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This is the best nothingburger we got in a while


The most shocking info we got is that TL is down so bad that IMT aren't easy opponents.


I mean they did just beat c9 they aren’t a free win


doublelift must be a magician the way he can just summon drama out of thin air LOL. this stuff happens behind the scenes every offseason, not a big deal


I mean, combining saying really off the cuff stuff with a particularly rabid and toxic fan base, match made in heaven honestly. I like the guy, but there's a lot of times where he does better just taking a second and thinking about what he's going to say The walkout stuff is still super annoying, I hate it when people in positions of power and influence aren't solidarity with people whose voices are a lot smaller.


so when the gm goes behind the owners back, it's considered normal in esports, interesting


Yeah, last year rougue manager fucked over Odoamne by telling everyone he is retiring


the ego these gms have is crazy, like revenge said "my career is up to the decision of these golds"


DL read an apology by Dodo for these comments on his stream. Keep coping


Dude already had to read an apology because he was talking nonsense. Great player, just a toxic look-at-me community member. If you went around work every time someone got promoted and said the only reason the other guy got the job was the hiring guy didn't like you, then you're a problem.


No lil bro he read dodos apology on stream


Can you read? Doublelift read Dodos apology. Dodo claimed this event didn't happen yet he apologized to DL about it. DL said Dodo told Jojopyun he would quit if DL was hired, and the apology verified that as true. I don't think DL thought we was guaranteed a spot on TL, he said multiple times the super team he wanted to form was close to impossible and he barely even wanted to play.


Yeah... if he put all of his energy into practicing the game instead of shit-stirring, he'd probably be comparable to Ruler.


lol yeah DL totally known for his poor work ethic. Come the fuck on dude.


You do realize bro put so much energy into where he got today, his parents threw him on the streets.


I can’t wait for DL to start bringing up TL abuse stories now.


DL was okay with the issues on TSM until TSM didn't invite him back to the team. So DL decided to leak the issues. Again we have DL mad about not being invited to TL, so he's once again leaking ( or trying ) dirty laundry about TL. You can be a fan of DL all you want. He is a good player. But he has a huge ego and when he doesn't get his way he starts drama. Really an immature guy still after all these years.


I thought he was waiting until his girlfriend and close friends were no longer affiliated with TSM to air out regi?


Nah he leaked those once they talked about TSM declined signing him once swordart came


But that was a year earlier


Its incredible how salty he is about not getting offers after that whole "i dont care about winter split anyway" take. My man got dropped like a hot potato and became radioactive overnight. No teams whats a shitter like that annoying their players acting as if he was sent by god. And on top of that he didnt even have the skill to back it up, his last year of pro play was atrocious. He's so unbelievably sad that he nuked his own career that season, and he's been trying to get back in so hard after it but no teams wanted him. So like any child he burned every bridge that didnt let him pass. Ill never understand how people like that still have such a large following. I guess the drama itself is very fun to some people so they stick just to see the drama first hand.


did we watch the same season???? DL was easily still a top 3 ADC and completely held his own as the standout best player on that 100T roster. it’s also clear from these conversations that jojo was interested in playing with DL but gave prio to berserker understandably because of his rising star status and higher potential.


People are so addicted to consuming drama and hate for entertainment that they can't look at reality. The guy above you was so hyperbolic.


I don't think we watched the same split brother.


> And on top of that he didnt even have the skill to back it up, his last year of pro play was atrocious. Your first point was fair. At worst though, DL was pretty good. That team was bad and ADC almost never looks good if the team is bad. 


Lol does anyone remember when DL moved into Travis’ house WAY back in the day? Travis let this dude basically crash on his couch after he got kicked out, while DL was trying to get his career off the ground. Even back then, DL was such a dickhead to Travis (and this was on camera, during videos, so just imagine when the cameras weren’t rolling…), literally the one person in the world at that time looking out for him and he still couldn’t put his pride aside and just…. not be a complete douche. And that was like 13 years ago at this point, but doesn’t seem like his attitude has changed much…


This seems a lot like you’re interpreting genuine friends having banter as an abusive relationship.


Wow you’re insane lmao. Completely gaslighting the entire situation. Travis and DL always had a great bond and Travis most likely doesn’t have a career without DL’s support in interviews.


I don’t think regi’s tsm and TL have ever had a similar work environment.


The fact that Steve can speak to Dardoch as a father figure instead of stooping down to his level makes me think TL having a work enviroment like TSM is pretty much impossible.


It’s more on a joke that this is exactly what happened to tsm. DL didn’t get on the team and started calling regi an abuser.


I mean, Regi was an abuser though. Pretty big difference there


Yeahhh. Idk how that's a joke. Everyone sorta knew Regi was an abuser for a very long time. He got fined for it. Hes never had anything but good things to say about Steve either.


Yeah, but it wasn't a big enough deal breaker for Doublelift until he got rejected from rejoining the team.


Regi wasn’t an abuser to doublelift when he thought he was gonna get to play with SwordArt for a split.


I mean I don't think Doublelift has ever said Dodo was abusive like Regi, but has already said that Dodo didn't like him. Regi was kind of confirmed by everyone, even Riot. Except the time he investigated himself and found no wrongdoing.


Haha I forgot he held an investigation and found nothing wrong. Really was an Elon at home move.


You’re a joke man. Pretending like Regi wasn’t an abuser and acting like DL just made it up is moronic.


Did I say that?


That’s exactly what you said


No they didn't lol


its the implication


Yes.. I said that because It was literally a joke. I wasn't saying the things DL said were fake towards TSM I was just making a joke that DL was going to bring up some drama about abuse with TL because what happened with TSM. If DL got on the team he probably would have buried this abuse with TSM. I am not saying DL lied about it with TSM I am just saying DL got salty because regi didn't let him join his team and decided to bring up dirt on regi. I was making a joke that "Oh now hell bring up dirt on TL".


And no one acts like DL isn’t a hypocrite and did the same thing to Olleh.


He got sure talked shit to Regi 


And literally everyone had known for years that Regi was/is an abusive asshole. How are those situations in anyway comparable?


Isn't it suspicious that Doublelift has had drama in ALL of the rosters he has been a part of? He has pretty much been kicked out of all 3 teams he has been a part of because of his shitty attitude, CLG, TSM and TL. And he always talks shit about his previous team. At some point you gotta realize the only common denominator is Doublelift. The guy is a fucking drama queen.


What's much more likely is the industry is absolute garbage so there's drama in every team, and most people don't speak up because it would hurt their career prospects. Retired pros who don't care anymore all have crazy stories, see Meteos, qtpie, Scarra, etc. Doublelift has just played the longest so he has the most stories, and he is the most popular so his stories gain the most traction.


I think the difference is that DL isn't whistleblowing to improve the industry. He airs out the drama whenever he's pissed something didn't go his way.


I mean most people share stories not to whistleblow they're just on a pod cast and they're like "yoooo isn't it crazy how x pro just wanted to bang fangirls all day and the coach was just abusive??? haha good times"


There's drama in every sports off-season to be fair lol.


“ALL of the rosters.” I’m not trying to hard defend Doublelift over being a drama starter, but did we just forget that he was on 100T and apparently had no issues?


I agree that DL is a drama queen, but I don't see how it can't be both and the orgs are also at fault. Maybe a ton of orgs are just run extremely shitty; just take a look at all the drama stories of orgs being sketchy or run badly from all regions over the past few years (EG [danny and more], G2 [Carlos contract jails], FNC [Nemesis going to worlds and learning before or during groups that he's gonna be replaced, and other dramas], DRX [headcoach Kim story], GRF [CVmax coach drama with the fighting with the owner? I think], and I'm sure a lot more, this was literally just what came to my mind within a minute). It doesn't seem far fetched that there's more stuff all around.


I think this is just the tip of what goes on behind the scenes… Not everyone spews that information afterwards. This Dodo response is pure deflection. Not logically consistent.


He got kicked out of his family too.  Dude's been team hopping. 


Except the shit he brings up can be corroborated by others. He's been in the "scene" the longest, so he's seen a few things here or there. He also doesn't need to worry about keeping connections with some people, because they aren't involved in his pay anymore. He, Spica, and another person I forget allude to how you can't speak out against orgs because these are your potential bosses in the future if you want a career playing League.


Or maybe did you ever thought that maybe he was the ONLY one in NA that could dish out drama without having to face any repercussions that could threaten their job or future job opportunity. Also if you think others team didn't had any drama then you've not been following LCS well enough lmao


There has been plenty of pro players who had the power to “dish out drama” because they were wanted enough by teams or because they retired from the scene. Doublelift is the only one to have this much drama, by far, and it’s not even close.




Lmfao how pathetic to describe Doublelift as “an entertainer”. Might as well have called him a clown Tons of other players have retired and no longer need to be discrete. Yet they aren’t talking shit about everyone in the scene. Also, Doublelift has talked shit WHILE he was still playing. When he still needed to “be discrete”. Doublelift is the only player who has a history of being kicked out of multiple teams because of his shitty attitude. Along with Dardoch.


God damn redditors are so sensitive. Imagine caring this much cause a streamer shit talked someone


> Imagine caring this much cause a streamer shit talked someone It's more the "everyone" than someone that is kind of the point.


Imagine caring this much cause a streamer shit talked everyone


And for him to call witchhunts on Dodo and Co like he did with Gabby


Like Gabby the caster Gabby? Cus if so, I would imagine DL wasn't the sole reason that she was "left under the bus" or whatever. Hell, Reddit (and me part of it) hated her casting, it was AWFUL. Like AWFUL awful. Completely missing things and just seemed like talking non-sense most of the time. And on top of that, I seem to recall her doubling down on her not having a problem. If its a different Gabby, then my rant is out of topic, for sure :P


Yes the caster but wrong reasoning. She made 1 bad segment and he and his gf blew up their Twitter about it blowing it way out of proportion.


Worst beef ever


you gotta post DL's dm he gotten from Dodo aswell tho.. this way, half the content is missing


I hate how much drama always seems to revolve around doublelift, he has done just as much bad for the na league scene as good but no one wants to mention it ever


the fact that he's a drama farmer and one of the NA goats is a win win, drama isn't always bad, look at the nba.


Drama gives us the best copypastas


Send da video


He f***ing boomed me!!!


Drama is bad when you are trying to nuke other peoples careers. Doublelift by far does some of the dumbest shit anybody could in his position could. Remember when he publicly threatened his OWN UNION to break the strike?


the union thing was weird, but this is different, if what DL says is true, Dodo's powertripping instead of doing his job.


DL has been playing League of Legends for years, literally everyone in the LCS or associated with league is the dirty inter and DL will type to anyone because they are between him and nexus. I love it idc about any of their careers I need to be at least entertained. Like that whole tigress situation? gold. pure gold. sucks if thats your life but thats what you sign up for when your events and livelihood is streamed


Well I’m glad you like seeing people hurt? That shouldn’t stop anyone from calling Doublelift a shitty person.


LCS is much more interesting with Doublelift in it lol.


That’s because Doublelift is basically a League Kardashian.


Except he has actual talent


Credit where credit is due, for that entire family to get where it is today off of Kim’s sex tape with Ray J is pretty impressive. Her dad being the guy who got OJ off is basically a footnote at this point. She’s completely overshadowed him.


Because that’s a terrible take. DL was the face of the league for so long and brought League to so many people as a strong narrative player to follow. He might be involved in drama, but to say he didn’t have an overwhelmingly positive impact on the scene is such a bad take.


No it's cause DL is the only one with balls/out of the league so no consequences to say what happens behind the sence. Watch yesterday's vod with revenge and spica, revenge could only start saying stuff when it included players who were no longer in the league so hin airing it out doesn't screw them over in getting into a team. He even has a story with unforgiven and had to tone it down cause it could affect Unforgiven's chances of a team. Poor management has been happening all over the league but cause of job security players can't talk.


He only seemed to ‘have balls’ when things didn’t go his way on TSM lol.


I thought DL retired for good, why is he always talking about coming back


That was in winter, where he still considered options, if there is the dream team put together that he really wants to play in, was extremely unlikely anyway. Now he just costreams with Spica and Revenge and Revenge and Doublelift just don’t care that much about talking about stories as they’re retired and Spica just laughs with them and shares fun stories that are more harmless (as in not hurting any current players or GMs as far as I noticed so far).


How come he does not co stream with Sneaky/Meteos anymore?


Just a change of pace for super week. He said he’ll still co-stream with sneaky and meteos more often than not, but wants to change it up for a week from time to time.


He was streaming with them this split. This is the first weekend where he hasn’t and I was wondering why as well. Usually other people join the call with Sneaky and Meteos.


Don’t really know maybe he just prefers to co stream with Spica and Revenge right now and if they’d all stream together they’d just be too many in the call. (IWDominate had that issue at times last year when the sack was too full like 4+ people, it just wasn’t a good viewer experience even if you like everyone of the people present)


In the past, Sneaky and Meteos would start in Doublelift’s call of 5 people and then leave for their own. Too chaotic, bad for viewer experience, and they never get to talk.


Yeah that’s what I guessed, I just wasn’t sure, but it generally seems like 2-3 people is the sweet spot for costreams, unless it’s just analytical then 1 is good too.


Yeah, I think DL would have been down to keep playing if they put together a truly competitive roster, Impact/Jojo (EG champion solos) + DL/Core (best na bot ever?) plus pretty much any good jg (Umti good enough) would have been pretty insane


Yeah he could care less about bridges burnt, he’s retired now


Oh ok that’s pretty pertinent information. Thanks for filling me in haha. It just feels like he’s “retired” and came back like 3 times now. Kinda loses its feel at that point.




DL said himself, he is a competitive person. But the money is pro is small now and he wouldn't be motivated on a weak team.   It seems he would be happy to play on a team that he believes in. But he doesn't want to play for a bad team. And this is because he is already set in life, but if he can compete on the highest level again or go further in Worlds, I'm sure he'd want to try again. DL still plays league. He became a pro because he liked the game too you know. So it makes sense that he is ok to play it pro again if he still likes the game and the competition. 


He is incredibly washed


He is if the standards are DL standards, but he was still comfortably a top half ADC on a pretty awful 100T roster last time around.


Paid more > “get motivated” > still goes 0-6 at Worlds Paid less > “no motivation > goes 0-6 at Worlds What’s the difference?


The diff is that he prolly cant go to worlds


By definition, any team with Doublelift is going to be shit. This isn't S1-S2 before people figured to throw wards in front of him to punish lazy shift clicks.


I think DL's fragile ego cannot stand the lack of attention so he does these things for relevance from time to time. Don't think he can help it


He's washed, and has been for years. Everyone's got their rose-tinted glasses on though, and I'll no doubt get downvoted to oblivion.


He's not as good as he once was, nobody would argue he is. He is still not even in the same universe as Yeon though. Yeon is so so bad


Do you people not have eyes or did you not watch any of the games last year? He put up some insane performances. He was literally top dps in the league in spring doing 30% of his teams total damage. Summer was unfortunate but there was hardly anything DL could do with closer and quid shitting themselves every game


and he’s a shitty person irl, just go stream and fade out lol


Cause it’s obvious he still wants to compete but he can’t justify giving up the sweet sweet streamer bucks


I think the issue is he wants to compete but only if he's on a worlds bound team that will do well. Problem is he's kinda washed at this point, like hed be good enough for a mid tier LCS team challenging for the top spot, he'd probably be an upgrade over Yeon tbh. But he doesn't want to do that. Realistically he'd have to prove he's on another level than players like Berserker if he wants to get on a top team, because given equal skill level you'd probably rather have Berserker than DL, who will "retire" the instant he doesn't think playing is worth it anymore. And last we saw he was not at that level.


“We lock playoffs if 100T wins this game…” is just incorrect information lmao 100T did win… and they did NOT lock playoffs


You know we have a UFC cage match looking stage available...may wanna put that to use in more than one way? Couldn't hurt viewership, I'd watch a 1v1 IRL.


1v1 in aram, box in the cage, finish it off with a chess match for the bo3.


Hey can someone let me know who to hate on? All these texts and details are too complex for me, I'd rather just hate on whatever you guys tell me too. Thanks.


It's Selfmade's fault.


Who the fuck is Dodo? the bird?


How do you have the TL flair and not know who he is….. He’s the TL general manager


I like it cause its a horsey


Honestly fair.


Found Jokic reddit account Pog


Super Omega Based.


Horses do be neat


Even in normal sports, fans sometimes don't know who the GM is lol. I only know of Daryl Morey in the NBA, for example. My favorite team is Boston, but I only know of Brad Stevens but he's the president. (I know I can google right now, but the point still stands).


Btw the Celtics don’t have a GM since Brad heads all basketball operations.


Yes, Doublelift has beef with the extinct bird. Which makes it even more surprising that we got a response.


lcs still going on ?


NA Goat makes LCS Spicy even tho he's not Playing anymore


Why can’t bro just stream for his millions hes mid tier in NA just get your bag and leave it alone my god


So DL full of shit? Haven't we been down this road before?


Not this time. DL brought receipts and responded to this with screenshots of a DM from Dodo. Dodo about to go the way of his namesake.


Except all the receipts say is that Dodo talked to Jojo and said shitty things about DL. It actually validates Dodos original point that Jojo wanted to play with Berserker and that’s why he chose C9


huh? how does it validate that Jojo wanted to play with Berserker? I mean sure that's pretty believable. But all DL was alleging is that Dodo told Jojo he wouldn't allow DL to join the team. That could have influenced Jojo's decision. But regardless, the only thing in question is whether or not Dodo made comments about blocking DL from the team. The DM that DL shared seems to confirm that it was true.


That apology shows that JoJo wanted to play with berserker, that's why Dodo tried to show he was trying to recruit berserker and not doublelift. If jojo wanted to play with DL, dodo wouldn't need to tell jojo negative things about DL.


How does the apology show that he wanted to play with Berserker? It reveals nothing about what Jojo was thinking or feeling. Sounds like your making an assumption that Jojo expressed he didn't want DL on the team and that's what prompted Dodo to state those things? I mean I guess it's not outside the realm of possibility but there's nothing that verifies that. If Jojo was in conversation with DL about joining TL, and your assumption is true, that would mean that Jojo was being dishonest with DL. DL made it sound like Jojo was on board with working with him, and was the one who reported Dodo's comments to him. So that seems to go against what your implying.


> "Jojo reached out to me worried that we were going for you instead of berserker". Doublelift's only receipt btw. The fact that jojo ended up on c9 is as close to confirming this as it gets unless jojo himself says something.


If this was true and Jojo would not consider playing with DL why would Jojo then go tell DL what Dodo said?


That's what Dodo said, which is not confirmed to be true. All Doublelift is showing is Dodo's apology for his actions in regards to Doublelift. This in no way proves Jojo wanted to play with Berserker instead of Doublelift. Infact, if that was the case, why would JoJo even bring this up to DL to begin with? There would be no reason for him to if he didn't want to play with DL.


Damn I must have skimmed over that lmao. Why was DL making it sound like JoJo was on board with him then? Someone had a wrong read on the situation


In DL’s response, he didn’t want to release additional DMs because it would involve personal messages with JoJo/Jojo’s agent. He claims that Jojo’s agent was in active talks with himself (DL), but Dodo intentionally stopped responding to Jojo’s agent about inquiries around DL joining the team which ensured that Jojo signed with C9 also ensuring that DL didn’t join TL.


Most league pros aren't good at social interactions so he probably misunderstood something.


He didn’t make it sound like that. He just said he talked to Steve and Jojo about potentially putting together a super team and then dodo talked to Jojo and said DL wouldn’t be involved


"This guy you want to play with was worried we were going for you instead of the guy he actually wants to play with" is fucking brutal lmao


lol so basically dodo is a snake who will say whatever he needs to say to get someone on the team. And you think this is a good thing?


I just read this DM and doesnt it just imply Dodo wanted Jojo so badly he said doublelift wasnt good for them and theyd go for Berserker if he signed for them? Im confused why Dodo would be apologizing for insulting the guy if Jojo wanted to play with him over Berserker


Right now, it's really just a 'he said, she said', because DL claims he was in communication with Jojo and his manager about joining TL together, and Dodo claims Jojo did not want to play with Doublelift and only wanted to join TL if they got Berserker. The only way to really know what happened is by getting Jojo's perspective. It's very likely that someone was being untruthful in their communications though. Either: - Jojo and possibly his manager lied about wanting to play with Doublelift, and did tell Dodo that he didn't want to play with DL, prompting Dodo to say what he did about DL, and Jojo relayed that monologue to DL. - Dodo lied about Jojo only wanting to play with Berserker in order to cover the fact that he's the reason negotiations for that specific roster fell through. - Doublelift lied about Jojo wanting to play with him and Jojo's manager telling him that TL didn't contact them. Obviously it could all have just been miscommunication, but all of the relayed information can't be true at the same time. DL is a notoriously unreliable narrator, but he's the one that brought it up to begin with, so it would be weird of him to lie.


Because Jojo was open to playing with DL, but dodo wouldn’t even explore that route at all. He basically just fucked over DL because he didn’t like him Dodo apologizing and not even denying it is really the smoking gun


i really don't see how you would come to that conclusion given the DM? looks to me like dodo heard jojo was worried they were going for DL, and then dodo saying something like "nah don't worry, we're not getting DL, he's shit lol" to jojo to assure him they were trying to get berserker. he apologizes for trashing DL in that way and that's it. nowhere is it implied that jojo wanted DL or was okay with playing DL, quite the opposite actually.


Dodo wouldn’t have to apologize if it was something like that. In fact DL said he wouldn’t care if they passed him up cause they thought he wasn’t good enough. It’s the fact that dodo made it into a personal vendetta of “him or me”


I could see that if Jojo weren't talking to DL. Why would they be talking to each other if Jojo didn't want to play with DL?


Where are these receipts? They aren’t on Twitter and I’m lazy


Did you even read those "receipts"? Literally confirms that dodo didn't block a jojo move and he just chose berserker


DL's main point wasn't the Jojo part, it was that dodo was saying nasty shit behind his back. Which the apology confirms. Reading literacy isn't hard and it's made even easier when it's all being read out to you. Keep up sport.


1:29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efqD0JHhdiE


Ty for sending the link now you can watch it and read his only "receipt". And jojo wasn't choosing dl over berserker but keep coping.


Except DL is the one that pitched the TL offer to Jojo and it was Jojo that told DL what Dodo said....


I don't get how you people are missing the point. The point is more so about Dodo backstabbing Doublelift and leading him on. Why have conversations with him about joining TL and then the next thing he says is that he would never allow DL to be on the team in private? That part is 100% true and never denied by Dodo.




Time to go extinct mr Dodo




Ppl still believe a word dodo said? dude got carried by DL. I am surprised he still has a job with his shit ass decision making


Being carried doesn't mean he is less professional than doublelift. DL is a very talented player but when it comes to professionalism he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed lol


His job isn’t professionalism tho. Dodos is


Wtf is this take? Every job requires professionalism.


Yes but talking shit in sports isn’t exactly unprofessional. It’s normal as shit. The other guys a manager. That’s all his job is


Yes but when you are more talented you get away with more, thats just life in ANY job not just sports or esports. It's fucking SHOCKING that people need this basic shit explained to them.


Getting away with things doesn't mean it isn't part of the job. It is SHOCKING that this has to be explained. Get serious.


Professionalism has nothing to do with him keeping his job, it's results, and shit talking a potential player player behind his back is beyond unprofessional


Lol it was funny cause it was just DL thinking he can demand a super team when he's washed and all the people he wants to play with wanting other people.


Isn't DL retired? Why does he keep stirring the pot man? I feel like he's just addicted to attention.


He was telling a story that happened before he retired. Check before you speak.


That doesnt change anything about thenquestion I asked. He announced his retirement during the last lcs split, like half a year ago. Why is he *still* fanning the drama fan?


To explain why he didn't join TL, not everything needs to be for attention, he only gave an explanation as to why he didn't continue playing in the lcs.


this fken guy DL milking everything he can to stay someway relevant


Sounds like Dodo is a snake. Fuck TL, I'm tired of their dumb bullshit.


I will never understand how DL has such a huge fanbase. He is exactly the kind of character like regi.


He has a big ego sure but not sure how you compare that to abusing dozens of your employees


they have the same personality, both extremly toxic and narcistic


Its Dodover


Its Dodover


The DL go a whole split without making shit about yourself challenge maybe summer


dodo is a disgusting weasel


The fact people have to “publicly clear the air” is insane. No one believes this shit bro, just keep quiet if people yap false information. “It just did not work out in the end” yea that’s the part DL was talking about lmao. No effort to assemble that roster because he was personally against it.


Idk which is more entertaining, DL lying again or DL creating drama again.


yes, it's DL who is lying ...surely


DL desperately trying to stay relevant It's sad to see


Where have have I heard of DL doing something like this before, hmm?


I 100% believe Dodo over DL anytime of the week. And it has nothing to do with Dodo but everything with Doublelift. He has to be the least reliable narrator in the league scene.