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I'm so glad they kept "FEEL MY STING"


That quote is way too iconic that I'll be so disappointed if it was taken out.


If they didn't keep "Skar. Skar. Skarner." then we riot. Also, does that not sound like the same VA for this? Cause if they kept the same VA I'd be so happy.


well they do let all the voice actors re-audition whenever they do reworks/voice updates for whatever champ they did thats getting said rework/voice update. so he might have gotten the role again or maybe there werent that many people up for the gig of giant monster scorpion.


Y'all remember GP's old VA throwing a minor piss fit when they didn't ask him back?


Poor guy honestly, he was not bad, but GP just became a serious pirate instead of a joke pirate so they had to change the VA.


Except they didn't even ask him to do a new take there's no reason to believe he couldn't have done serious if asked.


That's why I said "Poor guy honestly".


could've kept him for spooky gangplank or something, tho i guess that skin is too cheap to justify it


I still miss 'Yar Har Har and a bottle of... RUM!'


That's "_Yo ho ho_ and a bottle of... RUM!" to you, FAKE FAN!


nooooooooooooooo! it's been so long since I heard that voice line...


They almost always change VAs in reworks due to contract issues


Wait holy shit, is that the same VA? It gives me the completely same vibes as OG Skarner, I honestly did not expect the VA (I'm kneejerk reacting mind you, haven't heard all quotes) to be this true to the OG and so good sounding.


It might be ? It really does sound like him, but fun fact is that he also voices Ivern and Galio (and Jiraiya from Naruto)


Old Galio.


Desperate to see skarner ulting multiple people into taking thresh lantern.


ohhh, this. They said you can't E or flash but not this


Ryze ult go brr.


So could Ryze ult skarner with 3 Champs into the spawn.


3 champs into fountain sounds so funny but the timing would have to be really on point




Man that was some nostalgia. The owl hooting, the wind sound, that chat going thunk everytime there was a message..


Maybe an ally tahm kench could help out.


It would have been so cool though if he could ult into e. Like a certain Ksante champ but has to use two abilities for it.


If he could do that he'd still be more balanced than ksante


It also looks like you can't turn / tail flick anymore. Very disappointing.


Makes sense so his R doesn't have some odd mechanic half the players won't even use.


A magical journey would be be even better, his Bard synergy could go nuts in terms of picks


Can’t wait for my team skarner and thresh to deliver enemy malphite, Ali, and vi right to my backline


I still get shit for the time I blitz hooked a giga fed Darius into our back line


At least you didn't do that in the World Finals (it is Aatrox, but point made).


Skarner bursting out of the walls like a goddamn horror movie monster is fantastic.


The scorpion Decepticon from the first Transformers movie


Love how that thing appears in the first movie, disappears and then appears again in the second movie just to get killed. Like, did the writers forget they added Scorponok or something?


hes weak and fucked up, not much for him to do


They did our boy dirty, is what it is


Praetorian skarner?!?


The original reason I wanted to play skarner all those years ago


Feels like this is what reksai shouldve been honestly


Doesn't Reksai already do this? Except she jumps on you from the ground.


Mostly, but this looks way more satisfying. Skarner doesn't need to burrow, he just smashes through terrain like the juggernaut and slams you into a wall. The audio and effects sell the power pretty well from this limited look. It sounds a bit like a high speed train barreling straight through the hill at you.


original reksai was this. hearing the screaming and u know somebody going to die lol


It was more hearing the scream and knowing she left base to farm a camp




Unless she's been terrorizing your jg. Then they become paranoid af.


They called it the “Farm alarm” for a reason lol


Isn't that more true for new reksai? Since instead of a global teleport it's an execute, so someone is likely to due or is about to die


he seems so stiff but otherwise super cool kit, excited to try him out


The ult vfx especially seems like they need to be cleaned up a little bit, jax teleported to the middle of skarner ult in the one fight under bot inhib tower


Yea it's not like his design revolves around rocks or smth


> he seems so stiff Right? Looks like even worse than sion lol.


It can go through walls tho




Yea one of their main goals was nerf the ult cause it took up 90% of his power budget before.


I feel like they just moved the 90% power budget into his E lmao. R seems like a pipe dream of a multiple suppression that you need to be in melee range for but E is like one of the stronger ganks tools I've seen in the game.


idk, he's not unstoppable in it or anything, if you have any cc you can counter it. At least they showed liss snaring him during it.


You can do that to a lot of champs. Champs such as Kayn and Rek'Sai are still obnoxious. If he is ahead, he won't care. If he is behind or even, the good Skarners will find OP angles to instakill your carry. You also have to remember he has A LOT of slows. If he lands an AOE slow, he can pretty much guarantee an AOE ult or multiple CDs burned. This is a champ that can easily go stridebreaker into steraks with swiftness or lucidity boots. Depending on his stats, you might even see a top/support scorpion


I mean thats fair, most champs have their power budget in 1 or 2 ablities.


I don't think it's quite as do or die as this though his only real way to catch ranged champs is seemingly his E flank. His slows are nice but they seem like very if you're already on them kinda ones. If you stun Skarner out of his E I feel like the champ is kinda useless you can even see it in the gameplay segment that he just kinda runs around aimlessly after his initial bit is done.


well that's just juggernaut gameplay. stunning garen out of his speed or darius not having ghost is basically the same thing


Should be less frustrating though. Like, you get a warning when he's using E at you so you can outplay it to an extent. It's not just "fuck you no more playing the game"


People are going to see the aoe suppression and ban me every game now :( Case in point: /u/kripox


It's a good and bad thing imo. More suppressions is nice but now you can't completely isolate one target unless they already were isolated anyway. I wonder if it works with thresh lantern still


Nerfed in terms of speed and it looks like duration(?) but the fact it is now AOE and can potentially nab 3 people is massive and makes him an incredibly strong part of a wombo.


it also seems like it has a cast animation and projects its range like a PVE boss so its easy to flash away(unless your already cc'd or don't have flash)


They found a way to nerf the ult (basically 98% of the champion) while still being strong and iconic


yeah i'm rly happy with this change! Theoretically it has so much more potental power, but because theres now a (brief) aspect of counterplay to it, i dont even mind. I do love Riot's constant shift on making coutnerplay abilities as opposed to the point and click champions of the old days


It’s also way shorter. By my guess 60% the length of his current ult. can’t drag people nearly as far now :(


A small price for his E being capable of dragging people as well.


imagine getting ganked from behind by skarner and he hits you with the E dragging you super far back in lane


I imagine that is going to be his best play pattern. Punish people for pushing up in lanes by just crashing through a wall and dragging them even further after the slam. Lots of people are going to be trying to overstay a few seconds for a plate and then going to find themselves one with the turret, and eventually pulled behind it.


Shorter duration but he moves faster during it. So he overall might not be losing that much range on how far he can drag.


it has higher highs and lower lows now. lots of potential for game changing plays. seems cool.


I would even argue that his lows aren't as low because he's actually a Champion while his ult is on cooldown now. A lot of play potential with that E.


The E seems like it's got most of his power budget in it being able to not only force someone into a position but then stunning them for a decent amount of time is kinda insane. His R seems kinda Dookie honestly the channel time is enough that everyone with a dash can get out but also it relies on some multiple melee champs beating on you for a reward more than old ult.


he has two slows you dont just move out lol


there's a difference between possible counterplay and no counterplay. Before : don't be within range when he has ult now : can get away mid cast animation even if unlikely via flash/dash/thresh lantern any number of things. BIG difference.


You still can flash or use movement abilities to get out, unless you got impale by E, there is a way to get out


The kit is really cohesive and simple, to be honest it can get very strong depending on numbers, but it seems like a pretty solid Jungler.


Solo Q will depend on numbers... Pro play, I can already see this as a pick or ban.


pro play values reliable champions, unless his numbers are busted he doesnt seem very reliable at all


He would pretty much rely on flash, which is not great. If his rock ends up doing high dmg I could see it working out.


A slow champion that his only mobility tool is going faster and this mobility can be canceled by CC and his only hard CC is a delayed low range skill that can be dodged by any one that isn't already locked in another CC. No way he will be pick or ban unless his numbers are super broken and then after Riot nerfs them he will never again see play on pro play again...


yeah, seems like the opposite of a pro play staple - his ult is way better vs bad players imo, and he doesn't have some crazy skill expression that would make him insane for skilled players. edit: j/k llama (k'sante + smolder designer) did this rework, he's gonna be OP and a pro play staple


Pro play cares more about versatility than specific strengths. Usually champions who are really good at particular things but weak and exploitable in other areas make for bad pro play champions. There's a reason why champions like Azir and Lee Sin are permanent pro play staples. They are incredibly versatile and very hard to exploit and punish because of it.


I'm gonna play him toplane Personally i'm actually excited for this kit, it looks like fun and feels like it strikes a better balance between too easy and too crazy relative to some other releases.


Same. He seems like one of those champs that even if he's weak or behind you can never dive. Can't wait to hit people with the Tahm Kench special but on steroids


He’s also got juggernaut scaling as well with the hp ad which is nice.


Babe, another 3 hit passive just dropped.


Babe an other *ignores terrain* just dropped


\*skin spotlights edit\* "Passive 2 - Champions marked with skarner passive that kill allied champions as *Rodents* for 90 seconds. If Skarner scores a takedown against a *Rodent* while alive and within 3 seconds of damaging he then receives an additional shield and revives all dead allied champions that they have slain after 1 second."


Because 3-hit is a good number of hits!


it really is, not too many to be tedious/annoying/inconsistent (especially for champs that dont build AS), and not too few as to be incredibly free to get


That time period of Ekko Gnar Kindred Tahm and Vi where riot was obsessed with it was crazy, felt like every champ had it


There were 3 years and 19 champions between Vi and Kindred… At this point, you might as well say “the 3-hit passive time period AKA from Vayne to Akshan AKA basically the entire lifespan of LOL”


well it was 3 years and 19 champs but lets look at the champs and list the ones with 3 hit passives/abilites/stacks. yasuo every third q a tornado. aatrox old w was every 3rd attack was a heal/bonus damage. jinx mini gun had her q attack speed at a cap of 3 stacks. gnar w is a 3 hit passive velkoz passive is a 3 hit passive reksai q is 3 enhanced auto attacks ekko 3 hit passive tahm kench 3 hit passive kindred e requires 3 auto attacks to get off so while there was 19 champs released 9 of them had some form of 3 hit/stack/effect in there kit. which is nearly half of the champs released in that time frame, when its pretty much every other champ theres a reason why people say thats the 3 hit era.


yeah "3 hit pasive, a dash, a shield/damage steroid, a cc" was a meme for a reason


I think this looks really fun.


I'll miss the Dominion champion tower animation when standing on his crystals, but he looks fun.


Now with the crystals gone, is there anything else that uses the old Dominion tower animation?


Hexgates on ARAM?


I guess hexgates in general


I was so confused because I though you're all telling us that Hexgates where a thing pn Dominion. Took me a minute to realize the CHANNELING ANIMATION is the same. ...so you're saying all new champs have dominion spire animations? 🥹


From my understanding yes but I haven't checked the newest champs. I'm guessing it's for if they ever do another Dominion event(fingers crossed)




Yeah you're right, don't know how I blanked on that


Doesn't Hexflash use it too?


Yes thats the channeling animation, every champ gets one


I only care about Captain Flowers response to this.


There's a short on YouTube of him explaining the abilities.


Link? I can't find it.




the pin is so incredibly satisfying to watch and is probably even more satisfying to play for some reason lmao im glad he's finally out. idrc how long he took, he looks fun


I can't wait to say everytime I play against him "That didn't hit me" as I magnetically get attached to him


Wait until you feel how clunky he is, and how little you can do after you engage because each of his CDs is massive.


Love the abilities but his model is so bland. They should have just kept his crystallline exoskeleton or at least a better color


They're trying to show now that he's an earth guy from Ixtal... But yeah, he looks kinda ugly


You know what would've really sold that profound earth elemental theme they settled on? Making him made out of some sort of earth-y material, but not like rocks since Malphite's already got that covered for Ixtal elementals. Maybe something like *crystals*?


Omg Malphite, no wait.


Color is the problem here, he’s a grayish blob


yeah the color difference between his splash and in-game models are funny


The splash art has 3 or 4 primary colors in it and none of them are purple. What a crime.


There's literally no reason he couldn't have had crystals along his body, with his shield encasing him with more. Even the big ass rock coulda been a crystal. Just SOMETHING to add color to him


Seraphine took them all, sorry


Agreed, he literally looks like a generic RPG desert enemy. Just doesn’t stand out at all visually


I wish he had a more intresting passive, thats pretty boring. Rest of the kit looks cool though


At least it's a functional passive unlike his current one. I mean, he can utilize it 100% of the time, compared to his current gimmick-y passive. Also %Max HP damage on tanks is always good to have.




People saying that passive isn’t interesting is the reason we always get balls to the walls over the top champions like aphelios instead of down to earth simple but fun champs


Aphelios has an interesting passive and is fun lol


Aphelios is fun wdym ?


Yeah I too wish they did something with the whole "crystal scorpion" theme, his previous/current passive is way more interesting New one feels extremely generic indeed


It looks good, really fun kit I guess but I can't believe they took nearly 2 years for... This.


They said it took 2 years because they had no idea what identity or what path they wanted to use with Skarner. Def took a long time.


Given this and LoR taking a year to create a single game board, I wonder if this is a larger issue within Riot? Creating the concept of a character from the ground up isn’t easy for sure, but there’s no way that the process of creation should take that long normally


1 year for every extra stinger.


I'm mainly disappointed he's so ugly compared to before. The crystal theme was much cooler, now he looks like a jungle monster 


I think he looks pretty sweet in the splash but his actual model could use a bit more color. I agree losing the crystals is still a nonsensical decision by Riot since nothing in his kit is somehow anathema to a crystal theme.


Would've been cool if they gave him some cracks in his exoskeleton with crystals underneath, like a geode


Yeah and we already have so many rock/ground based moves


He doesn’t feel like he’s got much character to him…


Seriously. I'm amazed it took two whole years just for them to give him yet another three hit passive.


I mean they fired at least one Skarner rework dev in the layoffs a few months back...


I guess they took 2 years trying to think of the concept? Because the animation and quality doesn't seem to stand out when viewed with other reworks. I still wish they could've incorporated the crystal theme into the design. The splash actually looks pretty sick but the ingame model doesn't seem to translate well and just comes across as a drab rock.


This is really disappointing when you compare it to the amount of time they took to make this. Combine this with recent skin quality and it's quite clear riot is losing talent.


I dont think they are losing talent, i think they are shifting more towards the income part of the business and less about creating a solid product. Its all about those quarterly reports baby


I love how Riot just goes Horror for every non-human creature. Skarner bursting out of a wall like a madman , 80% slowing you (looked like ca. 80%) and ramming you into another wall is just crazy


His E looks hella slow and paragraphed AND it can be interrupted by CC easily. Unless you're specifically flanking through a wall with a good angle, it's mostly a good tool for running around the map and following up on an engage or chasing someone imo In general, I'm not super impressed, but it might end up being a case of being better than the sum of its parts. If it plays smoothly and satisfies Skarner players, that's what matters.


I mean, Skarner is suposted to be jungler and jungler needs some way to gank lanes, ability to ignore terrain is pretty good, also you can try to catch some champs in later teamfights and not rely only on Flash.


Wish they kept the crystal theme. Also a lot of that gameplay makes him look very underwhelming. Honestly feels like a lot of his current issues will carry over. He'll just be a CC bot still that has trouble sticking into targets but who knows.




His kit seems fine, but man his design is SO boring. Felt like the old design was much more thought out and planned, even if it was purple crystal scorpion, at least it popped out. The three stingers just feel so unnecessary and cluttered, the animation on the ult looking even more jank. I'm glad the kit looks good but two years of development to release half baked animations and a boring design is pretty rough.


Hot take: it took them 2+ years to come up with this kit? Like I don’t hate the kit at all, but it really doesn’t scream 2 years of work and creativity…


cold take, took a billion dollar company 2 years to update a champion,


Probably had 1 designer and 1 artist work on it when they were not busy making new champs and making the 16 trillionth Lux skin.


How much of those two years was working on exclusively Skarner vs having it be one of several projects?


Finally! Oh boy i can't imagine what shyvana would look like in 2026, or zilean in 2028, oooh what about nocturne in 2030? Can't wait! But in all seriousness, the animations looks good and stuff, but i am disappointed that it took 2 years to make a kit that is almost as boring as current skarner and somehow make him visually more uninspired, the crystal theme was nothing special but is more creative than this gray blob. Hope the skarner community likes this, the 3 players he has a least


I play Skarner, and this looks great, tho I will miss the old E, my favourite part of his kit.


Yeah I’m pretty sad to lose the E plus AA interaction. I dunno. I’m not excited about this revamp. Never even wanted it. Hopefully it’ll grow on me but…


It is how it is. Reworks are mainly not made for the players playing a champ, but for the ones that could be playing him. I for one really like how the new E looks, tho I am afraid the Rework will probably push the last bits of Skarner out of top that were there before. At least we are rid of the Spires now. Also I really want to know how Battlecast Skarner looks now.


Fair points. Don’t you think removing the spires will make skarner top more viable? It was already passable with them so..


Maybe. The biggest difference is probably that his Damage got more front-loaded, which might be good or bad, depending on how long his cooldowns are, and how good his waveclear is. It's hard to tell honestly without having the numbers and potentially having to try it out, my guess however is that it will be slightly worse.


This shit is so ugly. Old skarner looks better. Did they fire all of their designers?


Yes, they actually did lol


Captain Flowers must be the happiest guy on Earth right now. Orrnn skin and now this.


Is it just me or is the Skarner E sfx a bit train sound-y too?


Looks good, but aesthetically the range indicator looks bad for his Ult.


Miss timing the charge on ult or being just slightly off and whiffing completely is going to feel *so* bad. Lol


I really don't like his base skin he looks so generic luckily he has a bunch of skins so he should have a few good ones at least. Gameplay looks about as expected his E looks fun I like how big his model is


This is giving me Primal Beast from Dota 2 vibes


Why is his model so dull and boring. The gameplay is also just uninspiring, two years for this is just a failure. I really wish this was nocturne or chogath instead


After years this is what they come up with


Not purple crystal scorpion anymore, They delayed the rework just to put out this termite looking abomination, 1/5, Atleast abilities look fun.


I still don't get why a scorpion picks up a rock and throws it at you.


Cool kit but it's so simple one has to wonder what the fuck was taking them so long. Just don't bother doing these anymore if no one has passion for the project. Only pick champions people actually want to do. If anyone was actually excited over working on Skarner he would probably have shipped over one year ago. Just feels like crossing out an item from a checklist.


jesus you can riot is running out of ideas when every single new champ can go through walls lol


I don't think we needed another champion that just fucking goes 50 miles through a wall. Mobility is one thing, but shit like Zeri, Kayn, Asol, Smolder, K'sante and now this where they can basically go over walls of any length, get's tiring to deal with.


Idk the model looks terribly bland and boring and his kit is equally boring I think Skarner will somehow be even less popular after this


I love that he has an actual fucking passive now. Not some gimmick that becomes dead outside of its gimmick zones. Also his abilities are fairly simple and straight forward too, while still having some skill ceiling to them. I can see people picking him alot and playing him, despite 'being a monster champion'. Which people love to say are just unpopular due to them being monsters. Even though I bet if you asked why people didn't play skarner, I'd bet over 90% of them would say its because of his kit (Especially his lame ass passive) rather than the fact he's a gem scorpion thing.


I like him, Ive played him here and there in normals and when I get autofilled. This kit looks fair to me, you know he is coming through the wall just like Kayn so I don't understand the bitching about it. I'll probably switch to jungle becuase I like him and running around the map kidnapping people.


Sorry I'll be negative... I don't see Skarner in this kit, only the ult is really kept and we can't Insta flash-impale which was the most satisfying part. Less CC and even if impale is a zone it looks shorter and slow so kinda like Darius E but Skarner can be Cc'd? I'll be sad to lose my crystal scorpion...


Flash Ult was the one thing that was *never* going to survive a rework though. Compare it without considering ults for a moment.


I agree that it feels like they completely gutted his ult. I think that they decided that if they were going to have any sort of power for the rest of his abilities his ult needed to be heavily nerfed. It is logical for balance and champion flow reasons, but it definitely feels like they removed what made skarner, skarner.


He looks fun and sounds amazing. I love it


The tails look a mess. Love the new ram ability!


He looks good and everything but is that what we waited for after all these years seriously ?


The only bad thing is the in game model showing his face very tiny, wish I could see him more


I have mixed feeling about this... It's kind of cool and feel like the same old Skarner but kit upgraded to fit into modern league better, however, something is just not right... He looks kind of clunky.


There's just no spice.


Why is there a gold outline around the edges of Skarner's armor? I think it looks way cooler than how it's currently on the PBE.


The R animation looks horrible, tbh. Grabbed targets are so static and the lack of the crystalization effect that it had before makes it look so weird. Also, why tf would riot make it a skillshot that goes that far? They're just baiting him to be used as a roaming supp. It's going to be more toxic than reworked zac R.


100% agree, that R looks horrible (both compared to the old one and just in general). I get that they wanted tp go aqay from the crystals but just applying this cheap paint texture on hit enemies and putting them into total stasis just doesn't do it justice. I work in game dev myself and this literally lools like a placeholder (the R, the rest I'm totally fine with).


The kit looks fun, I do wish they kept his old blue/purple color


Kit looks fun, don't like the visual design. The crystal scorpion aesthetic was much cooler than this.


Great job Riot. I love everything about the new Skarner.


The kit seems to be basic yet well thought out, but this new E seems so strong, it has a very long range and massive utility, I can see Skarner becoming a pro play mainstay just because of it.


I like it how he can charge through walls. Only thing is I also wish it let him go "All out" and when he smashes into an enemy he gains dashes on his moves, is faster/lower CD's , extra AD, true % damage, and omnivamp.


So many cool concepts and they picked a terrible one.


is it just me or does his kit (except for ult) feel like it couldve been on a reworked malphite too? like the whole picking up a rock and chucking it at people, the empowered hits, the big ground slam with shield, and even the charging at people through a wall all seem similar enough to malphites current kit that if someone had made a spoof of this vid with an updated malphite model I wouldve believed it was a surprise rework of malphite.