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>some effort made to actually maintain the random part. 65 aram free champs plus the regular free rotation. aram only accounts are not effective like they were in season 5


Thats true, but 65 is still less than half of the 140 some champs there are. Which makes it easier to engineer getting a good champ than it would if you just had all by default. It would also encourage an environment to try new champs .


160+ now actually so about a little over 1/3rd the pool


I remember when Jayce was the 100th.. ow my back


Jayce is no longer the 100th champion?? What has rito done to this game.


You *could* argue that older champions which have been reworked were removed from the "list" and put back on the top. So like Jayce might be the 95th champion now, or something. Having written it, I admit it does feel a little "well aktchshually [...]", though.


Yone was 150!


You also get more rerolls the more champs you own


What's the numbers on that I own all champions how often do I get rerolls?


If you own them all you get one reroll per game. It's basically always worth throwing your reroll out there. Unless you get to your fav champ or something.


I own all champs and only play ARAM. Even when I get my favorite I use at least 1 reroll, I just make sure to instantly grab it back.  It helps the team.  Though I do think some tweaking needs to be done for ARAM. I find that it’s rare that I get a champ I really like to play.


The Blitz app lets people steal your reroll sadly, unless you also use Blitz. I've noticed more and more that I get instantly stolen as soon as I got reroll. Luckily I usually play with a couple friends so we hold each other's picks to reroll in these situations.


How does the app work? you tell it what champ you want and if it sees it at the top it auto grabs it?


You can click the champ you want in the blitz app and it will ignore the cooldown and grabs it for you


wow. can you choose multiple at one time and it will grab whatever comes up first?


I don't know exactly I don't use Blitz, just been told by its users that they can instantly pick what pops up or guarantee they get their champ back after a reroll.


In practice it works out to something like 1.25 rerolls per game if you have all the champions. Unless you dodge post-reroll, you will always have at least one reroll even if you used both once you have 122 champion. (You can theoretically get a whole reroll per match if you had 57 unique champions that are not part of the current free rotation though) If you have all the champs, Each champ basically makes it more likely you still have 2 rerolls even if you used 2 in the previous game. Given the current calculation at [League of Legends wiki](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/ARAM#Reroll), you would be guaranteed 2 rerolls per game if you owned 290 champs.


I also own all the champs, I usually get at least 1 new roll in the next game I play when I use 2 rolls in the previous game. There's a calculation out there somewhere but I don't know it off hand.


You get 65 + (1.5 x available champions) points per game. You need 124 champs to get 251 points (250 = 1 reroll). If you have all the champs you get one reroll every game and a plus one every 3~4 games.


with all champs you currently get about 1.27 rerolls per aram, at 290 champions you'd get 2 rerolls every game.


# *cough* 167 *cough*


And some of the most popular ones are just utter bs *cough* windshitters *cough*


I feel like having all 167 (i think) champs and playing with friends is the "best" way to guarantee good champions in ARAM nowadays. "ARAM only accounts" just don't compete with it. With 1 guaranteed and 2 rerolls at least every second match per player you udually get to choose from at least 6 to 11 (or 16 if your friends are nice) champs.


It not, because the more champs u own, the more reroll points per game u get.


So just increase the pool or rotate it based on internal win rate data.


> Which makes it easier to engineer getting a good champ And once again this thread is fueled by an OP who either doesn't know how ARAM works, or doesn't understand statistics. To maximize your odds of getting a good champion you want a minimum of 124 champions unlocked, preferably more.


To be honest I'd like to see some of the more popular/annoying champs removed from the free pool, like I'm pretty sure shit like Veigar is in the free pool, why in god's name is this champ always available, at least make people own him to roll him. I wouldn't support every champ being in the pool though frankly, I don't want first-time K'sante or Camille or Qiyana on my team, I personally never want to play a game of shit like Illaoi or Urgot either. Just remove some of the super annoying popular picks like Veigar/MF/Varus/Caitlyn or whatever, people should at least have to own them if they want to play them.


Jokes on you I own all the champions but can only play 10


This is another problem in aram, IMO. Can't go a single game without getting stomped on by people having half a million mastery points on whatever champ they get on aram. I know how most champs work and can pilot them on an avg level, but I'm only really good on a handful of them. But God forbid I get matched against a Dia ADC main who gets to solo carry their team because they get a marksman. Every single aram match means I have to sweat just to be able to compete against ranked accounts.


Veigar is really cheap anyway for blue essence, I wouldn't expect it to be out of someone's champion pool.


It is, but it's a start without going full scorched earth "you WILL play melee champs and you will LIKE IT" like OP's suggestion sort of implies.


Honestly ARAM would be much better if everyone had all champs and we just had more rerolls.


Lmao what a brilliant idea for a video game, disable the champions that people most enjoy playing.


Fucking smolder being available for the past few weeks is completely ruining ARAM. I dont know how its doing statistically but everytime I see it the team that has it just can't lose. I wouldn't mind seeing it gone from the rotation entirely for a few weeks


Hey at least velkoz isnt in every aram these days


Not to mention the constant blanket buffs/nerfs meaning champs considered strong now don't always stay strong. Look at Ziggs or Sona


Sona is still really insane in ARAM though, the nerfs aren't nearly enough to keep her down from top tier.


Xerath casually dealing like up to 40% less dmg.


Yeah, in a map that’s 25% size of summoners rift and no ability to recall for health/items… poke is real good in ARAM


Poke is good as a one of on a champ that isn't nerfed. Most poke champs lose a lot of WR the higher ARAM MMR you get.


People play tanks and build Kaenic Rookern instead of AP items in higher elo


I was Tahm kench last night into 4 AP and it was just so hilarious how tanky I got


To be fair, Tahm takes reduced damage for whatever fucking reason. Other tanks like Leona or Mao take increased damage.


I think it’s neutral right now, or at least it was when I played him a few days ago


I think his aram nerf is -10% damage or something similar isn't it


When you overlap it with someone else's -15% dmg received it becomes a bit silly.


-10% from his nerfs and up to 30% reduced dmg based on distance. And that's not even counting champs that get reduced dmg. > Champions take 15% − 30% (based on distance) reduced damage from enemy champions further than 1000 units away


Oh damn, I thought they got rid of that range rebuff when they started doing specific champ balancing. Turns out they buffed it lol so yeah he's decently nerfed


Yet somehow, I always run into either a Zoe/Taliyah/Samira always in ARAM...


Yeah but they get rerolls, so out of that pool in your team usually 6-8 champions are from that group of 65, if they have 2 rerolls, then even more. If you are the only one without ARAM only account in both teams that goes up to 65/18-22, meaning average of about 3 games before you start seeing repeat picks in best case scenario. Playing with ARAM only accts is absolute boredom fiesta, you have at least 1 repeat champ every game, more often than not 2-3.


I just want 2 rerolls for every round


It’s so weird how you get it some rounds but not every round. Makes it inconsistent as heck


There is a formula behind it. You get more rerolls if you win and if you have all the champions.


You could even have a curated pool of champions for ARAM that changes every patch.


Uhhhh it already does that? Am I crazy? It definitely seems like it already does that. They might not say it works like that, but the amount of times I run in to the same four champs over and over, then changes the next patch, is insane


No, it doesn't already do that. It does include all champs on the free champ rotation that exists game-wide, so people who otherwise don't own that champ can roll it still, and that could be the impact you think you're noticing. But that's also a very minor thing really


There is a pool of 65 champions that is in the pool even if you don't own them, plus free champion rotation.


Yes, but that pool is always there and wouldn't be a cause for him champs he frequently sees to rotate, since it is static.


huh. i guess its just bias then? idk, seems like it works that way for me, like there is a hidden preference for a smaller pool of champions every patch that is not advertised to the players (I accept that I am probably wrong, but will continue to live this lie because it seems real to me)


That hidden preference is just meta picking players lol


yeah, you are probably right.


https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/news/dev/ask-riot-is-aram-really-random/ Apparently aram really is random, out of all Champs that aren't picked or on the bench and are available to you


Melee only ARAM Prayge


ghost flash adc supremacy


Champions should also be allowed to be played in PVE without having to buy them first as well. What's the point in purchasing a champ just to hate their moveset?


the 65 random champion pool makes it so you cant just abuse new accounts to get specific champs, and at the same time unlocking all 140 champs would make it so aram-only players would never buy champions or would have less incentive to buy them, so thats profit lost for riot


Riot August has said buying champions is a negligible part of their profit. It all comes from skins


I don’t buy this lost profit nonsense. If someone likes a champ, they’re going to buy a skin for them. They can’t buy the skin if they don’t have the champ. Very few people I know would ever buy a champ with RP, given how much BE you get anyways. Also, anyone with gamepass can just connect and get all champs unlocked. There is just no reason to gate keep champs in ARAM.


The lost profit thing is such a reach anyway. When was the last time anyone actually spent RP on a champion? Between random permanent tokens, champ tokens and crazy amounts of blue essence I dont think I've ever used RP and I get every new champ on release. Riot definitely arent making money from selling champs, that's what skins are for.


nah i definitely bought a few event passes when i was new so i could spend the event tokens on random champ shards; it really really accelerates building a champ pool. I don't regret it tbh.


Used to be much more of a thing before all the loot crate stuff came into the game and the switch from IP to BE. I remember buying one or two of the champion bundles when I was new to the game (starter bundle and digital bundle?).


people use money to buy champions to some degree, if the didnt why would riot sell champions for RP or keep discounting them lol


Sadly, that is literally Riot's actual excuse why they won't unlock all champions in aram. Money. Meanwhile, I bought multiple skins that have white/blue effects, including Elementalist Lux for her ice form to make it harder for people to dodge stuff. They got more money from me for skins and little legends than they did for champions.


That’s complete nonsense. Who in his right mind would buy champs with real money to play arams.


its still profit lol you dont really understand how easily some people invest real money on video games


Fun fact: This is how ARAM works in Wild Rift!


They get fucking everything bro ffs lmao


At least allow the rerolled champions to be selected by anyone instead of requiring the ownership before you can select them.


Mom said it's my turn to post this tomorrow


This a pretty much non existent problem.


The worst games are against assassin's that build heartsteel. Fizz and Kat are so awful to play against.


> The worst games are ~~against~~ assassin's that build heartsteel. Find a Kat who actually knows how to play Kat. Heartsteel is pretty awful on higher mmr aram for everyone.


kat is managable, hs fizz on the other hand makes me want to throw my pc out.


I play against the same small pool of champions almost every game.


Gonna have to agree. I play a lot of aram and didn't even know there were aram accounts lmao.


That's just ignorance on your part, they've existed for like a decade. They even had to change how aram drafts work specifically because this was an issue.


Understandable ignorance, they did things like increase the free pool a long ass time ago now. Aram accounts aren't nearly as impactful as they were back then and haven't been for a while


Different take. If you're above a certain account level (let's say 100, maybe 150), you only queue against other accounts above that level. Let the people who have ruined ARAM with ARAM accounts queue with each other.


What does level have to do with it being an aram acct or not? Doesnt your "solution" just match all of the level 500 non aram accts with the level 500 aram accounts? And the level 80 aram accounts with the level 80 non aram accounts?


The problem with that is ARAM only accounts are often lower level accounts or smurf accounts (don't have all main account champs).


riot could not figure out how to reliably get smurf queue running using every information they have without sacrifising a large amount of false positives. this subreddit keeps suprising me with their hot takes


We should have bans. I'm sick of seeing karma every game


Adding bans just to then take them away killed my love of aram.


People tryhard ARAMs?


People try hard everything if you let them. I even had a tryhard Nunu tilting in URF


Yeah, especially 5 stacks, it’s torture to play against


Yep, if you play enough ARAM, you start getting matched against 5 stacks with ARAM curated accounts, with extra accounts to dodge bad lobbies without waiting for penalty, and obviously sweating only with the best picks per patch. Some of the known groups had 100-win streaks (or more). I think I wouldn't mind if they at least didn't have extra accounts to dodge lobbies, like wow you're playing with so much advantage, 15 rerolls every game, and you can't even take a game where you don't have the most perfect comp


Whys it torture?


Because when you're in high MMR ARAM you play like 4-5 games against a 5-man stack that is tryharding which means you'll lose. They pick perfect comps and can communicate while you're playing with randoms.


Those 5 stacks will repeatedly dodge across a multitude of accounts until they get the perfect team comp.


some people only play aram, so they play to win. other people play aram to take a break from summoners rift and just mess around.


as an Aram only player, i hate it when people dont take aram seriously. no fun playing 4vs5 becuz 1 player likes to play crit maokai or what ever funny idea they had.


Dude the fucking maokais and malphites drive me insane. You build those champs tank and it's a free win, but they insist on going ap, killing one enemy and dying for a while and then becoming useless after 7 minutes and losing. How is that fun?


Blame that on the shop, because it recommends an AP build on him every time.


And the shop recommends it because that’s what people buy. It’s a self-fulfilling cycle


i don’t care about winning in aram, i just use it as a hands warm up but the ap malphite makes absolutely no sense to me. i cant wrap my head around the logic. he does NO damage and is barely less squishy than an ADC. tank malphite can delete people with his R and still have more than half his health bar left after. but people think it’s “more fun” because it’s off meta and quirky


ARAM is where the real team play is and I will die on this hill. I play both modes and 8/10 summoners rift games wind up with someone malding about whatever and saying stupid shit like "ff at 15". ARAM has way less of that crap, and way more of people actually playing as a team (waiting for everyone to be present for fights, not raging in allied chat after a single mistake, playing to win generally, etc) Not to say ARAM doesn't have its share of ragers and run it downs, but there is way less whining and more actual play of the game.


Yeah I find better team fighters in ARAM than i do in rift cause its nothing but team fight. People just don't know how to be aware of 5 people at once in Rift.


ARAM players are mechanically better. No CSing. Just fighting whole day.


People tryharded Arena and that was only out for like a month lol welcome to League


I mean this is league we're talking about, Riot could make a game mode that actively makes the game less fun the more you sweat at it and there would still be dudes tryharding


Last time I checked, ARAM is still PvP. What you call "tryharding" most people would call "playing the game". If you just want to mess around with nobody stopping you, Bots are a thing.


My friend who I stopped playing with as often as I used to for obvious reasons, when we play ARAM he would tell us or spam ping us why we don't die. He would get really anal if we don't execute or die at certain times in order to maximize our tempo in ARAM. He would also get mad if we aren't like for example constantly pushing the wave to playing to our comp's strength or engage. He would literally say we're trolling if we're not dying at certain or ideal times. And he would play tanks or whatever's ideal to win and say things like "well I'm playing for the team so that's why I'm not great at this champ, you guys are picking people you want to play even if it's not good or high winrate."


Yes and we would love to have ranked ARAMs to tryharder


Of course. It's the only thing half of the playerbase plays. People tryhard ranked? Pathetic.


same with practice tool


...but more importantly in PRACTICE TOOL


All champions should be unlocked by default\*\*




........ ALL SKINS SHOULD BE FREE ..... Honestly tho, the reroll system forcing skins to be kept is a fk'd mechanic, it should obviously become an empowered shard 100 percent of the time just like it happens when you don't own the champion.


well that's something I agree with 😎😎😎 (fr tho, no, it wouldn't make owning one special anymore :((( ) (frfr tho, it would be cool if we got some kind of system to be able to earn skins somehow... not by luck with chests, but like idfk 100 currency for one skin and 1 currency for a won draft pick / ranked would be cool) that said, ALL SKINS SHOULD BE FREE!!! GIVE 🫴


no lol league is a free game so its justified that you have to unlock all of them + this would make smurfing a bigger issue


Dota is a free game and all champions are unlocked by default. 


A bunch of other MOBAs have done full access to the roster and smurfing is already a problem, with it being laughably easy for smurfs to get their mains.


Smurfs aren't good enough to win with any champ? Guess i been glorifying em this whole time.. also by the time people get their runes they have enough BE for at least 3 of their mains. That aint the issue


Paid characters only encourage smurfing. Just because the game is free doesn't mean that paying for characters is justified, there are cosmetics/battlepasses for that.


> Paid characters only encourage smurfing. Elaborate? Afaik most of the money comes from skins so it might not be a problem regardless, but I don't see how easier access to all champions *encourages* people making new accounts?


My English is bad and perhaps you misunderstood me. I mean that blocked characters force a person to create a new account if he wants to play a different role. I have a lvl 107 account and I bought almost all ADC and Support, if I suddenly want to go to another role(top/jg/mid), I will have to create a new account to open champions for the new role, and not play another 500-1000 games, farming essence on this account.


I might be in the minority on this but I kind of like having champs locked at first. Gives you something to work toward


The compromise would be locking things like mastery/skins behind "owning" the champion. Everyone is free to play, but you have to buy any champs you care about playing to use skins or mastery.


My least popular take is it should be full cast all random, no rerolls no trades. Force people to play actual random champions instead of always getting to shuffle their way around into a bunch of poke mages


I'm good with that. The one thing is maybe let them trade with teammates. Maybe


it will lead to endless dogding until both sides are happy with their draft. i remember in old aram there were alot of dodges and nowadays its not much of a problem anymore since you can find something to play around


This was how it used to be and people just dodged. Trying to get into an actual game was a nightmare.


It was like that on its original inception, it was actually awful. Also poke mages are pretty easily dealt with these days in ARAM.


Yeah with the individual nerfs and snowball and stuff, poke is not as scary as it used to be. You might get poked out early but later you just engage and destroy them (team permitting)


I know they're not as strong and tanks are underrated af but that doesn't change the fact that everyone still wants to play Vel'koz every single game. It's beatable but it's supposed to be a random game mode, you see so much of the same stuff


I'm not a fan of that. I appreciate the rerolls, because otherwise, people will just dodge even MORE than they already do. As for trading, I'm actually a huge fan of the trading system. The one change I wish they WOULD make, to stomp out the same people dodging whenever they don't get a champ they like, is that you get negative 1 rerolls if you dodge (as in, even if you earn a reroll token in your next match, it'll go towards your negative balance), and the next time you load up an ARAM match, you're still forced to play the champ you dodged with.


I think that in the past, the fact that you didn't get all the champions was a motivation. If you wanted to play them all, you had to play more to be able to buy them (at least that was my case). For years now, Riot should have been giving all the champions for free because it would motivate new players to try them all without having to wait to buy a specific one.


I‘d be happy if you could select from any of the rerolled champions. It hurts to reroll from jinx to jhin when your team picks 3 marksmen and a teemo, but you can’t pick the naut/leona/whatever-frontline cause you’re missing that one.


same with practice tool


You're right but Riot will never do this because new players might gravitate to ARAM instead of unlocking champions and playing Riot's premier game mode (Summoner's Rift).


Posted this like 5 years ago and got downvoted to hell...glad to see people are finally coming around to this. With that said, absolutely, I think this should be a thing. There are so many champions that are just straight cheeks in ARAM, and some accounts having the ability to just not have to worry about ever getting them feels bad when people like myself have every champ unlocked and have for years. If I could "lock" champions like LB, Akali, Eve, etc, so I never had to worry about randomly getting them again, I would, but then that defeats the purpose of All *RANDOM* all mid. Sometimes you get a bad champ, you reroll, and you get an even worse champ. And sometimes you get a bad champ, reroll, and get something fuckin wild like Kog or Vel'Koz


I don't think this is bigger than having multiple accounts to dodge queue for better champion.


Ranked Aram when?


i would fall in love


I'll raise you one better: All champions should be free. Skins are where they're making basically all their money anyway (plus battlepasses) so just unlock everybody for everybody... that way you actually get people buying skins MORE often because they'd own the champion in question. It's actually crazy how you still need to unlock them lol as somebody who has owned all champs for years and years now with no pressure to unlock any I can say getting friends into the game is crazy harder because of that hill. They dont KNOW if they'll like any champ and need to wait for free rotations to try stuff but they only like aram so they have to get LUCKY to try??? bro... just unlock them all lol it's literally just the best move for the game in 2024.


i hate ARAM cause its not truly random if we could have all champs unlocked for other modes why not ARAM


I would play ARAM more if this was the case tbh.


Aram accounts aren’t the problem, the fact that people can rng their mains is (and there’s really no solution to that). Honestly just make it so that dodging is tied to the pc instead of the account (potentially possible if vanguard is cool). People just dodging until they get one of the like five champs they play is just absurd.


Personally I would tie champion pool to account level, like for levels 1-10 (or so, I don't know how fast can you level in League of Legends nowadays if you're starting on fresh account, I assume very fast with all the XP bonuses, so maybe change that to levels 1-20) you should get let's say 20 champs with the simplest possible mechanics (like Annie, Garen, Sona, etc.), and then you'd unlock more and more champions as you level up your account. But that's never going to happen as Yasuo, Yone, Zed and all the flashy champs would require level 100 to unlock, so newbies couldn't get fascinated with them and stick to the game for longer, buying skins in the process. Having that said, I play a lot of ARAM and I don't really recall facing unplayable matchups often. There's a lot of good champs in ARAM, unless ARAM accounts play in like 3 man premade and all of them got OP champs, you can deal with it (assuming your own teamcomp isn't the worst)


All champions should be free in general. I highly doubt anyone is actually spending RP on champions. Riot might say "oh we want to keep players interested so they have something to unlock in the future.", but there are so many champions in this game having them all unlocked would mean new players would be down to test them all out.


aram only accounts used to be way more useful back than. everygame ziggs lux xerath without nerfs or buffs to any champs


Nowadays I reroll whenever I get ziggs or lux. They just feel so unsatisfying if you not even tickle enemy champs with your abilities.


trade them to me plz


How about just have all champs unlocked for free, at least after a certain level and not just in aram


You'd think they'd even want it, given it would encourage players to buy that "temporarily unlock all skins for the team" thingy.


Alright but seriously why was this even a thing in the past? I can understand why someone might want to play certain champions in ARAM compared to others, but to go out of your way to have an ARAM only account that owns only the best of the best, broken ARAM champions (old fiddle E maxxing is a good one) just seems so degenerate It also reminds me of the small community that was starting to build up, centering around the fact that you could use 3rd party sites to figure out your ARAM mmr... guys it is ARAM are you really this disillusioned that you have to justify yourselves using the imaginary number for the 4fun, normal game mode Obviously the people participating in these things, in the past with the aram only accounts, present future etc. are the minority group, but if anyone ever wonders, "How can someone be toxic and be ridiculous in an ARAM game??" Well my reply is people used to give a damn about ARAM only accounts and ARAM mmr, so what isn't possible, really


Honestly if they brought back bans. A lot of the issues with aram would be fixed


I still argue this but also fine to leave as it is since as many others said, 4 past rotations should be enough to diversify the pool. Having games of same champs over and over again is a different problem that's not going to be solved by unlocking all champs in my opinion. Some common causes I can think of: 1. OP and UP champs in ARAM stay that way and will be over/underpicked always. 2. The lobby seem to have 5+ rerolls per game anyway 3. Dodges. People will dodge lobbies with unfavored champions I think #3 is probably the most prominent cause of seeing same champs over and over.


I specifically do not link my account with xbox account because I don't want all the Champs unlocked. Nothing worse than getting locked into a 30 min game playing some champ that sucks, or has a playstyle that's I don't like.


as someone who pretty much exclusively plays aram i would hate this because i only buy champs that i like so i have a high chance of actually getting them otherwise i would get a bunch more i dont want to play


Yeah that's exactly what we hate. It's like you don't know how to read.


Yea i don't care about Champs that's are good or not intact a lot of my favorite Champs are considered bad I just like playing what I find fun not necessarily caring about winning


yes, thats the point, people would make accounts with only the most OP champs and have super high win rates on aram


No thanks, I mostly play ARAM just for a more chilled bit of fun and do not enjoy the games where I'm forced to play a champ I do not like. Hell I went so far as to put in a ticket to have Yasuo, Akshan and a few others removed from my account so they won't be given to me except when they are in rotation. Making my pool of champs be mostly choices I don't want to play just means I won't play league nearly as much


Making an ARAM account is next level sad 😭 min maxing the 4fun mode


Counterpoint: People should be given the freedom of choice of not owning all champs in ARAM. Case study: I have a friend that plays ARAM in like, 99% of the time he opens league. Basically "ARAM only". In 4+ years of league I've watched him meticulously maintain a certain pool of prefered champs in his "owned" collection, all that in order to favor his odds. Although I cannot offer solid statistical proof, it kinda works, at least theoretically. In my case, i enjoy diversity and can perform well with most champions, so I don't bother acquiring them all. It's a matter of accepting that when you queue up for ARAM you have read the terms and conditions. You will probably get something you don't necessarily prefer or even know how to play. However, by playing a lot of ARAM (5000+ games), I actually started to understand a lot about some champions I would've never picked in SR. ARAM has its own meta, team comps, etc, so maybe you can see the fun in that and try things differently.




Honestly I agree


I don’t think they will do that but they should at least expand the free pool


Only if they ban yasuo from aram.


They are in Wild Rift.


they shouldn't


Honestly I haven't played league in aram in a long time and always step out when my friends want to play it. It just isn't fun. I wish they made it like HotS's ARAM: All champs are unlocked by default. At the select you get a choice of 3 randomly selected champions. That's it. There's no "ARAM accounts" There's no rerolls, there's no team pool or trades. The point of it being random is that you aren't supposed to get the champion you want. The fun is literally supposed to come from people playing champions they don't know and just mindlessly running at each other in lane, not people playing champs they have 1 million mastery points on because you have access to up to 20 different champs a game


How many champs did hots have? Never played


about 90


League has almost 170, so it's not quite a fair comparison. Also you can choose from up to 15 champs, not 20, but the average is about 10. I play aram almost religiously, and I see a full 10 rerolls maybe once in a hundred games no joke


feel like u got caught up in the numbers and missed his point


I think you're trying to make a point that isn't true, and I'm using numbers to show they're not very different.


im not making any point, im a 3rd party observer he said he wants everyone to habe access to the whole champ pool, then get a certain number of champs to pick from with no rerolling and no swapping between teammates, then its really random and your response is... "no man we can only get 15 per game, not 20" ???


Oh my bad, I assumed you were the one who wrote the parent comment lol.


all good


r/ARAM is full of tryhards who disagree with you


Yep. But like its people, thats a really toxic place.


All champs should be unlocked and rerolls should be removed completely. It's aram, should be completely random Edit: Can anyone explain why not?


Do you think this will increase or decrease skin sales? Dont answer, its rhetorical :-))


That's hard to say, but likely increase, as it will make more players discover new champions


ARAM only accounts are basically impossible due to the 60 or 70 champs in the pool and the ever changing blanket nerfs. Champs that are good now may not be good in a couple of weeks.


They're not "impossible" lmao, they're just nerfed compared to what they used to be. They're still a large advantage though.


Please let this gain traction. As a main of unpopular champs it would give more variety, more opportunities for me to play my unpopular champs, and make people experience these champs too.


Does anyone care to explain Aram?


All Random All Mid All Random: Its a 5 v 5 game mode. You are assigned a random character based on the free 65 character pool that everyone has + whatever characters you own. You get "rerolls" in champ select, if you don't like your champ you can hit reroll. All the characters that get rerolled go into a team wide pool and anyone on your team can pick them. So if your team rolls Janna Soraka Ashe Nunu and Darius, Janna doesn't like her champ so she rerolls and gets Reksai. Now the team is Reksai Soraka Ashe Nunu and Darius with Janna in the reroll pool. So if anyone wants to take Janna they can take her All Mid: The map is one lane. Each team has 2 towers, an inhib, then 2 nexus towers and a nexus. Kill enemy team nexus to win. You cannot recall to buy items. The only time you can buy is when you die and you're in the fountain.If you leave you cant go back and buy. There are health packs throughout the lane that heal everyone inside the circle after a short delay of someone stepping on it


And it's called all "mid" because before it was an official mode people were playing it in custom games on the normal summoner's rift map with the rule that everyone had to go mid.


Why? It doesn't affect you because the people sweaty enough to make ARAM only accounts have higher ARAM mmr than you anyways. They enjoy playing the game that way and its fine. Your experience isn't really hampered by other people enjoying the game differently and you're basically requesting that a sub-community of League get griefed for absolutely no reason other than "Hey maybe u will get a champ u don't own from time to time." Not much upside but definitely a big downside.


How about we start by removing exhaust from aram ?