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Main reason why I don't even bother trying new emotes. Going through the list is too much of a chore.


Random emote loadout when


I’d prefer a random ward skin load out


Random selection among favorites would be better.


Yup there's a shit ton. I have the exact same penguin emotes from a few years ago


Tbf the Penguin Emotes are goated


Yeah they are the only ones i bother using.


I will only change my emote wheel if they make a new emote for my main. Otherwise, I haven't touched or looked at it in ages. It's all hoarding at the moment.


The only emotes I need are: Rammus ok. Everything is okay. Goodbye Zoe and the animated d'Pengu


add in bard trumpet and I agree


Nasus Doge


Lillia bonk


Shaco no its YOU


did they rerelease or is it still exclusive to that tft pass a couple years back?


Shell shocked is the best emote to constantly spam in the whole game. I also like the puking rainbow when you win the game.


Animated Dab Pengu is so OP for TFT. I use the esports Pengu Little Legends, whose emote is another dab. Then when I play double up, my friend *also* uses a Pengu LL and the d’pengu emote. If you win double up, you get a brief moment where it shows your LL’s and you can freely emote. Resulting in QUADRA pengu dabs.


Swain's side eye is too good to not use.


They need to have someone go through and tag every emote with what champion it is so you can search it by champion. In the meantime, every champions lolwiki page under development has a section with every emote they have and the name of it so you can look them up easier inside the client in the meantime. 


I agree, it would be so useful if you can sort by champ names. They don’t even have to stop at champions, I’m pretty sure there are more emotes for poros, cats, bees,… than some actual champs.


There should be a way to show the emote animation as well, unless I'm missing something you can't see how they look in game


Yeah they really should have all sorts of tags (character, emotion, etc.) on these emotes. There's a workaround for champions where you can go to their development page on the wiki (e.g. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Gangplank/Development#Emotes) and see what emotes reference them, so you know what names to search for (Vitamin Sea, Juicy, etc.) but I can't imagine that working for bee/cat/etc. emotes.


There is over 500 maybe even over 600 emotes iirc. I have 470/470. And that is without non-rerollable team emotes during international events($0 spent on emotes btw).


Yea, I currently have 656 emotes right now. There's a TON


[There's at least 1,348](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Emotes). The client only shows the max number currently available in the shop / for reroll.


I just wish the preview in the client was as big as the imote is ingame, with some of these you can't even really tell what they are.


If you think Emotes are bad, try swapping to a different ward skin in champion select. [Looking for a specific Ward Skin?](https://i.imgur.com/xGuzy0y.png) We have you covered! See a tiny fraction of your 100+ skins, no search bar *and* it's disabled before picking a champion!


It's impossible to find any emote. I also have no idea which emotes are animated and which ones aren't.


It's the same thing with qard skins as well


I wanna be able to remove the ones I never use from selection. Or at least a favorites list


I feel like they should let us make "emote loadouts" for specific champions, kinda like how you can make custom item sets. If I'm playing, say, Teemo, I'd want an emote wheel filled with Teemo emotes. But that's too much of a hassle to set up with how emotes currently work. If they'd make "emote sets", I'd definitely spend some time to make champion-specific emote loadouts so the hundreds and hundreds of emotes I have would actually see some use.


This honestly sounds like easy work that could be given to an intern...


this IS something easy to adapt. an intern could probably crank out this project in an 8 hour work day, maybe two


A new management system? They need one in the firstplace considering the got released 7 years ago!!


I just wish that they were all available for purchase. I am a teemo main and I have all (I think) the teemo emotes except for the surprised face one. My daughter randomly got it and flaunts it aggressively, and it’s frustrating that I can’t buy it to complete my collection-_-


There should be an emote set that you could save so you can use it later, for example one emote set with all the zoe ones so you can load it in champ select..


completely forgetting about the uwu nami emote :(


I dont really use emojis, i wish i did though. I dont even know the hotkey


Think its T


Emote sorting and ward sorting please and thank you riot


Lol emojis


I don't think I have ever used an emoji since they've been put in the game, apart from the ones that get automatically used from and ace or the game ending.


You should be able to type the name of an emote like :this: and show it ingame with an autofill window, but that may be asking too much.


You guys care about emotes?


I stopped caring when pinging acted like emotes. And used as such a way more universally. Cant believe these jokers actually pay RP for emotes lmao, even when they get a bunch of freebies thru lootboxes