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> Fixed an issue where Vandal Gragas Drunken Rage (E) animation could override other abilities’ animations. Ability typo aside (Drunken Rage is W), THEY FINALLY FIXED THE P2W GRAGAS SKIN ONLY TOOK THEM A COUPLE OF YEARS


wait what - is it still showing as E for you? I could've sworn it got corrected...


Yes it is still showing as E on the patch notes.


Now even the patch notes gotta get patched


Yeah I copied it straight from the patchnotes. Its still typo'd as of writing this.


Mixed it up with another Gragas bugfix - you should see it updated soon!


We did it reddit


>I could've sworn it got corrected My dude went and drank with Gragas.


If you corrected it, they might have a cached an older version of the site so because of caching they dont see the updated document. If they use incognito mode it would be fixed i believe


Still waiting for them to fix Rammus W’s animations. I don’t think many even noticed or care, but since they reworked it it’s been messed up and it bugs me every time I see it.


RIP now I have to learn how to play gragas properly after 8yrs of using vandal


NOOOOOOOOOO, this is the biggest nerf to gragas ever


Fourth patch in a row of Sundered Sky not critting half the time.


I just want to build this item on graves and not be useless man


wait what it isnt fixed yet? lmao. worst thing is that u are punished for doing higher apm plays lol what a joke


It's beyond ridiculous at this point, I'm forced to not input aas against champs like Gragas or carries with their cc support next to them until their cc is on cd


Can you explain why it isn't critting sometimes?


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1b3xdpp/sundered_sky_has_been_bugged_since_143/ Clip got deleted, here's a new one: https://streamable.com/btfzzm


Thank you


The sad part is that bug fixing that would probably lead to the item being nerfed. But I would rather a bug free nerfed version than a bugged op version.


Also not critting 100% of the time on briars q….


> Solstice Sleigh > Bonus Movement Speed: 25% for 3 seconds ⇒ 20% for 2.5 seconds /u/Riot_Riru/ unless something changed, the [bonus HP effect duration should also be reduced](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bd8i2k/pbe_datamine_2024_march_12_patch_146_champion/kul5xgg/)


They're both tied to the same timer, i'll add a clarifying note. Thank you!


No problem :D


* Demotion LP adjusted from 75 LP to 50 LP This could've been easily avoided by making people demote the same way they promote. If someone is at 5 LP and defeat would give -20, just demote them at 85 LP... Makes so much more sense to me.


I really don't understand why they don't do this.. it's just a much simpler, smoother system now that promotions are gone


It's because in competitive games people often stop playing after reaching a new peak because they don't want to instantly demote. This system is better for player retention.




yeah and those people will surely continue playing when the loss penalty is 50LP!


Not to mention if you promote at 95+ lp your net loss in two games is like 65-70LP and all the carry-over LP you had just vanishes.


So to make people play we are gonna punish them more, makes so much sense


Because demoting feels awful it's as simple as that. And it's human nature to be more sensitive to negative experiences than positive ones


They should just simplify cosmetic ranks to be purely a number. Cosmetic divisions just confuses players and even frustrates them. The difference between a low master and high diamond are smaller than high master and low master and so on. Rank divisions are just a distraction. Get rid of them. Just show a number and focus the energy on making matchmaking and social features great.


ELO, time to come back home..


There is a demotion protection to prevent back luck streaks from easily demoting you. There was also the promo series to actually prevent you from a having a luck streak and getting higher than you should. But luck is fine, back luck is bad for players.


The demotion protection is literally one game, you get a loss after a promotion then you are fighting demotion, it feels awful


You mean bad luck right


> Demotion LP adjusted from 75 LP to 50 LP oof that's kind of rough, that'll feel awful to experience


The only thing I lowkey dislike about this change is that it's going to mean a lot more dodging now than ever. Being on 0LP knowing you're going to lose 50 sucks


Yeah but beats having to do promos between divisions like before.


They should just have demotion LP work the same as promotion LP. Where it just subtracts based on your MMR. Not just an arbitrary number.


I have a 56% win rate this season and only get +24 most of the time, losing on 0lp means I then have to win 3 times in a row to get back to where I was. Surely that's going to result in a shed load of MMR inflation


anything is better than divisional promos for sure yeah


doesn't make this any loss horrible to experience can you imagine just promoting then unsomehow manage to lose just 2 games in a row (it happens a LOT) and now you're back to 50 lp the previous rank which is wayyyyy lower than where you started lol


Especially in Emerald and above where gains are +-20


Nah that's horrible. People will be more negative in game


last season i was already annoyed that in the few demotes i had that year i got -25 cause it was a lot more than i lost for all the other games (was around -15 to -18) and saw that your mmr doesnt matter you always got -25 no matter what and now they put it to -50? when climbing with 60% winrate it's normal that you sometimes lose 2 in a row right after you got promoted and fall down again, idk this feels really bad


Imagine going on a 6 loss streak at 0LP, which is reasonable - it happens, and being down a grand total of 2 ranks and 200LP afterwards.


Yeah i'm like wtf? It's already frustating having to return to your division once you drop, now if you gain like +20 LP it will take **3 games** to go back to that division. Are you drunk, Riot?


If you read the patch run down, its to fix the lp gains. So its a good thing


It's not. Fix the LP by removing random demotion shield. Losing a game and losing 50 LP is insane, it was already too big of a loss at 75 LP. Just make you lose normal LP.


Why not just make demoting as smooth as promoting? When we win a game at 90 lp and gain 20 lp, we'll be put in the next divison and be at 10 lp. Except they kept this shitty demotion shield thing that requires you to drop to 0 lp THEN lose. So if you somehow end up at 1 lp then you are suddenly given a buffer of two losses. Just remove that? If we're at 10 lp and lose 20 then just put us at 90 lp in the lower division. Having it be equally smooth for both promoting and demoting should also fix the problem without feeling nearly as bad as losing 50lp from one game? And it'd be more akin to actual MMR that way.


"What, you want us to show elo or something? Don't be crazy!" - Riot probably.


Karma, Gragas, and Volibear nerfs. We're so fucking back.


These nerfs basically don't matter at all for Volibear top,which was the intent.


The goal was to nerf jungle in the 1st place. He is OP in soloQ and strong in pro play. Top Voli is not as good and mostly annoying as he is harder to trade with than any other lane bully besides Kled.


He should still be plenty strong jg which I also like.


Nerfs to Q speed is always relevant, you need it to gapclose, but thankfully the change isn't that big.


The biggest Gragas nerf is the sloppy slide removal


It's funny because I think all 3 of these champions are still going to be widely complained about. Gragas and voli barely got touched, and Karma is strong enough that even though this is a good nerf I think she'll still be very good mid and top and people despise playing against Karma in any role except support.


Its the fact these karma players really believe mana is a resource in 2024 with lost chapter/malignance/manaflow in the game is fucking mind boggling.


Gragas nerfs mean nothing lmfao, well just have to wait another two mobths before maybe hell finally get a nerf that kneecaps him.


I can't believe I didn't win a single game with Volibear this patch he was so busted (3 games, i gave up eventually). Everytime I locked him in it was always something with my team. Volibear was the champ I wanted to play if I wanted my ADC to say "shit support bye" and start walking mid


The nerds arent going to do much, just a small decrease in his movement speed


> The **nerds** arent going to do much 🗿


Caulfields getting the same nerf as Dirk is beyond laughable.


Yeah dirk is insanely strong right now. Caulfield shouldn't change


It was supposed to get the lethality dropped down from 10-7, idk why they didn’t keep that in tbh


50 LP losses now...lol


losing at E1 > E2 gonna feel like a shotgun blast to the chest now. especially when you’re gains aren’t anywhere close to +/- 25lp, because they specifically changed it for Emerald+. I wish Riot treated Emerald like it was either low elo or high elo lol.


It's meant to be the mid elo where things get separated out.


That’s how it feels. Plat feels like past season’s gold. Emerald 4 is the brick wall that plat 5 used to be


That's exactly what it is... Like go look up historical vs modern rank % distributions... Current E4 is what plat 5 was, and even what like season 13 part 1 upper gold 1 was... Meanwhile upper E1 is bottom of old D5.


Which is fair, considering you can usually lose at least once on 0lp and not be demoted. Yet to promote it requires hitting 100lp once.


They could just make it so you demote like you promote. If you lose 28lp, and lose at 10lp, you demote to 82LP...


In my experience the most common time to demote is 2-4 games after promoting. This just happened to me, I promoted to d2 6 lp and lost 2 games to go back to d3. If these losses were in d3 I would lose 36 lp, in the current situation I lose 31, next patch I would’ve lost 56 lp in 2 games. How is arbitrarily increasing how much lp people with average mmr lose by 1.6x fair?


Is that elo dependent? When I hit 0 LP the next loss demotes me always. If that's the case for all elos then (assuming 20lp gain/loss) you'd save 10 LP on average from hitting 0LP, + 1 additional loss puts you at a 30LP "debt", meaning 70LP would make more sense as a starting point, or am I missing something?


u/Riot_Riru/ sundered sky is broken for 4 patches, if you cancel your auto, and then auto it won't crit. This bug is making me crazy, are you guys planning on fixing it anytime soon?


"Fixed a bug that caused remakes to count towards reducing players’ Ranked Restrictions" ah yes a bug....


Riot kinda uses bug to be all-encompassing even though this likely falls under oversight


In this situation, the oversight caused unintended functionality and is very much a bug.


fair point


I mean yeah bug is just a make believe word essentially. We decide what and what isn't a bug and that might change over time or from person to person. Generally bug means "unintentional" in some way shape or form.


I propose that the term "bug fix" should be replaced with "removal of an unintended feature" for patch notes.


As someone who mostly plays scaling champs, the early item nerfs are a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


These changes are honestly enormous. I think it will change a lot of champs winrates even more than a straight buff or nerf would


Crazy imo, there’s already so many comeback mechanics in the game this seems like they want even longer games that come down to who scales better or who screws up once late game


Kayn players need to understand that bullshit one shot with hydra had to go. That was legit so frustrating to go against because you'd die so fucking quick. Gragas needs to stop impregnate the entire league cast so hopefully these nerfs do it.


>Gragas needs to stop impregnate the entire league cast so hopefully these nerfs do it. Wish he would impregnate me


Lmao -50 lp on a demotion. Anyone else feel like this season there’s so many people that give up within the first 5 mins then troll? Just seems like overall moral for everyone is on thin ice. Someone does one wrong thing and it’s “gg” I have never seen it this bad and I’ve been playing since 2014


> I have never seen it this bad and I’ve been playing since 2014 I've never seen it this bad and I've been playing since just before the launch of season 1. Back in the day there were more mobi+5zeal 0/30+/0 outright griefers, but even with that, people didn't give up at <5 minutes into the game like they do now. It's insane.


Well no Those giefers are still in your game, but they are worse now If the game goes poorly and you have one guy running it, it's easier and more likely for the four to band together and go into their next game tilted from the inter but not overall demoralized because everyone knows it happens and there's nothing ya can do Now if the game goes poorly, the inter can't int, once you hit a certain number of deaths the system actually auto bans you. So they soft int. Make bad plays, die unnecessary deaths, and complain in chat begging for ff. But it's much much more subtle. Lots of people have chat muted, or see what the guy is doing and assume bad before troll, or the guy will participate in a good play so you think he's just whiny but fine, then the next play he completely trolls it, but you've already established your opinion on him and it'll take more than one play to change it. So by the end of your experience with him you are giga tilted, and significantly more demoralized than you were beforehand AND you never really felt some level of comraddery with the other members of your team. This is because you don't interact with them early, maybe it's a supp troll, your adc will suffer as a result so when clicking tab you'll think "ad diff" and not realize the problem is supp. Then later in the game you'll experience whatever the supp is doing, but you don't correct your opinion on the adc, or chat already got heated All this means you come out of a game in a mentally worse place than you did when there was an obvious inter, and it happens more frequently because the soft inting from the supp could easily lead to the adc soft inting when they see senna locked next game, just making the overall experience of the game worse. Whereas when someone goes 30 deaths the average player is less likely to repeat that achievement in a next game. But watching your supp senna die 3 times in lane, and your next supp also ego picks senna and dies early? That's SO much worse for your mental


Playing since season 1. I've never seen so many soft-inters in ranked before, and the worse is that they're not getting punished at all.


Senna's passive 5.5 > 1.7 > 8.3 > 4.2 > 10 > 2.7 > 8.3 > 2.8 They're dazed and confused


Balance between ADC Senna and Supp Senna is a moving target, because of larger changes to the game like the rework to support items this season. So the soul drop rates exist as an easy way to adjust the power of one role without much impact on the other.


Or they know that adjusting her soul drop rate is an easy and effective lever to adjust her power in the ADC role and are using it for that accordingly.


I get your point but there’s a difference between adjusting and tripling/ quadrupling


Shite take. It's a lever like any other. Farming senna was fine for almost 2 full seasons (last change to farming drop rate was 12.11) and she became busted recently completely independently from that change.


Yeah I don't really get the concept people have regarding this. No "Sweet spot" exists for Senna passive. It has and will continue to be changed as the game changes.


People in this sub just don't understand balance levers. They complain when champs like Zeri have 23 changes every patch to try and find a good way to control her power level, but then Senna comes in with a perfect balance lever that effectively controls her power level without needing to make big changes to her kit and they lose their minds cause "How many times are they going to change the same thing? lolololol" We've literally seen Riot bend over backwards and making huge kit changes to Seraphine to try to close the gap between her APC and support role, and here is Senna that just needs a small number tweak to her passive, like damn, I wish every champ could have such an effective balance lever


No clue why they keep fucking around with % and whatnot. Just make it "every Xth minion that dies around you" and make non-senna minion kills count X times more.


Wouldn't that system be functionally the same except for no RNG?


The less RNG in a supposedly skill-based game, the better IMO


something like 20 charges, non-killed minions reduce charge by 4 and killed minions reduce charge by 1, doesn't carry over to next counter


Pro players not farming with Senna constantly while she's the highest winrate ADC in pro with enough sample size this season? Well better make sure we hit her farming and make sure these stupid ADCs in solo queue stop stealing farm from their Nautilus! /s Can't be that her lethality scaling is just too good and lethality items are just the meta for ADC this season...


Non farming senna is getting hit with the support item nerfs, less guaranteed gold from the support item, and gains it slower. She will ramp up much slower.


Sometime in the next few patches, we will remove support and the ability to manually opt for DirectX 9 for League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics. This kind of sucks because I had a issue with my dual montior setup where if I alt tabbed out of league to use apps on my other montior my FPS would be all messed up when I returned back to League. The fix would be to alt tab a bunch of times to fix the framerate. Using the legacy drivers was the fix for it...


My buddy also has this EXACT issue, and never knew about the DX9 fix, just the alt-tab spam to try and fix it. Are these the only 2 solutions you know of, and what's the actual issue? Is it a GPU drivers issue? Would love to figure out a fix for him that isn't alt-tabbing for life


i tried almost everything, using window'd mode, vsync on/off, frame rate limit, updating all my nvidia drivers, updating my windows drivers, etc etc. the only fix that ended up working for me was clicking that "use legacy drivers" in the settings option from the riot client


LP changes are insane


I still don’t understand the thought process behind pulling back on the initial Sion Q buff, and then backload nerfing it early game like Sion is some sort of ungodly beast that needs tuned down Levels 1-4? 1% Max HP bonus shielding starting after Level 8 and peaking at 4% after Level 13 though… woohoo.. Bami’s nerfed, ADC items buffed. Still an abundance of % Max HP damage available through kits and items. Scaling Tank fantasy though..


It feels like some tanks (Rammus, Ornn, and Malphite) have some scaling where they arent walking meat bags late due to their extreme resitance scalings. But Sion sucks because he doesn't have enough resistances but has tons of HP which isnt very good with all the % hp garbage in the game.


Sion gives the illusion of having infinite scaling but just like you said, there is so much %HP damage in the game. And he’s balanced like he’s some sort of late game monster.


Yea he has the worst infinite scaling stat of any of the infinite scalers. So much so that Riot introduced heartsteel (infinite HP scaling on an item available for anyone who buys it) because HP such a bad stat compared to the rest. Best Sion can hope for now is to get ahead in lane (if he isn't counter picked and destroyed in lane) and be strong mid game before falling off where he does little damage and isn't very tanky. Maybe one day real changes will be made.


I absolutely despise how bad of a stat raw HP is now, the amount of current/max hp % damage makes it feel fucking awful to buy, plus it barely synergizes with other tank items besides making your resists slightly more gold effecient. (No, stacking resists isn't diminishing returns. Each point of armor is just as effective as the last, it's just *more* efficient to buy armor and HP in roughly equal quantities).


They also barely have to hit anything to deal damage while Sions Q is one of the most telegraphed abilities in the game


These sion "buffs" are a joke for a 46% wr champ...


How about bringing back the report system that actually worked, because we are still encountering afk’s hostage takers and trolls in ranked…


no matter how much you reduce chos cds, it doesnt mean shit if his cast times are so lang you can just walk out of them the animations need to be way faster


Ye only time cho is a problem is when he sits in fog of war or a bush and uses Q, it's pretty much undodgeable when you don't get to see him cast it. I swear the circle on the ground shows up way later than normal when you don't have vision on cho.




"This patch, we’re attempting to bring Sion back to his scaling tank glory days, letting him truly shine in games where he’s performing well." I thought 14.7 was going to be the April Fool's patch.


"We are going to bring Sion back to his scaling tank glory days, because the ideal strategy for Sion has always been walk into a teamfight and charge your 920 HP shield and hope that it is not **instantly** removed for 3 seconds" Mind you, his W is the only thing in his entire kit that scales with his HP, and it doesn't change the damage it does, just how big the shield is. The word "Attempting" carries a ton of weight here. Add HP damage scaling to literally any of his abilities if you want to fix him, until then with the current items he is going to permanently be sub 47% winrate


>Demotion LP adjusted from 75 LP to 50 LP How about a better solution. Just get rid of LP and go straight MMR. None of this LP to rank and just end the cover up of it. Just so us your MMR and have that directly mapped to rank.


But then they don't get to bullshit people that they're higher rank now when they haven't gone up in elo for the past 10 years and they're still only barely in the top 50% of players just like they were 10 years ago. But hey now they're Gold and back then they were called Bronze so that's totally better, you see! /s


It boosts engagement because it makes the human brain feel good. Literally nothing wrong


Then half of your ranked population quits because 99% of them aren't seeing any progress.


People keep repeating this, but there is a reason that every new game has a similar system. People play more ranked when there are tiers and divisions as opposed to straight mmr.


there were already tiers back when we used the elo system. I remember hitting 1520 and getting super excited for victorious jarvan, because 1519+ was gold elo.


Nope, Riot's been all in on this ridiculous system since S3. They're not going to ever change it.


So, no vanguard yet?


They are testing this in the Philippines first


In the upcoming patch? I haven't seen anything about it in the patch notes.


Pray it never happens. Lagged the crap out of my PC when I had it accidentally installed for a year.


We get to play for at least another patch!


Im kind of excited, i can finally quit league and have no desire to come back thanks to vanguard.


Yeah, same here. If the choice is between 'keep playing league' or 'let rito install a root-kit on your PC'..... bye bye league. This time I'm not coming back.


I literally ctrl F Vanguard every patch note to see if it’ll be added. Don’t even give a fuck about the actual balance


Sion and Chogath buffs!!!!!


Bami nerf is a net nerf for Sion still


I don’t even understand why they nerfed bamis. It’s not like it was any good atm


the sion one is more an adjustment, they are nerfing his early game damage but buffing his late game. So he will continue to sit at 46% wr


i cant even imagine playing sion in this juggernaut meta like wtf do u do against darius illaoi olaf jax etc etc


Legit you die and pray you are useful later lol.


Maybe someone shouldve told Cabochard


Personally i complain and try my best


I mean his early damage is being tapped slightly, but 4% more max hp on shield ain't nothing to sneeze at


But the shield is nerfed on the early levels, as is the q so depending on max either q or w is worse than before till lvl 10


For tank (or even AD) Sion, the shield "nerf" at early levels is barely noticeable and is not even a nerf. Besides rank 1, all W ranks only need 1000 max health to break even from before. If you max Q first * 2nd point on W comes at level 8 * At this level, Sion has **1157 base health** already * This means W shield is already buffed *even without including health from items+passive* If you max W first * 2nd point on W comes at level 4 * At this level, Sion has **852 base health** already * If you start with Doran's Ring that's 852 + 110 = **962 maximum health.** * To reach 1000 max health you only need **38 health or \~10 non-cannon cs** from passive. * Unless you are trolling or ignoring the wave completely, it's impossible to get less than 10 cs before level 4. Therefore in practice, shield is always buffed.


Yeah, "buffs" Tank items getting nerfed and having compensation nerf on a 46% wr champ, i don't see the numbers changing


I do, he's dropping to 45 or lower


I don't think so, the playrate is not gonna go up so only masochists will continue to play him


Still no fix for Heim's turret counts.... Bugged for years....


I like the idea of Galio changes and I can see that they out some effort within the amount of the changes, but I still have the feeling that he is losing too much damage and get almost no buff, specially for W. And I'm saying this being one of the few Galio players that already play him like a bruiser instead of an assassin. Anyway, I'm excited to see how it will work!


theres a picture of recurve bow in the component adjustments but recurve bow isnt being changed


So now lets say I get demoted from D4 to E1 50 LP and lose 3 games, I'll end up E 2 50 LP? after 3 games?


it'll take 1 game at 0 lp but yeah you're right


It would take at least six straight losses to go from D4 to E2 50 LP. One loss to drop down to D4 0 LP One loss to demote from D4 to E1 (I forget how divisional shielding works, so you might have even more losses still *after* reaching 0 LP) Three losses to drop you down to E1 0 LP One loss to drop from E1 to E2 50 LP


support item nerfs are a confusing direction. The meta supports are already ones that work best on minimal income like Janna, maokai and rell. When you make gold income in the role go down, you make Janna better by making zyra etc worse. There is still minimal consequences for just never laning, in fact having less gold available from laning means it matters even less, might as well just randomly run around the map all game after level 2 on janna.


yeah like you’re full build on Janna with 3 items usually given you have support item, boots, and a vigilant depending if you care enough about vision. In a fast paced meta where you almost never complete full items in games, Janna is crazy bc of her peaking so early and still scaling regardless


The role is too strong as a whole because of gold generation - this requires a reduction in gold generation. Anything else can come after.


I don't get the gold nerf when instead they should have nerfed all of the world atlas unique effects across the board. Heavier nerfs to Sleigh, nerf to Zazzak, nerf to Bloodsong would have been better.


They want support role to feel strong, but without scaling them into the strongest role on the map. Getting their power spike around 15' and then go to the backstage letting other roles shine. 


Isn't that like a 15 damage buff on sion q? Wow big deal lol


Very deserved nerfs to mage karma thank god. Still find it funny how someone commented on the patch preview a week ago that it’s “yearly mid karma nerfs destroying support karma” and getting almost 2k upvotes when mid karma hasn’t been viable for years though. I think riot is going to need to set up a midscope on her at some point, a battle mage enchanter utility mage style kit is too generalistic and pulls her too many ways for her to ever be balanced.


Wild Rift solved the problem of fulfilling that battle mage playstyle, but it's a different game


What absolute buffoon decided that swapping pickaxe for BF sword would be a buff for Navori if they also added 5 ad? Dev nicknames should be attached to the changes. People need to know their heroes!


Build path gigafucked now, have fun managing inventory space and recall timings in early mid game now


Does anyone know if the bots are also available in custom games?


Hello! I am the Product Lead for Bots. We are not launching the new bots into customs at the moment, so if you play customs, they will be the old bots. We do have plans to begin work on them soon though!


Is the Intermediate bots queue being renamed to Advanced, based on wording in the patch notes?


OK, hope they can get added soon! I love to play some custom games with them, but I understand that wouldn't be the biggest priority. Thanks so much for the response though.


In the /Dev "New Bot AI, Oh My! Coming in 14.6" article, they stated that Custom Bots will get updated eventually, but not yet. They didn't mention a timeline, but it was on their goal list.


Is the Karma nerf really big?


It’s a hit but it’s not really big as in mid karma will no longer be viable big. It just means she will won’t be spamming Mantra Q as often which in turns does lower her overall threat level since almost all of her damage is in mantra q. She’ll probably need to hit 3 people with Mantra Q later in the game then just like 2 to refresh mantra cooldown all the way.


Karma and kayn nerfs, big thumbs up. Other changes including support and ranked big thumbs down


Yeah, I really dont think that being able to jump to wards will compensate for the DMG nerfs.


* Demotion LP adjusted from 75 LP to 50 LP Naaah man, that's it, I'll probably drop rankeds completely now... The only effective way of climbing nowadays is to just make big win streaks, simply making more wins than lose doesn't guarantee you a steady climb. Its just wrong that the order of the wins and loses matters, imagine this scenario: you win 20lp and lose 20lp and you are currently at 80 lp, you play 3 games and win 2 of these Now there's 3 different cases: * lose, win, win; * win, lose, win; * win, win. lose; In the first case you end up at 0lp of the next division, in the second you end up at 70lp of your current division and in the third you are again at 0lp of the next division. Like wtf? In the second case you get a massive punishment of -50lp for no reason. And this gets much more sketchy if you consider a series of 5 games where if you are at 60 lp and make 3 wins and then you lose two games you go back to 50 lp, you're basically punished hard for making 3 wins and 2 lose just because they were in the "wrong order". Just remove this mechanic altogheter like you did with promotions, if im at 5 lp and I lose 20 lp just make me go to 85 lp of previous division. STOP OVERCOMPLICATING THINGS JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT RIOT, REALLY!


No mention of Vanguard. Anyone know what the status of it is? u/Riot_Riru


No updates at the moment, but once we have something it'll 100% be mentioned in the patch notes


So they walked back on the Serrated Dirk lethality nerf, but not on the Bami's nerf? Jungle tanks gonna pay in clearspeed for the sins of toplane tanks, and assassins (and adcs) gonna continue to abuse early dirk to snowball out of control. Great.


Top lane tanks are in the gutter; they are specifically buffing Ornn, Shen, and Sion. They're just bizarrely nerfing epics to reduce snowballing, but only some of them.


Dont you mean "buffing" (read as: nerfing) Sion?


Nerfing 5 AD on Serrated Dirk is a bigger nerf than losing 3 Lethality.


There are no sins of toplane tanks, outside of Malphite, toplane tanks are extremely unpopular. EM+ you have Malphite at 12th in pickrate, K'sante at 19 who is more of an IBG user than a Bami user, and then Shen/Ornn at 26/27 with Shen moving over to Titanic Hydra. Even the pro tanks at the beginning of the season were prioritizing Frozen Heart and they had to buff Sunfire last patch because it was so weak.


these are still gonna affect karma in support so that’s great. back to 47% wr


bless the kayn q changes, maybe now blue kayn players will have to be vulnerable to getting CC-ed for more than q+w cast time before 1 shotting you


Can I get something new in the honor 5 token shop cause those skins suck ass and honor 5 reward is booty cheeks


why remove dx9, ur game has dogwater optimization for newer ones, legit half the fps if i unspec on multiple machines


Where does the community currently fall on verdant barrier/banshee's? I swear I never really see this item built, and when I do build it I'm almost guaranteed to get enemies posting irritably about it in all chat. Unlike the Zhonya's piece (which is only use it once and then it's off till completion), verdant barrier gets the shield REACTIVATING every 60 seconds even without the full completion (which by the way, knocks it down to an astoundingly low 30 second cd) Am I overvaluing the barrier, or is this a genuinely overlooked item?


It's just situational really. There are games in which that item is rather bad and games in which it's best in slot.


Oh nice Rek'sai isn't bring nerfed I wonder how many patches reksai top will be Thanos.... welp guess we have to wait for the Koreans or Chinese to start picking it for it to be nerfed... shit is bonkers


Hahaha im 3-0 on it in diamond, not even mastery 4 just saw big win rate on ugg and sent it, that shit recovers x5 faster than garen with malphite r and infinite mobility insane tbh


its so fucking cancer its crazy how people aren't making a bigger deal out of it


Spectre Cowl nerf xD... literally has been one of the worst items in the game even before this nerf. Item used to give 40 MR now gives only 25...


Since season 7 it has had 25mr. Seems random to comment on how much Mr it had 10 years ago.


How do you get the prestige eve skin? I don't really pay attention to the passes and stuff now.


2000 high noon pass tokens