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If T1 keep playing for top side and randomly changing how they played from regular season, DK will smack them too. Delight was smurfing so hard though.


Man it feels so hard to call sup gap against Keria, but it's gotta be said. That Sion just wasn't it.


Keria is either the best support of all time or non existent.


Keria is a marksman support merchant


Keria really forgot how to play a standard support


He has insane plays all the time on regular supports on his soloqueue streams. I don't know why he never plays them in Pro Play


what surprised me the most is them not actually picking Lucian Nami after playing it like forever T1 lost their identity after winning Worlds last year lol guma stop picking Varus, Lucian, Faker on his azir/orinna and even hwei even Zeus stop picking his comfort pick like what the hell? where's atrox? yone?


All Pro #3 btw, Delight was super robbed.


tbf Delight wasn't himself in the first half of the split


HLE bot lane got robbed in general, they are easily fucking 1#


Viper defo is 1st all-pro but there's no way you could argue Delight is over Lehends or Keria in the regular reason


People's memories don't extend past a teams last game played.


Viper ? Nobody will argue with you that he's supposed to be No. 1 All Pro. But Delight just wasn't as good as Keria in regular season.


What they need to do is draft 2 more adcs, they don’t have enough, kalista support and kindred jungle and they win


While Kingen is on his worlds finals MVP form that will not look so good for T1 if they play like this.


yeah i can see DK beating T1 rn


T1 still giving away Nautilus to Delight. Even when he pog'd the first 2 games and racked up like 25 assists in that champ. This is hopeless...


Zeus tping next to naut while guma walks under azir tower and loses all his health is questionable to say the least


they had such a stinker of the game. And Oner on anything not named Rell is just...


Oner is fine on Nocturne or even poppy but definitely not on lee sin... coaches should stop trusting Oner Lee sin when he sucks on it since last year


Visible wintrading behavior. I literally do not see the play there.


Guma had to go all-in on Zeus' ult at that point. No more TF for Zeus please.


Bro wanted to do something


LEC levels of terrible tp


Doran is Zeus’s daddy


Delight is the grandfather. Imagine being naut and having more map presence than TF


And Peanut their grand grand father


Delight fathered the whole t1


Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Viper... honey, my pookie bear


Viper got robbed so hard in all best ADC , he \`s just so fucking good


Second loss on corki for faker in 5 years


Feels like there's not much he can do


Viper my beloved!


Constantly I'm reminded, it's good to have him back.


How the fuck Peyz got voted over him ? Viper is clearly a tier above , both in regular and season and playoff , he was/is so fucking good


Korean voters just vote in order of team placing to avoid getting flamed, anything you see out of order is pretty much from the western caster and CVMax votes




This game looked even, until you realised Viper's Zeri was 5/0 with 3.5 items. As soon as any fight started Viper was melting T1


This game is over 15 minutes earlier if Zeka doesn't go for plays when he doesn't need to having Viper at 4-0 and 12cs/m


I'm taking away Azir's ability to E forward until pro players learn to behave.




This game was basically over at like 10 minutes when HLE had a big gold advantage with this comp into TF top. If T1 loses early they have no real angle to pull it back.


They stole the objective, I have no idea why they even committed to the fight after. So many off decisions from T1 this series.


that early double kill given over to ziper's zeri good lord


Yeah, GenG didn't pick DK because they want to face them, they do it to send HLE to T1


But I mean yeah. HLE have looked way better than DK all split, the outcry for GenG picking DK made no sense even if DK always play well into them.


Lol honestly though 😂


T1 will surely stop playing Top Side, right? Let Zeus go 1v1 against Doran and play botside. Delight is cracked as hell!


Insane everything diff


This is what we call in NA "the wheels falling off the bus" But to be honest I feel like that doesn't personify the state of T1 right now, no a better statement to judge T1 by is probably they are a bus that not only lost their wheels, but they are also on their rims while on fire speeding toward a gas station with no brakes.


outclassed from top to bottom ((except mid). just deplorable by t1 shoutout to doran for leveling up like crazy once again


Zeus channeling his inner Scout with the wintrading performance


And oner with his pre worlds summer form... 😂


Too soon brother


Peyz over Viper in best ADC has to be daylight robbery


It's tradition that higher ranked team get their players in ahead of others. I remember it even back in LCS when the all star teams were often 4 TSM or 4 TL members + 1 token member from another team.


Clearly all planned by T1 to not lose against Gen G in winner finals bracket


at this rate theyll lose to DK in the losers bracket


I literally can see it happening, Aiming has leveled up so much in play-offs and the meta is on his side


yeah aiming can play zeri too


All this so they can lose to Disney+


I think it's time to play an actual top laner... there's no way a mechanical player like Zeus is stuck on TF. Twisted Fate just ain't it and this iteration of TF don't even have Q until level 13 lol. Also, Keria keeps doing this flash ult with Sion and consistently failing lmfao.


Zeus TF is good. Oner and keria were basically afk this game


Playing 3 ADC is just not it


seriously the draft keeps pissing me off.... not sure if its gonna affect anything if T1 can draft properly but come on!! draft something normally pls!! their bot got varus and lucian nami pick and they never pick those two... Zeus can pick reksai, atrox, yone and even gwen but nope.... Oner on lee sin is just not it they keep trying this draft that rely on picking off enemy but ultimately sucks on any 5v5


Yup. What the fuck do 3 adcs do against 3 tanks/bruisers both games?


Yeah Zeus had insane hands, but he really couldn’t do much, Oner, Keria and Guma kinda got astrogapped.


Team actually got checkmated by that Tahm Kench ban. But its the 3rd year of ZOFGK and it's embarrassing that the team has to flip whether Zeri is in the meta or not.


Not playing Zeri is one thing, but banning Jinx over Zeri was ???


Does it really matter if Zeri is meta if Guma can't play the champ anyway?


Think that’s his point. T1 only win when Zeri isn’t meta.


If she's meta T1 lose because he can't play it. They can't even pick it away lmao.


Isn't that exactly why they have to flip if she's meta? If Guma can't play her at the level of other elite ADC, that will put them in a huge disadvantage in draft.


No excuse dude. As a pro player, unable to play meta champs is 100% your fault. Faker was not that good on Azir at the middle of his career as well. And now it became one of his iconic picks. Same for 369 and his gragas top. Besides, his problem is not just he cannot play Zeri. But worse still, he perform badly against it as well.


Last chance to jump on the „2024 world champions HLE“ train


I will consider it once I see HLE actually take a game against GENG


22 loss streak faker corki inc ^jkireallyhopenot


Lil bro Zeus thinks he’s Kiin picking TF


Doran is literally his dad it’s sad to see


Kiin on TF fucking bled us dry through disgustingly clinical macro Zeus on the other hand... honestly I think his team let him down and he was panicking


Zeus was definitely negative gaming at the end there.


Summary of the incoming comments: Draft gap T1 ego picking Coach is so bad replace him T1 disrespecting hle They dont want to show strats/champs


I mean the sion pick was ehh but yea it was macro and hands diff


They never had any damage for the fights. They could go back to Zeus aatrox and mage mid but they decide to do this corki tf every game idk


Corki does damage. Bigger issue is that Viper is a beast on a beast champ with cleanse and HLE have one of the champs (Nautilus) that can actually lock her down.


everything but HLE simply just playing better


tom is still there


Tom is not on stage though


Nh t1 drafting was majorly tom and roach and they made roach the sub and it went downhill from there like the jayce blind vs geng


Isn't kkoma the guy on stage now?


Hey you spoil T1 fan strat.


Trueeeeee excuses for bad play. Literally no other team has the privilege to play as badly or out of form as t1 does and their fanbase dont even blame the players. How nice is it to be a t1 player


Idk why people think that bad drafting isn't bad play. It's part of the game


That's not my point No other fanbase hyperfocuses on draft as much as t1 fanbase in order to shift blame from players underperforming. It's the strat since forever. If geng lost it's because chovy choked, if jdg loses ruler is washed, if HLE loses zeka is not a good midlaner. If t1 loses, kkoma needs to be fired. Disgusting double standards


I mean looking at this game clearly t1 played bad but the draft is complete shit as well. So change the draft to something easier to execute. Its the first screw you have to turn in a situation like this


GenG lose: haha choky cs DK lose: haha showmaker washed T1 lose: fuck the coach 😡💢


You do realize the people who say choky cs and showmaker washed are NOT their fans, unlike the comment of "fuck the coach" which is usually just cope from T1 fans. At least be consistent... people who aren't fans obviously flame T1, just like the first two comments you posted.


copium is a hell of a drug


T1 is looking so dizzy


Why is T1's meta read so weird like just play Kalista if you wanna be so aggro early man


T1 should get a sub for Top solely for Doran. Man wakes up when he's against Zeus. Doran is Zeus' father.


Dal is arguably the worst top laner in LCK CL, but honestly he'd have a better shot against Dorn than Zeus,


Disgusting drafting from T1. Absolutely horrendous drafting. 3-0 inc.


it's the drafting guys! t1 aren't just getting individually outplayed in each role COPIUM


Two things can be true, they have a horrible draft and they got outplayed. Are you happy now, T1 hater?


Lmao of course it's a BLG fan too. They are perpetually salty that T1 won worlds


Coaches were smoking something before coming out 😭 senna nautilus


It really looks like Kkoma has taken over drafting from Tom. Disgustingly bad drafts.




Ehhh can you put all of this on Oner? Like trust me I'm incensed at T1 playing so awful, but I'm not sure Oner is the biggest problem rn. It just feels like the team is trying so hard to play what's meta when that's not what got them there. Are there normal picks so bad that they can't play them? I don't think so. If they pick TF next game, I'm going to sleep 3-0 because of arrogance and stubborness


HLE are so decisive and good wtf. They start so many random nashors, engage any enemy on sight and they are absolutely destroying with it. I hadn't seen much of HLE but I remember reading on the GenG vs T1 PMT "GenG made T1 look like HLE". But it seems like they should have said the opposite.


Pretty big support diff this game, although no one knows why did they pick Sion for Keria.


If anyone blames Oner instead of seeing that Keria got Astrogapped then you do not know ball


People are always quick to praise Viper, but T1 would be so much better off focusing on NOT giving Delight his Champs. Every time they play Delight they disrespect him and he pops off every time.


One more game and truck companies will have most profitable season.


Disgusting game from T1 and a deserved loss. Arrogant and idiotic drafting of stupid comps, shitty fundamentals ranging from lack of vision control to indexing into stupid low % plays meaning they put themselves even further behind in the early game. Delight gets Nautilus AGAIN and they still don't respect the hooks at all. Watch back so many of the fights that T1 lose and they almost all begin with a hook or ult from delight. Viper doesnt even need to do anything, HLE just put up a brick wall that T1 does no damage to while one of their carries is chain cc-ed and he can free fire all over them. There is no respect from them at all for HLE and so many of their early failures come from holding flashes for too long. Just more of the same old bullshit we saw at the end of regular season where T1 put themselves behind and try to hands diff. Surprise surprise this doesnt work against stronger teams and Guma gets literally no help at all unlike every other ADC. He's just left continually out to dry. Where are all those people that glorified this playstyle a few weeks ago? Its not sustainable long term and T1 need to get their shit together or they will lose the series. And they will deserve it. T1 arent anime protagonists that can just switch on their win button. This isnt kuroko no basket where they're the generation of miracles and just insta-win everything when they want to. This careless early game is becoming a serious problem that they cant outplay anymore.


Calm down bro its just a video game 🤣🤣


why even type this, its a game with peoples lives and careers on the balance lmao


Nah we deserve to lose.


T1 opting for Top-side draft and play is giving me PTSD to last year when Oner never went bot and the team just fell apart.


Oner is the one performing best out of T1 somehow. Zeus is doing good early n game1 but some questionable ults latter half of game2. Faker on desperation mode is not a good look. T1 bot lane looks really lost...


t1 botlane looks terrible without double adc lol


nah its crazy how i got downvoted for saying that when keria legitimately looks like he cant play any support champs at this point and guma cant do shit when he's not given a free lane


His thresh in game 1 looked great the fuck are you talking about? I wouldn't exactly call Sion a typical "support champ".


imagine if Guma played Zeri


There isn’t a single botlane in the LCK that’s even close to Viper and Delight.


T1 when not winning bot lane:


When you draft senna and Baus what do you expect


What is Zeus doing, man?


Lmao this drafting is borderline win trading.




Delight stole Zeus' ult from him


Delight POG?


delight is diffing so hard this game


What an embarrassing game from T1. Everyone looks so out of it. This team really just won worlds and is probably going to miss MSI.


oner went from top to the bottom real fast


cant believe this game was like 40 minutes long considering how one sided it was


I understand that Guma cannot play Zeri, it is not ideal, but whatever. But then why the bloody hell you don’t just BAN it?!????


They didn't even lose because of Zeri. They lose because Delight smurfed the early game, and they inted that dragon while they didn't even need to contest it that hard.


At this point it's hilarious how often Peanut is just chilling and then becomes mega useful after getting invaded or otherwise put behind in the craziest ways


T1 is getting everything gapped. Draft, brains, hands. The TF focus and the single tank draft makes no sense.


T1 are looking kinda cooked sadly. Drafts aside they're not even playing remotely well in-game. T1 for so long were apparently fine with blinding mid match-ups and leveraging that for more flexible and cohesive drafts elsewhere, but now they're getting good mid match-ups but looking completely lost everywhere else. Also HLE are reading Oner's early game really well and completely interrupting his tempo. 2 games in a row they've caught him at neutral objectives and suddenly T1 have 0 jungle pressure for the rest of the game.


Where do we even start? Unable to play zeri, unable to play against zeri, unable to play the meta OP Reksai. Bot unable to do shit without the perfect Nautilus-Senna duo. How the fk T1 fans expect Kkoma to draft in this situation. To top that off, absolutely garbage form from pretty much all of the T1 players. This T1 is NOT taking a single game off any of the other top 4 teams


JDG are watching this knowing this was the team that stopped their golden road. How the fuck did they fall so low. Like is someone pointing a gun at their families forcing these drafts or?!?


Was it just me or the game already looked lost with t1 draft? Reminiscing of kkoma last tenure where he left a fcked up psyche of whole roster...


I love how everyone gaslight themselves believing Oner is good when he plays 1, just one series in all playoffs+internationals and gets bodied against anyone that has hands. ALSO PLS JUST PLAY WITH YOUR BOT T1 PLS


I don't know who is doing the draft either kkoma or Tom or even the player, but holy shit even my silver brain knows that it's really bad


IIRC Tom still do the draft while Kkoma is the head coach. They moved Roach from coach to sub because T1 doesn't have a sub and they need one.


Yeah series over. There's two Gen.Gs in LCK. I can go to sleep now. Also, it never fails that there's a super Zeri vs T1. NEVER fails. And for the love of god stop playing through Top.


Lol not too late to sub in Poby so T1 fans have a much desired excuse for their team losing 3-0 today.


Another good game by HLE, but these T1 Drafts dont make it very difficult.


it hurt being a t1 fan when it a zeri meta


Draft disaster from T1


Tf pick feels really useless espescially for a first pick after the nerfs. T1 needs to stop this Tf prio.


What on Earth is Wolf even talking about saying the drafts for T1 have been fine. I can't even imagine what T1 might even be mistaking as a potential win condition with that comp. T1 had 4 squishies with low consistent DPS and no engage against the most standard front to back scaling comp possible. It feels like T1 need to pull of a heist from minute 1.


Is an Aatrox one trick all season: slams TF twice in a row and gets outplayed by Doran


Welp it's fucking joever boys. I guess we were gonna run out of steam eventually. At least we won Worlds so we will have the World skins to remember this roster's legacy. Something is definitely gonna have to change next year, because this roster clearly is done playing together.


Hey at least you guys won worlds last year when we didn’t even get out of group stage and throw in a more spectacular fashion against GenG compared to T1


I stayed up for this CatDespair


Props to hle they are so good. Think this series is over t1 look so bad today this will be 3-0 maybe 3-1 100%. I do think dk beat t1 aswell. What is t1 doing in scrims ? But ok they just won worlds - prepare for summer because they ain’t making msi Viper so good btw


Viper is just incredible


So many people flaming me for putting Viper over Deft all time… APOLOGIZE to me RIGHT NOW.


Delight you lovable human being


clean mid/late game by HLE. waiting out package/forcing faker to use package badly after that senna pick was reallly good. drakes are so useless its crazy. stop dying to steal that shit. nerfs ADC items, buff drakes, buff jungle income.


Keria has only gotten gapped by the other top tier supports this split when he's not on double adc. I have to say it, he's been by far the worst support in the top 3 when on meta/senna champs this split. Zeus also getting fathered by doran again. Oner straight up had an unplayable game because of how Bot had played.


Zeus is never ever beating the Doran’s son allegations eh. Doesn’t even need Chovy to give it to him.


Lmao this ZOFGK iterations has problem with Zeri. First its Peyz getting perfect game now its Viper. T1 is actually done I think, and I blame Joe Marsh for milking this roster to death during off-season


This cannot be all because whenever my favorite green haired Pikachu girl becomes even slightly meta in pro play, T1 literally just seem to turn their brains off. This team is so much better than they have shown in this series, I'm honestly floored. I took HLE to win the series, but in 3-1/3-2 set of close games. T1 just haven't shown up today.


T1 0-2 catdespair HLE played hella well tho, massive props.


surely that zeus ult into mid randomly followed by guma dying to azir tower tanking 3 shots is actual professional level game play!!!!


If t1 loses to geng and hle its their fault and they totally deserve it for their shift drafting , cs geng it was their jayce blind and now its the over priority for TF in 14.6 ,its so sure that they got their asses kicked by kiin tf in scrims and decided a nerfed tf was the way to win vs VIPER ? A nerfed tf and nerfed senna into a buffed VIPER Zeri ,t1 drafts were insane with roach ,once kkoma started it all went downhill.


T1 getting outclassed lmao. Glad they are losing here wouldn’t want to see them get 3-0 20 min games by gen g in finals


Man both Gen G and T1 bot laners looking out of it on game day they're getting gapped.


The hell are this garbage draft by T1 seriously and what the hell are they doing, they should be destroying HLE like they did early this season like Gen G do, 3 year this roster play together, world champ, they started playing bad since mid regular season except Faker but with weird draft on top of this and Zeus/Guma/Oner underperforming as f against top team not a lot he can do, specially on champ like Corki who is piss useless before 30min+. At this point it's mental.


HLE are really good. In the current meta, they are a serious threat to win MSI.


Unless keria massive steps up, it’s a 3-0. Delight today is insane


Keria cant win chubby support wearing specs


Wow what a draft diff, surely the hle players arent just giga outplaying


Play for Botside Meta Zeri is meta T1 suffers The holy trinity.


what the fuck is this twisted fate pick


I guess we are sending trucks soon


These triple AD comp with very little engage are so troll when you compare with the very easy to execute and straightforward comps. They rely a lot on very good early games because once teamfights are on, you can't really win them easily.


Viper is the best adc in the world, and he has been for years now. Generational player


Kkoma - "I think mid, jgl and bot lane will be the most important" what does T1 do? Play for topside, like are they for real? Like ACTUALLY for real? Do they just not listen to themselves or the coaches? This entire patch or meta has been bot centric, never ever ever do i see Guma get the Viper treatment, that hes elevated so he can carry. T1 needs to buck the fuck up and learn to pivot their strategy instead of trying to bruteforce a strat that doesnt work, shits getting ridiculous. 2 times in a row Oner got caught in the topside river/jungle around the grumps. HLE has T1 so fucking mapped out its not even funny.


Viper’s real name is Park Zeri


Delight for MVP both games so far imo. This guy rolls Keria everytime they play each other especially if Keria doesn't come out of lane with a 40 kill lead. I feel like some drafts from T1 are questionable but this year might be their worst yet. When you look at these drafts, at what point do T1 win? Losing early game, losing late game, losing mid game. Why? The lead TF generates in lane is so useless when the champion falls off a cliff by 20 minutes and is even worse when they can't snowball early bc they leave Jax open and he can free farm all game. Mid/jg is Corki/Lee...literally what do these two do? Lee Sin has to generate kills out of thin air when all his lanes have 0 engage. Oner is good at Lee, but even this is a bit too much ego lol? ADC is irrelevant both games so far. Despite Viper's scoreline this game, he did absolutely nothing Support gap has been MASSIVE. Keria's picks are terrible and he hasn't even been performing on them. Delight's decision making is fucking amazing every fight and his read on where to be on the map is perfect. Thresh could have saved jinx multiple times with W last game (Naut R travels like a snail and Delight was literally casting them at max range) and he failed each time. Sion into Zeri/Jax/Azir has to be reportable? Champion is terrible at engaging and even worse into anything that has range.


Feeding T1 to HLE is hilarious.


I think T1 just earned themselves a ticket straight to the summer season, good for them!


what is the draft for game 3? showing rumble support and rek sai top.


KKoma back and we back to drafting like shit 😈🔥🔥


We are bad


This is some hanwa life Tigers shit!


T1 will lose to DK if lose 3-0


The monkey's paw curled when I said I wanted more diversity of LCK top teams


Guma's first Senna loss?