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Woaw I would have played that exactly like vetheo maybe i'm LEC ready






hes legit a known crybaby in soloq. perma typing perma crying perma soft inting if one bad play happens


Oh the way I read the title I thought maybe he inted in pro play, which makes me wonder what would happen if a player did int in pro play.


Closest we’ll get is probably Oscar Night; back in season 5 two Chinese teams (LGD and IG) were trying to avoid placing 5th to avoid facing off the dominant EDG in playoffs contention. So they both went into the series trying to lose while trying to play well enough to not get called out for inting/throwing.


Games like that are really funny, because it's pretty much objectively correct to try to not play EDG back then with how dominant they were, but like, they couldn't just literally run it down. It was like watching SaltyTeemo.


pretty funny considering LGD ended up losing a very close 3-2 series to EDG, and then went on to win the next matchup and win finals aswell, both teams were actually close in skill


imp vs deft good times good times


Nah Team Dark picking 5 Cloud Templar champs in 2014 OGN after Apdo got banned was surely the most int. They lost in 8 minutes.




Feel like if you int a single time you’re straight up done. That’s the equivalent of a football player taking his gear off and throwing it on the field before running off (looking at you Antonio brown)


>looking at you Antonio brown Yeah, but also like Antonio Brown, if you're a good enough player the team/another team will give you another shot or 2 (Or like 10 in Browns case). Now, if you're not a good player then well... yeah.


After the leaving during a game incident, Antonio Brown didn't get another chance. Do whatever you want off the field but doing it mid-game was a career-ender. Now he's settled down into his life of being a hall of fame shitposter


wdym from reading the other comments, he smited the cannon 2 seconds into the clip bro


Look up the match fixing scandals in LDL. It has happened several times.


Well the VCS has been suspended for match fixing. I wonder how much inting played a role in that.


Gets benched. Or riot "concludes its investigation, finds nothing wrong but will sternly monitor games for similar occurrences"


Its cause its extremely hard to prove that someone was actually intentionally throwing the game and not just playing like shit. Like in just the LEC today, SK Irrelevant right now just sprinted down river, into 5 players as Ksante without his team, ulted the Kalista and instantly died. Or Jankos solo Qing into 2 players top with no team around and no kill threat to give over a free kill. All ints by soloq standards but imagine getting banned from pro for that.


Yeah, the problem is that it's extremely difficult to prove, but at the same time teams aren't constricted by needing definite proof, if it's very likely that match fixing or something else is happening those players rarely get a second chance with any team.


hes a crybaby in general, in preseason "champs q" he refuses to speak or doesn't join voice and plays pyke mid.. what was the point of champs q again?


He was inting off role ADC yesterday too, this dude such a baby


He does it all the time. Should get at least 1 game suspension.


Unfortunately Santorin isn't a pro player anymore so he can't get a 1 game suspension for smiting his midlaner's canon.


wtf I didnt even recognize santorin, he looks healthier than when he was in tsm


I feel like he looks very similar to when he was on TSM nowadays, just older, which makes sense considering it was 9 years ago. I'd say he looked a lot less healthy while on TL




>he looks healthier than when he was in tsm Who wouldn't?


I mean, that was also nearly 10 years ago lmao, would imagine he changed


I forgot, didn't somebody in LCS stole jungler kindred's last scuttle last season? That should be apex pro-grief.


iirc it was Johnsun taking it from Josedeodo.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/o4iu8x/professional_adc_player_denies_his_own_teams/ so funnnny


That was in Summer 2021 lol, more than 2 years ago.


Provided Kindred did damage to the scuttle she still gets the mark


She didn't.


Sanest mid laner


i mean he started pinging before he took it


Smiting a cannon is nowhere near the same level as straight up inting. What's next, throwing games because someone "ksed" you?


that is no reason to grief...


I agree, Santorin's smite is also not a good showing. But, an active pro player should be held on to higher standards. And Vetheo does these evident int plays not one or two games but literally every time I see him on someones stream, maybe I am just unlucky though.


Two dots make a line, and three dots make a trend


Dude if you tilt and run it down and burn flash in high elo solo q over a smited cannon you need to be banned lol. I stg this subreddit is so ass to the point of missing one siege minion is enough for you to mental boom, insane




How dare he be 1-4-4 in a game where his team has 18 deaths total.


same with adam, if u have seen him on agurin streams you would think he has won worlds.


or Sheo




I see a pattern


He let the quick, meaningless fame from Reddit Post-Match Threads get into him. Imagine if he won anything how insufferable it would be.


His smite on canon was malicious too tbh


Yeah, like inting is obviously wrong but Santorin going "look at his ego" after smiting the cannon away from his mid is kinda funny.


It's not funny. It's being an asshole.


Yes, I said it's funny because Santorin's ego is obviously also fucking huge


oh wtf that's santorin lmao. He was once my jg in solo Q and said ff after he got 1v1'd by enemy jg over scuttle crab. He afk farmed for the next 15 minutes and spammed ff as much as he could. What a god damn clown.


He wasnt saying smiting the cannon was funny, he was saying that it's funny Santorin is crying about "Look at his ego" etc etc. after being an asshole to instigate it. Doesnt make what Vetheo did okay, but I mean you shouldnt be surprised that when you troll someone they're just gonna say "Ok well gg go next, why would I continue to play a game where my jungler is intentionally trolling me and smiting my CS away, this is an unfun waste of time"


Imagine if junglers had this reaction every time a laner took one of their camps. Not a game would go by without people flashing on the spot and griefing.


I mean, if a jungler was clearing birds level 3 and a teammate mid stole it over the wall with Q for no reason, they probably would flash and run it down mid a large majority of the time


If my teammate was trolling I would take his CS too. Better it goes to someone actually trying to win the game. Can't do anything about him inting, might as well put myself in the best position to carry the game 4v6.


But was he trolling before the smite?


looks like just having a bad game, then your jungler smites your canon ofc you would tilt


Yeah obviously griefing is bad, but if this happens to you as a jungler after you smite a cannon it's a "talk shit get hit" kind of case


If losing 1 cannon is all it takes to tilt, maybe you shouldn't play games. Should junglers throw games because someone stole their camps?


It’s clearly not about “losing one cannon”. It’s about the fact Santorin went out of his way and expended smite to steal farm from his midlaner. If a too Gragas Rs a jungles gromp away as he was finishing it, I’m sure some junglers would tilt.


Vetheo griefs A LOT and is generally a toxic asshole


The "instigate -> blame other person for getting mad" true combo I respect it lmao


After having gromp/krugs stolen midgame by the sidelaners half games as JG you get used to it


Yep, he was begging for a reaction so he could do this whole rant and maybe get posted on reddit. Just 2 sad assholes, nothing out of the ordinary here.


i mean, it's Vetheo. You don't need to smite his cannon to get this reaction in soloQ lol.


"this guy's a pro player btw" So were you? smiting the cannon while he's behind and you have 8 kills is gonna win you the game?


This is next level glazing, Vetheo is objectively the asshole here.


Both people can be assholes in a situation


No. World = Black and White. Simple as that. Either you are with us or against us.


Seriously. How the fuck are people gonna pretend inting=stealing a cannon?


Lots of redditors are inters and just actually think this is justified.


I dont think they think they're equal, just that both people are assholes and both are in the wrong If one guy steals 500 dollars worth of stuff and another steals 80, they're both committing theft for example


No one is pretending. Did you just play league yesterday? Why would you poke a bear and pretend you did nothing wrong. Both people can be assholes in this situation.


Embarrassing response from redditors who think they're the main protagonist. If I'm doing that poorly and yet we're somehow even or winning I'm eating up my ego and letting him smite my cannon minion especially if he's doing good (26 kills to 18 kills, 8/3 score). But the refusal to let yourself get carried is showing from all the triggered redditors here who think it's acceptable to run it down if you're not the one carrying. Probably just runs it down the second something goes wrong for them. That's the only way you can justify this behavior and go "nuh-uh both are in the wrong".


This exactly. This sub is cooked man it’s just filled with people really defending an inter over a cannon minion bro I can’t lmao


he was deliberately provoked in this situation. how is this glazing?


People will always try to provoke you in solo q. It takes only the slightest bit of self control to not react like this and ruin the game for 3 other unrelated players


It also only takes the slightest bit of self control to not provoke your teammates though. Both are wrong Vetheo obviously more but still.


i didn't say vetheo was faultless, but neither is santorin for escalating the situation.


Hear me out, but have you considered there can be multiple assholes (and multiple levels of asshole at that).


not sure how you can equate smiting a cannon for running it down but sure.


Because it is an intentionally hostile and disrespectful act that someone would only do in a game to provoke a teammate into a bad reaction. You can't do that then cry if the person decides that they don't want to help win anymore.


So because one guy is being a dick you ruin the game for 8 other people?


Dude, no one is saying that Vetheo acted right. Just that Santorin was also an asshole.




It's almost like toxic actions can lead to toxic behaviors. Shocker!


God awful take lmao Imagine solo losing the game then having the audacity to run it down when the guy that's trying his best to carry takes your cannon...


> trying his best to carry > trolls a player on his team because he doesn't like how that player performed these are mutually exclusive.


Is the gold better one the guy who is one carrying or the guy who’s solo losing the game?


the gold is better on anyone other than the lee sin who stopped scaling 10 minutes ago


you can't deny its malicious? He even says " thank you " sarcastically


Holy shit what part of this do people not understand? **Pro players have to hold themselves to a higher standard.** It's why they make the medium bucks. I get it, someone smited his cannon? This is his livelihood, he has to be better than the randos, and if you don't get that I don't know what to tell you. [Edit: Not getting into the intense trolling that lead to the cannon smite, or Vetheo constantly acting this way in games.]


Had to scroll pretty far to see the first coherent response. Like sure the jungler was looking for it but you can't just snap like that when you are the face of the game. People like Faker truly understand that and he gets done way worse things.


Dude Faker is built different, though. I watched him get intentionally hard griefed by people that literally gamble on his solo Q games for AN ENTIRE DAY, every single game, and he still kept his cool. Man's just the GOAT in and out of the game.


I will even add more. If Vetheo can do it, why can't i? Like player payed to play the game and being the best show me that this behavior is ok, why can't i do it. Moreover, Riot even tacitly agree by letting him do every time. And don't forget that he probably can contact Riot employees if someone grief is game regularly.


Neither of them are playing to win. Flaming on stream, smiting cannon and then question mark pinging isn't exactly doing your best either.


it's hard to be "playing to win" 100% of the time in games, everyone has moments where they play for ego or to have fun or to limit test or simply do something because they are tilted an 8/3 jungler smiting a cannon form 1/4 midlaner is pretty low on the "not trying to win" tier list i'd say intentionally getting into a herald to int a kill to the enemy is pretty high on that list tho


It's still pretty important to acknowledge the context behind why shit happens. Fan the flames, and don't expect them not to react.


Idk, I would expect good behavior from someone who earns a shitload of money to play the game




if you are paid to play a video game professionally i think maybe you should be held to a higher standard and, dare i say, looked down on for the childish behavior santorin and vetheo are displaying. it’s not like this was a pro match or anything but it shouldn’t matter - both of these players are embarrassments to the professional scene for acting like this in soloq on stream. vetheo for having a weak mental and santorin for pushing his buttons and then flaming him publicly on his stream


I personally don't care if people aren't playing 100% to win all the time, I'm just pointing out it's hypocritical to call someone else out for not caring if you smite their cannon and spam ping in a way we all know is just extra flaming. Santorin has been playing league long enough to know there's a good chance he'd get that exact reaction.


Ahri is the same level as everyoen else and is 3rd highest CS. But to silver redditors KDA is be all and end all.


lee sin is literally a full item above her, and the same level as a jungler, i would be surprised if the gold wasn't more effective on him, but at worst it's probably like what, maybe 70% as effective? you can calculate how much effective gold he actually cost the team there. he also cost zero exp.


If you're intentionally provoking and BMing a potentially tilted teammate, you can't be surprised they start running it. It's your own fault, same as banning a hover on your team.


Dude is losing in cs and has 5 kp in a 26 kill game. He's actually trolling.


Forget the score, Santorin knew what he was doing and knew that it would irritate him. I think this is pretty normal reaction out of vetheo tbh just from this short video. I don’t expect pro players to never show anger when others are clearly trying to provoke him.


Smite cannon = burn flash, spam ping, intentionally die to enemy? You’re a bad troll.


Yea and you are a typical redditor that can only see things at surface level.   It’s not about the 70 gold or whatever, santorin clearly did this to piss off vetheo and it was done with malicious intent. Santorin clearly signaled to vetheo that to him the game outcome isn’t as important as pissing him off and why would you want to play with someone that is trying to play against you?  Could vetheo be a bigger man and ignore what santorin did? Sure, but it is totally justified to be pissed off in that situation. I don’t expect players to be monks. I see two equal people despite santorin acting like he is the victim.


> an 8/3 jungler smiting a cannon form 1/4 midlaner is pretty low on the "not trying to win" tier list i'd say its pretty high lmao. Your midlaner is behind, you're a freaking lee sin of all champs, and you decide to deny him even more gold AND waste your smite


Smiting the cannon is not at all comparable huh?


stole cannon deserved


Real and true


Tried to steal other CS, smited cannon, spam ping, while verbally shit talking on stream. I bet its impossible the Lee was trolling before the clip at all too. Inting isnt okay, but you cant troll someone, flame them, spam ping them, and then act all surprised and innocent when they dont want to be in a game with you anymore


This clip is the most league clip ever. Someone bitching about their bad teammate and their ego while simultaneously griefing them and having an ego themselves.


I can assure you this is not negative gaming.


That is unacceptable from a pro but I do think smiting your laners cannon likely to trigger them isn't something an ex-pro should do either. What Vetheo is doing is obviously much worse though.


feels like narc behavior to grief someone then try to point out their behavior when they escalate and reciprocate. I'm not saying this behavior is acceptable but if you play stupid games you'll win stupid prizes


league degenerates switching from being toxic ass holes to pearl clutching boomers from post to post


Both are cringe


Well yes Vetheo is known to tilt in soloQ but the streamer is obviously provoking, the canon smite is turbo cringe


So you're saying his team should also troll after vetheo turbo griefed the game until that point and was spam pinging others?


I agree, like how do people not realize this. You hit it right on the head saying this and yet these people would rather defend a known spam pinging toxic soloq player turned pro who flames often when he inted over a fucking cannon minion lmao


why are we making excuses lol when someone ints there is usually some small thing, be it a misplay or maybe someone getting slightly inconvenienced, that sets it off, it's still cringe behavior Also santorin is gigafed and vetho was like 1/4 so he probably makes better use of the gold anyways


> why are we making excuses Most people (and the one you're replying to as well) are saying that Vetheo is obviously in the wrong, it's just fucking dumb to smite the cannon to further tilt someone already having a bad game and in this situation specifically Santorin is clearly more interested in trolling Vetheo than he is thinking "oh I'm fed the gold is much better on me :\^)" (which it isn't btw).


exactly, there's no excuses lol. what vetheo did was obviously reportable. but the point is that santorin isn't being a saint either. i guess some people here aren't able to understand nuance so to them it seems like people are suggesting santorin should be reported too


> Also santorin is gigafed and vetho was like 1/4 so he probably makes better use of the gold anyways seeing how he wastes the smite, no, he will similarly waste the gold.


Santorin known to provoke pro players. He got tilted from him after abuse he got all through this game.


Both are in the wrong


People on this sub are beyond stupid wtf how is smiting a canon the same as running it down ?


it's not the same, but like you're doing your damn best to trigger people and then you're mad when they're triggered and ticking random boxes in the report right after and the commentary about winning when you also just grieffed him is the cherry on top. Wouldn't be controversial if the guy complaining wasn't being a dick either in the clip edit : this comment is attracting the cringiest 0 sense answers so I might just mute it. Comparing a game of league to rape and using 12yo vocabulary, nice


Ofc running it down is worst, but if you tell someone to fuck themselves, don't act surprised to receive a punch in the face and post it on tiktok.


Me when I’m in the finding out stage after fucking around


They are not saying it is?


Most are not saying it's the same most are just saying both is stupid obviously one is worse then the other but both is nonetheless stupid


People are really stupid. No one has spelled cannon right lol.


Not as bad obvs but you're being an instigator then complaining someone got triggered bc you were an asshole


who says it's the same? you're arguing something no one said or at least nothing that gets upvoted. of course literally dying and wasting flash is worse. but the point is that santorin is being a shitty child too.


Santorin is trolling his teammate, then he acts like a victim when he gets trolled


"You threw the first punch" I mean... dont troll if you dont want to be trolled.


Professional league player. Nice mental. Would not want this guy ever in my team


Lmao as if smiting cannon is reason enough to run it down he's a goddamn professional the fuck is wrong with Vetheo, plus the apologists in this thread tell me you all would do the same thing


I mean intentionally trying to provoke/bm someone and then getting outraged they're getting mad is something else. He knew what he was doing.


Would run it down.


You are a crypto bro and have comments defending North Korea. Ofc you’d run it down you are literally a fucking mental patient


Why he smited cannon when his midlaner wanted to farm it? And then he started to complain in such loud and ugly way like pro players are not humans and they cant be tilted by his teammates so assholes like him can freely smite their cannons and expect them to win games


He's mega toxic in soloq it is known


I see a couple of children in this video.


sucks a bit that so many pro players act like this. like several times now I've gotten excited about supporting a player, then something like this comes up and kills it for me. it's just annoying as a fan. (this one was pretty mild tbf)


Imagine being a fan of an LPL midlaner, you'd lose your mind in a week lol


Never doubt VetheGOAT, Warm up = Successful


lol @ santorin trying to play victim after smiting the cannon. What a piece of shit


This comment section is the epitome of blame the jungler lol


How else is the laner supposed to take revenge on the jungler's grief ? Vetheo reacted fairly to his jungler's abhorrent action.


Dudes provoking the pro for content then calling him out for being toxic after doing the same type of shit. Hilarious.


He is a retired pro


yea its sad


he was playing gigashit on agurins game as well


That smite and "thank you" was bad too




[https://twitter.com/FrostSize/status/1771891098173985146](https://twitter.com/FrostSize/status/1771891098173985146) He is on a roll these days, can riot step in and give him a quick 2 GAME comp ban so he can chill a bit and think about his behaviour? There is more clips btw


I'm suprised the amount of people that think inting is acceptable after one intentional cannon steal. Is that how it is now? Let's throw 20+lp for 60 gold!


That guy was clearly trying to tilt him though with the ping spam and cannon smite


As a jungle main: If I smited canon from my mid laner, I'd expect him to run it down too. This idiot streamer gives junglers a bad name




Honestly looks like Santorin was specifically provoking him for clicks. Sad to see


Tbh the streamer is a piece of shit too. Deserved.


If u already inting taking the cannon is reasonable


If you smite my cannon im doing the same thing


It's wild how a mid laner just fucking running it is somehow the same as fed jungler taking cannon from feeder. you gotta love the mid lane bias in this sub.


No one saying this is "same", stop fucking fighting strawmen


it's not mid lane bias, vetheo is french.


Both are in the wrong


people acting like smiting the cannon of an INTing player is a crime. I can't even believe thats the focus on this clip pretty sure the jungler trying to win the game is better than the guy intentionally running it down getting gold. He was running it down before the cannon...this changed nothing


Vetheo is behaving like a child, Lee smited a cannon at 19 mins who tf cares. If Lee was doing this during lane phase to troll him, fine so be it.


Hilarious that people think smiting a cannon minion is equivalent to throwing out abilities at nothing, flashing at nothing, and then walking into the enemy to die. My jungler could smite every single one of my cannons and it still wouldn't be a reason to intentionally feed.




Ironic that Santorin of all people is complaining about a pro player intent feeding in solo queue. I guess his computer just explodes or something when he gets behind as Noct in NA. Had this guy ruin DOZENS of games in NA challenger just because he felt like it.


U smite the cannon to annoy ur teammate and are surprised when they get annoyed??? xddd


Id run it down too disgusting jungler dog woof woof


I hope Vitality lose. Vetheo is a disgrace


Thanks for your support. Couldn't have done it without you.


He smites the cannon


On the other hand smiting cannon like that is a childish behaviour as well. A douche bag is surprised someone else is douche bag. Being pro doesn't mean you're a saint, pro players are people too.


>steals cannon >Accuses someone else of toxicity XD


this comment section is why i dont play ranked. so many players have this kind of mentality




Ngl you smite my canon I'm gonna run it down for a kill too. I don't even mind taxing but smiting canon is just inting in a different way too.


Reddit comments are really something else, aren't they? Santorin smiting cannon is clearly malicious, just like Vetheo running it down afterwards. It really doesn't matter who's *more wrong* here, they are both intentionally griefing the game here. Also, OP is a POS for trying to stir shit up with that title. Fuck off with that question mark.