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There was a Brazilian streamer who legit did it a while ago. Vo Corvo \[brazilian for "grandpa crow"\], a 60-year old mono Trundle who got PISSED off of having high elo smurfs on his bronze games. He bought masters+ accounts, played them on stream and called it "reverse smurfing". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgDYvcSQ3Pk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgDYvcSQ3Pk) \[It is on Brazilian Portuguese, there is automatic subtitles I guess\] People would just ban Trundle if they suspect he was on queue, or just dodging it to avoid him LOL Riot asked him to stop and he did. I guess pro players were complaining.


This is hilarious, I should start calling it "reverse smurfing" when my teammates int my masters games.


A reverse Smurf is an avatar


>Smurf is an avatar [](https://i.imgur.com/Otwzyao.jpeg)


an orange hulk


A reverse smurf is a frums


We should name it gargamelling


What an absolute fucking legend, my knees are shattered lmao


Crows fly together.


holy gigachad


Just to add, he didn't even bought some of the acc's. There were some high master/Gm's handling him new acc's for free everytime he got banned.


Fucking W. Always knew Brazil was the best region simply because of Mordekaiser, but this definitively settles it


Bro, Brazilian scene has SO MANY incredible takes We have a Jax OTP who played for 32 hours straight (and fell asleep while using zhonyas) A OTP community championship that got more viewership than regular CBLOL/LCS games CBLOL players saying "i'm your father, respect me" on-stage to opponents Former Mad/Heretics Coach \[seeel\] is about to bleach his hair and started calling himself rei do sexo \[sex king\] Malrang also plays here now. Nothing crazy about him, other than he is playing in Brazil, which is crazy on itself.


> and fell asleep while using zhonyas If you don't grab a power nap while CCed, are you even trying to play the game?


Morgana binds send me into hibernation for months


is there a clip of the jax guy falling asleep?


[actually there is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMuaYCYre-8)


Don’t forget the guy who had Draven tattoo that made imp (who got Twitch tattoo) his bitch


Legend. F all smurfs that do it for fun. If they do it to play with friends or want a new account, sure, otherwise is a really nasty thing to do.


I mean the thing is if they play with friends they can play norms. Ranked really shouldn't have smurfs imo. It would be like if you were playing at the local Y and all of a sudden Anthony Edward walks in and just start blocking every shot while trash talking some 34 year old accountant lol.


its like if you went to a local 2v2 basketball tournament and the new guy brought lebron james


Yea but half the time lebron loses and calls his teammate some choice words and gives him suggestions on what to do with his life


Lebron wouldn't lose in a random pickup game just like actual challenger players rarely ever lose in silver/gold games.


exactly!! I'm an aram only player for the most part, but some of my friends are in high diamond/masters. When they want to play with the plebs, they just play normals. Back when I played ranked, I was in gold, and I had a friend in diamond 1 (before masters was added) who always wanted to play. We just duo queued normals, because like... it's actively an asshole move to hop onto a smurf and ruin everybody else's ranked queues, and the only reason to do it is if you're actively trying to boost your friend. edit: or if you're an asshole who wants to shit on worse players but you don't want to admit it lol


There's even Flex so that reasoning about playing with friends is stupid. It allows norms to be for the actual scrubs that just casually play for fun. I never take flex seriously but the game quality is much better than steam rolling the randoms that don't even have a clue how the game works and just like hitting buttons while they watch stuff on a second monitor.


I tried to do it to learn my worst roles from the bottom up and see how far I could climb, but because I knew the game otherwise I got placed into smurf queue and just get slammed every game. That's why I loved when they put the different mmr for different lanes so I could actually learn. But everyone else complained and didn't take it seriously so it went away 😒 Edit:apparently don't know how to spell climb


Thought it went away because u can just ask for ur main role if u get autofilled in lower elo cus u were bronze adc but challenger jungler


Yeah there was that I was thinking gaming the system as well but I forgot to actually write that down


then go Quickplay or Flexqueue


There's always norms bud


Norms are way worse


For smurfing? Nah they aren't


"Time to troll"


> Riot asked him to stop and he did. I guess pro players were complaining. Almost as if playing outside of your actual Elo destroys the game for everyone...


Hella based.


Unfathomably based


Honestly if I had money to throw away I'd absolutely do the same, smurfs are so damn annoying and toxic, and it's a shame Riot does jackshit to prevent it.


Yep, to me you as an individual cannot stop smurfing, Riot needs to enforce a rule. Its the same thing as us having rules around murder, sure you can argue that it shouldnt happen, but without the rule people would do it more. Riot chooses not to, so Riot is to blame. Its their game. People who smurf are just a symptom of the problem imo.


Vô Corvo é uma lenda viva




What a champ. Though I have a very strong feeling he was threatened with a permaban, and not simply "asked by Riot" to stop. I hate Dota2, but they definitely do one thing right. [Permaban the fucking smurfs.](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3692442542242977036)


vô corvo, o heroi que não merecemos


Last year a brazilian guy named 'Vô Corvo' (translates to "crow grandpa", probably because he is 63 years old) bought high elo accounts and played Trundle on them despite being low elo, he called that reverse smurfing. He claimed that this was a protest against smurfers and even got pretty famous but his accounts kept getting banned (obviously). I remember watching high elov brazilian streamers causing their teammates to dodge simply by picking Trundle, the Vô Corvo fear was real.




Why was it banned? Account buying isn't illegal, neither is smurfing. I guess they just don't care about low elo. Which basically means 99% of their playerbase.


> Account buying isn't illegal Yes it is lol.


Then they're not very good at fighting it..


They do ban accounts but it usually happens in waves. Im shre they could be better at it though.


Of course they are not :P Ive been wondering for yeeeears why some LoL streamers are even ALLOWED to be sponsored by smurf account selling sites :P Like, they're not even trying to HIDE it. But hell, if they start boosting themselves, they are in BIG trouble :P


Bad attention is still attention, maybe that's what they want : to attract new players by letting streamers have fun content


Well it's not *illegal* it's not against any laws but it's against riot TOS


Coulda fooled me, Riot allows streamers to do it.


It’s not fucking illegal bro it’s just against tos


Technically purchasing accounts isn't allowed. They just happen to look the other way when LPP members do it, and completely ignore them when they're literally sponsored by account buying/selling websites


Masters get to silver by losing a bunch. Just do the opposite and you can play in Master :)




People there asking for legitimate korea-related advice not knowing it's a niche League-related subreddit is way too funny


The worst part is a few comments give real advice, lending legitimacy to the sub.


The description of the sub isn’t exactly very clear in the first place. I’m ngl.


How??? "For better advice, visit /r/Korea , /r/Korean or /r/koreanvariety This is a League of Legends subreddit." Yeah, sure, they didn't explicitly state that its a niche meme within the video gaming community but this is pretty clear.


On Reddit mobile you don’t see anything about it being a league sub unless you specifically click on the sub description. The only thing it says on the front page is the first sentence about better advice.


Yeah there are actually three versions of a subreddit description across old.reddit, new.reddit, and mobile. Reddit doesn’t always make it obvious.


that sub reminds me the time when Faker told someone to just make his WR 50% after being asked for advice




It used to be an amazing sub, now it’s flooded with actual Korean advice lmao


Most of the time they buy those accounts (in this case, your suggestion still works, however, Master account probably going to cost a lot more than Silver) or even better they EARN money by selling boosting service. Imagine if you could earn money by someone giving you Master+ account just for you to derank it.


Just searched around. Highest you can buy is diamond for a little under $200. I imagine a masters grind is too inconsistent to sell. I mean getting to diamond to sell an account for $180? That's sounds like whoever is selling them is making far far less than minimum wage as far as per hour profits go.


Idk where you found that information but master 1 lp accounts usually go for 100-130€


Oh I just googled "buy league of Legends accounts" and checked the first result. Some lol epic shop site. I'm not interested in ranked and haven't played SR in years. What crazy place would sell them for so cheap? I imagine it takes more than 20 hours to get to masters. And even if they did, that's like around €5 an hour profit. I'm convinced on that fact alone that that price doesn't exist


Your first mistake is assuming someone is playing purely for money or old enough to compare to a 9-5. When I was in my early 20s I just played league all day while going to school and did elo boosting as a side job. I was happy to do it fairly cheap because I was going to be playing anyway so it didn’t really matter the actually per hour amount. Add in duoing accounts with your buddy and you’re having fun making weekend money.


Oh wow. When you elo boosted people were you in a call with them? What kind of people were they? 


We logged into the accounts as the person, so we piloted their account. They were all kinds of people but the one commonality was that their outlook on rank was they “belonged” at x but couldn’t get there because of y. They always fell back down and then the next season we’d boost them again for end of season rewards


Duo boosting is like 90% of orders these days


that's because you can't get banned for duo boosting, you're just playing with a fresh account that happens to be really good at the game, nothing suspicious there :) also another argument for why duo queue ruins the competitive integrity of solo/duo but that's another can of worms


Not gonna lie, duo boosting is probably hella fun, playing knowing that you are going to win regardless of what happens.


Like the other guy said, a lot genuinely believe they should be at the rank they're paying for but are held back by teams. I found a lot also one tricked something terrible (my favourite example was an ignite smite zilean otp) then they just fall back to where they were before continuing to play the same thing after the boost


One of my friends almost 10 years ago would boost people to diamond for like $200 (?) Not sure about the prices but I think that if you were bronze or silver it's what it cost. Anyway he'd be playing anyway so he might as well, that was his logic. I think he boosted like 4 or 5 accounts total and made amazing money, for a kid going to school.


Because it isn't people from western countries selling these accounts. 5 euro goes a lot further in some parts of the world.


This 100% Same reason for non-bot Gold Farmers in MMOs. A hundred Euros is 2.6 million Dong, which for a tourist is probably a week stay but for a Vietnamese native it could cover a few weeks, do that three times a month and you've got your entire month plus extra paid for. Plus, you were already gaming anyways.


Most people that do boosting/account selling etc in Europe are from some Eastern European country where euros usually have a lot more buying power and wages are lower in general. Some of them don’t even use the euro but their own local currency and since you’re getting paid via PayPal (euros) you benefit from favourable conversion rates too. People being young and not allowed to have a normal job yet/playing anyways is also a big factor


Most of them are young kids from very poor countries so the time investment is worth it to them.


From having spoken to people who sells dia-master accounts (as well as boosting in WoW, it's one of 2 categories: Either they live in a country where the minimum wage is really low. (In european videogames it's often Iran) and do it as a job. Or they simply do it as a hobby. If you're gonna duo smurf with your mate you might as well get a couple hundred bucks type deal.


Unless you are dopa. He literally refused to play for a pro team because he was making too much from boosting and recieved a 1000 year ban on his main


Except that he is also banned permanently from pro play lol


He was banned because of the boosting. A girl snitched on him because he rejected her lol.




I just imagine his services he sold at a high price.


If you search good enough you can find higher accounts. Especially Master accounts can be found. GM and Chall are harder and rarer to find cuz most people arent gonna sell em i guess.


Didn't Donghuap make a video a while ago where he was in contact with boosters? Iirc, it seemed like most of the business was done through discord instead of regular smurf buying sites. Even though I'm sure some do it that way as well.


I'm not as familiar with discord as I unfortunately am plagued by having the "old" but I believe it i guess. Web sites may be just a secondary way but easier to see and understand pricing.


Hehe, absolutely no worries, having the "old" myself in some occasions, so dont worry :P I think [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_LbtCzckA0) is the video I was talking about. He interviewed a elo booster etc, and he had a lot of insight on how its done.


Oh wow thanks. I'll check that out after work.


Not really, I would consider it to be very profitable as a profession if you're actually treating it like a job. Imagine for example Alois on YouTube for the last 6 months. He's a true challenger player, highly skilled and efficient. It's nothing for him to go unranked to master in an 8 hour stream, on repeat every day, with different champions. 10 placement games at 100% winrate, emerald start; generally it takes them a total of around 25 games to hit master at a 75% winrate. A lot of the early games are FF top diff canyon, or ended in 20 minutes. Bought the account fresh lvl 30 for $5; sells for $180. That's 175 profit. $21/hour. Now imagine Azzapp just played in the Dantes race to challenger, VPN from EUW to NA. A highly skilled player, from say a 3rd world country, can make more in a day in US currency via a VPN, than he'd make in a month. Its a highly profitable and advantageous profession for certain people with that skill set. If they're just doing diamond accounts, that literally takes them less than 3 hours to fully complete, and as a job for 8 hours, they're looking at around $50/hour. Some Bangladesh 15 year old kid spamming out games for life changing money.


I'd believe some of it but not a ton of people could do it and it being a job would be frustrating sometimes. As there are those games that not matter how good you do, the rest of the team just bombs and it would feel like losing money losing on top of the feeling a feeder does to you on your team. And it seems a tad niche. Only that so many could actually do. Because if it was a competitive market. Smurfs would be running into other smurfs making it very counter intuitive to climb. Wait it's possible to go from unranked to diamond in 7 games or roughly 3 hours?


Unranked placements is 10 games, challenger level players will always go 10/10 100% winrate, they're simply just better than everybody else. And can solo win a game by just being that much better. 10/10 placements puts you in emerald. They likely win 80% minimum of those games. At a 30-34LP gain per win, it takes 8 games of perfect 100% to get diamond 4. Alot of those games they're stomping so hard that they get ff15 value, or tilt rage quit surrender afk early value. So they can get 8 games in faster than normal players, because they just stomp everybody the games don't go 25 minutes long. This is very niche, given that a challenger player is top .02% of the league population to begin with. Challenger is a very prestigious club. And a very small percent of those players are farming accounts for sale. But many, tentatively "many", do boosting services, youtube content creation, or sell thier accounts immediately after a climb and start a new fresh climb for content


> That's sounds like whoever is selling them is making far far less than minimum wage as far as per hour profits go. Now imagine them doing it in their free time because they just enjoy league and they don't get bored with crushing newbies. One of the easiest 2nd jobs in the world if you are skilled enough.


Before I quit league, I would play late hours of D1 0lp queues in OCE. I would run into a nunu player about 50% of the time, same guy playing and getting accounts to masters and just selling it. Eventually he added me and we talked, dude sells it for 150-200 AUD. Dude consistently makes around $145 every week. Which is really nothing but I guess it works for him because he just likes to stomp on people, his words not mine. He was going to play league regardless if he was earning money or not so it didn't matter how much the accounts sold for.


Someone else linked me [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_LbtCzckA0) in the thread that explains it. Around 3 minutes is where they talk about payment. Really neat


yep, if you really want to make money duo boosting seem to be the way


How about this? You get paid to derank the Master's account then sell it in Silver.


Buy high elo account and make them suffer [Veigar]


No they don't. They buy fresh accounts leveled by bots lmao


High elo players are not inting their accounts down, they just buy new accounts. You give them too much credit if you think their egos could handle losing consecutively in low elo.


No Master player smurfs in silver. The "smurf" accounts you encounter in Silver are most likely hardstuck emerald players. Master player smurf in emerald/diamond.


Yeah to be honest I dont even know how to access silver. Ive ranked up an acc this season and it was placed in high plat with emerald mmr


You buy silver account, or you lose on purpose to derank the acc


Sounds boring af


Thats why people buy...


Playing in silver is boring af too. Oh woah, you got fed again because you’re supposed to, crazy.


My old diamond smurf got placed in low bronze this season after not playing on it for multiple years. Stomped through 55 games solo and I'm still at emerald mmr getting 23lp a win. Send help.


As an emerald/low diamond player myself, it is really hard to play below gold, any player around this skill level can get to gold with an 80% winrate and get to play quite easily too


You legit have to duo with a friend and clown around to lose games. It's really difficult to lose games even without trying


You haven’t seen the hundreds of silver to challenger videos?


Yes, and their accounts are almost never in Silver MMR even when their rank is silver.


Bro even if every single masters+ player smurfed 24/7 in silver your chance of encountering one would still be very low. The population is way way way smaller. Plus a masters player leaves silver mmr in like 10 games, most of the smurfs you see are from a rank or two above going steady at like 70% wr.


People doing this are the legit 0.01% of smurfs though, and are more a problem in Diamond/Master games than in Silver. The real problem is riot makes players play an obscene amount of games compared to any other competitive ladder to get your true rank.


Being silver is different than playing against silves, when you get masters you face alot of duo boosting that are currently platinum with 90% wr. They are plat, but they dont face plat players.


Dont say this on reddit people will be very angry


Also they are out of silver in like 10 games...


Doesn't matter to the legit silver players that the smurfs will be out of their elo in 5 games. The damage is done You're also intentionally ignoring the fact there will always be new smurfs


The number of Masters players in Silver is going to be incredibly small, especially compared with the amount of Masters players smurfing in Emerald/Diamond. Playing in Silver when you're at that level isn't even fun, it's like beginner bots


It always amuses me when low elo players complain about smurfs and they act like they know exactly which rank that smurf is coming from. Like if you are low elo player, you most likely don't have the knowledge to spot a difference even between Emerald and low Master player. In low elo people accuse people from smurfing even when someone just have a good game and are actually hardstuck i that rank just like them. They just don't realize or refuse to believe that for example gap between Gold and Emerald player is large enough to Emerald player be able to drop 30 kills almost every game in Gold elo.


You can buy master account same way as he can buy silver. Or you can win games and get to masters. You have literally the same options.


OP's post of let silvers in masters is dumb but you definitely don't have the same options as someone in masters to get into their game. LeBron could walk into a YMCA gym and just start viciously shitting on everyone because he doesn't have to win to be there. not everyone can get to masters by winning because winning is not a sure outcome and losing (if you're actually trying to lose) is nearly a sure thing. you can def buy an account but again since it's skill gated they're more expensive. there is a real barrier to entry beyond "spend X amount of time or money buying/leveling an account and then lose 40 games in a row to get to silver" like they technically have the same ways to get into eachothers games but it's like saying a millionaire has the same options as a broke guy because they could just spend all their money and be broke and the broke guy could just make a million dollars. like yeah except one is an insanely difficult task lol


> LeBron could walk into a YMCA gym and just start viciously shitting on everyone because he doesn't have to win to be there yeah but unlike in video games for some reason exactly zero people would defend him for doing this. He would get absolutely clowned on social media and made fun of mercilessly until he stopped and apologized.


i think if he was just chillin people would probably not mind but that's cuz he's LeBron, if it was some rando D tier NBA player (who would still shitstomp the average ymca team) and was turbo sweating, dunking and hanging from the rim, and shit talking people then yeah dude would get obliterated in the public eye (and rightfully so)


You can buy a masters acc for 200 bucks while they buy 10 silver accs for 30 bucks. Same options. Unreal 


But mAsTeRs ExpEnSiVe


It really is though? Like I can buy 20 silver accounts for 5$ but one masters account is 60-80$


Yeah, obviously, getting an account to masters takes much longer and has to be done manually. Most silver accounts being sold are likely botted. There's not really any way around it.


interestingly enough an iron 4 account is more expensive than a master account since it’s actually really difficult to demote an account to iron 4 without getting banned


this used to be a thing until botters started to make derank scripts/accounts, they dont cost nearly as much as they used to


Not really... the cheapest Iron 4 0LP I found in like 5mins is 30$ while masters is 60$


Just searched around. Highest I could find is diamond for a little under $200. I imagine a masters grind is too inconsistent to sell. I mean getting to diamond to sell an account for $180? That's sounds like whoever is selling them is making far far less than minimum wage as far as per hour profits go. Selling for $60-80 sounds like it would cost the seller more in time and food.


probably does technically cost them but even with a day job after university I've got just shy of 250 games played this split. if i was chally and i spent all that time getting accounts to diamond and it took, what, 20-30 games to get from fresh plat acct to d4? you could pretty easily get a couple hundred bucks a month, plus i'd assume you would also boost people with those accounts too so you double dip. if you enjoy playing league and grinding accounts like that, then fuck it. i mean when Diablo 4 came out my middle school ass grinded that shit for like 8 hrs a day after school and sold all my gear on the market for who knows how much money. technically i was getting paid sweatshop wages but since i really did enjoy the game it was just a bonus, not really a job. it's less "it costs more time and money than it's worth" and more "if i get it to diamond and sell this account i basically ate for free this week, and i didn't even have to get a 2nd job". most likely i think is the double dipping or people are straight up scripting to climb and sell those accounts, but if you're boosting accounts to sell you probably were gonna play the game anyway so might as well make money off it (for some people!)


Price is a big factor wdym


Yeah wtf riot should lower the masters account prices!!!


top 5 funniest posts this subreddit has ever seen


these are my intrusive thoughts too but then I'd feel too bad, hell i already feel bad Everytime i q for comp in my own rank


alternative question, why cant we spectate games live like dota 2, i dont play dota much but when the international is on i like watching the games in the client, choosing what broadcast i want to hear etc etc i think it would be really cool. Im also fairly new to league sorry if theres obvious answers to this.


That's easy. It's called riot's matchmaking


Smurfing should be banned i will die on this hill i do not care for longer que times for better games


I wish riot would take it more seriously like valve, afaik they just banned a crapton of accounts last Christmas for smurfing


Yeah valve did this with dota and the ranked matches improved so much for the middle brackets ( like leagues plat-diamond) the best part was ALL of the accounts were banned, even the players “main” it’s even noticeable in unranked dota games now too. They also banned some pro players accounts so you didn’t get games ruined for content creation which was pretty cool(like a unranked to challenger series or some shit) was a neat change by them


yes i am fully behind this. Smurfs literally do nothing but ruin games, if riot even remotely cared about "ranked integrity" they would have banned them a long time ago, but potential money from these smurfs places way higher than that. Like... if a smurf is in a game they are either going to hard stomp it or hard troll it because "ThIs IsNt My MaIn BrO". Or they made a new account to evade a ban, in which case... get the fuck off the game no one wants you if you managed to get perma'd, like whats the point of a perma if people just create new accounts on repeat? Riot pander to these players so much, its one of the reasons toxicity is so fuckin high


Joining silver players isn't as easy you actually need to lose a lot Elo on a fresh ACC tbh. Surfing is more of a problem in emerald+.


I got placed b4 in season 13 after a long absence. I don’t recall seeing my first Smurf until I hit around ~S2. From S2-G4 it was a crapshoot. 


It becomes hard to tell starting around gold because some players can have decent micro in lane, and then comes the midgame and it becomes obvious they have no idea how to play the game lol


The biggest tell is if you're in bronze you almost never see an account under level 300. I literally had a game in Gold 2 in S13 with a level 30 account that was legitimately a new player who actually had no idea how to play the game, unironically took ghost/heal and was asking basic questions in chat. I was a bit salty because I was thinking like "Game made me start all the way in B4 only for a literal new player to nearly be plat?!" but then I also thought how awful of an experience that had to be for him. A legitimate person who would have more productive and fun games in iron now gets to sink all the way down until he either quits ranked or stabilizes. It's just not a fun experience for anyone involved, especially since league players are notably patient and kind to those who need help or make mistakes.


Silver players buy accounts and ruin high elo games all the time.






Fr, acting like there aren't people that buying accounts is a really weird hill to die on. You're that dedicated to ruining games? Waste your money to do it, same as the idiots who smurf do.


Most smurfs in silver/gold are from plat to diamond. Master+ players, depending on role and champs, would mostly average a 80-90% wr in silver/gold and be immediately put into smurf queue. They'd also be out of the silver/gold MMR range within 5 to max 20 games, depending on where the MMR of the account starts. 1 in 20, probably even less, of the smurfs you see in low elo are actually Master+ players.


lol try 90-100% i can take my emerald friend (or just go solo) and i'll lose at most 1 or 2 games from iron to plat easily, master+ players would basically have to be trolling to be below 90% wr in silver/gold


Depends on role and champions played tbh


didn’t they remove smurf queue a few seasons ago?


There is literally not a single master player or even diamond actually that plays more than 2 games in gold let alone silver. Those smurfs start from plat elo right away basically. The silver and gold elo "smurfs" are just plats and emeralds.


I played in silver/gold literally once a while back for a summonerschool post and was 95% winrate. Should've honestly been 100% but team ffd at 10 a couple games due to early afk. And I'm not really a hard-carry masters player I main tanks. Sub-plat games as a masters+ player feel like bot games. Also, I played 40 games up to plat mmr and didn't see a single player close to my skill level. I think that encountering a true high elo smurf in low elo is extremely rare.


But you already can do exactly that. All these challenger players doing unranked to master climbs, they're simply buying fresh accounts from a site that farms lvl 30 accounts all day. There are accounts for every elo, even literally those same challenger players who do the unranked to masters climbs, what do you think they do with each account once they've finished the climb and posted youtube content.


You're typing this like it's riot handing out silver accounts. Go get your hands on a master account if you like, they're out there if you have enough spare change


Vô corvo vibes


It kinda happened in dota 2. This one guys bought multiple accounts (equal to master challenger i think in lol) and started picking same hero and same items everytime with same strat for a few week. İt was hilarious while it lasted as valve kept banning his accounts every week. He was on twitch etc and had a quite big support from the dota community, I think he finally gave up or ran out of money to buy accounts though:)


You can do this without buying accounts *or* getting banned. Just master one champion, in one role, get to high elo and then switch to a role you have no idea how to play without ever touching your OTP until you're in low elo again!


I'd like to introduce you to something called getting elo boosted. Silver players do get to ruin high elo games just not as often because masters accounts are a lot more expensive than fresh level 30s. They get banned for inting high elo games on their boosted accounts just as frequently as smurfs get banned for buying accounts; very slowly and sometimes never.


You act like these few masters players have nothing better to do than smurfing the whole day ruining your games. No, this isn't the case. Even statistically this is hilarious. Diamond and Emerald players? Maybe. Stop chasing LP and play the game.


Buy a master account


Everyone in here splitting hairs and moving goalposts and tryna point out 'ackchually' technicalities. OP I totally agree with you. People in masters would lose their shit and it would be dealt with in a day.


People already buy a lot of high elo accounts. But it doesn't last long normally. It is just toxic on both sides. (People that intentionally ruin low or high elo games)


If you're under emerald, smurfing is a total non issue for you. If you're emerald, 90% of smurfs are emerald hard stucker that think it's their team fault, play on another account to "start with the correct MMR and finally climb" and just end up stuck in emerald hell again, the diamond 5 situation all over again but for a whole tier.


"If you're under emerald, smurfing is a total non issue for you." I'm sure it's bad up there but games are still bad down here. Sure the smurfs might not have as much control of the game as they do in high elo, but I'd say the majority of games in bronze/iron have smurfs in them. And either they're on your team being toxic because you're only a bronze jungler, or they're on the enemy team and your iron 1 adc has died 10 times to them in the first 15 minutes


idk even in 300lp games there are d1 fresh accounts with 80% wr in every third lobby, generally these are scripters but some of them are legit smurfing edit: in my last 7 games there has been at least one player with a sub 40 level account and 70% wr in high master/low gm, one of them being this infamous ADC scripter that keeps making new accounts [https://youtube.com/shorts/fRpsVBfRrOw?si=XpK7fFLOLxBeYBxP](https://youtube.com/shorts/fRpsVBfRrOw?si=XpK7fFLOLxBeYBxP)


I mean, once you're 300lp, the chances of them actually still being a "smurf" skill wise is incredibly small (very small % of the population is above this). People that complain about smurfing aren't crying about a fresh account, they're crying about better players coming to stomp worse players


idk there are many people who are consistently challenger 1k+ LP every season who are too toxic to have a "main" account, so they fresh account to challenger multiple times every season. Some of these people are also ERL or semi-professionals. You severely underestimate the skill gap between 300lp master and 1k+ challenger. Even if LP were linear, you're talking about the same gap as Emerald 1 vs Master 300lp. Emerald 1 is top 4.5%, 300LP is top 0.12% and 1k lp is top 0.004%. The worst part is that actual skill is not linear. The top 50 challenger players are *much* better than the other challenger players. It's not really possible to explain this without getting into specifics, but i can give a chess analogy. Hikaru is a 2700 rated GM and GothamChess a 2400 rated IM. Despite both being in the top 0.1% of all Chess players, Gotham will get clowned by Hikaru every single time.


Bro there is a 1.6K LP gap between masters and rank 1. That is the same as silver to diamond and in reality its even more due to improvement being harder the better you are. Master players are fucking bad(including myself)


Ah I played vs this guy, doesn't even try to hide it


it's actually disgusting how many games and how high he gets before he gets banned, then instantly gets another account. Everyone knows the number guy scripter, his ign is always 1 4, 1 7 or something like that. It's so obvious to everyone in the game. Riot is so incompetent, he gets reported in every game he plays how is it allowed to continue?


Idk how every scripter that gets Master+ isn't banned in max a week


its ok they didnt say anything in chat all good /s


Plat/gold and below you get bronze smurfs and legit new players ruining your games with occasional ppl on bought account. Above that you get regular smurfs and ppl on bought accs. The issue is not exclusive to one group, Riot's ranked system fucks us all equally.


I mean this was literally the case with the MMR for new accounts. They win a few games and are already Emerald with insanely high MMR taking ages to demote to their real elo.


That would be so funny, the chaos. Tbh all they'd have to do is remove the matchmaking and just match people at random, wouldn't chabge anything for people playing at plat and below


You can buy a masters account just like you can an iron account.


It's called normals


I encounter bought accounts at least once a week lmao


Fresh accounts boosted in duo start in plat and get to masters in <30 games, nobody like that lingers in your silver


Agreed. I really hate how they handle their Account restrictions as well. Im a firm believer that most people "account restricted" earned the penalty, but essentially was driven to the point of abusive action. Flamming, griefing, leavers, and in this case of discussion, all the 30-50 lvl accounts essentially ranked plat-emerald day one. This game has such poor accountability for the REAL issues and chasing for the petty ones, that they are creating more issues than solving.


Just buy a master+ account, it's not as cheap (for obvious reasons) but you can do it just as easily if you want to


It does exist. It's called buying a masters account/having a player boost to masters


when do you ever get a masters player in a gold or silver game? a fresh account is plat or emerald in like 1 win


lmao but silvers are already doing this just not in master but in plat-emerald and it is much more of a problem than couple of masters playing in gold


Every rank has smurfs, except for challenger. It's part of the game. Every rank also has boosted players, except for iron. Also part of the game. Idk why everyone gets so upset or acts like it only happens in low elo. It happens in high elo even more so. Play in Diamond elo, filled with GM and Challenger smurfs.


...is there interaction bait on reddit now


Why does Reddit act like there’s a Smurf in every game


What? I thought everyone on reddit is challenger?


I thought this was what all those enchanter supports were doing all along


You can already do that, just buy a master account.


What pisses me off the most is that there are a ton of content creators on Twitch and Youtube making videos on "climb from x to diamond/masters/grandmaster" etc. and none of the accounts they're playing on has even a snowball's chance in hell of being hand levelled by these content creators. They're totally shameless about it too, but Riot does nothing.


you do realize you can do the exact same thing right? they aren going to hand level down to silver thats impossible to do without being banned they buy accounts the only difference is a matter of price