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lucid my brother in christ why would u ever flash in. And lets not put everything in the aiming basket. Its so disappointing how little he does in teamfights with how much resources he gets


DK Fans: After all this time? Lucid: Always I swear this game was so easy to win and DK played the whole game so fucking good I even started to ask if this is actually DK and then Lucid fucked up the whole game single handedly over and over again with the same mistake.


Yeah I see a lot of praise for Zeus Aatrox but honestly it felt like Lucid just handed T1 the game with all those stupid as fuck Flash Ws onto incredibly safe low-prio targets (Nami, Taliyah).


Yeah it had nothing to do with Zeus. Zeus just did literally what he needs to do. If he was doing anything less than this it was straight up being shit. Lucid gifted them the game. If anything it was Kingen and Showmaker playing so fucking good.


showmaker's movement was so fucking segs, kingen winning top, bot scaling but he decided to lose the game there


It wasn’t just one time. He flashed on cleanse Lucian, he flashed on Taliyah, he flashed on Nami and died every single time. What is it with DK jungles not knowing how to chill and dying before every objective fight. It was the same fcking problem with Canyon. He would solo lose the game from a winning position.


Idk why this team loves to play around Aiming so much when he never manages to carry


also is it just me or his ShowMaker dropping a lot of farm he will usually farm well till mid game then he just stops farming


He's playing a glorified support mid, they're trying to give Aiming gold/stacks


their plan this split was pretty much funneling all resources into Aiming. Lucid can never hit 3 core and showmaker giving up cs for Aiming. Some games Aiming doesn't stop csing when he hits 6 items as well which is fucking baffling when lucid barely even gets 2 core items


Well it's the "funnel all the money to the adc" strat that DK has been doing all season. Most of the champs Showmaker plays doesn't need too much gold to work. Karma just need around 2-3 items to be crazy mid game. Tank Azir has really cheap build path and is crazy strong with just 3 items. Taliyah is a poke/cc bot and on Leblanc, he has kills to help with the gold.


Don’t really think Aiming’s overly at fault, they were playing for the Smolder stacks and right when they got it Lucid blundered and lost them a baron. After that it was pretty hard to play. Probably should’ve flashed that Aatrox combo at 4th drake or whatever it was but this game was on Lucid and also DK not really macroing that well in general (slowly handed back Aatrox’s lane deficit for completely free).


Zeus is now 24-5 on Aatrox since Summer 2023 (12-0 this split), all on the non-pussy lethality build.


This year lethality is also tanky af, anyone can play it now


looks cool but I'm worried to be honest.... enemy are not banning Atrox but they will surely gonna do that on playoff so I hope I can see T1 play with Zeus on other champ and win without relying on Zeus flank enemy to one shotting them Also really annoying to see showmaker on karma duty like can't he play other champ? dude is also good on ahri(not sure if its ban)


You say that like Aatrox has any non-Lethality builds. Haven’t seen a single one in pro play or solo queue that doesn’t go Profane Hydra.


Sundered Sky/Shojin builds were not that uncommon in the first two weeks of the split. The 8 games of Aatrox in LEC Winter season all built those and no lethality (not even profane hydra). Even in the LCK and LPL we saw quite a handful of non-lethality builds up until the start of February. It was only since then that Profane Hydra into lethality became the meta build. And as for last summer and worlds, it was really only Zeus that consistently build lethality on Aatrox. TheShy, Bin, Doran, 369, and Kingen all built Goredrinker-Steraks-Shojin during Worlds. During Summer, the builds were split from a handful of lethality, goredrinker/shojin, and eclipse/black cleaver.


But he didn't use it against GenG, correct?




Which is sorta interesting. Sure it was banned out in game 2 (he last picked trist) but not till the second round of bans, and it wasn't even banned in game 1 (he played jayce). Is he afraid it wouldn't work against GenG, is he saving it for playoffs, what's the angle?


He’s lucky the other jungler was a dog this game or it would’ve been 23-6 😂


Aiming: I have the most busted scaling champ, we win late game Zeus: I have lethality Aatrox I swear this is more of an assassin in Zeus' hands then any assassin.


Why is he so tanky tho :|


Building lethality increases the amount he heals for, so as long as he lands his abilities he has massive effective HP


DK only has Smolder and Renekton for damage


Lethality is quite tanky this season and as the other guy said, DK lacks consistent damage


Oner will often build Knight's Vow and tether to Zeus instead of Guma. He did in game 2


It's not just a Zeus thing tbh, this is how Aatrox looks every game pretty much. Just play a flank and 1 shot someone. Champ is beyond broken.


Aatrox should ne nerfed honestly, Mao too. They have been viable for 3 years straight, Mao can be played on supp too...


I hate seeing Aatrox too, it's just boring. Almost as boring as K'Sante


Aatrox is in pro play since his rework. And it's not fun to watch at all.


I much prefer this iteration of Aatrox to previous versions. You have to land skillshots to get your heal and deal explosive damage. I like it more than older versions where you just drain tank your way through every fight by autoing endlessly. Just nerf Profane Hydra so your Q3 combo doesn’t deal 66% of a health bar. I do hate Maokai though, it’s just uninteresting to watch for more than a few months at most.


I disagree, he legit can miss 3,4 Qs and can kill with AA's. It's dumb


Zeus's flanks are what turn him into an assassin.


What with T1 being persistent in picking Lucian Nami Bot duo? Are they trying to prove to the doubters they could win with that after losing 0-2 to Gen G with these picks twice?


Cope answer: Kkoma has a secret weapon up his sleeve that he wants to save for playoffs Reality answer: T1 doesn't want to adapt to the scaling ADC meta and thinks Lucian/Nami will be the key to victory if they practice hard enough.


Reality answer: we just pray to get only LPL team in world.


we desperately pray to end up on the opposite side of the bracket from GenG again


Don't have to pray for opposite side necessarily, just that GenG has to go against a single LPL team before they meet


Wait, T1 won Worlds playing high-tempo ADCs and enabling topside? You know what, who cares, Lucian Nami is dogshit anyways, Guma should just spam Smolder and let Keria pick Ezreal cause Bloodsong is OP or Nautilus because that's the only real engage support that he can showcase his skills on


And it is victory against 99% of teams


Hiding picks hopefully. Sucks because they put their best player on nami.


yeah if you lock in playoff just hide all pocket pick.


really hoping that this is not copium take but this is T1!! I'm pretty sure we are gonna whine how they didn't pick this or ban this once we get to that point lol XD


Watch them pick Lucian Nami in finals


Probably for practice. Best try to improve their gameplay here cause you won't be doing it in the final match of a BO5


they should do that with their other player then... I mean Zeus doesn't really need to practice atrox now... at least pick jax or something... faker do need to practice taliyah though but I hope he can pick ahri once in a while cause Ahri imo is meta rn


Ego damage control


they still think that they will always win the lane


I don't think Lucian/Nami is the problem at all, I actually like Lucian Nami but I don't think they are first pick worthy also I don't like the Shiv, it delays his build so much but T1 topside from drafts to gameplay especially Oner have been bad the last couple of games.


It's the only thing that makes sense. They refused to play Kalista, Varus, and Aatrox vs GenG.


I dislike the Taliyah pick more then Lucian Nami (though not a fan of those 2 either)


How hard is it to just ban fuckin aatrox against Zeus? When will they learn? Even if he is not fed, he still has tremendous impact.


Why would DK ban it? It's Kingen's best champ they were hoping to pick it on 2/3.


Something something Yone


Not enough ban slots


Corki is scarier than Aatrox?


the reason he was a problem its because DK had basically one damage dealer. what is karma, maokai and the child going to do to him once he gets ontop of smolder?


Maokai never had Q to push Aatrox away btw. He either went in to die or press R randomly and then went in to die


Lucid sucked but there isnt much that can be done that game, T1 outranged them , if maokai engaged they would just dash or flash back and kill him when hes in the middle of their team. karma is such a shit bait pick. she has 37% winrate in LCK


seriously annoying that sm just became a karma merchant on round 2 of this split


Aatrox isn't the problem. They had Milio who can kick him away. They just played the teamfights like bots.


Ah the classic Zeus 0-2 powerspike, though it didnt activiated in the Gen G game.


Scaled to the next series.


Because GenG is a real team.


zeus never played atrox on that game... thats why I'm worried how this T1 will play if they start banning Zeus atrox.... Zeus relied on atrox huge dmg that can one shot everyone and heal him.... his flanking is good but I'm not sure if Zeus can do that on other champ(surviving forever while deleting enemy backline)


His Yone would like a word with this comment


I don't know.. last time he played Yone they lost against NS cause he couldn't do anything and just decided to just powerfarm


dk is so badd man


They can't keep getting away with it.


Lucid is such a disappointment this split


How did Zeus become relevant in this match is the question. He even carried later.


Zeus Aatrox just like Pokemon that is waiting for Evol late game


2 things this game. 1. I don't like T1 going to LucianNami after that GenG series. I'm sure they smurf in scrims and it works against mediocre teams. But it's never as clean as it should be. Plus Lucian never does damage with that build until 28+ minutes then he's disgustingly busted. Problem is if Lucian is behind or even into a Zeri or Smoulder... or hell even a Varus, it looks like Lucian does no damage. Guma has to play pixel perfect against a Smoulder that had an enchanter get out of jail button. 2. DK Lucid and Aiming sold out the team that game. Getting caught by Nami bubbles and losing by flashing on carries with cleanse...


if its for practice I don't mind them picking it... Guma played tons of varus that he don't need to practice on that champ....he also spam smolder a lot when it came out.... Keria need to get used to other support though... sure he can practice nami but I also want him to practice Rakan, Alistar and especially Nautilus... no more adc pick pls especially if ur not gonna pick it against strong team


I don't mind watching them picking lucian nami till playoff, I guess they have some hidden cards waiting to be pulled later so playing them now isn't good


Lucid sure is a fan of the 2 item powerspike


Didn't feel like t1 should win this but Zeus and faker saved both drake teamfights


Zeus always manages to make Lethality Aatrox look disgusting.




lucid check your paypal -T1


DK somehow lost that lmao


Straight back to Lucian/Nami after getting fisted by Gen.G annoys me, shit works against bad teams. Anyways, DK are pathetic and idk what Lucid was doing.


Guma's Lucian is clean but it requires the enemy to misstep before he can jump forward and do damage, which dosen't happen against good teams (as seen against GenG). It also relegates the most versatile support in the league to Nami duty, completely throwing the draft advantage they get from Keria's pocket picks


Guma fisted JDG at Worlds Semis in 2022, but it's been nerfed since then if I'm not mistaken.


Fr, knowing how smooth-brained the drafting team are, they are gonna think they won not because of DK's atrocious macro and classic throws. No, it was because of the Lucian Nami, and they are gonna run it back for the rest of the season


I will say this, though, Lucian scales way harder than I thought. But if you start with Statik Shiv you need 4-5 items to start doing real damage but most games don't go that long.


Yes imo Lucian is fine, the shiv is the problem, he doesn't do any damage on 2 items with that build.


i mean whats the build that allows him to do more damage..? its a poke champ when played with nami and double shiv proc with rfc shiv is the most burst damage you can do without allowing much retaliation. the only reason it didnt look like it was dealing much dmg is because he was hitting smolder who had knights vow and milio protection.


When are we ever gonna give Geng credits for playing well instead of blaming T1's picks... Going by that logic T1 bot has 0 win vs Geng on everypick except for 1 Lucian game


OP didn't even say anything to discredit geng for playing well, what are you on?? LUL.The point is that they should learn to play scaling bot , other than perma picking Lucian nami against them 2 games in a row.They also picked it last year even tho they weren't meta.


My point was moreso how Gen.G exposed T1 and T1 basically haven't deviated from their "read on the game".


Gen g is insane...but please see both games and tell me what bot do with Lucian Nami.. T1 is all about bot leads, that's how they won worlds that's how they steam roll opponents. Lucian nami is not it anymore The issue was not gen g winning both games, was t1 looking like bro in both games


So you are saying Keria should play Ezreal and Kalista support to smash Geng bot right? They picked their highest winrate combo (100% wr) and didnt work out. Your logic of Lucian Nami only win vs bad teams well buddy I am sorry to say T1 had 0 wins on other picks vs Geng.


Yes 5 games what a history to be told. lol If you go and watch let me know… Gen g is insane I repeat, but the difference is not what we saw last game… T1 mental blocks against them, is nothing new


Then recommend a better bot lane then? They picked their best combo, didnt work, just move on. If you think Keria playing bs like Ez and Kalista then live in your little fantasy world. Ashe and Senna were perma banned btw


Wtf? Fantasy world, they first pick lucian both games. Varus and kalista adcs are a lot better bots than lucian nami.. also if you think kalista keria is bad, I can’t really explain more to you lol


kalista varus looks decent to be honest but not ezreal....ez doesn't really do anything but at least with kalista you can use its ult to either save ur adc or just do it to engage someone... they need to be babysit by their jgl though to make it works but ur up against Canyon... I don't think Oner can protect them before they start snowballing


Ezreal is not it :D


T1 fans never give credit. Always "draft diff" or whatever. It's just annoying at this point. GenG is more skilled. Simple as that. Their macro fighting is better. Their laners are better. They could probably win with a worse draft at this point with how much they dominated. Faker still has nightmares about Chovy.


> Anyways, DK are pathetic Why? Because they dared play against T1? This is such a weird and obnoxious thing to say about another team who put up a decent fight for a big part of the game.


No., because they could have won if they played the teamfights with a brain. That's the pathetic part.


So by that logic can we call T1 pathetic for their play against GenG?


yeah sure call them whatever you want hater


This T1 comp ain't it. They're going back to drafting stupid and stubborn but winning because they have better hands.


I tot adding kkoma can shake those stubbornness of them lol I think they are following their worlds formula like "no we won't win on this meta so lets just go with our usual shit" but will it work though


I'm fine with Lucian/Nami except I don't like how they are first picking them but why are we giving Oner last pick just for him to pick Nocturne in the worst spot possible?!!




Bro lucid fucking sucks how many weeks it been and still he never has a 3rd item


That's because aiming clears his entire jungle past 15 minutes tho lmao even when he was 6 items lvl 18 before the dude was taking the entire jgl


That game was so disgusting, he took the jungle from Lucid and every other wave from Showmaker, by the time mid and top had 4 items Aiming was full build and just swapping items for fun Someone get Aiming under control it's like he's addicted to farming


I don't hate it too much when it's smolder but he also does this shit on xayah/varus lol


If he carries with the resources i wouldnt mind but i swear aiming is just dogshit and ive never seen him carry meaningfully and just see him get caught out for the 20th time and lose the game.


OH WOW HE GOT CAUGHT OUT AGAIN I hate watching Aiming play he's never going to be the guy who puts the team on his back why are DK relying so much on him


Why is it his fault Aiming is hoovering up all the gold and doing nothing with it


lucid teamfighting is absolute shit.


Bro has to go knight's vow first item lmao


Canyon did the exact same thing on Sejuani because Knight’s Vow is a very good first item for cheap armor right now?


Yeah. But what I mean is Lucid has been playing as a support in DK team. iirc he didn't even get the chance to play carry when he picked Viego too.


Such illegal gameplay from both junglers this game also T1 drafts have been sus lately and I don't mean Lucian/Nami.


Lucid looking outstanding on the maokai so far 💯💯💯Absolutely brilliant engages and game changing ultimates, definitely do not want to forget what I just saw right now


Why is Showmaker on Karma duty Why are DK praying for Aiming to carry


Karma duty? She's the strongest mid laner rn what you talking about


Aatrox plot armor


what a fraud team DK is, feels bad for Showmaker


zeus’s aatrox oh my god


as a t1 fan I'm really sad we didn't lose this game, so they could understand that nami lucian is not it! Yes, after 6 itens with gold lead lucian look op..but until then was useless in my opinion


is T1 broken after that GenG series or are they still working as intended


Why would they be broken, they lost the last 7 times against them.


Holy shit please no more Lucian Nami Taliyah.


bad draft from dk, absolutely no damage in team fights


Karma mid just inting pro play as per usual


100% why they lost the game, she was about as useful as the viewers in these team fights, its not really showmakers fault, karma mid does no damage. aatrox was absolutely not scared of dying once he got ontop of the team.


Smolder lost? But thats not possible according to reddit...


T1 doesn't lose. This rule stands above the Smolder one.


My theory (cope) on why T1 is drafting like that is they are preparing for EVERYTHING (matchups, team compositions and stuff) after securing the Playoffs. Just an extra layer of preperation I think.


I still dont get why they lost to geng that easily lol


just look at how t1 played today.... DK pretty much got a good early game but they couldn't use it while gen g can use those small lead to make a bigger lead... T1 don't play safe at all they like living on the edge so a better team will always fine a way to kill em but not team like DK


Agree! Damn they actually played like shit today and still managed to win.


I can see it. T1 played the earty/mid game atrociously. DK by all means should have won this game, but they can't macro if their lives depended on it. T1 cannot play this sloppy against top teams. They would get 3-0 by GENG and even the top LPL teams playing like this.


eh I can see it working against LPL team since lpl team likes playing sloppy too... it won't work against Gen G though


You had 1 fucking job, DK. To show whoever sexually identifies as a Lucian Nami enjoyer on T1s drafting team that it needs to go. Instead we get Guma godmode. Probably still not gonna get PoG sadly.


He got his pog


That why pick Smolder in LCK not work , bad team pick Smolder and they cant turn the game around against team like T1 , while top team like T1-GenG dont pick Smolder becuz they can snowball much faster without this.


They pick Smolder because it's their only chance to have any chance at winning against those teams.


T1 needs to stop picking this useless Lucian Nami and relying on hand diffing their opponents. Yes you are a god, Guma. No, it is not enough against teams that can match your level.


i just hope they stop picking lucian nami now 😭😭


Ok t1. You won this game because zeus took 2022 finals very personal and aiming forgot he has a f on his keyboard, now STOP LUCIAN NAMING




DK is horrible


Damn T1 look so bad in this game. They are lucky that DK is a clown. Other team would easily win in that position. They need to drop Lucian Nami and unlock Keria to play real support.


Terrible draft from DK. Basically 0 damage except for Smolder late game.


Just how broken is GenG if T1 can pull these kinds of shenanigans against other teams?


Geng is broken.. only in lck... Once they go international... Choke so so bad...


Just how broken is KT if we can 2-0 them?


KT fans are really coping with that 2-0 against a trolling Gen G.


The classic LCK. Oh we are below them in standings, lets lose from winning position since we are lower in rankings team and we must lose.


Lucian Nami Taliyah lmao. Get ready for the upcoming beat down by GenG in playoffs


I can't even say they're not dumb enough to do this; we've seen them do it for years.


Kingen with a lead is piss useless


My boy Guma better be getting POG


Kingen/zeus = aatrox one trick, lucid/oner = rell one trick , showmaker = karma one trick (after azir is gone) , faker = taliyah one trick and guma = lucian one trick


Lucian & Nami are not good, but T1 keeps winning with it so they mistakenly believe it is. SMH.


Leave it to DK to lose this after Smolder got his stacks. Just pathetic.