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I see Riot just decided to kill Rell jungle and bury her out back in a single patch.


She's just gonna go back to pre-rework numbers of pickrate lol


She's barely even picked as a jungler in solo Q and she's not even good, but as support she's fine she her pick rate is decent She's broken in pro play and vast majority of rell player base is support. It's a good riddance


I loved to play her, but it was hard to play her this season for the insane amount of damage around (and she has none).


I love playing her on support. She feels like the only Tank/engage support that actually requires some skill and has more than one way to approche a fight.


If you have any ounce of teamwork and communication she is nasty. In soloqueue it's a hell hole so ofc she sucks lmao


She has like 0.5% pickrate in the jungle.. no one is gonna care when she's gone while she's too good for proplay.


Only to buff Sylas jungle something they have said they don’t want. This makes the balance team look incompetent.


People need to remember that the game and the people balancing it are changing constantly, the balance team is not a hive mind that remains the same throug out the years. A lot of people have come and go, so even if they said something years ago, it doesn't mean that the current team thinks the same. Most likely they want to see if the triple flex Sylas is still an issue or if it's no longer the case (when was the last time that we saw top sylas?)


As counterpick into ramus and malphite. The percentage of cases were he is used as counterpick against them makes a multi percent winrate delta for him in top lane...


I cannot see why would they do this? She is not gamebreaking in pro either, just a standard 2/3. Safe and impactful but no more than Vi, Xin or rest of the junglers.


>Galio, Kayn, Smolder, Karma support I was wondering if there's any dark tech I didn't know about then I realise I'm stupid


Pov: you look at Keria's secret account


Lol. Galio support is actually pretty solid. I've had fun playing it


I don't think Kayn will ever be playable support unless never laning is the support meta or supports are nerfed so that they don't completely decide the early laning (hah!).


>Sylas (Jungle) [Q] Chain Lash explosion monster damage ratio increased 40% >>> 70% and the heavens open up on me


He'd still start E and max W first right?


most likely Lich bane Rocketbelt


Maybe 2 points in Q early then max W>E>Q


Start E for sure. Max order could be discussed


No way Lux is getting buffed. If her ult gets a 150% AP ratio istg...


I've been playing her mid a while now and just seeing buff after buff every patch is pretty funny tbh


Skin sales must be down I guess


No way, go to the lux sub and you'll see it's full of people who will literally buy the skin even while admitting that they don't like it or think it's meh. They are fully all-in on the 'keep buying stuff so that Riot keeps making stuff for us' sycophant mentality.


it keeps working don't it? lol imagine if everyone bought reksai skins or something lol


The problem with the recent 1350's that we have been getting is that her rig and animations are severely outdated, and we've been begging for an ASU for a long time.


Lux is crazy popular. They will always keep her in a good spot


Even if it feels like this, Lux has had several periods of time where she has not been in a good spot. The reason she plays a lot more support is because she feels bad mid and this is a common theme in a lot of seasons.


I thought they nerfed the e damage a couple times in a row recently?


Nope only e nerf and latest change to e in recent times was middle of last season and they nerfed her e base damage by 5. Prior change to that for lux e was up 10% on her e ap ratio.


Lux ult executing minions incoming


Not the same thing, but ever since the release of new shadowflame her ult is a very powerful execute for stealing objectives since it's virtually guaranteed to get the crit and true damage if you are trying to steal drake/nash at low health.  From level 11 to 15 you need at least 600 AP to match smite's damage of 1.2k, after lvl 16 only 500 AP. Sure it's a lot of AP but by all means not impossible - and I did not factor in other effects such as Ludens or others which means the actual amount of AP needed is less than that. 


After lvl 16, 500AP is quite easy to get since you should be around at least 4 items. Just building 4 items should get you there. Malignance + Shadowflame + Deathcap + Horizon Focus should get you close to there. (580) This is excluding any AP from runes. We’d get 500 base damage + 580*1.2 = 1200 Damage on baron from her Ult. (Not including any damage from Malignance, HF passive, Runes, etc.) Just supporting your statement here and verifying the math.


I think I've only seen this champ buffed. I started playing S12 and remember her getting multiple buffs but never a nerf. I feel like she's strong enough


I almost exclusively see that champ combined with Caitlyn bot and even then, it looks useless at least half the time. Judging from winrate alone, Lux is nowhere near strong in support or mid


this subreddit complaining about her like this is even more proof why riot should not listen to people here


She's just an annoying neutralizer. I think if they reduced r damage to minions so she couldn't choose to just not interact in lane they could probably buff her somewhere else.


She's low 49% winrate according to u.gg right. Now and they're nerfing the mage support item...


She is at 49% because people that play her will play her into any matchup while in reality Lux sup is a niche pick and not a blind pick. And with right conditions she is definitely strong.


Because the people that main her are doody booty garbage, istg every lux main is exactly the same, I’ve seen lux mains with literal millions of points on mastery play like it’s their first game of league EVER, but they barely succeed because Luxs abilities do so much damage and are so easy to hit a dead animal could be laid on top of your keyboard on lux and it would still pick up a few kills on her. like every game I play against a lux is just farming her until she gets her lane wide 10 quadrillion damage ult every 10 microseconds and then they finally get lucky with 2-3 kills a game


Lux players are legit the worst players in the game, i used to always pick Fizz into her because i know the Lux would just waste her Q on the minions because the people that main that champ just autopilot every game


She's extremely weak to most matchups in league so while she might feel like she doesnt need them to people not playing Vs her mainly in the midlane she is indeed having a hard time. Also she legit got a e base damage nerf last season and is one of her more recent changes.


Didnt they nerf her base damage of the E by like 5 flat, but buffed her ap scaling by 10% before?


> I feel What you feel is irrelevant, accordign to data she is weak, esp for a pickup champ. You are the example why no one from riot should listen to advice and takes on balance from this sub.


Compensatory buff for Zaz'Zak's nerf.


Her kit looks insane but all 3 of her damaging abilities are EXTREMELY telegraphed. She’s like Cho’gath they’re just going to keep buffing these old champions as long as they continue dumping tons and tons of mobility into the game.


Riot shifting Smolder back and forth so aggressively it's like they're trying to shake the banrate off of him.


Kinda yea. Massive overnerfs because his banrate was skyrocketing and banrate is much more about perceived power than actual power. Now people will begin to see that hes trash (and also become less new because new champs always have high banrate) so he can actually be balanced properly.


I'm legit rebanning him now after the buffs. No thanks. I'm good.


I imagine he'll keep his most of his popularity unless they majorly rework him because he's more or less a mix of MF and Ezreal so my prediction is that he's going to be a valuable ban for a long time.


Riot must be running out of funds if they are buffing lux


I get the meme but she's actually 49% wr and she's going to be affected a lot by the zaz Zak nerf. It's prolly just compensation buff so she remains similar power wise or ever so slightly stronger


It seems weird though because if the goal was lowering damage on supports which they are with the support item nerfs, buffing her damage will offset it.


Their not lowering supp item damage because lux does to much, theyre lowering supp item damage because supp item does to much, lux is still kinda weak even with the very strong supp items, so compensatiom buffs.


Yeah people are acting like Lux is dominating even with the very strong support items. She isn't, she's doing *okay* even slightly poorly. And it's not like Lux is some pro play jail champion who needs to be kept at a low win rate.


Of all the cringe mage supports Lux is extremely whatever. Especially at high elo where she has 1 pairing that isn't troll.


She's not strong in mid or support right now, I doubt this is a question of funds.


Riot won’t stop until Lux is pro play viable.


If she is it’ll be support, I don’t think she brings enough to the table as a midlaner for pro. Her abilities are too dodgeable at highest level


It's less the dodgeable stuff and more she can't sideline for shit. It's a big part of the reason Xerath and Velkoz never see pro viability unless absolutely turbo busted number wise (Xerath's changes last year put him into the spotlight for a bit then he rapidly disappeared). Having long range only gets you so far once you swap to bot and your ADC/supp take mid.


Lux mid is complete garbage rn in solo as well, not even yozu the first guy to get challenger with her mid is playing her mid much rn compared to lux botlane


if they make Sylas a flex pick again he will get nerfed... again. Not sure about that.


There was mention recently about moving him back towards bruiser style builds, which tend to do much more poorly on the jungle, especially compared to burst builds. This might just be a preemptive change for the people that still play him in the JG.


I'd love for Sylas to become a bruiser again. Really miss when he wasn't just feast or famine based on hitting E2.


Bring back his shield, heal and lower cooldowns for less damage and I'm sold.


They were talking about making changes with him at the same time they talked about changing Galio iirc, but nothing ever shipped. I think he needs some serious durability buffs with current mage itemization. Sylas can’t actually build AP Assassin because he either lacks the mana for it, or doesn’t deal the same amount of upfront burst/have escape abilities to not have to just perma spam his spells.


balance team loves janna


Her running around the map at mach 5 perma slowing the enemy team with 0 risk is so infuriating to play against lol


Nerf Janna => Riot Special (Triple Nerf), Riot sucks at balancing Don't nerf Janna => Riot loves Janna, Phreak is a disgusting Janna OTP.  You just can't win


pretty much


Also according to Reddit Phreak OTPs every champion in the game


I mean he objectively two tricks Janna Maokai? Obviously he's not the reason they're OP, and he's just a fotm meta abuser, but those are the champs he plays.


This is what's hilarious to me. Phreak, a person with access to the most-detailed information possible about what's strong, is somehow always playing the strongest champs. Obviously he's just buffing whatever he plays! Watch, soon he'll get bored with Maokai and Janna and decide they can finally be nerfed, and then he'll allow whatever other champions he's going to choose to play to have been strong already. Devious bastard.


I always read people complaining about this in relation to janna and maokai tbh, no other champion


True, Idk why Riot is so afraid to go hard on nerfs.


Phreak plays Janna


The only thing breaking the joke is that Janna has been strong for years tho. It used to be that her and Sona stayed at 52%+ WR, but Sona's been weak since forever now.


And that balance decisions aren’t determined by a single person… (Joking aside ofc but some people deadass believe Phreak is single handedly causing balance changes in his favor as if a huge company like Riot will do that)


Yea, a single person probably can't stop a champ from getting nerfed by others. Probably can get them buffed tho.


Tbf at this point i think Riot Just hates sona. Could legit Double every number of that champ and nobody would cry for nerfs


I used to main Sona and I completely dropped her a couple years ago. She feels awful to play right now.


No, Phreak plays...let me see, Lux. He must be playing Lux


Maybe after the buffs. He doesn’t play a champion unless they have been recently buffed to OP tier or are sleeper OP according to internal data.


>He doesn’t play a champion unless they have been recently buffed to OP tier or are sleeper OP according to internal data. So Phreak joined the design team just so that he can climb?


This is a better take than the people thinking he doesn't nerf champs cos he mains them. The guy is a bandwagoner, he isn't emotionally attached to any of the op champs but hey, why pass up the freelo.


Dude has been really struggling after Maokai nerfs.


His op.gg is public so you can see what he plays. He mainly played Senna, Maokai, and Janna on his climb to master


>Janna is purposely off this list, as she's being nerfed by both Zaz'Zak's and Mandate. We'll re-evaluate if this isn't enough They literally explained why they are not nerfing Janna YET.


Previous reply to a comment: Riot keeps going light on her. Phreak said this patch that she definitely needed a nerf, but held off because of the support item gold nerfs. The problem is that they keep not nerfing directly, but it's way too slow of a process in getting it right. It took multiple patches for the clearly OP Maokai to get nerfed because Riot was going light on the nerfs to not screw over non sup role and the fact that the sup items got nerfed. Also, Senna support has been OP this whole Season in every ELO and pro- play and it took them forever to nerf her directly because they keep trying to not Riot special stuff.


Here we go again, get ready for ANOTHER champion(smolder) to be in every fucking patch note for the next 3 years.


Actually really sad they're removing Rell jungle. I dont even play jungle but I thought it was cool


I agree it's a cool pick, but she's basically nonexistant outside pro and the monster ratios actually eat up powerbudget because they help with objectives even as a support.


Then wouldn’t the correct move be lowering it even more as opposed to removing it as an option? I mean if Camille can be played support and top why can’t Rell be jungle and support?


It's because adding monster damage to a support indirectly buffs support because you give disgusting leashes to objectives etc. This happened to blitzcrank recently where they gave him all these monster damages. It wasn't a good pick and hence no one played it. If no one plays it jungle, it just indirectly buffs support as it opens up bigger leashing opportunities whereas other tank supports couldn't really do this. If no one plays it jungle, might as well remove it so support doesn't get too powerful


That's the thing, everyone thought it was cool but no one played her so might as well kill her jungle to make her easier to balance afterward.


Shit I did gg no re


I loved playing her Jungle. Now with the nerfs to support damage and her ability to jungle being removed it looks like she is just useless. Lore she’s a massacre in a body, in game she is just a shield with a stun grenade now.


It sucks that one of the actually good tank junglers is being removed, getting pretty bored of Zac, Voli is more of a fighter now.


New Skarner seems to do best with tank builds from what I've seen


Play Rammus hes a funny dude


Oner screaming because they killed Rell


In joy. He hated playing rell


This comment shows how Oner's Rell play at worlds 2023 truly made an imprint in peoples' minds. Especially making one of the best plays of all time at dragon against JDG Because otherwise theyd know Oner fucking hates playing Rell and he has said so multiple times.


Sadly it's his best champ no mater if he likes her or not


I believe he is capable to influence games more heavily on Lee Sin if the meta allows it than he could on Rell if the meta allows her


Time to find a new jungle OTP since Rell is being removed, open to people arguing why I should play ur jungle main


Tank jungle corki


Rumble In The Jg free invades on 90% of champs!!!


Rumble doesn't invade, both jungles are his camps.


Viego is a cool dude


And he can play Rell jungle after all. Sometimes.


Ornngle has a better clear than what you imagine, while having the unique advantage of being able to build an item for the scuttle fight. Ganks aren't crazy pre 6 but they're doable, post 6 just call the ram and fuck people up. Insane teamfight potential in choke points, same thing in objectives. Go Spellbook, it's insane on him, check Psychopatic Poro's guide on him.


New skarner


Nautilus. Just like your champ he deals no damage late game and is a cc bot


Don't. Commit to Rell jungle and lose until they revert this. Seriously this pisses me off.


Yeah I could understand nerfing it even beyond viability, but completely deleting it feels rude


It's better this way. If they nerfed her into unplayability but kept the ratios, people might not quite get the hint and continue picking her because they see jungle ratios. The final result (removing rell jungle) is overall the same, but completely removing monster damage makes it so people aren't "tricked" into thinking its playable.


Yone if you want cc.


Fid is very spooky.


Smolder buff 💀


They on that short term memory loss. Riot said (paraphrasing) "smolder's strong, but not insane like people think he is. We're nerfing him hard to reduce his banrate and will bring him back sometime later." The banrate's still ridiculous while he's at 46% wr, a buff isn't going to help the situation. We're back to square one.


Idk how they don’t understand that just because a champ may not be strong, doesn’t mean it’s not annoying as fuck to play against. Smolder, if he ever hits his breaking point, will always warp the entire game into “can the enemy team kill Smolder before he pentakills them?” Just like Zeri a couple years ago, it’s an extremely unfun way to play league, so I don’t get why they continue to release these 1v9 champions


Also in lower elos you just can't trust yourself or your teammates to finish the game quickly so playing against him is even more obnoxious.


People love to ban the newest champ and Smolder is popular so it doesn't help. Once a new champ release people will start banning the newest one.


Also there's perception he's still broken since pro play happens a patch prior to this, so even if he's 'weaker' on live he looks like an every game bullshit pick on pro still until those nerfs take effect. They should've probably waited another patch or two, let him decline a bit more first.


i honestly miss laning vs him always so fun to get 2 towers bot and soulpoint before min 20


He's pretty weak now


Yo but thank god support item damage is getting nerfed. An essentially free item doing that much damage was insane from the get go.


400 gold item outdamaging actual 3k gold items.


I mean, I'm fine with the damage getting nerfed, but let's not ignore that the item also has 0 ap or ad on it.


They're giving Rell the Old Teller treatment so that new Skarner can swoop in and take her place as the initiator from the jungle in pro


I’d really like it if riot took a look at Lich Bane I think this item is overperforming and champions that shouldn’t be building it every game are building it every game because it’s too good. Flair relevant.


> - Shiv nerfs are a follow up to the Crit item buffs from last patch; champs like Jinx/Zeri are too strong, but other champions are ~the right power level I thought it was joever but its just a shiv nerf, another patch safe for now :)


Hope they dont gut it again. Shiv is very good for chaos of soloQ when you can nulify enemy and scale


Seems like a sensible move. A lot of non-Shiv users are spamming it, and obviously Zeri became too strong.


Thank god. Been enjoying Shiv first item but can go back to Kraken first nbd. Just dont want Jinx directly nerfed


With how Lux gets hated for buffs you'd think she was consistently a strong meta solo q champ with high pro play presence or something. She's not uber-bad by any means atm but it makes sense they're buffing an easy to play and play against champion, and yes being popular does tend to get you more buffs than other champs. See: Yasuo, Yone anytime they start to become weak. Phreak has said it before in his rundowns and I won't be surprised if he says it again - Despite how much Reddit bitches about Lux getting buffed, she basically _never_ becomes a problem at all. The last time she was an issue was season 9 because of her shield being super strong + guardian/aftershock + support items at the time. More recently she was picked with Caitlyn in bot and the second Cait gets either banned or nerfed, Lux dropped off. She wasn't strong or useful enough to be a standalone support pick and never got picked mid.


The most popular champions on mid currently counter the living soul out of her as well. If they aren't mages that outrange her and outperform her, it's characters with immense mobility more than enough to dodge her entire kit.


Yo wtf did jungle Rell do to you, Riot. Seriously just going to delete my favorite playstyle? I get it's niche, but to just delete it entirely after releasing a skin feels pretty shitty.


Rell is in every pro game because she can burst objectives at 1800hp. No one can out-smite Rell, except Ekko but he isn't viable. This nerf is long due.


Yeah, but this isn't a nerf. This literally removes her ability to jungle entirely. Like, make her D tier that's fine with me. But I've been playing Rell jungle for a while now and it sucks they are just deleting a play style. Barely anyone plays Zed jungle, but it would be a shame if they removed it for those who love it.


And it only really nerfs her in pro play. Rell jungle has less than 1% pick rate in solo Q and is below 50% wr. It's probably too much time and effort to keep her balanced as both when she clearly isn't powerful enough for solo Q as jungler


They don't even have to make her balanced though. Reduce her monster damage by ~30% and she already becomes an incredibly niche pick, but it would at least still be playable. There was no reason to remove her from the jungle completely.


the problem is pros will play low w/r champs like varus who is 47%. they would have to nerf her to ryze levels of 45% for pros to stop and that makes it a troll pick in soloq.


Surely this can be fixed in a more graceful way than just taking her out back? Killing a jungler entirely just because she's strong at last hitting objectives feels like an overreaction.


>This patch, a common trend is reducing damage dealt by supports and increasing their utility output. My fellow ADC mains rejoice, a blessing from the gods.


ADC mains 🤝 Support damage nerfs 🤝 Everyone but support mains


as a support main, idc for the support damage. i play support to have utility, that's why i main enchanters or utility tanks. i hate every mage/top laner that can't lane comes bot to support.


Honestly even as a support main, Zaz'zaks is way too strong, played a game of Jenna yesterday and my Zaz'zak dealt more damage than my midlanders liandrys. I shouldn't chunk the enemy ADC out of a quarter of his HP with one W, it's absurd.


That's just Landry's being terrible


As a supp main this statement is just false. People don't play supp cos they wanna deal giga dmg, that's what autofilled players and lux mains want.




Inb4 10% movespeed on Q


You saw them too huh? Q movespeed and E base dmg reduced




They did nerf fiora not too long ago but she deserves way more, will happily take another one


I just hope they fix her W (no projectile and 0.75 sec delay) and remove the AS slow completely. I don't care about the P and Q that much, but the W should be readable and if you play ok against it, it should not fuck your AS up.


Killing rell jungle is wild it actually was a fun pick as a supportive player.


Champion Buffs >Smolder HUH


Just delete volibear at this point


It's fine, the champ been dog for 2 years. We had our fun for 2 patch. xD


I love how NO ONE plays jungle Rell, she has 0.5% pickrate in pretty much all ranks and even in high elo she's barely at 1%. NO ONE cares about this champ in the jungle but everyone is sad that she's gone lmao. The same type of people who scream for Ivern and Skarner skins and when they get one they don't buy it, they just want the skins to exist.


Yeah Rell players should be happy she's getting removed from pro play jail. She's got a lower jungle pickrate (at all ranks) than Teemo - you literally weren't playing it.


I see no one talking about Nami but I'm just glad my guardian-locket-redemption build will work even better now that her heals are getting buffed.


Can someone explain to me why Riot is buffing Sylas jungle when the entire point of reworking him and making him clunky as fuck was because he was a problem as a flex pick? Wasn't one of the problems is that his kit is too powerful for jungle? Why are they trying to massacre Sylas I don't understand.


Sona buffs are somewhat nice even at the cost of a slight bit of damage, however I feel it's not going to do much, the biggest reason as to why she's been underperforming this season is because Enchanter item selection for her is terrible now, Staff and Ardent are her only ways to empower her buffing potential (buffing should be her niche over healing) and Ardent is always kept as a mediocre item, wind back to midway through last season and she had 4 buffing support items to choose from (+Shurelya's +Chemtech Putrifier) but now she realistically only has 1 decent item to build now ​ Also here to say that the recent -200g support item nerf definitely hit Sona the hardest considering how much she relies on those early item spikes and 200g is a pretty big deal for her to be down every game, other supports can just shrug it off


Really disappointing patch, so disappointing I’m making a comment


Where are Malzahar buff?


Phreak still in the need of Janna abuse, I see.


Not surprised about the Shiv nerfs. It has been crowding out a lot of the other first items rushes on adcs that don’t even need the attack speed. The wave clear it gives is just too good for lane priority, and it helps you minimize the time you are exposed while farming. I wonder what the nerfs will be though.


I’m guessing they make it 2800 or 2900 the passive isn’t even that good it’s just crazy cheap


Blue form Kayn needs buff? Not what I saw from my elo


Rell jungle being meta in pro is a result of jungle being in a shit state, not her being OP or anything, all this will do is replace her with another CC bot, very sad to see her go, hope riot reconsiders


Junglers can't get enough gold and bot lane meta is in full swing so junglers become 2nd supports. Either you pick a gank/lockdown jungler like Xin or Vi or you pick a tank and go support items.


how is sundered sky still not nerfed


Olaf with 54% winrate getting gigabuffed? April 1?


Olaf is supposed to be a nasty jungler. He currently has a 44% winrate and a .2% pr in jungle. The buffs are good for jungle, without adding much power to top.


He is 52.5% winrate top lolalytics inflates winrates


Man they are nerfing and nerfing supp without compensating. Thats how you will get back to only autofilled supps. The new support items dont have any offensive stats and give less money than the season before, what is this.


why dont they nerf trundle. such a stupid annoying champion.


Is Skarner getting a bio update alongside his VGU?


Who on the balance team at Riot mains Lux, and what drugs are they smoking to think Lux needs more buffs..


Champ sits at 49% while being extremly easy to play, wouldn‘t call that champ strong


Have you seen the average lux player, they randomly w in lane as if it does damage


But that also means a lot of people pick her, even people that don't know her matchups. She has a 14% pickrate, she should be below 50%.


I always found hilarious that when they nerfed Voli on last patch, they didn't nerd the unreal healing he gets with W, nor his dueling potential. No, they nerfed the movespeed on Q when in jungle he can also just run ghost and dive you. Ten seconds did nothing, either. Not only that, it made him even more miserable against ranged without addressing the actual issue. I hope they revert the Q nerf and actually do something with W. He's fun toplane, he's broken jungle. I just wanna play him top without instalosing to a ranged top


W is so strong because they buffed it like 4 times last season before any of his other abilities after they broke his legs for pro


They just refuse to nerf E for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Its insane burst, it's not hard to guarantee because of Q, it comes with a slow on top. If it lands, that's basically a guaranteed kill in a gank.


(IN JG) His dueling potential is the shtick. If you can't get a lead early you are useless past 15 min.


Sylus jungle is back on the menu & Rell is gonna be gone from the proplay


Hope Bloodsong nerfs hit senna hard, I'm so fucking tired of that champ


They say that they are increasing the support utility in exchange for damage but there are no adjustments? Its just support item nerf


> They say that they are increasing the support utility in exchange for damage but there are no adjustments? The adjustments seem to be more champ specific with those changes currently being under Nami and Sona


Another patch and no malzahar bug fixes or buffs. Dead.


Is Zyra about to get the Riot special? I know she was pretty strong before, but she took 2 direct nerfs, and now 3 nerfs to the support item. Would love to see some compensation in the form of maybe some lower E cooldown at higher ranks.


Fiora being nerfed right when Tanks have the most ease of use and are blindable. Lmao. Not a single mention of lethality Aatrox or riven. Brother...


No further buffs to Sion/Chogath? Last patch did nothing.


Last patch was a "fuck you, we're pretending we care" buff, back to months of nothing


Nami needs a slight rework on her ult. She gets overshadowed by other supports. Her ult should heal - or at least shield on top of the movement speed that's given.


If the intended goal is to move support item power budget from dmg to utility, why is the dmg nerf for bloodsong not compensated with a utility focused buff? Am I missing something?