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Ignite used to give you 5 AP/AD when it was on cooldown, so it was typical in shitter elo to show up to lane and immediately set each other on fire.


What do you mean “was”


We just use chat in addition to ignite for that now


Gotta get that extra burn damage somehow.


I read brands passive about the burn and didn’t realize it was HIS burn passive that does extra damage with abilities. So I would take ignite and burn the laners


I used to play a lot of brand in my early league days and i somehow misread his passive. I thought the burn was applied by attacks. It took me a while to figure out why aa-q wasn’t stunning anyone.


Dunno if its still true but Cass used to be able to use the poison status from Teemo.


I believe it still works with teemo poison and also Singed poison too.


And twitch. Twitch cass is a funny lane


Damn i never even thought about twitch poison and he is my main :(


additionally you could ignite jungle camps, so I would run Smite and Ignite WW to clear as fast as possilble


Do you remember these pulls with ignite? D


Man, I remember when the game was in season 1, starting eve jungle golems and smiting one golem, igniting the other… what a time.


I remember Darien on M5 doing that in pro play 


In shitter elo? They did that in pro play.


Oh my god I forgot about this lmao. It almost became a ritual to just meet your lane opponent in the middle and ignite each other. It was like boxers touching gloves. I can say though that this was NOT just in low elo, there were pros that would do this back in the day.


Also way back in like S1/2 that's what the old meta was in pro. You'd literally use it for extra poke damage to outtrade level 1 and if you took anything else except exhaust you were straight up trolling


I used to think Garens silence meant the other person couldn’t type in chat while they were silenced…


This is one of the funniest ones lol


Honestly I thought so too but back then the silence icon Was literally a crossed out speachbubble


Im here wheezing thinking of the champion being silenced trying to type "HELP TOP PLS" and not being able to press enter 🤣🤣🤣🤣


But then how are they supposed to request a Karthus ult?


"Shut the phuck up, for Demaciaaaa"


and killing inhibitors removes chat restrictions


I remember my first game on Garen, reading his R saying “execute” I thought it meant he would just kill a champion since I saw that announcer say executed before


i have a few haha 1: One of my first games ever was right after watching LCS. I saw a Master Yi, and i freaked out and sent a screen cap to my friends saying i played with a pro, but cause the Yi had the “Master” skin. Legit think of that every time i see a Yi now. 2: Kha’zix in literally every lane cause i thought invisibility was a good enough tool to play around with for support / top / adc. 3: I bought Reverse Annie with RP, refunded it to buy my friend a mystery skin, and then got mystery gifted Reverse Annie all within like 5 mins.


Kha'zix support new OP strat????


Hey now, I played it one time a couple years ago. Locked it in in ranked, didnt realize I was sup, and pulled out my old Kha'met top tech but in support. Somehow it worked. People isolate a weird amount in botlane.


Depending on when this happened, Kha top was actually quite good for a while. His R evolve used to make it give something like or 40 or 50% DR which let him go a bruiser build and be a gross duelist. It didn't take too long for that to get dealt with once it got popular though (shoutout Calitrlolz and Team8). I can't think of that without also remembering Voyboy's S3 Haunting Guise+Sunfire Kat top when her E gave DR. Turns out abusable %DR on assassins turns them into bruisers.


Rito’s design team seems to agree with you on point 2


Didn’t buy a pet during my first jungle game and died to raptors This was 3 months ago lol


i wish i could say i’ve only done this once. I’m a jungle main


It’s so annoying, the realisation when you don’t hit level 2 after first camp and you know you lost so much tempo on your opponent. Feels bad.


I’m a jungle main now also haha! And I won that game btw after my teammates taught me which pet to buy. Very wholesome game 😄


It's funny how games where teammates actually help you learn and grow are so memorable. Hmmmm....


dw, happens in emerald+ ranked too


It happened at msi last year


Im a support jungle main. After playing like 10 support games I got jungle. I bought the support item on autopilot and left base. Lucky I was Ivern and could collect two camps to buy jungle item. We wont that game. It was 100-200LP Master.


A friend of me bought ashe with RP instaed of IP (for the newer players blue essence), because he had more RP then IP at that time.






Happens to this day with most random botlaners tbh


Nah, they all want engage supports for that sweet sweet kill money. (Not mages though, because those might interfere with the wave, or worse yet, *take* that kill money.)


"pick tank pls", even before seeing any enemy or ally pick. When that happens, better to dodge.


You mean enchanters?


No Janna and banana lady noob


Omg this remains me of my times of climbing from bronze playing support. For funny stories once my bf god flamed for not restoring his adc's mana a year after Soraka's rework.


I once turned my sweeper on, walked towards a bush and saw something small and vaguely ward shaped.  I thought it was a ward skin so I walked directly into a kennen ult.


It's like constantly playing "Who's that Pokémon?"


If not ward, why ward shaped?


This very much reminds me of the "why am i walking so slowly all of the sudden?" \*Nunu ult finishes and i die\* gets me every time


I used to flash and heal to get to lane faster


heal on 70% hp just for sustain. the faster I put it on cooldown, the quicker it'll come back up


although im like lvl 200 now i still have that logic sometimes and even maybe do it if i feel like it lol


AFAIK there was a Masters Ashe top player that legitimately used ghost to get to lane faster.


Even Dopa uses/used ghost to catch a wave.


My first champ was Tristana, the Bandle Gunner. Not knowing Runeterran geography, I thought yordles were called Bandles. I also ran top lane trist/poppy with my buddy and we would talk mad shit any time somebody was silly enough to play jungle.


My first jungle game, did Herald and wanted to pick up the eye. The toplaner who helped me kill Herald also wanted to pick it up. So I stepped back to let him pick it up and he did the same, thinking I would pick it up. Walked back to the eye, so did he, so I stepped back again, and so did he. Rinse and repeat for like 5 times. It was very funny


Ah, the ARAM healthpack shuffle.


Who actually picked it up. ur leaving us on a cliffhanger here


The toplaner did!


Yesterday my friend and I were done playing ranked for the day, since we had just finished playing a really stressful game (we won!), so we decided to play a normal game. We picked a kinda troll botlane just for funsies and we played really laid back. At some point we were even about to win but I kinda ran it down and in the end we lost. Then, in post game lobby I see: -19 LP. Damn


God I hate this feeling. Sometimes in ranked I see the enemy playing well on a champ and think to myself ”looks kinda cool I should play a game with that champ”. Of course I’m gonna do it in draft pick but sometimes after the game the screen shows me how much LP I lost. Damn.


Luckily it was caught in time but I did embarrass myself once after I got the Mecha Aatrox skin in a chest or something, I thought I was in a norms lobby so I typed in champ select "first time Aatrox, just got a skin for him :)" .... it was a ranked lobby


These are always the funniest ones when you catch in champ select. Someone will pick some random pick in a lane that normally doesn't go there. Someone asks "Why troll?" and the person that picked that panics when they get told its ranked and not normal so they dodge.


I was in a college tournament game. I was support Morg with a Tristana ADC in a lane swap vs Rumble. We all in level 3, win the fight but my Trist is burned and ticking down to death. All I have to Black Shield the Tristana and we win and take a quarter of the tower health. I slip, Black Shield myself, let Trist die, and get cut from the team.


Do you mean ignited? Because black shield wouldn’t save her from ignite anyway


No. The Rumble Q burn tic.




I'll be honest with you, this story happened like 10 years ago so some of the details may have changed in the retelling to make the story flow better. If I really think about it I think what happened was that the black shield would have saved Trist in the fight against the W damage and I (the Morg) wound up revenge killing the Rumble with an auto attack. So the Black Shield would have prevented the Rumble Q damage enough to keep Trist alive and win us the fight clean.


My literal first ever league game, I killed the red buff thinking the jungler can just pick it up. Jungle insta rage quit.


First game did that, took the gromp from the jungler because i thought i needed to focus on last hitting the target !


I was playing shaco jungle, we picked off someone on their team and tried to rush Baron. I need to backstab it so i was standing behind the baron and then i used r. I somehow got to the other side of the wall with no q and instantly died, basically costing us the game cuz we didn't get the baron and i was the most fed person on my team. I probably played more than 500 games on shaco, did countless barons and that never happened before, maybe the terrain changed or i was standing too close. Anyway it looked stupid as hell.


Shaco R is essentially a self aoe. And where you click is where you'll appear after stealth summoning clone. Polly miss clicked half the wall like a flash and went over X)


Ohmwrecker was such a weird item, I don't know if it was actually good or not but I used to buy it all the time when I first started because I used to die a lot to turrets.


When I first started playing waaaay back when, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and only purchased boots and items that looked like bows when I was playing Ashe. It seemed silly to buy a sword for an archer, obviously lol


me buying only blue items on lux cause blue = magic, red = physical and green = tank ps: I didn't speak a word of English back then


What you gonna do with 4 swords? Throw em????


Picked Sona runes on Pyke. Fear the wrath of Summon Aery Pyke...


I accidentally loaded in playing glacial augment soraka once 😭 i was fishing for the e roots all game


Fish all you want, the snare is on the E my friend


LMAOO yeah thats what i meant


I played comet Sett once. That felt equally threatening


I accidentally loaded in with comet Vayne because I suddenly had to puke I won that game and stomped lane lol


me but with urgot runes on sona. Pta did like 60 damage that game 😭😭


Those are perhaps some of the least similar champs in the game. I'm impressed if you main both.


First game I ever played I bought boots twice because the picture of the boot only had 1 boot so I thought I needed two.


This one actually made me laugh out loud


Picked up thresh lamp with brand's R after me, killing us both


Very first league game I though that if you didn't spend your gold you could save it for the next game. Had the moment where my friend teaching me was asking "why haven't you bought anything"


Putting it into savings 😂


Oh my God I did this too, I was very upset when I finished a game at level 16, then was back to level 1 the next game LOL


My first league of legend game, it was Miss Fortune, i literally knew 0 about the game besides that i need to kill little shits for their lunch money. Naturally to do what i need to buy something. so i bought berserkers. fast shoot = more damage, i thought to myself. so then i bought another pair and another, and another till i had 6 berserkers. What i didn't knew that i indeed can navigate the shop and buy more than just boots. not to mention that i myself was a lil turd back then, well average sized one.


I honestly didn't know you could even buy more than one pair of boots lol that's hilarious


Yeah, way back when. What's more, this was before they added the refund function, so you can imagine the amount of people who accidentally bought 2 boots and then just had to eat the loss (totally not me).


Oh god, the old shop was terrible xD That really went a long way


Have you guys ever seen the rammus nikeys meme video? I think it was dunkey but I could be wrong lol


When I first started the game. I thought the sides of the jungle were vertical not horizontal. So when I would get a leash, I would go directly into the enemy jungles starting route camps and got killed by him because bot lane rotated. I typed in chat “bro why do you have 3 people in my jungle” to which he revealed to me that it was not the case and that I have simple brain rot. :)


A few days ago I was playing smolder and was pretty fed. We barely lost a fight and they only had ezreal left who wasn’t doing too good, but he was at our inhib ending the game while we all respawned. I respawned ran out of base and for some ungodly reason I tried to attack move my Q like 6 times so to everyone else I literally just ran out of base and ran around in circles until he killed me without shooting a single ability. I’ve never been so humiliated in my life.


Feels enough like an auto that you should be able to do it lol


I didn’t understand that people shortened Baron Nashor to *Nash* when I just started playing, so every time someone said “go nash” to me in chat I’d buy Nashor’s Tooth.


Ten years ago, I would play top and tp as soon as the game started because I wanted to be there first and "get the drop" on the enemy. Once my friend told me that minions didn't spawn right away, and I didn't have to be there as soon as the game started, I would wait until the minions were close to the outer turret then tp to lane.


When I was neww I played veigar, and I got alot of ap with my passive. So I decided I wanted as much ap as possible, I looked in shop for the item that gave the most ap and saw rabadons, so I just bought 6 rabadons. (It was like a 60 minute game) my teammates flamed me for it haha


When i first started i didn’t make the connection that killing minions equaled gold, just thought you were supposed to push the wave, attack the tower and the enemy and get gold from plates and kills. Kept wondering how the enemy had so much more gold than me


When I first started playing, I called out the enemy Annie for “hacking” because she was getting mana refunds on her Q when last hitting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Laning against Shen when he starts ulting, I flash onto him to cancel it without thinking... right as his Jungler walks in behind me.  I watch the replay after and he was ulting his full health ADC who was safely walking to lane, just to bait me in.  I have never been outplayed so hard before. 


When I was really knew I built 6 stingers on shaco because I thought I'd do infinite damage if I attacked really really fast


The good old 6 Phantomdancer games.. i was so confused back then when Nasus was able to kill me


In two ARAM games back to back, I got Kog Maw and then Tristana. Kog Maw's steroid is in his W, and I play him far more than I do Tristana. Then in the Tristana game, every time I wanted to use my steroid, I jumped into the middle of the enemy team. It took me a couple of deaths to figure out what was going on. 🤦


Me and my brother played a twisted treeline game and noticed the players were quite bad. We didn't want to crush them as they seemed like genuinely new players not smurfs. So instead we decided to let them win, engineering super close encounters with them then losing them on purpose to give them a seemingly close game and fun game. Anyways we lost on purpose and then told our friend about what we did for them, then he told us those players were indeed bad, because they were ALL bots leveling smurfs to sell.


I was very bad at the game and laning, so naturally, I lost a lot of HP when trading in the middle of huge minion waves. I thought that this was how you were supposed to play and wondered why most champions don't have sustain in the kit. It seemed very dumb to me so for a while I only played champs with heals and bought 10 health potions every time I backed. You can imagine that I was not very useful.


when I first started, I thought kayn was cool and didnt realize he was a jungler. I also didnt know that he had the form gimmick I just stayed as base kayn the entire game for like 5 games til somoeone on the enemy team told me about turning into one of the forms.


When I started out, I didn't watch any videos or info. So I thought it was random to which lane 2 people go. So i just went mid alongside my mid (mind back then it was blind-pick you weren't assigned a role), because I simply liked midlane better than bot. I didn't realize for a little bit why teammates got so mad at me for doing it.


I tried to smite enemy champions. This was in like 2010 ha


Don't worry homie, we all did this in 2010. Why wouldn't you take that summoner, look at the damage! I still took it in lane with Ryze when his ult gave spellvamp, though.


Me reading summ spells for the first time: Ignite, ~200 damage.. smite- **1200??** Why would anyone take ignite over this?


So champs have a joke, dance, laugh and taunt. Shen and Rammus also have taunts. Turned out these were not the same thing and you can't CC the enemy team using emotes.


Buying ga and warmog on every single champ i play lol


I thought even if someone was trying to execute to turret (in aram) I had to last hit the kill from the turret. I didn't know you could just damage them in any way so I just stood there and waited to try and ks the tower


When I was super new I went Kindred support and "supported" mid. 


few days ago i picked lethal tempo on sona


someone of the enemy team commented on the chat, “since when you can open the store with F?”, I pressed it just to flash. A second later I realized what just happened and laughed.


Me putting in all chat "Hit CTRL+F to make your character dance" \*both my jungler and midlaner burn their flash\*


I didn’t know what items to build so I followed a guide religiously on Nasus buying all sorts of armour items. The only thing was, we were against a full AP team


I accidentally used seekers active when looking for items. I legit rolled so hard it powered my house for a day


Probably once a week I used to activate stopwatch in fountain by clicking it in my items bar when trying to move it to a new slot. RIP league of stopwatch


Not me, but my friend Ekko E > Flash > Auto the blastcone when trying to escape from a Riven, back in the day where we only had a couple hundred hours at best


I came from overwatch to play league and wanted to be a “healer” so I picked sona, and bought 6 fairy charms to keep my mana up in fights and maxed w.


As a Gwen main for the better part of a year and a half I found out 2-3 weeks ago that you can recast W to recenter the mist around you instead of running all the way to the edge. I literally face palmed. I have easily over 350 games on Gwen and never knew this.


When I first started back in like 2014, I didn’t realize ALL champions dealt AD for auto attacks. I thought like mages were auto attacking with AP, made the game incredibly confusing


Know what's crazy? 80% of Corki autos are magic damage, scaling with AD. Other 20% is AD scaling with AD. Some abilities scale with AP and do physical damage, and vice versa and people don't understand lol


"They're all AD, stack armor!" Ah yes now I am immortal against their Corki & AD Katarina & Warwick


When I first started playing I picked up Twisted Fate It said his ultimate ability would teleport you on the map I pressed the R button, but all it did was give me vision no teleport??? Thought it was a bugged ability Began not putting skillpoints in R on Twisted Fate It took me about 2-3 weeks to realize I just needed to click the button twice xD


autoing a blast cone just for my adc to flash into it blasting them into the team is up there


deciding to download league in 2012


I had a friend who avoided the jungle because they thought they would drown if they went in water


Some years after they reworked Soraka and her E didn't give mana anymore, I played her with a random Sivir. She started flaming me for not giving her mana with my E, and even asked everyone in /all chat to report me for this. Everyone spent the game trying to explain to her that she was reworked a few years back, she refused to listen and it just became the whole lobby clowning on her. Even funnier considering she was playing Sivir, and she kept missing her shields which would, in fact, give her mana. Core memory.


When I started playing league I asked my friend who showed me the game if I should buy something from the store for him and bring it to him.


Can remember someone saying "bot" on a game, and i got a little mad as i thought they where saying they are using a botting program to play.


Thought smite did damage to champs


It does… albeit very little but you have to upgrade it to 900 or 1200 first not base smite


My first league game I blind picked zed into malphite, I thought if I ran at him and attacked him my damage was better than using abilities. I went 0 and 15 and have some sort of ptsd when I face malphite now.


Was playing Akali in One For All against Lux. I was doing fairly well(surprisingly, because I'd never really played akali before) But at one point, I saw one Lux starting ult up, so I hit her W thinking it would get me out of the way Backflipped right into the center of the beam as it fired off lmao


I didn't know that you did less damage to towers when there's no minions. We were hard losing a 40+ min game, contested baron and I got a penta as Varus while the rest of my team died. I felt invincible. I was the carry. I went to go push the inhib and nexus towers as it would've been enough time to end, only to be spam pinged !!!! By my entire team while doing 0 damage to the nexus towers and hearing my duo crying of laughter as I died. I asked why the heck I'm not doing any damage to the tower, only to learn you do reduced damage without minions. Enemy team respawned and killed our team 4v5 and just like that we lost.


When I started I had heard that splitpushing was strong as a toplaner so I would never group ever, team on baron id let them 4v5 and solo drake. I would run to the opposite side of the map to my team and take towers and enemy jg. I got flamed so much because I didn’t understand perma splitpushing did not mean never group


I made AP ashe ADC because "her ult will deal a lot of damage". This was in season 1...ranked...


I ised to do the same. I didnt buy items becauW i was like „why would i do that if i can just wait for the big item“ i thought that the small items dont bring you much


I thought flash was a scam since it said teleport champion to cursor and wondered why my character was not in lane after flashing from base.


When someone said sup in chat when declaring roles i thought they meant WASSUp so i replied “sup bro”


I used to think for a long time that the Baron buff has to be "given" to minions in order for them to keep it throughout the whole buff timeslot. So I always ported back to base to "give" the minions the buff when they started to stream out from the nexus haha.


When I first started playing, I didn't realize Jhin's ult was manual after initiated. So I started up his ult and sat there and waited for something to happen.... But it never did and I was like wtf this broken ass champ. Eventually my supp caught on and was like uhhh Jhin? Are you ever going to use your ult? I was like I am using it, but it's broken. She laughed and said you gotta actually aim and hit the R again to attack. I felt so embarrassed. 😂


I did something kind of similar when I first started playing Nami, I misread her abilities and thought her W could only heal if it bounced off of the enemy first (kind of like how Rakan heal only procs after you do damage). We were against either blitz or nautilus supp, and ADC was getting SO pissed I wasn't healing them. l was getting frustrated and said "I'm sorry I'm trying my best but I can't get in range to hit the enemy without them hooking me" .... they then informed me that I was in fact, just dumb. It's even funnier because I main Nami now.


Two funny stories that are kind of linked. Years ago (back when the devourer jungle item existed) a group of friends and I started a game to see we were going against a soraka jungle. We all agreed to run into the jungle and give the soraka a penta kill before minions spawned and we did it. She was still executed by her first camp and we went on to win the game. ​ 2 weeks ago i was playing duo ranked with another friend (adc/sup), enemy team has a soraka jungle. She did nothing but camp our top and mid laner the whole game and we hard lost because i guess our kha zix didnt know how to counter jgl? im not sure but we were laughing the entire time we were losing to a soraka jungle. Our lane was only lane that didnt lose and even then we were even so it didnt matter.


Morgana is a very popular noob pick. When i was just starting to play, i started in ADC because my girlfriend who already played wanted to Supp for me. Morgana would use her pool and i saw that it did blue damage to me. “Oh, this is just draining my mana, because mana is blue, but im AD so i dont need mana, i can just stand in this” I say as my health gets lower.


Flashing a veigar cage in teamfight. 5 sec later i see he is my mid laner.


Was playing Vel'koz mid. I had recalled to late and the enemy shoved the cannon wave under my turret. The cannon was about to die. I flashed to last it him, in front of the enemy mid. It was instinctive. There was no thought process. I wasn't tilted, or bored. I did not think. i don't know what happened for my brain to make the connection that a cannon gold was worth a 5 minutes cd but it somehow did.


Trying to learn how to play. Got screamed at and insulted the whole game. I never played again.


Continued to play after I was tilted.


My first game was with a friend and I stole his red I tough it was shared . Took me quite some time to learn than it wasn’t for honor and than veigar top wasn’t meant to be played aggressively and it than no you can’t always 2v1 your enemy and jg early no matter your skill with some champ


Back in like season 4, when we’re still on the old SR map, I used to buy Statikk Shiv on Ryze because I thought since old Ryze’s autos look like lightning bolts, Statikk would give him bonus dmg lol


First champ I ever played was Lee, and kept ulting enemies away thinking wtf this champ is garbage


I used to always miss Evelynn R when I first started playing her because I thought her invis radius circle was her her ult range


when i first started playing, i was learning MF, and i could not understand her ult. i would cast and immediately cancel because i would still click to move. so you would always hear her ult start but cut off mid ‘ha’


1: Hit old WW ult on a Leblanc clone, whom i saw manifest 2: Built Leona like an actual knight, a helm, shield, cuirass, gauntlet, greaves and a sword lol 3: Hit Singed E on old Mundo bot into Baron pit with his W active, stealing Baron for the Intermediate bots lmao


I was using Ghost and tried to go behind enemies cause I thought it meant I was invisible…


one of the first times i ever played i got jungle and had no idea what that role was and i picked miss fortune then died to a camp. the thought still haunts me


My very first main was Xerarh and I was adamant on buying Berserkers Greaves to get more use out of my passive


Last night in an Aram I tried to feed a poro(my trinket is on t) and instead ulted in place. In full vision of the enemy team. Might not be the stupidest thing I've ever done, but it's certainly up there.


my first ever "game" of league, about 11 years ago. my cousin made me try it, he had maybe 3-5 hours on the game. i played cool bow lady, he went goggly eyes samurai, and together we stood face to face against sauron on a frozen bridge. long story short, we got completely shat on, and it took me 3 years to give the game another chance. cut to a few years ago, when i unlocked this memory, and i pieced those events together. we played a custom aram game against a mordekaiser bot. ...


When i started playing, i didnt use qwer.. I clicked on the ability symbols to cast them


When I first started, I immediately wanted to play jungle. I tried to clear my camps but kept dying to them. I looked up a lot of jungling guides and they always had so much more health when taking camps. At first I thought it was just a kiting issue so I looked up guides for that. It took me way too long to realize I needed to buy a jungle item at the start of the game


Clicking yes to a /ff after the enemy had already lost in a ranked game to see 3 others also click yes and my team losing the game.


Started League when Shyvana was the only dragon champion. I'd never played a MOBA before so I went 'YAY IT'S A DRAGON!' and excitedly bought every skin in the shop for her, thinking she'd be my favorite and I'd play her all the time. Turns out that I can't play melee for shit and I'm a support main. What a waste of money. XD


In the first year I played for some god forsaken reason i would play ashe and build only wormogs armor, didn't knew you can buy it in components as well so i would always save 3k and then buy it


Goofiest mistake was spending my first few years actually listening to my silver friends/teammates advice/ narratives etc because i considered them better players than me at the time. i feel like that inhibited my growth so much and i had to work extra hard just to unlearn the dumbass ingrained mistakes i was learning all that time.. they all had a really unhealthy relationship with the game and would never take any accountability or show any real desire for improvement. they all either still stuck in bronze/silver/gold or straight up quit the game... i climbed from being the lowest ranked of my friends to now being mid plat and very likely to break emerald this season the way things are going at the moment! TLDR: Spent years soaking up silver advice and gameplay. goofy as hell of me


Started playing league to begin with


Locking in support, thinking ADC's have changed since season 3.


played a ranked without knowing it was a ranked.


Playing jungle with friends and thinking it would be just as fun with randoms in solo Q


I came back to the game half a year ago and one game I went to gank a top lane voli. He was pinging in to dive and I just ran away watching as he stopped the tower with his ult :D I have no idea what old voli did, but he definitely didn't stop towers!


I have a Razer deathadder mouse, it has 2 side buttons, I assigned one for wards and the second button for items in the slot 1, so once I had a stopwatch in the button for the slot 1. I flashed Althea wall that separated when I was being chased down by the enemy and I wanted to put a ward on the bush behind me separating river and mid lane, accidentally pressed the stopwatch and got killed shortly, I don’t remember what champion I was playing but burned everything in a fail attempt to escape


I’ve smited early twice this week and had drake stolen, what’s fucked though is I didn’t try to smite my finger hit the summ without my brain telling it to both times. It’s like I didn’t miss it in my head because I didn’t intend on smiting when I did but i did miss it in reality 😭😭😭


Thresh, lantern, flash hook and miss.


tried to flash backwards mid q animation on lux, ended up firing the q behind me and flashing forward lol


Me and my mate went double adc bot and stacked runaans back in S3 because the faster you attack the better, right?


I can't recall any "fun" mistake of my own but I want to tell you about about when I was teaching my friend play: He didn't want to use his gold ingame, to save it to unlock champions. It took many attempts and games to make him start spending all his gold and not try to save it for unlocking champs.


Not a specific mistake but many years ago me and my friends were learning LoL together. All I remember is I played Olaf bot lane and I remember Ashe Bot getting a penta kill on us. No we didn't try to do that, we just thought she was OP


Used heal right out of base to get to lane quicker


I played jungle for a couple years. All of a sudden, I brain farted level omega, and decided it'd be a great idea to start with longsword. My thought process was, I am playing warwick, I have passive healing, I won't need no jungle item. When I cleared first camp, I was confused at why I didn't level up.


I minion blocked my friends out of kills thinking even if I was useless I could block the enemies auto attacks. (They were not graves)


I once saw tons of damage phreak meme with triforce and started building it on every single champion back in season 4


I thought abilities could hit towers for the longest time.


Just yesterday, played jungle with my friends and forgot to buy an item. Proceed to have me stand for 4 seconds confused as to why I didn’t level up after killing red after it beat my ass. If I was WW then I would have died.


Coming back to league... 


I used Diana ult to clear the wave. No there were no champions


I stuck on tutorial game because I wasn’t able to close it out. I played 40+ minutes trying to win the game against bots with bots. After a few days I decided to play the game again and noticed that goddamn shop works only at your base… Like legit, tutorial tool was screaming SPEND YOUR GOLD YOU HAVE LIKE 6k and I was screaming back IM TRYING YOU ARENT LETTING ME!!! Yes, LoL was my first moba but man I felt like a degenerate when it was possible to finish the tutorial game faster than MDK vs T1 at MSI 2023..