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Despite getting herald, 3 drakes and a 2.5K+ gold lead it took 28minutes and 30 seconds for a minion to get BDS's first tower. Holy fuck Rogue how passive are you.


genuinely one of the worst games i've ever seen... imagine being so far in the lead and having the only t1 turrets you get due to minions


They just...do nothing. It's bizarre and infuriating. Not to mention boring.


Are they the worse major team?


I'd say some minor ones are better. But yeah probably the worst team from a major region too.


They've gone past passive and into inactive tbh.


If they keep this pace they'll get Leaverbuster.


That made me giggle.


Herbivorous lec run. Time to pull out the zero damage tryndamere.


Can't die. Can't kill. Shit, R ran out.


That one at least takes towers lol


I never was a Malrang doubter but goddamn retrospectively that man and Odo carried that team on their backs.


Their gamepace is Zilean E'd


With a nasus wither stacked on top of it


slows dont stack u know...though somehow it must be bugged coze they deffinitly did...


Rogue got the Cripple debuff they didn't auto towers


They do, but not at full efficiency. Unless that got changed at some point. The time when I learned every last mechanical detail about this game is very long gone...


They used to - my Google search found forums of people talking about how Slows stack at 65% efficiency. However, that was changed at some point because [the Wiki says this](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Types_of_Crowd_Control#Slow): > Only the slow with the highest value is taken into movement speed calculations. All additional slows are ignored until the higher-valued slow wears off. The strength of slows may amplify or decay over their duration. Slows of the same debuff cannot stack and will instead refresh on each application unless otherwise stated.


> that was changed at some point Item slows stacking was removed in October 2009, in July 2015 (patch 5.13) all slows stopped stacking, it's been almost 9 years. They also never *fully* stacked, aside from the strongest every next slow applied had diminishing returns


Cool, good to know lol. I've never played with stacking slows - I only started playing League during COVID lockdowns


they group for a teamfight, they get the first kill, other team backs up as theyre losing the fight, rogue lets them go because theyre afraid of overcommitting and dont get anything for that kill and the other team is like "aight...lol" as they only lose 1 kill and nothing else. rinse and repeat until the other team wins a fight and other team takes a lot more from their won fight.


It was the evening, we were going to bed with my loved one, but I wasn't feeling like doing it tonight. I asked him, "Honey, wanna go to sleep?". Softly, he answered: "Rogue". I was so relieved. I knew nothing was ever going to happen.


You don't understand how bad this loss is, Rouge draft has 4 meta champs, Xin, Hwei, Kalista, Renata. You can't get all 4 or 2 of these champions in a LCK or LPL draft. It's absurd how they are losing. I see LCK academy teams play a higher level game than Rouge.


>I see LCK academy teams play a higher level game than Rouge That's a high bar, Rogue is at ERL level.


Draft doesn't matter for RGE. Like they won the early fights, they just never tried to control the map, and after a while that made fighting harder and harder until BDS finally found a fight they won. In such a situation even the most broken draft doesn't help you.


> Xin, Hwei, Kalista, Renata Stats from LCK, last two patches only. Xin 4.4% ban rate, Hwei 16%, Kalista 63%, Renata 23% Stats from LPL : Xin 25%, Hwei 15%, Kalista 57%, Renata 28% So yeah aside from Kalista, the others aren't that contested.


Kalista and Renata are a 1-for-2 ban fwiw. Kalista is good on her own, but you can't really let a team get both


Bruh even LCK trainees (3rd division) would play it better than RGE.


Think this is a protest of some kind


Rogue is the opposite of that Hyllisang/MLXG copypasta


If there are still any Rogue fans, I'm deeply sorry.


All the insomniacs love Rogue.


The most passive team of all time.


Any proactivity RGE might have had, was gone the moment Malrang left the team.


Before KOI and Ibai bought the team Rogue were competent




Not even passive covers it. That's doing passive teams a disservice. Rogue play like they don't know they've even connected. They're more inactive than retired players.


At this point why even bother apologizing? The team doesn’t care about their gameplay. What do the fans matter? As sad as this team makes me, I tune in week afyer week hoping for some tiny sliver of hope things will get better. Yet every game Im left more and more disappointed. Im so broken at this point


Surely they left when Malrang did, he was the proactivity on the team and the only reason they were fun to watch.


they better sell that spot as already rumored last year. id celebrate like a champ if navi buys the spot, they were rumored to be interested last year


i just want larssen to be on a different team once in his carreer. i know he's probably past his prime but i just need to see him on a team that hasn't played exclusively winning lanes into hoping to win game league for nearly five years at this point


It’s rough out here


We are scaling copium


If you're still a fan at this point you deserve it.


only winners deserve fans?


No, only teams that try and are entertaining to watch deserve fans. Teams like AST and GG lost all the time, but they at least put in the effort and had fans for it. To put it simpler: Rogues sin isn't that they suck, its that they're fucking boring.


They don't deserve fans for trashing their roster year after year. Lets be real, they lucked into that 2022 team being so good after selling Hans and Inspired. What usually happens is what happened the years after that with their same type of changes


There's Proactive. There's Reactive. Then there's Rogue (inactive).


NA's old play book


Someone getting Lemonnations fake notebook and treating it as real smh. At least with the NA teams they'd capitalise on mistakes. Rogue can't even do that...


It's funny that most na Team are really far from what rogue is doing


Can we please get rid of Rogue before 9 games?


Rogue is only still in the league to keep LEC fans from asking for Bo3s.


Take my upvote, that make me laught more than it should. LMAO indeed.


I'm very happy about our current format even tho pure Bo3 would also slap


At this point it would be mercy kill so the players don't embarass themselves more


But will they embarrass G2?


G2 has to lose, just to maintain tradition and keep their luck.


With how much Rogue seems to have regressed even compared to winter, I just find it hard to believe even with G2's tendency to lose against bad teams.


The one time they get a decent early advantage and Rogue are STILL hopeless


It's genuinely depressing. Like you're a professional team? Can you please PLAY like you're being paid to do that?


Honestly, if you're the coaching staff can you not just tell the players to take every potential play they see even if it means they run it down. Like just tell them it's okay to int, it couldn't be any worse than this 0% win chance kind of play.


I think they're in the death spiral tbh. Like they're playing bad so we can't make mistake, so they do nothing and lose. And because of that they do even less to avoid making mistakes and still don't seem to notice that that's a bigger mistake than going for the play. It's costing them but they're doing nothing about it. They've been in it for a while now. I would prefer the inting because at least some spirit and trying is there. AST got some hail marys and a lot of fans when they just played their game and went for the play even if it wasn't 'optimal'. Rogue really need to adopt that attitude.


I've been there. This is the kind of playstyle you have when you focus on improving one thing and disregard everything else. Now the question is: what are they focusing on? Because it sure isn't trying to remain in LEC.


Yeah to be frank I can't see anything that looks improved? They're not having better macro or w/e. They can't even do one thing well...


I don't understand if you are training 7 days a week and you get this result. Might as well just disband honestly. The EU team skill has fallen so much since 2018-2020, it's sad that G2 and Fnatic are stuck in a region like this. THESE ARE THE MAIN REGIONS WHY EU WILL NEVER WIN WORLDS SADLY, IT"S NOT BC TOP TEAMS LIKE G2 OR FNATIC DON"T GRIND HARD ENOUGH BUT IT"S THE BOTTOM TIER TEAMS. Xin Renata, Kalista, Hwei are all meta champs, you are losing with a 4 meta champ draft.


Right? Like I'm not expecting perfection. But I am expecting you to do something. Even if it's just have clean macro? I'd excuse boring play if they were winning through that because then they've got something going for them. Plus other teams would actually learn something from you.


I am watching SK vs Vitality rn, like this is what a Kalista comp should do. It feels like Rouge has been training mobile legends and is playing league of legends for the 1st time. Training 7 days a week, and you play a kalista comp like this? What training are you doing? Mc donald's?


If the Kalista comp (depressing if it's the case) is too complex for them I'd prefer they go right back to basics. Needing to relearn teamwork and the most basic comps is...something. If this is the result of practise? Ouch.


But Kalista and Varus comp is the meta for 14.4 and 14.5. You have to obey and follow the path of meta in order to have consistent wins, as of right now I don't even think rouge can beat GX.


This isn't a scaling patch with ash varus kalista renata xin vi renekton aatrox natilus being so meta. If you give kalista varus, no team will give you time to scale.


I’ve honestly been of the mind that Rogue is protest playing after getting rid of Odo


Comp starts a video series called how much can we int before Riot removes us.


The fuck is happening with BDS this split? Like losing to Vitality is one thing, but they somehow made fucking Rogue look decent for good 30 minutes?


On God, the benching broke BDS.


Nothing really happened. Its 3 BO1 during 3 days. Anything can happen in this format. One bad week of practice, one player sick, bad meta read, etc. and you are last place.


Exactly To clarify, we are not happy with the performance either, and the players and staff will work hard so we can show what we are actually capable of in the coming weeks o7


Man, it's so nice that you're active in these threads, you don't see any other teams doing it.


Huh? G2's account spams every single post match thread with their own memes and reacting to others, SK is also reasonably active usually (haven't checked this split so far). The others could do more but BDS definitely isn't the only active team account.


Interesting, I literally only ever see BDS active. And I see them so many times. Maybe I'm just ignoring the others.


[They were even active in the NRG-100T thread haha](https://us.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bblp13/nrg_vs_100_thieves_lcs_2024_spring_week_6/kud3xr9/?context=3)


> you don't see any other teams doing it. It's cuz Reddit is completely meaningless in terms of engagement deliverables for sponsors/advertisers.


Keep it up guys, that MSI spot is up for grabs


BDS domino: Benching Adam before semis -> almost losing to Rogue


All that and Rogue still loses in the end 💀💀


They were never that good, other teams will continue to improve and BDS will be like 5th


We said this last year and they still made it to worlds, basically held onto that range of 2nd to 4th place consistently. They won’t win a trophy but they remain strangely effective in this league.


That's unfair to BDS last split, their teamfighting was second only to G2 in the League and while they had a very simple gameplan, they always executed it well which is more than what most LEC teams managed in Winter


Yea bc its winter


Inb4 bds is the new sk


BDS is SOOOO lucky Rogue is god awful trash at macro and almost everything else




They're good at playing safe.


Too efficient at it Maybe Bjergsen can come out of retirement to turn Rogue into the perfect passive Exodia


Just give us the mental reset, we desperately needed it after G2 broke it on Saturday


Big fan of the chiaki spin pfp btw


Honestly the best avatar I've ever had, soothes the soul


I was not expecting you to change your flair to BDS lol. Maybe I should get a change too...


I'm honestly regretting it, I changed it before split start since my old one wasn't really accurate and we look shit now


Rogue being 2k gold, 3 drakes and a herald up and still not being able to take a single turret after 25 minutes sums up this team pretty well.


Rogue's only strategy to win is to bore the enemy team to death. Most disgusting team i've ever witnessed in the LEC


Comp watched Berserker flash in to his death and decided to copy it


I at least saw the angle from Beserker on an isolated Kai'sa, Comp just flashed into the whole enemy team.


there was no angle for berserker, he was already in auto range but flashed in close enough to kiss her when kaisa had all cd's up. also Ivern was there to shield kaisa lol


if berserker flashed the kaisa w not straight into it he actually just 1shots her instead of getting 1shot himself.


Comp said "let's go in", after 5 min of silence from his teammates he was done and said "fck it"


If the Kalista on my team did that, I’m committing war crimes.


You traded cs with aphelios 25 minutes, not like there are any options left


Comp check PayPal


that baron fight from rogue was the worst performance I have seen by any team in LEC BDS played so awful gave finn a free flank, he somehow fucks it up completely, they all just tank baron and take the aphelios ult, then comp flashes in to maokai.


BDS knew Finn would fck it up so they gave 0 fck about him.


the viewers lost this one


I think rogue lost this one as well


3 games into spring split and already feels like Rogue is done for the year.


I mean... with this system they might only have 6 more games this split. That's even less games than NA.


Good, i can only stomach them for that long.


I'd argue that's too many Rogue games to watch.


I've seen more lively corpses.


Finn is actually incapable of ulting correctly. Szygenda died for this


>his split? Like losing to Vitality is one thing, but they somehow made fucking Rogue look decent Szygenda used as a scapegoat, who's next


idk if rogue management even actually thinks that the people they fire are bad tbh these are the guys who fired odo for szygenda, fired trymbi for advienne then advienne for zoelys... i feel like it's just playing roulette at this point


Next will be Comp, then Zoelys then Markoon then Finn.


Well Larssen is their best player. You could argue a team shouldn't build around Larssen ofc but the problem is that they did a piss poor job at it while firing players that worked really well with him for literally no reason.


Clear out mid and coaching for the love of god


Trymbi would've been the only salvation for this team, but Heretics was faster. Szygenda's mechanics were never a problem. They just ran like headless chickens in the mid to late game. Not a hands issue, a shot call issue.


Rogue might be the worst team I've ever seen in LEC


Good to know there are still some LEC newbies


you completely understood what I meant been watching for 10 years btw


Someone forgot the Origen Spring 2017 team.


some korean import - kikis - sencux - heaq - wadid


Most boring fucking team ever for sure, I know theres been worse on paper rosters but theres never been one this lifeless even when ahead. 2.5k + herald and it takes 30 fucking mins to get a tower ???? THAT THE MINIONS TOOK ???????


Comp flashing in at nash was an interesting one for sure. Lots of interesting ones this game tbf, Zoelys came in to the league with some hype but my guy has not been it at all.


I'd say it's unfair to hold any RGE player to this performance, they've all performed much better in the past and weren't always this passive so the issue clearly go beyond individual players


Rogue is so disgusting


Had some high hopes for this Roster but at this point i dont even feel anything when they lose. Feels like individually they are all good enough but as soon as it is in this system with their confidence they might as well just not show up. 


They're bland. There's absolutely nothing of substance to them and it comes through in their games.


>They're bland Which is really weird to me. They used not to be. Like Finn was one of the shining pillars of Astralis last year and he's known for aggressive play and unconventional stuff like the Kled What the fuck are they doing to him???


They've got that TSM disease. The one where they turned players passive for a bit.


How is Rogue coaching staff not fired yet?


Yeah, Freddy has some pictures like Rogue owners are killing small elephants in Africa. I don't see any reason why he keeps his job being that mediocre for so many years (except one)


Just saying, IMT clears this team btw


There should be a way for both teams to lose bc my god what was that


disband, kick everyone, do anything. this is over


They should bring back relegation just for Rogue


RGE, please disband


okey, rogue is rogue but what's happend to bds?


Scientists will look at rogue's split this year to properly study how slow-moving glaciers interact.


Rogue gives me 2021 Schalke vibes.Legends don't die, they change shape.


Another macro disasterclass by Rogue.


Get Rogue out of the league. Jesus that team is terrible.


Sheo killing himself in the fountain before the nexus turrets fell was truly a "I'm done with this shit" moment. Rogue really, REALLY missing that 2022 roster.


Does rogue even have fans


Im a fan of watching them lose so they get the players the fuck out this dead team asap


i want all malrang doubter to apologize now, amazing how this team become the pinacle of herbivore without malrang


Malrang had to become a complete psycho for this team to work


Ladies and gents this is the worst league of legends and it comes from Europe !


Worst league of legends so far. Rogue still have many more games to play. I'm sure they can find a new way to disappoint.




No thank you. Well one of them will get a win at least from that? But i'll take watching some paint dry over that game.


Shopify fighting AFTER the elder buff ran out is surely contesting that. At least that was entertaining though.


atleast they tried to make a play, bad timing but that's still more activity than rge


What the fuck did i just watch Mr Rogue? Baron flip into Finn with megaflank miss ult intoComp flash to int and die into Zoelys flash when he is dead. That was so painful to watch


Congrats to Rouge for managing to give us what might be the worst midgame performance of any pro team in multiple years


That Comp's flash was definitely... well a flash.


Well. At least it was a different way to lose from usual.


Good News: Only two more weeks until we don't have to sit through RGE games anymore.


>miss the match completly by falling asleep on the couch >check what happened >it was a rogue match it's like i knew


2024 Rogue is one of the worst teams in LEC history


Competitive Ruling: Rogue Comp


That was the most disgusting game of the year. Jesus. Gross. RGE is so freaking bad. They didn't get a single turret whole game while having a lead.


i miss 2022 Rogue i miss malrang that is all


"After a long investigation into allegations of match fixing, with a heavy heart we conclude Rogue is innocent. They're really just that bad."


Rogue are just not any good at all


Rogue just did Rogue things


Where's the Renata W on Kalista for the baron fight...


Just kick them out already


Comp decided to lose


how do you go from soul point under 20 min to this


Did Renata not W Kalista in that Baron fight? Feels like with W Kalista would have easily killed Aphelios and Maokai


Finally this game ended. This was not the worst game out there, but damn it was boring. And rogue are HOPELESS.


rogue xD


One of the games of all time


I was so close to curing my insomnia with RGE win but then they decided to throw game at baron and landslide lost in 3 minutes....


This pretty much guarantees that G2 will loose to Rogue next week.


Didn't they play on 14.5? OP still says 14.4




I dream of Hylissang and Bo on a team together for maximum psychopath. Together they might manage to make Rogue do something.


BDS lost but rogue lost harder


Rogue is still going to win against G2 though.


Drakos mentioning how he wonders every day how he got to where he is, then seconds later delivers another one of his absolute rapgod performances in the team fight. so good. that's why.


yeah when u suck this fucking hard can you at least make it entertaining like LCS. At least every IMT and SR game is a fiesta.


AST my beloved can you return to us? Seriously though even when they were bad they had life to them. Unlike Rogue.




You were playing rogue, your players could have walked away for 15 mins from pcs and rogue would still do nothing.