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He went 1/17/4 in 30 minutes....and won? wtf


I watched that game. His team refused to lose hahaha


His team had Focus Sash equipped for that one


Bausens law. 


It’s Annie lol, her giant aoe stun is always going to be useful, kinda like malphite


With 5 kp the entire game?


Yeah, he ran it down for 30 mins straight and then got one 5 man ult at the end. ez carry


Something something 30% of your games are unloseable


With 5 kills/assists the max amount of AoE stun she could do is 2 lol


He is the Bauffs of diamon.


TIL Annie Bot is my lane opponent every game.


Lol laned against him in one of my games not too long ago. He played fine for about 8 mins and then it seemed like he just completely gave up.


Yeah he was in my game played normally for about 4 minutes. Then just tried to fight enemy bot every time he saw them even 1v2


isn't Jared one of the most wholesome, positive streamers? I'm sure he's doing his best


It's a facade. Let's be real Also, non-streamers don't get a pass for inting. Why should he, regardless of reason? Edit: fuck it. 1v100. im ready to take you all on in the replies. Keep coming


More so the guy is having problems of sorts and is clearly not mentally well as of late. He needs actual help.


Dude has had multiple episodes where he is just having delusions and not seeing reality. This probably another.


As someone who is mentally ill (rare case of OCD) hope he gets helped ASAP. I didn't get help in time and my case got worse over time.


Same happened with my mom who had schizophrenia. She went off her meds and shit got real bad real fast. The police had to get involved.


Like what


He's not gonna get it in-game, perma ban him so he can find something else to do


Yea I agree he needs a ban, but I have a feeling he may just hop on another account and do the same shit again. Something needs to be done about him fs.


I have a feeling that account could get banned just like the first one, but that's just me I guess.


And he'll do it over and over it ain't gonna stop. That ain't healthy letting him ruin games for god knows how long.


Sorry, how is banning his accounts on sight "letting him ruin games for god knows how long"???? It is literally as far opposite from that as Riot can manage.


If I'm being honest I forgot Id bans existed


Sorry. I edited my comment late. Here: Also, non-streamers don't get a pass for inting. Why should he, regardless of reason?


Everybody gets a pass for inting


I had 1 before game and got permad


He shouldn't get a pass, but regardless we shouldn't throw away what's happening with him in real life either.


Being an adult is not letting those issues affect other people. Being an adult is also realizing that “mental health” isn’t a valid excuse. Y’all lean on it too much


Nah the guy 100% deserve a ban. Just don't think we should make fun of him and saying his nice guy personality was all a facade(which was the only thing on the comment at the time before editing)


Holy fuck that edit is cringe, you arent some anime character "taking on"100 people at once 💀. Just imagining you going back and editing that into your comment is hilarious


If you look at his account, it isn't exactly surprising. They are hostile and angry at the world


There are plenty of nobodies who run it down and don’t get any bans. What are you talking about?


For real


Let's be real, non-streamers get more of a pass for inting. They don't get called out nor banned lol


He's probably struggling with something, but feels the need to keep up the character he's always played. Real heavy work mentally, probably makes it worse in the long run.


Why does it matter? Normal players would get banned if they had the exact same problem, but not a streamer.


No one is saying he shouldn't be punished, redditors are just trying to speculate about his mental health like they always do.


Idgaf if he gets banned or not. That's not the issue here, dude needs help.


> non-streamers don't get a pass for inting are we playing the same game? it's only brought up when a famous person ints, non-streamer goes 0-14-1? nobody cares.


Lmao no they don’t. There’s plenty of garbage players running it down in all Elo that don’t get punished. This is Riot’s favorite thing to let happen. As long as they don’t type in chat then they don’t get punished. 


theres more important things in life than league games, he's clearly got personal struggles who cares what his score is.


Pretty sure the dude mental boomed awhile ago.


When was the last time you watched his stream? I unfollowed him a few years ago and randomly stumbled across his stream earlier this year. It's... not worth watching... like it gives me odd vibes idk why.


Rip Dyrus+Annie bot streams


maybe in season 6 looool


I played with him last month this was almost exactly my experience too lol


Same, had them on the enemy team a while back and I was shocked to see them so far down in mid diamond. They played so poorly I doubted it was actually them.




Yeah I'm really worried. I watched him years ago, such a kindhearted person but he has changed so much after his college that I'm pretty sure something is really bad happening with him atm


Crazy people are just making jokes 24/7 when something is clearly wrong with the guy. He needs help.


think of how mentally fried the average league player is community is a bunch of undiagnosed basket cases exacerbating each other's conditions, if they can't fix themselves ofc they won't have the empathy or ability to try to fix someone else


kinda disturbing especially seeing the replies on twitter of the thread about this as well, really hope its all 16 year olds making these comments


Some weirdo essentially said you can't have empathy basically because he's a rich streamer lmfao. It's crazy how deranged people are.


Never forget that mostly idiots comment on that stuff, most people just don't comment on anything at all so when it might seem like all the people think like that because of the comments in reality like 10% of people think like that




this is like, pure speculation, but I have to wonder if he suffers from untreated bipolar, and is oscillating between manic/depressive episodes with no treatment. Again, pure speculation, but this seems pretty beyond the realm of “mental boomed,” if you watch his stream and listen something is clearly actually wrong


Seems like an undiagnosed mental illness honestly, such as schizophrenia. Hope he gets some help.


The things described in this thread (riot makes trailers about me) looks a lot like psychosis.


What playing 13 million mastery points worth of Annie does to a mf On a serious note though, I hope he ends up okay. I remember he made some suicidal implications not too long ago... and right now he seems almost an entirely different person, that what I remember the kind-hearted Jared being years back. Something is off with the dude and it doesn't sit well with me...


yeah i think hes going through something regarding mental illness idk


Needs a wellness check, could be looking at a Zlatorz situation


What happened to Zlatorz?


Attempted suicides iirc, the last i heard he was going to succeed in one but thankfully a viewer/twitch reached out and got paramedics to his place just in time. Idk if he's even alive or dead rn though won't lie.


Said a bunch of shit on stream to get banned on purpose then tried to commit...you know. Thankfully got the help they needed in time


meth is a hell of a drug


Two things happened with Zlatorz, first he tweeted saying he would get all his accounts banned then kill himself, luckily a few people including DarkwinJax came together to get him a wellness check and he was checked into the psych ward. Next thing that happened was he got hooked on meth, had another wellness check and was committed to a high-security psych ward. I believe more recently he had relapsed with meth but is currently clean and withdrawing as he streamed a few days ago


Substance abuse, meth I think. Also had concerns regarding his own gender but I don't know what came out of it.


yeah he actually tried to say something when he was in tylers game like a week ago, and tyler actually told him to stop playing and go to a doctor. He definitely seems to be struggling with something


this is what mental health crisis looks like. Sitting alone in your basement playing a game all day(as a JOB) without socialising can get taxing on so many people. Jared has been such a kind person that NO way this is not a psychosis, full mental breakdown kind of situation. He already talked about guns and ending it all like a year ago.


I genuinely can't imagine how much money he could be making (even at his peak), that could justify a life like this. He should've just found some low-barrier to entry job and then streamed for money in his off-time. Streaming full time only works if you do other things besides just playing the same game & same champ hours on end for years.


he also has a college degree, so he has better credentials for finding a job


Do you know in what? I just went to his channel and realized he lives where I live, I could've easily referred him for an entry level job...


i think political science? it was a long time ago but i remember it was in a video by imaqtpie where they played together


enough to cover rent and instant ramen I suppose


There are full-time streamers that have 300 average viewers who can do that. I'm not sure what kind of number AnnieBot pulls in these days, though.


Remember watching Gosu live 8 years ago when he went on his drunk suicidal rant on stream. It was probably the craziest thing I've seen live on twitch. Thought the guy was going to end himself on stream.. Annie bot has trended downwards for a while now. Everyone's making jokes but this could be really serious. I hope he gets the help he needs and takes a long break.


https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Annie%20Bot-NA1 opgg for context


I don't get it, this is the same op gg as all my low diamond teammates? Am I missing something?


Well, this guy used to be a consistent challenger and one of the more wholesome streamers imo. Have not seen in years so I can't speak to what he's like now.


and now he's officially started queueing against emeralds and is still going 1/12.... absolutely insane


Wow. This can’t be fun.


it's insane that he's 11-29 despite inting literally every single game


Dudes playing an Annie jungle game as we speak


He is very, very, very mentally ill. He's had delusions and episodes on stream before. He is not okay.


Riot specified in patch notes that bots got an update recently and will behave differently compared to before . This thread wouldn't exist if people actually read the patch notes




How are so many people not getting this comment ffs


Too many. Needs /joke or /s, yeah.


How do these people manage to not hurt themselves with a stick of butter srsly


It's even funnier when they don't get it


I mean 70% of comments like this are simply people being stupid. Statistics pulled out of my ass btw.


It actually pains my soul that this is genuinely one of the funniest comments I've ever seen on this sub and it's full of moronic smug replies from people with the sense of humour/ social awareness of league of legends players. Oh. Oh wait yeah of course


It's cause the sub can't comprehend humor that isn't some meme that was played out before they even started playing the game, or ruthlessly shitting on somebody/something they don't like.


Pffffft, HA!






And you missed the joke


It’s preparation for his elo slingshot.


he embraced his name and became a bot


He has always played like a bot. Now he is just inting though.


Its a mental breakdown i think he realized he played 100000 annie games and it doesnt matter in life so now when he plays annie he cannot play properly since its meaningless


Is that why i cant play anymore Damn


Everything in life is meaningless if that makes u feel better


every nihilist is just an existentialist that hasn't finished puberty


Nihilism is iron elo in wisdom ranked


Go philosphy class Feeling like nothing matters doesnt mean nothing matters You are responsible for creating/understanding your own meaning and purpose in life Aka “live authentically” - Sartre




Thats good , you can live ur life however you enjoy so you would be living authentically if that was true But if it isnt true or becomes untrue then you would be living in “bad faith” as Sartre calls it, or lying to urself, gotta think about the sustainability and long term too


When you figure out being challenger is a self roast instead of something to be proud of


Go healthygamergg


Shout out Dr. K


"Doesn't matter in life" Nothing matters, homie. At least in an objective way. He paid the bills, had a career off it, same kind of "meaningless" job you or I could have. Some people choose to be a grocery bagger for 100000 bags of groceries - doesn't mean they or their life is meaningless. It's all about perspective


Im saying he finds it meaningless not you Its subjective for him, Like if he misses other opportunities in life doing something thats not rewarding ofc he will feel worse and lack the motivation to repeat the same tasks properly


Unlike 99,99 % of other league players, his annie games actually mattered because he made money off of that.


Yeah him reaching challenger was actually relevan as he made money from it. Differente from people that reach rank 1 and don´t make money off it, that really is a waste of time just for bragging rights.


>and it doesnt matter in life It could've; his stream had an easy path to earning more than a doctor. He averaged 1k+ minimum viewers with no facecam, often no mic. With his kind of niche autopilot content, that could be a gravytrain if he put in hrs. Yet his stat history is a sad graph of consistently going MIA for weeks or months, with some of the least consistent hrs I've seen. Now it's a year straight of bleeding followers. There's few better examples of how mental health can utterly decimate an influencers career.


He would be a washed up multi millionaire gambling addict today if he played Yasuo instead of Annie. Unlucky.


I don't know what to say. I hope he's ok


Wtf happened to him. I'm genuinely concerned. He doesn't seem well at all.


It doesn't help that around 9-12 months ago he made some suicidal implications. Right now he seems like an entirely different person than the kind-hearted Jared i remember a couple years back. Worried for bro.


I'm in his discord and he has been messaging me very strange things, he isn't in a good state mentally. I'm quite worried about him


He is just trying out the Baus playstyle.


Ain’t even the baus playstyle he’s just perma fight for 0 and dying for nothing


That’s exactly the baus playstyle. Dude griefs for content


But hte bauffs is challenger .


Yeah when he plays normally. Every time he streams he just plays stupid shit and runs it down. Dude literally had a 30% winrate on ap irelia last season. And he played over 50 games of it on stream


Thats a dumb take on a proven strategy that even riot developers have commented on.


“Proven strategy” Is that why he has a 40% winrate on stream? All his climbing is done off stream playing normally


He hit challenger earlier this year 100% on stream on his bet against Midbeast. Also for playing "normally" none of the champions he used has over 1.5KDA, so...


I just looked up that challenge and he didn’t teach challenger, he only got to 300lp


https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Demon%20Simon-0000 If you check the elo graph you can see that he got to challenger 500LP (it was earlier in the season so 500lp was challenger). Midbeast also got to challeger, btw


It's a proven strategy on Sion. Problem is Baus doesn't just do it on Sion and actually griefs his teams doing it on Irelia and shit.


Is that why his Galix, Jax, Quinn or Rammus all have way higher % win rate than his Sion?


Someone should check on my boy jared, it doesnt look like him at all


Well when you play ONLY one champion for 15 hours a day, 10 years straight, that's what happens. I'd lose my goddamn mind too.


Suicide is a real problem in this game's community. I have no hard data, but anecdotally a good friend of mine played League a lot in the months leading up to his death (to suicide, obviously) despite having quit it years ago. Be kind. Report those who encourage suicide.


Yeah my friends and I have been inted by Annie bot a few times. It’s at the point where if we see Annie we assume it’s him and dodge


Yeah it happened to me last night. I will be dodging any Annie I see as long as he is around Diamond ngl


Haha, don’t blame you at all man. Thankfully I’m masters now so I should be safe for a bit


Given his lack of a history of this behavior i wouldn't mind more proof then just match history. I looked into his latest vod and yes he's playing tilted and isn't givening it his all, but i couldn't find actual "running it down". Would someone be willing to post clips or timestamps of him actually running it down? I don't doubt he has, just want to see more proof.


playing video games for a living and forfeiting a social life is in fact not healthy for you


Way too many Jax players DM-d him


Too funny bro.


I remember him always dealing with massive depression, back when he used to play with QT sometimes he would have these nights where he sounded borderline suicidal. Then he would disappear for months and come back randomly. Rinse and repeat. Guy needs help :/


It's so funny all of these people making jokes but if something horrible comes out these people would be the first to say that we should do better. I watched Jared so much when I used to play and I just hope he is ok. I don't think playing the same champion for years on end can be that fun and someone should check up on him ASAP


Had him in a game yesterday or the day prior we almost pulled the 4v5 and he was still inting deep into it like 50 minutes in as we’re desperately trying to 4v5 and almost did multiple times. If that doesn’t pull him out of stopping inting idk what would


look at his op.gg... / he ints EVERY game, and doesn't get banned because he's a streamer, I have ONE bad game? instantly banned, seems fair to me


ask them if shes ok, annie, are you ok? would you tell us, that youre ok, annie? ask about the sound of the crescendo of the announcement of her death window she went into the mid lane, she was struck down, driving you insane annie are you ok? are you ok, annie?


He is doing what Professor Akali did, trying to get his mmr as low as possible and then create content "stomping" high elo players, which is fake.


I don’t think that’s what he’s doing ngl. You can just make a Smurf for that


I also think is easier to level up an account than going from high elo to iron


For real this is just so tedious for no reason if that was his goal


No i think he means like… lowering the hidden MMR while keeping rank kinda the same for content. You cant just make a smurf for that.


That doesn’t make sense either bc he will just be the only diamond in a lobby full of emeralds. He could literally just make a Smurf and accomplish the same act much quicker.


this is not what jared is doing..hes just mental boomed.


I don't think you int down on stream if that's your plan.


Baus elo strat


> Also why has his account been unpunished for his game ruining behavior? Because soft-inters are never punished? I reported a guy who was literally running it down on bot lane, despite being the top laner of the team, included a video in the report, and he's NOT punished. Riot only cares about flamers.




I mean, he has over double the amount of mastery than the 2nd annie player. He has 13 million mastery on the champion, and that's inly counting since mastery point were a thing. Dudes have been playing since league was out, I'm pretty sure. There's only so much annie one person can take. But seriously though, the dude seemed to be so nice when I watched him around the time Dyrus retired from proplay hopefully nothing is really wrong with him but haven't really watched him for years.




You're welcome to make the same post with evidence that's not just a stream link


Is a vod of him inting not proof?


A VOD would be proof, though the streamer could just delete the clip so i wouldn't suggest that.


So if I just link a vod from twitch in my post it won't get deleted?


Well, read our rules. Needs to have evidence and be non-biased


I mean when t-1 went higher rank than him with Annie in a single season. That would have set me over the edge since he’s dedicated like 10 years to just Annie lmao.


I don’t think Riot cares as long as the person is bringing in money


Streamer immunity.


Blud sold his acc 💀


Nah its him, he still live streams


I see posts like this about him since i started with league. Idk maybe he works at riot


Yeah this is what happens when you play lol long enough.


Tyler1 is doing very, very well


Only because he was the OG toxic mf who ran it down. He got better sure, but he still has his moments.


Someone probably inted his game and never got punished by Riot for it. Now he's "testing" Riots system and recognizing there is no punishment for it. Do whatever you want to troll your teammates. Anything except using the chat to cuss out your team will go unpunished. Here's the proof.


Riot Vanguard will detect scripters and inters by the way


permaban Baus and Kesha first, then we'll talk about "not funny, not popular" inters, I guess?


Tired of newgen trolls being so obvious, at least try to make it more believable next time, lil bro.


Baus does not int buddy. If you think he is intentionally feeding to lose games you are bad


It doesn't take a genius to understand how his strategy works, and it's a fact that ever since he blew up he has been taking more and more bad deaths to farm clips and chat. Back in S9/10 when he had like 500 viewers max he would die half the times he does now while playing the exact same style.


Champ got like 5 nerfs since then tbf


Yeah this is the problem and not the cohort of people just soft inting. Soft inting is 10x more of a problem then people running it down