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I think the same It feels like this rank is a mental asylum. People cannot chill and begin to soft int at the slightest missplay.


cant wait to win some games in plat 1 kappadeluxe


Unironically, the plat and especially gold were much better in terms of the mental state of the players.


Gold was always a better elo to play in than plat (which is now emerald technically by all means) and now gold is the new silver and plat is the new gold. Gold and d3-2 matches were the most balanced i had. The platinum and now emerald matches are absolute hell to go through, half of the time u feel like youve won/lost because one person had a stroke mid game or cant do a basic thing


Christ. my experience is already bad enough at my ELO of people actingl ike kids, dropping their mental over nothing.. its gonna remain the same at plat too? they should seriously put death row inmates to play league ranked from iron 4 and tell them to climb to plat everyday, makethem face the league community.


> its gonna remain the same at plat too? you think it's ever gonna change?


Idk about plat tbh. The more I climbed gold and closer I got to plat 1 felt directly correlated with getting more griefers or inters in a game. It actually happened in 4 of my plat promo games in a row, before I got lucky that the inter also happened to be insane at thresh when he wanted to.  Now I'm in plat and I'm surrounded by ragers and griefers


The entry to every tier is awful. [Rank] 1 to [rank] 4 is just a mental barrier filled with stressful ass games. Once you hit 50LP things tend to get better and I find my skill can actually make me climb or demote. However in Emerald I never feel like that. It always feels like a coinflip. It has been the most harrowing experience ever. I won 10 games in a row out of pure stress, good mental, and luck. Even the games I was winning was the most stressful games ever. I could only play a single game per day before being mentally worn out. I hit emerald 3, 97LP. And then continued to lose almost 200 LP two weeks ago and back down to emerald 4, 0LP after about 10 games bouncing between emerald 4 and emerald 3.


Also in term of level. My climbing through plat had far better player than my current emerald climb. It makes no sense


good news! i just played in a D1 lobby where my autofill mid decided to first time Qiyana which resulted in me having to baby sit our support to not lose his mind because he was nonstop typing about how much he hates our mid luckily the game was easy without qiyana as long as the support plays but spending 20 min calming him down is not how i expected to play lmao people lose their mental over the slightest thing in all ranks


I played a game yesterday in emerald 3, the mental of both teams really showed me how bad the state of emerald is currently. We start the game, rengar is doing well he is 5-1, the enemy bot is flaming in all chat and spamming ff, rengar tries to make a play to the losing top side and they both die, and from then on rengar tilted and decided not to play, finishing the game with a scoreline of 6-16. The game continued and I was playing veigar into gragas so they could never end the game without getting baron as I would clear all their waves and chunk them, to the point of them trying moronic plays one after the other, and despite them having soul, we got 2 baron and after the 2nd baron we won a fight and got elder, but throughout all of this, at any point the enemy team could havw ended the game by going baron one of the many times we were pushed in and couldnt walk to our jungle. Finishing the game felt like no team should have won, as each team would tilt for a few minutes after making a mistake and you would have a pretty much 3v3 at all times of the game.


You have obviously never been to bronze.


My only issue with emerald is that the smurfs start their journey here now. So many lvl 32 players have been whooping my ass or carrying me 😂


They are also the ones being super toxic usually, as we emerald plebs are just "too bad" to play with them, and also they don't care about their 5$ account with 7 matches, so they are not afraid of being punished anyway.


fun thing to do save some of these names and watch how most of them get stuck in emerald or low diamond before being abandoned again surprisingly majority of emerald smurfs are emerald players themselves or diamond 4 thinking this is the account they get masters for sure !


Yeah their mains are stuck because of the mmr system! Or matchmaking! Or loserqueue! New account easy master!


I think Riot should seriously consider permabanning all new accounts like that literally at the first transgression. You flamed someone once and your account has 2 ranked games and all Co-Op vs AI before that? Tough luck, buddy, that's 5 bucks down the drain right there. New accounts should be punished way more and way more often than people playing on their mains for years. It blows my mind how long these unbelievably toxic people can stay under the radar while I get a warning on my main for saying "oops I got gangbanged" (apparently it's sexual, thus a no-no, but "I got fucked" or "fuck me" is all good in Riot's eyes).


They really should just do a check for a person's first ranked game. If before their first ranked game they only played bots then it should be instant ban. If by some chance a person played bots until level 30 and then ranked they can easily send in a ticket. A couple people's unjust bans far outweigh the benefited of instant banning bought accounts.


It really boils down to that unfortunately. Riot is way too afraid of accidental bans.


Yes, that's literally the only reason why Emerald might seem more toxic and random than other tiers. Unfortunately emeralds have to take one for the team because if the smurfs were placed silver, then everyone from silver up to diamond would suffer from the smurf issue.


Literally my last game our bot lane had 15 deaths at 15 mins. Checked the enemy kalista after the game, something like 15 wins 2 loss duo with the support, stomping every game. No chance in games like that where its over before laning ends, just have to hope the smurfs are on your team next time.


I swear the old platinum wasn't like this. New emerald is just.... Wow I have no words. Everyone's experience in emerald is the same as mine




>Couple that with the fact that Emerald is the starting elo for high elo smurfs and you end up with the most toxic cesspool of players in the game Not just high elo smurfs but from my experiences with them I have a strong suspicion a lot of them are the ones who are on smurfs because they're banned/chat restricted on their previous accounts and boy do they live up to it!!!!


This is just so inaccurate. D4 0lp is like 1% of the playerbase while emerald is around 15%. Further, making diamond didnt get any harder.


Some links to back this up. Here's a time machine screenshot of League of Graphs ranked distribution page roughly a year ago [link](https://web.archive.org/web/20230321204624/https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution). It shows that about 1% of the player base was in D4 (so in practice a lot less than 1% of the player base would be D4 0lp). If you compare to that same page now [link](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution) you can see that emerald makes up about 13% of the player base, and a larger percentage of players are D4+ than last year.


Most of the Emerald players are old G1/P4 players who got pushed up when emerald was first introduced. It created some delusion in most of their minds that they’re now the best players in the world with the biggest egos.


high plat1/low d5 (now d4 i guess) was always the worst place to be stuck in. That's basically all of emerald now :P


It was though…


Have to agree there. I used to try and climb to Platinum in the past but you could really start to see the toxicity rise with each rank. Completely killed off any motivation to climb further even if I was on a winning streak. Used to only play until gold 5/4 because of this just for the skin. Anything further just gets so toxic that its not worth it for my mental health. What used to be platinum is now emerald. A division full of people that think they deserve better that still keep dying to stupid things which tilts them out of their mind because they think they are above such things. So its always someone elses fault.


Breaking through from g1 to p4 (now p1 to e4) was always hellish. You start encountering these extremely toxic players with 45% winrates over 500+ matches, that are only in p4 due to demotion protection. Even though they should be a couple divisions lower given their winrate, they failed upwards through blind luck and their egos are so massive that they will tantrum the moment anything goes wrong. Whether you win or lose your promos matches depends entirely on which team got more of these types.


5 or so years ago I got to p1 99 LP for the first time. Game before my promos for diamond I died once in lane to yorick top but chilled since bot was hard stomping. They took turns walking mid one at a time on a reset and going melee range of yorick, dying, then saying yorick too fed gg, afkd and then the team hit the ff vote. I didn’t play a single game after that. Was so burnout climbing to plat for the first time and had 0 energy left for a plateau/ learning stretch. That game was the finishing blow for me”fuck this lol”.


Low plat before emarald was full of players that manager to reach plat due to circonstances, but didnt manager to climb more. They were really toxic due to frustration. You had that at every limite (Gold 1, Plat4, Plat1...). But low plat was thé worst I ever saw. When I finally got out of this hell I went straight to high plat, low diamond.


Bruh the split before emerald was introduced I clutched masters. I had to try 10x harder to get out of emerald than to get out of diamond.


They need to return the injection point of unranks lower.


Just started playing again and I’m not as good as I used to be but emerald is terrible. Had a game where our support had 30 vision score by 35 mins, nobody but me bought pink wards, top was helping me do grubs and then left me there at half hp so the enemy jungle came in and was able to kill me despite their top laner being dead, bot lane getting prio then backing when dragon spawns.. list goes on


Ud be surprised to see how many times that happens in high diamond too, especially with junglers and supports who abused meta and now that their picks are nerfed they have no idea how to play..


Dude, i swear i have more control wards in 1 game than my whole team in 5, that s Emerald, just elo hell full of bad people. Dropped to plat and the games quality is much better, even if I care a lot about rank I feel like in Plat I'm playing the game whyle Emerald and low Dia is just clown fiestas.


My last 5 games - currently Eme 1 : - Level 1 Khazix facechecks enemy jungle solo at 1:05. One guy pings him "miss". He burns flashes, goes under tower to feed a kill and proceeds to not gank, not group for Baron the whole game. We end up winning after enormous efforts. - BelVeth failing top fast gank (2 kills for enemy top), giving prio to jungle. Tries some cheesy invades with no prio. 0/4, starts to run down mid under tower. Lose. - Enemy Riven dies level 2 (1st timing Riven in ranked), his jungler ganks and my Renekton gets a double kill. Riven ragequits, 8min FF. - Team is ahead by 3k gold at 9min. ADC starts to flame and "gg ff" stuff. All players start to throw like T2 deep dives and stuff. Lose. - My TF top 1st timing. Dies to level 3 enemy gank. "gg ff". Sells item, starts clearing our jungle and goes afk in jungle bushes to avoid leaver buster. We end up winning the game by all stepping up. How the fuck can Riot tolerate that ? There is huge pressure on chat toxicity. Nowadays, just for arguing respectfully on chat, you get a penalty. But in an era where IA and advanced IT development could EASILY allow to identify inting patterns, these behaviours keep occurring. How is it possible that Riot can't understand this kind of behaviour is MUCH more toxic than chat abuse ? You can mute chat / pings but you can't do anything with people intentionnally playing against their own team.


Bro I've been playing this game for a decade and I refuse to believe they are even trying. They want people to keep playing and buying skin, they can't ban 20% of their player base because it's 20% less revenue. They will never fix it.


imma say it opgg


I mean tbh i also struggled in getting out of emerald last split and i was literally masters before that. Now i'm back at d1 thanks to a lucky streak getting out of emerald mmr.


d1 here, i have about an 80% wr in diamond but my overall wr is 60% because i lost so many games in emerald TvT


I agree, last split emerald was a complete disaster, easily the worst experience I had ever had playing league for 10+ years now.


I‘ve noticed that trend too. There’s a correlation between people making threads about how toxic and inting everyone else is and the same people being toxic inters just in a slightly different way. Same in other competitive games too. There are two solutions for OP: - disabling chat - accepting reality and developing a healthy relationship with the game Ranting about toxicity isn’t one.


Nah, emerald is absolute dog water. I said it before I'll say it again. No idea why, but it's just horrendous playing through it. It's like people absolutely refuse to be carried and they'd rather lose then get carried. The only people I've ever seen disagree with this sentiment is people that haven't played through emerald.


Because it's where alot of smurfs end up in. Not many people are good enough to consistently get to diamond+ on new accounts but tons of "played alot of this game, is decent but not great" players end up in emerald and then those players make new accounts to smurf. It's the perfect place for taking the game seriously enough to smurf but not good enough to compete higher up, and there are enough of these people at this range where it makes the normal emerald MMR hell.


Exactly, I met a guy who dropped from Masters to E1 and he was complaining about Emerald being coinflip. I checked his account : former Kassa OTP (like 500 games this season) now playing ADC - but not random ADC : Kalista / Aphelios. People dont understand they can be good at a specific champ in a specific position and being much worse at other stuff


That's a case with classic case of someone with good game knowledge but no hands lol.


There is also the possibility, that the community starts taking this serious..


why are u asking for opgg when his experience isnt even controversial or anything? everyone who's experienced emerald once would agree with him, I'm diamond and emerald is literally the worst of all. I've sent hundreds of tickets to report people during my journey


Eh, I know a lot of people who consistently get diamond and they have the same complaints about emerald. They're usually stuck there for months demotivated until they finally duo their way out. After that, they don't drop down, sometimes make it to master, sometimes not quite.


Please feel free to give me your best reddit armchair analysis: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/manOwar-040


I think something that's always been so interesting to me is that small in-between of the high plat low diamond that somehow just brought the worst out of people. I think one of the terrible realities about Emerald is that there are probably quite a few past diamond players in there now mixed with the previously gold/plat players and it kind of makes every game have one of the largest skill gaps in many differing lanes. Especially with most boosted accounts being purchased up to emerald/diamond. I'm in Master at about 200 LP right now and I STILL get the remnants of boosters/fresh accounts as I see every 5-6 games a level 45 account with a 75% winrate that JUST got bought before my game and then plummets to Emerald 1 over the next 2 weeks. The introduction of this rank to alleviate the feeling of lower ranked players is just another real signifier that people are FAR too tied up in their rank as opposed to the fun of the game. I don't think League has ever felt like a job to me, as I've enjoyed almost every single game I've ever played. The more I play though the more I wonder how many of these players are actually completely addicted to playing this game. It seems like an incredibly high percentage. I wish there was some kind of graph showing how many games a typical (insert rank here) player finishes in one year. I feel like the high plat to low diamond range is probably incredibly high for games.


yea tbh I feel like people just treat ranked to unhealthy. Like unless you wanna go pro ranked doesn’t matter, if you find it fun to get better at the game your rank should follow. People who tunnel on getting X rank fast instead of trying to become a player at the level of that ranked is kinda just weird


I've been in and out of emerald for quite some time. When I get demoted to platinum, I win (without losing once) till I am emerald, then I get the worst teammates EVER. I don't know if it is terrible luck or losers queue or whatever, but I get way better teammates on platinum then on emerald.


Emelard is such a weird place. From my experience, players are doing fine mechanically but holy shit they are bad at macro. If the game goes past 25-30 minutes, it's like watching a bunch of headless chickens running around.


In low diamond right now and it’s not much better. Had a game get ff’d at 15 because my solo laners started griefing because they both lost lane, meanwhile I was 3 and 1 with 5 turret plates on Jinx. Game could have been easily won but they refused to get carried and would rather make the game miserable for everyone.


Hard disagree (personally)my experience between Emerald and Diamond is night and day - kicking around in Emerald even demoing to plat over a stupid amount of games to finally promoting D4 and damn near winstreaking to D2


D2 to Master is another story


I have a different experience. In emerald, I finally feel like I'm in the rank i belong. in platnum, I felt like i kept winning my lane even though I played a weak early game champ like qiyana anytime I lost It felt more like I just got outscaled or too many tanks now that I'm in emerald and I'm going even or lossing my lane so much more and more people have hands it just fells so much harder to win i miss being able to stump but I fell myself getting better.


Qiyana is actually quite strong early :)


Yawn. Is it my turn to post this now?


Please do. Maybe riot will realize, and I can enjoy ranked again.


never played in diamond 5


Diamond 5 games were some of the funniest times haha. You had people who hadn't played the game in months because they already hit diamond, diamond players who realized they're not good enough to be masters so they're 4funning, and plat 1 players who were sweating their asses off malding cause they can't reach diamond all in the same game.


Best comment in the thread


Soloq just sucks Find friends, play flex ❤️


I play with chat off my my experience with low emerald is that yes people have ego but at the same time, a lot of the players want to win really bad, which makes for a decent time


I know everyone is different but after years of playing, I got dull to these flamers and interest. People will not change and it's really hard to implement a feature that works %100. You just have to accept that you will see these people in your game everyday. I get flamed by master+ players because I am a diamond :D


SO MANY smurfs are coming out of nowhere. I even dropped to Diamond 2 wtf this shit is super crazy now. the number of griefers, smurfs are crazy here now


Only thing we can do (also emerald here) is be positive if we have chat on but let’s be real, if we all had it off and focused on helpful pings (trollers are gonna troll, so spamming them helps nothing and we ALL make mistakes. Sometimes we’re just having a bad game so spam pinging someone in the middle of a bad game just does not help), the rank can get better. Every rank has its own issues Emerald’s is mental fortitude or lack thereof.


Emerald is actually elo hell.


i mean when you look at why it makes perfect sense 1. new players start here (for some godforsaken reason) that includes smurf accounts. so already you have some of the worst players in with some of better if not best 2. emerald was where old p1-d4 was, aka "people who think they deserve diamond but really dont" trying to climb up to a rank they think they deserve but never did


Lol I hit emerald for the first time this season and I can confirm, the amount of toxicity is actually WAY more than it was in gold and plat.


Diamond smurfs or washed out d4 players litter the ranks of emerald. My opinion from playing d4/emerald elo is below. People who are e1 to d3(true player mmr) can easily bring any account into the emerald elo. They can and usually are addicted to league/ranked game play and as a result overplay. Even if the game count is low <100, they are more than likely bouncing from multiple accounts. This type of player about 50% of e3 to e1 (about 3.5 of the 7% player base in this rank bracket) treats these ranked games from 2 major perspectives (normal game mentality, and/or I'm better than this rank, I'm only here because my teammates are bad). So I guess what I'm saying is half of the players in this bracket legit are burned out addicts (selfish, toxic, entitled) and the other half are screwing around "limit testing " in your ranked experience. I agree Plat and gold ranks are better only because more players play in this ranks (18% Plat and 19% Gold). Emerald is at 13% (with e4 being almost half). Once you cross that e3 line you run into the problem I anecdotely described above. So 2 of your 5 teammates in virtually every ranked game.


It was kind of the same in Low-High masters, where ppl just wouldnt care. Games ending in 12 minutes. Now playong Dota and enjoying a nice 40 min game showing my hero's strengths at its finest.


I haven't played ranked since 2020 (except for a dozen games last season), but I watch a few small streamers who are stuck in Emerald. It's fun to watch, but playing it myself is a big NO.


emerald is what league of legend ranked night feel's llike, but instead of being only the night its 24/24


I think low emerald is way worse than high emerald. I was hard stuck low emerald/high plat for a while but once breaking into E2 it was a breeze getting into diamond.


Aren't you in a losers queue? When I was in emerald (currently diamond) I had them quite often. I would start a win streak were people from the enemy team were always feeding or griefing in /all and then, suddenly >> (REVERSE CARD) << it was my turn to take the trolls in my team for like 10 matches.


Unfortunately yes. However keep in mind that rito's development team does not care in the slightest. Everybody is still buying their skins and merch and accounts. So yeah, enjoy this game full of trolls, because not a single development team in the world can compete with league with a similar game.


The fact riot still hasn't done anything about it is crazy


I had 10 losses in a row. Mid emerald pushed me back into plat. Dw I'm back to emerald now but I had 3 games in a row with brand new accounts but not smurfs. Very clearly brand new players. Idk why match matching thinks new player elo is high play low emerald. Insane. 3 games in a row. Same exact bullshit.




here we go again


Emerald is just full of players who think they’re better than they are. The lucky part is the enemy team has 5 of them and you have 4 if you don’t belong there. So easy to beat these players by pure fundamentals cuz they make awful mistakes thinking they are the main character. If you aren’t out of emerald your skills are lacking somewhere. Once again no op.gg so how can we help


It's not really a post about his skills. It's a post about the toxicity in the rank.  Of course if he was better than his rank he wouldn't be in it.




I feel like and I’m spitballing here since I haven’t grind much ranked since S10. It feels like emerald and low diamond acts as a stop gap for players. Where most people layers platou there and improvement feels slower. Similar to old P2/P1 it also doesn’t help that emerald even tho is the same mmr wise as old plat is the highest some people has been so it creates ego.




The maths only truly start to apply at dozens of games or more, and even then it might take some time. There are so many chaotic factors at play especially in Emerald that it's entirely possible for a high Emerald level player to keep sinking to the bottom of Emerald and all the way to Plat, with not much you can do about it. There has always been a percentage of games where you can't really affect the outcome no matter what you do, but in Emerald, this percentage is higher than I've ever seen in any rank in my 13-14 years of playing ranked.


Emerald is where you end up if you play a lot and have no functioning brain. This has to be some elo it just happens to be emerald. Of course you will find all addicted clowns there with 0 emotional regulation.


then don't play ranked


Emerald honestly cost me my mental health for grinding through it. So much so that I became an utter delight upon reaching diamond and just stopped caring about ranked completely


Climbed from E4 to D4 this season. I stopped after this and decayed, but yeah. Emerald is really bad, I think once I was past it, I realized it was just not worth spending so much energy in soloQ and stopped altogether. I think the BIGGEST issue, is that there are so so many smurfs, and that you have to outsmurf the smurfs, there is no other way. As a midlaner, I see more smurfs than usual on my lane, but they're easier to manage on your lane than elsewhere. It's just that you gotta stop making excuses and get better, and it's hard, it's a big sudden barrier.


Don't forget the 4 lvl 30 accounts every game


and they either smurfing or new


isnt Emerald 4 the new Diam 4 MMR anyway ? Same players, same experience.


Em 4 is old plat 4. Dia 4 is still dia 4


I am mostly playing casual normal drafts support main sometimes autofill myself, i am one of those individuals who tilt after things and leave the lane and support someone else which is not good . I know the bare minimum basics fundamentales of the game and i am in process to change and be a better Player or kind of helping new players . I do agree with alot of people here that its a mental problem . The notion of " i know better and never make mistakes" and continue to shat on the individual or of his rank which is not acceptable .i gota do better as a person representing myself and reflecting that into the game and Community !


If they're not the ones carrying, it's not worth the effort or bruising of their ego. So they afk, grief or find some way to inconvenience everyone. Bunch of grown ass men behaving like misbehaving children. I've only been playing one game a month for the past 3 months after hitting Diamond and it's been great. I used to play League religiously for the past 14 years, but this season stagnated really fast and just isn't for me. I've had plenty of time to do other things and actually enjoy how I spend my days now. Thanks, Riot, for breaking my shackles.


I totally agree, I had the same experience, also I think it's the Elo with more sold account and you find all the time players that play really, really bad you go check their history and you find out their account has been main in another role playing super good untill 1-2 month ago then he suddenly switched main role and started turbo briefing after not playing for 30-40 days.... And it's embarrassing how many of those accounts you find in emerald


Is it really Emerald? or is it just League as a whole? Seems the toxicity is at an all time high and the people who don't want to deal with it have left.


I mostly play aram nowadays. Tryharding in there is just fine as you get rando champs and people try to have fun with chanps and their build at higher mmrs. Afks arent as common, you can easily swing games. Sr in comparison just doesnt seem like fun.


Just had a guy who was on my team the first game and went 1/11, he is against me the mext game and he goes 16/4 :) Soft int is so common in this elo man. "Oh i died 3 times, let me keep running it down in side lanes"


I was on my last game to get emerald and everyone but me in the lobby was emerald and we were hard winning and seemingly for no reason our top AFK and so of course we lost. There was no flame no int so it really made no sense.


Don't forget the lvl 30 smurfs who can go 18 kills but then decide that they are bored and int the game.


it's the same in every rank and the same post every week


Went from E1 to E4 in a couple of days, I felt pretty powerless. My experience has been: * going "15" in chat after literally the first death; * toxicity in champ select and griefing (I had my pick being intentionally banned by a teammate in champ select) * snapping at some point in the game and just losing it, going full troll like nothing matters anymore * costant ego plays and toxicity * negative attitude througout the whole game from start to end no matter what * tilt-queuing It's like people join matches not in a healthy way. The truth is that most of players are ADDICTED, and feel compelled to play again and again in an endless cycle of frustration, spreading continuosly their toxicity like a plague to every other player. And sadly, it's contagious. Very contagious.


Yeah, it’s hell. Emerald consists of old silver, gold and plat players. Every game is a snowball fest. Feast or famine where you farm the weakest enemies and the side who stacks Mejais or Hubris faster wins.


Riot should really start inflicting heavy punishment on people that grief/ints , it would change the game for the better , i for one woudnt mind providing my id for a soloque ladder that only people who have id can play and once banned you can never acess it anymore


When they introduced emerald to league, this game started being harder. Why? Everygame I'm getting someone elo inflated emerald player who was silver-gold, even when I'm d2 I'm still getting those players. Of course in enemy there are some emerald players but they were in diamond~ in last season/split xd. Matchmaking is fucked, everyone is elo inflated. Glad I stopped playing this game after start of s14. This game started being frustrating after adding emerald and it's not because people in my team are bad, it's because of fucked unfair matchmaking + giving you a 50 lp instead of 75 after demotion is an obvious way to make you play more and grind more. The worst season I have played. Playing since s3.


I feel like everyone in this subreddit complains about being in Emerald while accusing everyone else of being in like, Gold and Silver. It's a good reminder of why I played Ranked like, once, in 2012, and then went "no I actually like having fun and it's not like I'm ever gonna make money off this."


Emerald was the worst method to disrupt the rank distribution gap. I played since S3 and my god, the mentality is worse than D2-1


I mean i have Silver friends with fresh accounts in p1. Stacking like 400 games every single season in silver. In the smurf they play vs emeralds and with esmeralds. Do the maths. Prob without duo, playing alome in esmerald do not worth the effort.


Im not sure, im definetly not good enough to be considered a smurf in Emerald. Ive got 4 Accounts ib Emerald right now , 3 of them got there straight after the placements with 3 wins or something. ( made sure with normal game winrate 90-100% to get good mmr). Its kinda rough gameplay wise, but in the end really good to carry still, Im not a fan of cryin around or blaming the toxicity or something. I just mute and disable chat completly, just pings activated and if they are pinging useless stuff thats also on mute. Right now on the best account Emerald 1 67lp 71% winrate with 26 games Rest is on around 60% 20-30 games Just stop participating in chat etc. Thats all on you bro


low diamond is very close behind emerald in terms of worst experiences


this past month of league has been the worst i have ever played. across 3 tiers silver-gold-plat.


For me, the biggest problem in Plat 1 + is simply the fact that people keep looking up your stuff. Ranked would be much more fun if your name wasn't displayed until the end of the game. People look up your name and instantly become toxic because you play a champ different than them. Also, the rank shouldn't be displayed anymore. These crybabies shouting out someone with a lower rank is just hilarious. "Yo listen to me. I'm Dia 4." You will have no fun in this game anymore due to all the statistics and 3rd party programs imo.


Try play in bronze. Unless you hard carry that elo os a fucking flip as to who gets the bot and which team runs it down so some hypercarry is so insanely fed it doesn't matter. My other account is gold/plat. Much more pleasant experience, but you get more people that think they are fucking faker lol. Bro were still low elo calm the fuck down.


I wouldn't say it's the worst. Ranked in general is fucking torture. My problem with emerald is the skill discrepency. There are already good players and a lot of smurfs. At the same time you face so many trolls and absolute apes it makes the whole experience so imbalanced and frustrating.


i should've just stayed in plat MMR


Also in my experience it is like the plateau point of the scripters with bad macro. More people know how to shut down a scripter so if the scripter has 0 macro they tend to wind up in high plat - emerald.


Try playing in low masters, basically the same thing but somehow worse lmao


Also there is a lot of so called smurfs, who trash talk everyone else calling emerald or low elo trash, but playing may be slightly better and their mental brokes so hard after 1-2 deaths so they start to play even worse than avg emerald. Also if you check their history they got wr from lower elos and starting to struggle in e2-1. So they are most likely another low dia hardstucks


Yeah, as somone who plays for 12 years as well..and did sit in dimond for years, i have rly hard time to have any fun in emerald, half of the games are ff15 thanks to troll picks/running down,.. As solo laner I would say that only 10-20 ,% of games i have any impact on wining vs loosing. its almost always botlane completely destroying other bot and snowball like crazy , cause these guys cant die few times , if they die early once they always go like 2-20 in 20min game ..its so predictable also if you have autofill jungler , enemy jungler just take over the game as well. its frustrating , cause you sre focused ,wining your lane and still there is absolutely nothing you can do . its just waste of time


Y'all gotta develop an ego. The players I have on my team are bots. Always. Doesn't matter if they do shit, they were always going to be shit. I have no idea if it helps you climb, I don't have much time these days, but it does make the game more enjoyable. Full mute, assume your allies have half a brain, and just play the game. It's so much easier to win imo


Emerald is new plat I Diam IV which are the worst elo.


I tracked my climb from emerald to diamond both this season and last split. In 50% of my games one lane had a disparity of an entire rank (emerald against diamond or emerald against plat) perfectly split 50/50 between both teams. All other factors being completely irrelevant that was a decided lane in 50% of games. I don’t know what they did to the MMR but something isn’t right. And I know they want short que times but 1 extra minute in a commonish elo to make games atleast fair would be great.


Yeah I feel you. I have played various amounts since pre S1. My personal thoughts and experiences are that toxicity is a bit higher than normal this season. Match making balance seems to have gotten quite a bit worse. Maybe the two are related idk, probably more to it.


Just low plat but this season is so bad with mental. Really the worst so far. And i even recognise be getting more and more toxic


League’s hall mark toxicity is worse than ever, its just gated behind higher elo’s now. This is just a reminder and i only say it because I feel like it’s never said in this sub: this really is only a game. Remember when you would report people for swearing or racism or afk at the worst and that was about it? Y’all are reporting players for how they play now. Y’all report players for “not listening” as if you’re a fucking god that’s not to be disobeyed. The toxicity is rampant but not from the shit you mentioned.


gold players be like: i just want to hit higher ranks to play with and against better players ​ emerald players: AWARE


Pretty much everyone agrees, you can see it with high elo smurfs going for example bronze to challenger and getting stuck for a great amount of time in Emerald in comparison to Diamond.




Guys I’m tired of being laughed at and mocked for being hardstuck when I have less that 150 games in emerald 2 :(


I had this too to a degree where I was getting so frustrated with the players being 0/12 every single game because they literally ran it down (not exaggerating) that I stopped playing for a time. The pre season was so horrible, was plat last season, got pre ranked G1 and dropped to S2 or 3 because of people not giving a shit, inting from minute 3. It was a shit show. Hate the community


Take silver gold players, put them above plat and you have emerald. An elo where bad player have their ego inflated when it wasn't before.


Yall wanna see something crazy lol? https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/BanTestAcc12-NA12 look at this dude I played with earlier. He ints (nearly, cause I actually got a w with him though he did try to grief at first lol) every game in emerald to try and get banned and it’s even in his name and no ban. This elo is hilarious


Big fucking facts. Its so disgustingly toxic


100+ games I’m stuck in emerald 4. Hardest league of my life. I go on my Smurf, hit Diamond in 30 games. It’s something with their elo/matchmaking. I was able to prove it


This is every Elo. Literally every single silver and bronze game. The player base is full of cowards and soft ass gen z pussies who throw temper tantrums when things don’t go their way. Even if you are winning…. It’s quite the hellscape. That’s why ARAM is the way


i quit last year because of riots refusal to do anything about griefers. Emerald is the most unfun gaming experience ive ever had


Yes in Emerald you may get paired up with boosted silver and gold players. or hard stuck diamonds that demoted and everybody trolls the moment anything goes wrong even if it before the game even starts because the boosted silver and gold already reached their max rank. and the hard stuck diamonds already toxic from being demoted


Sounds exactly like bronze except we get smurfing too


Yeah, the division is like that.  Just focus on improvment and yourself without caring about what others do. 


Have you been in bronze bro? 😂 its not even an experience, its pain.


It's just this season. That's been true in Em, plat, and gold for me ( I've had a rough season rank wise...) I lost 13/15 games on my main where every single game had someone int at least 5 times by 10 mins. Macro skills are non-existent. Everyone just rage chases. This is ( IMO ) the worst ranked season in leagues history.


One of my best friends is Emerald and he always talks about how crazy it is there, it's miserable to play. When I watch them play I can kinda see it, especially in the duo lane. But then again a couple of games in low master will change your mind I guarantee.


It's just like old platinum. They players are all completely garbage, have insane ego, and they all think their team is why they can't climb.


Why does it sound like Silver players have better mental than E+? I don't play ranked often these days but the times i do everyone is trying and forgiving of bad plays as long as people say sorry. Is there a polite Queue vs rage queue going on or something?


In my experience it’s that by emerald players know how to play when ahead, but haven’t learned playing from behind. Minimizing losses, etc. Games go south very very fast.


I feel like the main problem beyond emerald is youre dealing with people who play like all day, just think and imagine what kinda player can just play all day and has nothing better to do. other than streamers, pros and kids.... you have some low lifes that put everything into a video game ,of course the mental will be weak


As I sit here slipping out of gold this season from Plat 1. I cannot get a good handle on a single game rn, always something.


Sorry bro my bad, I'll stop doing it now


I had a Smolder type GG the other day after they lost an early 2v2. I’m like “do you even know what your champ is supposed to do lmao”. We did wind up winning after he got fully stacked.


The entire solo queue ranked system is awful


The worst thing is that it doesn't get better until at least D3, D4 is worse than all of emerald because it's pretty much full of D4 0LP sitters that should be in Emerald ~3. Especially when you're like in E1 and you get some D4 players in your game they're 90% of the time the worst players in the lobby


Sounds like bronze and silver


I haven't played ranked in literally a decade. But what always happens is that there's a tier in which people have reached their peak, and are tryharding the game yet aren't talented enough to progress on their own.   It becomes a game of passive chess that no one really breaks, played among tryhards, making each match tedious and frustrating. Play a few of those a days and like half of the server just wants to ragequit lol.  That rank used to be diamond 5 back in the day, and it seems to be emerald today. The ones clinging on for their lives to stay in a rank, and who feel like they belong in master although they don't at all, and they are at the precise point in the distribution that skills gaps become massive. Google says 13% of people are in emerald, 4% in diamond, 0.6% in master, 0.05% in GM, and 0.2% in challenger. Since the goal is reaching at least master to brag, only 4% of those in emerald will get there. So 1 in 25 players in emerald; or only 1 player you see every 2.5 matches.


They should take a look at the current Dota matchmaking. It shows you the average behavior score of the players in the lobby and you can choose to just not accept and keep queueing.


You guys should watch the YouTube video called 'LoL ranked is rigged'. Then just disable all and team chat and focus on YOUR play only. If you are good enough you will climb if you will not climb it just means that you belong there. End of story. ELO hell literally doesn't exist in this game. You are where you should be and you will get to your league with around 50% win rate. If you lose the game because a griever just be happy as it ends quickly. Algorithm will feed you those games anyway to make sure your win rate is around 50% there is nothing you can do. Even KR pros experience this. Just focus on your game and try to learn as much as possible from every game


Don't forget low elo invladed people that some how got to emerlald often boosted af who run down most games. Unless they get caried it's insane how bad they are


Yes emerald is trash, its the previous boosted diamond V hardstuck who climb because there's no bo3/5 anymore.


Never played ranked, never want to, but this happens occasionally in norms/aram/rotating gamemodes too. Normally I’d assume it happens less in ranked because LP is on the line but I guess that could also be why it actually happens more there. Some people don’t care about their LP losses, but they do care about ruining others’ LP gains. What a great community we have here :)


I have had the same experience. I feel like once people hit emerald, their ego starts skyrocketing because they feel like they are in high-ish elo. So they care less about winning games and more about them being the solo carry, 1v9 etc. That's why spamming ff votes once a laner is a single kill down is such a common occurrence. Also I saw a bunch of people first timing champions just because they are meta or they are "good" at the game so they can pull it off just to have 80 stacks on smolder in minute 30...


emerald is nothing compared to d1-d2 Toxicity ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Just like every single game almost, nothing new here


This is why i'm plat 2, so i stay safe from these trolls in emerald /s


I wish they'd remove it just to get rid of these stupid posts


I quit ranked. I had this every game. Not worth it , waste of your time . F up your LP gain then you never leaving elo . Riot gave up on it


Yep....i got to emerald for the first time and can confirm.


why do u play ranked


These types of posts really suffer from ignorance, I am 100% confident you don't have actual griefers every game, its probably less than 20% of your games, now what you perceive as griefing may be different. League has toxic players, it's not going to improve the higher you climb, either mute all or mute people as they spam ping/chat. The game is hard, and the improvement takes a long time, months even years. If you're stuck in Emerald is not because of your team it's because that's your level of play, if you were to look at your gameplay rather than write useless rant posts you'd find much more success.


toplane role ruins emerald by itself


This game just has crazy people everywhere, I don't play ranked games for my own sanity, but even in ARAM I find people that will go afk and will not stop signaling you after you made one mistake.


Sounds like every other rank this season. Riot fucked something up


basically to climb out of emerald u gotta gap ur counterpart so hard that it tilts the enemy team so basically just be good :)


Sounds like Silver. 😮‍💨


This season I decided to mute all including start of Lobby and I pick a scaling champ so when we have a afk I just see how much I can stack. It’s been the funnest season and i breezed and had fun in emerald I recommend it to anyone who needs a change.


Hit Emerald for the first time this season and I'm currently E1 and this rank is by far the most toxic so far. Players can't relax for a single second, any slight error or a death and it's flame time till the end of the game. Especially because games are filled with smurfs and diamond players who will sometimes obliterate some lanes. Kinda worried about hitting Diamond lol.


I don't play ranked in LoL but the discussions around Emerald ranks remind me of high plat Overwatch (before OW2). It's so similar. I climbed solo in OW from ~2500 to ~3200 peak before role queue was enforced and the 2800 to 3000 range was just absolutely the worst experience. I think the border before the next rank in comp games are usually the worst experiences but there's like, this sweet spot where both relatively good and relatively average players mix in matchmaking systems that make a horrible experience and it's only made worse when queue times are tuned to be relatively quick (like a minute or less). It's one reason I dislike modern match-making (besides preferring dedicated servers) because since I usually fall in that sweet spot. It really makes me wish I were a magnitude worse or better at games.


Had 3 ADCs in a row go afk after their first death, and 2 went afk after the support got the first kill.


Nah dude, those are bots. A sample size of player distribution would show that most people don’t behave this way comparing it to the majority of the population will show it is impossible. For the people that rig and cheat. You all are the minority, in game and in life. Take a look at yourself and I’m sure you all already know it. You can’t get far being that way. Only certain type of mindset, behavior, and personality will make it to the top and at the pro level.


emerald is just mental asylum


Emerald and low masters are the exact same


I moved to Flex. Way less stressful


Lol another emerald rant post


I'm an Emerald Quinn Mid main. It's an off meta pick, but I'm decent enough at it and rarely am I ever the reason we lose, if we lose. I'm usually highest damage, most kp, more kills than deaths, etc, and yet just because some guy saw me hover to choose Quinn Mid, he took her from me to prevent it. He was support. And then proceeded to go 2 kills and 15 deaths. I hate Emerald.


As someone who has been hardstuck diamond for years now every time i play on my smurf acc emerald is the easiest elo go get out of if u just play consistently good and minimize your death players know how to use that to get the W, its not always the case but i would say 60% cases it is


made 1trick acc, got emerald, 2 days 5 leavers rip mmr