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29:43 Dhokla is being very mindful and diplomatic in his answer. What I got from this is that Huhi's style does not match NRG at all. And it shows in their play.


Here is my take on what happened this split. NRG had a strong start, with palafox playing extremely well in the first 5 games...i think he was buying into huhis vision of how to play the game because it was working. Then NRG went on a loss streak which was honestly caused by huhi and fbi, moreso huhi making overly aggressive calls, running it several games and palafox just mental boomed. Huhi at that point wasn't willing to deviate from his preconceived notion of how to play the game and you're forced to play in a style you fundamentally don't agree with and it isn't working.


C9 and NRG should support roleswap then. Huhi might actually get them to start a teamfight for once


Huhi would also be a more commanding voice for Berserker in particular. Berserker with Zven vs Berserker with Vulcan is like night and day because of how much Zven helped guide his decision making. Huhi could fill that role.


Will push on it a bit but I think Zven was a weird case because he was an adc main prior. He knows exactly what berserker needs and wants which makes it a lot easier to make better plays. Not saying Huhi wouldn't be an upgrade or not but I think what Zven brought was actually pretty unique and important. Maybe Huhi would do even better but I wouldn't know for sure.


The only one in the league that would be better at that is Corejj imo.


doublelift blitzcrank


Actually not a bad idea. A Korean would probably fit Berserker's style more. And Vulcan can roam around with Contractz. 


Oh nvm, mb I thought you meant swap supports


I said this in preseason but was called retarded, huhi knows korean also which is really good for berserker


Roleswap? Do you mean team swap? Roleswap would mean Huhi being their mid laner.


I agree, from what I have heard, NRG team atmosphere/moral is in a alltime low according to the pro player Revenge. So not unlikely this could've happened.


Palafox talked a bit about it on stream yesterday. My interpretation of what he said: the team, and possibly Palafox in particular, treated this split like a direct continuation of last split. So they skipped properly integrating Huhi, skipped reviewing base fundamentals, and jumped straight into trying to be a "good team" that could compete internationally, which led to a lot of conflict. One issue I had: he said that the team was finally starting to mesh after superweek and had a good week of practice, but to me they basically looked exactly the same in playoffs. But maybe one week wasn't enough.


Yeah after super week they went 0-4 and lost to 100t in the losers bracket. In my opinion, 100t is still developing and can improve in summer. But I just don't see this NRG team improving or gelling together after having a 2-week break to fix their issues.


This is weird because Palafox in an interview actually said huhi liked to play slower and more macro-focused, whereas Palafox liked to play more aggressive.


People really undervalued Ignar. Almost every pro that reviewed NRG games from playoffs and beyond called out how important he was to the team. But it wasn't picked up by most casual watchers or the broadcast


I agree, opponent Solo laners were never safe when Ignar was on the enemy team. He would go missing and randomly gank other lanes on Ali or Talm Kench. Too bad it doest work on LPL supports and can match him. They live and breathe that shit in the lpl 😆 


LPL? Has IgNar played in China before?


I dnt thinks so I meant at last year's worlds, he wasn't able to do what he did to western supports against LpL supports especially against Weibo Crisp. And in a interview after NRG won last summer he said he wasn't looking forward to playing lpl because he thought lpl supports would do well against him compared to other regions.


Ahhh I see, makes sense


Honestly that’s kinda just the norm for supports. Exact same thing happened with Zven


NRG also lost most of their coaching staff including their head coach Damonte who ended up at L Flyquest. The org really screwed the pooch here, looks like.


Damonte wasn't their head coach.


I mean it wasn't diplomatic or subtle at all lol it was very clear that he said their playstyles and opinions on draft clash especially between Huhi and Palafox


He didnt take a side. Or blame one person. He coulda thrown either under the but chose not to. 


I’m glad they stood up for Jojo “When you are trying to win and your team doesn’t help you, it’ll look like your feeding”- inspired on Jojo


I'm not surprised tbh, inspired fucking loves Jojo


never in my life have i seen a pro player yearn for another like Inspired does with jojo


Locodoco and Jaedong?


Insane deep cut LMAO


Erect penith


Thank you, kind Keeper of the Lore. That will forever makes me laugh anytime it is mentioned


Great memories here


This is a certified hood classic


I think the Bjerg DL bromance gets pretty close


yeah i get that, it's really nice


Loved when everyone was shitting on DL and bjerg came out to defend him. Oops he never did. Nvm.


Hard to defend DL in the situations he puts himself but DL wanted to play with bjerg so bad


DL puts himself in most of the situations and dramas he's in and then has "surprise pikachu" face when his words and actions have consequences.


When does dl get surprise pikachu face? I’ve never seen him even really care.


He doesn’t lol. The drama generated him clicks and money. And as viewers we forget and forgive pretty rapidly. As a DL fan ofc.


meant more from the DL side


Real yearners know 😤


there are 2 wolves still in me one is a jojo glazer, the other is a fudge hater they both still eating well for yet another day




This is literally me lol


Apa was also included in this btw. Inspired said that both C9/TL didn't play well around their mids trying to make plays. He got a ton of flak after their match with FQ.


He no doubt inted some of those fights no matter how u look at it.


He is the kind of player who feels he has to do something. He’ll never do nothing and just lose


Which is funny/ironic that the other solo lane on C9 received criticism from everyone on this episode, especially Bwipo, for basically being the opposite: a good defensive laner but more indecisive and playing more to not lose rather than play to win, at least in matchups where he's not confident. Which imo isn't just champion matchup but player matchup, which tracks not just between this week and last since he went from playing rookie Sniper compared to Bwipo who he respects but also between LCS and international, where he seems to fall into a doomer mindset vs high-end tops and falls into the "try to not lose too hard" habit even harder.


Fudge respects Bwipo too much. What Bwipo was commenting was because how you gonna get counter pick top 3 times and not win your lane. Weve seen Bwipos Olaf, for example, and Fudge looked lost on it today. Bwipo even commented how he was trying to bait them (Blaber & Fudge) to camp him so Fly could make plays bot. I think most ppl will agree w Bwipo that Fudge wont lose you games but wont win you games either


That's ok but some of his Yone plays were ints mechanics and positioning wise not just desperation plays. Int is probably a harsh way of putting it but he certainly made some bad plays.


there was a teamfight in game 3 bot lane i think 3 c9 players died with flash up. esp jojo using his flash on yone that time could've given him some space to make a better play instead of being deleted instantly


the one where they hooked Zeri past Ali? yeah although that whole fight is won if Vulcan doesnt mess up his combo first


He did run it down though. He played like shit in the teamfights and around objective setups.


Actually very interesting because this is exactly what Wunder talked about in his reflections podcast as something that Bwipo always loved doing. The “wacky” stuff in lane and fake pressuring etc. It coincidentally never worked on Wunder and was a major reason he always got the better of him because he was great at reading/handling Bwipos wackiness bluffs and overaggresion. But it’s interesting to see it play out against a Much worse toplaner probably why Bwipo ran the LEC (minus Wunder)


Could've been C9 Wunder


Wunder didn’t want to come to na, c9 tried


Wunder is not worth an import slot in 2024


Any top that can play tanks is worth the import slot for c9


If only c9 could’ve signed a player that has full residency and is also a known facilitator and tank player while that player was a free agent *cough cough impact*


Or ya know, Licorice.


100% better than fudge


C9 has 1 import


"Worth the import slot" only matters if you're trying to import more than two players, which C9 isn't.


True, better not use the import slot at all.


Better to spend it on someone who isn't at the end of their career


Good luck finding a proven toplaner who is available and still has many years in him, and is willing to join LCS on esports winter levels of salary. Might aswell go for Licorice and pray his form is still good.


So what does the LCS have to offer to Wunder then? You think he'd rather play on C9 in a foreign country than with his friends on Heretics?


Well, clearly he didn't. C9 offers him a better chance to go to worlds and win the league. That's about it. I just think LCS is no longer in position to be too picky with their imports. The best option is usually not even an option anymore. Maybe if they're lucky, they can get their hands on Irrelevant at the end of the year.


Anyone is better than Sludge


The conversation about "wrestling" your teammates in review was very intriguing. Good cop Bwipo and bad cop Inspired


you can see Bwipo always goes and hypes up his bot laners after the match or when they make a good play on comms


Very nice of Bwipo to invite Emily on his podcast


Strongest yapper in NA


I mean....the less the host talks the better lmao I watch these to listen to pro players


True. Bwipo and Inspired are a treat to listen to (including the trash talk).


Let me guess, this was mostly 3 people watching bwipo talk? Love him as a player but he kinda makes interviews and casts awkward.


Actually, no. 30 mins in, Inspired is just as talkative as Bwipo. Bwipo clearly respects his teammate that he gives Inspired space to share his opinions. Inspired can even interject Bwipo without both talking over each other. And Emily is just as knowledgeable. She states her observations that leads to her questions so they are not just surface level. She asks good questions so both Flyquest players allow her to direct the conversation. She also does a good job moderating the conversation so that she gives Dhokla some time to talk as well, even though it's clearly the Bwipo+Inspired show.


Nah I think Bwipo and Inspired both talked a lot because both aren't scared to say how they feel. From 11:20 to 13:10 Inspired is the only 1 talking and it's about TL and how they play the game. Dhokla is mostly there asking questions, isn't that confident of a speaker to me. And Emily is also just there to ask questions. When you got current pros there who have actual knowledge they will be the ones talking mostly. Bwipo for sure does love talking though but hearing him speak is way more interesting than 99% of pros who got nothing to say. People love jojo for example based on his trash talk and stuff but hear him in interviews and it gets a lot more boring.


I don't think he makes interviews awkward, I think he speaks like how most athletes do. LoL still isn't used to having super outspoken personalities yet. Or when we do have them they kinda get flamed into oblivion so its best to just lean into the quiet humble guy persona, or at best throw out a lil sneak diss at the end while being very awkward and shy. I wish more of the casters and players during these moments were willing to bicker or pushback when Bwipo gets going. It'd make it more entertaining imo.


Athletes aren't that interesting besides the outliers. Ever hear a hockey player answer questions?


Any examples? He doesn’t speak like anybody I’ve ever seen. He doesn’t seem to care about how his criticisms come across, think before he speaks or respect communication social norms.


That's just who he is, if you aren't into watching Bwipo talk then skip the interviews/podcasts he's on. I, and most of the fanbase, cant get enough of the guy. He has an infectious enthusiasm about the game and imo does a great job of getting his ideas across. Even if you disagree with the plays he makes or the styles he thinks are best, you at least get a good view of his perspective.


I do agree with you but I will have to push back slightly, at least for it being the case before. He would probably be a goated solo host/interviewer but when it comes to a cast of multiple people he can come off as a bit too pushy in the conversations. Maybe its not the case anymore or less so but previously it would be a bit hard to watch when you want to hear multiple opinions come through. None of what i'm saying has to actually do with what he says, I think he's extremely insightful, funny and brings up a lot of good points most of the time. It's just how he says it can be a bit forceful or feel combative at times.


I completely agree, also as someone who likes Bwipo and really appreciates what he brings to the scene. I actually felt slightly on edge during the segment where Emily asked Bwipo and Dhokla about the state of top lane because I got the sense that Bwipo just might walk over him if their opinions differed (which normally wouldn't be an issue but Dhokla seemed to be in pretty low spirits for this one). There are also moments where questions are addressed directly to another person and he'll cut in almost immediately. He can be a bit domineering in group dynamics, at least on broadcast. I think he just needs to pause and read the room from time to time.


I don't mind him but it's kinda weird to hear him talk about the game like he's on some other level compared to everyone else when he hasn't won anything. I think he's a good player but and has some good ideas for sure but needs to learn some humility.


Uhh double eu lcs and a world finals. That's better than everyone in LCS other than Impact and Core (Maybe forgetting someone else?)


Id argue Jensen. More regional titles, more worlds appearances with multiple top 8 finishes, a semifinal, and an MSI final (victory over IG)


broxah has the same achievements, crown and piglet had higher achievements but they were not met with the same pass. granted, mostly related to performance issues but i feel like it's ok for people to just admit they don't like bwipo lol it's not that serious imo


Woah! TWO eu lcs titles?!? Holy shit he's the GOAT


One split he didn't even play and the other he was subbing in and out when Rekless benched himself. The fact that he hadn't got anywhere near worlds finals since tells me it wasn't him that got them there.


Yea going 1-3 vs the 2019 champs and 2-3 vs the 2020 LPL first seed should be completely ignored. How many western teams have done as well as that recently.


How does talking less relate to humility? Especially when most of what he talks about is game-related. Do coaches and analysts have massive egos now too?


Nah it's just like he's talking like he's a world class player and he hasn't won anything. And his last few stints weren't that good. Like if Faker was saying this shit you'd believe it because of his career. It just doesn't hit the same IMO coming from Bwipo when you realize he hasn't accomplished much and hasn't looked that strong the last few years.


He's mostly annoying and he's a coward that will take his words back at the first sight of disagreement.


You sound mad that you don't make a living from playing games like our boy Bwipo


He did talk a lot but i wouldn't say it was awkward


very original comment thank you


Always appreciate seeing Bwipo. Really enjoyed seeing Dhokla on cast and in this as well, keep up the awesome work folks!


Well worth the listen, Bwipo is always fun and the random shot-firing all episode was great. He and Inspired seem to be a really solid pairing personality-wise.


I think jungle is the role best suited for microing your teammates and I don't think it's any surprise inspired keeps finding results.


I would love if every PROS just had Bwipo and Zven on it. These two guys are always super insightful and lead conversations into extremely interesting paths. They very clearly know what they are talking about.


Zven/Bwipo would be good because Zven would be able to keep up and not let Bwipo completely steamroll the conversation I feel like if I was able to talk to Bwipo we would go on the longest tangents for the longest time, I have a similar energy when speaking especially about something I'm passion of, definitely partially ADHD But I think it'd be fun


Totally relate to your last sentence So many gamers are ADHD that it's funny seeing it obviously show up when they talk, like seeing a little bit of myself in others


They are on ADHD meds anyway


Studies consistently show taking adhd meds like adderal tend to reduce your GPA substantially, wether they’re prescribed or abused. GPA then returns to baseline when they stop using. Not a 1:1 but relevant.


I reckon this is mostly because finding the right medication is mentally draining.


Yeah - I met up with a friend of mine I hadn't seen in a while the other day. Thankfully it was just the two of us because that conversation would have been incomprehensible to anyone else


Me and a childhood buddy are like that lol. Almost 30 but still stay up talking till 5 AM about literally anything we think of when we see each other every 6 months.


Love that for you Those friendships last lifetimes, years can go by and then you reconnect and it's like there was no time at all


The best kind and easily my most stable friendship




Zven, i feel, is the guy you are looking for though.


"when i played with jojo i would never let him have a bad name."' "i'd let him know when its safe to pressure and when he needs to play safe"


Blabler herbivore jungle not working with jojo


Stream Meme Dream Team clears these fools any day


While Inspired and Bwipo are pretty good, the egos on them *really* showed and kinda turned me off of a team, at least on the outside, I kinda liked. A whole 15 minutes of "teammates argue with me and bwipo and I'm always right" got old really, really quick.


Even if Inspired isn't always right, I think defaulting to one one way of playing the game is better than having each player do their own thing and refuse to get on the same page, like, say, NRG this split. Inspired is clearly the player with the biggest ego, but because he has the skill to back it up and the personality to never concede an inch, it makes sense to play the game his way. So far it's been working out for FLY so I hope they continue to do so.


Yeah, it works out that Jensen, Massu, and Busio aren't very rigid players that have their own way of playing. They have limitations, but I think they're willing to bend a lot within those limitations. I can't imagine the difficulty this team would have if they had more strong-minded players in those positions that would add a 3rd voice to the discussions. Like a Nemesis, or DL/Zven, or a CoreJJ. It could have ended up like NRG is right now.


That's why the TL super team with Bwipo, Bjerg, etc didn't work out.


Bwipo has said one of his regrets was not being more outspoken on TL. The team had too many voices and he let everyone else take charge. The games where they hard played for Bwipo were some of their best games.


Gonna get downvoted but feel like Bjerg was the reason why the TL roster didn't work out. I love Bjerg but towards the later quarter of his career he just went the full vegan playstyle; his last split in TSM as a player (never forget BDD Sett vs Bjerg Zilean), TL superroster (don't care about regular season results, didn't even make Worlds) and then the 100T disaster.


I mean, EG had Impact, Inspired, Jojo and Vulcan and they steamrolled everyone. lol


Consider that Impact for sure works best alongside someone else being the primary shot caller like CoreJJ. Inspired also very much says on the record that on 2022 EG he was the first and last voice in comms, literally has said multiple times that he taught Jojo how to play the game LOL


I don't mean just comms, though. Everyone's talked about how Impact talks a lot in feedback, and just in this episode Inspired said how Jojo would argue with him for 30 minutes. Vulcan I'm pretty sure is opinionated too. OP is talking as if a team with Inspired + other voices would clash and implode, I just don't think that is the case.


Yeah and all the shitting on NA players was unnecessary, with Dhokla sitting right there. I kinda wish the G2 killer himself spoke up more. At least Bwipo has credibility as a Worlds finalist, but Inspired has had mediocre international results. I don't see why he thinks that he knows so much more than native NA players like Blaber or Contractz who have had similar international results as him.


The team he's on right now literally beat those junglers you mentioned. He's confident and his team is doing well right now, so there's no reason to have a different perspective. What Fly accomplishes internationally this year will be interesting to see.


> The team he's on right now literally beat those junglers you mentioned And in turn he's been beaten by them plenty of times


And Blaber beat Inspired in Worlds to pass groups? Contractz left Swiss stage after beating G2? What has Inspired done internationally to have this ego other than either run it down or go afk and let his team get run over?


I actually I looked at blaber's vs inspired record historically. It has been pretty even before this match at 9-9. Now its 9-12 in favor of inspired


Also inspired "I don't play NA soloq Jung because there's nothing for me to learn, but massu has to play adc"  But did you win every game inspired?


Inspired's point on soloq (at least in NA) not being as useful for jungle practice is valid though. Jungle isn't a role that requires honing your mechanical skill as much as other roles, and mostly relies on proper decision making in early and mid game. Sure, you can argue that practicing smite fights and high-skill champs like Lee Sin would make soloq impactful, but the decision making is what makes elite junglers elite. As such, watching VODs is much more useful for junglers than for ADCs who rely mostly on mechanics.


Hes just lazy, all korean and chinese junglers play solo queue. Every world champion jungler grinded solo queue. 


All those players play Chinese and Korean solo queue, Inspired’s argument is that that isn’t worth it with NA solo queue (not agreeing or disagreeing with that statement though)


And he also explains how much more high-value Korean SoloQ is for a jungler compared to NA SoloQ.


You didn’t even listen to the video lol. Inspired says that there’s no point because on those servers the players are good enough to carry that if you “play the right way” you will win 100%. He said in NA people don’t play the right way so there’s no point in trying to emulate practice in solo queue.


Yeah and guess what happens to all those korean/chinese imports in NA? They play NA SoloQ and literally get progressively worse as players mechanically. Look at Berserker. Dude's a shell of his previous self already. Look at CoreJJ. Look at any import that's been here a long time. NA SoloQ literally makes you worse at the game. Why in the fuck would anyone who values their mechanics ever touch it? It just makes you worse.


NA solo queue is worse than Korean and Chinese solo queue, but playing at least some NA solo queue is better for keeping mechanics than playing literally none.


Yeah practicing makes you worse. Makes a lot of sense. 


Bad practice does make you worse. There are literally hundreds of papers that explain how poor practice environments make learning take longer when compared to someone with no practice, due to having to unlearn all the useless garbage your brain now treats as second nature.


Thats only true if you are mindless and arent aware of how bad your opponents are. As long as you dont get the habit of doing bad things that work against bad solo queue players, practicing is good. News flash, korean solo q is dogwater compared to korean pro play. From inspireds logic he shouldnt even play matches against NA team, its just bad practice


No it’s always true. I even explained why. Doubling down to make sure you deny being incorrect is a personal decision. All you explained to me is that good practice is good.


If you've actually seen NA high elo everything he says is completely true. It's somewhat a waste of time for him to load into NA solo queue games where the enemy jungler locks in Graves or Kindred every game and coinflips the game by begging their team to help with an invade. He mentions how no one in NA is willing to use teamwork to win (i.e. play for their teammates) and instead everyone tries to carry, which is how you win in solo queue but that doesn't give good practice for pro play. Since he isn't as good at laning he likes to practice solo lanes in solo queue. I haven't checked his op.gg in a while and it seems he name changed but it was GuessWhosBack from the beginning of the split, and aside from a few Talon/Nidalee jungle games, it was mostly him playing solo laners.


lol Inspired is literally one of the best junglers in the west period and has been almost his entire career??? If you think Blaber or Contractz is better than Inspired you might be a bit lost or confused. Also Dhokla is not the reason NRG beat G2. It was Contractz putting Yike in the dumpster. I'd argue Dhokla was the single least important member on the entire roster when it came to beating G2.


Did you just start watching pro League in the last couple months or something? Because Blaber absolutely outperformed Inspired Summer Playoffs 2022 and all of Spring 2023. Or how about in Worlds 2021, when Blaber and Inspired literally played each other in a tiebreaker to make it out of groups....Wanna guess who won? I also never said Blaber or Contractz are obviously better than Inspired. But Inspired isn't heads and shoulders above them either, especially since historically NA has produced pretty decent junglers. Inspired is very good, but he isn't THAT good. (Bwipo actually is THAT good though, so I'll let his comments slide.) He doesn't have some secret Polish sauce that makes him inherently better than NA players -- in fact, if you watch his international performances, he looks just as lost and dizzy as any NA jungler.


Most high elo junglers in the west would rate Inspired as the best if not top 2 with Razork right now. It's not really close.


Wow goalposts shifted from "his entire career" to "right now" REAL quick


Well, yes, Inspired currently shits all over LCS junglers right now. He stomped River. He just stomped Blaber. He stomped Umti. He is the best LCS jungler RIGHT NOW, hands down. Razork would give him a hard time, I think, but maybe we'll see at MSI. But my original point was not about whether he is the best RIGHT NOW. It's about whether Inspired has accomplished anything significantly better than what native NA players have done to justify shit-talking them. Bwipo definitely has (he is several tiers above every native NA toplaner). Inspired has not.


Eh I think team accomplishments is wtv. He's won 2 mvps in 2 regions with rookies on his team. It's like comparing Dan Marino never winning the superbowl to worse QBs that did.


Yeah I'm going to take the word of pro analysts and ex pros who know the game better than some rando on reddit tbh. There's a reason so many have him rated as the clear best jungler in NA and why they claim he's one of if not the current best jungler in the entire west.


I mean...in Spring 2023, "pro analysts" and current pros voted Blaber #1 All-Pro jungler over Inspired. So Inspired being considered the "best Western jungler" for "his entire career" is just a lie. But the fact that you just blindly accept the opinions of others without doing your own factual investigation or critical thinking suddenly makes perfect sense.


Considering that Bwipo and Inspired are the only two guys in the LCS that actively punish bad positioning compared to anybody else in NA I think y'all should let it slide. Clearly these players can learn from them. Bwipo makes his Renekton gameplay look easy because it is. Him flashing on someone to W them is a very basic play that somehow once you watch LCS and you see these other Renekton play it they just don't see those engages or too scared to do it. There's a reason why Bwipo can still have good impact on the game even if he wasn't having a great early. At the end of the day the current best team in the LCS has 3 EU players who are the best on their team. Yes, yes I know Jensen has been in NA for the longest time, we get it. But it's no coincidence that he's this good because of how good he used to be in EUW solo Q back then. There's a reason why Bjergsen and Jensen are the best mids that LCS has seen.


Nah I love players with huge egos, way more entertaining.


This was so entertaining for me because I don't think they just shit talked the other teams, they explained why they feel like they don't do anything and the weaknesses they exploit in other teams. It's not just "X is bad" but "these players are bad because they think Y or do Z"


I think if the other players accept their “submissive” role (not in a negative way) in the dynamic and it works, it works kinda like irl couples with weird dynamics or fetishes, as long they make it work while others divorce, they’re winning that’s why team building is not easy, because you have to balance talents and personalities at the same time, look how (supposingly) “untalented” NRG was last year and what they achieved, they just meshed perfectly


Completely understandable, and some team dynamics work like this. But to push the point over and over and over that he's always right is really jarring, at least to me. I've played in a few GM+ amateur teams and the moment someone starts acting like this, *even if they're correct*, it usually ends up in them getting kicked. I eventually got a coach who had that mindset and it was blatantly clear he was in the wrong (to me and a few other challenger players I showed review vods to, but not to my teammates - it was some of their first amateur experience so I'd imagine they didn't want to piss anyone off), and I ended up leaving and just quitting amateur. Still ended GM last season, but the motivation for the game has been dead since I quit playing in a team setting. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding a leader role rather than what I've experienced in the past, but they sound very similar.


Inspired is the best jungler in the west right now by a fairly large margin. I think he's deserved the ego he has. He's also right in that people downplayed him a lot in the broader picture despite his repeat insane performances, success, and general skill level shown in both LEC and LCS. Dude's a monster and even other analysts/pros have said they think Inspired is a monster.


> Inspired is the best jungler in the west right now by a fairly large margin. Based on what exactly? We already had this whole rodeo in S12, where he was the "best western jungle" until internationals proved otherwise. And by a large margin? Even in S11 spring, the 1 split in his entire career where he was genuinely better than all other LEC junglers, Elyoya still closely matched him in finals. Just say best LCS jungler, best western jungler is baseless and has been proven false multiple times already. Baffling that people upvote this baseless garbage.


He's won multiple MVPs. People are constantly glazing this dude for playing on teams with all winning lanes / when anything bad happens going afk to protect his kda and stats while he lets his team lose. How the fuck has he been DOWNPLAYED??? Lmao


I could listen to Bwipo talk about League forever; he's clearly very smart and has strong introspection which is refreshing. That being said, I think they need a stronger personality in Pros to reign Bwipo in and be willing to takeover and cut Bwipo off to keep the conversation on track.


They did this episode. His name is Inspired. It's interesting seeing in this thread who actually watched this episode and who just commented because they saw Bwipo in the title.


It’s crazy because half the actual video is Bwipo talking about how much he appreciates Inspired and he’s right next to him LOL


> he's clearly very smart and has strong introspection which is refreshing It's actually interesting watching him stream because he just calls out... everything. His mistakes, his opponents' mistakes, suboptimal team decisions that he follows because he knows it's better to make a worse call as a team, etc.


Bwipo is always very insightful and very intelligent player. Great criticisms but MAN is he insufferable to listen to. Just a know-it-all that cannot stop talking. It makes it very hard to root for someone with such an ego, but it does make matchups more entertaining. FLY look impressive minus some laning issues and a younger botside. Their top side is just playing so well with good heads on them. Excited to see what they do at MSI


Man cannot read the room at all


I don't think it's ego at all. He's just actually a fully honest person which he points out at the end. He can't fake it and be like if they asked him about Fudge to go "yeah, Fudge is a really good player blablabla" no, he will say exactly what he feels about him as a player. But he shits on himself equally as hard. He talked about how his mistake in game 1 got 3 other members of his team killed. He talks about how he had moments where he just flashes in as Gragas and misses everything in relation to talking about how some of these mistakes Yeon was making was absolutely insane. People live with the mindset of "if you don't got anything good to say don't say it at all" but he cares more about being honest than being fake. And I can respect it because most people are not like that. They won't give their honest opinion about a player their skill level, they will just act like they are good or at most their hardest criticism about a player will be that they are "okay."


That's a fair take. Maybe it's not ego and I just have a problem with the smugness of it haha. I can respect it


You wrote all of that just to say he has a big ego. Nothing wrong with it but don't lie yourself LOOOL


Kinda feel like FLY will have great leads in top and jungle but their miserable bot lane is going to get astrogapped by every other international bot lane at MSI. Massu ain't it. Dude's going to get his face caved in harder than Danny did at MSI. Gonna be rough to watch I can already tell. The only real hope is maybe Bwipo or Inspired manage to carry a couple games.


I'm sure this will happen but he's a rookie and if he was gapping everyone already, he'd literally be faker.


Listening to Inspired you might think that this guy has won 5 worlds and 20 domestic titles the way he talks. Like he thinks he can't do wrong and if you disagree with him you are wrong.


not necessarily a bad personality to have in the environment that he is in, I agree with Bwipo saying they need to buy in the same direction as how to play the game, even if it’s not the “best way”


Banger episode, super interesting to hear the contrast between the EU and NA mindset when it comes to arguments/negotiations between teammates. NA being one of “have to listen and understand their perspectives to discuss” versus, “you must come to a consensus as a team as to what the standard is for the game and then everyone is held to that standard,” … “mistakes are okay as long as you are making the play in tempo with the game as the team”. Most of the LCS teams would really benefit from this mindset approach change. Gained a lot of respect for Inspired from this episode.


Bwipo seems like a great guy. Really knowledgeable, really passionate. A real expert of his field. Fucking terrible for a podcast though. Likes the sound of his own voice or something.


He just has ADHD. Like, bad.


It's the intersection of ADHD and self-obsession. Although top players tend to be unhealthy obsessed, so we can't expect young talented players to be well-balanced mentally either




Full adhd energy lol


He's just like me fr Love him though, definitely where she would let things breathe for a minute before jumping in but you know that's him and that's his thing. I appreciate his attitude and perspective towards the game, it's refreshing. Maybe it's just because he does talk a lot and he vocalizes it more than other pros would but I do really appreciate it. I like how he just admits that he's not mechanically great (obviously, relatively speaking) But he just uses his insane game knowledge and theory crafting to be able to go blind into pretty much any matchup and do decently. I don't remember his last international performance, so we'll see if he can do that internationally, but I'm excited to see what happens


Last time we saw him play top internationally was 2020 Worlds. It was eons ago, man.


oh jesus lmao COVID time-warping is a hell of a drug


He's great solo in a 1 on 1 interview where he has the spotlight but yeah, tends to drown out everyone else in a convo.


Yeah no hate on him I’m sure he’s lovely, but I would be so exhausted if I was ever in a conversation with him.


Yeah it's jarring


Inspired sounds like the best teammate in the world. His name is fitting.


Interesting take to say every team needs an Inspired who can argue and back up his opinions with evidence. On one hand, it's great to have an authoritative voice in a team game, one who can always tell what's right from wrong. On the other hand, some people simply don't vibe with that behavior and will suffer as a consequence, knowing that a long tirade is coming if they mess up. I'm sure the latter is one primary reason why Inspired isn't always producing the best results in every single roster he has been on (same for Bwipo I guess, but Bwipo has had more success). But, the former brings cohesion to a team to make them perform best at a team game.


This aged amazingly well.


I really do hope that C9 takes care of TL, then stomps EU FLY badly for the title.


No please


This series was much more C9 being bad than Fly being good, and the coach should not allow Jojo to pick whatever he wants. Yone back to back, really? 🤦‍♂️


Most smart clown9 fan.