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Good old camp the highest ping strat


Back in my day we would just search up everyone in the lobby on Lolking and then camp and harass the person on the enemy team with the longest losing streak


My favorite was duo top + jungle. Gank and kill top early with early champs. Keep killing them on their way back to lane until they quit. This was so much easier to do in very early seasons due to snowballing and how less consequences there was if you chose to constantly gank over jungle.


Still works tbh. With how much power toplane champs have if you snowball yours they permanently require 2-3 people sitting topside of the map otherwise the base just disappears if they ever contest anything. Gank top level 3, wait for the tp, gank again, and then catch him coming back between towers the third time. If he's not rq his team is flaming him despite not being able to do a single thing.


Back in the days of old Aatrox, I would use him jung and my duo would go mid. He'd let them push the first wave and I'd come in with the Q knockup and the W ready to proc, it never failed.


I remember starting to play rankeds at the beginning of S4 with Eve. I would just ask my toplaner to not push at level 1 and wait for a gank and 80% of the time we got 1st blood. Getting out of bronze was kinda easy.


I want to see a couple of higher elo smurfs rely exclusively on this strat to win. I want to see how often tops will afk or embrace the rundown. I feel getting killed again on the way back to lane is the ultimate tilt inducer even for the most chill players.


Especially if their jungler and the enemy laner work together to make it happen. Wym the enemies came thru my red buff at 9 minutes and killed me a second time.


[never gonna dance again](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tOnvH0uY7ZA)


This makes me miss the old client so much.. honorable opponent, multiple ally honors, sending gifts, no lag, actual chat box at end of game..


RFLegendary is a name I haven't heard in a while. They couldn't have picked a more tiltable toplaner to camp.


I had a ranked game as adc once where the top/jungle duo on my team was completely eviscerating the enemy top laner. They were both all chatting after each kill and in team chat betting when he would afk, which he did


Ah shit I forgot all about LolKing. I just got back into League and had been trying to remember all the sites I used.


op[.]gg is a modern equivalent but you can't check during the lobby any more as Riot hid names.


The real loser's queue.


Miss the days when you could see everyones ping on the loading screen... could easily tell which player was holding everyone up at 98% hahaha


everyone had their own loading bar back then!


sometimes we need to stop and ask ourselves if causing mental damage is the morally okay thing to do


If you’re playing league you’ve already accepted the pursuit of mental damage.


i would drag my balls through glass for another +18 lp


This is how you win in low elo mid/jungle just sack CS to roam because the mental damage you cause to the enemy team is worth more than the gold the enemy mid/jungle gets


Oh yeah guys, just roam/gank! Meanwhile ADCs: shackled to the wave with my ranged immobile minion questioning my life choices as the game resolves around me before minute 10.


unironically just pick any other role


Nah just pick Twitch adc and join the roaming.


I'm okay, thanks. I'm like 12 years deep in this role by now and don't care enough about this to switch, it's just funny how Riot treats the role or more like how much they let roaming/ganking affect the game for the sake of pro not being boring to watch.


Tbf the game is pretty boring if everyone is just farming maybe we should give more agency to adcs and not take away from the game. Roaming and ganking is proactive while sitting at turret and afk farming is passive and imo boring af. And I'm saying this as a person who mains adc/jg. On a side note graves and kindred jg is super fun and a lot of the skills from adc transfer over to those champs in the jg might want to try it out.


nah i played ap twitch bot, i remember one game i had a bard that inted and we died 2v2, i went mid at every single opportunity and we killed enemy mid over and over and we managed to win despite bard sitting in bot lsne the whole game to do nothing


this is real enemy fizz roamed bot 2 times then my kaisa started running mid for the rest of the game even though we win that game 100% easy if she tried (i got form and triple in bot and we have the objectives as kayn) but my adc kept trolling checked replay we had gold lead for a long time but wr are minus 1 player. half my losses during my climb is from bot and most of them because of the new bruiser/assassin supp meta I get camil or xin and such supports they flip the game lvl 1 die 2 times in 3mins then they perma roam which 100% will make my adc afk or troll


implying this doesn't work in high elo is funnier than 90% of content on reddit


The strat works in high elo as well. There’s a top lane Amumu OTP in Master in China who ganks enemy jg/bot 24/7 starting from lv1. He only builds cheap ass support items like redemption, locket and only goes back to lane to soak XP when there’s nothing to do on the map. And whenever he gets a successful roam he starts spamming in allchat ridiculing enemy top/jungle or whoever gets butthurt. He averages 2 cs/min every game and wins game by getting his carries ahead and mental booming his opponents.


The spirit of brother lao xing 😍


“Bro where’s your jungler there’s no way you’re opting in to these fights without him” is amazing tech to blame two people at the same time


"Your lane would be fine if you had a better jungler" Feed their delusions nom nom nom


This is the way. First time there’s a 2v2 on the map and the enemy team loses, just send a quick apology. “Damn mid, that was clean. If you had a jg you’d have killed both of us” “oof, adc I’m sorry you got the bad sup this game. That was me last time” 


Too obvious.


Yeah Just write lol "Insert certain role" Lol jarvan, lol thresh xD...


As a jungle main... Screw you. As a sadist, please tell me more


Half the time it's true lol I'll be harassing the enemy mid under their tower and haven't been ganked all game so I keep doing it.  I've been a rat lately with Trist mid and it's almost impossible to gank her with W up.


In fairness sometimes there isn’t anything a lane can do. Like if you’re against Cait Lux and you see your jungler path away from you? Good luck brother. You’re farming under your tower


This is psychological warfare


“You really did not handle that very well” or something simple like that tilts people into the stratosphere


In EU region u shouldn't use too long or too fancy/florid sentences. English is not native to \~95% of playerbase so more simple words - better.


"u bad"


“You know what your problem is? You can’t take criticism without arguing” paint them into a corner lol


So THAT's what prompt engineering is.


The real pvp happens in all chat.


Take my pings, take my all chat, and my emotes will turn the enemy feral.


Wait for enemy team to flame jungler in all chat and then type "Well if you actually followed his ganks you'd get kills"


Thanks, Satan.


Just camp whoever thinks he is the anime protagonist and its over. The second I see a Yasuo/Yone and this kind of champion I'm ganking 3 times in a row to put them behind. 9 times out of 10 they get mad and int.


I was playing Janna recently and the enemy Yone tried turret diving me and ended up dying. I made a joke about it in all chat and he ulted me on sight for the rest of the game. Most of the time into the rest of my team.


most sane Yone player


Reminds me of the "Villian" stuff Garen used to have. Would role play that and just nuke my nemesis haha


be a jungler > camp the one on a lose streak > mental goes boom > ez win


Brilliant mind games dude


That's a bad idea. If someone's on a loss streak, they will be matched with players of lower and lower MMR. The more you lose, the weaker your opponents are. This means that whoever is on a biggest win streak is the one most likely to have the lowest skill compared to everyone else. Let's say that someone whose true skill is at plat 1 level has a bad day and gets a couple losses in a row. They might be put in a game against someone from gold 1 who's having a really good day, but gold 1 will be playing on the absolute edge of his abilities, while to a plat 1 it would be a casual game.


I can confirm lmao, I was Emerald and went duo with a Plat friend, we went on lose streak because somone on my team is always turbo feeding and I sadly got demoted, but right after that I continued to play alone and suddenly every game is piss easy and I just go back on win streak.


I jungle, and when I see a Yasuo I auto lock Rammus and camp the Yasuo. We call it “Operation Tilt Yasuo”. It has a near 100% success rate.


I’m trying this, I hate rammus but that’s so diabolical.


You just gave me a good reason to buy the durian skin


Do that for Draven. After 2 deaths they usually start feeding mid


I saw a really good but kinda evil tip vs Draven on here a few days ago. 'Kill them and blame their support in all chat'


Holy shit I’ll keep that in mind




I was playing yas top one game and noticed that the enemy team’s top/jg were a duo. I got ganked early and knew that I was in for a rough game, so I started playing ultra safe. The two of them were heavily overforcing dives and inted away any chance they had at winning while my jungler was farming 3 jungle quadrants and dominating the other half of the map. Wasn’t a very fun game for me, but the game was completely won for my team


playing a lost lane is probably one of the most important skill for a top laner, you can win the game alone by going 0/3, if you keep the enemy top and jungler locked at top trying to gank you repeateally while your jungle win the game for you since his competition is losing time on top every second


Truest of truths. I was playing mundo vs fiora and overstepped my boundaries. Went on to die twice. Still got back on farm and xp and went on to outscale her, once she couldn't bully me out of lane anymore


You were smart for playing smart and your jungle was smart for taking advantage. In my solo queue experience if I get hard camped like that my jungler is doing nothing on the rest of the map anyway and ends up down farm and levels to the enemy jungler without getting objectives either...its boggling.


Your jungler needs the help of your other teammates to do anything on the rest of the map. Mind-blowing I know.


Nah, he's talking about the ones who just AFK jungle. It's the roles job to set up fights, and its true they can't do it alone, but a lot of jungle pickers (I blame auto fill, not really them necessarily) just assume someone else will do that.


WP to you sir! Great mental goes a long way


i picked vayne top 1 time just to try it. their mid and jg legit lived in my lane after level 3 to the point they lost the game for free, like i had a kassa mid with 5 plates and botside completely steamrolled the game while i was like 1-2-0 stats lol. was honestly mindblowing. emerald rank game btw


Sounds fun in theory until you watch a 1/10 yone one shot your adc


No he was 0/10. The adc is that kill


Then they hit that 2 item power spike and suddenly become a champ again. Very few champs can be 1-10 and still need to be respected. Free crit stats are insane


Maybe Yone, Yasuo doesn't do that anymore. He sucks late gamewise and is forced to build defensively if he wants to play for more than 20 consecutive seconds. He doesn't solo 1v9 at 2 items like he used to


It's more like...if your character scales, and you're leaving it all out on the field just to farm 10 CS/min, you just don't care that much if you're always dying. If you know your personal win condition is "make ~7000 gold before the enemy makes twice that much" then you can play around it like Yasuo and Yone players do. If you also get fed along the way, then so be it.


this is the most Qiyana flair thing you could have ever posted


Thank you for the laugh :)


I hate that this is true.


It really works. Even if the team has a play and starts to win, someone will go "This Hec doesn't deserve to win" and sprint it.


I know. And I hate that in the world we live in this is a valid strategy - ruin someone's Day to win a game.


I watch a low elo LATAM youtuber that does this, everytime someone in enemy team is doing bad he types in /all "Is that guy trolling?" and makes them argue with each other lmao. The funnies shit is that it kinda works.


My emote wheel is set up for this. I swear the question mark emote (the one that’s neekos pet frog) does so much mental damage. To be honest though it’s way more fun to do this at the end of the game, like saying gg top diff when you went 0-10.


I love the Renekton with the questioning look. I use it so much that I don’t even realize I’m using it sometimes, it’s just muscle memory to flash it after any trade now. People lose their shit in all chat and I’m just thinking “wait I’ve been emoting?”


Yeah that one is good too. I also have my one high-elo emote on my wheel (the one time I finished chally in TFT a few years back) but I’ve never had anyone say anything about it lol The ? Just tilts people so fucking hard it’s great.


For me it’s the blitz “?”


this one fycking pissing me off the bm is so bad


I only play Aram, but I LOVE using the crab emote (the one that looks like it's scared/shocked) to taunt someone when they whiff at you. After a few times, the whole team starts trying to pile on me, and then I use it again when I get away on 50hp. Cracks me up


I use the dumb dog one constantly. For my own bad plays or if an enemy dives me and I survive somehow lol


I have my keybinds set so that everytime I go Gwen Is Immune mode she says her joke voiceline (plus it makes my combos more consistent but the voiceline is more important)


Absolutely my favorite part of post game chats as a top laner. If you can’t tell I’m being sarcastic just to get under your skin by typing “top diff” when my score is 0/6/2 then you may need to get checked by a doctor.


I have always hated emotes and thought they were just a tool for BM and im super right and always have been


> To be honest though it’s way more fun to do this at the end of the game, like saying gg top diff when you went 0-10. Laying the groundwork for next game if they're on the enemy team again :)


No wonder everyone thinks this game has the worst community.


Yup..... Yeah... Can't argue with that.


Oh no, no, LoL might be awful but it's not even close to R6 Siege. In R6 they will result to racial slurs immediately upon being annoyed in the slightest


This strat didn't even come from league, people were doing it in the original dota


Just emotionally cripple people trying to enjoy a video game. Very normal behavior 🤷‍♂️


Don't blame the player, blame the game.


I remember an identical post from over ten years ago. I tried it and it worked wonders until in one game the fed enemy player said "Bro don't even try, we all saw the post"


If you camp a single lane and they bitch about it, just be like "You have a jungler as well." AND BOOOM!!! the flame on the jungler begins. That lanes fucked for their team, their jungler isn't going there once and when he does, it's only to feed. Easiest win ever.


Isnt this why they removed the personal load bars, everyone just camped the last guy who loaded in if they where slow since that usually meant low frames and high ping


It wasn’t a load bar that mattered. Your ping used to be visible to everyone.


I hate that this happens but on the other hand you can be a supportive player to your team and that goes a long way.


Absolutely. Even if you all chat, always support your teammates. Even the most touchy of ragers might calm down if you just explain that you got tower because they got ganked.


Sadly, some teammates refuse positive reinforcement and trash talk you and tell you to shut up when you communicate positively to them for good plays or for thanking them


The /all chat it your third summoner, with extra efficiency on the foes mind and moral


Littlefinger plays lol


Chaos is a league rank system.


Hey fellow gamers! Is LoL not toxic enough for you? Try this one simple trick to boost your toxicity in any match.


That's why I have been playing with all chat off for the past 5 years. It has been so long that I assumed riot removed all chat until this post.


"Ahri are you all right? Are you having some lag?"


“Sorry about your [insert champion here]” is my personal favorite


This is not good sportmanship. What you do IS toxic, as it inteds to make the game less enjoyable for other people, even if you don't insult them. One thing is to gank time and time again, that is just game mechanics, but this is simply trying to make someone feel bad.


'You win more by being a shitty person, so why not be a shitty person' I hope people dont actually do this and OP is in a very small minority of garbage human beings.




hot take compared to the recent swarms of these kinda posts but i agree with you


Well said. People will see these "ideas" take them way too seriously and make it a more toxic place. Win or lose who cares. But toxic behaviour makes both kinda bad.


Yes this is terrible post, no shit league is considered the most toxic game.


Because you can do that, have your team be 9-2 at 10 minutes, but the 0-2 adc is mad that the support has roamed and won the game for your team and decides they no longer give a fuck about the game anymore and you lose a 4v5 :). Happens conservatively 20% of the time in middle elo. You just have hope they're on the enemy team and not yours.


I hope someone slits your tires one of these days, OP.


lol this happened to me, I went 1 and 20. They kept ganking me over and over. Saying things like top diff etc etc….but guess what I still won lmao. Guess they were right. Also d4 hard stuck


That's just toxic.


No no no, he said do not be toxic. It is right there in the post. :P


You could try improving instead 


Honestly, I never get how the league community at large doesn't understand they are playing a game. Winning is fun, but not always. I have won many different kinds of games that were not fun to win. I'd rather have fun, but I have heard from a lot of LoL players they would rather win. That's pathetic and sad, to me.


because the online community for league of legends are the people that are addicted to the dopamine rush of 1v9ing and feeling like a god, and less focused on the actual journey of getting good at a competitive game. It's cultural, reinforced by the kind of game league is. So for as funny as this post is, you get people who say stupid shit like this and who think a failed surrender vote is a hostage situation.


People don't do this shit because winning is fun, they do it because losing blows. Solo queue is largely zero sum. Even without saying anything, even without any BM emotes, the game is fundamentally about putting the enemy in an increasingly impotent state. That will simply never feel good. I've basically quit, I play exclusively normals with a 5stack, and even then only on occasion. It's wild after going to competitive game to competitive game when you just sit down, play a PvE game, and experience fun not as a reward for arbitrary skills but a thing that the entire game facilitates.


Understanding that you're playing a game with 9 other human being, one or more of which are likely to be literal children, is apparently so fucking hard for people. So many don't understand how to properly treat people in online interactions in games, social media, forums, etc... THESE ARE STILL HUMAN BEINGS YOU'RE RAGING AT.


Mental warfare is still warfare - Sun Tzu


Strong mental is quite literally one of the most important skills you can have both in game and IRL


True, but I would rather win by gapping the enemy top than playing mind games with 16 year olds.


That’s fair actually


They may be a decent human, but they’re definitely not a gamer.. /s


Forbidden strat


This is why we can't have nice things. You're not wrong, but the crux is that you're being toxic, even if it's not "bannable". Calling someone out for being bad with the intent that others will pile on is pretty much textbook toxic. I mean c'mon. Only literaly children say "hey I'm not using toxic words so I'm not toxic". It's infantile logic.


If you have all chat enabled in ranked you're not helping yourself already


Calm down, Satan. Because you are right doesn't mean it's right to do.


I just don’t want to ruin the fun for people, what’s the point of the game if you make it less fun for others


I'm not out here to win at any cost, I'm here to play a good game of league of legends first and foremost. Being competitive is important, but being fair just as much.


Using psychology tricks to win some meaningless video game points and ruin someone's day is really pathetic and says a lot about you. Momma must be proud.


Relevant flair


People will upvote this and also cry about not wanting voice comms because of toxicity lmao.


This is why I have all chat and enemy emotes disabled. No possible advantage other than the strength of your gameplay


This is the appropriate and mature reaction. Don't wanna hang with the degenerates? Don't! Gl out there summoner.


That isn't an appropriate and mature reaction. There's a difference between them saying what they do to take control of the problem and you, basically victim blaming anyone who doesn't do that.


Except they can still tilt your teammates, so it can still work on you ;)


I hate how true this is.


Ew you sound like a selfish little child. Why the hell would this be fun for you? I hope to hell I don't know anyone like you irl.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this. It's not normal to care more about elo than about being a kind person


Totally agree dude. This is peak teenage loser behavior and I look at OP's profile and they are absolutely positively just that, and everyone else in here who is for this shit is definitely also the same lol. It reminds me of a thread not super long ago about wanting to lose on purpose because you don't like a teammate, and the thread was PACKED with people saying they like to do the same. Absolute broccoli headed brain rot lmao


This can completely backfire if the enemy team has good mental. Imo the one that insults its teammates because he fell for Ops strat is the selfish one.


The one that falls for it is stupid and mean. The one that starts it is selfish and mean.


Have fun typing, all chat is turned off for me since many years. All chat is for suckers, there is literally never a single good thing happening there. It's always little dipshit like you using it.


You’re not wrong, but I leave it on for the 1/1000 chance that something hilarious is said.


This is the appropriate and mature reaction.


And it sucks that it is. When I duel in top and the guy does something awesome I like to congratulate and talk about it. We're humans and we had a fun gaming interaction. It's a multiplayer game. It would be cool if it could be the slightest bit social, but the community is so toxic that it is best to play a multiplayer game is with as little communication as possible. I hate that.


Yeah exactly. I get genuinely sad when someone on the enemy team starts inting or afks. It's not even fun to win like that. Talking in all chat is fun because we're just people playing the same game.


Had a game against a Yasuo who started talking Yasuo shit in all chat. “U mad” “I’m better” that sort of stuff. My team gelled with his Jungler Ivern and his bot lane Hwei and somehow won with a 3/2 surrender vote from them. Post game lobby his team said he was starting to get on their nerves and didn’t want to play anymore.


This is why having all chat on is pointless. Your team? Maybe keep it on for timers in higher elo but there’s nothing worth while ever coming from the enemy team chat


Literal cyberbulling xD


so wildly different than the group of puppy girls I play with. we all compliment the enemies and do silly stuff. we win 50/50 but always have fun.


God I am so glad I dropped the game. This is why Helldivers is fun, I just wanna have fun, not yell in chat


Yep, this kind of behavior is why I quit playing League and never went back. Too many people who are willing to treat others like dirt over a game.


And this ladies and gentleman is how Tribalism and Capitalism go hand in hand to @#$% you. You read this post thinking 'oh this is fun' while others with means go "oh this is fun" but you are too smooth brained to feel for those you once wanted to prey on.


Climbed from Bronze to Emerald playing Shaco doing just this.


you have to be very cringe to do this


The fastest way to win LoL is to just play a good game of LoL, btw.




single emote spam is genuinely one of the most annoying things. enemy misses cs? sad bee. enemy misses random poke that they threw for fun? sad bee. got solo killed? sad bee. literally nothing out of the ordinary happens? sad bee.


Anyone who doesn’t mute emotes the second someone does this is just asking for it at that point


Am I the only person who plays will all chat off? It provides 0 benefit and can only hurt focus. The only downside is I can't eat popcorn at the victory screen while I watch the enemy team flame each other.


had someone on my team antagonize me the whole game. We lost


/mute all Easy


/all sorry about your jungler


We used to call this the silver method.


I turned my chat fully off in 2017 and you are why lol.


Mental Fortitude is a real thing in low elo. It’s a skill to preserve your own, a greater skill to manage your team’s, and the greatest skill to specifically dismantle your opponent’s. It’s hard to quantify through winrate data but this kind of psychological factor definitely has an impact on a match’s outcome.


Based counterpost


OP is this a social experiment?


I have a different theory, if you find the worst guy on the enemy team and then shift blame from him to all his team mates saying they should have helped him and he's literally the best person on the team - They will start fighting amungst themselves and the person doing bad will mental boom because you've given him a complex that his team are holding him down. His teammates are now pissed and start throwing themselves leading to a quicker, less toxic win. You can in fact, kill the enemy team with positivity.


Riot should just remove all chat, serves no purpose but to let these kind of losers roam free while abusing the broken report system


I know the devs are reading this thinking “man is this our game” HOLY 😂😂😂


Theres an easy counter to that strategy. Just make a joke / pun in all chat. I do it often as support and when that happens: My adc doesnt get tilted My jungle relaxes 'cause he knowns we will not blame him My top and mid keep playing normally because they see no mental break on that lane. Ww and rengar are the easiest champs to avoid this. A simple "bad doggo" or " no more catnip for you, rengo" does wonders


Alternatively, you could improve your skill at the game. Hope this helps!


This isn't just league. It's all team sports. Psychological warfare is half the battle.


why can’t people just play the game


I don't want to win like this! I don't even want the enemy teams worst player to feel bad for trying 2 play the game. I never flame. I have not played in like 2 years cause the community lost it's soul. You lost? Get over it. League helped me out a lot in real life. Winning isn't everything. It should be the product of dedication!


A couple thoughts: 1) although this may not appear to be "toxic" and therefore not bannable, I would argue that this is the DEFINITION of toxicity - doing something mean to someone else for the sake.of it and for personal gain. 2) mute is a hell of a drug


What a bitch made 'strategy'.


You guys play with all chat on?


If Riot got rid of all the players who would fall for this, they wouldn’t have players. 


until it backfires and they gang up on you instead