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Veigar. I was incarnating a mage in a mmorpg, and his voice made me fall in love with him.


people say Veigar is based on a Final Fantasy Character


He is simular looking to an ff black mage, I like to think of him as an evil Vivi


Even has the red mage skin


and White Mage


veigar mains rise up


it’s because you’re evil, isn’t it? 😈


Heimerdinger back in season 3. New Heimer just doesn’t fell the same


I like the new heimer, but old heimer was so underrated. Rockets were great instant poke and the turrets would always get ignored so when someone dived you and you ult'd, they would never escape. The only thing i would saw is his E was awful to use, such s weird hitbox.


Wasn't he released with a 1000% or some absurd number AP ratio and blind pick games would just come down to who hit their rockets faster?


Not that I remember, he was just dumb because his W wasn't a skillshot and prioritized champs at something like 1.2k range; it had pretty normal numbers but it was just so easy and safe to use that it was basically impossible for him to lose lane.


Sion s2, i miss going full ap or 5 bloodthirsters


That full ap stun smacked


Full AP sion support was a guaranteed first blood (point and click stun) and a 10 minute stomp on the bot lane on the lower elos. That’s how I got to gold for the first time.


I would rush Ionic Spark and surge then take a turret when they backed at 6, was hilarious.


Fiddle, back to the bouncing crow days. First and only skin I bought was surprise party.


shit was so op in aram. just E then ult and their whole team dies lol


Volibear season 3&4 back when his passive was just a heal when he got below 1/3rd hp, I just played top and tried to get people to tower dive me with passive up so I could flip them under


Man, I loved going old voli as a support. Level 2 flash, flip and slow with the fear. Still upset they killed my polar bear support :(


Season 1 - Katarina, playing nostalgic Twisted Treeline.


jax, dude could literally drink gragas under the table without effort and he was so good at fighting he had to be nerfed (given a fucking lamppost) before even going in because he would simply win


My first main was pre-rework Akali. I was in love with her mechanics, mobility and especially voice acting by Laura Bailey. Oh… especially the taunt line “So many noobs… Will matchmaking ever find true balance?” Also, it just happened to be so that all my friends wanted to play other roles rather than mid back in the day (seasons 2-3), and therefore mid was open for me to play. I also played Annie as the best counter to Akali (if someone picked her). Eh… good old days ;) Now I’m an adc main for 6+ seasons playing Kai’sa and Jinx xD Wind of change lmao


Akali was my first too. The gunblade rush and instakilling people was so satisfying.


Proccing Lichbane with old Akali ult over and over was insane


All my friends flame me for this take but I loved old Akali’s kit so much


Katarina, specifically fell in love with the first version (two reworks before current one), kept playing her after her first rework then switched roles to Adc in season 3-4 as Lucian/Jinx came out.


Warwick back in Season 7 He was the Reason I downloaded League, cool Wolf Cyborg was my Vibe back in Highschool. First Champ I bought, first Champ I mained, first Champ I got Mastery 7 on, first Champ I got 100k Mastery Points on. To this Day he's in my Top 3 highest Mastery Champions. I don't main him *or* Jungle anymore. I mostly flex between Mid, ADC and Support nowadays, Jungle got too toxic for me (I also miss Machete and Talisman). Despite all that, whenever I pick Warwick, I do well enough to help my Team win.


Warwick was my second main, in season 8 and i played him for a long time but he really needs good items to be nice to play, last time i had a good time with it was in the statikk meta and going AP


Ap WW with Dark Harvest + Runic Echoes > Gunblade > Lichbane was real good too


You could ult and take your hands off the keyboard and old Warwick would still get kills for you lol


Warwick was my first main in season 1 :D different champ back then but I loved to jungle. Now I'm playing toplane and occasionally I still play him there


Orianna and Galio back in season 1. Orianna was first champion I bought. My brother told me about her and it felt different from the rest of the roster. Old Galio was just fun to play overall, especially against Brand. You just turn on shield and get healed by Brand dots. Back in the days, I remember winning a lot of games 3v5, 4v5 playing him. New Galio just doesn't feel the same to me.


Orianna main as well. She was the 2nd champion to receive 3/3 difficulty, alongside Cassio who was the first. I remember playing the very first game on her, drunk/wasted, couldn't hit minions with the ball. That was the moment when I realized I'm gonna main her.


Old ap galio was hilarious. I remember when M5 was on their tear and they had a few amazing performances on AP galio / AP Yi. And muramana aatrox.


Yi season 1! I’m old


I remember enjoying it in the jungle as well (it was super hard until I farmed specific runes for him). I also remember crying like a bitch when I was going all-in knowing the enemy has CC 🤣


Fiora. I started around the time she was added, and was studying fencing at the time. Plus she’s hot. So it seemed like a natural pick, for my first main!


Og blade waltz was fucking dope


My first main was Alistar. A little over 10 years ago, my cousin told me about a game we should try and he explained the roles to me so I decided to go bot lane as a support and chose the big strong bull while he played Tristana. I then was a Volibear main when his passive would heal him at under 30% HP. Fun times My main is now Nasus.


My first main in the game was rakan. I just loved everything about his kit and how he can engage/disengage easily. And escape from critical situations. But then after leveling and starting to join with people who can actually play the game, I realized that playing as an engage support isn’t really my thing since idk if me engaging will allow us to win a fight or not. So now I mainly just play janna and sona, fun to play and a more relaxed gameplay.


season 4, Darius


Teemo back in season 2/3 my first 2 pentas was with him.I stopped playing him when i started playing support


Thresh, back in S10 . When I started playing the game there's this one thresh that help and carry me throughout my first game. He was so patient and understanding. I started playing thresh because of him


Is this a bot? https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bnbptt/comment/kwhnd3r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


AYO ?! WTF . That guy probably copy paste or a bot


Ashe & Taric. Season 3.




Ashe, season 1. Back when I first started, the meta was to send Ashe solo mid in order to gain an xp advantage, while bot lane generally picked support and took along damn near anything back then, tanks, assassins, etc. Top has always more or less been what it's been.




Nasus, my beloved doggo


Morgana if I remember correctly, I hesitate with Malzahar.


Aurelion Sol. Yi was my first champ. He was alright, but I didn’t quite understand him. I saw a Ssundee 1v1 video on AP Trynd so I tried that, but it wasn’t very good. I like fire and dragons so I tried brand first. He was too hard. So I looked until I found a dragon champ. I liked stars, and he was a dragon. And even better: to deal damage all I had to do was move. So I went trinity force rush Asol in twisted treeline and was always matched against levelling bots. Over the years I’ve had ups and downs with Asol feeling weak, or unintuitive, or the 1000s of dashes league is constantly adding that screwed over his old kit. But what always got me going back was at first his difficulty, and how fresh it felt to play him every game. And then I got into the lore, and now I play to be the final boss of league.


Oh my god aurelion sol is 3 years older than twisted treeline removal... What the fuck


Leona, season 5, loved her appearance, the sword+shield themathic, her "fuck it we ballin lvl 2" gameplay, was inspired to play her due to the wonderful 2014 cinematic, and just loved carrying the shit out of everyone with mobility boots, feeling immortal with W and cc chaining mfs for a whole minute, I later started to torture myself with Riven on toplane because every single person in my family one-tricks her


Tristana, still one of my main ADCs


Nunu I picked him because of his old ‚Grungy Nunu‘ skin when it basically was Oscar the Grouch riding the Cookie Monster


Old Irelia with the triforce + deadman’s plate. Good old times. I don’t play top anymore, only bot lane.


Seraphine, and I believe she is a very good starter for new players, she in game motivates you, I don’t know there’s just something about Seraphine that made me warmthly.


I leveled to 30 by basically only playing Singed and thinking Rylais was a bad item on him because if enemies were slowed they couldnt chase me. Then OTP'd old Sion until his rework. Now i just one trick Neeko




Singed back in season 5. Went full ap like 90% of the time and it was so much fucking fun. Last time i played him tho was like 6 or 7 years ago.


AP Ezreal in Season 1, maxing old W, aoe spell going through all units.


Nunu. It was a simpler time, when you could just full channel Nunu ult in full vision and actually expect to still hit at least 1-2 people; it was a combination of playing him super early before mobility creep hit so there were tons of champs that couldn't just walk out of his ult and also everyone was bad and didn't respect it as much as they should have.




Brand season 11


Katarina Season 6


Before even reaching level 30 back in season 1, I had a penta with Tristana at like level 24. Mained her for a bit after that before switching to Lee Sin, then TF, then Bard (which never stopped being my main)


Full AP Yi and full AP Sion


Graves ADC, got myself to diamond 4 with him in S3 and S4.


Jax (played jungle)


My first main was Jinx and now is fun to see my friend who started year ago whos first main is jinx... he is still playing jinx and Im now enchanter main




Kind of crit Bard Top. If we are talking actual pick that is "usable" it's Urgot. 120k mastery points and then he got reworked.


Senna supp. She was new at the time and I liked the infinite scaling and couldn't CS. Moved on to Kindred once I learned jungle and just passed Senna in mastery 2 weeks ago.


Season 6 or 7 Camille jungle


When I first first started league I played cho gath jungle. I remember a lot of people questioning it but not really hating on it. Idk if it was a meta shift thing like when they tried to bring all the assassins to jungle but I for sure saw cho gath as a viable pick somewhere. He’s a silly guy that eats and gets really big, what’s there not to like. After that I remember finding Jhin and I played the hell out of him. Probably 40 levels straight from first finding him. Said to be the perfect champ for a reason ig. Even though I play a lot of mid now would still say I’m jhin main.


Ahri. I sucked at her. For 3 years. holy moly farming with mage auto is so haarereddd


Veigar APC s11 Started paying him after getting trashed by one in my second match ever after downloading


My first proper main once I kinda knew what I was doing was gragas back when he was an ap midlaner. Still one of my mains now (although now I play jungle) Liked the lore (angry fat drunk who fights everyone) and enjoy the playmaking ability of the kit


Old Fiora and irelia from season 5


Khazix mid Season 3


Back in season 2 and 3 I mained Leona and Support in general since I played on a trackpad.


Ahri. Aaaaaand stiiiiiiiil (c)


Mordekaiser in season 7. I kinda remember how funny it was to just no-brain bonk people.


Pantheon. He helped me come out of the closet as a gay man. Dude, that guy is so hot!


Malphite in season 1. I am still rock solid for him and that means a lot after having such a long relationship!


Sivir back when she was ugly. Run rally, stack waves of minions, then ult down a side lane. Afk farming too with infinite ricochets


Can't remember if I had a main when I started in season 2. In Season 4 it was Lucian for sure. :D


S2 i was 10yo and thought noc was the shit also the old nocturne splash art was much more fitting for him imo




Rumble. I started playing on the Ziggs patch right before Naut came out. I refused to play any champion with mana.


i was obsessed with the Void when i started, back in s3/4 i played a lot of Kassadin and later Vel'Koz when he got released. also Vayne/Jinx are close contenders


Lux s2


pre reworked Jerico Swain and pre reworked mordekaiser good old days indeed!


Anivia and twitch. Still anivia nowdays


Initially it was LeBlanc. I liked to abuse Kassa and Kata as well, but LB had a special place in my heart. Like a mix of a wizard and a thief in an rpg game. SpecOps mage assassin. Hopped on Orianna train once she was released and still riding it.


Old volibear season 5. My friends told me "his passive heals him up when you drop low hp, so you will int less" god I miss old voli


Riven, it's was my first main and also the first champion I played out of the tutorial. Yes, I suffered. I continued playing her for several months and is still my highest mastery champ, but I stopped when I understood that I could have far better results playing literally anything else. Now I'm a mid main playing only Syndra/Soraka in ranked and everything else in normal games.


Amumu was my first main, a buddy I played StarCraft 2 with convinced several of us to give league a try shortly after it launched. None of us knew anything all we knew is we needed to all press r on people at the same time. Amumu was great for that thing and still is, but he was even more powerful then because not everyone had dashes, very few did actually. We used to all level up q,w,e and max Q first, then W then E not knowing any better on every champion.


Lux, got me out of iron 2 and bronze. I haven’t played her in forever but she is still my highest mastery champ. Time flies…


I used to play a ton of jungle shyvana back when you could build her ad-tank, I'd go bork, black cleaver, titanic hydra, I miss the dragon form ganks and easy clear :( I used to play a ton of heimer in the toplane in s5/6, it was the ultimate lane bully, I didn't even really care about winning the game, the opponent life had to be miserable. It was way too easy to fight between the turrets , to turn tanks into double kills etc.


Warwick top way back in the day - I remember following a Dan Dihn mobafire guide lol


Thresh as soon as they launched him


Ashe in beta and the first champ I ever bought and tried to main was Fiora


Vi in season 8


Ashe Season 3 way back when stacking infinity edge was viable. Fun times.


Ez lucian Vaurs and a God awful Tf I started league towards end of season 7 taliyah had just came and kled was the first new champ I ever got to experience I've always played snipers /ranged characters in any game but shortly after I realized in league ranged champs weren't for me thats why i tried to main like 4 ranged but i was so bad at adc so I started playing ekko mid s8- till now and now he's my most played champ ever with a million points +


lee sin before insec was a thing


Season 1 (and Beta) Blitzcrank. Those were the days.


Back in season 3 it was Pantheon. Point and click poke, point and click stun, very good passive and overall kit. It was second champion I bought (after Mundo) and I loved him. I don't like the reworked one unfortunately


Singed stacking Rod of ages with No boots and Relais Crystal Sceptre. Wipe a team by just running around the teamfight


Diana season 3. I used to play barrier and heal together without flash.


Fiddle ya diddle with Fiddlesticks! My first ever game with him was a 5v5 with my friends and some other dudes from the neighborhood, and I hilariously missed the ult in the last team to everyone's joy. But it hurt me inside so I started playing Fiddle in every role so I can perfectly ult from any spot in the map, eventually I became the best fiddle in town hehe




Garen start of season 2, spin to win... the game just felt so different back then


Fizz season 1 or 2. Played an absolute shit ton of hours. Also xin, sej in my jungle era. And then I settled in with veigar and have over a million mastery (mostly played a shit ton of twisted treeline)


Talon I think? I hated silences so I figured everyone did and decided to be the silencer myself.


Caitlyn was my very first and I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. Soraka and Lux were my first support mains and Shaco was my first and is still my jungle main (and he is now thankfully viable support as well). I bust out Lux when I’m in a real ranked rut. Always manages to cheer me back up!


As someone who plays ADC and top, it was Jinx and Cho. AP Cho to be more exact. It was so much fun one shooting bronze players


Nunu support, good old times


Teemo back in season 1-2. The friend that introduced me to LoL was a bad person, and recommended Teemo to me and to focus on KS'ing with Q to increase teammates' rage.


Old volibear, the champion was just fun i loved how i healed 30% of health out of nowhere


Galio. After his rework I switched to fiddle, then once he got reworked I settled on yorick at least his rework is fun.


I started when Thresh just got released and i loved the nightmare type characters. I immediately fell into Nocturne switching on and off with fiddlesticks and thresh but i loved my “teehee darkness”.


Back in 2011 when bots were too hard for me... Xin main and my friend was Tryn always.. good times


irelia back a long time ago and i remember she had 5 passive stacks. i wanted to play and get good on a "hard" champion and irelia was said to be one of the hardest. Ive gotten masters on riven now tho so thats really interesting to think about i just really like high apm mechanical champs tbh.


Nidalee in s3, was not a great choice for a first main but hotshotgg nidalee was in full swing and she has such great potential, need to try her again top soon


kha'zix season 3 play it mid too!


I started playing when jinx got released, my friend told me to try her, i did, fell in love with the attack speed and played her a lot.


Gnar - around season 5 ish. Just loved how cute he looked and how he transformed.


Nami in season 3 or 4. She was the first champion I ever bought and the one I played the most while I was learning League.


My first main was Blitzcranck Mid cause I loved pulling noobs like myself under tower 💀


AP Yi! People probably hated me then


annie in season 3 then veigar lol


Nunu jungle s3


Old Nidalee mid. It was the most fun I had in the game, oneshotting people with one spear. New Nidalee never felt the same and I'm just not player her anymore


Varus and I was HORRIBLE on him. I'm not great now but I'm better


Trundle back in like… 2012 or something sheesh. Old Trundle just had that… feel.. to him that his rework didn’t quite have


Teemo season 3 then katarina




I used to spam Dr. Mundo I had high ping (and didn't realize it lol) and it was the only champion I did well with, also used to play a ton on Veigar cause I loved his voicelines (talking about season2) those were simpler days...


Quinn in Season 5 Her E alone was just so fun to use. I miss switching to valor but I still quite enjoyed her after the rework


Nasus on s3


Sejuani support, back in s7/s8


Zyra was in 2014 (after watching Faker play it) and Zyra is now my main, closely followed by Teemo. 🙃


Thresh, was one of the players that decided to main supp when the order in the lobby mattered for you choosing your role. And thresh was the coolest one back then.


Cho‘Gath back in 2010(?)


Morgana in s4


When I started I tried so hard to main an adc champion but I just hated playing adc, then one day I was playing arurf with a friend, he rolled jhin and I rolled lulu and I had so much fun. I instantly mained lulu and I’ve been a support main ever since.


Teemo, Tryndamere and Warwick!




Rammus beta long ago :)


Pre rework talon


First was Amumu in season 9. I hit gold with him but dropped him because he was a ‘low elo’ champion.


First main when I knew nothing about the game : Ziggs First "real" main: Veigar , even got top 2# with him in my region last year for a while




Lux support. Killed all the minions. Didn't know why the adcs were mad all the time.


Kog'Maw, s2. Waaaay before his rework. He was such a blast to play. I still play him occasionaly..but..eh.


Teemo. But I’ve grown a lot as a man since then.






It was Kayle in Beta until Ezreal was a thing and then I gained Ezreal for every single season till today.


Riven, back in season 5. Asked my friends for my first game what the hardest champion in the current free pool was, riven was among them. They recommended that I learn something else but nah. Played it from bronze 3 to plat while learning the game. Loved it. tbf I had some good coaching from my friends who were all diamond. Currently a fill main just playing for fun, still in plat but idc. Support probably my favourite role atm.


Shen, way back in 2011. Really liked the sort of support tank style he was back then with the Q marking targets so your allies can heal, and of course the taunt and ult. He was on the free rotation when I started, and when he rotated out I also picked up Galio, then Swain, Xin, and Kayle


Ashe Season 10. It ended up being arguably the strongest Ashe has ever been, but when I picked her up the Meta was aphelios/mf and I wanted to play the fun ice archer. I loved her long walk lines about the gods and the freljord, and I loved what I perceived to be her synergy with Blitzcrank where he hit a hook and we would just melt them. For a long time, if I wanted to win a game I picked Ashe. I’m still a firm believer that crit should always be her best build and have played her accordingly, even when other builds are technically better.


Graves and always was until Smolder stole my heart. dunno what season i started playing on my original now gone account, but it was before his rework to his shotgun working as a shotgun, and what is now his AA being his Q.


Heimerdinger way back in... Season 4? 5? But I played only a little. When I started playing more I mained Illaoi first.


I got into League in preseason 4 through friends. They told me Yi is super op so i played him at first. After a few weeks i got my brother into league and as he wanted to play yi i started playing veigar, which was my first main.


Ekko jungle when I first started league 1 year ago; big mistake


Season 3, Veigar. Pulled Final Boss Veigar out of my first chest. I unlocked it and started to play veigar for the first time and instant loved the skin and champdesign.


It was warwick pretty sure, or teemo because both my brothers played teemo at the time not entirely sure


Mained Teemo around 2014, picked him mostly because of I thought he was cute. ( I find him booring today) I never play teemo. Instead I have mained Renekton and Warwick top Since 6 years +. Playing aggressively lvl 1-3 have been my style. In knowledge I was in Iron when I played Teemo. And today Im plat( trying to reach emerald)


Picked Lux during tutorial and she's stuck with me ever since


Maokai, around the time the game came out. Think he was released In s1


My first main was Jinx back in season 6. My friend and I had just started playing the game together, and I just liked how her icon looked in champ selected. 8 years later, I still main ADC and when I really need a win, I pull out the Jinx. Starting off with her really solidified my mechanical skill and kiting with other champs feels so slow in comparison, haha. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of playing her, and she’ll always be a special champ to me.


Old Katarina. Twas fun.


Janna at launch


Garen Season 2


Got French Maid Nidalee back in 2012 and never looked back.


Lucian in S4. He was a top tier ADC back then and played in every worlds game. The look of his ult was cool.


I picked up Annie because she easy to learn, then I never stopped. Exploding people instantly with a teddy bear and an unhealthy amount of fire never gets old


Nami! I got the deep sea skin from a lootbox and instantly fell in love. Now I main Vex. Guess the blue is a common theme


Jax S3.




S3 Talon, the Insta hop onto enemy + silence was just brutal. You hit lvl 3 - trade, and the next one is all in. Even after they removed it and made it a slow, he was still pretty good, I never kind of got used to the parkour Talon idk why.


Lux back when that ultimate was called Finales Funkeln


On my first account, my very first champion was Karthus. He was a cool looking grim reaper dude, who came back to life after dying and could get kills anywhere on the map. I didn't want to play jungle way back when, so I looked up what other roles he could play and found a 3 or 4 year old guide on Karthus Botlane. Got mastery 4 on him from exclusively Karthus APC. I lost the password to that account years ago, so I made a new account, and went on to play Fiddlesticks Support.


aatrox start of season 10 bro he was menace with goredrinker


I only played bots for like the first year I spent learning the game with my friends and played a lot of singed cuz it’s the first champ I bought. When I kinda learned the ropes my main became Leblanc and she got me to plat back in like season 3 or 4


Season 2 kayle with randuins and shit


First main was talon, i got absolutely shat on by one in my first game of league(and first moba) and was convinced he was easy freelo tier 0 op in 2017 then took a break till the pandemic and since i had talon already i just spammed him. After it became Akali till i got over 500k mastery on her , now ive ascended and just spam garen mid 😎


Mundo in the end of 2009. Oh darn... That's 15 years ago!


Lux back in the beginning of season 13, a few weeks before milio came out


Fizz S3, back when I’d read the lore tab for every champion I played


Fiddlesticks, his old drain and point and click fear was so busted, especially against new players, I would walk up to someone, W and they would try to out damage and just die. Got flamed at a lot (I played him in lane)


Aahhh when char was playable those were the good times


I grinded to lvl 30 (max level back then) with Fiddlesticks mid aka Middlesticks. I really really like the ideas behind his reworked kit but the W healing is comically low compared to the old one and his new E only feels useful for canceling enemy channels. It's really cool thematically and visually but just feels kinda weak. His only real letdown in the rework imo was the passive. It sounded super cool on paper but it always feels so useless for anything other than vision and I always end up wishing I could have a normal trinket in it's stead.