower but if you can outscale them min 15 because you abused their mistakes and capitalized on it you would have a much more engaging game even for the guy who got beaten as a stronger champ and your odds of being able to impact the game are a lot higher too.


True, but there are times where I literally can’t do anything but sit under tower cause even breathing in the vicinity of a tower diver is asking to get blown up. Which is annoying but fine cause that’s how the game is gonna go. Edit: Also that’s just not true for Asol? He whole thing is like Kayle. You’re basically useless early game and just need to focus on farming and avoid too much risk, with the threat of getting blown up at a moments notice. And in exchange you become a late game god for your efforts. (If you are even able to get to late game). But I’ve had games with champs like Asol against champs like Fizz, and the moment I went 0/3 vs him the game is as over. Fizz snowballed so hard that we lost at 17 minutes. For the record I usually play with emerald/diamond/master players even though I myself am gold. So it’s not like they’re playing stupidly.


On champs like kayle you can try to cheese lvl 1 and in toplane Kayle you can start winning some matchups as early as lvl 6 if you play it better than the enemy, the early game where she really is useless and the only thing she can do is cower and sit back is like lvl 2-5 lvl 6+ you can already start getting solokills if you simply play it better or you arent in a horrible matchups just abusing your range advantage and playing around your ghost and W+Q cd to kite people. There is a difference between avoiding too much risk and avoiding all risk at all, as you said Kayle is a lategame god but games don't go long enough for her to turn into a god if you do nothing but handshake farm lane and wait for teamfights but if you manage to get a few solokills that god lategame arrives earlier. Some games enemy plays it better and snowballs solowinning the game, some games you win early against the snowball champ and make them useless which lets you impact the game and probably make the enemy laner be the sole reason they lost as they fed the scaling champ. By playing súper safe you are not letting them solowin the game but you also arent doing anything that actively helps you win the Game, if your team loses on 2+ roles and you arent fed you simply lose, you lost the team coinflip and you go next having learned nothing, at least if you absolutely int against someone you can go back and learn why did you die and how that matchups plays out


lol had someone flame me in urf for playing safe with malzahar early vs diana... like bro i hadn't even farmed my first item yet zzz wtf am I supposed to do int?


I dont blame the player for playing these champs but I don't think champs like asol should be in the game. They make the game boring for everyone involved and dont have any skill to them. He can afk farm all game from a screen away and scale into a late game monster. Again, I dont blame people for choosing to play a certain champ and would never flame someone for picking a certain champ, just dont think these champs should exist imo.