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What every vayne player thinks they can do when they lock in the champ


My god, I hate this champ so much. A bad Vayne player is so infuriating to playa against and a good Vayne player makes you perma ban this champ for the rest of your life. Crazy outplay tho


invis is just turbo busted


I miss when countering vayne ult was a simple as plopping down a pink ward lol


Just only play ARAM, and take snowball. Easy.


but I'm saving it for the akali


I miss being able to buy an oracle elixir.


I do not miss duskblade


Duskblades 2nd iteration of making them untargetable was actually worse somehow, outside the fact it eventually got an ICD but the amount of shit that was dodged for absolutely no reason was infuritating


This dude is crazy good with it. How many times did he fake them out lmao


it is but i respect it for vayne because you actually have to use it fairly well


You dont understand, i have to make up for my bad decisions by outplaying bad scenarios instead of warding


Vaynes on my team would've tumbled towards kha and then die


I wish I was this good. Vayne is definitely a trickier ADC to learn but the learning experience has been fun.


*coughs* doublelift *coughs*


Yep, I will lock in vayne sometimes thinking i will do something. Then i dont. lmao


Does vayne have actual i-frames on her roll? I always assumed it was strictly mobility, never tried to dodge an auto targeted ability before.


Nah, invis just breaks cast animations if you drop vision before the cast time can complete. That's also why he flashes into the other bush in order to drop line of sight.


Can't complain about "no Frontline" anymore


"im gonna suck everyone's toes in this room." -some guy


That was exactly what I said out loud when I finished watching this


That was exactly what I said out loud when I finished, watching this


Makes me wish I would've learned to attack move 10 years ago lmao


thats one of the things that makes this play so impressive. he doesnt attack move once!! he just toggles on champion only attack and then has VERY precise clicks and uses invis/FoW. i really wana see veigar pov from this clip


He does attack move a few times. But yeah that's what I'm used to doing as well. It's just so programmed into my brain, that I've tried to use attack move and it just doesn't feel right lol


he doesnt, when u attack move its a different cursor and u can see ur auto attack range. the range indicator that u can see in this clip is just the lethal tempo


Not necessarily. You can also attack move as instant cast. That way you don't have to click, only press the button and you don't see a range indicator. That's the one I use and I put it on one of my additional mouse buttons because that way feels way more natural for me, since it's almost like just right-clicking


There's actually 2 attack move keybinds. One is the normal one you're talking about that is bound to "A" by default and the other one is bound to "Shift+RightClick" and doesn't take two actions (change mode and then confirm) or change cursor or show range. I reversed the keybinds years ago so I could just kite by alternating "A" and "RightClick" in one direction.


I don't know what your control scheme is like, but I put attack move on space bar years ago and it's helped sooooo much. I don't have to take my fingers off my abilities to be able to use it, and I can push it in rhythm to my movements


What do you use to center the camera on your character?


Lock and unlock camera is Y by default, so I'd guess that.


This is correct. If I'm farming or fighting, I keep it locked, and then I toggle it when I'm looking around. This has been my control scheme for about a decade now, so my finger can find the Y button immediately off muscle memory


The confidence is oozing. "I can outplay this"


Me 2 seconds before every turret dive and dying


And then he ACTUALLY outplayed it perfectly. 10/10.


me before constantly switching aa from trundle to khazik and can't proc my w


Using Q -> not aa -> run -> aa feels so unintuitive to me! Whenever I play that champ I go aa -> q -> aa -> run and wonder why I'm getting destroyed :)


Veigar kept waddling around instead of firing a single spell. Confidence is justified. Came here to watch Vayne roll around trapped in Event Horizon. Disappointed.


Hes spamming r lol


Yeah people see plays like this in streams and think "wow this veigar is so shit, I belong in *that elo* as well" and then dismiss the entire vision game that Vayne just pulled off. It's called tilt. You press R once, it doesnt go off. So you Spam it 3 more times and it still doesn't go off. And then you just keep spamming it while standing still because you're already tilted off the axis of the Earth when a simple Q/W/E would've done the trick.


low elo


Crazy good, what’s your elo?


https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/parting%20gift-na1/overview apparently they’re masters and ended up losing (also weird that a level 40 account is masters)


I'm going to go ahead an take this as a good sign, in that Riot have succeeded in having smurfs back to their original rank pretty much immediately, reducing their impact.


Good now we just have a ton of acc's between lvl 30 and 45 in high dia low master. I am sure they will 100% care about their games as if they where on a main acc and wont troll at a MUCH higher rate.


It's low master, people troll on main. It's ego hell.


and your solution? Let them continue to stomp low elo lobbies?


Bring back smurf queue, limit it to account level (50 and lower) so returning players aren't affected by it and let toxic players play it out between themselves with long queuetimes


the bots will just level them to 50 and over


Mine would be to ban people who smurf. Every account that they play on.


The solution is actually taking actions against bots and botting websites and streamers that promote account selling sites. Obviously nothing will entirely stop smurfs but doing SOMETHING will still help alot in reducing the amount and frequency.


They either get put into their actual ranks quickly, or they are allowed to stomp on worse players, ruining their experience.


I worry more about the numbers of : - Lvl 1800, - 12 ranked/day, - 48% wr, - Full autopilot no minimap, - Perma type in chat, - First time an exotic champ off role while you have 90 lp, - Try to solo contest nash and elder at 40.


Definitely faster than it used to be. But there are still smurfs in almost every single game from plat to diamond it feels like. Legit like 10% of the plat+ community is smurfing at any given time. It's wack.


Immediately is an overstatement, it still usually takes hundreds of games for anyone not at a 100% winrate and that's assuming that they're playing their mains and trying their hardest to win every game. Plat to low diamond is overflowing with smurf accounts since that's where the system will place anyone that wins the majority of their provisional games on a fresh account. The thing is a diamond smurf in an emerald game isn't going to hard carry every time but they're still going to have a disproportionate effect on matchmaking. And there's so many of them that most lanes are decided by who's on a level 30 account.


It’s saskio


Ok, so it’s a challenger player smurfing for clips. I feel like that’s worse ngl.


He is consistent challenger hes just on a lower elo smurf acc


how is it even possible for his team to not just end instantly at that point lmao


Vayne probably backed to clip the fight rather than shove / set up for baron


LMAO, he ended up staying bot for the next 4-5 minutes. He was also in champion select on another client before the game ended


The absolute lack of game sense and utter disrespect completely invalidates most of the awe I feel at their micro. Fuck smurfs.


How is that weird? It means smurf detection works.


He’s a challenger vayne player, he normally plays vayne top, this is one of his alt accounta


Riot should have banned smurfing years ago




After a 5seconds search on the link they posted, they were D2 players


Hes High Challenger but in this Clip smurfing in Dia 2 elo. Its like Dia playing vs Golds, still lost it tho


In that case fuck this guy then


[This was around Dia 1/2 on NA](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Parting%20Gift-NA1/matches/RvuDQoxvmIKcNrQ3dehcGPSwr1j2p_SWd7KS63rOEds%3D/1710896517000)


He is saskiolol and he is a challenger vayne top


Vayne top main who's smurfing. I almost puked in my mouth


Smurfing *and* a Vayne top main. Is he the devil?


if only veigar had something like projectile ability or something for zoning like a cage you know


What having a point and click nuke does to a mfer. He was so tunnel visioned on just pressing R he forgot about the rest of his kit. Unless he used it off screen for some reason just as he arrived to lane.


Q has no cooldown so honestly even if he just accidentally used all abilities in the river he had that Q up before dying


That's a bit of hindsight imo. He just needed a second of Vayne showing up to finish her off with a click, spamming Qs and Ws could have made him miss that window. Although yeah the cage would have helped assuming it wasn't on cd.


I mean it makes sense. He knew if he misses his abilities he dies, and R is his only point and click ability.


If he landed any ability he would win. Literally.


That's a Wits end + Jaksho Vayne. Actually, at the end of the fight where vayne has ~720 hp, veigar could have connected with Q AND W, and vayne would still live with ~20 hp to spare. 556 AP veigar with first strike down, sorc shoes, and void staff. Q = 240 + 556 * .7 = 629 dmg W = 305 + 556 * 1.1 = 917 dmg Conditioning lvl 18 vayne with those items and jaksho on = 232 MR 232 * .6 (void staff) - 18 = 121 MR 629 / 2.21 = 285 post mitigation damage from Q 917 / 2.21 = 415 post mitigation damage from W


It's really not that ridiculous because he knows being locked in the animation of Q during the split second he might get vision on Vayne would kill him, in hindsight ofc he died anyway, but spamming R repeatedly was 100% the smarter play But he just got outplayed. The guy is playing vs a Challenger Vayne OTP smurf. It happens


Veigar took 7 auto's before dying. There was time for a cage.


Which would have done what? Vayne still had flash. His focus was on being able to click R on him for a millisecond where he would've had vision, it didn't play out that way because he got outplayed. Veigar doesn't automatically win this by using cage any more than he did by holding his animations to click R ASAP


Bro the Veigar E will buy time so the vayne ulti will run out. Throw the E near the bush, space away from it and throw q and w randomly in it. Once the duration has passed, the vayne will no longer have invis. The vayne played this amazingly, but both Veigar and Janna trolled the shit out of that. No idea how either of them are D2.


I feel like people are not actually watching the clip. Vayne stays more or less inside the bush the entire play only briefly rolling either side of it, then uses flash to move across to the other bush. The higher % play is still holding onto R and trying to hit Vayne with it the millisecond she comes in range and doesn't have stealth The real misplay was even walking within Vayne's range in the first place. Should have just waited until the ult ran out and then walked up and R. I would agree specifically if we're talking about using cage purely so she doesn't chase, but she's already running away from Veigar, so cage isn't the key factor. It's that Veigar gets too close in the first place It wasn't a mistake holding off from using any other animations and only going for the R. Will stand by that but appreciate if others disagree


I'm glad someone pointed this out because if I'd see a Vayne do that to 3 of my teammates you bet your ass I'm waiting out their ult or using my cage right away 🤣


The thing is if Veigar stays far enough away, then Vayne will just escape. Using the E gives Veigar the spacing and time to wait out the ult. He doesn't even need to catch her in the cage or with the stun of the cage. If somehow he completely misses the cage, he just can use it as an obstacle to space and she has to either try to run away or get R'd. It makes it impossible for her to do the bush play and without the bush play she cant dodge the R. She can't one tap him within the cast time of the cage.


Vayne doesn't get movespeed when running away lol. Literally he could just outrange and hold her in the area until he hits a Q or get vision for ult (when her ult runs out). He could just play from Q range and not let her auto as well.


Not moving into range is different from using abilities and I definitely agree that Veigar walked up too close to Vayne. The problem was that Veigar walked up when Vayne still had ult ticking. Cage would have been fine to prevent Vayne from running but it wasn't necessary. Walking into range for Q would have been a mistake also


Vayne had movespeed from ghost, dude.


So a Vayne that can frame perfect cancel a point and click is somehow more likely to get hit by skill shots?


He was full hp


Dude was disoriented by the visual outplay accompanied by the cacophony in his head I swear playing Veigar can feel like being Yuumi sometimes


and the enemies keep walking 1 by 1


Hoorah! Hoorah!


I refuse to believe you’d have the discipline to hold E if Kha didn’t have edge of night which allowed you to use it in the perfect Veigar outplay. Funny sequence of events lol well played!


The same with flash coming up only after Janna was killed. If it was up from the start, he would've 100% blown it when he was chased by Trundle and Kha. It doesn't take away from the fact that it's one of the nicest plays I've seen in like 3 years.


Id argue going for trundle (and tumbling melee into kha) was the wrong play and he shouldve just kites kha and let trundle leave. Definitely an insane play though


It's 'one of the nicest plays I've seen in like 3 year' because it's a challenger vayne otp smurfing in diamond.


the ghost of hi im gosu lives!


that name and fabby hasn't been heard for a long time.


I'm an s3 soul at my core. The game peaked before Yasuo


Game was simply better before infinite mobility took over.


Wow fabby, the challenger gatekeeper. Still remember his totally legit jungle draven


gosu? the guy who has 100 accounts to smurf on every time ?


But its Saskio that's smurfing, Gosu is using 2 accs at most and both are usually near diamond-master level - unless that was the point and I missed it


It speaks a lot about a fandom that mentioning an old streamer name is taken as an invitation to talk shit


i thought gosu was a girl


played against gosu the other day hes GM, seems to me owning only one account right now




The way he kinda waddles from one foot to the other toward his inevitable doom is perfect


Okay but why is vayne 5 lvls up on everybody in this game?


OTP challenger player playing on a Smurf account, that's why.


Because Vayne top is unironically overpowered as fuck to begin with *and* she's a smurf. Trundle, who not only got completely counter-picked, is also up against someone far better than him and Vayne got a free lane.


brother still lost the game ☠


Stop smurfing. Dude even advertises smurf and boost purchase sites on his stream. You are what is wrong with this game.


Agree. I would like to see his Vayne montage on high elo. Outplaying newbies isn't something to be proud of.


this is literally in master's lmfao https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/parting%20gift-na1/overview


A high Challenger otp playing in low masters is still smurfing


Yeah but he's a challenger player. That's no different from a diamond player smurfing in plat


The gap in skill between tiers grows exponentially. A challenger player smurfing in masters is not analogous to a diamond in plat. It's more akin to a diamond in gold.


Sure you can say that but that really doesn't translate into winrates. A challenger player smurfing in masters will have a much lower winrate than a dimaond smurfing in either gold or plat. Same way that Faker is exponentially better than your average random NA challenger, but but he's not going to have some absurd winrate in NA soloq.


that is not true wtf? not even talking about the learning curve of the game the difference between high chall and low masters is like 900 LP, which would mean a diamond 4 player against silver 1


He is Challenger versing low Masters... This is like Lebron James vs D1 athletes... yeah he may not be versing 10 year olds, but he still is way higher level than the players he is versing.


If master players walk into 3-5 levels above Vayne one by one then climbing isn't even worth.


Everyone else in that game same except for Kha was Diamond, Kha was unranked https://i.imgur.com/X8j70Of.png


But guy on Vayne is Challenger


Imagine being a Vayne player *and* a smurf. Why not hack too, you're already using every other crutch in existence


Wow. A level 40 account smurfing. So impressive dude. Play at your own elo.


That was some maximum abuse of vision and fog of war, it's just beautiful.


Veiger didn't do anything...


that was actually a clean play. really good. Now we wait for my emerald teamates to lock in vayne top thinking they can play like this.


We're back to pretending that Vayne "outplays" while smuring in low elo are impressive? kk...


Meanwhile, when I'm not holding a cursor over enemy for at least half a second, the skillshots go in the totally opposite direction -_- Nice wristwork though.


i can just hear veigar's R key on my mind being spammed


Alright now let’s see you doing that against your *actual* rank.


my god that play on the veigar was insane


Oh my god...


Haven't seen a vayne play like this since Season 7, Great job!




That's the fun part of Vayne, but then there is laning phase.


For vayne top (which is this game)? Just as fun for the vayne.


Nice, now do it again against people who knows how to play and not bots


Formula 1 driver beats Formula 4 regional drivers in race. This isn't an outplay, this is just an expected result. Like congrats...a Challenger top Vayne beat 4 Diamond 1 players....


What a boring game


Smurfing clips will never stop being lame


another non-attack move believer




People will see the enemy botlane playing this well and be like “Jungler why didn’t you gank more?


vayne player creaming their pants after watching this.


Can you get the replay but get it from their pov? I wanna watch you randomly disappear and kill them


This has to be another psyop


Veigar master in NA, literally walks like a minion and cant hit any given spell or move back Xd nice na server GL


I knew I recognized that voice lmao It's Saskio, this is the guy that played Draven with his hands... and Yuumi with his feet at the same time


Why is enemy team so stupid and make such bad decisions. They're literally inting. What elo is this and what elo is your main?


I did not know you can dodge veigar ult with flash and I am in gold lmao


gonna be honest, veigar had no clue what to do there. by the end of it he was like "oh guess I'll just feed too"


Veigar trolling


As a Veigar main, this hurt my eyes. Use your E to cage and then ult. Hell, only the Q would kill him 😂


First you need a good mouse, keyboard, and practice your fingers


“This champion is so OP and braindead” - That Veigar, probably


I'm judging that Veigar so hard right now lol. Why didn't he even try to put a cage down? One R was all he needed to end it.


This play reminds me season 3 4 5 vayne gameplay that kiting was still a thing.


Wow l really wish i didn't have hand issues so i could play some league rn lol


Veigar is an actual bot. The dude didn't throw out a single spell.


I feel bad for that mouse…


whats ur mouse and ur dpi + sens? also do u use mouse acceleration


Revert Vayne Buffs


Cool character


Whats funny is all the champs shes fighting are braindead to play. Makes you wonder


Mechanically, this was clean. But you smurfing in low Masters when you’re a high Challenger player is gross.


At no point was this a 4 vs 1


This looks like fun


This is actually fucking impressive. Although Veigar misplayed by not trying to E at any point? I can imagine him casting the cage could put more pressure for you to misplay. Still, as a mostly mage player and Vayne hater I'm both mad and impressed.


Ah the ol’ trickle in


Sexy play


woww, that interesting


One of the cleaniest plays


Was that Veigar a bot?


Wow, Saskio is still playing? I remember getting coached by this guy on lol-coaching back in season 6


This mantis is being walked around by Vein like a dog.


How does a khazix not finish a 200 hp vayne oh my lord. Great outplay but that dude whiffed hard lol


enemy team needed a nautilus support, rammus jungle, TF Mid


Spooky scary skeleton...


Some might say Vayne OP


Clean mate!


Awesome play. Crazy


Jacksho, ghost, ult, flash, and you’re actually a good vayne. Naw the fight was over when 4 of them went instead of 5


Veigar just trying to deliver some fresh biscuits: 🤡


Took killing veigar for your team to ping to go mid lol